144G Lecture 2 Slides Madrigals

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MUS 144G

Week Two
Expressivity and the Madrigal
Europe in 1500
Sandro Botticelli, Primavera (ca. 1478)
Palazzo Vecchio, Florence
Portrait of a Musician, Leonardo da Vinci (ca. 1485)
Nymphes des bois
(Déploration sur la mort de Johannes Ockeghem)
Josquin des Prez (1497)

Requiem aeternam dona eis Domine Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
et lux perpetua luceat eis. and let perpetual light shine upon them.

Nymphes des bois, déesses des fontaines, Wood-nymphs, goddesses of the fountains,
Chantres exprès de toutes nations, Skilled singers of every nation,
Changes vos voix fors claires et haultaines Turn your voices, so clear and lofty,
En cris trenchans et lamentations, To piercing cries and lamentation
Car Atropos tres terrible satrappe Because Atropos, terrible satrap,
Votre Ockeghem atrappe en sa trappe, Has caught your Ockeghem in her trap,
Vray tresorier de musiqe et chef d’oeuvre, The true treasurer of music and master,
Doct elegant de corps et non point trappe, Learned, handsome and by no means stout.
Grant domaige est que la terre le couvre. It is a source of great sorrow that the earth must cover him.

Acoultres vous d’habis de doeul, Put on the clothes of mourning,

Josquin Piersson Brumel Comper, Josquin, Pierre de la Rue[?], Brumel, Compère,
Et ploures grosses larmes d’oeul, And weep great tears from your eyes,
Perdu aves votre bon père. For you have lost your good father.

Requiescant in pace. May they rest in peace.

Amen. Amen.
-Jean Molinet
Il bianco e dolce cigno
Jacques Arcadelt (1539)

Il bianco e dolce cigno The white, sweet swan

cantando more, ed io sings while dying, and I,
piangendo giung’ al fin del viver mio. weeping, reach the end of my life.
Stran’ e diversa sorte, Strange, different fate,
ch’ei more sconsolato that he dies inconsolable
ed io moro beato. and I die blessed.
Morte che nel morire Death, which in dying
m’empie di gioia tutto e di desire. fills me with joy and desire.
Se nel morir, altro dolor non sento, If, in dying, I felt no other pain,
di mille mort’ il dì sarei contento. a thousand deaths a day would make me happy.
-Giovanni Guidiccioni
Harmonice Musices Odhecaton, pub. Ottaviano Petrucci, 1501
Viola da Gamba
Solo e pensoso
Luca Marenzio (1599)

Solo e pensoso i più deserti campi Alone and pensive, the emptiest fields
vo mesurando a passi tardi et lenti, I measure with my slow, tardy steps,
e gli occhi porto per fuggire intenti and with my eyes I am running away
ove vestigio human l'arena stampi. where not a single footstep marks the sand.

Altro schermo non trovo che mi scampi I can find no other shelter
dal manifesto accorger de le genti, to hid me from everyone’s awareness,
perché negli atti d'alegrezza spenti because in all of my joyless acts
di fuor si legge com'io dentro avampi: all can see from outside how I am burning within;

sì ch'io mi credo omai che monti e piagge so I believe that all these mountains and beaches
e fiumi et selve sappian di che tempre and rivers and woods now know well how cruel
sia la mia vita, ch'è celata altrui. is my life, which is hidden to all others.

Ma pur sí aspre vie né sí selvagge But I can find no paths wild and rough enough
cercar non so ch'Amor non venga sempre to force Love not to walk on my side;
ragionando con meco, et io co'llui. he is always speaking with me, and I with him.
-Francesco Petrarca
The Silver Swan
Orlando Gibbons (ca. 1611)

The silver Swan, who, living, had no Note,

when Death approached, unlocked her silent throat.
Leaning her breast against the reedy shore,
thus sang her rst and last, and sang no more:
"Farewell, all joys! O Death, come close mine eyes!
More Geese than Swans now live, more Fools than Wise."
S’io non miro, non moro
Carlo Gesualdo (1611)

S'io non miro, non moro, If I do not look, I do not die;

non mirando, non vivo; when I do not look, I do not live;
pur morto io son I am still dead,
né son di vita privo. yet not deprived of life.
O miracol d'amore, Oh miracle of love,
ahi, strana sorte, alas, strange fate,
che'l viver non fia vita, that living does not lead to life,
e'l morir morte. and dying does not lead to death.
Claudio Monteverdi (1605)
Cruda Amarilli (1605)

Cruda Amarilli, che col nome ancora,

Cruel Amaryllis, who with your name
d’amar, ahi lasso! amaramente insegni;
to love, alas, bitterly you teach;
Amarilli, del candido ligustro
Amaryllis, more than the white privet
più candida e più bella,
pure, and more beautiful,
ma de l’aspido sordo
but deafer than the deaf asp,
e più sorda e più fera e più fugace;
and ercer and more elusive;
poi ché col dir t’offendo,
since in speaking I offend you,
i’ mi morrò tacendo.
I shall die in silence.
-Giovanni Battista Guarini
Lamento d’Arianna
Claudio Monteverdi (1614)

Lasciatemi morire, Let me die,

Lasciatemi morire; Let me die;
E che volete voi che mi conforte And what you would think could comfort me
In così dura sorte, In such a harsh fate,
In così gran martire? In such a great martyrdom?
Lasciatemi morire. Let me die.
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Me rilli f&ia bella Np credi Adelmio cor do,Vc d«fl o D'efler tu

Amarilli mia bella

Le nuove musiche l'amor mi p Credi lopijr è fp ti mor tafla I? Prendi quatto mioftrale

Giulio Caccini (1601)

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Aprim'il petto, è vedrai fermo il co re Amaril li Ama ril

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