LED-Broschuere ENG 2019 Kolberg

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Now wit ht
ble lig

The new Kolberg LED music stand lamps 4320DLS and
4320DLSA had been specifically developed for the optimum
illumination of music stands. The slender yet robust light­
ing housing made from powder-coated steel tubes ensures
long-term durability in the rough day to day life of the
orchestra; quality you have come to expect
from Kolberg!
High-performance LEDs from the latest
generation ensure homogenous illumina­
tion of the entire music sheet – even for
large format sheets. With a brightness of
up to 1,400 Lux (at a distance of 35 cm)
the lights more than complie with legal
conditions regarding lighting in the work
places. The extensively developed lamp
shades prevent musicians or the audience
from being dazzled due to their special
design and do not restrict the view to the
conductor thanks to the tiny dimensions
and divided structure.
The lights technology are cutting edge
using many different operating modes:
leading phase control or via sine wave dim-
mer, local brightness regulator, digital via
DMX-RDM or by radio. The lights can either
be supplied by AC voltage, DC voltage, power
adaptor, central transformer or via battery
for mobile use.
Simply enquire with us, we are happy to help!

High power LEDs per light shade ensure Brightness can also be optionally adjust­ Slender and robust steel construction.
optimum, anti-dazzle lighting. ed directly on the lamp.

The lamps are specially optimised for even, strong illumina-
tion of the entire sheet music. Even over-sized sheet music
is perfectly illuminated without shadows! It is clear and leg-
ible with no eye strain, even at the lower edge of the sheet.


The special construction of the lamp shades and the anti-
reflex coating of the extensively optimised internal design
ensure dazzle-free illumination.
Light really is only
where you need
it – on the sheet

The proven design of twin lamps ensures an unrestrict-
ed view of the conductor. The silhouette of the lamp
shade has been reduced to a minimum.
It appears as
if the light
comes from

TOUCH IT! The robust and long-lasting articulated joints enable the
Thanks to the new energy saving LED technology, the lights perfect adjustment of the lamp shade. No swan-necks,
are long burning but not hot. The thermally optimised design no wearing out!
ensures a low LED operating temperature and thus a maxi-
mum lifespan. The lamp shades reach
up to 40°C in long-term operation.
You can touch them at any time.
Light is emotion and not every light suits everybody. All lights are certainly
not suitable for all uses. We understand this and provide a wide range of
different light colours.
In our LED programme you can choose between two music stand lights:
– The 4320DLS music stand light with a single light colour
– The 4320DLSA music stand light with continuously adjustable light colour

4320DLS – simple, bright, great!

The simplist and most cost-effective variant is to use an
LED light with a fixed light colour. The brightness of the
warm light and the colour fastness of the LEDs achieve
an excellent result.
Up to 1400 Lux you enjoy a lot of brightness with the
best colour reproduction.
With a colour temperature of 3000 Kelvin the LED light
is extremely similar to the usual halogen lights. It repre-
sents an excellent compromise which ensures pleasant
lighting of the music on very white paper and high levels
of brightness for yellowed music paper.
The positive resonance from the orchestras which are
already equipped with Kolberg LED lights confirms this.
For a surcharge we can deliver the neighbouring light
colours 2750 Kelvin and 3500 Kelvin.

5000 K 3500 K
4320DLSA – for individual light colour
If it is essential to you that each musician can determine
the light colour themselves as required then we recom-
mend the music light stand 4320DLSA.
Until now, there was a choice in adjustable light colour
between cold light with more brightness and warm light
with less brightness. There were generally no settings in
between. However, this compromise is no longer neces-
sary with our lights. With the continuously adjustable
light temperature from 2750 K to 4000 K, each musician
has the opportunity to individually adjust the light colour
- as appropriate for the paper quality of the literature at
hand and entirely to their personal preference.
We have also taken into consideration that each light
temperature setting gives an optimum lighting result
and that the brightness does not change depending on
the light temperature. Equally, the light is compatible
with all accessories from the DLS range.

Our recommendation

3000 K 2750 K

keyboard instruments
and percussion


Often, the question of illumination for keyboard instruments The easy handling and unobtrusive design of the free-standing
in the orchestra pit has not been solved ideally. The problems LED-lamp “Stoccarda” permit a wide-ranging usage of this lamp
mostly already begin with the affixing of the lamp to the in­ in the orchestra pit. For example, in the percussion register the
strument, as the different manners in which the instruments lamps on the music stands are often not able to shed sufficient
are constructed do not permit uniform fixtures. Out of neces- light on the mallets, small instruments or the timpani pitch
sity unsatisfactory in-house solutions are born that do not do indicator. Thanks to the free-standing LED-lamp “Stoccarda”
justice to the demands made in the orchestra pit. this is no longer a problem. This lamp provides light wherever it
is needed.

Thanks to the free-standing LED-lamp “Stoccarda” you need
no longer enter into any compromises. It illuminates perfectly
both the keyboard and the sheet music.
• Deployable for all keyboard instruments as it may be
adjusted in both depth and height
• A flat base for instruments with low floor clearance such as
the celesta or keyboard glockenspiel
• May be taken apart for transport or storage
• A robust construction to cope with the day-to-day life of
an orchestra
• Unobtrusive design
• If desired, available with casters for a surcharge
(item no. 4311DLSR)
• Perfect LED-light of a very high quality of light (CRI 95)
• Dimmable by leading phase control or via sine wave dimmer
(24 V AC, 230 V AC with a mains adaptor 4315DLSNTK or
• Dimmable by DC voltage
• Dimmable
 both centrally and locally
• Fully compatible with the Kolberg LED-Programme
(e.g. rechargeable battery and additional modules)

“After the successful conversion of the illumination of the FREE-STANDING LED-
orchestra to modern LED-lamps it was clear that the
makeshift solutions for the illumination of the keyboard LAMP EXCEEDED OUR
instruments would have to be replaced by a professional EXPECTATIONS!”
solution at last. After the many years of positive expe-
riences we have made with the orchestral illumination provided by
Kolberg it stood to reason that we should develop the perfect solution
together. The requirements were for a large adjustable section of the
stand to allow deployment for all keyboard instruments, flexible ad-
justment of the luminous body itself, low on stray light but nonetheless
providing a broad illumination of both sheet music and keyboard.
And last but not least the lamp must be dimmable in conjunction with CURIOUS?
the LED-music stand lamps without the need to deploy additional We would gladly send you a sample
technology. specimen of the lamp without obliga­tion.
The finished product that Kolberg then presented to us even exceeded Please provide us with the following
our expectations. The illumination of the keyboard is perfect and even information when making an enquiry:
large sheets of music are ideally illuminated. • What is the supply voltage in your
Thanks to its high degree of flexibility we are now at last able to master orchestra pit?
other problematic lighting situations in the orchestra pit. The compat- • What kind of plug connector do you
ibility with available technology meant that the lamp was immediately use?
deployable. We are currently using three free-standing lamps in the • Is the lamp also to be operated at
orchestra pit.” 230 V?
Thomas Bäurle, Orchestra Manager
of the Staatsorchester Stuttgart

With our commitment to produc­tion in Germany, we take on
re­sponsibility – for our employees and our environment.
All our products, including the new LED lights, are fully
produced at our factory in Uhingen. This is the only way
we can guarantee the highest quality and fast reaction
times. Our in-house development department means we
are able to comply with individual customer requests. We
are also happy to advise you about the re-design of your
orches­tra pit. Please get in touch!


We know our products inside out and we can determine if,
for example, there is a fault in the material which pre-
vents proper use.
In this case, Kolberg goodwill kicks in. We guar­antee this
even beyond the two year legal warranty. Get in contact
with us and we will take care of the situation!
As we manufacture our products ourselves, we usually have all
the replacement parts in storage and can generally still deliver
these at short notice after many years.
Kolberg products are manufactured at the highest level and
our customers are satisfied with their longevity and the
­high­est quality.
Excerpt of our reference list:
Theater Augsburg · Konzert Theater Bern · Staatstheater Darmstadt · Semperoper
Dresden · Oper Graz · Stadttheater Klagenfurt · LAC Lugano Arte Culture · Bayer­
ische Staatsoper München · Stadttheater Passau · Theater Regensburg · Staats­
theater Stuttgart · Theater Wolfsburg

Bayerische Staatsoper München Staatstheater Stuttgart

Oper Graz Stadttheater Klagenfurt

As specialists for scene lighting technology we are

a contact partner for many operas and theatres. The
Kolberg Percussion company with their focus on LED
music stand lights is a reliable partner for us.

LSS – Licht-, Steuer- und Schaltanlagenbau GmbH

Markus Kaminski, Managing Director

In the conversion from halogen to modern LED music stand lights it was
important to us to find the simplist and most cost-effective solution.
The Kolberg LED music stand lights are the perfect choice for us as the lights
could be used immediately without having to convert the orchestra pit and
make changes to the existing technology and infrastructure. Without question
the LED lights provide significantly better brightness and light quality making
the legibility of the sheet music considerably easier. It is a significant upgrade
for our musicians‘ workplaces. An additional bonus is that the Kolberg LED
lights can be dimmed just as easily as the previous halogen lights. I would also
like to particularly mention the fast order process and extremely friendly
communication with the Kolberg company.

Sigurd Emme, Orchestra Managing Director

Theater Augsburg

Due to the electronic technology used in our opera,

conversion to LED music stand lights was only possible
with a special solution. The Kolberg company adjusted
their lighting system specifically for our technology.
We are extremely pleased with the results and our
musicians are delighted with the new lights.
The sheet music is perfectly lit and clearly legible
without tiring the eyes.

Eva Bunte, Orchestra Managing Director

Staatstheater Stuttgart

Semperoper Dresden 9
Do you control your orchestra lighting with a leading phase Music on stage? The cables get in the way! Simply clip the
control dimmer or via sine wave dimmer with a downstream battery adaptor onto the music stand and use the high-
24 V central transform­er? Then you do not need to modify performance Lithium-Ion battery. This can supply the lamps
your orchestra pit! Simply unplug your old halogen lamp for at least ten hours. The integrated display lets you know
and plug in the new LED music stand light - done! The lamp the current battery state of charge. The battery is exchanged
can also be operated directly with 230 V AC thanks to the by hand in a few seconds. The brightness can either be con-
4315DLSNT power adaptor (compatible with leading phase trolled with the 4316DLSHR module directly on the lamps or
control dimmers).* centrally via DMX with the 4316DLSFM radio module.


We have specially designed our LED lamps for operation in Kolberg Percussion has stood for quality for over 50 years.
leading phase control dimmers. A microprocessor analyses That is why we also placed particular emphasis on quali-
the supply voltage for flicker-free dimming, even at low ty and longevity when developing the control electronics
levels of brightness. In order to guarantee flicker-free opera- for our LED lamps. We only use high-quality components;
tion even when recording films, the built-in microprocessor planned obsolescence is not a term we are familiar with –
controls the LEDs in this mode of operation using pulse width you can be sure of that.
modulation (PWM) at a frequency of 410 Hz.
The dimmer response has been adapted to a halogen lamp
so that a mixed operation of LED and hal­ogen lamps is
possible. Of course, the new LED is brighter than a 2 x 20 W In order to avoid the documented problems and restric-
halogen lamp but at 8.5 W it uses less than a quarter of the tions, such as minimum load in operation with leading
energy. phase control dimmers, the LED music stand lamps can also
be controlled via DC voltage. The level of the connected
voltage determines the brightness of the light. Kolberg also
provides the appropriate DMX controllable pow­er adapter.
Thanks to the modular system, the lamps can be upgraded If the installation in the orchestra pit does not need to be
with further functions at any time. A connector slot enables changed, the existing central transformer can simply be
retrofitting with special modules. replaced using the 4315DLSGNT power adaptor. Thanks to
the modular construction of this power adaptor, as many
So, for example, if you wanted to digitally control your
lamps as necessary can be supplied and controlled jointly
lamps via DMX, simply retrofit the 4316DLSDMX module.
or in groups.
The 4316DLSHR module enables you to limit the maximum
brightness and regulate the brightness without an external The 4315DLSGNT4 power adaptor offers four separately
dimmer. With the 4316DLSFM module the lights can also be controllable outputs and thus enables the individual control
radio controlled. of each lamp.

We are constantly developing our lights. You can also ben-
efit from further improvements and optimisations in the
future via software update. If necessary, lights can also be
adjusted for individual requirements.

* Compatibility dependent on the transformer dimmer combination

CRI is an abbreviation for Colour Rendering Index. It is a
measure of the quality of the colour reproduction of light
sources. It indicates how naturally the colours are realised
when they are illuminated by a light source. The values are TECHNICAL DATA 4320DLS
ascertained using regularly recurring test colours. Ideally,
a light source has a CRI of 100 (for example, daylight), Operational voltage from 14 V DC to 19 V DC
and from 22 V AC to 28 V AC
­meaning the colours are reproduced without any distortion.
Light sources with a CRI of less than 85 should not be used, Power consumption 15 W at full brightness
particularly when illuminating sheet music. The high level Level of illumination maximum 1,400 Lux at a distance
ofdistortion of the colours strains the eyes too much during of 35 cm
a long performance.
Colour temperature 3,000 K
Thanks to the use of high-quality LEDs from the latest 2750 K or 3500 K at extra charge
­generation, our lamps achieve an unusually high CRI of 95
Lighting duration min. 10 h for operation
and thereby ensure pleasing lighting and a performance battery with 100 Wh Li-Ion battery
untainted by tiredness.
Connector plug 5 pin XLR black
The diagram below demonstrates the spectral division of
the light on our LED music stand lamp. Energy efficiency class A+ (15 kWh per 1,000 h)
Dynamic scope > 1:30000
when dimming


Operational voltage from 14 V DC to 19 V DC

and from 22 V AC to 28 V AC
Power consumption 15 W at full brightness
Level of illumination maximum 1,400 Lux at a distance
of 35 cm
Colour temperature adjustable between 2750 K and 4000 K
Lighting duration min. 10 h for operation
battery with 100 Wh Li-Ion battery
Connector plug 5 pin XLR black
Energy efficiency class A+ (15 kWh per 1,000 h)
Dynamic scope > 1:30000
when dimming


We have been developing lamps Dimensions retracted: 1,150 x 640 x 950
(L x W x H in mm): extended: 1,400 x 640 x 1,600
specifically for orchestras for over
30 years. Our experi­enced team of Operational voltage from 14 V DC to 19 V DC
technicians and engineers con­ and from 22 V AC to 28 V AC
structs all the components under Power consumption 15 W at full brightness
one roof. This is the only way to
Level of illumination maximum 1,400 Lux at a distance
perfectly balance the mechanics
of 35 cm
with the electronics and assemble
these as a high-quality end product. Colour temperature 3,000 K
Short paths also allow fast imple­ 2750 K or 3500 K at extra charge
menta­tion of special requests. Lighting duration min. 10 h for operation
Why not get in touch? battery with 100 Wh Li-Ion battery
Dipl.-Ing. Christian
Brauer, Head of Connector plug 5 pin XLR black
development Energy efficiency class A+ (15 kWh per 1,000 h)

Our products are tested by an independent test laboratory for

interference emissions according to DIN EN 55015 and DIN EN
6100-6-3 (threshold class B, residential areas) as well as for inter­
ference immunity according to EN 61000-6-2 (use in industrial

8,5 kWh/1000h 11
Thanks to the modular concept the lamps can get adapted to
different requirements quickly and easily. This guarantees the
sustainability of your investment and makes the new LED music
stand lamps a real all-rounder!

Local Dimmer (4316DLSHR)

Socket for one module of choice

DMX RDM module (4316DLSDMX)

Maximum power output: Maximum power output:

Radio module (4316DLSFM) 1500 W 800 W
DC Power Supply for control of DC Power Supply for control of
up to 130 LED lamps up to 70 LED lamps
(4315DLSGNT-1500) (4315DLSGNT-800)

Stand joint with integrated Universal holder for Kolberg Retrofittable lamp holder (4319)
lamp holder (4318) music stand lamps (4320HU)

Plug-in power adapter (4315DLSSNT)

LED music stand lamp 4320DLS or

Also available as a clip-on lamp
with quickly exchangeable battery.

Power adapter dimmable (4315DLSNT) optionally with clamp-on holder (4315DLSNTK)

Connecting cable (inclusive), optionally with mounted stage plug, 24V AC (4314DLS)

Connecting cable with DMX Daisy Chain Adapter (4314DLSDMX)

Lithium-Ion battery (4315DLSA100) for clip-on battery holder (4315DLSAK)

ACCESSORIES A wide range of accessories makes the new LED music stand lamps
suitable for universal use.

Power adapter 4315DLSNT, 4315DLNTK

The 4315DLSNT power adapter
en­ables the lamp to operate directly
from 230 V and is compatible with all
common leading phase control dim-
mers. The 4315DLSNTK power adapter is
equipped with an additional clip-on holder for
mounting on the stand.

Plug-in power adapter 4315DLSSNT

If operation with an external dimmer is not
required, the lamps can alternatively be op-
erated using the compact and cost-effective
plug-in power adapter. The compact dimensions
and light weight are ideal for operating lamps on
tour. Individual brightness-control is possible with
module 4316DLSHR.

Power cable 4314DLS

The 3 m 4315DLS power cable consists of an extremely
durable, hard-wearing and therefore long-lasting rubber
cable. The cable comes without floor plug. It is included
with the delivery of lamp 4320DLS and 4320DLSA.
On request we provide individual lengths and
connecting plugs.

Stage Plug 4350

The new Kolberg stage plug features all the properties required
for use in an orchestra pit: the risk of tripping is minimised due
to the small cover and its rounded features; it is long lasting
thanks to its brazed construction and anodised cover. The cable
is secured through 360° strain relief. Last but not least the new
plug can be mounted in less than 2 minutes. Standard sizes for a
floor board thickness of 45 mm are always on stock.
Upon request other sizes are available with short lead-times.

DMX Daisy Chain adapter 4314DLSDMX

If the lamp is equipped with the DMX RDM module, this adapter
enables DMX cabling conforming to standards. The adapter is
simply connected to the 5 pin XLR plug of the lamp and pro­vides
the well-known 5 pin XLR socket and 5 pin DMX
plug from DMX equipment. Using a stan-
dard, fully loaded DMX cable the DMX
signal as well as the power supply can
be daisy-chained from one lamp
to the next one.
Controllable DC Power Supplies Brightness regulator 4316DLS HR
Controllable DC Power Supplies (4315DLSGNT) or 4-channel The simple retrofittable module enables
power supplies (4315DLSGNT4) are available upon request. brightness control directly on the lamps. The
For further details see page 10. brightness can therefore also be adjusted
with­out an external dimmer if the lamps are
used together with, for example, the
Battery 4315DLSA100 4315DLSNT power adapter, the 4315
The high-performance Lithium-Ion DLSSNT plug power adapter or the
battery together with the 4315DLSAK 4315DLSA100 battery. If the lamps are
clip-on battery holder enable mobile controlled using an external dimmer,
lighting operation. The battery can the maximum brightness can be lim­
be removed from the battery clip-on ited using the 4316DLSHR module.
holder with one hand movement
and changed in seconds. There is no
complex assembly work involved in
changing the battery. The integrated
state of charge indicator provides
information about remaining run time at the
push of a button. With a capacity of up to DMX RDM module 4316DLSDMX
100 Wh, the battery can supply one lamp for The 4316DLSDMX module together with the 4314
at least 10 hours. DLSDMX daisy chain adapter extends the func­
tion of the lamps with digital control via DMX.
The lamps can therefore be seamlessly
Clip-on battery holder 4315DLSAK integrated into the lighting tech­nol­
The 4315DSLAK clip-on battery holder o­g y. It can be easily configured using
enables the assembly of the Lithium-Ion remote device management (RDM).
battery. The holder can be simply clip- There are no complicated settings
ped to the stand. The special battery required directly on the lamps, as is
mounting plate guarantees fast battery often the case with DMX equipment.
changes; the battery can be removed The module also supports all standard
and changed with one hand movement. RDM parameters.

Dual charger 4315DLSAL2

The high-quality 4315DLSAL2 charger can Radio module 4316DLSFM
charge two 4315DLSA100 Li-Ion batteries
Using the 4316DLSFM radio module together
simultaneously. This is time saving and
with the 4316DLSFBS base station, the lamps
means you always have the power you
can be controlled wirelessly. The latest digital
need! The compact dimensions, light
transmission technology ensures
weight and ergonomic handle make the
interference-free communication.
battery charger perfectly suited to
It can be operated worldwide due
mobile use. The fold-out foot guaran-
to the use of the 2.4 GHz-ISM
tees a stable stand, even if two bat-
frequency. The intelligent mesh net-
ter­ies are attached simultaneously.
work ensures seamless radio coverage.
The charging status is displayed for
Each lamp can act as a repeater here,
each battery by bicoloured LEDs. Also
if required, increasing the coverage of
available as a quadruple device
the base station.

Upgradeable lamp holder 4319

Holder designed for affixing Kolberg lamps
onto music stands made by other manu- Universal holder for Kolberg music
facturers or as retrofit for Kolberg stand lamps 4320HU
music stands and conductor‘s stands. The extremely stable clip-on holder fits all com-
The lamp holder is rigidly mounted on mon music stands up to 13 mm. It enables mobile
the stand by means of four screws. use of the lamps without permanent construc­
The lamp can be easily attached; its height tion alterations. Never be without perfect music
can be adjusted by around 10 cm. illumination again! The high adjustable range of
50 mm guarantees an optimal distance of the
light from the stand.
Mobile rack for music stand lamps 4340
Moveable mobile rack with brake swivel casters
to move and store up to 60 Kolberg music Flight case for music stand lamps
stand lamps. Ideal for opera houses, when mu- We can provide individually produced
sic stands without lighting have to be placed flight cases for the safe transport of
on the stage for symphonic concerts, and for ­music stand lamps. Please get in touch
concert halls where operas are performed. with us for more information.

Our high-quality stands are the perfect addition to the
Kolberg LED music stand light, they are available in the
widest variety of designs.
For orchestra pits we recommend the extremely sturdy
4230D double-shelf music stand desk made from shock-
resistant synthetic material with wood appearance and
4125S foot with anti-tilt protection. We are happy to advise
you about choosing the right music stand for you.


We recommend the 4550 conductor’s music stand -
which is also equipped with the most up-to-date LED
technology – for special theatre requirements.




Stackable chair with pneumatic height
adjustment (48-54 cm).

Kolberg Percussion GmbH

June 2019 – We reserve the right to amend our prices and models without
Stuttgarter Str. 157 · 73066 Uhingen prior notification. Neither are we able to assume any liability in the event
of printing errors.Product images may differ from the original. Printed
Tel.: +49 (0) 71 61 / 30 05-0 colours may differ slightly from actual colours.
info@kolberg.com · www.kolberg.com Our current prices can be found on the internet under www.kolberg.com

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