This document outlines criteria for evaluating the design of a training program on mainstreaming children's rights in local governance planning and budgeting. It will take place from September to December 2020 and include curriculum development and training of trainers. The criteria cover evaluating the rationale, objectives, content, methodologies, instructional aids, resources, management support, resource persons, and schedule. The questions under each criteria aim to determine if the design appropriately addresses the training need and supports achieving the learning objectives.
This document outlines criteria for evaluating the design of a training program on mainstreaming children's rights in local governance planning and budgeting. It will take place from September to December 2020 and include curriculum development and training of trainers. The criteria cover evaluating the rationale, objectives, content, methodologies, instructional aids, resources, management support, resource persons, and schedule. The questions under each criteria aim to determine if the design appropriately addresses the training need and supports achieving the learning objectives.
This document outlines criteria for evaluating the design of a training program on mainstreaming children's rights in local governance planning and budgeting. It will take place from September to December 2020 and include curriculum development and training of trainers. The criteria cover evaluating the rationale, objectives, content, methodologies, instructional aids, resources, management support, resource persons, and schedule. The questions under each criteria aim to determine if the design appropriately addresses the training need and supports achieving the learning objectives.
This document outlines criteria for evaluating the design of a training program on mainstreaming children's rights in local governance planning and budgeting. It will take place from September to December 2020 and include curriculum development and training of trainers. The criteria cover evaluating the rationale, objectives, content, methodologies, instructional aids, resources, management support, resource persons, and schedule. The questions under each criteria aim to determine if the design appropriately addresses the training need and supports achieving the learning objectives.
Training of Trainers on Child-friendly Local Governance
September to December 2020
Curriculum Development and Training of Trainers to Mainstream Children’s Rights in LGU Planning and Budgeting
Source: Development Academy of the Philippines Training of Trainer Handouts
Rationale • Is the training need supported by data or statistics? • Is the training need specially and clearly-stated? Specific Objectives • Do the objectives address the specific training need in the rationale? • Are the objectives written following the “SMART-C” guidelines? • Are the objectives realizable with the time allotted? Content • Is the content consistent with the stated objectives? • Is the content appropriate for the targeted participants? • Are the topics arranged according to a logical sequence? • Is there continuity in the design? • Does each topic build into the previous sessions? How does the progression make sense in terms of achieving the learning objectives? • Does the content provide opportunities for application back in the work situation? • Does the content include an evaluation of the learning or insights gained by the participants? Methodologies • Are the proposed methodologies consistent with the objectives and the topic? • Are the methods appropriate with the condition and level of the targeted participants? • Are these methods appropriate with the time allotted? • Is there a variety of methods? Instructional Aids • Are the proposed visual aids appropriate and consistent with the topic? • Are the proposed visual aids appropriate with the methods used? • Will there be available support equipment for the visual or instructional aids identified? • Will there be handouts available for participants’ reading? Resources (Budget, • Do the training design and implementation plan consider Supplies) cost-effectiveness? What is the cost per participant? • Will there be adequate and available supplies and materials? Training of Trainers on Child-friendly Local Governance September to December 2020 Curriculum Development and Training of Trainers to Mainstream Children’s Rights in LGU Planning and Budgeting
• Is the venue appropriate and comfortable for the learning
process of participants? Management Support • Is there support from management for this program or intervention? Resource Persons • Are the RPs content experts? Do they have experience and updated knowledge on the topic or sessions assigned to them? • Will they be available for the sessions assigned to them? • Will they be available for a faculty orientation before the conduct of this training program? • Will they be available for follow-up sessions when participants apply their learning in the workplace? • Will they be able to coordinate and team-up effectively with other RPs or facilitators of the training program? • Were the local resource persons given preference for this? Schedule and Time • Is the time allotment per session appropriate with the Management objectives, content, and methods identified? • Are the sessions scheduled considering the learn-ability and absorption of participants?