The Keene Koinoia: Pastor's Corner

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The Keene Koinoia

Keene Evangelical Free Church Newsletter April 2011

Inside this Issue…

Pastor’s Corner Page 1 – Pastor’s Corner
-Women’s Circle
The Coming of the End! - Missions
Page 2 - Messiah Rehearsal Information
These seem to be unsettling times. We -Messiah Information
-Ladies’ Bible Study
experienced multiple emotions after 9/11 and now,
-24-Hour Prayer
again, with the tsunami in Japan, radioactive -Family Night – Resurrection Celebration
material and meltdowns, wars and rumors of wars Page 3 -Good Friday and Easter Services Information
our minds are pushed to the limit with possibilities -Awana Ministry
and questions. Humanity is definitely on a roller- -S.W.A.T. Ministry
coaster ride. -Summer Camp Promotion
We are not to be alarmed. Just like I heard on -Sunday School Fellowship Time
T.V. last night, “don’t get your skirt in a bunch!” -Coming Up at Keene
[ps. That was a lady talking to a man]. What am -Contact Information
I talking about? Read Matthew’s Gospel, chapter
24 and verses 3 through 14.
Jesus is answering the same question we often
have – “is this the coming of the end?” Jesus tells
us what must happen before he comes at the “end
of the age.” Deceiving religious leaders,
earthquakes, wars and rumors of wars, nation Women’s Circle for April
against nation, kingdom against kingdom, Circle #3 headed up by Stephanie and Mary are
persecution of believers, martyrdom for believers, responsible for serving at events taking place at
church in April
apostasy [turning from the faith], false prophets,
increase in wickedness, etc., etc. Sounds like a Thank you ladies!
very depressing future we have friends.
Hold your horses…look at v.14…here is the good
news, literally. The Gospel [good news] will be Missions
preached in the whole world! Then the end will
come. At the end of this age God is not going to The Mission for April is for Jim and Terri Wilson with
hold back, oh no! He is going to unleash His the Press on Youth Ministry in Kearney
power through the Gospel! Yes, many will leave
Chrissy Frerichs is traveling to China in May with a
the faith, many will turn to wickedness, many will
group from Christ Community Church of Omaha.
be deceived; but, many WILL believe! They will be going to a special needs orphanage in
There is going to be troubling times ahead [I can Beijing and ministering in other aspects to pastors and
almost feel it coming] but there is going to be a families. Please be in prayer for all the preparation,
great time of harvest among all nations. I am details and for the trip itself.
excited about what God has in store for us, for us
who wait upon the Lord! What a day that will be Kaylie Mellema is traveling to Uganda, Tanzania and
when the last one to receive Christ as Savior Kenya and Adventures in Missions this summer.
opens his/her heart to the Lord! Then…come During this trip Kaylie will be disciple and trained in
Lord Jesus, come! various areas of ministry and missions and will also
have the chance to minister to people who need to
hear of salvation through Jesus. Please begin to pray
Being ready, for Kaylie as God prepares her for this adventure and
Pastor Matt during her ministry in Africa.

Church Newsletter 1
“Messiah” Rehearsals Axtell Area Oratorio Society
with support of the
“Messiah” Rehearsals are beginning. Sunday afternoons at
Nebraska Arts Council
2:30 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church in Axtell (exception on
th presents
April 10 rehearsal will be at the Kearney Evangelical Free
George Frideric Handel’s
Final rehearsal is on Saturday, April 16 at 9:30 a.m. at
Kearney Evangelical Free Church.
April 17, 2011
Performance will be on Palm Sunday, Sunday April 17 at
th Palm Sunday, 7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m. at Kearney EFC. with reception to follow

Kearney Evangelical Free Church

4010 7th Avenue – Kearney, Nebraska

J. Rodney Wendell – Conductor

Marvelous Soloists, Chamber Orchestra,
70 Member Chorus

Tickets Available at:

Kearney – Solid Rock, Shopping Tripps, Ruter’s Hallmark
6-Week Ladies’ Bible Study Holdrege – My Fair Lady’s
Ruth: message of Redemption & Revival Minden – Joy’s Floral
Advance Tickets $8 At the Door $10
Nancy DeMoss th
K-12 Grade $4

Please plan to attend this powerful Bible Study on the book For more information:
of Ruth! (308)478-5427 or (308)743-2292
Do you ever deal with difficult people? Whirlwind
circumstances? Unfulfilled longings? Loneliness?
Bitterness? Grief? If so, you can relate to the story
of Ruth. Be reminded that God can redeem, revive 24-Hour Prayer
and restore any life, anytime, anywhere. Wednesday, April 6 at 7:00 p.m.
Prayer Service
Bible Studies will be on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. A time to begin our 24-hours of prayer
beginning on March 15 for six weeks. to
Thursday, April 7 at 7:00 p.m.

Tuesday, March 15 Praise and a Light Potluck Meal

Tuesday, March 22

Tuesday, March 29

Tuesday, April 5

Tuesday, April 12

Tuesday, April 19
*It’s never too late to attend!

PRAYER REQUESTS: Church families have 3x5 cards

Family Night “Resurrection Celebration” from a Deacon in their church mailbox to write prayer
April 10 at 5:30 p.m. requests and praises on. Please place all prayer request
cards in the basket provided. (Cards can be anonymous or
Bring the whole family to the church on April 10 for an named.)
evening of fun to celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord and
Savior! There will be a Resurrection SIGN-UP: Please sign-up for an hour slot on the sign-up
Egg Hunt, Testimonies, and a great
meal! sheet in the Fellowship Hall. Come alone, with your
spouse, or with your whole family to pray through the
Circle #3 is in charge of this special prayer request cards in the Sanctuary during your hour
event! time slot.

Church Newsletter 2
Good Friday Service Summer Camp Opportunities
The Community Good Friday Service Summer Bible Camp is fast approaching!
will be held here at Keene at 7:00 p.m. Start registering for camp now. Check out the
Timberlake Ranch Camp and Camp Joy information in
the corner of the Fellowship Hall.

Easter Morning Services Funds have been set aside to give out to all those
8:30 a.m. Sunrise Service attending Bible Camp this Summer. (Exact amount TBA
with a Celebration Breakfast as we gather final camp numbers.)
Potluck to follow

10:30 a.m. Worship

AWANA Ministry

Awana will soon be wrapping up

for the year. We have two regular
Awana sessions in April. Sunday School Fellowship Time
th th
There is a new sign-up sheet on the serving counter for
April 6 & 13 (both from 3:30-5:00 p.m.) doughnuts and juice for Fellowship Time before Sunday
April 27 will be the Awana Awards and Parents Night School. Fellowship time begins at 9:15 a.m. on Sunday
with store beginning at 7:00 p.m. mornings. Thank you!

-“Store” Donations for our April 27 Awards and
Parents Night. We gratefully accept any donations for
nd th
2 -6 grade boys and girls. Students use earned shares
Coming up at Keene…
(Awana money) from passing sections in their
May 1 – Mother Daughter Salad Supper 6:00 p.m.
handbooks to purchase “store” items as a reward! Ideas
May 15 – S.W.A.T. Senior Honors Banquet
include sports balls, outdoor spring and summer
May 22 – Pastor’s Instruction Class Graduation
activities like Frisbees, books, CD’s, lip gloss, fun
May 29 – Benevolent Offering
notepads, games, jewelry, sunglasses, stuffed animals,
May 30 – Memorial Day – Keene helping serve at
novelty items, etc., etc. Please place donations in the
Community dinner in Axtell
Church Office Thank you, thank you!
Brownies, Ice Cream, and Toppings will be served at
the Award/Parent’s night. Please sign up on bulletin
Keene Evangelical Free Church
662 F Road
S.W.A.T. Ski Trip Information
Axtell, NE 68924
Schedule: April 1 [Friday]: leave for Laramie after track (Church and Parsonage)
meet. Church Email:
April 2 [Saturday]: skiing Pastor Matthew J. Snell
April 3 [Sunday]: attend early church service Pastor’s Cell (308)830-2603
head home Stay up to date on blogspot
Questions: see Pastor Matt
Please be in prayer for those attending
For general communication items for bulletin,
the ski trip and for their time at Table in
the Wilderness Ministeries.
announcements, newsletter, etc. email to:

Church Newsletter 3

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