Enjoy Up To 7.3% Yearly Premium Discount
Enjoy Up To 7.3% Yearly Premium Discount
Enjoy Up To 7.3% Yearly Premium Discount
Enhance your AIA HealthShield Gold Max Special with AIA Max VitalHealth for an added security.
Keep your out-of-pocket medical expenses capped at S$3,000 per policy year if you are treated
or admitted by our AIA Quality Healthcare Partner specialists or in public hospitals. For more
information on AIA Max VitalHealth’s benefits, you can refer to the AIA HealthShield Gold Max/
AIA Max VitalHealth brochure.
The discount is based on premium rate for additional private insurance coverage portion (after GST).
Your MediShield Life premiums may differ depending on your premium subsidies, premium rebates and
whether you need to pay for the additional premiums. MediShield Life premiums (including any extra
loading) can be fully paid by MediSave.
Payable by MediSave subject to the Additional Withdrawal Limits per insured per policy year. Please refer to
the AIA HealthShield Gold Max brochure for more details. Any excess amount must be paid by cash.
For the premium rates for ages 76 and above next birthday, please refer to the product summary.
An AIA Nominated Company is a company selected by AIA. AIA reserves the right to nominate any company it
chooses to be an AIA Nominated Company, at its sole discretion. The discounted premium rates will cease if
certain events as set out in the Policy Contract occur, such as leaving the Public Service or an AIA Nominated
Company. Thereafter, the standard premium rates apply to you and your spouse/unmarried children from the
next policy anniversary. Please refer to the AIA HealthShield Gold Max/AIA Max VitalHealth brochure for the
standard premium rates.
Important Notes:
These insurance plans are underwritten by AIA Singapore Private Limited (Reg. No. 201106386R) (“AIA”). All
insurance applications are subject to AIA’s underwriting and acceptance. This brochure insert is not a contract
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of insurance. The precise terms and conditions of these plans, including exclusions whereby the benefits under
these plans may not be paid out, are specified in the relevant policy contracts. You are advised to read the
relevant policy contracts.
Buying health insurance products that are not suitable for you may impact your ability to finance your future
healthcare needs. You are discouraged from switching from an existing accident and/or health insurance policy
to a new one without considering whether the switch is detrimental, as there may be potential disadvantages
with switching. A penalty may be imposed for early policy termination and the new policy may cost more or
have fewer benefits at the same cost.
AIA HealthShield Gold Max is a MediSave-approved Integrated Shield Plan that comprises MediShield Life
administered by the Central Provident Fund Board and an additional private insurance coverage portion
administered by AIA. When making a claim, the higher of the benefits computed under both plans will be paid.
Please note that you can use your CPF MediSave account to purchase only one MediSave-approved medical
insurance scheme per Insured at any one time. Protected up to specified limits by SDIC. This advertisement has
not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. The information is correct as at 23 March 2020.