Template For Processes - Informal Feedback

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Process Designs

Operational Area - Performance Management and Development

Process – Informal Feedback

1. Objective
The objective of the Informal Feedback process is to create a mechanism for the exchange of timely feedback, in a way that is structured to facilitate
the process, but informal.

2. Description

The Guiding Principles that framed the development of the performance management process are:
• Consistent with, and driving the move to, the new culture of Financial Services
• Simplicity
• Support the Financial Services team culture, while recognising the diverse contribution of individuals within those teams
• Allow for the identification of performance management needs when they happen, and offer timely and flexible solutions to those needs
• Recognise differing needs of individuals within Financial Services (e.g. career vs job), and the changing needs of the Financial Services
• Aligned to the organisation structure and design
• Robust process able to be tied directly to consequences (positive and negative) when appropriate
• Contain appropriate delivery tools and mechanisms to measure success of the process
• Based on identified competencies and performance metrics
• Facilitates team and individual buy-in to goals and process
• Allow and Support the FSC to grow and leverage resources to meet the changing needs of the business

3. Process Flows
P2.3 – Informal Feedback Process.vsd

4. Inputs

Input Detail Source(s)

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Version 1.1
Process Designs

Input Detail Source(s)

Performance Report The Performance Report which summarises on a quarterly Performance Reporting Spreadsheets
basis, the performance against the identified metrics.

Competency Matrix and Competency Matrix detailing the competencies required Competency Matrix.doc
required competency and the types of behaviours that would be demonstrated if
levels for Jobs an individual had proficiency in each of those
competencies. This will be used to feed into the
Individual Performance Appraisal for the assessment
against required competencies.

Examples of Performance The examples of performance recorded after the monthly See P2.125
from Quarter distribution of reports.

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Version 1.1
Process Designs

5. Activities
(Please note: In the “Responsibilities” column, FSD responsibility refers to ensuring this process is carried out for the management of the FSM
performance. The FSM’s are responsible for the performance management of the staff in their team.)

Task/ Resp. Description Reference Frequency

Description No.

P2.3.05 Individual Organise Logistics of the Meeting: End of Quarter 1 and

• Room Booked Quarter 3
• Time Booked with FSM – this meeting will likely run for about ½ hour
• Anything that may interrupt meeting is cancelled

P2.3.10 Individual Collect Performance for Quarter: Quarterly End of Quarter 1 and
• Collate the performance data for the past quarter from the performance Performance Quarter 3
report, from weekly and monthly updates. Report
• Analyse the report and look for instances of good/poor and on target

(Note: Report will be generated from a Performance Reporting Package,

referred to in detail in P1.0 – Performance Measurement Process)

P2.3.15 FSD/FSM Collect Monthly Performance Examples: P2.1.25 End of Quarter 1 and
• Collect together all examples of good and bad performance as collected Quarter 3
over the quarter, stemming from monthly report distribution.
• Collect any additional examples as necessary to make the appraisal
meaningful and to support the performance assessment.
• Examples should be of actual performance results, or specific instances
where a competence was demonstrated/not demonstrated. They should be
specific, not generalised examples.

P2.3.20 Individual Collect Progress against Personal Development Plan: Personal End of Quarter 1 and
• Review the Personal Development Plan. Development Quarter 3
• Take note of any training, coaching, projects, or other development Plan
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Process Designs

Task/ Resp. Description Reference Frequency

Description No.

activities that were done in accordance, and any development activities

done in addition to those set out in the Personal Development Plan.
• Take notes about whether these activities developed the required level of
competence, and examples of how these have/have not worked.
• Where relevant, take notes about why specific development activities have
not been successful, and suggestions for more successful ways to
develop the required skill/knowledge.

P2.3.25 Individual Create Performance Action Plan: End of Quarter 1 and

• Collate all available information from sections 2.3.10 and 2.3.20 into an Quarter 3
action plan relating to the individual’s progress on their personal
development plan and individual and team targets.
• All comments regarding performance should be backed with facts or

P.2.3.30 FSD/FSM/ Performance Discussion: End of Quarter 1 and

Individual • Conduct the performance discussion, covering: Quarter 3
• The individual’s approach to addressing progress on goals, and any
other information which comes from the feedback that the FSM
has gathered. Ensure the discussion is centred around actual
• Any other issues the assessor or individual wish to raise (an
opportunity should always be provided for individuals to bring up
• The main purpose of this discussion is to hold a coaching session, with
the FSM and individual partnered for the individuals success.

P2.3.35 FSD/FSM/ Update Personal Development Plan: End of Quarter 1 and

Individual • The Personal Development Plan should be reviewed, and updated with Quarter 3
identified development activities which have been completed.
• A discussion should take place as to whether the development activity has
resulted in the required performance improvement. If not, analyse
why the development has not produced the required improvement, and
plan for additional development activities for those areas.
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Process Designs

Task/ Resp. Description Reference Frequency

Description No.

• New development activities should be identified for areas where

improvement is needed, as identified in the performance appraisal.
• Development activities should also be agreed for career development
purposes, and to ensure individuals hold the level of competence
required for their job.
• Development activities may include:
• Training
• On-the-job coaching (by peers, specialists or the team lead)
• Projects, additional work responsibilities (e.g. representing the
team/FSC at meetings)
• Additional education
• Reading relevant material
• “Day in the field” – understanding customers jobs and needs

P2.3.40 FSD/FSM Document Discussion: End of Quarter 1 and

• Any decisions made, and the fact that the discussion took place, should be Quarter 3
• A copy should be given to the individual, and the FSM should file a copy
in a central file.

P2.3.45 FSD/FSM/ Organise Development Activities: End of Quarter 1 and

Individual • The development activities captured in the Personal Development Plan Quarter 3
should then be organised:
• Training should be booked
• Possible “coaches” should be approached
• Project/work responsibilities should be agreed/approved/scoped out
• Managers should analyse the development needs across their teams (and
co-ordinate across other teams in the FSC) and identify common
development needs. Training courses may be able to be run in-house
for groups for a reduced cost, or coaching may be able to be done in

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Version 1.1
Process Designs

6. Management / Quality Points

Management and Quality Points have been defined for the overall Performance Management Process – P2.1, and have not been defined on the more
detailed level.

Task/ Management / Quality Points

Description No.

7. Decision Points

Task/ Decision Responsibility

Description No.
P2.3.55 Sign off of Performance Appraisal FSD/FSM
• Performance appraisal signed off as accurately reflecting Individual
performance for the past quarter
P2.3.35 Sign Off Personal development Plan FSD/FSM
• Personal development plan agreed as appropriate for Individual
developing the necessary skills within individuals

8. Outputs

Output Detail Recipients

Informal Performance Informal performance appraisal, in standard template format, All FSC Staff and Management
Appraisal containing information on performance against agreed goals
Personal Development Plan Development plan, owned by the individual, but created in All FSC staff and Management
conjunction with the appropriate manager, detailing the steps
that should be taken to develop the individuals skills.

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Version 1.1
Process Designs

9. Performance Metrics

Objective Measures
N/A to this process

10. Stakeholders Identified

Stakeholder Group Implementation Communication

Financial Services Directors Communicate about how process works, how to manage process, tools for improving team and
and Managers individual performance and where to source information from.
Financial Services Staff Communicate how the new process works, their part in it, and what it will mean for them in
terms of pay, promotion, development.

11. Implementation Implications (Checklist)

Checklist 3

12. Indexing

Process Job Function

Performance Management All General Accounting
Performance Appraisal Information Provision
Accounts Payable
Service Quality
Data Management

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Version 1.1
Process Designs

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Version 1.1
Operational Area - Performance Management
Process – Performance Management

1. Key Changes to the Process

• Quarterly performance appraisal
• Performance reports available to track metrics

2. Learning Objectives (key outcomes of training)

• Xxxxxx
• Xxxxxx
• Xxxxxx

3. Key Terms to Define

Term Definition

4. Examples/Case Studies
• Xxxxxxx
• Xxxxxxx
• Xxxxxxx
Document Control Information

Date Version Name of Person Updating Nature of Change

01/08/99 1.0 Nicole Coombe Document created
27/08/99 1.1 Nicole Coombe Updated with feedback from Lee Bale

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