Chapter 1 Introduction

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The Information System of Nutrition Services Habits another way for the person who
wants to help you to know how the proper maintain a well-balanced diet, helps to maintain a
healthy body weight, and reduces the risk of chronic disease leading to overall health and well-

The effectiveness of a proper nutrition diet plan is for the age of 18 to 35 between diet
and the nutrient foods how the result of your new will body weight and the healthy lifestyle. The
research of the system will give you a proper dieting plan and proper exercise routine in ever age
between 18-35 years old with the use of the researcher’s developed information system.


In the Food and Nutrition Action Plan Health of a European Region in which the negative
impacts of preventable diet-related non-communicable diseases and malnutrition in all its forms
– including the overweight and obesity – have been dramatically reduced, and all citizens have
healthier diets throughout their lives. A healthy diet throughout life promotes good outcomes
nutrition has a crucial role in preventing several critical diseases. And it is carefully analyzed that
prevention is better than cure. It supports natural growth, development, maintains healthy body
weight, and reduces the risk of chronic sickness leading to overall health and well-being Among
the main aspects of prevention, according to the World Health Organization, nourishment plays a
fundamental role in keeping people healthy. One-third of cardiovascular diseases and cancers
could be interrupted through a healthy balanced. In Asia the Philippines the Food and Nutrition
Research Institute of the Department of Science and Technology (FNRI-DOST) revealed that
there was an increasing trend of overweight and obesity among adults aged 20 years and over.
This number increased to 24 to 27 out of 100 is getting overweight and obese respectively.

One of the problems of the Philippines is the unhealthy proper diet in the nutrition’s
behavior, increasing trend of the people who are overweight. Now a day this pandemic is
affecting our dietary and lifestyle that can be such a serious dilemma in every people who are
struggling in this pandemic. The internet and online information is the one that can help the
access and can availed the rise of social media have affected or social lives and also our dietary
and lifestyle behaviors. The social media had a great impact for the people now a days so these
social media we can create a webpage that is for the people that can access the internet that are
have unhealthy lifestyle.

The researchers designed and developed an “Information System for Nutrition Service
Diet Plan” for the people who are having unhealthy lifestyle at age 18-35 years old. The system
webpage provides an account online which will be used for viewing of the proper eating an
healthy foods, proper diet in foods and proper exercise by inserting their height and weight to
know what are suitable weight and height for that age. The user will be able to view the services
online without hassle.


The purpose of creating an information system that has information of nutrition

services diet plan is to provide a solution for the aged of 18 to 35 years old who are currently
experience an unhealthy lifestyle overweight and obesity.
The developed system webpage helps the about of Nutrition Services Diet Plan to
show or display the way of what are the exercise that help you to improve your body and posture
and to help to you to know what are the healthy food for your age between 18 to 35 years old.

For the Users, the study will help them to be a healthy living lifestyle, help them
are the exact weight for their age, help you to be a productive person way to help yourself to
have good health even though they are inside of the house and as well as freedom form signs of

For the Admins, the study will help the admins to have an easy communicate via
register and login to know the people who enter and undertake to the webpage.

For the researchers, the researchers will acquire the benefits and advantages of the
developed project by enhancing the abilities and also by learning more techniques while doing
the study.


The general objective of this study is to develop an information system webpage for
Nutrition Services Diet Plan that could help to the people who are overweight and obese people
to know what are the proper way of diet and exercise. The study must achieve to design and
develop a webpage which aims to meet the following specific objectives.

1. The system webpage of Nutrition Services Diet Plan is for the users who are being
overweight and obesity.
2. Nutrition Services Diet Plan is an online webpage can see how the proper diet and the
proper exercise at age of 18-35 years old and the difference exercise and diet between
male and female.
3. This system help you to know what are the appropriate nutrition foods and exercise by
insert your height and weight.
4. The system will be evaluated by;
4.1 User (Admin and Users)
4.1.1 GUI Design;
4.1.2 Functionality;
4.2 IT Expert;
4.2.1 Database Design; and
4.2.2 Security;


Before the user can use the Information System webpage about nutrition service diet
plan, the user needs to register to the Webpage of Diet Plan. A feature of the website is the
webpage that can access by the Admin and the Users where they have different access
privilege. After logging into the webpage, the system and the users can communicate with
each other, when the user fills up the registration form correctly and successfully created
his/her account the user can log in to the webpage. The user must give as information of
his/her age between 18-35 years old, their weight and height and their gender whether it’s
male or female, so that the system will directly proceed to the webpage that help you to be a
healthy person. The user now will have an access and can view the features of the webpage
about the proper diet, proper eating healthy foods, and proper exercise.

The admin can communicate with the users of the webpage, can also receive a request,
report, demand and inquiries from the clients. The system webpage requires the user to use
combination of numbers and letters in the registration for password.

Only the admin can process and filter the data of the system. The Information System
webpage can access 24 hours 7 and can access in online. The system is only delimited to
situation way beyond the control of the researchers, such as system failure and unexpected

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