Statics & Dynamics (I) : Chapter 7: Internal Forces
Statics & Dynamics (I) : Chapter 7: Internal Forces
Statics & Dynamics (I) : Chapter 7: Internal Forces
Chapter Objectives
Method of sections for determining the internal
loadings in a member
Develop procedure by formulating equations
that describe the internal shear and moment
throughout a member
Analyze the forces and study the geometry of
cables supporting a load
Chapter Outline
1. Internal Forces Developed in Structural Members
2. Shear and Moment Equations and Diagrams
3. Relations between Distributed Load, Shear and
4. Cables
7.1 Internal Forces Developed in Structural Members
For 3D, a general internal force and couple moment resultant will
act at the section
Ny is the normal force, and Vx and Vz are the shear components
My is the torisonal or twisting moment, and Mx and Mz are the
bending moment components
7.1 Internal Forces Developed in Structural Members
Free-Body Diagrams
Keep all distributed loadings, couple moments and forces acting
on the member in their exact locations
After session draw FBD of the segment having the least loads
7.1 Internal Forces Developed in Structural Members
Equations of Equilibrium
Moments should be summed at the section
If negative result, the sense is opposite
Example 7.3
Determine the internal force, shear force and the bending moment
acting at point B of the two-member frame.
Support Reactions
FBD of each member
Member AC
∑ MA = 0;
-400kN(4m) + (3/5)FDC(8m)= 0
FDC = 333.3kN
+→∑ Fx = 0;
-Ax + (4/5)(333.3kN) = 0
Ax = 266.7kN
+↑∑ Fy = 0;
Ay – 400kN + 3/5(333.3kN) = 0
Ay = 200kN
Support Reactions
Member AB
+→∑ Fx = 0; NB – 266.7kN = 0
NB = 266.7kN
+↑∑ Fy = 0; 200kN – 200kN - VB = 0
VB = 0
∑ MB = 0; MB – 200kN(4m) – 200kN(2m) = 0
MB = 400kN.m
7.2 Shear and Moment Equations and Diagrams
Support Reactions
FBD of the shaft
Fy 0;V 2.5kN
M 0; M 2.5 xkN.m
Fy 0; 2.5kN 5kN V 0
V 2.5kN
M 0; M 5kN ( x 2m) 2.5kN ( x) 0
M (10 2.5 x)kN .m
Shear diagram
Internal shear force is always positive within the shaft AB.
Moment diagram
Starts at zero, increases linearly to
B and therefore decreases to zero.
Draw the shear and moment
diagrams for the beam shown in
Figure . The load is w/unit length
The support reactions are shown in