Boiler Heating Surface
Boiler Heating Surface
Boiler Heating Surface
The boiler Heating surface is the total area in m 2 through which the heated water
and hot gases exchange heat.
1 2
HS= A 1 + A2 + A3− A 4
2 3
A1 = area of shell
A2 = inside are of all tubes
A3= area of the rear head
( ¿D2
A 4= cross-sectional area of the tube
( ¿do2n
D=diameter of shell
di =inside diameter of tube
do=outside diameter of tube
t=wall thickness of tube
L=length of tube
N=numbers of tubes
The Rated Boiler Horsepower is the Manufacturer’s Rating equivalent to the Heating
Surface in m2 divided by 0.91 for water tube and 1.1 for Fire tube.
HS(¿ m 2)
Rated Bo. HP=
The Developed Boiler Horsepower is the actual heat absorption divided by 35,322.
m s (h ¿ ¿ s−hf )
Developed Bo. HP=
¿ si unit
Percent Rating
Percentage Rating is the ratio of the developed boiler horsepower to the rated boiler
ASME Evaporation Units is the heat output of the boiler of the rate at which heat is
Factor of Evaporation
The Factor of Evaporation is the actual heat absorption per kg of steam generated
divided by 2257(hfg from and at 100oC
(h ¿ ¿ s−h f )
FE= ¿
Equivalent Evaporation
The Equivalent Evaporation is the product of the rate of evaporation of steam and
factor of evaporation
Boiler Economy
The Boiler economy is the ratio of the mass of steam to the mass of fuel
m s+¿ kg steam
BO. Economy= ¿
m f +¿kg fuel ¿
Boiler Efficiency