Brazil Ventilaton Mine
Brazil Ventilaton Mine
Brazil Ventilaton Mine
Strategies used
to control the costs
of underground ventilation in some Brazilian mines
Leandro de Vilhena Costa1,2 Abstract
José Margarida da Silva1,3 In an underground mine, the ventilation is responsible for 25% to 50% of its electrical energy consumption. In countries such as South Africa, United States and
Canada researchers have started to achieve a significant reduction in energy consump-
Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto – UFOP,
tion without neglecting aspects of the quantity and quality of air required for the best
Escola de Minas, Departamento de Engenharia de performance of the system, in compliance with safety standards and worker comfort. In
Minas, Ouro Preto - Minas Gerais - Brasil. Brazil, on demand this ventilation application began in 2013 at the Ipueira mine (Bahia,
controlled by Ferbasa company), and was soon after applied by the Cuiabá, Córrego do
E-mails:, Sitio I and Lamego mines; all three mines administered by Anglo Gold Ashanti. Each
3 mine adopted frequency inverters for the main ventilation, whereby the fan rotation is
adjusted according to demand and speed drivers. This measure resulted in the saving of
thousands of reais, since the flow is proportional to the velocity, the pressure is propor-
tional to the square of the velocity, and the power is proportional to the cubed velocity.
Therefore, a reduction of 20% in the flow will save about 50% of the energy required.
The Cuiabá mine presents the most modern and automated system in the country. The
fans are controlled and monitored through a control room. In addition, sensors scattered
in the mine, control the required flow rate. The Lamego mine has a similar but simpler
system. This article proposes to discuss the application and improvement of the process
of ventilation on demand in Brazilian mines where this system is applied.
1. Introduction
In the last decade, due to the high the safety standards and comfort of the area, according to the amount of people
cost and electric energy consumption workers imposed by the inspection bodies. and equipment present. This allows
required by mine ventilation systems, Traditional ventilation systems tend for a more efficient management of
around 25-50% of all consumption to operate at their maximum capacity, available airflow and compliance with
dispensed for all activities carried out operating 24 hours a day, necessary to standards without increasing ventila-
underground was for mine ventilation maintain the required air supply, which for tion costs. In this way, the areas being
(De Souza, 2015). Several researches in safety reasons are usually calculated based worked benefit from better and more
countries such as South Africa, United on the most pessimistic scenario possible. efficient ventilation, while areas that
States and Canada wrote about this Such measure is probably unsustainable. are not being worked on are not venti-
range. According to Ramjack (2015), Often the actual demand varies and may lated. Overall, this leads to significant
it can vary from 35% to 50% per year; be much lower than the design capabil- savings in electricity and other cost
40% to 60% for Kocsis (2009); and 40% ity. At times, when companies work with sources, making the mine much safer
for Paraszczak et al. (2013). more scarce resources, there is a constant and more productive. Figure 1 shows
These studies have as a goal, a sig- need to reduce costs due to increased a simplified ventilation system on de-
nificant reduction in energy consumption energy consumption and consumption in mand, with the fans switched off at a
without neglecting aspects of the quantity recent years. certain time and connected only when
and quality of air required for the best The VOD technology (Ventilation it has personnel working or machinery
performance of the system, also meeting on Demand) provides airflow to an in operation.
REM, Int. Eng. J., Ouro Preto, 73(4), 555-560, oct. dec. | 2020 555
Strategies used to control the costs of underground ventilation in some Brazilian mines
Figure 1 - Demand for ventilation fans setup showing connected and disconnected points (Costa, 2019).
By reducing total airflow, energy cubic relationship between airflow (V') pressions below (R is resistance; Δp is
can be significantly saved due to the and fan power (P), as shown in the ex- the pressure difference):
Using VOD with intelligent air funds to meet all the requirements of use of electric LHDs proves to be ad-
management, it is possible that no addi- the safety standard and could make the vantageous not only for the well-being
tional volume is required. On average, venture unfeasible. of the worker but also reveals that, when
ventilation accounts for up to 50% of The increase in diesel consumption well dimensioned, it can drastically
a mine's energy costs and up to 15% of due to longer transport distances, as the reduce the energy consumption of the
a mine's total costs. Thus, VOD may depth of the mine advances, contributes ventilation system, leading to a 33% to
contain immense potential savings. to the increase in the expenses with ven- 60% decrease in ventilation costs.
Therefore, the basis of the VOD tilation because more equipment will be As a result of this scenario, the
principle is the energy efficiency of mine necessary and, consequently, more gases Brazilian mines saw the need to seek
ventilation systems under the condition will be emitted. Renewable energy alter- modern solutions to the problems pre-
of sufficient ventilation for all work ar- natives can help to solve these problems sented. Only after 13 years from the
eas. It is impossible to ventilate all areas and prevent the costs spiralling out of appearance of the technique, the Ipueira
of the mine simultaneously; this would control (Davidse, 2015, cited Deloitte, Mine (Bahia) has become the pioneer of
result in an extremely large amount of 2015). According to Pinto (2018), the this application in Brazil.
2. Methodology
This article aims to discuss tech- survey of current practices and discus- review, was carried out to identify per-
nical, cost and safety aspects of under- sions with miners (technical visits and tinent problems and existing techniques
ground mine ventilation. A detailed interviews), complemented by literature to minimize ventilation costs.
3. Case studies
A description of some deploy- mines to show the application and for theverification of the efficiency of
ments applied in Brazilian and foreign results of VOD technique is necessary the method.
Most mine ventilation systems are site where mining activity occurs, accord- cost savings on ventilation. The author
inefficiently designed, being more focused ing Hardcastle et al. (2005). In Brazil, in suggests replacing the smaller ducts with
on facilitating production flexibility than the mines studied, ventilation on demand large ducts to reduce the resistance of the
minimizing energy consumption. The is basically concentrated in the main venti- ventilation circuit, widening of chimneys,
energy consumption of a mine, according lation system, using frequency inverters, as and communication between levels or
to several authors from different mining shown in Pereira (2018). Other alternatives between galleries of the same level, which
countries can reach up to 60% of the total are pointed out by Costa (2017) as power are measures that must be also analyzed.
energy consumed underground. off auxiliary fans during shift changes, Table 1 presents a summary of the
The ventilation on demand system sizing production in periods where the mines mentioned in the text, highlighting
(VOD), as evaluated in some Canadian cost of energy is cheaper. Maintenance the yearly economic savings registered
mines, is targeting the operation of aux- and proper installation of ducts allowed by them and the practices that led to the
iliary ventilators that ventilate each work the Ipueira Mine -BA to have a significant desired results.
Characteristic Córrego do Sítio I Mine Cuiabá Mine Lamego Mine Vazante Mine
Number of fans
25 35 23 50
(main and auxiliary system)
Ore Gold Gold Gold Zinc
Current Depth (m) 800 1.400 400 850
Location Santa Bárbara-MG Sabará-MG Sabará-MG Vazante- MG
Cut and Fill (backfill) Cut and Fill; hybrid;
Mining methods Sublevel Stoping Sublevel Stoping
and Sublevel Stoping Room and Pillar
Flow rate (m³/s) 440 400 to 720 500 500
Annual savings (%) 21 25 - 15
CPEC (2005) describe the opera- energy spent in the mine. In the year (2018), it was necessary to increase the utilization
tions that consume the most electricity in the cost of energy in Brazil has increased of the thermoelectric plants, which caused
relation to ventilation in several Canadian due to the water crisis (95% of the electric the increase in energy costs (red flag). As
mines (Table 2). Ventilation is the largest energy is generated by hydroelectric plants). ventilation is one of the largest consumers,
consumer, responsible for 34% of all the The reservoirs were at very low levels and stricter control measures are necessary.
Ventilation Total
Operation/ Unit Costs Minimum Maximum Medium
Relative Relative
Drilling 0.13 0.72 0.43 21% 7%
Blasting 0.21 3.23 1.72 85% 29%
Mucking 0.11 0.33 0.22 11% 4%
Underground Ore transport 0.01 0.25 0.13 6% 2%
Underground Crushing 0.01 0.08 0.05 2% 1%
Hoisting 0.1 0.64 0.37 18% 6%
Ore Transport to Mill 0.01 0.64 0.33 16% 6%
Ventilation 1.11 2.92 2.02 - 34%
Backfill 0.03 0.35 0.19 9% 3%
Dewatering 0.09 0.42 0.26 13% 4%
Other Underground Support 0.05 0.35 0.20 10% 3%
Reducing the energy of the main airflows throughout the mine to provide they are installed. Often the actual demand
ventilation system is highly dependent on the volume of air to where it is needed is varies and may be much lower than the
the rate of primary air fan flow capacity another important characteristic. design capability. The fans typically show
and power of the diesel equipment used The fans are designed to deliver the a number of curves for different fan speeds,
underground. The ability to change the fan maximum demand of the system in which including the efficiency and power required.
558 REM, Int. Eng. J., Ouro Preto, 73(4), 555-560, oct. dec. | 2020
Leandro de Vilhena Costa and José Margarida da Silva
These graphs are very useful in choosing due to the need for high investments in in the Taquari Vassouras Mine-Sergipe,
the ideal fan for any application and they automation and system programming, de- provides saving features for ventilation
are necessary to predict the operational mand for ventilation is in the inicial stages (Moura, 2013). Those would remain
parameters when the operational condition in the studied mines. Most of the Brazilian in strategic places in the return gallery
is changed. underground mines do not have ventilation without the need for displacement,
As the fan power is proportional to on demand. Optimization in ventilation whereas only the ducts would be pro-
the cube of the airflow, then a possible 20% systems is not commonly conducted. Exist- longed, therefore reducing the need for
reduction in the airflow allows savings ing systems remain unchanged and are only loaders (LHDs) in the mining panels for
of about 50% of the energy required to supplemented with additional volumes as the material transportation.
operate the fan. The ventilation is mainly new sections are developed, resulting in a The use of electric trucks and LHDs
dimensioned according to the minimum general loss of efficiency. is an alternative to relieve the ventilation
flow required for diesel equipment, vary- The economic feasibility analysis of system. The use of diesel fuel in under-
ing between 0.05 and 0.06 m³/s per kW. In the implementation of the VOD system for ground mines makes the environment
addition, a minimum air velocity (usually auxiliary fans is also a point to be analyzed, warmer, more polluted, and implies
0.5 m/s) must be maintained in all areas, as studies show, in some mines, being the greater financial cost with ventilation to
according to Brasil (1999). largest consumer of electricity. To do this, dilute toxic gases. The use of electrical
Establishing a comparison between it is necessary to install more flow regula- LHDs can reduce by 33% to 60% (Santo-
the Brazilian and foreign mines, it is tors in the ventilation chimneys and in the mauro, 2017) the energy consumption of
observed that the demand ventilation in accesses to the levels, to ensure the proper the ventilation system. Ventilation costs
the foreign mines presents a deeper level air directioning. will still remain higher, but the cost of
cost control. Brazil is joining the changes Most suitable adjustment in equip- electric LHDs compared to diesel LHDs
recently with many significant results, but ment installation ("setup"), as realized will decrease (Jacobs et al., 2015).
5. Conclusions
The study shows that ventilation has The introduction of electrical equip- can also be used to increase production or
become a priority for the world and Bra- ment generating less heat requiring expand the mine network with the avail-
zilian mines in relation to the economic, less airflow. However, the high cost able ventilation utilities. The adjustment
safety and environmental issues. There of buying equipment hampers their ef- should tailor the use of the equipment, if
were many accidents in the past related fective deployment in Brazilian mines, for example a loader does not work at the
directly or indirectly to this issue. Precari- and have a lower efficiency compared to maximum capacity, emissions are reduced
ous ventilation increases the likelihood of diesel equipment. The studies show that by providing the central location informa-
accidents, illness and low productivity. the reduction of energy consumption in tion, characteristics of the equipment and
Therefore, adequate ventilation is funda- the main ventilation system will depend, its operational performance data, whereby
mental for both safety and the economics mainly, on the power of the diesel the air adjustments can be made poste-
of underground mining. equipment operating underground. riorly. These procedures are responsible
Among the Brazilian mines, two Among the reported practices used for saving thousands of dollars annually.
have installed a high level of ventilation on in Brazil, VOD includes the shutdown and As observed in Table 2, ventilation
demand as a more advanced cost control (or) reduction of the fan speed (through is one of the largest consumers of electric
tool. Only Cuiaba and Ipueira mines fea- frequency inverters) during shift changes, energy, so it is important to monitor and
ture modern control room monitoring of remote fan control and installation of study cost control techniques.
fans, and the use of sensors in some of the flow control sensors (Cuiabá and Ipueira Application of softwares such as
mine points to control the flow and gases Mines). Frequency inverters (speed driv- VENTSIM, widely used in most of the
in an automated fashion. Corrego do Sitio ers) provide additional advantages, such world's mines, allows a more efficient
I and Lamego mines use the simplest form as the ability to control the motor speed control of the ventilation circuit, reducing
of this technique. of any fan in operation. This will be very its resistance and allowing a correct di-
Various tools provide satisfactory advantageous when one fan needs to be mensioning of the amount of air required.
results, and essential use of automation started while the other fans are already Reliable ventilation is vital to the
for monitoring the airflow, speed settings in operation. health and safety of miners, to ensure that
of the fans, their distance from each other The use of VOD does not only lead particulate matter and toxic gases from
or their scheduling in the shift change. to a reduction in energy consumption but diesel engines be adequately diluted.
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