2017 Raintree Nursery Catalog
2017 Raintree Nursery Catalog
2017 Raintree Nursery Catalog
The finest fruit cultivars
from around the world
2 017 1
Celebrating 44 years
Grow Your Own Food more. Visit RaintreeNursery.com to
order these premium size trees.
we have many customers in every
Thank you to our wonderful custom-
ers. Many of you now have children
and grandchildren who are now Flavorful, Disease Looking Towards
customers and they are also plant- Resistant Varieties the Future
ing trees. Together we have planted
more than a million edible plants for Home Gardens The plants, information and ser-
and helped to make our own yards, Our Specialty vice Raintree has provided our
neighborhoods and the planet more customers for 44 years becomes
For those of you who are new to even more important in these times.
sustainable. We are all proud of this Raintree Nursery, we select fruit va-
wonderful legacy. If you don’t have Raintree is looking for an investor
rieties for flavor and ease of grow- who wants to help sustain Rain-
your own land to grow food on, con- ing, with you the backyard gardener
sider contacting your county about tree far into the future! This is an
in mind. We have chosen many of excellent opportunity for a person
a community pea patch in your area. our varieties because they are also
Raintree has for years supported interested in playing an import-
rated among the highest tested for ant role in the sustainability of the
these community growing areas. their nutritional content. We work environment. We are looking for
with important fruit research or- either a person who wants to make
Potted Trees Available ganizations to search the world to only a financial investment or who
Year Round collect the best backyard fruit va- also wants to live in a beautiful, rural
rieties, as you will see as you enjoy environment while carrying Raintree
Our bareroot season is from Feb- our catalog.Raintree customers love forward into the future. To learn
ruary through May, but we can ship our larger, well-rooted fruit trees more, please email to sjwinberry@
potted fruit trees all year long now! and superior dwarfing rootstocks. msn.com.
Among them are apples, perim- Raintree now offers you about 800
mons, olives, citrus, and many cultivars from around the world, and
Index ............................
Bushel and Berry...... 4, 10 & 12 Honeysuckle........................ 71 Pears (European)............ 35-38
Order Form.......................... 95
Butternut............................. 81 Hops................................... 71 Peony................................. 78
Gardeners Supplies......... 88-91
Horseradish......................... 68 Perry Pears.......................... 35
Books-DVDs................... 91-92
Cactus................................ 67 Ho Shou Wu Vine................. 71 Persimmons................... 62-63
USDA Zone Map.................... 2 Cherries......................... 42-45 Huckleberry........................4-5 Plums............................. 50-56
Visit Raintree....................... 93 Cherry Plum........................ 55 Hydrangea.......................... 78 Plum Crosses................. 49-50
Classes............................... 94 Chestnuts....................... 82-83 Plums, Flowering.................. 79
Landscape Designers........... 92 Chilean Guava..................... 67 Jasmine.............................. 71 Pomegranates..................... 64
Landscape Guide/Regional Chocolate Berry................... 21 Jostaberry...................... 19-20 Prunus Mume...................... 56
Info On Website Cider Apples........................ 34 Jujubes............................... 63
Cinnamon Vine.................... 71 Quinces......................... 40-41
Plants Citrus............................. 86-87
Crabapples.......................... 33
Kiwis.............................. 76-77
Kinnickinick......................... 69
BERRIES..........................4-23 Raspberries.................... 10-12
Cranberries......................... 10 Rhubarb.............................. 68
FRUIT TREES.................. 23-58
Currants......................... 18-20 Lavender............................. 69 Rootstocks..................... 58-60
ROOTSTOCKS................ 58-60 Currant Flowering................ 77 Lemongrass........................ 68
UNUSUAL FRUITS........... 60-67 Roses................................. 79
Lemon Guava...................... 67
HERBS........................... 67-70 Rosemary............................ 69
Daylily................................. 79 Lilac............................... 77-78
VINES............................ 71-77 Dogwoods.............. 65, 66 & 78 Lingonberry......................... 15
ORNAMENTALS.............. 77-80 Saffron Crocus..................... 68
Locust............................ 80-81
NUT TREES.................... 81-85 Salal................................... 22
Elderberries.................... 15-16 Loquat................................ 66
BAMBOO, CITRUS, AVOCADOS, Salmonberry........................ 12
Empress Tree....................... 79 Luma.................................. 67
ETC................................ 85-88 Seaberries.......................... 22
Espaliers............................. 30
Serviceberry........................ 22
Eucalyptus.......................... 80 Maples................................ 80
Akebias............................... 72 Magnolia Vine...................... 71 Sichuan Pepper................... 68
All Field Berry...................... 12 Figs............................... 60-61 Mashua............................... 67 Strawberries..................... 8-10
Almonds......................... 83-84 Filberts........................... 84-85 Medlar................................ 56 Strawberry Tree................... 80
Apples........................... 23-35 Flax..................................... 68 Mock Orange....................... 77
Apricots......................... 48-49 Fragrant Spring Tree............. 57 Monkey Puzzle..................... 81 Tea..................................... 64
Aronia................................. 21 Mt. Ash Hybrids................... 63 Thimbleberry....................... 12
Asparagus...................... 68-69 Ginger................................. 69 Mulberries...................... 57-58
Autumn Olive....................... 21 Ginkgo................................ 81 Mushrooms.................... 69-70 Urban Apples....................... 29
Avocados............................ 88 Goji Berry............................ 23
Gooseberries.................. 16-17 Nectarines..................... 46-47 Walnuts.......................... 81-82
Bamboos....................... 85-86 Goumi................................. 20 Oca..................................... 67 Wasabi................................ 68
Banana............................... 66 Grapes........................... 72-75 Olives.................................... 3 Willows................................ 80
Bay..................................... 80 Wintergreen.................... 22-23
Beech................................. 84 Hawthorn............................ 63 Passifloras........................... 72 Woolly Thyme....................... 69
Belgian Fence...................... 30 Herbs............................. 67-70 Paw Paws............................ 65
Blackberries................... 12-14 Highbush Cranberry............. 21 Peaches......................... 45-47 Yacon.................................. 67
visit us online at
Since the beginning of civiliza-
for even more plant tion, a branch of the olive tree
has been an emblem of peace
varieties! and its oil, a symbol of abun-
A mature olive tree of these hardiest
1-800-391-8892 cultivars is hardy outdoors to 14°F.
Olive trees ripen best in relatively
dry climates with hot summers and
produces a world renowned high
Mix or match any moderate winters. However, an
olive tree also grows easily indoors quality, aromatic fruity oil. Its oil
18 4-inch pots in a pot, maintained at 6’ in height content is high, 20-22%. Arbequina
is also an excellent greenish brown
or less. Full sun, well-drained soil,
and save $18! and a warm spot in the garden will table olive bursting with a nutty,
increase the chances of ripening buttery flavor. It thrives in areas
Flats of 18 are less expensive a crop in marginal areas. Enjoy the where winter temperatures don’t fall
to ship, and we pass that creamy white flowers in May and much below freezing and tolerates
savings on to you! When the long graceful evergreen leaves. a variety of soils. The tree can be
ordering online, please note The elliptical leaves are green on top maintained at 10’ tall, is of medium
the 18-pack savings in the and grey below. An Olive tree is slow vigor with a weeping shape. It
Order Comments box. The growing and can live for a thousand often starts bearing the year after
discount will NOT automatically years. 1 gallon pot. Zones 8-10. planting. D
805: $24.50 each
show on your order! We will
deduct your discount when ARBEQUINA A rbequina is a self
we confirm your order by fertile small round olive from the
email. Catalan area in Northeast Spain. It 3
Bushel and Berry ™ Huckleberries
These new dwarf raspberry, blackberry and blueberry plants make it (Vaccinium species) Delicious and
possible for American gardeners to grow delicious, full-size berries rarely available in nurseries, huck-
on sturdy dwarf plants in pots on the patio or deck. Each of these win- leberries are so highly prized that
ter hardy varieties provides gardeners in most of the nation with delicious people have their own secret wild
fruit and the blueberries also provide year round ornamental beauty. All patches. The wild Pacific Northwest
plants are in one quart pots. species generally are called “huck-
RASPBERRY SHORTCAKE™ For those of you with limited space, this dwarf leberries,” and the eastern species
raspberry plant is ideal for container growing. It are called “blueberries.” Huckleber-
grows only 2-3’ tall with a compact growth habit. It ries come in one-gallon pots.
is thornless and produces an abundance of full-size EVERGREEN
sweet, flavorful red raspberries each summer. Your HUCKLEBERRY
family will love harvesting healthful fruit right from (Vaccinium
your patio and no trellising or staking is needed. It ovatum) The
will spread to fill any pot no matter the shape. Like cultivar is
other floricane summer raspberries, once fruiting “Northern Star”
is finished, prune out canes at the base that have and is the best
fruited leaving new canes to fruit the next season. fruiting plant
USDA Zones 5-9. E 360: $19.95 each, 3+: $17.50 for the shade.
each; 6+: $15 each A native of the
BABY CAKES™ THORNLESS BLACKBERRY N EW! Pacific Northwest, this evergreen
Finally you can grow flavorful thornless blackberries in bush is beautiful throughout the
a pot without a trellis. Baby Cakes, a new introduction, year. In the spring and fall, the
is a dwarf, thornless blackberry perfect for container foliage turns from green to a striking
gardening. It ™grows to only 3-4’ tall with a pleasing bronze color. The late summer-
rounded compact habit. In summer, large, sweet ripening berries are dark blue, tart,
blackberries ripen on the tips of the canes. In regions flavorful and a little smaller than a
without very high prolonged summer heat, this blueberry. The shrub grows best in
blackberry will also produce a flavorful fall primocane the shade where it can reach 6-8’
crop. USDA Zones 4-8. E512: $19.95 each, 3+: $16.50 without pruning. In the sun, it only
each grows to 3’ tall. It has a compact,
full growth habit, and spaced
PINK ICING™ BLUEBERRY NEW! Pink Icing is ideal about 3’ apart makes a beautiful
to grow in a pot on the patio or as a year-round edible evergreen hedge. USDA Zones 7-10.
landscape stunner. Grow it for abundant crops of large E180: $19.95 each, 3+: $17.50
sweet blueberries and intense pink spring and iridescent each
blue fall foliage. It grows only 3-4’ tall, and fruit ripens in
mid season. USDA Zones 5-10. E271: $19.95 each, 3+: TALL MT. HUCKLEBERRY(V.
$16.50 each ovalifolium) This rarely offered
Pacific NW native sub alpine bush
BLUEBERRY GLAZE™ This plant grows 2-3’ tall as a bushy grows 4-6’ tall with oval leaves and
mound and is perfect on the patio in a decorative container. an abundance of tasty black fruit.
With its small stature and glossy, dark green leaves, USDA Zones 4-8. E185: $19.95
Blueberry Glaze™ is reminiscent of a boxwood and can each, 3+: $17.50 each
easily be sheared. Enjoy the white and pink spring flowers
followed by lots of small, dark blue berries with intense wild THINLEAF HUCKLEBERRY (V.
blueberry flavor, which are rich in antioxidants. USDA Zones membranaceum) Its fruit is amongst
5-8. E202: $19.95 each, 3+: $17.50 each the largest and best flavored of all
the wild blueberries. Plants can
grow to 5’ tall and produce pink
flowers and dark purple berries up
Blueberry Supplies and Books to ½ inch in diameter. Declared the
BLUEBERRY RAKES These blueberry rakes are handmade in Maine and state fruit of Idaho, these plants
designed for the most efficient harvesting of a specific size of berry. Each grow throughout the Northwestern
is extremely strong, made of sturdy lightweight aluminum with spring states at elevations above 2,000
steel teeth. See Supplies section. feet. They are adapted to cool,
ORGANIC BLUEBERRY FERTILIZER B lueberries, huckleberries,
lingonberries, tea, wintergreen and other acid loving plants will love this
natural fertilizer. Instructions included. 5 lb. bag. T
143: $15 each; Any 4
bags of fertilizer $11.50 each.
great blueberry growers guide. Includes soil prep, planting, pollination,
mulching, watering, pruning, fertilizing, pests, varieties and growing in
containers. All the know how you need to be successful. S 103: $4.99
short seasons. They are grown
from seed, so plant at least two
color is red as is the fall foliage. Unique
Ripens mid-July and bears for a
for pollination. Plants require a month. Bluecrop is widely adaptable Evergreen
well-drained soil, preferably one and a success in the Midwest and Edibles
that is rich in peat. Plants are best much of the nation. USDA Zones
grown in pots until being planted SUNSHINE BLUE A
4-8. E 200 (18-30” size): $17.50 unique evergreen
out carefully with the soil around each, 3+: $14.50 each; E200M
the roots. We guarantee these selection with
(3’+ size): $27.50 each attractive year
plants to arrive in good condition,
but because of their unique habitat JERSEY A round foliage and
requirements, cannot guarantee consistent and hot pink spring
them to grow. USDA Zones 6-8. heavy producer flowers! The bush
E188: $19.95 each, 3+: $17.50 of spicy berries grows 4’ tall and
each with a distinctive produces up to
RED HUCKLEBERRY ( Vaccinium old-time blueberry 10 pounds of delicious, light blue,
parvifolium) A deciduous flavor. The fruit medium-sized berries. They ripen
huckleberry native to the Pacific ripens from mid- over a very long season from early
Northwest. The bush is attractive August until the August through early September.
throughout the year. It grows 3-5’ first frost. Bright Hardiness to 0°F, a very low chilling
tall and produces pea size pinkish yellow fall leaf requirement of only 150 hours and a
red berries that seem to light up the color and yellow tolerance for higher pH soils makes
bush. The fruit is tangy and great for winter wood on this a perfect choice for the Pacific
making a pie or jelly. USDA Zones this vigorous NW, the South or California. USDA
6-9. E190: $19.95 each, 3+: Zones 7-10.E285 (18-30” size):
$17.50 each upright, 5-6’ tall $17.50 each, 3+: $14.50 each
bush, makes it a
REVEILLE NEW! Reveille has types. This plant has spectacular Choose early through
great flavor and a wonderfully burgundy color in the fall. USDA late ripeners and harvest
pleasing unique crisp, almost Zones 4-8. E275 (18-30” size): for up to 90 days!
crunchy texture. It seems to have $17.50 each, 3+: $14.50 each
a thicker skin than other cultivars BLUEGOLD Early Season Ripeners
and anecdotal information from This blueberry Earliblue Top Hat Misty
gardeners points to it being less produces very Bluecrop Sharpblue Polaris
susceptible to the spotted winged heavy crops of Bluegold Spartan Reka
drosophila fruit fly which lays eggs sweet, flavorful Brunswick Patriot
in even firm fruit. More tests are fruit from early
needed. However its heavy pink to mid-season. Mid-Season Ripeners
spring blooms yield great crops of The beautiful, Reveille Chippewa Hardiblue
medium sized light blue colored compact, Emerald Blueray Blueberry
berries on an upright 5’ tall bush rounded bush Olympia Toro
also making it a great hedge plant. grows only 4’ tall but bears large Rubel Chandler
It needs 600 chill hours and thrives clusters of easy-to-pick berries.
in the Pacific Northwest. USDA Unusual yellow fall foliage and
Zones 7-9. E 279 (12-18” size): Late Season Ripeners
yellow winter wood followed by Pink Legacy Aurora
$16.50 each, 3+: $14.50 each bright white spring flowers make Lemonade
Sunshine Elliott
Bluegold a year-round beauty. It Darrow Blue
Cultivar for the South is among the more winter hardy Jersey Liberty
Groundcover Raspberries A Rare Himalayan Native
for Northern Growers
attractive Himalayan native, these
BERRY rare, 5’ tall bushes have beautiful (Rubus species) Why grow black-
(Rubus glossy leaves and produce small berries when they grow wild along
articus x tasty red fruit. USDA Zones 8-10. 4” roadways and paths? The cultivated
stellarticus) pot. E315: $8.50 each varieties we offer are easy to grow,
Rarely they produce reliably huge loads of
seen in Native Berry Bushes fruit and they have delicious differ-
ences in flavor. Not only that, but we
the United
States, these super hardy THIMBLEBERRY have many varieties without thorns!
groundcover raspberries were (Rubus parviflorus) Raintree offers one-year, well-root-
developed in Sweden. Thick This Northwest ed vines that will grow rapidly. Un-
raspberry foliage grows only one native, related less stated, they may be bare root
foot tall each spring and dies to the raspberry, or potted plants. BLACKBERRIES
completely back to the ground each produces small, ARE PROHIBITED TO HI.
winter, only to resprout vigorously bright red fruit
from the roots the next spring. shaped like the top of a thimble. In
Therefore, the potted plants which spring, white, 1” fragrant flowers Grow Dwarf
we offer may be without top foliage appear on the erect, thornless 4-6’ Blackberries in a Pot
if purchased in winter. The pink bush, and in summer the harvest of BABY CAKES™ THORNLESS
fragrant flowers and juicy, delicious rich, tangy fruit arrives. Plants thrive BLACKBERRY NEW! Finally you
bright aromatic berries add to its in full or partial shade. USDA Zones can grow flavorful thornless
landscape attraction. The fruit 4-9. E 305: $13.50 each, 3+: blackberries in a pot without
ripens over about 6 weeks starting $10.50 each
in July and looks ripe before it is a trellis. Baby Cakes, a new
ready to pick! Wait until it separates SALMONBERRY (Rubus spectabilis) introduction, is a dwarf, thornless
easily from the plant to harvest. The Loads of beautiful pink flowers ripen blackberry perfect for container
plants are fully hardy since they are into golden fruit earlier than any gardening. It grows to only 3-4’ tall
a hybrid of Alaskan and Swedish other berries in Pacific Northwest with a pleasing rounded compact
arctic raspberries. They appreciate forests. The fruit, which resembles habit. In summer, large, sweet
a well drained soil and full sun. Plant raspberries, is very mild, but blackberries ripen on top of the
at 1-2’ spacing and weed and water passing hikers and birds enjoy it. plant. In regions without very high
well to get the plants established. Grow the 6’ tall and wide bushes prolonged summer heat, this
It will take 3 years to start fruiting. (not canes) in partial shade or full blackberry will also produce a
Plant at least two varieties for sun. Watch out for prickly stems. flavorful fall primocane crop. USDA
pollination. All varieties are very Hardy to USDA Zones 4-9. E310: Zones 4-8. E 512: $19.95 each, 3+:
similar. 4” pots.G220S Sophia: $13.50 each, 3+: $10.50 each $16.50 each
$7.50 each; G220V Valentina
$7.50 each; G220A Anna: $7.50
each; G220B Beta: $7.50 each;
G220K All Field Berry Six Pack How To Use Raspberries How To Grow
(includes all four varieties): $36 IN THE LANDSCAPE: Use for hedges or SOIL REQUIREMENTS: Lots of organic
fence rows. The colorful berries beautify matter and good drainage. They cannot
NAGOON BERRY your landscape and fruit salads. Try three take wet feet. If you have wet ground,
hese plants were everbearing plants in a large pot on your plant them on a mound, 18” above the
collected near Juneau, deck or plant a pot with the dwarf Bush- water table. Cascade Delight, Anne and
Alaska. Because of el and Berry™ Raspberry Shortcake™ Autumn Britten do better than the others
their excellent flavor, variety. on wetter sites.
Nagoon berries are CULTURAL REQUIREMENTS: Plant with
a favorite for eating Useful Facts well rotted manure and fertilize the fol-
fresh, making jelly or POLLINATION: Self-pollinating. lowing spring with more manure. Provide
wine. They are closely SIZE AT MATURITY: 4-6 ft. Bushel and adequate moisture during the growing
related to R. articus and considered Berry™ Raspberry Shortcake™ 2-3 ft. season.
to be a form of that species. The HARDINESS: Hardy to at least -20°F, de- PRUNING JULY BEARERS: Prune out
spineless groundcover grows to 6” pending on variety. Everbearers are hardy second-year canes in the fall after they
tall. The plant has attractive pink in most of the nation if cut to the ground are through fruiting. Don’t prune out new
flowers and produces small, very each fall and mulched. USDA Zones 5-9 shoots since they will produce fruit the fol-
flavorful, red, raspberry like fruit ripe unless otherwise noted.
lowing year. Raspberries make excellent
in August. The flowers are either male SUN: Full sun.
hedges or fence rows and benefit from
or female with both sexes eventually SPACING: 20” between plants in rows 5
feet apart. trellising.
present in the same plant. Grow in a PRUNING EVERBEARERS: Caroline,
PROPAGATION: Cutting or digging up
good well-drained loamy soil in sun plants that come up from the roots out- Autumn Britten, Anne, Polka and Rosanna
or semi-shade. This plant is smaller side of the established rows. bear on one and two year old wood. Prune
than R. articus and has smaller fruits. FRUITFUL LIFE: Replace every 10-15 or mow the canes each winter to get a free
4” pots. G 223: $9.50 each, 6+: $8 years as they decline in productivity. standing fall crop without using a trellis.
each YIELD: Up to 2 lbs. per foot of row. Or prune like a July bearer and get both a
BEARING AGE: 1-2 years. July and a fall crop.
Support Needed Enjoy Delicious
to Eat Them All Marion Flavor
T his cultivar can produce 30 (NZ9128-R) This thornless selection
lbs. of large, very sweet, shiny was bred in New Zealand and
blackberries per plant, making introduced by Oregon State
it, with Chester, by far the most University in 2005. It is disease
productive. Fruit has superb resistant, easy to grow, very
flavor both eaten fresh and productive and firm and is prized for
used to make jelly, toppings or making jams. It has Marionberry-
juice. Vigorous canes, up to 2” like flavor but with larger, firmer and
in diameter and 15’ long, thrive of course thornless berries. Harvest
in areas of the country too for up to a month each July. USDA
cold for other blackberries and Harvest the First Year! Zones 6-9. 4”pot. E 573: $8.50
produce huge crops in July and each, 6+: $6.50 each
early August. Grow it as a vining PRIME ARK® FREEDOM
blackberry. Cut new canes the THORNLESSUnlike other MARIONBERRY A lthough thorny,
first summer when they reach blackberries, this unique upright, Marionberry has such an incredible,
6’ tall and snip the laterals back free standing “primocane” rich flavor that many people prefer
to 2’ long in winter. With this blackberry bears ON FIRST it to any other berry for eating out of
method, use a 3’ spacing and a YEAR CANES, like everbearing hand and for making superb pies,
top wire to tie the upright canes. raspberries do. Allow the jellies or juices. Plants consistently
USDA Zones 5-9. 4” pot. E 588: blackberries to grow for a season. produce heavy crops of high quality
$8.50 each, 6+: $6.50 each; Then each winter, cut the canes just fruit starting in July and continuing
E588R (bareroot): $8.50 each above the ground and allow them to for several weeks. USDA Zones 7-9.
grow back. In September through Bareroot E572R: $8.50 each
harvest, plant Chester, which starts the fall, simply harvest the fruit or,
its huge production right when Triple if you wish, like with raspberries, Wild Berries Tamed
Crown leaves off. Very large, flavorful you can allow the canes to grow for WILD TREASURE THORNLESS An
berries start ripening in August and a second incredible find from Oregon State
an extremely heavy production year University researchers: the wild
continues all the way until frost. Very and they meets the thornless. This cross
similar to Triple Crown, fruit is borne will also between the wild Cascade trailing
on vigorous, thornless canes that produce blackberry and the thornless
resist cane blight. Plants fruit well in a crop Waldo blackberry combines the
warm weather but don’t fully ripen in in July. best qualities of both. Berries,
cold maritime autumns. USDA Zones Prime which are smaller than Waldos
5-9. 4” pot. E525: $8.50 each, 6+: Ark® but bigger than Cascades, are so
$6.50 each thrives in the Pacific NW and as far sweet, delicious and numerous
north as central Minnesota and that they have amazed and won
Freestanding! No New York. It is a low chill selection, every tasting panel. The self-fertile,
however it doesn’t produce well early ripening plants are vigorous,
Support Needed in places like the deep South, disease tolerant and thornless.
Now grow loads of delicious, where summer temperatures are Wild Treasure will make a winning
thornless blackberries easily ei- consistently above 90°F. Plants are addition to the garden, its fruit
ther with or without a trellis. These hardy in the winter to 10°F or below prized for fresh eating and baking.
large, round berries are scrumptious, zero if cut back to the ground and Wild Treasure retains excellent
juicy and abundant. Plant them 2-3’ heavily mulched. The large, very flavor of the wild berry and has the
apart for an edible hedge. To grow sweet berries ripen in June or July highest nutritional content of all the
them as freestanding plants, allow and again in September. Plant in a blackberries we offer. USDA Zones
the erect thornless cane to reach 4’ row 2-3’ apart. USDA Zones 6-9. 4” 7-9. 4” pot. E545: $9.50 each, 6+:
tall in the summer, then tip it back to pot. E574: $9.50 each, 6+: $7.50 $7.50 each
encourage fruiting laterals. The fol- each
lowing spring, tip the laterals back at
2’ lengths and watch the luscious fruit Early Season Mid Season
form. In winter, simply cut out canes Super Flavor Later Obsidian Boysenberry
that have finished fruiting, and get in the Season Loganberry Marionberry
ready for your next crop. Fruit grows
on canes that grew the previous ONYX TRAILING O nyx is a trailing Apache Triple Crown
season. USDA Zones 6-9. Apache blackberry from the OSU breeding Wild Treasure Black Diamond
Thornless and Prime Ark® Freedom program in Corvallis, Oregon. It was
Thornless are patented from the Uni- selected for its superior flavor in Tayberry
versity of Arkansas. the late season. Onyx is a vigorous, Late Season Cascade Trailing
somewhat erect, thorny, trailing Loch Ness Cascade
top, this upright, thornless selection blackberry that produces moderate Chester
produces a heavy load of large, yields of uniform, firm, sweet and
very high-quality fruit. 4-inch pot. Prime Ark® Freedom
flavorful fruit that ripens in late June.
4” pot. E505: $8.50 each, 6+: E557: $11.50 each, 6+: $8.50
$6.50 each each 13
CASCADE TRAILING (Rubus ursinus) Great Scots!
Every summer from Alaska to
Some of the most productive and
How To Use
Northern California, fruit lovers in
the know pick and trip over these delicious blackberries were de- Blackberries
sweet, especially tasty, native trailing veloped in the cool climate of the IN THE KITCHEN: Make cobblers,
blackberries. We offer a selection Scottish Crops Research Institute pancakes, pies, mousses, sauces and of
found by Mike Maki that is among in Invergowrie. They have proven course, jams, jellies and wine.
the biggest and sweetest ever found, widely adaptable in the U.S. IN THE LANDSCAPE: Use as a barrier
although still small. Grow them on a hedge or trellised on a fence. Grow the
trellis, so they won’t be underfoot and LOCH NESS Try this new, richly tart, dwarf Babycakes™ or other freestanding
so you can pick lots of fruit which is thornless Scottish blackberry for cultivars in a pot.
otherwise only available in the wild its monstrously large, shiny black
and fetches a very high price! We fruit. Semi-erect canes are highly Useful Facts
offer female plants that need to be productive and can be grown like POLLINATION: Self-pollinating, except
pollinized. Unless you have a wild raspberries, with little support. for Cascade Trailing.
trailing male in the neighborhood, HARDINESS: (See varietal descriptions)
Space canes 6’ apart. Expect a In very cold winter areas, a way to make
also plant Tayberry or Cascade. big crop of fruit that ripens late
USDA Zones 7-9. 4” pot. E 520: all varieties much hardier is to lay the
for a blackberry, in August and canes on the ground and cover them in
$8.50 each, 6+: $6.50 each September complementing the late fall with soil, snow or a thick mulch.
CASCADE Thought to be a cross earlier varieties. USDA Zones 5-9. Uncover them in the early spring.
between Loganberry and wild E550R (Bareroot 2 year canes): HARVEST TIME: August through Sep-
Cascade trailing blackberry (which $8.50 each tember, Chester through October.
it will pollinate), this berry was a PROPAGATION: Cuttings, tip layering.
very popular backyard crop 40 TAYBERRY LIFE EXPECTANCY: 6 to 25 years
years ago, but it has long since This heavy- BEARING AGE: 2 years; Prime Ark 1
been unavailable. Many still ask for bearing year.
it, because of an unmatched wild PLANT SPACING: Each variety differs in
backyard vigor. Plant 6-8’ apart unless otherwise
trailing blackberry flavor, higher winner, noted. Boysenberry 5’; Tayberry 4’. All
productivity. and much larger size. a cross vines can be tied to a trellis. All except
Fruit ripens in July. USDA Zones between Tayberry can also be wrapped around a
7-9. 4” pot. E 515: $8.50 each, 6+: blackberry wire.
$6.50 each EXPOSURE: Sun or partial shade.
YIELD: 10-30 pounds per plant.
Delicious Raspberry/ was
soils. Will tolerate some poor drainage.
Blackberry Crosses developed PESTS AND DISEASES: Few.
BOYSENBERRY A distinctly tart, in Scotland. Vigorous, arching, CULTURAL REQUIREMENTS: Prune
juicy cross between blackberry thorny canes produce large, out all canes in the autumn after they
flavorful berries that are very long, bear fruit. Blackberries, except Prime
and red raspberry, these large, Ark bears only on last year’s growth.
red-black berries mature at up to narrow and reddish black when Train on wires or fences, except the free
2” long. The harvest of delicious, ripe. Tayberry can be grown in standing cultivars.
aromatic fruit continues to ripen for a sprawling clump, like a black TRAINING: Keep the canes off the
up to two months. Try eating them raspberry. USDA Zones 5-9. E585R ground to make care easier. Keep the
fresh with cream or baking into a (Bareroot): $8.50 each new vines and the two year old bearing
spectacular pie—exceptional. Trellis vines separate so you can prune off and
the trailing, vigorous canes. USDA remove them after they bear. See own-
Zones 6-10. 4” pot.E510: $8.50 Caneberry Supplies er’s manual that comes with each order.
each, 6+: $6.50 each; E510R (1-
2’ bareroot plant): $8.50 each BERRY WIREWe offer 14 For Your Health
gauge soft galvanized wire
THORNLESS to trellis your kiwis, grapes, Many varieties of blackberries have
LOGANBERRY espaliers or berries. Minimum more anthocyanins than blueberries.
The thornless They are also high in fiber. Wild Treasure,
order 200 feet. T070: 15 Chester, Logan, Boysenberries and
Logan is thought cents a foot. T070R (2,900’
to be a wild Marionberries are among those rated
roll): $160 highest in nutritive values.
cross between a
blackberry and BERRIES, RASP & BLACK 3 1
a red raspberry. pages. Learn how to grow and
Mix or match
Plants are only prune them. S 040: $3.95
about half as ORGANIC CANEBERRY &
any 18 4-inch
either Marionberry or Tayberry. Help your raspberries,
The large, flavorful fruit has a blackberries and strawberries
unique quality that is highly prized. to thrive. Apply 1/2 pound per
ten feet of row or ten square
pots and
Many people prefer the flavor to all
others. USDA Zones 6-10. E560R feet of bed. Instructions
(Bareroot 2 year canes): $8.50 included. 5 lb. Bag. T140:
each $15 each; Any 4 bags of
fertilizer $11.50 each
save $18!
Lingonberry Facts
Lingonberries POLLINATION: Partially self-fertile. Two
varieties improve pollination.
(Vaccinium vitis-idaea) We have the SIZE & PLANT SPACING: Average one
best European cultivars! Scandi- foot height and spacing.
navians love these fantastic edible HARDINESS: Lingonberries can with-
stand arctic temperatures. In very severe
evergreen ground covers that pro- climates they can be covered with peat or
duce delicious cranberry-like berries sawdust in the winter.
great for sauces, jellies and cooking. USDA Zones 3-8.
They are attractive, easy-to-grow HARVEST TIME: Late fall.
plants with bright red fruits the size of SUN OR SHADE: Semi-shade, full sun in
a blueberry. cool summer areas.
RED PEARL Red Pearl is productive FIRST FRUIT: 2 years.
and the easiest to grow! This variety with lush foliage, a small crop of pea YIELD: 1/2 to 1 pound per plant.
is selected in Holland for its tasty size fruit and bright pink blooms. 4”
fruit, vigorous growth and brilliant pots.G1404: $12.50 each How To Grow
green foliage. It is a great pollenizer. SOIL REQUIREMENTS: pH below 5.8.
Grows to 16” tall. 4” pots.G130: Lingonberry Supplies Needs good drainage.
$10.50 each, 6+: $9.00 each, 18+ SWEDISH LINGONBERRY RAKE
$8.00 each very well made red plastic rake
soil well mixed with peat. Mulch with 3 to 4
inches of sawdust. Don’t over water. Don’t
IDA Ida sports large flavorful berries that makes picking lingonberries, cultivate as the roots are just below the
and produces two crops a year, one huckleberries, currants and other surface.
in mid summer and again in late fall. small fruit easy. Rake it over the
It is a vigorous growing compact branch and the berries fall into the
bush that grows to only 8” tall. 4” container. It will
pots.G136: $12.50 each, 6+: save you hours of in large, flat-topped clusters in June
$10.00 each picking. Imported and are used in cooking and cos-
BALSGARD This heavy bearing from Sweden. metics. Each is in a 1 gallon pot.
commercial variety from the T300: $24.50
Swedish University of Agriculture each
has large fruit which is very flavorful CHILDREN’S
Cultivars for Fruit
and easy to grow! Grows to 8” tall. BERRY PICKER Production
4” pots.G135: $12.50 each, 6+: RAKEJust like HASCHBERG(Sambucus nigra) We
$10.00 each the Swedish found this heavy bearing Austrian
REGAL NEW! A vigorous ornamental Lingonberry rake variety in Switzerland. The black
upright plant that grows up to 15 but about half size. berries form in very large clusters
inches tall with a two foot spread. It will enable a half on long stems. The bush is vigorous
It produces both an abundant pint to pick a half pint or more. T307: and spreading, growing to about
summer and a late fall crop of bright $14.50 each 10’ tall. It combines the flavor and
red fruit that gets quite sweet when LEAF & STEM SHAKING TRAY P lace medicinal qualities of the wild
fully ripe. Developed by the U. of lingon, blue or other berries in this European black elder with heavy
Wisconsin from open pollinated sturdy plastic 13” round, 2” high production and larger fruit.E053:
seed from Finland. USDA Zones red sieve with slotted bottom. Then $18.50 each, 3+ $15 each
3-8. 4” pots.G137: $12.50 each, shake. Most of the leaves and stems
6+: $10.00 each shake out the bottom. Imported KORSOR
from Sweden. T305: $9.50 each (Sambucus
KORALLE NEW! Most popular and nigra) Top rated
productive lingonberry in Europe. It
produces pea sized fruit along the
length of the stem and even fruits
the first year. Its growth habit is
Elderberries commercial variety
in Europe prized
for its nutraceutical
(Sambucus species) Elderberries (medicinal)
upright and bushy and it is slower qualities.
to spread by rhizomes than other are the easiest to grow and care
for of all the fruits and probably the Very similar to
selections. USDA Zones 3-8. 4” Haschberg and
pots.G150: $12.50 each, 6+: most consistently productive.
Allesso. Korsor will
$10.00 each grow to about 8’ tall and produces
SCARLET NEW! S carlet is a Edible European Elders masses of dark blue berries. E033:
beautiful edible and ornamental (Sambucus nigra) Each S. Nigra $18.50 each, 3+: $15 each
groundcover that grows to only 4-8 variety listed will pollinate and must SAMPO ( Sambucus nigra) This lush
inches tall Scarlet produces large be pollinated by another S. nig- Danish variety is being planted
quantities of medium size, tasty red ra cultivar to produce fruit. These commercially in Sweden and
berries on its branch tips and is also sprawling bushes have been used Germany. It bears large crops of
a great pollinizer for other cultivars. in Europe, western Asia, and North flavorful, healthful fruit among the
USDA Zones 3-8. 4” pots.G138: Africa for millenia. They can grow to dark green foliage. Grows to about
$12.50 each, 6+: $10.00 each 15’ or more but are easily pruned 10’ in sun or partial shade. E 023:
DWARF LINGONBERRY (V. vitis- and kept at about 8’ tall. They are $18.50 each, 3+: $15 each
idaea minus) It grows only about 6” beautiful in all seasons. Creamy,
tall but densely covers the ground usually white, scented flowers grow 15
SAMDAL ( Sambucas nigra) beautiful coppery-red turning bright and mouth puckering. But sweet
This Danish cultivar produces yellow. As the season progresses, varieties are wonderful for fresh
large clusters of flavorful, black leaves take on shades of limey eating, and Raintree offers out-
elderberries that ripen in August green. Its dynamic presence standing Canadian and European
and make luscious jam or wine. brightens a shady corner. Not a cultivars not usually available in the
Each year, long shoots sprout from pollinizer. It produces red berries U.S. Gooseberries generally ripen in
the ground; the following season, which should not be eaten raw. July. They grow slowly at the nurs-
they bear fruit high in antioxidants. E054: $18.50 each, 3+: $15 each ery. We offer well-rooted, one-year
USDA Zones 5-8. E020: $18.50 bushes. USDA Zones 3-8 unless
each, 3+: $15 each Eastern Elders Bred otherwise noted.
ALESSO (Sambucus nigra) This
lush Danish variety is being planted
for Fruit Quality JEANNE Jeanne
is a sweet full
commercially in Europe. It bears (Sambucus canadensis) These flavored, very
large crops of flavorful, healthful similar varieties are hybrids of the productive new
fruit among the dark green foliage. eastern North American Elderberry dark red dessert
Grows to about 10’ in sun or partial selected for sweeter, larger, tastier gooseberry with
shade. USDA Zones 5-9. E052: berries. These ornamental compact multiple disease
$18.50 each, 3+: $15 each shrubs grow 6-10’ tall and need 8’ resistance.
spacing. The large clusters of fruit It is the most
ripen in August and make great resistant to powdery mildew of any
Beautiful Edible pies, wine and jam. We offer well cultivar and is also very resistant
Ornamentals rooted plants. Zones 4-9. Select to White Pine Blister Rust. It shows
two varieties for pollination. PRO- less defoliation from sawflies than
Black Lace has beautiful dark red/ do other gooseberry cultivars.
purple foliage that is finely cut like ADAMS P roduces the largest fruit. Jeanne ripens and blooms late,
a Japanese maple. Enjoy the pink Sweet, purple and productive. a week or two after Invicta. The
blooms and edible black fruit. Plant it E030: $11.50 each, 3+: $9.00 bush is upright and grows to about
as a dramatic accent.E067: $22.50 each, 10+: $6.50 each 3’ tall. It is a cross of American
each JOHNS V ery productive. Large
and European gooseberries and
sweet berries. E035: $11.50 each, expected to be excellent for both
VARIEGATED ( Sambucus nigra) home and commercial plantings.
This bush grows to 8’ tall with an 3+: $9.00 each, 10+: $6.50 each It was introduced in 2006 by the
equal spread. Leaf variegation is a NOVA A vigorous grower with huge USDA Germplasm Repository in
cream color against a dark green clusters of large sweet purple Corvallis, OR. E646: $17.50 each
background. Enjoy black fruit in berries. E032: $11.50 each, 3+:
September.E051: $18.50 each, $9.00 each, 10+: $6.50 each COLOSSAL T he egg-shaped fruit
3+: $15 each up to 1 ½ inches in diameter with
RANCH NEW! The productive Ranch translucent green skin. The flesh is
BLUE ELDER variety was selected from the wild sweet and mild. It ripens in mid July
(Sambucus in the mid west where it is grown and is a reliable bearer. Originated
caerulea) This NW commercially. It is drought tolerant in Mankato Minn. by Frank Schwab
native is beautiful and a compact plant. One gallon and introduced in 1974, it is very
in all seasons. In size. E036: $18.50 each vigorous and hardy. E 620: $14.50
the spring enjoy the each; 3+: $11.50 each; 10+: $10
many white flower
clusters. In the fall the 15-20’ tall
bush is covered with large clusters
Gooseberries each
(Malus pumila) Raintree Nursery specializes in offering superior, dis-
ease-resistant apples for the backyard grower. We select varieties from
around the world for their exceptional flavor and ease of growing, each with
unique qualities to recommend it. Gardeners can have apples off their trees RED BELLE DE BOSKOOP T his
from August through November, and they can enjoy the harvest until March heirloom keeper apple originated
or April, since many apple varieties keep for long periods without refrigera- in Boskoop, Holland, in 1856, and
tion. is still prized in Europe where it
is a popular commercial variety.
Ever since early American settlers took their favorite varieties of apples to Trees produce heavy crops of very
their new homesteads, apples have been important in family meals. The large apples that are superior for
harvest from apple trees provides fresh and hard cider, classic American cooking and baking into pies, with a
apple pies, stores of sauces, butters and other delicacies. rich combination of sweet and tart
We indicate, with this apple carrying a shield symbol, those vari- flavors. The apples, russetted over
eties that are disease resistant and easiest to grow organically. a red base, ripen in late October
Even if varieties are not completely scab resistant, many are still accept- and store well all winter with flavors
able for the organic grower who doesn’t demand picture perfect fruit for improving in storage. Trees have
cider or other uses. Also, even though some great selections might require some resistance to scab. Boskoop
more care, the result is worth the effort. We offer sturdy, well-rooted, is rated among the highest in
3-5’ grafted trees on the best dwarfing root stocks. Responding to phytonutrients. A161D (EMLA
requests, we also offer mini-dwarfs (2-3’ trees) and full size apple trees. dwarf 26): $26.50 each; A161T
USDA Zones 4-9 unless noted. (EMLA 27): $28.50 each; A161F
(Antanovka): $26.50 each
Our Russets Have Incredible Flavor ASHMEAD’S KERNEL The
incredible sweet-tart flavor of
Russetting develops naturally on the skin of some apple va- this superb heirloom apple has
rieties. Many of the russets possess incredible combinations made it a connoisseur’s favorite.
of flavors that make them among the finest flavored apples in Discovered in Gloucester about
the world. Try these classic apple trees in your yard. 1750, scab resistant trees are easy
HUDSON’S GOLDEN GEMDiscovered as a fence row to grow and are grown commercially
seedling in Tangent, OR, about 1931, this tasty, russetted in England today. The medium size
apple was originally marketed as a pear because of its fruit with brown russetting keeps
brownish hue and elongated shape. The delicious flesh is crisp and sweet; extremely well. A090D (EMLA 26)
the flavor is nutty and refreshing. It is productive, bears annually and $26.50 each; A090T (On EMLA
resists scab and mildew quite well. The large fruit ripens in late October 27 mini-dwarf) $26.50 each;
and will hang on the tree well into winter. It’s a good keeper. A400D A090F (Antanovka): $28.50 each
(EMLA 26 rootstock): $26.50 each; A400T (EMLA 27 mini-dwarf):
$28.50 each 23
Resistant Cultivars
Presented with [PRI]de
For years, researchers at the
Purdue, Rutgers and Illinois fruit
breeding program (PRI) have been
developing delicious tasting dis-
ease resistant apples. Notice that
they put the letters “pri” in many
of their patented selections. Try
these wonderful new disease-re-
sistant selections in your yard.
They have been proven to thrive in
produces heavy crops of crisp, backyards throughout the nation.
he juicy, delicious apples in September
deep green disease resistant after a long, mid-season bloom. Best Early Ripeners
foliage makes an enchanting sight A compact spur habit adds to its
in English gardens speckled with winning nature. A385D (ELMA WILLIAM’S
thousands of round golden brown 26 dwarf rootstock): $26.50 PRIDE
orbs. The delicious fruit ripens in each; A385T (EMLA 27 mini- Highly rated for
early October with a delicious nutty dwarf rootstock): $28.50 each; its sweet, rich,
flavor. Eat it with a chunk of cheddar A385TB (Mini Belgian Fence): spicy flavor,
cheese. A250D (EMLA dwarf 26): $39.95 each the large, red
$26.50 each fruit ripens in
WYNOOCHE EARLY A flavorful large early August
ROXBURY RUSSET A fine cider or red and yellow apple that ripens and is the best
dessert apple with great flavor. in mid August and is highly scab of the early
Roxbury is surmised to be the first resistant. It has proven to thrive in apples. Trees are very productive
American variety, originating near maritime and even coastal areas. with strong, well-angled branches.
Boston in the early 17th century. Despite ripening early it keeps for An early season bloomer with
Enjoy the beautiful large golden months. A sweet and tart mixture unusually long lasting blossoms, the
brown, orange blushed fruit each of flavors makes it good for fresh tree is immune to scab and resistant
October. A628D (EMLA 26 eating, pies, or sauce. The tree is to cedar rust and fireblight. A700D
dwarf): $26.50 each spreading and a vigorous grower. (EMLA 26 dwarf): $26.50 each;
BROWN RUSSET T his heritage It blooms in early season. It was a A700F (Antanovka): $28.50
variety is scab and mildew numbered selection from New York each; A700T (EMLA 27 mini
resistant and a great choice for the that was named in Southwest WA dwarf): $26.50 each
organic grower. The fruit, which state. A745D: $26.50 each PRISTINE®
ripens in October, is a pleasing This PRI
brown color and has an excellent, Rezista® Apples selection
sweet flavor. Enjoy it fresh, made Enjoy these outstanding resistant produces large
into a wonderful cider, or kept in a crops of beautiful
box until spring. A110D: $28.50 cultivars from Eastern Europe.
yellow apples
each GOLD STARTMDr. Jaroslav that are crisp
Tupy of the Botany Institute and tasty. Fruit
Disease Resistant in Stricovice, Czech Republic ripens in August.
developed this outstanding scab, Mildly tart, they are excellent for
Yellow Cultivars mildew and fireblight resistant eating fresh, for baking and for
CHEHALIS An excellent choice for cultivar. Large, juicy, yellow apples cooking into applesauce. Trees are
organic growers who like a very have a smooth finish, fine texture highly resistant to scab and cedar
large, sweet yellow apple. This and spicy flavor. Trees bloom mid- apple rust and partly resistant to
old favorite was discovered north season; fruit ripens late October; powdery mildew and fireblight.
of Chehalis, WA, in 1937. Fruit and keeps very well in storage. On A570D (EMLA 26 dwarf): $26.50
resembles Golden Delicious in EMLA 26 dwarf. A 265D: $26.50 each; A570F (Antanovka):
looks and flavor, but it is larger and each $26.50 each; A570T (EMLA 27
crisper. Reliable, highly productive mini dwarf): $28.50 each; A570E
BELLATM T his crisp large, (3-tiered espalier): $69.95 each;
trees are very resistant to scab elongated bright red apple has
and partly resistant to mildew. Fruit A570DB (Belgian Fence): $39.95
a pleasing combination of sweet each; A570TB (Mini Belgian):
ripens late in September. A 200D and tart flavors. It ripens in late
(EMLA 26 dwarf): $26.50 each; $39.95 each
September and is resistant to scab,
A200T (EMLA 27 mini-dwarf): mildew, fireblight, cedar apple rust,
$28.50 each and red mite. It was developed In Mid-Season Form
GREENSLEEVES O rganic growers by the German Dresden-Pillnitz DAYTON The large, beautiful,
in England rave about this large, program that has combined disease brilliant red fruit is crisp and
beautiful, yellow apple. Bred at resistance with the flavor of Cox’s juicy with a great sweet-tart flavor.
East Malling for its scab and mildew Orange and other highly flavored Very productive trees have an
resistance, the cross between apples. It has a medium sized upright form and strong branch
Golden Delicious and James Grieve growth habit and blooms early to angles, and they are immune to
mid season. (PPAF) On EMLA 26 scab and resistant to both mildew
24 rootstock. A605D: $26.50 each and cedar rust. Fruit on this
superior PRI selection ripens in QUEEN COX
late September. A 240D (EMLA 26 (SELF-FERTILE)
dwarf): $26.50 each; A240TB This patented
(Mini Belgian): $39.95 each; self fertile
A240F (Antanovka): $26.50 clone has the
each; A240T (EMLA 27 mini- flavor, mellow
dwarf): $28.50 each aftertaste and
aroma of the
Disease Resistant Keeper famed Cox’s Orange Pippin. Queen
Cox sets bumper crops of delicious
ENTERPRISE Glossy red apples fruit each year, without a pollinizer, Raintree Owner Sam Benowitz gets bonked
with an excellent sprightly flavor even when fruit set is poor on other on the head by a Flower of Kent apple at
ripen in late October and keep well, apples, including other Cox type Woolthorpe in England. He discovered it
with flavor improving in storage. The apples. The fruit of Queen Cox is hurt!
productive, vigorous, spreading larger and the tree more disease
tree is immune to scab and resistant resistant than Cox’s Orange Pippin.
to fire blight, cedar apple rust and The tree is 15% less vigorous than
mildew. Proven in much of the other Cox varieties. Fruit ripens in
nation. A 300D (EMLA 26 dwarf): early September. The only reliably
$26.50 each; A300T (EMLA 27 self-fertile apple. A
581D (EMLA 26
mini-dwarf): $28.50 each dwarf): $26.50; A581T (EMLA 27
mini dwarf $28.50 each; A581F
Cox’s Corner (Antanovka): $28.50 each
Some of the world’s finest tasting ELLISON’S
apples have the English legend ORANGEA
Cox’s Orange Pippin as a parent. favorite of English
organic growers
CHERRY COX A medium-size, since 1904, this Cox’s
round, deep-red apple that is Orange x Calville
consistently productive and has Blanc cross, bred
excellent Cox’s Orange-like flavor. in Lincolnshire, England, combines
It is a sport of Cox’s Orange Pippen an outstanding aromatic flavor with
from Denmark. It is easy to grow heavy cropping and resistance to
and somewhat disease resistant. scab. The complex flavor is at once JOHNNY
Cherry Cox ripens in early October sweet and tart with a hint of anise, APPLESEED In the
and has a compact spreading and the flesh is crisp and juicy. A 1830’s, thousands
growth habit. It blooms in mid wonderful choice for the organic of apple trees were
season. It is a reliable favorite orchard, but these apples do not planted in Ohio by
here at Raintree. A 185D (EMLA keep well. Ripens mid-September. one John Chapman,
26 dwarf): $26.50 each; A185T USDA Zones 4-9. EMLA 26 dwarf. who earned the
(EMLA 27 mini dwarf): $28.50 A252D: $26.50 each nickname Johnny
each Appleseed for his
KARMIJN DE Rubinette is loved work. Nearly two centuries later,
SONNAVILLEThis for its delicious it is extremely rare to find a tree
intensely flavored, sweet/tart flavor. documented to be a graft from
red russetted apple Loads of incredibly one of Johnny’s trees, but Raintree
from Holland claims delicious, small- acquired one. It was tracked down
both high sugar and medium, attractive by Scott Scogerboe, who found
high acid content, orange colored apples ripen an old newspaper article that
making it a fresh- in early October. It is Golden told of an Ohio homestead where
picked favorite. A triploid cross Delicious X Cox’s Orange Pippin Johnny Appleseed had planted a
between Cox’s Orange Pippen and from Switzerland and a favorite tree. Early in the 20th century, a
Jonathan, it inherited great qualities of European growers. EMLA 26 student who visited the homestead
from both parents, but good looks rootstock. A625D: $26.50 each took a cutting, grafted a new tree
is not one of them. You will only be and planted it in his family’s yard.
able to benefit from the impressive The child who planted the grafted
flavor and aroma by growing your Historic Apple Trees tree, now elderly, retired from the
own. Some people prefer the flavor FLOWER OF KENTAs the story same school where Scott found the
a month or so after harvest, when goes, Sir Isaac Newton’s laws of ancient tree.This tree is productive
the complexity has mellowed. When gravity were inspired by an apple with medium to large red apples
apples ripen in mid-October, store that fell from the Flower of Kent over yellow background. The flesh
them in a box in anticipation of even tree at Woolsthorpe Manor in is sweet and the texture is a little
finer flavors all winter. This vigorous Lincolnshire, England. The original mealy. However, it is surprisingly
tree, with some resistance to scab, tree, now long gone, lives on from good for a seedling and was
thrives in the Pacific Northwest. grafts taken in the 1800’s. The tree probably kept all these years for its
A420D (On EMLA 26 dwarf): produces green, oval, mealy, sub flavor and ease of growing. A 465SA
$26.50 each; A420T (EMLA 27 acid apples used for cooking. They (MM106 semi dwarf rootstock):
mini dwarf rootstock): $28.50 flower and ripen late. On EMLA 7 $28.50 each
each; A420S (EMLA 7): $28.50 semi-dwarf rootstock. A249S:
each $26.50 each 25
amed for
Apple Tree Park in Vancouver, WA, its purple-red fruit, this popular
this living tree, planted between heritage apple turns almost black
1826 and 1830, is believed to when fully ripe. It is a favorite in the
be the oldest apple tree in the Midwest and upper South. It is an
Pacific Northwest. The small green excellent keeping apple with firm,
apples ripen in September and crisp flesh and a tart, aromatic
are used for pie or cider. The old flavor that mellows in storage.
apple tree was planted from seeds Apples ripen late in the season on
brought from England. Plant a bit trees that are somewhat resistant
of history in your yard, too. The to cedar-apple rust and fireblight.
community celebrates the Old A088S (MM106 semi-dwarf
Apple Tree Festival each year on rootstock): $26.50 each
the first Saturday in October to FAMEUSE C alled the snow apple
commemorate this historic tree. for its bright white flesh that is
A470S (EMLA 7 semi-dwarf): sometimes streaked red, this small
$26.50 each orange-red apple has been an
BARDSEY This amazing unique
apple comes from the windswept American favorite for more than
Bardsey Island off the coast of More Flavor-Packed 250 years. Tender, juicy apples that
ripen in September have a great
Wales and is available for the first Heritage Apples sweet/tart flavor that is prized for
time to American gardeners. The fresh eating, cooking and making
fruit is pink striped over a yellow For hundreds of years, Americans
base and is picked in Wales in have enjoyed these great old culti- an aromatic bitter/sweet cider.
late September and stores until vars! MM106 semi dwarf. A658S:
November. The tree flowers TOMPKINS KING Known as King, $26.50 each
early in the season. The fruit also the large yellow-green apples with
appears to be scab free. It grows red stripes are excellent for eating Gravenstein Strains
and produces well here at Raintree fresh, for cooking and for cider The old-fashioned Gravenstein,
Nursery and should do well in making. They also keep well. This known for its wonderful, tangy flavor,
other maritime climates. Bardsey highly prized apple is a tip bearer. is the ideal sauce, pie and cider ap-
Island has long been associated (Tip bearer pruning note: Wait ple. Allow the vigorous tree some ex-
with religious activity. Pre-Roman to prune until two inches of new tra room. Fruit ripens in early Septem-
Celts visited the Island to pray and growth has begun in spring. Then ber, but is biennial, bearing a heavy
often to die on this most western prune back to 6-8” of last years crop every other year. There are many
isle. During early Christian times growth!) A480D (EMLA 26 dwarf): old time “strains”. Each tastes the
Bardsey was a place of pilgrimage. $26.50 each same but looks different. Some have
Three trips to Bardsey Island were NORTHERN SPY A mong the best skin that is solid red, some are mainly
said to equal a pilgrimage to Rome. keepers, Northern Spy has thin skin green and others striped.
Anybody buried on Bardsey was and very crisp, delicious flesh with
said to be guaranteed eternal SHEETS GRAVENSTEIN T he
salvation. Raintree has worked with a sweet/tart flavor that is prized for striped “Sheets” strain. A381T
permacultural landscaper Bruce cooking and eating fresh. Although (EMLA 27 mini dwarf): $26.50
Weiskotten to introduce this apple very hardy, trees bloom late in each; A381D (M26 dwarf):
to American gardeners. A royalty on spring and fruit ripens in November, $26.50 each
each apple sold will be returned to making full ripening in cooler
parts of the Pacific Northwest a WORTHEN GRAVENSTEINWe offer
the apple’s developers on Bardsey the red “Worthen Strain.” A 380D
Island.A105D (EMLA 26 dwarf): challenge. The outstanding fruit
convinces many people throughout (EMLA 26 dwarf) $26.50 each
$28.50 each; A105T (EMLA 27
mini-dwarf): $28.50 each: A105F the U.S. to grow it, even though it FRED GRAVENSTEIN NEW! T his
(Antanovka) $28.50 each is biennial and takes a few years to strain of Gravenstein, has the
come into production. Rated very wonderful complex flavor and all
NEWTOWN PIPPIN Newtown Pippin high in phytonutrients.A277D the other traits of the Gravenstein
was the workhorse of Washington, (EMLA 26 dwarf): $26.50 each apple. We selected it in a trial
Jefferson and other colonial of more than a dozen strains of
American’s orchards. Also known WOLF RIVER
his beautiful, Gravenstein at the WSU Mt. Vernon
as Albemarle Pippin and Yellow trials for its large size, productivity
Newtown, it is a large yellow green red apple from
Wisconsin, with and beautiful red and yellow color.
deliciously sweet/tart aromatic A383D (EMLA 26 dwarf): $26.50
apple with white dots on the skin. a mild pleasant
flavor, gets each
A large crop of fruit ripens in mid
October but keeps for many months bigger than
and tastes best after a month or any others
more of storage. It blooms mid we offer. Just
season with Rubinette and Spartan. one is enough
It originated in Newtown on Long to make
Island New York in 1759. A475D almost a whole pie. Wear a hard
(EMLA 26 semi dwarf rootstock): hat while picking or it may make
$28.50 each; A475DB (Belgian a big impression on you! Trees
fence): $39.95 each are resistant to scab and mildew
and very winter hardy. MM106
26 rootstock.A720S: $26.50 each
The McIntosh Clan SPARTAN A
beautiful dark red World’s Best
medium size McIntosh type dessert
Northeastern growers have long quality apple. Spartan is scab and Cooking Apples
loved the unique sweet/tart flavors mildew resistant and is rated among
of the MacIntosh apple. Now most BRAMLEY The English are particular
the highest in antioxidents. Trees about their cooking apples, and this
of the nation can enjoy that flavor. bear early and regularly Fruit ripens
We offer a number of delicious dis- large, round, green-yellow apple
in mid-October and is excellent with red stripes is the most widely
ease resistant off-spring of MacIn- for keeping. A660D (EMLA 26
tosh. dwarf): $26.50 each used. Apples are firm and juicy
and they
NY 75414-1This beautiful dark red cook to
apple has an excellent combination perfection.
of sweet and tart flavors and is When
resistant to apple scab, mildew
and fireblight. Bred at the New ripe, they
York Fruit Testing program, it has are good
been extremely productive and of for fresh
superior flavor at fruit tasting trials eating, too.
at Mt. Vernon, Washington. It ripens Spreading
in early October. A 555D (EMLA 26 trees bear heavily and regularly
dwarf): $26.50 each and resist scab and mildew. Enjoy
SHAYThe scab immune and mildew ripe fruit in early October Bramley
resistant apple provides a heavy is rated among the highest in
new, productive, crop each year at Raintree in late phytonutrients. MM106 semi-dwarf
all-purpose Canadian cultivar September on a sturdy, well- stock. A 140S: $26.50 each
that combines flavor and keeping branched tree. The red, elongated
ability with cold and disease KING EDWARD VIIThis large,
fruit is crisp, sweet and great for yellow-green apple, named in
resistance. The sweet, medium fresh eating. Developed by the
to large, deep red apples ripen in late Dr. Ralph Shay at Oregon 1902, has been popular in English
late September or early October State University from a planting at gardens as an outstanding fresh
and keep three months or more. Purdue.A650D (EMLA 26 dwarf): eating and cooking apple. The scab
A delicious, sweet/tart MacIntosh $26.50 each resistant tree flowers very late and
flavor suggests parent Spartan. misses early frosts. Fruit ripens
Belmac resists scab, mildew, and in early October and cooks to a
cedar apple rust, thrives in eastern Surprise your Friends with firm, flavorful, translucent puree.
Canada, and has proven a winner Red-Fleshed Apples
in western Washington. It was bred EMLA 26 dwarf rootstock. A 485D:
by Dr. Shahrokh Khanizadeh in Apples with red flesh are very high in $26.50 each
Quebec and introduced in 1996. phytonutrients.
Offered under agreement with Ag. MOTT PINK This
Canada, Quebec. Includes $1.20
royalty per tree. (Ask us for a quote.
crisp, juicy variety Bramley
We can custom grow commercial
makes a delicious
pink applesauce
Apple Pie
quantities!) A 100D (EMLA 26 from loads of Recipe
rootstock): $26.50 each; medium-size,
A100T (EMLA 27 mini dwarf yellow fruit with pink This is the
rootstock): $26.50 each; A100F flesh. Fruit ripens best we’ve
(Antanovka): $26.50 each tasted! En-
on the productive tree in early to
LIBERTY Dark, polished red skin mid-September. EMLA 26 dwarf joy Raintree
and intense, sprightly flavor make rootstock. A553D: $26.50 each horticulturist Theresa Knutsen’s
this medium size, elongated recipe: The Filling: 6 cups Bram-
apple a long-standing favorite. ALMATA F or beautiful apple sauce ley apples, peeled and sliced. ½
Trees that were bred in New York and jelly, few compare with this cup sugar, 1 tbsp corn starch, 1
for high scab, cedar apple rust, flavorful, large red apple with bright tsp cinnamon, 2/3 tsp allspice.
fireblight and mildew resistance pink flesh. Red leaves and bright Mix dry ingredients, blend with
thrive in the Pacific NW and pink spring blossoms make it a apples, let stand 10 minutes and
throughout most of the nation. great edible ornamental. It is very then put in pie crust. Dot with 1
Among the highest cultivars in winter hardy, with fruit ripening in tbsp butter or margarine. Top with
antioxidants. Every year, a large October. On EMLA 7 semi dwarf lattice pie crust. Bake at 450F
crop ripens on this spreading tree rootstock. A085S (MM106 semi- for 10 minutes, then 350F for 45
in early October. A520D (EMLA dwarf): $26.50 each minutes. The Crust: 2 cups flour,
26 dwarf rootstock): $26.50 ½ tsp salt, 3/4 cup shortening, 5
HANSEN’S RED FLESHA beautiful tbsp water: Sift flour and salt. Cut
each; A520T (EMLA 27 mini tree with copper colored leaves and
dwarf rootstock): $28.50 each; shortening into flour until thor-
red flowers. The elongated, deep red, oughly blended, gently cut in wa-
A520F (Antanovka): $28.50 flavorful, September apples are 2”
each; A520SA (EMLA 7 semi ter until dough clumps together.
long. The pink flesh makes a clear, Makes one 8- to 10-inch pie with
dwarf): $26.50 each; A520TB delicious red jelly. A great landscape
(mini Belgian fence): $39.95 top and bottom crust.
tree, Hansen’s is beautiful in all
each; A520DB (EMLA 26 dwarf seasons.A600S (MM106 semi-
Belgian Fence): $39.95 each dwarf): $26.50 each 27
Enjoy the Best Japan spring pollinating weather. The scab
and mildew resistant apple from
Top Rated in Most
Has to Offer Japan is an excellent variety for the of the Nation
The Japanese, in general, love their organic grower. It ripens in early MELROSE T
his flavorful red apple
apples large, sweet and juicy! September. A 020S (MM106 semi is top rated for reliability & keeping.
dwarf): $26.50 each; A020T Properly stored in the garage, it
SANSA Extra early, ripening in late (EMLA 27): $28.50 each
August, this juicy, crisp, sweet fruit can keep until May. A heavy crop
from Japan has the best qualities of tart apples, great for cooking or
of both parents, Akane and Gala. A A Wonder from eating fresh, ripens in late October.
pretty red blush covers the yellow, Down Under Melrose is the official Ohio state
medium-large, conical fruit. Sansa apple. A540D (EMLA 26): $26.50
has resistance to both fireblight PINK LADY®This beautiful new each; A540T (EMLA 27 mini
and scab and also keeps well for apple from Western Australia has dwarf): $26.50 each
an early apple. EMLA 26 dwarf. a pink blush on its yellow skin. The
medium-size, conical fruit has JONAGOLDFirm, crisp, and highly
A635D: $26.50 each flavored, this sweet, large, red and
fine-grained flesh that is at once
BENI tangy and sweet, crisp and crunchy. yellow apple scores on top in taste
SHOGUN FUJI Apples are great for eating out of tests. A generous load of apples ripen
Many fruit hand and are prized for fruit salads, early to mid-October and keep well.
connoisseurs since they do not brown easily after Many orchards in the Northwest are
love the crisp, being cut. Pink Lady (G. Delicious x grow Jonagold commercially. A460D
juicy, very Lady Williams) ripens in late October (EMLA 26): $26.50 each; A460DB
sweet flavor of and needs a hot summer climate to (Belgian fence): $39.95 each
the Japanese ripen. A580D (EMLA 26 dwarf):
apple Fuji, EMPIRE(Macintosh x Red Delicious)
$26.50 each If you like McIntosh, you will love the
the regular tart, crisp, aromatic and tasty Empire.
Fuji requires Minnesota Marvels The apple ripens in September with
a long ripening season, making Very Versatile dark red skin and cream-colored
flesh. It is excellent for fresh eating
it hard to grow in the Pacific ZESTAR This patented, superior
Northwest and other areas with and salads and good for sauce,
winter hardy, early season apple baking, pies and freezing. Kids love
relatively cool summers. After thrives in the Northern half of the
testing many types of Fuji apples in Empire’s sweet-tart taste and super
nation! Zestar ripens in late August crunchy texture. Planted widely in
the Pacific Northwest, researchers and has a delicious crunchy flavor.
recommend Beni Shogun, which New York since 1966, it is the most
It will keep nicely for a month and a successful apple introduction from
has excellent flavor and ripens half. The tree is a reliable producer
almost a month earlier than the Cornell. Empire has low susceptibility
of large red apples. USDA Zones to fireblight, and it has outstanding
standard Fuji. This selection blooms 3-8. A 740D (EMLA 26 dwarf):
in mid-season and will thrive in $26.50 each fruit quality, firmness and storage.
much of USDA Zones 5-9. Patent A257S (EMLA 7): $26.50 each;
7997. A120D (EMLA 26 dwarf): HONEYCRISP A257DB (M26 Belgian Fence):
$26.50 each (Macoun x $49.95 each
SHIZUKA From Pick this Apples for the South
Japan comes superior red
this Golden apple with a 3x1 LOW CHILL COMBO APPLE
Delicious x crunchy crisp I n Southern California, Arizona,
Indo cross, texture and Hawaii, Florida and other warm
leaving smiles juicy sweet- winter areas where winters
in its wake. The tart flavors in provide little chill, (100 to 200
beautiful, very September hours is sufficient) this
large, firm, yellow with pink blushed or let it combination grafted
fruit is very sweet with low acidity, develop its apple on M111 rootstock
and will ripen about mid October. It full aromatic will produce sweet,
is also an excellent keeper. A 655D flavor by leaving it on the tree crisp apples. You will
(EMLA 26 dwarf rootstock): until mid-October. From the U of receive a tree with 3 of
$26.50 each Minnesota, it is among the most the following 4 cultivars: Anna
AKANE winter hardy of apple trees, showing Gordon, Fuji, Anna
Pronounced little damage at -40°F. It resists and Dorset Golden. Anna is a red
“ah-kah-nay,” scab and has shown no problems blushed apple from Israel, good
this firm, with fireblight. Enjoy it great fresh fresh or cooked, early in the season.
crisp and fully or in pies, crisps and apple sauce. Dorsett Golden, from the Bahamas
flavored red Honeycrisp is among the most ripens in mid season. It is much like
eating apple nutrient-rich of supermarket- Golden Delicious, firm and flavorful.
produces available varieties. USDA Zones Gordon is a flavorful red apple good
good crops 3-8. A 410D (EMLA 26 dwarf for cooking or fresh eating that
every year, rootstock): $26.50 each; A410T ripens later in the season. This very
no matter (EMLA 27 mini-dwarf): $28.50 productive tree will grow to about
how bad the each; A410F (Antonovka): 15-20’, but can be kept shorter with
$26.50 each; A410TB (Mini pruning. Self-fertile. Blooms early
28 Belgian): $39.95 each season. A803LC: $48.50 each
Urban Apples®
Urban Apples® are NEW columnar trees that produce their fruit on spurs
along the main stem. Each combines disease resistance, flavor and ease
of growing in small spaces. Each has a narrow upright habit, ideally suited
to grow in a container on a patio or as a small tree in the ground. Like other
apples you need two cultivars for pollination and each blooms mid season
and is a good pollinizer for the others and for other mid season blooming
Combo Apples apples. They are each highly scab and mildew resistant selections from Dr.
Jaroslav Tupy of the Czech Republic. USDA Zones 4-9. Trees grow about 8’
Enjoy apples for months on one tall on MM106 rootstock.
amazing self-fertile semi-dwarf
tree. Pick apples from August BLUSHING DELIGHT™ Blushing Delight ™ has sweet flavor and a pretty red
through October. On MM106 root- blush over a green background. It ripens mid-September. A 750S: $32.50
stock, it will grow to 15’ tall. each
4x1 Combo A8504S: $46.50 TANGY GREEN™ T angy Green™ has a crisp texture, lime green color and a
each sweet/tart flavor. It ripens mid-September. A 755S: $32.50 each
Four or five of the following: Spar- TASTY RED™ T asty Red™ is a bright red, firm sweet juicy apple that ripens
tan, Honeycrisp, Chehalis, Akane, in mid-September. A 760S: $32.50 each
Liberty. GOLDEN TREAT™ N EW! Golden Treat™ is a beautiful golden apple with a
Sorry! Because of difficulty track- sweet delicious flavor. It ripens in mid-September. A 765S: $32.50 each
ing the possible combinations, we
cannot tell you ahead which variety is
missing on the combos. They are la-
beled from bottom to top, and you will
know when the labeled tree arrives.
Columnar Trees
Look mom,
no branch-
es! Perfect
for patios,
decks or
other small
these trees Blushing Delight™ Tangy Green™ Tasty Red™
grow in a
form to 7-9’
tall. They are
loaded with
fruit which
all forms
along the
main trunk Spreading the branch-
or on short, es is important when
spur-like growing a “Combo” fruit
branches. tree.
Trees can be
planted in a
whiskey barrel or planted two feet
apart in the ground. Each will cross
pollinate with mid-season polliniz-
ers. On EMLA 7 rootstock. Patents
pending. Hints on Growing Your Combo Tree
NORTH POLETMThis crisp, juicy, red
McIntosh-type apple ripens in late To keep the varieties in balance grow your “combo” tree
September. A 275: $29.50 each as an “open center” taking out secondary branches that
GOLDEN SENTINELTM A large grow into the middle. If one variety starts overgrowing the
flavorful yellow fruit that ripens in others it can be slowed down by spreading the branch or
early October. A272: $29.50 each tying it down.
SCARLET SENTINELTM F or excellent Through proper pruning your varieties will stay balanced.
production and disease resistance The tree owners manual that comes with each order tells
on a narrow tree, try Scarlet you how!
Sentinel. Large, greenish yellow
apples blushed with red follow a On the label, the varieties are identified from the bottom
rich display of white spring flowers. of the tree up.
A273: $29.50 each 29
Espalier Choices
Espaliers Pear Espaliers
“Espalier” refers to special practic- B8403E — 3x1 3-tier Euro — Res-
es for training trees onto trellises. cue, Highland, Orcas — $75 each
There are many ways to make your B903E — 3x1 3-tier Asian — Yongi,
trees into works of art, and the trees Chojuro, Shinseiki — $75 each
we offer have already been trained
along the same plane in a 3-tier, B180E — 3-tier — Orcas — $75
T-shape, horizontal cordon. each
As you continue the training, you B1802E — 2-tier — Orcas — $55
can shape trees into any of the each
designs seen in the drawings be-
low. They are beautiful when grown B200E — 3-tier — Rescue — $75
against a wall, a building or on Note: Shipped espalier branch- each
existing fence or wires. Trees should es may each be cut back to fit in
be spaced an average of 8-10’ boxes. Come to the nursery and
apart. Branches are at about 1-1/2’, get full-length branches. Be- Apple Espaliers
2-1/2’ and 3-1/2’. cause of the expense of shipping A8403E — 3x1 3-tier — Ashmead’s
Trees are shipped in special protec- espaliers, our at-nursery prices
Kernel, Liberty, William’s Pride — $75
tive boxes.Apples are on EMLA 26 are $15 per tree less plus you
save shipping. Because of their each
rootstock. The 3-TIERED espalier
combos have a different variety on size, we can not ship espaliers to A570E — 3-tier Pristine — $75
each tier. AK, HI, or PR. each
Three Traditional
Espalier Patterns Your espalier may
not look as good as
the one to the left,
but you’ll be in a lot
less trouble than
Napoleon’s gardener
if you mess up!
Belgian Fences
Grow a beautiful diamond shaped fruiting wall. We offer
apple trees on EMLA 26 and mini-dwarf 27 rootstock that
are already shaped in a Y. Each tree has two branches. Each
branch comes off at an angle only about eight inches above
the roots.
To make a Belgian fence, allow the branches to continue to
grow at about 45 degree angles until they reach the desired
height. If you plant the trees about 2 feet apart they will
grow up into a beautiful diamond shape. Instructions are
included with the trees.
Here is an easy way to get started: Build a fence with wires
starting at about 18 inches high and going up one foot
apart until you get to between six and eight feet tall. Then
get bamboo or other stakes and tie them diagonally to the
wires. On M26 Dwarf Root- M27 Mini-Dwarf
stock Rootstock
The stakes will make a diamond pattern and show you
where to tie your branches as you build your Belgian Fence. A257DB: Empire A240TB: Dayton
Where the stakes cross at the bottom will show you where A460DB: Jonagold A385TB: Greensleeves
to plant each tree. A475DB: Newtown A410TB: Honeycrisp
We offer the following large 1-year-old cultivars as Belgian Pippin A520TB: Liberty
fence starts. Also find them listed with the apple cultivars. A520DB: Liberty A570TB: Pristine
Price each: $39.95 A570DB: Pristine
Apple Accessories
Protect your Apples and Pears
from Apple Maggot infestations.
While thinning to one per cluster,
usually in May or early June, slip
the opening of the nylon bag,
with your two index fingers, just
MINI-DWARFS enough to completely cover the
new, ideally nickel size fruitlet. The bag will fill with the
We offer ‘mini-dwarf’ apple trees grown on special growing fruit and protect it. This product has been used
EMLA 27 rootstock. They are easily maintained at only succesfully here at Raintree and by many fruit hobbyists.
four to six feet tall. These highly productive, compact They are quick and easy to use! Includes Instructions!
trees are perfect to grow in a small backyard. You can These new heavier weave bags provide extra codling
space them as close as 4’ apart. Or place the tree in moth protection. (Money from the sale of each box goes
a fifteen gallon pot on the patio. You can train them to to support the fruit garden at the WSU Mt. Vernon station.)
branch low (at 1’-2’) to maximize fruit production. Re- Contains 144 bags. T 167: $12.50 each
move fruit for a year or two because once the tree starts
bearing heavily, it stops growing. They begin bearing in FRUIT PICKING BAG The Deluxe Smith Bag
the second year and each tree can produce a half box holds a bushel of fruit. The handsome bag is
of fruit a season. The tree is not a gimmick. It is used 30” long and is made of Rip-Stop polyester
extensively in Europe in commercial apple orchards and material which has a water resistant coating
the per acre yields exceed American yields. Caring for on the inside. It is Ultra Violet and mildew
the mini-dwarfs is a great project for kids. We offer 2’-4’ resistant, lightweight, durable, and easy to
grafted mini-dwarf trees. See each variety for price. clean. The bottom conveniently folds up and
releases to gently drop the picked fruit into a
PERFECT FOR A SMALL YARD box. This leaves both hands free to pick. It will
Ashmead’s Evereste Karmijn last a lifetime. The bag has a steel hoop and is completely
Akane Greensleeves Liberty leather bound to protect all the areas of heaviest wear,
Belmac Enterprise Melrose and the shoulder straps are a heavy 1-3/4 inch webbing.
Boskoop Hudson’s Pristine T025: $45 each
Chehalis Gravenstein Queen Cox
Cherry Cox Honeycrisp William’s Pride Apple Pest Control
ontains two sticky traps with
lures which draw codling moths to their doom. Hang these
Guide to Apples by Flavor 6-inch-long, non-toxic tents in your apples trees when
It is difficult to describe “flavor” in a catalog de- they begin to bloom. Use two traps per mature tree. T161:
scription. We try here to rate many of the apples we $11.95 each
offer by the level of their acidity or tartness. APPLE MAGGOT TRAPS Each kit is designed to protect
Note: Apples called “tart” or “tangy” can have one mature fruit tree. Kit includes three red spheres and
as much sugar content as sweet apples. They have hangers, three pheromone lures, instructions and a large
added acids which compliment their flavor. tube of glue. Set traps out in mid-April. Non-toxic. T
Sweet mostly (low in acids and moderate to
high in sugars): Sansa, Beni Shogun Fuji, Chehalis,
$19.95 each kit
Greensleeves, Centennial. APPLE MAGGOT LURES The three lures, offered in a kit
Sweet/tart balanced (moderate in acid, moder- above, are each in a tiny plastic container. You can twist
ate to high sugars): Akane, Honeycrisp, Jonagold, tie them to red spheres like the ones we sell to further trap
Melrose, Shizuka, Pristine, Dayton, William’s Pride, apple maggot males. T164: $7.99 for three lures
Ashmeads, Hudson’s. Among the sweet/tart apples
are also those in the Cox’s family. These include
Ellison’s Orange, Rubinette and the McIntosh clan Apple Books and DVDs
including Liberty, Spartan, Shay and Belmac. THE HOLISTIC ORCHARD BOOKS145: $39.95
Sweet with extra tartness (moderate to high in
acid & moderate to high in sugars): Karmijn, Bram- THE HOLISTIC ORCHARD DVDS145D: $49.95
ley, Red Boskoop, Gravenstein. THE APPLE GROWER by Michael Phillips, 242 pages.
Subtitled “A guide for the Organic Orchardist,” Phillips
speaks to the larger backyard grower and commercial
Apple Varieties Scab CAR Fireblight Mildew orchardist with years of knowledge and a reverence
Dayton VR MR R M for nature. From planning the orchard and choosing
Enterprise VR R R M cultivars and rootstocks to siting, planting, soils, mulches,
Liberty VR VR R R pollination, pest control, harvesting and marketing, this
Pristine VR R M R book is full of valuable information. S005: $39.95
William’s Pride VR R R M CONTROL OF APPLE ANTHRACNOSE DVDfeaturing plant
Belmac VR R R R pathologist Ralph Byther. This instructive video shows
Akane VR UK R R how to control cankers by cutting, torching, pruning and
Centennial R R R R
VR = Very Resistant; M = Moderate Resistance; UK =
fungicides. Proceeds to the Western Washington Fruit
unknown. CAR is Cedar Apple Rust: Other CAR-re-
Research Foundation. S 522: $14.50 each
sistant apples include Rebella, Arkansas Black.
Fireblight resistant are Akane, Centennial, Rebella,
Empire. 31
To Grow Apples You Need Proper Pollination
• For pollination you need to have two different apple variet- EARLY SEASON MID SEASON MID-LATE
ies! Apples with the exception of the Queen Cox self fertile Gravenstein Enterprise SEASON
don’t pollinize themselves. Apples also don’t pollinize other Zestar Jonagold Honeycrisp
fruits! Brown Russet Almata Shay
• Please note that there are some cultivars that are new to us
William’s Pride Golden Sentinel Pink Lady
and we don’t know their relative bloom time. To be safe
choose a mid season pollinizer for those varieties.
Pink Pearl Belmac Foxwhelp
• All the apples listed in red are triploids. These will not pol- Wynooche North Pole Melrose
linate other varieties or themselves. However they are Blushing Delight Harrison
pollinized by other apple varieties. So Gravenstein which is Sweet Sixteen Frequin Rouge
a triploid won’t pollinize any other variety. However it can be EARLY-MID Tasty Red Queen Cox
pollinized by another non-triploid variety that blooms near SEASON Golden Treat Goldstar
the same time. Granniwinkle Bella Wolf River
• How to read the lists! We have listed the apple varieties we Pink Cloud Spartan Ellison’s Orange
offer from the earliest bloomer which is Gravenstein, to the NY 75414-1 Empire Dabinet
latest bloomer which is Bramley. Chehalis Red Boskoop King Edward VII
• The EARLY SEASON bloomers and the LATE SEASON bloom- Mott Pink Shizuka Michelin
ers won’t cross pollinate because their bloom time is too far Pristine Greensleeves Kingston Black
apart and the early varieties will be done blooming before Scarlet Sentinel Fameuse Arkansas Black
the late ones start. Egremont Russet Beni Shogun
• It is best to pick a pollinizer in the same half of the total list. Bardsey
The closer the two varieties are in bloom time, the more Dayton
Dolgo Ashmead’s
their bloom will overlap and the more likely you will get LATE SEASON
pollination and therefore fruit set.
Holstein Hudson’s
Liberty Northern Spy
• What is important is to choose a pollinizer that is not too far in Newtown Pippin
Silken Flower of Kent
bloom time from your variety. For instance Liberty and Day- Evereste
Centennial King
ton are close enough to count on for pollination whereas Rubinette
Sansa Bramley
Liberty and Melrose are far enough away to often work but Karmijn
not always. Zestar and Bramley would rarely if ever overlap Akane Hansen’s Red Flesh
in bloom. While the bloom order stays generally similiar Puget Spice Campfield Not a pollinizer
in different parts of the nation and in different years, the Hewes Roxbury Russett
actual bloom dates change year to year depending on the Cherry Cox Johnny Appleseed Self fertile
Fort Vancouver
AUGUST Silken North Pole Puget Spice EARLY-MID Fort Vancouver Cherry Cox Melrose
Dolgo Crab Ellison’s Or- Wolf River Scarlet Sen- OCTOBER NY 75414-1 Roxbury
Centennial ange Beni Shogun tinel Bramley Egremont MID-LATE Newtown
Williams Pride Gravenstein Pink Pearl Pink Lady Hansen’s Red Rubinette OCTOBER Pippin
Zestar Queen Cox Bardsey Shay Flesh Spartan Kingston Enterprise
Wynooche Mott Pink Bella J. Appleseed Belmac Jonagold Goldstar Boskoop
Pristine Tasty Red Fameuse G. Sentinel Karmijn Foxwelp Hudson’s
Sansa MID-LATE Blushing De- Hewes Honeycrisp Sweet Sixteen Flower of Kent B & G Russett
SEPTEMBER light Greens- Frequin Rouge King Edward Ashmead’s Arkansas B N. Spy
EARLY SEPT. Chehalis leeves Liberty Shizuka Evereste Campfield
Akane Dayton Empire King Almata Holstein
About Rootstock & Tree Spacing greater spacing. Our rootstocks are winter hardy to USDA Zone 4
and tolerate a wide variety of soils. They induce heavy early fruit pro-
Most of our apple trees are grafted on the dwarfing EMLA 26 root- duction and make a well anchored tree. Chart includes varieties for
stock. (Check the rootstock available after each varietal description.)
It is a superior choice for backyard growers and produces a tree that
will grow to 8’-14’ tall. As you can see from the chart below, some
varieties on the same rootstock grow bigger than others and need Melrose
Gold Star
Belmac Rubinette
King Bella Chehalis Jonagold
Liberty Karmijn Boskoop N. Spy
Ark. Black Ashmead’s
HEIGHT & SPACING CHART Greensleeves Evereste F. of Kent Wolf River Pink Lady
Gravenstein Harrison
Beni ShogunHoney Crisp E. Russett Ellison’s Shizuka
Enterprise Roxbury
Dayton Dolgo Crab Mott Pink Hudson’s Silken
Queen Cox Puget Spice Red Flesh Pink Pearl Zestar
Centennial Sansa Kingston
Akane Black
Bramley Fameuse
Red Flesh
it produces an abundance of red
flower buds that open to a showy
white. The tree is highly scab
resistant. Its mid-season bloom
The crabapple is a wonderful makes it an excellent pollinizer. A
multi-purpose tree. Lovely in the natural dwarf, it grows to only 8’ tall
landscape, most of our varieties on semi dwarf and 15’ on standard
provide tasty tart apples that are rootstock. USDA Zones 3-9. MM106
prized for making jelly. Dolgo and semi dwarf. A180S: $26.50 each
Evereste will enhance cider with their
bittersharp and Hews with bittersweet HEWES
qualities. Commercial orchardists VIRGINIA G
often use crabapple trees for polliniz- Washington’s
ers because of their compact size and Thomas PRAIRIE FIRE A scab resistant
and profuse blossoming. Research- Jefferson’s upright tree to 20’ tall with reddish
ers have found that white flowered favorite cider bronze leaves and pink flowers and
varieties are most attractive to bees. apple. Also called small bright red fruit, loved by birds.
Dolgo is used as a great early season Virginia Crab, it is Beautiful in all seasons and a vivid
pollinizer. Evereste is an excellent a small, flattened, accent in your landscape. On full
mid season pollinizer. We offer 3-5’ bittersweet, dull size Antonovka rootstock. M906:
crabapple trees, unless noted. What red apple ripe in $26.50 each
makes an apple a crab is not its per- September that makes a clear dry
sonality but its smaller size. cinnamon flavored cider. It has a long Beautiful in All
bloom period and is a good pollinizer. Seasons & Edible
The Best Edible Crabs A186S (MM106 semi-dwarf):
$32.50 each EVERESTE™ E njoy this fantastic
WSU PUGET new edible ornamental throughout
SPICE™ This MALUS FUSCA SEEDLING T his the year. Each spring, this highly
cross between crabapple is native from coastal disease resistant tree from France
Prima and southern Alaska to northern is covered from base to summit with
Alkmene is California. It is most found on fragrant, beautiful long lasting white
scab immune, moist soils where it grows as a tall flowers. Every summer the tree is
has a beautiful shrub. It can be used as a rootstock a spectacle in red, covered with
upright shape for apples on very wet sites. The thousands of round tart 1” diameter
and is covered disease resistant tree produces fruit. Use the fruit to make jelly,
with fragrant white flowers. In the white flowers and small green/ pickled apples, cider or gorgeous
fall it is loaded with tart small fruit yellow tinged red fruit very high in branch wreaths. The tree grows to
great for making jelly, pickled fruit phytonutrients. 2-3’ size. M909: $5 10’ tall with branches arched out
or blending in cider. It is a great mid each; 10+: $4.50 each from the weight of the fruit. The
season pollinizer. A725S (MM106 fruit hangs until mid winter, so birds
semi-dwarf): $26.50 each Gorgeous Ornamentals can eat what you don’t. Of dozens
of varieties in the disease resistant
DOLGO O ne of the best all purpose PINK CLOUD Having Pink Cloud crab apple trials, Evereste was the
crab apples. Its large 1-1/2 inch tart is like having a tree covered with most resistant, easiest to care for
crimson fruit make a rich, ruby red roses. Discovered by Ed Lewis of and most beautiful. A280D (EMLA
jelly. The leaves are green and scab Bellevue WA, Pink Cloud’s buds are 26 dwarf): $26.50 each; A280T
and mildew resistant. The profuse very large, rounded, magenta pink, (mini-dwarf): $28.50 each
flowers are white. The name means on long stems. Fragrant, profuse
‘long’ in Russian, and refers to the fully double flowers open to light
shape of the fruit. The fruit is so bright pink, like miniature roses. Pink
in color and abundant that the tree Cloud has a vase like shape and
looks like a decorated Christmas tree bronze-green leaves and is loaded
when viewed from a distance. Dolgo with one inch red crab apples that
adds a bittersharp flavor to ciders. persist into winter. They can be
The fruit ripens in early September. used to make a tart jelly, if you get
The tree will grow to about 15’ tall. them before the birds. EMLA 26.
USDA Zones 3-9. A260D (M26 A532D: $26.50 each
dwarf): $26.50 each
CENTENNIAL Be prepared for
heavy crops of 1-1/2 inch oval fruit
with a sweet flavor.
Use the crisp, juicy
white fleshed fruit
for canning, making
jelly or just popping
in your mouth.
The fruit is a bright
orange-red. It ripens
in mid-August.
Compact and great
as a child’s tree, 33
Cider Apples
European cider apple. It is a
bittersweet apple, very high
in both sugars and tannin. It
The cider apple and perry pear vari- makes a sweet cider with a high
eties we offer are prized for making alcohol content and a delicious,
hard, alcoholic cider. These variet- fruity flavor. It is somewhat scab
ies, when blended with both sweet resistant. The fruit is oblate in
and tart varieties, also brighten the shape and yellow with russeting. It
flavor of sweet cider or apple juice. blooms very late in the season and
A quality hard cider is often made ripes in late October. Named for
using about 60% sweet, 20% tart the Gold Medal it won in France
and 20% bitter apples. Many of the in 1873. A435S (MM106 semi-
apples we offer can be the sweet dwarf): $32.50 each
component of a quality cider. We
can custom graft cider apples in MICHELIN NEW! A favorite
commercial quantities upon re- “bittersweet” French cider apple,
quest. from the 1880s. Mix it with other
varieties to make a great hard or
fresh cider. The sturdy upright tree
European Cider Apples
will grow to 15 feet. Fruit is small to
medium sized, green with a bit of
Correll Cider Presses
he russeting and blush. It is a reliable, • Can be picked up or shipped directly
flavor of heavy cropper that ripens in mid- from Correll including UPS
Kingston October. Needs a pollenizer. A550S • Several sizes and models
Black is (MM106 semi-dwarf): $32.50
such a fine, • Handmade since 1973, no assembly
complex line
combination DABINETT NEW! An annual, heavy • The best, pure and simple
of sweet, bearer of medium to large size,
round red apples. Harvest this Write or call for price list, info:
sharp and Cider Press LLC; Correll Cider Presses
bitter qualities that it makes a traditional “bittersweet” cider
wonderful hard cider even without variety in late October. Makes a PO Box 400; Elmira OR 97437
blending with other varieties. beautiful 15-20’ spreading tree. Shop address: 25865 Hwy 126 #A109;
Classified a “bittersharp” apple, A243S (MM106 semi-dwarf Veneta OR 97487
the English consider it to be the rootstock): $32.50 each Phone: (541) 935 3500
standard cultivar for making a high Website: correllciderpresses.com
quality, single variety cider. A very Old American Cultivars
large harvest of medium-size, red
CAMPFIELD A medium size cider
apples ripens mid-October. Don’t
eat it; cider it! Trees will grow 15’ apple, greenish yellow with a red Cider-Making Books
tall. MM106 semi dwarf.A430SA: blush. The flesh is white, firm, CIDER BOOK
$32.50 each sweet and rich. Makes a great y Proulx
cider mixed with the variety & Nichols,
FREQUIN ROUGE A bittersweet Harrison. The tree is vigorous and 188 pages.
cider apple from Normandy. The productive. Origin: New Jersey It covers all
tree is precocious and productive 1817. On MM106 semi-dwarf. aspects of
and moderately vigorous. Fruit A165S: $32.50 each making cider.
matures in mid season. It is favored Ciders are
for making a high quality cider GRANNIWINKLE An old American
sharp cider apple high in sugar and as diverse
despite being scab and fire blight as wines and
susceptible. MM106 semi dwarf. acids and low in tannin. Named for this book
A325S: $32.50 the grower who first cultivated it explains how
each in New Jersey in the early 1800’s to make many
it is green/yellow with red stripes. of the different types. These include
FOXWHELP It is a vigorous upright tree and
Although the ‘English farmhouse ciders’, ‘French
a prolific cropper that ripens in sparkling ciders’ and ‘American
original Foxwhelp September. It’s often mixed with
is described as a style ciders’. The instructions and
Harrison. Prized for fresh eating or charts are clear and easy to use.
small yellow apple cider. MM106 semi dwarf. A379S:
with red stripes, For inspiration, there are interviews
$32.50 each with master cider makers the world
ours from the Mt.
Vernon, WA, Station HARRISON O riginated in Essex over. A good book or a neighbor
is a larger red apple. Classified as a County New Jersey before the with a full cellar are key to learning
“bittersharp” it makes a full bodied, American revolution and highly the hobby. S340: $14.95 each
aromatic, prized cider. It stores well prized. The apple is yellow and HARD CIDER IN THE PACIFIC NW b y
for holiday cider making parties! It elongated with rich yellow flesh. It Moulton, King, Miles & Zimmerman,
blooms mid season and ripens in mid produces a superior sweet cider. 48 pages. WSU. For commercial or
October. Tree habit is upright. MM106 Fruits are often picked when they home growers. Learn about best
rootstock. A 320S: $28.50 each fall in November. Trees are strong varieities, blends and all growing &
and vigorous. MM106 semi dwarf. processing techniques. Most info is
34 A387S: $32.50 each useful nationwide. S343: $11 each
Perry Pears
HENDRE USDA Zones 5-9 unless otherwise
HUFFCAPPIt noted. We offer sturdy, well-root-
has a balance ed, 4-5’ pear trees.
of tannin and RESCUE This pear is a show
We offer these traditional pear cider acidity that
making cultivars. Most are from stopper. Everyone who sees and
makes it an ideal tastes this huge beautiful fruit
Gloucestershire England. They pear from which insists on buying a tree. The fruit
make delicious “perry” which is to make a single-varietal “perry” is yellow with a bright red-orange
the word for pear cider, or you pear cider. Tree habit is extremely blush and the flesh is sweet, smooth
can mix them with apples or other upright. It ripens in October. B 115: and juicy. The scab-resistant tree is
fruits to make a variety of delicious $28.50 each upright and vigorous and each year
brews. Grafted on OHxF 87 semi- YELLOW HUFFCAPP Yellow Huffcap loaded with fruit. The fruit matures
dwarf rootstock. They are mid- to is a traditional old English “Perry” in September and keeps until
late-season bloomers and good pear used to make an excellent pear December. A small core makes it
pollinizers. cider. It ripens in mid season and is easy to can. B 200: $26.50 each
BARNET A small, mid-season high in acids and low in tannins. The ORCAS TM H
russetted scab-resistant pear with fruit is small and yellow/green and Joe Long discovered
low acids and tannins. Trees have ripens in mid to late September. The this tree growing on
an upright habit with compact fruit should be shaken from the tree his property on Orcas
growth. Mix with others in ‘perry’. just before it is ripe or it could rot on Island, Washington
Biennial bearing; precocious and the tree. Trees are vigorous with a and it has become a
late flowering. B 037: $28.50 each spreading habit and very productive regional favorite. The
but biennial and slow to come into fruit is large, flavorful
THEILERSBIRNE A great cider bearing. Fruit is high in Vitamin C. and loaded each year
making pear very high in tannic B116: $28.50 each with yellow fruit with a
acid. The small fruit is green and the carmine blush. The tree has a vigor-
flesh is brown with a sweet musty
flavor. It originated in Switzerland in European ous, spreading habit. The pears are
great for canning, drying or eating
1848 and is a European hard cider fresh. The fruit matures in early
favorite. B 265: $32.50 each September. B 180: $26.50 each
BUTTAn October ripening
pear with moderate acids (Pyrus communis) We chose this Organic Growers Go
and tannins that produces
a fruity, slightly astringent
interesting collection of pears Onward
for their wonderful fruit quality ONWARD O
vintage of good quality. and because they are among the
Fruit is small, yellow, English gardeners
easiest for backyard garden- love Onward for its
slightly russetted with ers to grow. We use the superior
excellent keeping quality ease of growing
winter hardy, semi-dwarf Old Home and reliability of
prior to milling. A vigorous tree with x Farmingdale OHxF87 rootstock production even in years with
narrow-angled crotches. Biennial unless otherwise noted. Comice, untimely spring frosts. The medium
bearing and a heavy producer. B 065: Ubileen, and Conference are on size fruit is yellow when ripe in
$28.50 each OHxF333 semi-dwarf rootstock. early September and sometimes
russetted. It’s a heavy, precocious
cropper with a rich sweet juicy flavor.
It blooms mid season with Comice,
How To Use Apples How To Grow but it will not pollinize or be pollinized
by Comice. B17A5: $26.50 each
IN THE LANDSCAPE: Apple trees come SOIL REQUIREMENTS: A well drained
in all sizes, depending on the variety and
the rootstock they are grafted upon. On
soil in an area with good air drainage.
Likes a slightly acidic soil.
Heritage Pears:
dwarf rootstock, they are wonderful grown
on a trellis or in one of a number of fan, CULTURAL REQUIREMENTS: The mini- Flavors for the Ages
cordon or espalier patterns. Crabapple dwarf fruit trees should be staked. Bal- WHITE DOYENNE This
trees provide an attractive shape and anced fertilizer, compost or manure can very old French cultivar
color. Trees on very dwarfing EMLA 27, or be used in the spring for the first years. is highly prized for its
the columnar trees, produce fruit in a pot PRUNING: See “Tree Owners Manual” melt-in-your-mouth
on the patio! online. texture and superb
flavor, both fresh and
Useful Facts For Your Health cooked. The taste has
WHEN TO HARVEST: Consult catalog evoked poetic descriptions: “like
ripening order. Sample fruit; cut in half to Many of the apples we offer have tested a buttery chardonnay, sweet yet
check if seeds are brown. among the highest in polyphenols. An tart, with musky undertones and
HARDINESS: USDA Zones 4-9, or as unpeeled apple can give you 50% more a strong perfume.” The favorite
noted. phyto nutrients than one that is peeled. pear of famous chef Alice Waters,
SUN OR SHADE: Full sun. Among our old time varieties Belle de
it blooms early and ripens in late
LIFE EXPECTANCY: 60-140 years. September. It is susceptible to
Boskoop, Northen Spy, Bramley Seedling scab and not at its best in maritime
FOR THE BEGINNER: Choose disease and the Golden Russet and the newer Lib- climates. B130: $28.50 each
resistant varieties. erty and Spartan have topped the charts
YIELD: Dwarfs 30-60 pounds a season! for phytonutrients. 35
DUCHESS D’ANGOULEME Dating to blush. It ripens in late September. It ARGANCHE A mong
1808, this russetted French heritage is winter hardy and has performed the most flavorful
pear is prized for large fruit and rich, well in much of the nation. It is early ripening pears
juicy flavor. The upright, vigorous, also known as Fondante de Bois at the national
hardy tree blooms with Conference (sweetmeat of the woods). B107: Pear repository in
and ripens in early October. B100A: $26.50 each Corvallis OR. This
$26.50 each round yellow pear
ATLANTIC QUEEN A Brown Pear from Yugoslavia
his old time pear
T ripens in mid July.
BOSC A firm B030: $26.50 each
cultivar earns its royal fleshed flavorful
appellation for the huge, pear with BELLA DI GUIGNO W hile others wait
up to 1-1/2 lb. each, a beautiful until August for a ripe pear, you can
yellow-green fruit it brownish enjoy this rich, buttery Italian delight
produces in abundance. russetted skin in late June or July. Red blushed
Enjoy the melting, and a crunchy texture. Some prefer three inch long fruit cover this sturdy,
juicy, aromatic flesh it to the smooth texture of Comice. easy to care for tree. B045A:
even when grown under adverse Very sweet and juicy. Outstanding in $26.50 each
conditions. Shows resistance to the Pacific Northwest. Tastes best RED CLAPPS
fireblight. Ripens in September. after storing a month or two. B060: FAVORITE A lso
B035A: $28.50 each $26.50 each called “Red
ABBE FETEL N amed for the French Kalle”. This
Abbot who developed the cultivar Combination large pear
in 1866, it is today the leading pear from Michigan
variety in Italy. Italians and tourists European Pears is beautiful
rave about its wonderful flavor. It COMBO with amazing
ripens mid season and is large and EUROPEAN reddish purple fruit hanging like
elongated with yellow skin and a red PEAR Multiple jewels from the tree. The fruit is
blush. The flesh is white, melting, pear cultivars sweet and flavorful. It thrives in
juicy, sugary and aromatic and it on one beautiful the Pacific Northwest and in much
is fabulous eaten with a low salt tree. You will have of the nation. It ripens in early
cheese. It can be fireblight and scab the greatest pear varieties ripening September. B 205: $26.50 each
susceptible. B025: $28.50 each for months! Trees can be easily
BARTLETT The maintained at 12’ tall. Self pollinizing. Fireblight Resistant Pears
most popular pear On OHxF87 rootstock. B4004 4x1
Combo: Highland, Harrow Delight, BLAKE’S PRIDE
in the U.S. and also A reliable harvest
in Europe where it Rescue, Orcas and Ubileen:
$46.50 each; B4004A 4x1 of aromatic, juicy
is called Williams. fruit that melts
Fruit ripens in Combo: Bosc, Bartlett, Moonglow
and Highland: $46.50 each in your mouth
early September. and excellent
The large pears resistance to
turn yellow with a Start Pear Season fireblight give this
pink blush as they
ripen. A favorite for eating fresh and Two Months Early recent selection
plenty to be proud of. The fruit
canning. B038: $26.50 each UBILEEN A
large, is yellow-to-golden skinned with
COMICE A large yellow pear with sweet, aromatic, some light russetting, The pears
sweet juicy melting flesh. It provides pear from Bulgaria. are ready to harvest in September.
the flavor standard by which to The skin is yellow B042A: $26.50 each
measure all others. Harvest early with a pretty
red blush. The WARREN A dapted throughout
October. Tastes best after storing the nation and among the best
a month and then ripening at room flavorful flesh
is fine textured backyard choices. The fruit is juicy
temperature. B 080: $26.50 each and sweet with buttery texture
and buttery. It is
SUMMER BLOOD BIRNE NEW! A red harvested in early and very good keeping abilities.
flesh or “blood” pear that is scab August and top rated among Warren is resistant to fireblight,
resistant and produces fruit with a thousands of pears from around and quite cold hardy (to -20°F).
pleasing cinnamon like flavor. It is the world at the Germplasm It was discovered in Hattiesburg,
an ancient cultivar thought to have Repository. B260: $26.50 each MS, by noted horticulturist T. O.
originated in Germany. A favorite in Warren. The fruits are medium to
the National Pear collection. B128: DOYENNE DE large and have a teardrop shape
$26.50 each JUILLET B
e among and green skin. B240A: $26.50
the few Americans each
FLEMISH BEAUTY NEW! F lemish privileged to enjoy
Beauty originated in Belgium in the this rarely seen, HARROW DELIGHT A heavy setting,
early 19th century. It is rated a top sweet, early highly medium size pear with very good
garden pear for its productivity and productive summer flavor and smooth texture. It is from
its rich, buttery, juicy, aromatic, pear from Belgium. Ontario, Canada, and resistant to
complex flavor. It is medium to large Small, round fruit, fireblight and scab. Fruit ripens in
in size with yellow skin and a red about 2” in diameter, boasts a rich, early September. A proven winner at
juicy, buttery flavor and ripens in the WSU Mt. Vernon station. B110:
mid-July. B 132: $26.50 each $26.50 each
variety is favored Highland
in the South thrives
as the “sugar” throughout
pear because the nation.
the pulp tastes This large
like candy. The attractive
tree is fire blight dessert pear
resistant and the is yellow with
medium size fruit some russetting. The flesh is
is yellow with very smooth in texture and rich STUTTGARTER GEISHIRTLE
a red blush. It blooms early and in flavor. Trees are very hardy, R
ecommended by a Raintree
ripens in September. It has a high of moderate vigor and very customer who loved it in her
chill requirement and has proven productive. The fruit matures hometown in Germany. This sweet
to do well in many areas including in early October and develops two-inch diameter russeted pear
the Pacific Northwest. Zones 5-8. its best quality if stored about a will hang on the tree, ready to eat
B075: $26.50 each month. Ripen the fruit on your during August. It’s a very heavy
SPALDING If you counter through Christmas. It was annual bearer of delicious lunch
like the crunchy, developed at the Geneva station in size fruit. The name means “little
juicy, sweetness of New York.B120: $26.50 each goat herder.” B 232A: $26.50
an Asian pear and SUIJPronounced “sigh,” this is a each
the mellow complex pear you pick while it’s rock hard in
flavor of a European October or November and store it HONEY
pear, you’ll love in a root cellar to eat fresh in March. SWEET Y ou
Spalding. A healthy, Suij is one of the best keeper pears. will love the
vigorous tree It makes a delicious and beautiful rich, firm and
produces loads of pink pear sauce. This type of pear sweet flesh of
medium size, round, was popular for hundreds of years Honey Sweet.
light green fruit in early September. in Europe where people used it as a A smooth,
Originally from the South, it thrives staple food through the winter but buttery pear,
in the Pacific Northwest. This has gone out of fashion in the last similar to the
European pear is partially self fertile 70 years. It is a cross of Comice and well-known Seckel pear but larger,
and fireblight resistant. B230: the winter keeper St. Remi. We got it ripens to a golden russet late
$26.50 each it from the Bullock family who got it in the season. Trees will set fruit
GEM G em has proven itself in from Ed Suij. B231: $28.50 each without a pollinizer, but fruit will be
extensive testing around the nation JOHANTORP bigger if pollinated. Honey Sweet
and is newly released by the USDA A very late is resistant to fireblight and to leaf
and bred by Dr. Richard Bell. It is ripening and spotting diseases. It’s great for
highly fire blight resistant and is cold hardy home gardens and local markets.
very productive at an early age. The pear widely B125: $28.50 each
large, beautifully red blushed fruit grown in
is juicy and sweet with a delicious Sweden Delicious Mt. Ash
mild pear flavor. It ripens mid to for winter
late season and is a good keeper. storage. & Pear Hybrid
It can be eaten from the tree while Johantorp will SHIPOVA
it is crisp and sweet or stored and hang on the (Pyrus x
allowed to soften. Limit one. B119: tree late into the winter. They can Sorbus) A
$28.50 each be picked in very late fall and stored rare and
or in areas with mild winters, eaten unique
Outstanding Keeper Pears directly off the tree at Christmas Pear and
time. USDA Zones 4-8.B126: Mountain
Pick these pears while they are rock $28.50 each
hard in late October and November Ash cross from Yugoslav ia. It
and store them cool but unfrozen. will grow to be a 15-20’ tree and
Place them on your counter at room Small Pears with Big Flavor produces a crop of apricot size
temperature when it says in the de- SECKEL (sometimes much larger) yellow,
scriptions below and they will soften This famous round very delicious “pears”.
and be ready to eat or cook with. small, but The leaves are silver grey and
CONFERENCE Named for the very sweet, resemble a pear leaf in shape.
British national pear conference heavy setting The hardy and scab resistant tree,
in 1885, Europeans still gather variety is on OHxF pear rootstock, blooms
to praise it. This leading French known as the in mid-April and ripens fruit in
commercial variety is very juicy, sugar pear. August. Trees are slow to come
sweet and buttery. It is the most It has yellow into production. They are partially
productive pear, hanging from the russetted self-fertile but choose a Mt. Ash or
branch in huge banana like clusters. skin and very late blooming European Pear
Attractive, large yellow fruit matures extraordinary for pollination. USDA Zones 3-9.
in October with Highland. It keeps flavor. It ripens in late September D170: $26.50 each
through January. B090: $26.50 and is fire-blight resistant. B220:
each $26.50 each 37
Using European Pears range of soils.
PRUNING: See Tree Owners Manual that
European Pear Ripening Order
IN THE KITCHEN: Great for fresh eat- comes with each order. JULY White Doyenne
ing. Dried, they taste like candy. Use for POLLINATION: Each variety needs a Bella de Guigno Onward
canning, jams or preserves. As desserts, pollinizer unless otherwise noted. Because Doyenne Bartlett
they can be poached and served with pear blossoms are relatively unattractive de Juillet
flavorful sauces. Great sliced with chees- to bees, plant pears next to each other and Araganche OCTOBER
es. In France it is the king of fruits, prized keep weeds down at blossom time. Euro- Angouleme
pean pears start blooming in late March. AUGUST Yellow Huffcap
by chefs.
Oriental pears start blooming before Eu- Ubileen Hendre Huffcap
IN THE LANDSCAPE: The shape of a
ropeans; but late blooming Asians overlap Morettini Warren
pear tree is strongly vertical. They can be
with and will cross pollinate early blooming Stuttgarter Honeysweet
trained as espaliers.
Europeans. Gem
branches grow upright and need spread- Red Clapps Russett Comice
HARDINESS: On our OHxF rootstocks, ing. Most Pears should be picked before H. Delight Conference
USDA Zones 4-9. they are fully ripe and ripened off the tree. Spalding Highland
SUN OR SHADE: Full sun. Using the maturity dates offered with each Bartlett Abbe Fetel
PLANT SPACING: 15’ on OHxF. variety as an estimate, cup your hand Rescue Bosc
HARVEST TIME: July-October. under the pear and lift up. If the pear stem Orcas Butt
ORIGIN: Caucasus mountains. breaks, the pear is ready to pick. The Ayers Barnet
LIFE EXPECTANCY: 60 to 150 years. earlier pears only need a few days on the Blake’s Pride Suij
YEARS TO FIRST FRUIT: 3 counter to ripen. The later pears need to Gem Johanthorp
YIELD: 50 to 100 pounds per tree. be stored in a dark cool place for a month Flemish Beauty Vermont Beauty
SOIL REQUIREMENTS: A well drained, or more then put on the counter to fully Seckel Pound
slightly acidic loam soil but tolerates a wide ripen. Atlantic Queen
These unique The medium large, red skinned
trees are fruits are freestone and have very
grafted on firm flesh. White Lady is widely
dwarfing adapted throughout the nation
Gisela® 5 rootstock. This amazing (Prunus persica) Nothing beats the wherever peaches will thrive. 800
tree can be maintained at 10 feet flavor of a fresh peach or nectarine chill hours. C
553: $28.50 each
tall. Enjoy loads of delicious cherries ripened in your own backyard. Our
on this self fertile tree. You get 3 disease resistant varieties make it HW 272
or 4 of the following 5: Glacier, easy for you to succeed. Now you onsistently
Montmorency, Emperor Francis, can grow great peaches and nec- high marks
Lapins and Early Burlat. C 9004: tarines in the Northwest as well as in from fruit
4x1 Combo: $54.95 each; most of the nation. We offer self fertile researchers
C9003: 3x1 Combo: $49.95 each varieties, unless noted, which are of at the WSU
excellent quality. Many are resistant Mt. Vernon
to leaf curl. A nectarine is a peach station have
Cherry Accessories without fuzz. We offer sturdy well root- prompted us
BIRD SCARE TAPEThis tough 7/16” ed 4’-5’ tall trees. On Lovell rootstock to get permission from Canada to
wide shining metallic tape is red on unless noted. USDA Zones 5-9 unless offer this numbered selection. HW
one side and silver on the other and otherwise noted. 272 is a very flavorful, reliable and
its shimmering scares heavy bearing peach from Harrow
BABY Station, Ontario. It has successfully
the birds. 290’ roll. CRAWFORD
T080: $5.95 each withstood lower temperatures at the
This heritage Harrow station than other peaches.
It is consistently productive in
cultivar has Western Washington. Ripe in early
Victorio Cherry Stoner an intensely August, it is free stone and has
handles up to 30 rich, flavor. yellow flesh and is attractively
pounds of cherries The medium colored with a 70% blush on a bright
per hour. Feeds and size freestone yellow background. . It has a low
separates pits from peaches incidence of split pits and shows
fruits with little loss of juices. Also are yellow
has a one year warranty. T383: field resistance to brown rot, canker
with golden- and bacterial leaf spot. Patented by
$27.95 each orange flesh and a slight blush. Fruit Ag. Canada. C516: $26.50 each
BIRD NETTING B irds love to eat the connoisseurs rate it at the top for
fruit from blueberry bushes, cherry flavor eaten fresh, preserved, dried
trees and grape vines. Get your or canned. C504 (Lovell): $26.50 Curl Resistant Peaches
share by putting netting over your each Enjoy delicious peaches from your
plants. 14’ x 25’ piece of netting, CONTENDER This hardy, late own tree. Peach leaf curl has always
enough to cover two dwarf cherry blooming peach escapes spring been a major problem for backyard
trees or lots of bushes. Black frosts and sets fruit in much of peach growers. Raintree is the
netting with 2” mesh. T430: $14.50 the nation: it thrives in the East, in leader in introducing good tast-
each Colorado and in the Northwest. ing, resistant varieties. On Lovell
COMMERCIAL BIRD NETTING BY It has a high chilling requirement rootstock unless noted.
e have long rolls of (1050 chill hours), and isn’t good AVALON PRIDETM (Patented Cultivar
bird netting. Use it over grapes or for the Deep South. The beautiful, Croft) Discovered as a chance
build a structure over blueberries large fruit is bright red over yellow, seedling in 1981 in Issaquah, WA.
or dwarf cherry trees. Secure with is firm, sweet and delicious. Since it by Margaret Proud and named in
clothespins at the bottom. (Cut to resists browning and is freestone, it honor of her father Donald Croft. The
order at 5’ intervals, 25’ minimum is great for fresh eating, freezing or highly flavored, yellow fleshed, semi-
length per piece. canning. Introduced from the North freestone fruit is good for canning,
Carolina Experiment station in 1988. pies or eaten fresh. Fruit ripens in mid
HEAVY DUTYThis is 17 feet wide. It ripens in August. USDA Zones
This green netting is top rated July. C
525A: $26.50 each
4-9. C 505A: $28.50 each
commercially and is rated for 10 BETTYA sweet
years if taken in for the winter. HARKEN flavorful leaf curl
T433: $1.35 per foot This is and split pit resistant
the best peach. It ripens late
flavored in the season, at the
Cherry Ripening Order peach in end of August. It has a
Early Burlat Kristen Nugent
our climate. deeper color than the
Royal Lee Angela Sweetheart
From variety Frost and is as
Minnie White Gold Lambert Canada, or more productive. It was a seedling
Royal Rainier Almaden hardy and found near Ferndale in Western
Stella Bing Hudson widely adapted, it is very sweet Washington and is the newest curl
E. Francis Sam Montmo- and bears a regular crop of large resistant peach successfully tested at
Lapins Vandalay rency freestone peaches. For canning, the WSU Mt. Vernon Station. C503:
Hartland Tehranivee K. Sweet pick fruit before it is table ripe. $26.50 each
Black Gold Craig’s Surefire Ripens early August. C510D:
Danube Crimson Morello $26.50 each 45
rare hardy highest
he longest heritage peach cultivar that is leaf quality. Well
tested, curl curl resistant and has a wonderful thinned,
resistant rich flavor. Dark reddish purple skin tree-ripened
tree, Frost and flesh have resulted in its name. specimens
is still It ripens in late season and is self may surpass
unsurpassed. fertile. It is known mainly now in 4 inches in
In mid- New Zealand and it is related to the diameter.
August, it Peche de Vigne, the black peach
of France. It fragrant juicy flesh is Ripens early
produces August. C578:
reliable crops highly prized eaten fresh and for
preserves. USDA Zones 5-9. C501: $26.50 each
of semi-freestone, yellow-fleshed
peaches that have a rich, sweet $36.50 each LIMIT ONE KIT
flavor. Wonderful for both canning DONNELL
and fresh eating. C500A (St Julian Special New Cultivars PEACHTM I t
A): $26.50 each Selected for Flavor is named
SALISH SUMMERTM P reviously after the
These peaches and nectarines late Kit
known as Q1-8, this semi-freestone, are a recent creation of the Cali-
white-fleshed peach has a Donnell,
fornia Rare Fruit Growers’ Hybrid- former
wonderful sweet flavor that is great izer Group, a group dedicated to
for fresh eating. Showy blossoms reviving the classic fruit flavors of chairperson
in spring predict ripe fruit in early the past. $1 from each sale goes for the
August. Selected by Dr. Robert to the group, which is dedicated Santa
Norton for its flavor and reliability. to developing superior stone fruit Clara Valley, CA, chapter of the
C530: $26.50 each varieties for home gardeners. CRFG. Although new, this peach
has many old-fashioned peach
peckled Egg is a top quality, characteristics: A yellow freestone
eliable, huge, yellow nectarine developed with little red coloration, delectable
colorful by CRFG’s Hybridizer Group. It’s flavor and juicy texture. It’s also very
and named after it’s speckled blush productive and the fruits are often
delicious, and oblong shape. The texture of great size. It is an ideal peach
this tree is meaty and juicy with a sweet, for eating fresh, canning, pies and
produces classic nectarine flavor of the preserves. C507: $28.50 each
and sets Using Peaches & Nectarines
fruit even
in frosty IN THE LANDSCAPE: Trees are fast growing and have attractive leaves and fragrant
springs. In mid-August, a crop of pink blossoms. Genetic dwarfs are perfect in a pot on a patio.
flavorful, red skinned, yellow-fleshed
peaches are ready for fresh eating, Useful Facts
drying, canning or freezing. A chance HARDINESS: USDA Zones 5-9
seedling selected by Louie Strahl SUN OR SHADE: Full sun.
in Steilacoom, WA. C 552: $26.50 HEIGHT & SPACING: Genetic dwarfs 5’ . Other peaches 12-15’ on Lovell and St. Julian A
each rootstock. On Citation and Krymsk 1 rootstocks they may be somewhat smaller.
INDIAN FREE POLLINATION: Self-fertile unless noted!
Prized it for LIFE EXPECTANCY: 15-20 years.
its rich color, YEARS TO FIRST FRUIT: 2-3
flavor and YIELD OF MATURE TREE: 30-50 pounds
size. Naturally
resistant to
peach leaf
How To Grow
curl, the tree SOIL REQUIREMENTS: Adaptable to many soils as long as they are well drained.
produces heavy CULTURAL REQUIREMENTS: Unlike apples, standard peach trees require heavy prun-
crops of large, aromatic freestone ing to produce well. Prune off old wood, always renewing branches, because peaches
peaches that have red skin and bear on new wood only. Prune to an open center vase shape or in a fan shape on a trellis
white flesh marbled with crimson fence or wall.
stripes. When fully ripe in mid to late LEAF CURL CONTROL: Please note that the leaf curl resistant peaches will get some
season, the sweet, distinctive flavor leaf curl for the first few years. To control leaf curl, spray lime sulfur when the buds first
is excellent both eaten fresh and crack open in late December or early January and then three weeks later. Or if spraying
in preserves and chutneys. Plant by the calendar, spray once in late December and twice more at two week intervals.
another peach or nectarine as a
pollinizer. C524 (Lovell): $28.50
each; C624A (Citation): $28.50
For Your Health
each White fleshed peaches are higher in phytonutrients than yellow fleshed varieties.
The skin is the most nutritious part. The variety Indian Free with its red-streaked flesh is
46 particularly high in anthocyanins and antioxidants.
flavored genetic dwarf with a “Peento” peach and is shaped like
pretty red blushed skin. It is early a doughnut without the hole. They
ripening, freestone and self- have large, showy double pink
fruitful and makes a beautiful flowers. The very sweet, medium-
fruiting bush. Needs 500 chill size fruit has melting white flesh.
hours. USDA Zones 6-9 C540: Patent #5123. C547A (Lovell):
$26.50each $26.50 each; C547 (St Julian A):
EMPRESS PEACH Enjoy the $26.50 each
delicious juicy sweet flavor. This SWEET BAGEL PEACHTM Look!
productive dwarf tree is the It’s a bagel. No, it’s a doughnut.
hardiest of the genetic dwarf What? It’s a peach? The look of
peaches to Zones 5-9. The fruit is new Sweet Bagel may surprise you
a beautiful glowing pink color and at first, but when you bite into the
The pure golden skin and flesh the flesh is yellow. It needs 850 juicy, yellow fruit, you’ll recognize
of this juicy, richly flavored Chill Hours. C 518: $26.50each the superb peach flavor. The
nectarine has a delicious balance 2x1 NECTARINE - PEACH COMBO productive trees like hot summers.
of sweetness and acidity typical Enjoy two great varieties on a Fruit is large compared to other
of the exotic fabled “Golden small tree. The Nectar Babe flat peaches.C545: $26.50 each
Peaches of Samarkand.” Named nectarine has large sweet yellow
after Russian horticulturist Dr.
Maria Plekhanova, it is a hybrid
freestone fruit and the Pix Zee Nectarines Selected
peach has sweet flavorful orange- for Flavor
derived from seeds brought back red clingstone fruit with yellow
from Uzbekistan by Andy Mariani. flesh. USDA Zones 6-9. C5802: These aren’t genetic dwarfs. The
C573: $28.50 each $36.50 each trees will grow to 10-12 feet in
RASPBERRY RED height and width. Nectarines are
NECTARINETM peaches without the fuzz.
Developed by the the flavorful yellow fleshed, red
skinned fruits on this beautiful, HARDIRED NECTARINE T op rated
California Rare Fruit
Growers’ Hybridizer freestone dwarf tree. C 585: for west of the Cascades, this
Group. A rare $26.50 each Harrow Ontario selection will excel
nectarine with rich red throughout Zones 5-9. It bears large
flesh reminiscent of the old “Indian Chinese Flat Peaches quantities of red sweet tasty, yellow
Red” peaches. It is the result of fleshed fruit in early August. The
crossing red-fleshed peaches with & Nectarines tree is attractive and spreading in
white nectarines and re-crossing Flat Peaches and Nectarines are habit, tolerant of bacterial spot and
the subsequent seedlings. Small new to American gardeners. They brown rot and covered each spring
to medium sized fruit has dark grow like other peach trees. The with large showy pink flowers.
burgundy skin with flesh streaked in fruit is flat and very sweet. They C565A (St Julian A): $26.50 each
red and a juicy, melting texture. The need a hot summer climate and
flavor is unique: rich and complex, 500 chill hours to thrive. On Lovell Gorgeous & Tasty Too
very sweet but with a pleasant rootstock unless otherwise noted.
tartness similar to raspberry. C576: Self fertile. ATOMIC RED FLOWERING
$28.50 each NECTARINE Perhaps inadvisably
SAUZEE named for its beautiful, deep-red
Genetic Dwarfs WHITE
double flowers that shine like a
beacon. Talk about a stunning
Genetic dwarf NECTARINE edible ornamental, it also provides
peaches and New from a good mid-season crop of medium
nectarines grow Zaiger to large white fleshed flavorful
4-5’ tall and are Hybrids nectarines. USDA Zones 6-9. Needs
great in a pot on — the first
the patio, deck 500 chill hours. (Not recommended
donut-style in wet
or in the ground. nectarine!
Each is grafted maritime
This climates.)
about 18” high outstanding
to make a beau- C508:
tiful dwarf bush early $26.50
like the one pic- season each
tured. All ripen variety
in June in central California to early has white
August in the Pacific Northwest. All flesh that
genetic dwarfs are very susceptible, is sweet and juicy. The compact
but avoid leaf curl when they are tree sets fruit at a young age and
grown in a special, easy to accom- produces heavily. Thinning is
plish way. Cover the tree so it stays required for large fruit size. The fruit
dry from mid Dec. to Feb. and it has red skin over a blush of yellow.
won’t get leaf curl. Each is on Lovell On Citation rootstock. C563:
rootstock. Each is self-fertile. $26.50 each 47
Versatile Favorites
is marbled red and yellow. While
it has fruited well in cold climates,
TOMCOT These luscious huge we have not successfully fruited
orange orbs are the first apricots to it here at Raintree in our maritime
(Prunus armeniaca) We offer a col- ripen each season. The firm orange climate. USDA Zones 4-8. On Lovell
lection of unusual Apricots and Apri- flesh is delicious eaten fresh or rootstock. C380: $32.50 each
cot crosses from around the world! dried. Select another apricot as a
Apricots come from cold climates pollinizer. Developed by WSU fruit
where they must bloom very quickly breeder Tom Toyama from a cross “Sweet Pit” Apricots
after their chilling requirements are made in 1970. It will do well in much They are called “sweet pits” because
met. In more moderate climates of the nation but not west of the you can eat the kernel like you would
they bloom very early and must be Cascades. C385D: $26.50 each an almond, as well as enjoying the
planted in areas where they aren’t WESTLEY This self fertile apricot flavorful fruit.
subject to early spring frosts! We from Northern California is excellent HUNZA F rom the land of the Hunza
offer sturdy well rooted 4-5’ trees. eaten fresh and particularly prized in northern Pakistan, where people
On Lovell rootstock unless other- dried. The medium to large fruit routinely live to well over the age of
wise noted. has orange flesh and good flavor. one hundred. The kernel of this small,
It blooms and ripens in the late sweet fruit is the primary source of
These Produce in the season. It has looked good in trials
at the WSU Mt. Vernon station
oil for the Hunza, and many claims
are made concerning its healthful
Pacific Northwest in Western Washington. C477: properties. Kernels must be roasted
Where Others Fail $26.50 each or otherwise cooked before eating.
Puget Gold and Harglow both bloom The Hunza leave the fruit on the tree
later and tolerate more frost while Cold Climate Black Apricot to dry before harvesting, but we
can’t recommend this method for
still setting fruit. They are more TLOR-TSIRAN BLACK APRICOT those in wetter climates! The flesh of
likely to fruit in a maritime climate ( Prunus dasycarpa) As far as we the fruit, when cooked, has a deep
where numerous other varieties know, only Raintree is offering Black toffee flavor. Self fertile. It is not likely
have failed. They also appear to Apricots to American gardeners. to produce well in cool maritime
be somewhat less susceptible to This is a selection of an unusual, summers. USDA Zones 5-9. On
disease. If you live in a maritime naturally occurring hybrid of apricot Citation rootstock. C475: $28.50
climate and are not in a late frost (P. armeniaca) and myrobalan each
pocket, try them. plum (P. cerasifera) from central
Asia. We tasted it in Russia at the CHINESE SWEET PIT Also known
PUGET GOLDTM as the Chinese Golden, Mormon
This prolific Krymsk Station near the Caucasus
mountain range and enjoyed the or Large Early Montgamet Apricot.
bearing tree It is late blooming, making it
produces large flavor. The skin of the tasty oval
fruit is fuzzy like an apricot but is an excellent choice for higher
elongated fruit elevations or late frost areas. The
of very good a dark purple. The trees showy
white blossoms appear slightly tree is medium size, precocious
flavor. The tree and a heavy bearer. Its golden
blooms in early later than other apricots. The flesh
orange medium size fruit is sweet,
March and the firm and juicy. It ripens over a long
fruit ripens in period of time. It is winter hardy and
early August. A self fertile. USDA Zones 4-9. On
natural semi- Marianna 2624 rootstock. C476:
dwarf, the tree $28.50 each
can easily be
at 15’ height Miniature Size, Big Flavor
It’s self-fertile. new and exciting breakthrough for
C460C (St. the backyard grower. This new Zaiger
Julian A): introduction has a delicious flavor. It
$26.50 each
late blooming, How To Use Apricots How To Grow
early ripening, IN THE KITCHEN: Eat fresh, stew or can. SOIL: Well drained soil. Prefers a neutral
self-fertile apricot that has proven They are wonderful dried, in jams, nectars pH
itself in our maritime Pacific and as leather. POLLINATION: Self fertile unless noted.
Northwest and in most of the IN THE LANDSCAPE: Apricots have the CULTURAL REQUIREMENTS: Prune to
nation. It is an introduction from the most beautiful foliage of the fruit trees. an open center shape. Fruit spurs bear
Harrow Research Station in Ontario, Leaves are first a bronze color, turning to several years. Water trees in the summer.
Canada and shows some resistance green as they mature.
to brown rot and other diseases. For Your Health
The firm, sweet, flavorful fruit is Useful Facts Apricots have 3 to 8 times the phytonu-
medium to large and a deep orange HARDINESS: Zones 5-9 unless noted. trients of peaches or nectarines. Fully
color with a red blush. C470C (St. SUN OR SHADE: Sun. ripened fruit from your tree is far more
Julian A): $26.50 each HEIGHT & SPACING: 15 feet. nutritious than the fruit picked semi ripe
YEARS TO FIRST FRUIT: 2-3 from a store.
48 YIELD: 30-120 pounds per tree.
is a miniature, easily maintained at ened for the first time this year at is ripe, the yellow/green skin turns
only eight feet tall. The abundant Raintree and produced a delicious a dappled maroon and yellow.
fruit is medium size with a bright crop of beautiful fruit. A frequent taste test winner for
orange skin. It has yet to be tested SWEET TREAT its distinct Plum-Apricot flavor.
around the nation but is expected PLUERRYThis Dandy is a good pollinator for
to be very cold hardy and should new dark red other pluot varieties and among
do well where apricots thrive. On fruit with yellow the most widely adaptable to
Citation rootstock, the tree needs a flesh is a complex colder climates. Thin the fruit so
well drained soil. Patent pending. 600 interspecific it doesn’t overset and become
chill hours. USDA Zones 6-9. C480: hybrid, biennial. On Citation rootstock.
$26.50 each predominantly of Needs 500 chill hours. USDA
Zones 6-9. C 376: $26.50 each
plum and cherry
Persian Delight with a hint of peach and apricot FLAVOR
thrown in for good measure. It GRENADE
SHAA-KAR-PAREH Shaa-kar-pareh
looks a lot like a small round plum Enjoy
is a delightful, white-fleshed apricot explosive,
from Iran. It is an ancient hybrid but the taste is like a tasty plum
infused with cherry flavor. It’s new sweet-as-
between a myrobalan plum and an honey flavor.
apricot. Medium to large fruit with and unique and will be very popular.
It blooms with late mid season This green
light yellow skin flushed with rose. fruit with a
The white flesh is exceptionally Asian plums and needs a pollinizer.
Flavor King Pluot, Burgundy and red blush, hangs on the tree and
sweet with plum-like flavor. It ripens can be eaten for four to six weeks
early in the season and is self fertile. Santa Rosa plums have proven
good pollenizers and gardeners will as it keeps getting sweeter. It
USDA Zones 6-9. On Marianna 2624 extends the stone fruit season
rootstock. C383: $28.50 each need to experiment to find the best
pollinizers in their region. (See Asian and can be harvested in October.
Plum Plum Pollination Chart.). USDA The fruit will still have a distinctive
Zones 6-9. Needs 450 chill hours. crunch. Good reports have come
On Myro 29C rootstock. C356: in from USDA Zones 5 and 6 areas
ing to fifteen different species and are native to areas
throughout the world. No fruits we can think of come in
such a variety of colors, shapes, sizes and flavors. Our
plums are on semi dwarfing Marianna 2624, St. Julian
(Prunus species) Raintree offers a wonderful col- A or Lovell rootstocks unless otherwise noted. They are
lection of the most flavorful plums from around easily maintained at an average of from 10-13’ tall and
the world. Plums provide an abundance of delicious need that spacing. USDA Zones 5-9 unless otherwise
fruit with relatively little care. Plums are unique among noted. Each needs a pollinizer unless noted! We offer
the fruits in that they are a very diverse group belong- sturdy, well rooted 4-5’ trees.
REINE newly introduced by Cornell, has
CLAUDE a very high sugar content. Several
DOREE pickings, beginning in late August,
freeze to the ground and come back size than
to produce a crop the same year! most other
The fruit is medium size, with purple varieties. It
skin and a sweet, rich flavor. D320: produces well
(Ficus carica) If you are among the $23.50 each in hot summer
many people who associate a fig areas. When
tree with only a hot dry climate, you EXCEL Enjoy the sweet, rich flavor
of this. medium size, yellow fruit grown in a
are in for a delicious surprise. Fig pot, in a cool
trees thrive in the Pacific North- with amber pulp. Excel is resistant
to splitting even under adverse summer
west and much of the nation. climate, it can be brought inside to
Most of the varieties we offer have conditions. It is a superb, all
purpose fig. Introduced in 1975. finish ripening. D 345: $23.50 each
been selected for cold hardiness
and early ripening. A warm location It’s considered very hardy. D 311: LATTARULA T his high quality fig
with a southern exposure is import- $23.50 each is among the most popular and
ant for ripening fruit in a maritime VIOLETTE DE BORDEAUX A lso known widely adapted varieties. The ripe
climate. Mature plants are all hardy as Bordeaux and as Negronne. fruit, with amber colored flesh and
to about 10° F. Fig plants can be The very productive tree produces yellow-green skin, is so tasty for
grown in colder climates if they are two crops of purple black figs with fresh eating, canning, and drying
pruned as a bush and covered in strawberry colored flesh. Very good that it has earned the nickname
winter or grown in a pot and brought in quality with a rich flavor.D360: “Italian Honey Fig.” D 330: $23.50
inside in winter. We offer vigorous, $23.50 each each
well rooted 1-gallon plants. PETER’S HONEY NEW!Brought
from Sicily, this fig is one of the Figs for Hotter Summers
Widely Adaptable best. The skin is a beautiful shiny PANACHEE
HARDY CHICAGO yellow green when ripe, and the TIGER STRIPE
rom a garden flesh is superb for fresh eating, This light yellow,
near Chicago drying and canning. D340: $23.50 small to medium,
comes this each pear-shaped
hardy excellent PETITE NEGRI A dwarf tree or bush fruit is adorned
fig which, once that thrives in a pot and produces with unique dark
established, can large crops of sweet purple/black green stripes.
fruit with red flesh. It has two crops The flesh has strawberry color and
60 a year and sets more fruit for its good, sweet flavor. It needs a long,
warm growing season and ripens DESERT NORDLAND
late. D359: $23.50 each KING T
op Nordland Bergfeige
FLANDERS The richly-flavored rated is originally from
amber flesh of Flanders is among in the Switzerland and
the most flavorful of all figs, and Pacific considered among
the beautiful fruit with violet stripes NW for its the hardiest figs. It
and white flecks resists splitting. reliability is able to survive to
The highly productive tree requires and 10 degrees F and
a hot summer or a greenhouse for delicious possibly lower. It
the fruit to ripen and develop its flavor, this is a brownish fig
outstanding flavor. D312: $23.50 fig tree produces large, very sweet and very sweet and tasty. It was
each and tasty fruit with dark green recommended to us as a good
skin and pink flesh. Each year, the choice for cooler maritime climates
BLACK MISSION and it has proven to thrive at the
The most popular overwintering “breba” crop will WSU Mt. Vernon station in Western
fig, heavy-bearing ripen in August. It is a San Pedro Washington. D 353: $23.50 each
and long-lived, type fig, which physiologically
Mission produces cannot ripen a fall crop. Grow it for
large, teardrop its unrivaled overwintering crop. How to Use Figs
shaped fruit with D310: $23.50 each; 3+: $21.50
purple-black skin and richly flavorful, each IN THE KITCHEN: Fresh figs are a
strawberry-red flesh. Trees grow well wonderful treat. They are delicious dried
in California, on the coast or inland, OLYMPIAN or eaten fresh or cooked into sauces and
and they set both an overwintering Along with jam.
“breba” crop in early summer and a Desert King IN THE LANDSCAPE: With its large dark
later crop in fall. Hardy to 15°F.D305: the best bet for green leaves and spreading habit, the
cool summer fig tree has a tropical appearance. Trees
$23.50 each can slowly grow very large but can easily
areas. This
be kept small with pruning. It is beautiful
GIANTA huge fig newly available planted on the patio or near walkways.
with attractive fig was found in Grow as a potted plant on a porch, deck
purple skin and a Olympia, Washington, and regularly or other sunny area and bring inside
delicious melting ripens a delicious breba crop in during severe winter weather.
amber flesh. A August and often a fall crop in cool
winner in the summer areas where others fail. Useful Facts
south, it thrives in Texas and other Brought to us by Denny McGaughy, HARDINESS: Mature trees can stand
hot desert areas. Grow it inside this red/purple skinned, red fleshed 10° F. Lower temperatures cause
in the North. Zones 7-11. D365: fig has been long awaited.D343: freezing to the ground, but new growth
$23.50 each $29.50 each L IMIT ONE resprouts from the roots. Zones 7-11.
Chilling needed is only 100 hours.
Best Choices for Cool TURKEY This
SUN: Trees tolerate shade; maximum
sun is required for fruit.
Summer Climates hardy tree bears SPACING: 15-20’. With pruning they can
heavily and be placed closer.
For at least 100 years, fig lovers in
the Pacific Northwest have been can produce POLLINATION: Varieties we offer do not
two crops of need pollination.
trying out figs to see which ones LIFETIME: 100+ years. PROPAGA-
produce consistently in our cool large delicious
fruit each year. TION: By rooted cuttings.
maritime summer climate. It turns HARVEST TIME: The first (over winter-
out that the figs we can count on, The figs have ing “breba”) crop ripens in summer, the
produce a reliable over wintering mahogany colored skin and light second crop ripens in fall. In cool sum-
“breba” crop that ripens in August, amber flesh that is very sweet. mer areas only the breba crop may ripen.
since we cannot count on the main Highly reliable in much of the Pacific Fruit is ripe and ready for harvest when it
crop that ripens in the fall to mature. NW.D355: $19.95 each; 3+: droops on the stem from its own weight.
The Amend family founded the Wil- $18.50 each YEARS TO FRUIT: 3-4 PESTS: None of
lamette Fig Gardens in about 1916 importance.
and introduced many of the varieties
we now offer. In recent years Denny A beautiful How To Grow
McGaughy has collected winners bright purple
SOIL REQUIREMENTS: Figs are adapt-
from people’s yards throughout our fig with flavorful able to varied soils. A well-drained fertile
region and introduced more variet- strawberry loam, close to neutral pH is best.
ies now in the Raintree catalog. He colored flesh. It CULTURAL REQUIREMENTS: Plant
has also worked with U.C. Davis to often ripens an on the south side of a building or wall
do DNA testing to correctly identi- October crop in and protect from cold winds. Figs do not
fy fig varieties because often the the Pacific Northwest where most need much fertilizer. While water require-
same fig has been called by many others fail. It is a good companion ments are low, regular irrigation during
names. to varieties like Desert King which dry spring and summer spells will result
ripen only a summer crop. It is in consistent growth and good crops.
Prune to a vase shape allowing air and
thought to be a Japanese variety
For more figs, visit called Hirta that was introduced into
light to penetrate the center of the tree.
Europe in the 19th century. D342:
raintreenursery.com $23.50 each 61
Unique Asian-
astringent which means it develops
its rich sweet flavor and cinnamon
color when pollinized. Saijo and American
(Diospyros species) Both Asian
Chocolate are the best pollinizers. Cross
D216: $39.95 each
and American persimmons are very NIKITA’S GIFT
beautiful trees that produce deli- HACHIYA This is the variety most lmost as hardy
cious, sweet orange fruit. All the often found in stores. The 4” long as the American
trees we offer are grafted and will acorn persimmon and almost as large
have superior quality fruit on an ear- shaped as the Asian, Nikita’s large crops
ly bearing tree. We can ship only Izu, fruit is deep of 2-1/2”, flattish, red-orange fruit
Coffee Cake, Chocolate, Hachiya orange are certainly gifts. When fully ripe
and Jiro to CA. We offer 3-5’ trees. when ripe and soft, this hybrid persimmon is
Our Asians are on D. Lotus root- and very sweet and flavorful. Fall foliage is a
stock and unless otherwise noted sweet and gorgeous orange color. From Nikita
are hardy to about 10°F. Chocolate, flavorful. Botanic Garden in Yalta. It is self-
Hachiya, Jiro, Izu, Coffee Cake It is great fertile. On D. virginiana rootstock.
and Saijo thrive in and can be dried. It is astringent until ripened D224: $39.95 each
sent to CA. off the tree and eaten when soft.
D218: $39.95 each American Persimmons
Best Asians For PRAIRIE STAR™An early-ripening
Warm Summers Earliest Ripening Asians American persimmon that sets
IZUA large crops of very sweet fruit. It’s
JIRO Jiro is very early 228: $39.95 each
self-fertile. D
round and flat ripening,
with an orange GARRETSON One of the best
fine quality American Persimmon varieties,
skin and sweet Asian
mild flesh. It is a Garretson bears heavy crops of
persimmon. sweet, high quality fruit. Garretson
non-astringent This is
type, great ripens early and is very hardy
a non- and easy to grow. Needs a male
eaten while firm. Also known in the astringent
U.S. as Fuyu. D215: $39.95 each persimmon pollenizer (D230). On D.
selection. It virginiana rootstock.D219: $39.95
CHOCOLATE C hoice of sets medium sized fruit on a dwarf each
connoisseurs. The medium size tree. Hardy to 0°F. D250: $39.95
red, conical, astringent type fruit each
develops sweet, spicy brown
flesh when ripe if pollinized. It is
SAIJO Northerners Can Grow
astringent until ripened off the tree.
Saijo is the
only Asian
American Persimmons
It’s the best pollinizer for the Coffee persimmon
Cake variety. D217: $39.95 each Meader grafted American
we can ripen Persimmon trees grow much
COFFEE CAKE (Nishimura Wase) in our cool larger than Asian varieties and
A richly flavored variety that ripens summers the fruit is smaller. However
a month before Jiro. It ripens in at Raintree the Americans usually ripen
climates with summers too cool in western earlier and the trees are much
to consistently ripen Jiro or Fuyu. Washington. more winter hardy. The fruit is
The fruit is large and roundish. The This self astringent until fully ripe. Zones
tree is vigorous and easy to grow. fertile cultivar is hardy to -10 5-9. All Americans are on D.
virginiana rootstock. We cannot
It is called Coffee Cake for its rich degrees F. It produces consistently ship American persimmons to
flavor and brown flesh color when sweet acorn shaped fruit on a small California.
ripe. It is a pollination variant non tree. D260: $39.95 each
aucuparia x Aronia) Sweet-tart,
small, wine-red fruit, prized for
making wine, jelly and sauces,
cover this small beautiful 12-15’-tall (Zizyphus jujuba) Jujubes are pretty
yard tree. D710: $26.50 each trees with glossy green leaves that
turn yellow in the autumn. Called
IVANS BELLETM (Sorbus aucuparia “Chinese Date”, the fruit is very
x Craetagus) An attractive tree sweet, reddish brown when ripe,
from the Ukraine. The 15’ tree has 1-1/2” long with a single seed.
large, glossy compound leaves and These grafted trees will grow to
produces loads of tart, ½”, wine red 20’ or more but can be maintained
fruit that is prized for making wine, much smaller. They are very pro-
jelly or sauces. D 711: $26.50 each ductive and early bearing. The fruit
MEADER T he only available
American that is reliably self-fertile. needs hot summers to ripen well. In
From fruit breeder Elwyn Meader cooler summers pick it half brown
of New Hampshire. These grafted and half green and bring it inside to
trees are upright growing, very cold
hardy, and among the first to ripen,
even in areas with cool summers.
Hawthorn finish ripening. The myth of Zizyphus
is that they are all tender sub-tropi-
cals, but jujubes are hardy in USDA
D255: $39.95 each RED SUN CHINESE Zones 6-10. These partially self
HAW(Crataegus fertile cultivars produce better with
MALE AMERICAN T he male is a another cultivar for pollination. We
beautiful tree but doesn’t produce pinnatifida) An
attractive species ship 3-5’ trees.
fruit. It will pollinate all American
females including Meader. On D. of small 12’ LANG L ang has
virginiana rootstock.D230: $36.50 tall trees from large, pear-
each northern China shaped, flavorful
with 1” diameter fruit which must
fruit which turn be fully colored
red when ripe. This fruit is tasty for best eating.
when eaten fresh, dried, or used to Let the summer
Note on Delayed make syrups, preserves or candies. ripening fruit dry
Leafing Persimmons USDA Zones 4-9. Self-fertile. D163: on the tree. The
$26.50 each tree is upright and almost spineless.
Don’t worry! Because per- Needs a pollinizer. D 204: $39.95
simmons, unlike most plants, BIG GOLDEN STAR NEW!Unlike the
common hawthorn, this tree has no each
break dormancy based on
heat units, not chilling hours, thorns. It is a striking small tree with LIEnjoy large, round
many newly planted persim- very large, lobed leaves. It has good early season fruit,
mon trees don’t come out of autumn color and lots of edible up to 3 oz. in mid-
dormancy the first season, fruits 1 1/2 inch in diameter used August. Li may be
in a cool spring and summer for cooking and making jelly. USDA picked at the yellow-
cli-mate like the Pacific NW, Zones 4-9. D168: $26.50 each green stage. It is
until summer or even fall. A LIMIT ONE best eaten fresh.
bare root tree could be simply TEXAS SUPERBERRY (Crataegus Partially self-fruitful.
planted in the ground or could aestivalis) Mayhaws are a group D202: $39.95
be potted to provide more of hawthorns, native to the U.S. each
heat for the roots and then that produce small tasty crab SHERWOOD Enjoy the excellent
unpot-ted and planted just apple like fruit that is famous tasting, firm large shiny reddish-
after it started to leaf. Plant- for making a delicious jelly. The brown date-like fruit that has a
ing instruc-tions are included attractive tree grows to 15’ and sweet apple-like flavor. When
with each tree. has pretty white self fertile flowers. candied and dried, it resembles
It blooms very early, making a date. Sherwood is good in hot
fruit set only occasional in areas desert areas. It is an attractive
with late spring frosts. Warren upright grower with shiny leaves
Mt. Ash Superberry was found in Texas by
famed horticulturist T. O. Warren.
and far fewer thorns than other
selections. Not recommended for
It produces heavy crops of red areas where climate cools before
berries used in pie, jelly or juice. fruit ripens. D207: $42.50 each
D164: $26.50 each SHANXI LI NEW!Enjoy the very
These are beautiful, unusual upright RED AZEROLE NEW!This small, large two inch plus fruit, excellent
hardy trees with large glossy com- ornamental hawthorn can be grown eaten fresh or dried. Shanxi Li has
pound leaves. Bred for beauty and for its small red fruit reddish brown date like fruit. It does
by famed Russian that tastes like a tart apple. It grows well in hot, dry summer areas. It
plant breeder Ivan quickl y into a 15’ tree or large ripens in mid season, in the late
Michurin. Each is shrub with beautiful, glossy, dark summer or early fall and is self
self-fertile. USDA green foliage. In spring, it is loaded fertile. USDA Zones 6-10. D 209:
Zones 3-8. 3-5’ with dense clusters of large white $42.50 each
flowers. Self-fertile. USDA Zone 5-9.
trees. D162: $26.50 each 63
Pomegranates Pomegranates
(Punica granatum) We offer a wide
and Your Health
selection of pomegranates, each Pomegranates are rated among the
with its own complex and unique fla- most healthful of fruits. Studies show
vor. The pomegranate can be grown pomegranate juice has much more
as a small tree or in a bush form. polyphenol antioxidants than any
other drink, including red wine and
Their bright foliage and beautiful blueberry juice. It is rich in flavonoids
orange flowers make them a beauti- which researchers find protects
ful landscape plant. Pomegranates against heart disease.
require only 150 chilling hours &
need well-drained soil.
Tea Pomegranates ripen well in the
South and in California. They grow
well in the Pacific Northwest but
variety usually
found in markets.
(Camellia sinensis) Plant an au- don’t get the intense summer heat Hot summers are
thentic tea plant in your yard! These they need to ripen. needed to fully ripen
pretty evergreen Camellia bushes the large, tart fruit.
grow about 4’ tall (taller in mild Growing them as a multi-stemmed
bush in a pot and bringing them in in D490: $22.50 each
regions) and can make an attractive
evergreen hedge.They have pretty the fall can extend their productive KASHMIR BLEND N amed for its
fragrant autumn flowers. The leaves range. delicious blend of complex flavors.
are elliptical, 2-4” long and contain EVERSWEET Since it is the first Kashmir Blend produces a tart,
the stimulant caffeine. Leaves will pomegranate to ripen (a month or rich flavor beloved by pomegranate
produce green or black tea. Re- more before Wonderful), Eversweet aficionados. The exquisite balance
search suggests that green tea has bears in shorter season areas. Its between acid and sugar results in
special beneficial health properties. large, dark red, virtually seedless fruit is great juice. D478: $24.50 each
These plants also grow well indoors sweet, even when immature, an added SWEETSweeter fruit than
in a pot. Plants prefer sun or partial ripening advantage over other cultivars. Wonderful, with better quality
shade. Delicious, sweet-tangy fruit has clear, in cool-summer climates. It is a
A Chinese way to make green tea is non-staining juice. D485: $24.50 compact plant, suitable to espalier
to “pick only the new growing tips each and container growing. Harvest in
(the top three leaves on a branch). PINK SATIN This attractive late summer. Unsplit ripe fruit stores
Spread and dry in the shade for six pomegranate has unique, edible seeds in a cool, dry place for two months
hours. Then on low heat in an open and a sweetly refreshing flavor. Soft, or more. D480: $24.50 each
pot, heat the leaves for a couple of edible sweet seeded cultivars are PARFIANKA T his naturally dwarf
hours, frequently stirring. You can sought after by cultures familiar with pomegranate sets profuse amounts
use your hand to stir. Then put the pomegranates. The soft seeds make of fruit even when young. The
leaves in a cup and pour boiling it seem almost seedless. Its original medium size, yellow fruit has a bright
water over the leaves. You can drink name is Pink Ice. D479: $24.50 each red blush, soft seeds and a sweet-tart
it with the leaves still in the cup.” RED SILK This taste that is rated among the best
For black tea, ferment the leaves. dwarf UC Davis in taste tests. Parfianka makes an
Plants are hardy in the Pacific North- introduction excellent juice. D 486: $26.50 each
west. USDA Zones 7-10. In 1-quart grows to about POMEGRANATE ROADS By Gregory
pots. 6’, making it Levin 183 pages. Floreant Press,
RUSSIAN TEA G rown from seed perfect for a Subtitled “A Soviet Botanists’s
gathered in Tea plantations in Sochi, large patio pot! Exile from Eden.” A beguiling
Russia along the Black Sea. This is It produces an blend of memoir and pomegranate
the northern most area where tea abundant crop of large fruit with red horticulture. Dr. Levin tells of
is grown commercially. Flowers are juice and a delicious grenadine flavor his life’s work in a remote Soviet
white and fragrant. L503: $22.50 that has a pleasing balance of acid research station in the mountains
each and sweetness. D 491: $24.50 each near Iran. S329: $18 each
white- About Pomegranates EXPOSURE: Full Sun.
POLLINATION: Self fertile.
flowered IN THE LANDSCAPE: Enjoy the spring HARDINESS: Zones 8-10.They are
ornamental display of showy orange-red flowers on hardy to about 10° F. Even if frozen to the
variety that these glossy leafed arching shrubs. ground, plants will re-sprout from the
is also used to make delicious tea. IN THE KITCHEN: Try several varieties to roots like a fig. If grown in a pot, they can
L501: $22.50 each experience the range of delicious pome- be brought in to ripen.
granate flavors. Use them in a wide variety SIZE & SPACING: Prune them as a 8-10’
BLUSHING MAIDEN S imiliar to Tea of delicious Middle Eastern recipes. tall shrub or allow them to become a
Breeze except the flowers are a beautiful 15-20’ tree or espalier.
pretty pink color. L502: $22.50 Useful Facts RIPENING: Late Fall.
each YIELD: 15 plus pounds per plant.
SOIL: Most need well drained soils.
Paw Paws
crops of oval, sweet and flavorful grafted varieties but a great value
fruit. One of the earliest ripening and just as likely to grow well.
varieties in our region. D374: Choose two for pollination or one
$27.50 each and a grafted variety. 1 gallon pot.
(Asimina D370: $18.50 each
Outstanding Cultivars
The paw
paw is the
From Kentucky Edible
edible fruit
native to
his patented
new variety is one of the largest
and most flavorful Pawpaws, each
weighing up to a pound. The fruit
ca. Well Our dogwoods are small ornamental
known in ripens in mid season and is sweet
and flavorful with creamy-yellow, trees with beautiful spring flowers
much of the eastern United States, and attractive summer foliage and
the tree has long, tropical looking custard-like flesh. D394: $27.50
each fall color. Dogwoods are planted for
leaves and produces dark green, their ornamental beauty, but in Rus-
oblong fruit (3” to 6” long) with a SUSQUEHANNATM The largest of all sia and elsewhere they are prized
pulp that tastes like vanilla custard. the Peterson Paw Paw selections. for heavy production of delicious
You can just take out your spoon Susquehanna fruit is very sweet fruit. Cannot ship to Florida. We
and eat the delicious treat. While the and richly flavorful with very few offer 3-5’ trees.
paw paw tree grows well in much seeds. Individual fruits can weigh
of the nation, it needs a long hot a pound! It ripens in mid season.
summer to ripen its fruit and only D395: $27.50 each Cornus Mas Has
the earliest ripening cultivars stand Flavorful Fruit
a chance of maturing in the cooler
parts of the Pacific Northwest. The Flavorful Favorites Cornus Mas, also called “Cornelian
pulp has big seeds that are easy to Cherry” is a fantastic small orna-
PROLIFIC A vigorous tree and a mental tree that bears flavorful fruit.
spoon out and discard or plant to heavy cropper with very good
grow additional trees. Paw paws are Trees are beautiful in all seasons.
flavored fruit. It comes into They are covered with yellow flow-
slow growing and small upon arrival. production sooner than other ers in the spring before the leaves
378: $27.50 each
varieties. D appear. This is followed by flavorful
Earliest Ripening REBECCA’S GOLD Vigorous, summer fruit and red and yellow fall
This one is most likely to ripen in productive tree with sweet foliage. Cornus Mas thrives in soil
areas with cool summers like the aromatic fruit. Ripens mid to late with high organic content. Trees like
Pacific Northwest. season. D375: $27.50 each partial shade in hot summer areas
NC 1 NEW! NC-1 is an early SUNFLOWER A well known hardy and full sun where summers are
ripening variety from Canada. It northern selection with large, cooler. USDA Zones 4-9. 3-5 foot
bears great crops of large and flavorful fruit and few seeds. trees unless noted.
flavorful fruit. D 373: $27.50 Ripens slightly later than other RAINTREE SELECT The most
each varieties. Reportedly self-fertile. flavorful and productive of many
D385: $27.50 each seedlings grown from productive
sweet and flavorful, medium to large FORD AMEND S elected in the trees from Russia. This tree ripens
fruit. Reportedly the earliest of all Pacific Northwest and grown since elongated red fruit late in the
our varieties to ripen. A great variety 1950. Flavorful, green-yellow fruit season. D567: $28.50 eachLIMIT
to try in cooler regions.D391: with orange flesh, ripens in late ONE
$27.50 each September. D 372: $27.50 each
MITCHELL NEW! A highly regarded PAW PAW SEEDLINGS Not as
variety, Mitchell bears good consistently productive as the
This beautiful who provides these conditions with
edible delicious fruit that is almost black
when ripe. USDA Zones 9-10. J335:
ornamental $24.50 each
produces Often edible bananas can’t take tem-
beautiful peratures below freezing but can be
yellow grown indoors. Our ornamental culti- Banana Book
flowers each vars are surprisingly hardy and can be BANANAS YOU CAN GROWby
spring and grown in much of the nation. Offered Stokes & Waddick, 128 pages.
is loaded in 1 gallon pots.Prohibited to HI. For Northern and Southern home
with unique gardeners. Includes 66 cultivars.
yellow fruit Sections are on cultivation,
1 inch long Hardy Ornamentals propagation, best cultivars for each
each fall. BASJOO HARDY T
his Japanese site and growing in greenhouses
Use another Cornus Mas variety as native is hardy to zero when and containers. Well written with
a pollinizer for fruit. D578: $26.50 mulched. It will grow to 15’ tall many color illustrations. S
each (less than 10’ in a large pot) and $19.95 each
grace your northern yard with giant
VARIEGATED A beautiful and
unusual edible ornamental. This
multi stemmed tree has beautiful
tropical looking banana stems
and leaves. Though its fruit is not
palatable the flowers are showy. It
green and white variegated leaves. needs sun, lots of summer water LOQUAT SEEDLING (Erioboytra
It is easily maintained at ten feet and lots of nitrogen for rapid japonica) This tropical looking
tall and like the other Cornus Mas growth. After the first fall frost, tree produces leathery evergreen
has beautiful yellow flowers in the prune the stems to a foot high. In foliage and fruit that is very sweet,
spring and edible red berries each May, new growth is spectacular. aromatic and looks like a small
summer. D580: $28.50 each J320: $24.50 each round apricot. The tree is self-fertile
RED TIGER ( Musa sikkimensis) A and hardy to 12° F. It blooms in late
Kousas Loaded With Fruit! beautiful cold tolerant ornamental winter and only sets fruit in areas
banana from the Himalayas. It with above freezing winters and hot
(Cornus Kousa) These beautiful summers. It grows well but rarely
ornamentals grow to 12-15’ tall with grows to 15’ tall with huge purple
striped leaves and long lasting fruits in the Pacific Northwest. It can
attractive, disease resistant, ovate grow to 20’ tall or be kept small in
leaves that turn scarlet in fall. Enjoy yellow flowers. Though it’s almost
as cold tolerant as Basjoo it needs a pot. One Gallon Pot. USDA Zones
large showy white flowers in June. 8-10. J340: $22.50 each
Pick round bright edible red fruit in warm weather to break dormancy.
October. Space 12’ apart or 4’ apart All the hardy bananas benefit from
to make a stun- a thick winter mulch in colder
ning 6-8’ hedge. climates. USDA Zones 6-10. One
Best in good gallon pot. J337: $24.50 each
garden soil with
afternoon shade. Delicious Indoor Favorites
USDA Zones 5-8. DOUBLE T
his sport of the Dwarf
2-3’ size. Cavendish banana is also known as
BIG APPLE ‘Mahoi’. It will grow to about 7’ tall in
KOUSATM a large pot. Happy indoors with high
Selected for its light levels and temperatures 65°F
cascades of large or higher, it usually produces two
red, tasty fruit. large heads of sweet little bananas,
Self fertile. D
585: sometimes three, beginning the
$26.50 each second year. Try it outdoors in
USDA Zones 9-10 and inside
66 elsewhere.J336: $24.50 each
LEMON GUAVA NEW!(Pisidium under bark. We offer seedlings. Plant tubers and the much smaller edible
littorale) Grown it as a potted indoor two to assure pollination and more to propagation tubers which grow just
shrub with tasty 1-2 inch round prune into an excellent hedge. Grow under the soil surface. Zones 5-9.
yellow fruit. It grows outdoors in in sun to part shade in a well-drained, 4-inch pot. L558: $16.50 each
USDA Zone 10 and is hardy to acidic site with lots of organic matter.
23 degrees F. where is makes a USDA Zones 8-11. Quart pot. D 177: MASHUA (Tropaeolum tuberosum)
sturdy 10-15 foot shrub or small $19.95 each Among Andean tubers, Mashua,
tree. Young plants produce lots a relative of
of yellow fruit. Blend the whole
fruits with strawberries or other
fruits to make a delicious puree.
Lost Crops the garden
Its great in smoothies, popsicles
or even salads. It’s native to Brazil.
Self fertile. One quart pot. J315:
of the Incas is one of
the highest
$16.50 each “Lost Crops of the Incas” is the title easiest
of a book published in 1989 and to grow,
second most popular tuber in Peru
after potatoes. The small, bright
pink tubers are similar in flavor to a
CHILEAN GUAVA (Myrtus ugni
molinae) The attractive Chilean
Guava bears red, one inch oval
tangy potato. The attractive clover-
like foliage is also edible. The tubers
mature late in the season and are
fruit with a tart flavor and aroma usually harvested after the first
reminiscent of strawberries. PRICKLY
light frost. In northern areas where PEAR
The self-fertile bush loves warm frost comes before November,
climates and can grow to 15-feet, (Opuntia
protection is needed to get good cycloides)
but will stay smaller, 6-to-8-feet, sized tubers. L559: 5 tubers for
in cooler climates. Trim the bush $15 This cactus
to a size you like and consider is great for
YACON(Smallanthus sonchifolius) growing in
planting several to make an unusual Yacon is a perennial plant grown
hedge. Chilean Guavas, favored a pot or in
in the mid-elevation Andes for its the ground.
long ago by Queen Victoria, can crisp, sweet-tasting tuberous root,
even thrive outdoors in southwest It is hardy
England. Plant in well-drained soil delicious eaten fresh. The texture and easy to
in a sunny location or grow as a and flavor is a cross between a grow. Use
greenhouse plant.The leaves are a fresh apple, about 6” of
tea substitute. USDA Zones 8-10. 1 watermelon pea gravel
quart pot.J370: $24.50 each and celery. and little or no soil for drainage. It
In Northern grows 5-7’ tall, tallest in mild winter
LUMA APICULATA This beautiful areas, plant areas and has beautiful yellow
evergreen shrub or small tree from after the flowers and long sweet purple 3”
Chile and Argentina can grow to last frost fruit. The fruit is used to make jelly.
15’ or more. Each fall, loads of and harvest Surprisingly, it thrives in the Pacific
small, round, blue-black fruit with after the NW. Zones 6-10. 1 gallon pot.
translucent flesh cover the plant. The first few D180: $24.50 each
aromatic, sweet fruit can be eaten frosts have
fresh or made into a blueberry like LARGE FRUITED OPUNTIA ( Opuntia
caused the engelmanii) Like the cycloides
topping for cheesecake. Its dark tops to die
green leaves resemble huckleberry cactus, but with red/purple, flavorful
back. While fruit that is twice as large. Enjoy the
and its small, creamy white, starry usable-
flowers appear in mid-summer and pretty yellow flowers. It grows to 4’
sized tubers tall and has blond colored spines.
continue into fall. Mature plants develop USDA Zones 7-10. 1 gallon. D185:
develop smooth, cinnamon color fairly early, they taste much sweeter $24.50 each
bark, much like that of madrone that after some frost. Yacon has two
peels back to reveal white to pink types of tubers, the edible storage 67
Roots, Flax
Leaves fall-
New Zealand Flax
(aka Harekeki) grows as a clump with
elongated grey green leaves to about
WASABI ( Wasabia comes true 8’ tall. This evergreen plant is very
japonica) Chances Saffron, tolerant of salt spray seaside locations
are you’ve never had a highly prized and highly priced and quite happy in wet (swamp)
real wasabi but rather spice that has been used for conditions yet it grows in most soils
a combination of flavoring since ancient times. The with little watering and likes full sun.
mustard, horseradish, spice is found on showy, thread-like First harvest after 3 years. Not edible
and food coloring. stigmas in each delicate lilac bloom. ... but VERY useful and attractive. It is
Native to Japan, it is Easy to grow in the Pacific NW and valued for its long strong fibers, that
grown for its unique, enlarged stem other areas with similar climates, were used it for rope for their sailing
or rhizome. Wasabi prefers shade and Saffron Crocus prefers good fleet. The Maori used it for clothing,
cool temperatures, so is well suited to spring rains, mostly dry summers weaving, baskets, packs and rope of all
the Pacific NW. The highest grade of and temperatures that stay above sorts. USDA Zones 7-10 though it may
wasabi is grown in moving water but it minus 10° F. Plants grow from need winter mulch in Zones 7 and 8
does just fine in soil and in containers. corms, which can be dug, divided and may die back in the winter. 1 quart
Wasabi grows best in summer shade and replanted to encourage more size.M056: $18.50 each
on soils high in organic matter, well plants. 2¼” pot. USDA Zones 6-9.
watered with good drainage. When
planting wasabi, the crown should
remain above the soil surface.
M007: $11.50 each
Temperatures below 27° F. will kill Fresh picked As-
the top growth and perhaps the Cooking paragus has four
whole plant so winter protection is Favorites times the natural
advisable. Its ideal range is between sugar as spears
40 and 70 degrees. Slugs love it, LEMON GRASS stored just one
so slug control may be necessary. (Cymbopogon day which gives
Instructions are included with each citratus) An it a better flavor
plant! 4” pot.L557: $16.50 each; easily grown without boosting
6+: $13.50 each perennial your blood sugar.
herb, essential Jersey Knight is among the most
(Amoracia rusticana) nutritious varieties however the
Southeast purple asparagus has three times
Plant this vigorous Asian cuisine.
root 3 inches deep in the antioxidants. When aspara-
It is also used to add lemon flavor gus is harvested at six inches tall
a rich soil with full sun, to herbal teas or chopped finely in
spaced two feet from it is much sweeter than the taller
sauces and deserts. It will grow to spears. Cooking Asparagus adds to
other plants. Harvest 2-3’ tall and spreads by numerous
roots after a frost, shoots sprouting from the base of its antioxidant value.
beginning the second year. It grows the clump. It loves heat and summer SWEET PURPLE For the asparagus
2-3’ tall and can be aggressive. Use sun and can tolerate drought connoisseur. The purple spears
by grating the roots. USDA Zones but can be killed by freezing have a 20% higher sugar content
5-9. Large root. L540: $7.50 each; temperatures. Since it does well in a and are often eaten raw. Very
3+: $6 each pot, Northerners can grow it outside tender when cooked, the sweetness
CRIMSON CHERRY spring through fall and just cut the gives the spears a mild, nutty flavor.
hubarb top growth back and bring the pot Heavy grade. R530 (10 crowns):
is easy to grow in in for the winter. 4” pot. L5804: $14.50; R535 (25 crowns):
most soils. Eat the $11.50 each $28.50
stalks, not the leaves, SICHUAN PEPPER Use the highly JERSEY KNIGHT A new very
because leaves can fragrant seeds and leaves in your flavorful “all male” variety. Since it
be toxic. Cherry is an spicy Chinese cooking. This shrub doesn’t produce flowers or seeds,
extremely heavy and grows to 10’ tall and is hardy to all the energy goes into making
reliable producer. This -10°F. While production is said to delicious, tender spears. It is much
is the reddest variety, benefit from having a male and more productive than traditional
tending to be red all the a female plant, almost all plants varieties. Expect loads of new
way through. Stalks are up to two produce both fruit and seeds. One tender spears each spring. We
feet long and are tender with no gallon size. USDA Zones 6-9. L565: offer heavy grade crowns. R520
stringiness and a full rich flavor. We $24.50 each LIMIT ONE (10 crowns): $14.50; R525 (25
offer jumbo sized crowns. USDA crowns): $28.50
Zones 5-9. Plant 4’ apart.L508: KIEFFER LIME (THAI) Distinctively
$10 each; 3+: $8.50 each shaped leaves are used in Thai GROW THE BEST ASPARAGUS
cooking. See description page 87. torey Books, 12 pages. S205:
68 J210Q: $54.95 each $3.95 each
EMERALD Lavender: So Beautiful
GroundcoverS CARPET (Rubus
pentalobus) & So Useful
And Herbs This beautiful
( Lavandula x
Cover the ground with a beautiful Raspberry from Beautiful in all
carpet of foliage, thereby reducing Taiwan has seasons, this
erosion and providing a mat that clover shaped fragrant cultivar
inhibits weeds. Good ground cov- leathery green grows to 3’ tall.
ers spread easily and quickly and foliage turning coppery in autumn. This multi-use cultivar is used for
will grow underneath other edible It grows only a few inches tall and flower wands, oil and also for baking
plants. They need weeding and or occasionally has yellow berries in in cookies. A great edible landscape
mulching and watering to get estab- July. Sun or shade. USDA Zones plant. USDA Zones 7-10. 4” pot.
lished. Lingonberries, strawberries, 6-10. 4” pot. G300: $6.50 each; L515: $8.50 each; 6+: $7 each
Maine blueberries, wintergreen, 6+: $5 each
salal, and many other berries make
great edible groundcovers. Look for
them throughout the catalog.
WOOLLY THYME(Thymus praecox
Languinousus) Fragrant and
beautiful, this wonderful evergreen
ground cover has small, soft, grey- Grow Mushrooms
Groundcovers green leaves and tiny red flowers. in Your Garden
KINNICKINNICK (Arctostaphylos Throughout the year, the mat of
uvaursi) This native evergreen foliage looks like Ireland seen from KING STROPHARIA GARDEN
ground cover thrives in most an airplane. Great in a rock garden, GIANT SPAWN ( Stropharia rugosa-
soils, even in sand. It needs little between stepping stones and on annulata) Also know as the “Garden
care. Prostrate trailing branches slopes, it thrives in our trials at Giant”. As the name implies this
thickly covered with small dark Raintree. Provide good drainage mushroom can get large, but these
green leaves yield white or pink and full sun for best results. USDA beautiful wine red mushrooms
blossoms in late spring. Bright Zones 5-9. 4” pot. L520: $6.50 are far tastier when picked at the
red berries follow, lasting well into each; 6+: $5 each button stage. It is a very easy
winter. Native Americans valued the mushroom for the home cultivator
berries as food and the leaves in and can be readily grown in your
smoking mixtures, though now the
Fragrant Culinary Herbs berry, vegetable, and flower beds.
fruit is most often eaten by birds. ARP ROSEMARY H ardy and easy to Just mix fresh hardwood chips or
It is a beautiful way to cover a lot grow, this beautiful plant grows to sawdust with our King Stropharia
of ground in a hurry. It is great for 2-3’ tall. It has grey-green foliage Spawn, mulch around your garden
sunny slopes and cascading down and pale blue flowers with a strong with the spawned chips and
walls. USDA Zones 5-10. 4” pot. Rosemary and lemon fragrance. keep moist. In 6 to 12 months the
G665: $6.50 each; 6+: $5 each USDA Zones 7-10. 4-inch pot.L575: mushrooms will begin to appear
$6.50 each; 6+: $5 each and in many parts of the country
will continue fruiting from spring
MIOGA HARDY GINGER ( Zingher through fall. Once introduced to
mioga) A hardy ginger that grows your garden, this species will often
to 4 feet tall. The new shoots are become truly perennial, appearing
blanched and eaten and the young year after year. King Stropharia is
leaves are edible. The white flower very heat and cold tolerant and can
buds which emerge in late summer be grown in most of the country. If
are used for tempurah or sliced and hardwood chips or sawdust are not
added as a garnish for salads or available, un-composted straw will
sushi. This plant is unlike the ginger also work. In Germany they grow
that you eat the large rhizomes. them on straw bales. One 4-lbs.
Hardy to USDA Zones 7-10. Prefers bag of spawn should inoculate
partial shade and well drained soil a wheelbarrow full of chips.
with plenty of humus. 1 liter pot. Instructions are provided with each
L705: $19.95 each spawn order. P 275D: $32.50 each
Using Asparagus
IN THE KITCHEN: Eat fresh, frozen or canned.
IN THE LANDSCAPE: Fern like foliage makes a perennial border. Grow in full sun. A patch can last 15 years. Harvest after three years.
USDA Zones 2-9.
SOIL REQUIREMENTS: pH 6.5 to 7.5 Deep organic soil, good drainage.
CULTURAL REQUIREMENTS: At planting, add rotted manure and compost. Dig trenches 8 to 10 inches deep and plant the crowns
12 to 18 inches apart. Some new methods call for shallower planting. Spread out the roots. Cover with 3-4 inches of soil. As the shoots
emerge, continue to fill with soil. Water, if weather is dry. Do not cut spears until the third season after planting. Then be sure to stop
harvesting after June so fern growth can take place. This builds up the food reserves for the following year’s crop. Cut foliage when it
yellows in the fall.
(Agaricus subrufesens) is favored ostreatus) Among the easiest DOWELS (Laetiporus sulphureus)
as a culinary and as a medicinal mushrooms to grow. Chefs are raving Easy to recognize, the
mushroom. It grows best when about its strong delicious flavor when combination of bright orange and
mixed in with your compost or breaded or fried. While relatively rare sulfur yellow make it a real show
a bagged compost and manure in nature, it is easy to grow on a wide stopper. As tasty as it is colorful,
product and then used as a mulch variety of hardwoods and is suited for it could make a great landscape
around your plants. It also grows home culture. The mushrooms are
well on pasteurized straw. (A way white to pale gray or brown, flattened addition. It grows on hardwood
to pasteurize your own straw is to or funnel-shaped and borne in large logs and stumps through the
soak it completely underwater in shelf-like clusters. P252C: Package United States. P 304C: 100
cold water for a week.) It is a warm of 100 dowel plugs: $18 each; 3+ plugs: $18; 3+ packages of
season mushroom. Keep the bag of packages of 100: $15 each 100: $15 each
spawn refrigerated until late spring MAITAKE DOWELS (Grifola
when you can plant it out and it will
fruit during the summer and fall.
frondosa) Maitake, also know as Grow
“Hen of the Woods”, can be reliably
It also grows well in a tote and will grown in its native range in Eastern Oyster Kits
produce more quickly than in the
garden. 4lb bag of spawn. P280D:
North America. It is prized by in Your
mushroom hunters for its delicious
$32.50 each flavor, beauty and large size (the Kitchen
record is over 100 lbs). Maitake Grow Oyster
Mushroom Dowel Plugs contains healthful and medicinal mushrooms on
SHIITAKE compounds. It is best grown on a 4-pound block
DOWELS fresh cut stumps or logs that are in your kitchen.
(Lentinus partially buried after inoculation.
Oak and elm are recommended These easy-to-grow kits can give
edodes) Shiitake two or three flushes of mush-
mushrooms are but other hardwoods can be tried.
P265C: Package of 100 dowel rooms. Here’s a great tip for the
delicious with a Oyster kit to keep it growing for a
rich flavor and plugs: $18 each; 3+ packages of
firm texture. They 100: $15 each long time: Once they have fruit-
are also very nutritious, containing LION’S MANE DOWELS(Hericium ed, pack the remaining spawn
lots of B vitamins and other erinaceus) A tasty, large, showy into a block with used coffee
substances that appear to lower mushroom. Found in late summer grounds.
cholesterol and boost the immune and fall on hardwood stumps OYSTER SPAWN KIT ( Pleurotus
system. While they are an expensive throughout much of the U.S. Oak, ostreatus) Oysters are the
delicacy, relatively new to the walnut and beech are favorites but
Western world, people in China and it grows on many hardwoods. A easiest to grow, and you can
Japan have been enjoying Shiitakes medicinal, said to improve cognitive keep them going for many
for millenia. P302C: Package of abilities. P305C: Pkg. of 100 months using the instructions
100 dowel plugs: $18 each; 3+ dowel plugs: $18 each; 3+ pkgs included with your order.
packages of 100: $15 each of 100: $15 each P 252K: $26.50 each
Ornamental Edible Vines
NEW!(Schizandra chinensis) This
lovely fruiting vine comes to us
A Fragrant Hummingbird from the mountains of China and
the Russian far east. It does well in
Favorite moist shady places where few fruit
GOLD FLAME HONEYSUCKLE plants thrive but it will also grow in
( Lonicera x heckrotti ‘Gold Flame’) full sun. It produces large clusters
The buds on of round red fruit. The leaves have
this shrubby, a lemon scent. The fruit is acidic
non-edible and very aromatic. They are dried
twining vine and used in medicinal teas. Or,
begin as pink, sweetened, the fruits are used to
opening to a make a juice or preserves that is
heavily fragrant said to be stimulating and energy
creamy restoring. Grow on a trellis, arbor or
yellow. Enjoy similar structure. The fragrant white
the blooms flowers are self-fertile and fruits
and the should begin to appear in about
hummingbirds from spring through three years. One gallon pot. USDA
summer. It grows in sun or partial Zones 4-8. H345: $24.50 each
shade. 1 gallon pot. USDA Zones (Humulus lupulus) These fast grow-
6-9. H212: $22.50 each DR. YAO CINNAMON VINE ing herbaceous vines quickly cover
( Dioscorea batatas) Cinnamon wires or a trellis to make an attrac-
scented flowers and heart shaped tive screen, decorate an arch, or
Exquisitely Fragrant leaves provide shade against a sunny wall.
Hardy Jasmine adorn this They can grow over 20’ in a season,
vigorous dying back to the ground each year
deciduous in most climates. The bitter flavor
vine. In the of the highly aromatic cone-like
mountains flowers is used to flavor beer. Young
of shoots may be used in salads or as
northern an asparagus substitute. Zones 5-9.
China it 4 inch pots. Can’t be shipped to
produces OR or ID.
very large, GOLDEN ( Humulus lupulus aureus)
highly This variety features beautiful yellow
prized, foliage and is a stunning ornamental.
white H1004: $14.50 each
fleshed CASCADE The aroma of Cascade is
tubers fragrant and powerful. It is used to
with a give flavor and aroma to American
JASMINE STEPHANENSE(Jasmine nutty light lagers. Cascade is a “Fuggle”
beesianum x officinale) In mid- potato flavor. While the top dies hybrid developed at Oregon Sate
summer this beautiful evergreen back each November, the tubers University. H
1034: $14.50 each
vine is covered with clusters of soft can be left in the ground for several
TETTNANG Originating in the
pink, fragrant flowers that waft the years to keep growing. 1 gallon pot.
scent of a tropical paradise. Yet Tettnang district of Germany, this
H205: $19.95 each variety of hops has an exceptionally
this cousin of the tropics is hardy
to 0° F. and will thrive on a fence mild aroma that seems to enhance
or trellis. It will climb to 15-20’. In
Medicinal Vine grain flavors. Excellent for finishing
colder locations it is deciduous and HO SHOU WU ( Polygonum off lagers or loggers. Matures mid-
benefits from winter mulch. Jasmine multiflorum) or Fleeceflower Vine. season. H1024: $14.50 each
are not edible. 1 quart pot. H270: A fast growing medicinal vine from
$18.50 each China with pretty green heart Book on Growing Hops
ROSE JASMINE(Jasminum shaped leaves, red stems and THE HOP GROWER’S HANDBOOK
polyanthum) Famous for exquisite white to pink fall blooming flowers. NEW! b
y Ten Eyek and Gehring.
fragrance, this vine produces large It thrives in full and fertile, well 279 pages. Subtitled The Essential
clusters of rose-colored buds drained soil. In about four years the Guide for Sustainable, Small Scale
that open to richly fragrant, white medicinal roots can be harvested Production for Home and Market.
flowers over many weeks, spring to for many uses including pain or If you want to grow hops and make
mid-autumn. It is hardy to between fatigue. It is also used to restore beer, read this book. S048: $34.95
10°-15° F., but also thrives indoors. 1 color to grey hair. USDA Zones 7-10.
quart pot.H272: $18.50 each H347: $18.50 each 71
fragrant and large. The fruit has SILVER BELLS A
vigorous vine with
a purple skin and delicious pulp both light pink and reddish-purple
when ripe. The fruit should never flowers. It has the largest leaves
be picked, it must fall from the vine of the five leafed akebia varieties.
Passiflora vines have large, round, naturally. If it is allowed to wrinkle H340: $18.50 each
incredibly showy flowers. Butter- a bit after collecting, it becomes
flies love them. The vigorous vines PURPLE ROSEThis variety
sweet ambrosia. The plant is very produces an abundance of fragrant
are easy to grow in well drained productive in warm areas. This
soil, either in the ground or in a five vibrant red-purple flowers each
outstanding Patrick Pons-Worley May. H325: $18.50 each
gallon pot and will grace your house hybrid is vigorous and blooms from
or greenhouse. Use a stake and late spring until fall. In USDA Zones PURPLE BOUQUETNEW! Dark
twine to tie the vines indoors. Vines 10-11, this plant is excellent for a purple fragrant flowers grace this
are self fertile. Passifloras cannot be sunny location and makes a good, more compact vine. H 320: $18.50
shipped to Hawaii. rapidly growing screen for a fence each
or outbuilding. 1 gallon pot.H706:
We Offer the Hardiest
of the Passifloras
$26.50 each
BLACK KNIGHT (Passiflora edulis)
Enjoy fragrant, dark purple-black
fruit the size of a large egg with
excellent flavor. The vine is vigorous
An attractive, and compact with fragrant white (Vitis vinifera; Vitis labrusca) A
hardy, perennial and purple flowers. The foliage is grapevine can be both a highly pro-
vine native to glossy. H712: $26.50 each ductive source of fruit and a focal
point of considerable beauty. Think
the Eastern
U.S. Maypop carefully about where to plant one
freezes to the ground in the winter to provide shade, cover a wall or
and re-sprouts, flowers and bears accentuate an arch. We offer a se-
a two inch long fruit the next (Akebia quinata) A beautiful, fast lection of high quality seedless, and
season. Hand pollinate for best fruit growing vine that thrives with little seeded wine and dessert grapes,
production. Enjoy the showy, sweet care, and most of which will ripen even in
scented lilac and white colored you’ll love areas with cool summers. The rip-
passion flowers. Maypop can be the weird ening dates listed are for the cooler
grown where temperatures don’t fall looking parts of Western Washington, but
below -20° F. In a very cold region, fruit. It is a most ripen sooner and thrive where
mulching will help protect the root beautiful summers are warmer. All Raintree
system. It needs a well drained soil. evergreen grapes are for USDA Zones 5-9
USDA Zones 5-9. 4” pot. H7154: in the unless otherwise noted. We offer
$13.50 each Pacific well-rooted plants. ALL GRAPES
Northwest and warmer areas and ARE PROHIBITED TO ID.
deciduous in colder climates. The
abundant May flowers are very fra- Blue Seedless Grapes
(Passiflora grant. The vine occasionally produces
bizarre looking five inch (occasion- CONCORD “SEEDLESS” F rom the
caerulea) A NY Fruit Testing Cooperative, this
hardy perennial ally much larger) long pink, or blue
skinned fruit. Inside is a tasty roll of seedless variety has the hardiness,
vine to USDA vigor, disease resistance and flavor
Zones 7-11. white seedy pulp that makes a tropi-
cal tasting clear jelly or flavorful drink. of the classic Concord grape. Prized
Temperatures below 20° F will kill for making juice, jams and wine, it
the top of the plant, but mulched To get pollination and fruit, plant two
of the varieties we offer. Native to ripens a week before Concord, but
around the base, it will regrow in requires too much summer heat
the spring and flower and fruit each Northern Japan, the durable vines are
prized for basket making and admired to ripen well in Western WA. It is a
year. The amazingly ornamental great choice in most of the nation.
flowers have white petals and white for the intricate silhouetted patterns
the foliage casts on walls. The soft H535: $13.50 each; 3+: $11.50
and purple crowns. The orange each; 10+: $9.50 each
colored oval fruit is used to flavor young shoots are used in salads or
beverages. 1 gallon pot. H701: for salt pickling. Given something to GLENORA A unique, spicy,
$19.95 each; 3+: $16.50 each climb on, the twining vine can grow blueberry-like flavor and unusual
20 feet a year. It may be pruned se- foliage distinguish this blue
verely each year if you wish to control seedless grape. Developed by
Beautiful Edible its rapid growth. Or it can run along NY Fruit Testing, vines are very
Houseplants for the North the ground, rooting where branch- vigorous, winter hardy and mildew
es touch and become an attractive resistant, and they display intense
FREDERICK ( Passiflora edulis)
ground cover. If neglected, it can fall colors. Fruit ripens early in the
‘Frederick’ is the premier fruit naturalize and become a weed. USDA season, but not early enough for the
producing passiflora. If you don’t Zones 4-10. Plants are in a quart size cooler parts of western WA. H 560:
live in Zones 10-11, grow it in a pot. $13.50 each; 3+: $11.50 each
sunny window or greenhouse. It
thrives and produces, often the SHIROBANA™An abundance of JUPITERJupiter produces large,
first year, in a pot. The flowers are fragrant white flowers in May adorn seedless, dark blue table grapes
this beautiful vine.H335: $18.50 with a sweet, floral Muscat-like
72 each flavor. From the U. of Arkansas,
the grapes ripen Canadice. H620: $13.50 each; 3+ VANESSA A
early and well in $11.50 each red, seedless
cool maritime ST. THERESA NEW! A very hardy grape, Vanessa
summers. Vines seedless purple grape for Northern bears attractive,
are moderately growers from Elmer Swenson’s compact clusters
vigorous and Wisconsin breeding program. This of medium size,
highly productive. purple slip skin grape is loaded with well-filled fruit with
Like Venus, large clusters of sweet flavorful fruit a mild, fruity flavor.
grapes sometimes in early September. The vigorous Among the hardiest of seedless
have soft vestigial seeds.H567: vine tolerates alkaline soils. This grapes, the selection from Ontario,
$16.50 each; 3+: $14.50 each wonderful, versatile vine was Canada ripens in early October
PROHIBITED TO NY, OR & CA named in honor of Saint Theresa and boasts a crisp texture. H630:
of Lisieux, France, the Carmelite $13.50 each; 3+: $11.50 each
MARS A nother
Nun who showed her love of God CANADICECompact clusters of
extra-terrestrial by planting flowers. One quart pot.
selection from the small, pink, seedless grapes ripen in
H608: $18.50 each LIMIT ONE. early October even in cool maritime
U. of Arkansas, this PROHIBITED TO NY, OR & CA
blue seedless grape summers. Vines are more winter
has an excellent hardy than most seedless varieties
Concord-like flavor Red Seedless Grapes and very productive. The fruit has a
that makes it great HUNGARIAN This delicious, spicy flavor suggestive of
for fresh eating. flavorful, red, Concord. H 530: $13.50 each; 3+:
Vigorous vines bear consistently seedless cultivar $11.50 each
and heavily, and they resist disease. from horticulturist Bill EINSET T his bright red, seedless
Fruit ripens in mid-September. Schultz of Olympia, grape from the NY Fruit Testing
H582: $14.50 each; 3+: $12.50 WA, ripens in cool Cooperative ripens early, a week
each PROHIBITED TO NY OR & CA maritime summers. before Canadice. The medium
One gallon pot. size fruit has fine flavor with a hint
VENUS A n “out of H566 $16.50 each
this world” flavor, of strawberries, and it stores well.
PROHIBITED TO Vines resist botrytis. USDA Zones
very large size, NY, OR & CA
good production 550: $13.50 each; 3+:
4-9. H
and early SATURN From the University $11.50 each
ripening make of Arkansas, these large, red,
this attractive seedless grapes are widely Green & Golden
adaptable. They ripen in early
blue grape a real October. Fruit is sweet and Seedless Grapes
winner. From the flavorful and the vines are very
U. of Arkansas breeding program, HIMROD
productive. Zones 6-9. H 607: Himrod has
fruit ripens early and well in a cool $14.50 each; 3+: $12.50 each
maritime summer, with or before excellent
PROHIBITED TO NY, OR & CA flavor for
eating fresh.
It makes
How To Use Grapes cover a very large area.
HARVEST TIME: September-October.
great raisins.
The green
IN THE KITCHEN: Fresh eating, jam, LIFE EXPECTANCY: Eighty years or to golden
juice, wine, raisins. Vinifera type wine more. berries
grape leaves (like Pinot Noir and Cab- BEARING AGE: Two or three years after
ernet) are used as an edible wrapper in
ripen in
several Greek dishes. YIELD: Depends on how much room it
mid-September. The vines are
IN THE LANDSCAPE: Vines make a very has; 30 pounds to much more. extremely productive with large
fast growing summer screen. An arbor clusters of small fruit. It is among
with grapes planted at six foot intervals How To Grow the earliest and the most reliable
seedless grape. Zones 4-9.H565:
on either side will create lovely summer
shade space. (We offer trellising mate- SOIL REQUIREMENTS: Grapes are $13.50 each; 3+: $11.50 each;
rials on pages 87.) Vines planted on the widely adaptable. They prefer deep, 10+: $9 each
south side of a house will generally ripen well drained, slightly acid soils. Once
a week earlier and will cool a building in established, the plants are tolerant of INTERLAKEN NEW! I nterlaken
summertime. Grapevines can be used droughty sites, with their long, deep has an excellent flavor for eating
to arch a walkway, form a leafy wall, or striking roots. Too rich of a soil promotes fresh. It makes great raisins and
shade a deck. Each variety has its own vegetative growth at the expense of fruit is excellent in fruit salad. The
distinct, bold textured leaf pattern. production. green to golden berries ripen
CULTURAL REQUIREMENTS: When late in September. The vines are
Useful Facts planting, prune the plant back to two
buds. Place a 5 ft. stake next to the
extremely productive of large
POLLINATION: Self-pollinating young vine for support for the first year.
clusters of fruit. The fruit size
HARDINESS: Zones 5-9. unless other- Select one cane to grow up the stake and is small. It and Himrod are the
wise noted. remove other shoots. By the second year earliest ripening and most reliable
SUN OR SHADE: Full sun is generally a permanent trellis should be erected. seedless grape for our region.
required to mature fruit. Our “Owner’s Manual” and grape grow- Hardy to -15 F. H570: $13.50
PLANT SPACING: 6-8’intervals, de- ing books will explain how to build a trellis each; 3+: $11.50 each
pending upon varietal vigor, site fertility, and how to prune. Net fruit to protect
pruning regimen. Left to grow, a vine can from birds! 73
Seeded Muscat Grapes
with Interlaken producing large
quantities of golden yellow MUSCAT OF NORWAY L arge clusters
seedless, sweet muscat flavored of big, red grapes with small seeds
grapes. Our friend Bill Schultz ripen very early and are wonderful
selected and named this vigorous, eaten fresh or made into a fruity
attractive vine. H 600Q: $16.50 white or red wine. Plants perform
well in Pacific Northwest, since they
each; 3+: $12 each PROHIBITED
Seeded Dessert Grapes require very little summer heat to
Dessert grapes are seeded grapes ripen. Grafted on 3309 rootstock.
LAKEMONT L akemont ripens a that are usually eaten fresh. Most H594: $14.50 each; 3+: $12.50
couple of weeks after its sister will make an excellent grape juice each PROHIBITED TO NY, OR & CA
Interlaken but has larger fruit or jelly and some can be made into
and a delicious flavor. The green
seedless grapes are crisp, juicy
and very sweet. H575: $11.50
CONCORD P rized for making juice,
jams and wine. Concord has the
Wine Grapes
each; 3+: $9.50 each We offer a great selection of seeded
hardiness, vigor, disease resistance
MARQUIS Marquis is a new, large, and classic flavor that has made it grapes used for making wine. Note
very productive, mid season white the nation’s most popular dessert as you read the descriptions that
seedless grape from Cornell that is grape. It requires too much summer some are also great for making a
ideally suited for home gardeners heat to ripen well in maritime areas delicious juice and some are also
and u-pick operations. Juicy, round but is a great choice in the east and very good eaten fresh. The wine
grapes with excellent flavor ripen mid west. USDA Zones 4-9. H532: grapes not noted as being graft-
in large clusters, and the vines are $9.95 each; 3+: $8.50 each ed, are grown from cuttings. Our
very hardy. Plant Patent 11012. It grafted wine grapes are grafted on
3309 rootstocks, which impart early
has excellent flavor. exquisitely
rich and fruity and gets richer and
Concord Flavor and ripening, winter hardiness and phyl-
juicier if left to ripen an extra 5 to Early Ripening loxera resistance.
10 days. It ripens in mid September LYNDEN BLUE Most well known wine grapes re-
in Geneva, NY. USDA Zones 4-9. A great choice quire alot of summer heat to ripen.
H635: $16.50 each; 3+: $12 each for cool summer While we offer some of those, we
PROHIBITED TO NY, WA & CA areas. This all offer many high quality new wine
NEPTUNE compact vine grapes that produce a top quality
Enjoy produces large wine and consistently ripen even in
large clusters of big cooler summer areas including the
sweet dark blue Pacific Northwest!
clusters seeded grapes
of yellow
that are excellent
eaten fresh or for juice. Developed
Red Wine Grapes
grapes in British Columbia, it ripens in early That Ripen Even in
with a
October. H 576: $14.50 each; 3+: Cooler Summers!
$12.50 each PROHIBITED TO NY, OR
sweet & CA SIEGERREBE A very
fruity early ripening pink
flavor. wine grape that is
Neptune Backyard Favorites in also great for eating
thrives Most of the Nation fresh. A recent cross
in most BUFFALO B
uffalo, a productive,
from Germany, it has
of the Concord-type grape, is a great a Muscat bouquet
nation including the Pacific NW. choice for making juice and for and low acid at
It has a moderate growth habit, eating fresh from the vine. Large maturity. It makes a good quality
resists cracking and shows clusters of reddish black grapes white wine, even in cool summers.
some resistance to rot, mildew with wonderful flavor are ready at Zones 7-9. Grafted on 3309
and anthracnose. From the U. of least a week before Concord. This rootstock. H599: $14.50 each;
Arkansas. H591: $14.50 each; 3+: vigorous American hybrid is easy to 3+: $12.50 each; 10+: $11 each
$12.50 each PROHIBITED TO NY, grow in much of the nation. H 505: PROHIBITED TO NY, OR & CA
OR & CA $9.95 each; 3+: $8.50 each AGRIA This very early,
THOMPSON SEEDLESSThe most NIAGARAThe best known and most
blue grape from
widely planted seedless grape, widely planted white table grape Hungary has bright red
Thompson Seedless makes in America, first sold commercially juice that makes both
excellent raisins as well as being a in 1882. A vigorous grower, it an excellent wine and a
favorite for fresh eating. It needs produces many clusters of large delicious boysenberry-
long, hot summers to develop full very sweet berries that are great like juice. It thrives in
flavor, and will not ripen well in cool eaten fresh or for juice or jelly. It the Pacific NW and
summer areas. The pale green fruit has a “foxy” flavor that is excellent other areas with cool summers and
dries to familiar brown raisins in the in juice, but does not make for a develops beautiful red-to-purple
sun.H611: $9.95 each; 3+: $8.50 great wine. Winter hardy it does well fall foliage. Grafted on 3309 early
each in most of the nation but ripens too bearing rootstock. H 503: $14.50
late in the Pacific Northwest. H592: each; 3+: $12.50 each; 10+: $11
74 $9.95 each each PROHIBITED TO NY, OR & CA
REGENT A peaches, that makes a fabulous SWEET LACE VINE (Chasselas
perfect choice white wine. On 3309 rootstock. ciotat cv.) From France, this rare
for the organic H506: $14.50 each; 3+: $12.50 and unique variety displays bright,
grower. (Sylvaner each PROHIBITED TO NY, OR & CA bronze-red shoot tips, followed by
x Muller-Thurgau) ORTEGA(Muller- unusual and attractive finely cut
x Chambourcin) Thurgau x fern-leaf foliage. Grown originally
Bred for the Siegerrebe) Grown as a table grape and for wine
German organic on Vancouver production, it bears good crops
wine industry, Island for many of sweet white grapes with small
Regent has years, this very seeds. Hardy to 10°F. One quart pot.
proven to be very disease resistant productive variety H650: $14.50 eachPROHIBITED
and easy to grow. The full-bodied fruit makes a light, TO NY, OR & CA
has an intense flavor that makes a high pleasant, fruity
quality red wine for the organic grower. white wine with high sugar levels
On 3309 rootstock, it ripens even and low acidity. Fruit ripens early Grape Accessories
in cooler summer climates, a week and, grafted on 3309 rootstock, it COMMERCIAL BIRD NETTING BY
or more ahead of Pinot Noir. H 604: is a great choice for sites that lack THE FOOT W
e have long rolls of
$14.50 each; 3+: $12.50 each; 10+: summer heat. H 593: $14.50 each; bird netting. Use it over grapes or
$11 each PROHIBITED TO NY, OR & CA 3+: $12.50 each PROHIBITED TO NY, build a structure over blueberries
OR & CA or dwarf cherry trees. Secure with
Early Ripening Pinot Noirs PINOT GRIS Clone clothespins at the bottom. Cut to
PINOT NOIR 152. This earlier order at 5’ intervals, 25’ minimum
71 (Clone ripening clone of length per piece.
777) One Pinot Gris makes HEAVY DUTY
of the most a white wine with This is 17 feet
promising red delicious complex wide. This
wine grapes fruit flavors of
peach and melon. green netting
for cool is top rated
climates, this Also known as
clone from Pinot Grigio, it is commercially
Pinot Noir a cousin to Pinot Noir. It produces and is rated
trials at the WSU Mt. Vernon, WA, clusters of grapes that vary in for 10 years if
ripens before the Wadenswill and color from copper yellow to pinkish taken in for the winter.T433: $1.35
Dijon clones and ripens even earlier grey depending on where they are per foot
grafted on the 3309 rootstock. grown. A favorite in Oregon it is BERRY WIRE W e offer 14 gauge
H602: $14.50 each; 3+: $12.50 also grown in the east. Not grafted. soft galvanized wire to trellis your
each; 10+: $11 eachPROHIBITED USDA Zones 6-9. H610: $14.50 kiwis, grapes, espaliers or berries.
TO NY, OR & CA each; 3+: $12.50 each; 10+: $10 Minimum order 200 feet. T070:
each 15 cents a foot, Min. 200 feet.
PINOT PRECOCE Our earliest
ripening sport of Pinot Noir, this MADELEINE ANGEVINE T his golden T070R: 2900-foot roll: $160
selection ripens up to 3 weeks yellow grape each
earlier than standard Pinot Noir consistently
grapes, which allows winemakers ripens in
throughout Western WA and other the Pacific Grape Growing Guides
cool summer areas to produce a Northwest. GREAT GRAPES by Anne Proulx, 32
high quality Pinot Noir. Vines are The vine pages. Learn how to plant, trellis,
grafted on 3309 rootstock, which is a heavy care for and harvest grapes in your
also promotes early ripening. producing backyard. A Garden Way booklet.
H603: $16.50 each; 3+: $4.50 vinifera type. S180: $3.95 each
each; 10+: $13 eachPROHIBITED It makes an excellent white Riesling
TO NY, OR & CA type wine. It ripens early October. NATURAL WINEMAKING AT HOME
Grafted on 3309 rootstock. H 580: by Anine Grumbles, 147 pages. For
$14.50 each; 3+: $12.50 each; years the author has advised home
White Winers That Ripen 10+: $10 each winemakers about making wines
Even in Cooler Summers without sulfites. She has recipes
productive early ripening, spicy, Ornamental for wines from many fruits and she
outlines all the ingredients and
green grape that makes a Riesling equipment a home winemaker will
type wine with a fine balance of need. S149: $19.95 each
acidity, flavor and aroma. A great THE GRAPE GROWER by Lon
choice for the Pacific Northwest. CRIMSON GLORY VINE(Vitis Rombough, 304 pages. “A Guide
H585: $13.50 each; 3+: $11.50 cognetiae) This beautiful to Organic Viticulture,” Everything
each ornamental grape is loaded with you need to know; planting, training,
BURMUNK One of the earliest purple fruit that only birds seem to propagating, pest control, folklore
grapes, this winter hardy, yellow enjoy. It sports magnificent autumn and choosing the best varieties
grape from Armenia will ripen at colors in large heart shaped leaves. for each climate, from a long time
almost all sites. It has a distinctive A great arbor or trellis plant. One 185: $35 each
expert! S
aroma and a very fruity flavor, quart pot. H642: $14.50 each
somewhat like freshly sliced PROHIBITED TO NY, OR & CA 75
verify that here since it is planted near
fuzzy males, so we recommend a
male pollinizer.H370: $19.95 each
(Actinidia species) These are a FUZZY MALEIt blooms over a long
family of fast growing vines that period and is a good pollinizer
produce edible fruit and are beau- for fuzzy and arguta females, but
tiful ornamental plants. Each type not for kolomiktas. One male can
of kiwi we list has different orna- pollinize up to eight females.H380:
mental foliage. The fruit of each $19.95 each ANANASNAJA FEMALE “ Anna” is
type is different in size and ap- easy to grow, and loaded with fruit.
pearance, but all have the bright Arguta Hardy Kiwis Developed in Russia by renowned
green flesh and the wonderful kiwi plant breeder I.V. Michurin. The
flavor. All are hardy in the Pacific (Actinidia arguta) These fast growing name means pineapple-like in
NW. If you live in a colder climate beautiful vines produce clusters of Russian, for its fabulously fruity
you can still grow the Kolomikta oblong kiwis the size of large grapes. flavor. The easiest to grow and most
and the Arguta Kiwis. We offer 1 Lacking the rough kiwi skin, these productive of all hardy kiwis. H420:
gallon sturdy vines. fruits can be eaten whole, like bunch- $19.95 each; 3+: $17.50 each
es of kiwi flavored seedless grapes.
Originally brought to this country as
Fuzzy Kiwis an ornamental, the green fruit is sim-
seedling of cultivar ‘Qui.’ Qui was
(Actinidia selected near the border of North
ilar to the fuzzy kiwi in flavor though Korea from the wild near Chang Bai
deliciosa) sweeter and easier to eat. USDA
This is the Mountain Research Institute of the
Zones 5-9. The vines are very vigor- Chinese Academy of Agriculture.
type of kiwi ous and productive and need a strong We offer Chang Bai because it
that you find support. Select a fuzzy or arguta male is very productive and flavorful.
in the super- for pollination. and the green fruit has a unique
market. It almost heart shape. Its from a cold
has a fuzzy MALE ARGUTA T he pollinizer for all
brown skin. the female Arguta kiwis. One male mountainous region and should be
Inside, the will pollinate up to eight females. as winter hardy as other hardy kiwis.
flesh is a The male doesn’t produce fruit. It H426: $19.95 each
lime green. will also pollinate the Saanichton, JUMBO FEMALE A selection
The taste is Hayward or other fuzzy female that produces lots of very large,
wonderful, kiwis, but not kolomitkas. H440: elongated, very sweet fruit. H430:
a tropical $19.95 each $19.95 each
tion of flavors. Native to China, but
first commercially grown in New
Zealand. USDA Zones 7-9. We offer How To Use Kiwis LIFE EXPECTANCY: 50 years or more.
hardy and early ripening varieties. IN THE KITCHEN: Kiwis have ten times PESTS: No significant problems. Cats
Select a fuzzy or arguta male for the Vitamin C of lemons. A tasty addition find the foliage addictive, like catnip.
pollination. to salads and desserts. Use for ice cream, YIELD: Mature fuzzy & arguta female
SAANICHTON FEMALE S imilar pie, jam and wine. vines produce 25 pounds or more.
to the fuzzy kiwi you usually buy IN THE LANDSCAPE: Kiwis are beautiful
in the store. However it is more vines. Their vigorous spring growth is a How To Grow
spectacular sight. Excellent for a privacy
winter hardy (to about 5° F.) and it is screen, they will rapidly cover a fence SOIL: Need well
successfully grown from California and with support will cover a wall or steep drained soil.
to as far north as Vancouver, slope. Kolomiktas have pretty tri colored CULTURAL RE-
Canada. It ripens a couple of foliage. QUIREMENTS:
weeks before the variety Hayward. Kiwis (except
It’s a large sweet fruit and heavily
productive. It is easy to peel. H375:
Useful Facts Kolomitkas) are
vigorous vines.
$19.95 each; 3+: $17.50 each POLLINATION: All need a male and They cannot Male Flower
female to set fruit. One male can pollinize support their
HAYWARD FEMALE The California up to 8 females. The fuzzy kiwi male is own weight and
standard you often find in stores. the best pollinator and can pollinate the will spread up to 30
They are large and juicy. Best with fuzzy or arguta female. The arguta male feet. They require
800 or more hours of winter chill. can pollinate the arguta or fuzzy female strong support such Female Flower
H376: $19.95 each because bloom times partially overlap. as a trellis, arbor, or
Kolomiktas bloom later. fence. Wrapping the trunk from ground
EXBURY FEMALEThis fuzzy kiwi from SUN OR SHADE: Most kiwis need a sun- level, up about four feet, or planting it on
England regularly produces huge ny location with wind protection. Arctic the shaded side of its support, will protect
quantities of delicious fuzzy kiwis Beauty likes some shade. the trunk from splitting after spring or fall
even in our climate where other fuzzy SPACING: 15 to 20 ft. for Fuzzy and Argu- cold snaps.
kiwis fail. The sweet fruit is smaller ta. 8 ft. for Kolomikta. PRUNING: When planted, the vines
than store bought kiwis and ripens HARVEST & STORAGE: Kolomiktas ripen should be pruned back to 4 or 5 buds.
late in the season staying on the plant in August. Most kiwis ripen in October From these a main stem should be select-
and edible after frosts. In England it is and are picked after the first frost. Picked ed and staked to grow to the top of the
reportedly self fertile but we cannot while still hard, they can be stored for arbor or trellis, usually about 7’ high. The
months in a refrigerator or cool dry area “Tree Owner’s Manual” that comes with
76 and put on the counter to soften. each order has more pruning info.
KEN’S RED the length of an Arguta but has a height. Dark blue berries are small
FEMALE narrower oblong shape. H480: and will be eaten by the birds.
(A. arguta x $19.95 each USDA Zones 7-9. Prohibitions are
melanandra) the same as black currants. This
A hardy kiwi MALE KOLOMIKTA T he male
arctic beauty vine is noted for its ornamental red flowering currant is
producing an upright grower with long clusters
massive ornamental pink, white and green
variegated leaves, though the of beautiful red flowers.E753:
crops of $13.50 each; 3+: $11.50 each
cherry female also has some variegation.
sized fruits It takes a few years before the
with red flesh which is sweet and colors begin so don’t visit the Lilacs
delicious. A very popular, uniquely optometrist yet. It rates among the (Syringa species) Lilac bushes are
colored cultivar. H425: $19.95 best backyard ornamentals from
Vladivostok to Kalamazoo. The male a classic in American gardens, and
each the heart of spring bouquets. The
doesn’t produce fruit but pollinizes
DUMBARTON OAKS FEMALE What up to eight productive female pioneers carried starts of this sturdy
makes this sweet, heavy producer Kolomiktas, but not arguta or fuzzy. shrub across the continent, and it
unique is that it ripens in September H500: $19.95 each heralds spring from Washington
a full month before Ananasnaja. The D.C. to Washington State. Use it
fruit is medium sized and somewhat
ribbed, like a little green pumpkin.
H422: $19.95 each; 3+: $17.50
Pretty as an accent, foundation shrub, or
plant it 3’ apart as a hedge. It does
best in full sun, and is relatively pest
Cordifolia is female variety of arguta
Shrubs and disease free. It can develop mil-
dew in damp climates, and should
be pruned to encourage good air
hardy kiwi that is prized for its These shrubs are among the most circulation. The lavishly fragrant
especially sweet fruit. The fruit is beautiful, winter hardy and easiest blooms may take several years to
similar to other argutas but sweeter. to successfully grow. Each comes reach their full potential on newly
The fruit is roundish and the plant is to you as a multi-stemmed shrub planted shrubs. USDA Zones 3-9.
very productive. It needs an Arguta ready to dig in and quickly provide We offer sturdy 12-18” shrubs.
male as a pollinizer. One Gallon Pot. your yard with beauty. We offer well CHARLES
H423: $19.95 each rooted shrubs, either bare root or in JOLY (Syringa
1 gallon pots. vulgaris) This
a kiwi for people who don’t have old fashioned,
the space for the other vigorous Incredibly Fragrant & classic lilac
hardy kiwis. Spacing is about 8’. Hardy Too is favored by
Issai produces fruit without a male, those who
though its production is a lot more MINNESOTA appreciate
with a male. It has excellent flavor. SNOWFLAKE deep, rich
It can be maintained in a pot or MOCK ORANGE colors. Its
small space. It’s down side is that it (Philadelphus fully double,
can’t tolerate wet soil and is harder virginalis) long lasting,
to successfully establish than the This is an old burgundy
other hardy kiwis. H373: $19.95 fashioned shrub flowers open
each that is still very from purple/
popular because it is easy to grow maroon buds in spring, about mid-
and brings the outrageously sweet season. Fantastically fragrant and
Kolomikta Kiwis scent of orange blossoms to moderately sized at under 10’ tall,
(Actinidia kolo- deprived Northern gardeners. Enjoy it grows best in areas with cold
mikta) Also called a profusion of double white flowers winters. M 048: $19.50 each
Arctic Beauty, they in May and June. USDA Zones 4-8.
are native to Rus- Prune this graceful 6-8’ foot shrub SENSATION
sia. USDA Zones after flowering. 12-18” shrub. M
080: (Syringa vulgaris)
3-9. Select a male $19.50 each; 3+: $16.50 each Fragrant and
and a female for beautiful,
‘Sensation’ is an
pollination and
fruit set. The vines
Flowering Currant aptly named lilac.
are much less vig- PULSBOROUGH Its beautiful, wine
orous than the Ar- SCARLET ( Ribes red flowers are
guta making them sanguineum) These edged in white and
a good choice for beautiful bushes and wonderfully fragrant. ‘Sensation’ can
confined spaces. the hummingbirds reach 12-to-15-feet tall and almost
They grow best in partial shade. they attract are one as wide. Grow in full sun, and expect
way many gardeners outstanding flower power if you
SEPTEMBER SUN FEMALE G rowers measure the start of live in a region with cold winters.
in moderate or very cold climates spring. The drooping Once established, it is quite drought
can enjoy fruit with the same flower clusters lend tolerant. Remove twiggy growth
delectable kiwi flavor. This attractive an elegant beauty to
kolomitka vine produces delicious and spent flower heads after bloom.
fruit you can pop from the vine the early springtime, M042: $19.50 each
into your mouth. The fruit is about growing on a bush
that reaches 8’ in 77
his lilac
Dogwood SNOWQUEEN (Hydrangea
quercifolia ‘Snow Queen’) This
has been a favorite WOLF EYES(Cornus kousa) This exceptional hydrangea, with its
since it came out incredibly beautiful, small dogwood distinctive oak-leaf foliage, will grow
in the 1890s. Its tree has exquisite leaves. They 4-6’ tall and wide, maybe more.
developer, Victor are variegated, green bordered by Large, cone-shaped panicles of
Lemoine, named white, with an unusual texture that white blooms cover ‘Snow Queen’
it for someone adds a sensation of movement. during summer and dry to a
dear to his heart. The creamy buds Star-shaped, white spring flowers pleasing pink. ‘Snow Queen’ foliage
open to pure white double flowers are followed by orange-red fruit that puts on a dynamic autumn display
with the sweetest fragrance in the will attract birds; in fall, the foliage and reddish bark continues the
spring. An old-fashioned, romantic takes on pink and red shades. Place show during winter. M077: $19.50
addition to the garden. Grows to the 12-15’ tall specimen tree in full each
about 12’ tall and 10’ wide. Best sun to partial shade in a loamy, well-
drained soil. M183: $19.95 each TELLER’S BLUE NEW!(Hydrangea
in areas with pronounced winters. macrophylla ‘Blaumeise’) Also
Give it full sun for best bloom. known as Teller’s Blue. The 6-8”
M046: $19.50 each This Bush Lights lacecap flowers are of the deepest
MISS KIM(Syringa patula Miss Up the Winter blue in acidic soils, and pinkish in
Kim) This 4 foot dwarf lilac extends RED OSIER DOGWOOD(Cornus more alkaline ones. Sturdy stems
the season of fragrance for weeks, stolonifera) An make it a good choice for drying.
blooming in June, after most lilacs ideal hedge It will grow to 4-6’ tall and wide,
are done. Its compact growth plant, the “red and appreciates a good garden
becomes covered with pinkish osier” grows soil with partial shade. However, it
blue buds, which open to lavender. from 6-10’ tall. will tolerate full sun in cool summer
Zones 4-9. M040: $19.50 each It’s a suckering, areas. One gallon pot. M 061:
spreading $19.50 each
Tree Peonies shrub. Plant 3-4’ apart to make a GENERALE VICOMTESSE DE
Since tree peonies can live for over thick hedge. It has white flowers and VIBRAYE NEW!(Hydrangea
blue berries favored by the birds. macrophylla) Since this hydrangea
200 years, you can consider them a The foliage turns bright red in the
gardening legacy! These are called produces flowers on side shoots
autumn. The branches are a striking as well as terminal buds, the entire
“tree” peonies because they pro- red in winter after the foliage drops.
duce long lived woody rather than rounded shrub is covered with
Zones 3-9. It is not fussy but likes large, round mophead flowers that
herbaceous growth. They prefer damp locations best. 2’-3’ plant.
rich, moist, well drained soils in vary from light blue in acid soils to
M120: $7.50 each; 5+: $5 each pink in alkaline ones. ‘Generale’
partial or dappled sun. The flowers PROHIBITED TO FL
are more plentiful in full sun, but last has been a standard for hydrangea
longer with some shade. All our tree lovers for about 100 years. Flowers
peonies are gallon size plants. Hydrangeas are beautiful fresh and dried. Plant
Hydrangea bushes will be a focal in partial shade in rich soil. One
DELAVAYI gallon pot. M076: $19.50 each
(Paeonia point in your garden with their spec-
delavayi) tacular flowers! Flowers of each
This upright, variety are quite different and can
be panicle, mophead or lacecap in
How To Use Roses
open tree IN THE LANDSCAPE: Use as a low
peony, shape. (See photos) Flower colors
vary from a bright pink to blue, or maintenance barrier hedge due to the
grows to thorny branches, or as an everbloom-
about 7’ white, depending on soil pH and va-
riety. 1 gallon size unless otherwise ing, easy care groundcover. A mass
tall and 4’ planting is of stunning beauty from
wide. It has noted. spring through fall, showing off hips,
deep red PEE GEE flowers and deep green foliage.
3” flowers and prefers cooler ( Hydrangea POLLINATION: None needed, but
summers. USDA Zones 6-9. M084: paniculata better fruit may be produced from more
$24.50 each Grandiflora”) than one variety or seedling.
Enjoy large HARDINESS: See descriptions. Toler-
TIBETAN NEW!(Paeonia lutea ant of wind, salt and drought.
ludlowii) A rare and beautiful tree panicles of white
flowers fading to SUN: Full sun or light shade and good
peony which will grow to 8’, with air circulation.
yellow flowers in the spring. Multiple pink beginning
in mid-summer HARVEST TIME: Repeat flowering.
woody stems arise from the base and persisting Harvest hips in September and Octo-
of this shrub which shines in the tall into fall. Let ber.
border or at the woodland’s edge. this robust, SOIL REQUIREMENTS: Good drain-
Sun or part shade. One gallon size. disease resistant classic grow as
age is essential.
M083: $24.50 each a shrub or train it as a small tree
SPACING: The same as the ultimate
height of the plant. Hedge space at 2/3
SUFFRUTICOSA (Paeonia (as shown). It grows to 15’ or half ultimate height. Climbers can be tucked
suffruticosa) It grows only to about that size with pruning. Prune in in with other plants.
4-5’ tall, producing an abundance early spring. Spaced 4 feet apart, it CULTURAL REQUIREMENTS: Rugo-
of beautiful white, turning to light makes a gorgeous hedge, blooming sas need little or no fertilizing. They are
pink flowers. M082: $24.50 each throughout summer and fall. USDA drought tolerant once established and
Zones 4-9. M071M (2’-3’): $19.95 need little or no pruning. They are easy
78 each to grow. Shearing helps hedges.
Beautiful Yard
You don’t have to live in England
seedling Trees
to enjoy the beauty of the English rose
cottage garden! Plant some of not only THUNDERCLOUD PLUM (Prunus
Raintree’s landscape roses and you produces cerasifera) Because this tree is
will be speaking with an accent and an disease resistant and thrives with
gardening in woolens in no time. All abundance little care, it
are hardy with attractive carefree of large, very fragrant single white is among the
foliage. It’s easy to make a dense flowers from summer through most popular
hedge or a gorgeous bed or border. autumn, it is loaded with large yard and street
They are so easy to care for, they tasty red hips. The foliage is deep trees. For a
can be pruned with hedge shears or green and disease resistant making spectacular
loppers. We offer well rooted bush- these bushes, month after month, effect plant
es. In one quart pots. a collage of white, red and green. an entire row
Grow as a thick spreading 6’ tall about 15’
Beautiful Flowers hedge. L640: $7.50 each; 5+: $5 apart. Enjoy
each; 10+: $4 each the red foliage
and Edible Hips from spring
seedlings have the same growth through fall. Herald the beginning
habit as the “Alba” except with red of spring with the profusion of pale
flowers. L646: $6.50 each; 5+: $5 pink fragrant flowers that cover
each; 10+: $3.50 each the trees for weeks. Thundercloud
prefers full sun. It will grow to 20-
Succeed in your berry growing
Have a Garden Designer Help You
adventures with this backyard There are excellent permaculture and garden designers in many parts
grower’s guide to choosing and of the nation. Working with them before you plant can save you time and
growing the berries offered by money. To find them try goggling the phrases “permaculture” or “edible
Raintree. Includes recommended landscape” and your state. A great home garden and landscape starts out
varieties for each US region. S047: with a well thought out design.
$19.95 We work with a great group of experienced and affordable professional
A GARDENER’S GUIDE TO landscape and garden designers here in the Pacific Northwest.
BLUEBERRIESPocket Sized, 40 Each of them is a well-trained professional, with-in-the-dirt experience
pages. A great pocket guide to carry and a deep, special interest in using organic methods. They are affordable
as you care for your blueberry plants. and if you live near them, they can visit your site. They can also help you via
It includes info on soil prep, planting, phone or email.
pollination, mulching, watering,
pruning, fertilizing, pests, varieties Visit www.raintreenursery.com/plantcare/ to find out more about these
and also growing in containers. designers.
Everything you need to know to be
successful. S 103: $4.99
See page 10. S200: $3.95
S040: $3.95
GIFT CERTIFICATES (See gift card message line below) Bundle of 10 Permanent Labels #T485 $2.50
Total of Items
Payment Method (Free Plant Owners Manual with each order.)
Mix & match any 18 4” pots
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Call us at 1-800- WEST EAST EAST ALASKA
SHIPPING INFORMATION ( ) Raintree: pick the best date for my area. 391-8892 if you OF THE OF THE OF THE HAWAII
If you live West of the Rockies, our standard ground ( ) Yes, I choose zone skipping. I have circled have any questions.
shipping will work best for you. Because our fruit and the date best for my area.
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nut trees are oversized, they are expensive to ship. If you CUSTOMERS NOT USING ZONE SKIPPING: If your order totals: Ground Spring Only Zone Skip
live East of the Rockies, we recommend Zone Skipping ( ) Zone skipping dates don’t work for me, or I Up to 15.00 10.95 13.95 19.95 Please
for your Spring Order. East of the Rockies customers: live West of the Rockies, Alaska, Hawaii, or Puerto 15.01 - 30.00 14.95 17.95 26.95 call
Choose a date below. If the suggested date will not for
Rico. If you do not check a box below, we will ship 30.01 - 60.00 18.95 21.95 29.95 a
work for you, choose a later date. your order at the best time for your region. 60.01 - 90.00 21.95 25.95 33.95 quote.
Zone Skipping Ship Date Recommended 90.01 - 140.00 23.95 28.95 35.95
for Your State (Spring Shipments Only): Please ship my order: 140.01 - 400.00 15% 20% 25%
Ordering only
3/10: AL, AR, DE, DC, FL, GA, KY, LA, MD, MS, NC, OK, q At the best time for my area. Over - 400.00 10% 15% 20%
berries or
3/24: IL, IN, IA, NE, OH, PA, NJ, MO, KS qASAP q Early Feb small plants? If your first choice of any item is sold out, please choose an option:
We can save
4/7: CT, MA, RI, NY (100-119) qLate Feb qEarly March you money on
4/21: ME, MI, MN, NH,ND, VT, WI, SD, NY (120-149) qLate March qEarly April q Send comparable substitutes
5/6: If you missed one of the above dates.
qLate April qEarly May q Send substitutes only to ensure pollination
(Please circle a date in green above.) Call us at 1-800- q Please call or e-mail me q Send a refund
Zone Skipping for 2017 Spring Orders ONLY. 391-8892. q No Substitutes 95
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