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– A state of definitive self-exclusion from communion

with God and the blessed

– Gehenna; unquenchable fire reserved for those

who, to the end of their lives, refuse to believe and

be converted, where both body and soul be lost
– External separation from God; a complete

frustration and emptiness of life without God

Who will be punished?

– Mortal sin (grave matter, consent, and full

– Those who die in a state of mortal sin
– Those who willfully turn away from God and persist

in it until the end

– To die in mortal sin, without repentance and

seeking refuge in the compassionate love of God,

implies remaining separated from God forever
because of free choice

Nature of Hell
– Hell is not attributed to God’s intuitive bevies in his

great love he can desire only the salvation to the

beings that he created
– Damnation consists in definitive separation from

Pains of Hell
– Pain of loss is the eternal privation of the vision or

union with God. It means existing without reason or

purpose, an absolute lack of meaning and a state of
absolute unhappiness.
– Pain of sense is the great fire of hell that torments

the soul and body. They shall ever be dying but

never die hence it is called eternal death
– No end to their suffering

How do the damned suffer from the pain of loss?

– By their separation from God and from all good

– The damned shall suffer from remorse or

– There is despair of their salvation

How are the damned tormented by the pain of sense?

– The very condition that hell if where only horror,

calamity, and misery are to be found

– The torment of internal and external senses
– The company of reprobates and devils long whom

only hatred reigns

– The eternal remorse of conscience due the

corruption of sin, along with the despair, hatred and

anger that it produces

Properties of the pains of Hell

– Eternity- duration that cannot and will not end. The

pains of hell will last forever.

– Unequal intensity which depends on the
importance and number of mortal sins committed
in life

What does this teaching on hell for us?

– Is an urgent appeal for conversion
– Call for man to use his sense of responsibility

– It must not create anxiety or despair but is a

necessary and healthy reminder of freedom within

the proclamation

– A greek word meaning apparition or presence
– It marks the definitive triumph of christ over sin and

– It is culmination of the history of salvation: the

plans of God will reach complete fulfillment in a

renewed universe inhabited by glorious bodies
– Refers to christ’s coming in glory “as judge of the

living and the dead” (Acts 10: 42)’ “to bring

salvation to those who eagerly await him” (Heb 9:

Communio Sanctorum (Communion of Saints)

– Church militant (Earth) prays for the church

suffering in order for the ->

– Church suffering (purgatory) to go to the ->
– Church triumphant (heaven)

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