Emer Atlas I

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The document provides an overview and introduction to the world of Emer and the Emerian Empire. It discusses the history of the empire and its ruler Hæstra. Various places, creatures, and factions that exist in this world are mentioned.

Many place names are listed in the index on pages 119-120, including cities, islands, forests, and other geographic locations.

Creatures mentioned include elves, dwarves, demons, giants, dragons, unicorns, frogs, spiders, and squids.

Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire 1


& the History

of the Emerian Empire
2 Shadow World

Thanks to Pete Fenlon at ICE for helping to get the Shadow

World back in print, to my playtesters (Ruth, Karl, Amy, Adam and
Mike), and especially to all the fans on the internet who have helped
keep the Shadow World alive during the time of darkness.


Writing, Design and Layout: Terrence Kevin Amthor This Shadow World book was composed using
Microsoft Word 5.1 mostly on a trusty Powerbook 145b
Illustrations: Elissa Mitchell, Gail McIntosh, T. K. Amthor
and laid out in PageMaker 6.0/6.5 on a Power Mac 7100
Color Maps: David Martin and Elissa Mitchell running good old System 7.5.1.
ICE Contacts: John Curtis, Pete Fenlon The text was set in Minion, Minion Condensed and
Playtesters: Amy, Adam, Mike, Karl & Ruth. Minion Expert typefaces. Headers were set in Caslon An-
tique. Other typefaces used include: Viner Hand and
Faithful Companionship: Nanûk the wonder-husky Ovidius
Minion is an Adobe original face designed by Robert
This book would not have been possible without many Slimbach and derived from type of the late Renaissance.
early morning cups of fresh-ground joe, not to mention
multiple mugs of tea (Earl Grey, hot), and many grande ABOUT THE GRAPHICS
lattes made by my favorite barista. Other inspiration The cover art was created using Bryce 2.1 from
supplied by Haydn, Byrd, Vivaldi, V. Williams, and many Metatools, and the cover was composed using Adobe
others. Photoshop 4.01 and Quark 3.32, using a PowerMac 8600/
And the author will always be grateful to Miss A. 200. Some graphics were created or manipulated using
Norton. Eet and Murdoc Jern started me down this path Photoshop and its many features.
long ago. Many interior graphics are from the Dover Art books
Historic Costume, Arms & Armor, Decorative Borders, and
others, and other copyright-free sources. Others were
ON THE COVER created using KPT Bryce. More Bryce illustrations can be
The cover scene depicts a view looking south to the Sea found at the Shadow World Website.
of Votania from a hill near the city of Orian. Straight
ahead is the island of Votania itself, the summit wreathed Produced and distributed by:
in clouds. Hanging in the sky is the great moon Orhan, its Eidolon Studio
atmosphere clearly visible as it shrouds the land below. P.O. Box 57083
Near Orhan is the evil moon Charón, home of the Dark Washington, DC, 20037-7083.
Gods. The slender pillar to the left is one of the many Email: Terbob@aol.com
Navigator Obelisks which dot the land.
www: http:users.aol.com/terbob

For the latest product information, as well as fiction

and other free goodies, check the Shadow World web
page: http:users.aol.com/terbob.

Copyright © 1997 by Terry Kevin Amthor and Iron Crown Enterprises, Inc.. No reproduction or transmissions are permitted in any form, whether electronic,
mechanical or manual, without the express permission of the Publisher. Shadow World® and Rolemaster™ are trademarks of Iron Crown Enterprises. All rights
reserved. Printed in USA.

Stock #6110
Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire 3


After wandering long in the darkness, the Shadow World at last again sees the light. This book
represents the first in what will hopefully be a long line of sourcebooks about the world of
While Shadow World devotees will find that—in general—the new books are very similar to
the old books that I wrote (Eidolon, Master Atlas, Jaiman). However, one thing that the Shadow
World was criticized for was the number of high-level NPCs, and from them the assumption that
SW was a high-level world. Well, the critics are half-right. I did spend an inordinate amount of
time (and space) on some high-level characters who if opposing most PCs would wipe up the
courtyard with them, or if allied with the PCs would probably do things for themselves rather
than count on a bunch of ‘low-levels.’ The problem, however, isn’t that SW is all high-powered,
its that they are most of what has been detailed. Starting with this book, we take a closer look at
specific areas of the world, and include stats and background for NPCs more in line with the
Regarding the system, I was surprised when talking to people on the internet how many are
still using Rolemaster 2nd Edition (the ones with the red spines which came out in 1989) rather
than RMSS. I must admit that I too, still use RM2D, but it’s not because I have anything against
RMSS. Closer to the truth is that I’m just more comfortable with the older version, after helping
to develop it and using it for all these years. Besides, the Shadow World was born under that
system, and I’m not about to alter the stats of all those characters appearing in books like Eidolon
and the Master Atlas Second Edition. The stats in these books will be based on RM2D, but with
notes for RMSS where necessary. I will also be including some RMSS-specific information (e.g.,
training packages) in appendices or at the web site. For those who are using RMSS, you can
either adjust the powers of the high-level NPCs and artifacts, or explain them by saying that they
originate in a time before a weakening of the Essænce.
But hopefully what you most want out of the Shadow World is the unique feel and history of
the place, and the interesting people and beasts who live there. So, grab your Kynac and a fistful
of Eidolon Gold Notes, we’re going home.

Summer 1997
4 Shadow World

Fowler said “Are you trying to be clever or something?”

“I don’t have to try,” retorted Tommy. “I am clever.”


Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire 5




1 • Shadow World & Rolemaster ................................ 8 1 • The Coral Road .................................................... 90
2 • Integrating the New Emer material ...................... 8 2 • Ash Lairs & Deep Gates ....................................... 91
3 • About Culture & Civilization ................................ 8 3 • Votania .................................................................. 91
4 • Crime & Punishment ........................................... 10 Aldain Ruins ............................................................... 91
5 • Cultural Structures .............................................. 10 Forge Complex Ruins ................................................. 92
6 • Getting Around .................................................... 13 The Ahrenthrôk .......................................................... 92
Acropolis of the Titans ............................................... 92
PART II: HISTORY OF EMER 15 4 • Portals ................................................................... 92
1 • The First Era ......................................................... 16 Gate of Yæra ............................................................... 92
Interregnum ............................................................... 17 Obelisk of Thase ......................................................... 93
2 • The Second Era of ire........................................... 18 5 • Holy & Unholy Places .......................................... 93
3 • The Third Era of ire ............................................. 22 Temples of Eissa.......................................................... 93
Shrines of Iloura ......................................................... 94
4 • Recent Events ....................................................... 37
Halls of Kieron ........................................................... 95
5 • Calendar Notes ..................................................... 43 Temple of Mynistra at Bentara .................................. 95
Shrines of Akalatan .................................................... 95
PART III: HÆSTRA Acropolis of Scalu at Desamis Point .......................... 95
CLIMATE & DENIZENS 45 Temple complex at Muartaar ..................................... 95
1 • Climate & Geography .......................................... 46 6 • Other Lairs & Places of Power ............................. 95
2 • Flora ...................................................................... 49
3 • Fauna .................................................................... 50 PART VI: OTHER POWERS 101
4 • Races ..................................................................... 52 1 • Changramai ........................................................ 102
2 • The Eight ............................................................ 105
PART IV: REALMS & 3 • The Secret Circle ................................................ 109
KINGDOMS OF HÆSTRA 61 4 • The ‘‘Alliance’ ..................................................... 110
1 • Danarchis ............................................................. 62 5 • Amethyst League ................................................ 111
2 • Bodlea ................................................................... 64 6 • The Black Dawn ................................................. 111
3 • Miir ....................................................................... 66 7 • The Sirens of Sorak ............................................ 111
4 • Vornia ................................................................... 69 8 • Neighboring realms ........................................... 111
5 • Stroane .................................................................. 69 9 • Pirates & Bandits ................................................ 112
6 • Zinvar ................................................................... 72 10 • Powerful Beings ................................................ 113
7 • Talæn .................................................................... 72 11 • Interesting Personalities ................................... 113
8 • The Emerald Forest .............................................. 73
9 • Sarnak ................................................................... 74
1 • The way to Sarnak .............................................. 116
10 • Izar Coastal Towns ............................................. 77
2 • Ghosts of Zinvar ................................................ 117
11 • Komaren Cluster ................................................ 77
3 • Adventure Ideas .................................................. 118
12 • Ton-Bor .............................................................. 79
13 • Skystone City ...................................................... 80 PART VIII: MAPS 119
14 • Port of Izar ......................................................... 82
15 • Independent Islands........................................... 82 PART IX: INDEX 131
6 Shadow World

A Navigator in the process of ‘Jumping’

Part One: Introduction 7

• PART I •

have travelled far across the continents of Jaiman, Emer, and beyond; yet I feel my quest has just
begun. The Phoenix pendant of Rhakhaan warm against my breast, I turned to face the bright-
ening sky in the east. The Cloud Caravel beneath me bobbed gently in the river water; soon we
would be airborne. We would sail out of Haalkitaine, south to Emer. But not to bustling Sel-kai or
lovely Artha. No, this time I would be entering new territory; places barely seen or spoken of except
among the secretive Loremasters. Randæ Terisonen stood at the prow with the Navigator, and—as
ever—Jad was by my side. Now the quest would begin, a quest more strange, wondrous and terrifying
than even I could imagine.

Kalen Avanir
From his Travel Journals

u u u

In this section is a brief overview of the scope of the new Shadow World® series presented by
Eidolon Studio, and Shadow World’s relationship with ICE’s Rolemaster® system.
Secondly, this section provides some general information that should be helpful in under-
standing and using the material later in the book.
8 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

demons walk the earth. And the planet is swept by super-

1 • SHADOW WORLD natural storms, the magical Flows of Essænce run amuck.
& ROLEMASTER But while demons and sorcerers are real, they remain
The Shadow World was born many years ago; its exact fairly unusual characters. Many a peasant has toiled his
date is hard to pinpoint. Vog Mur was the child of Pete entire life in the fields of his lord and never once seen even
Fenlon in the late 70’s, predating even ICE. Then came the lowliest magical spell.
Rolemaster, and the Loremaster series: Cloudlords of CIVILIZATION ON KULTHEA
Tanara, Iron Wind, and a handful of others. The people of Kulthea’s march towards civilization has
Then came the realization that it was time to create an been sidetracked several times, usually by cataclysmic wars
entire world to support the Rolemaster system (and Fan- fought among the gods with Men and Elves as their reluc-
tasy Hero™ at the time) so the Shadow World was formally tant pawns. These wars leave little in their wake, and the
christened. Years passed and ICE made the decision that it pawns are left to rebuild from scratch. In addition, the
was time for something new, and discontinued the Shadow presence of magic on the Shadow World has taken its toll in
World series in its incarnation of the time. Now, however, retarding technological and scientific advancements. Many
we take up the tale of Kulthea soon after it left off. things are just easier to do with magic. If you really can turn
lead into gold, the scientific method goes out the window.
2 • INTEGRATING THE NEW However, not everyone can use magic, and those who
can tend to charge for their services (witness the Naviga-
EMER MATERIAL tors), or simply withhold them, so others continue to
For GMs who have led adventures in Emer before struggle along and make slow progress.
based on the old Emer book, there may need to be some It is the same way with governments. Advances are
reconciliation with the new Eidolon Studio material. made, governments expand to the limits of practical size,
As for earlier Amthor writings, there is little inconsis- then often collapse. Once again, as well, there are super-
tency. However, there may or may not be conflicts with natural forces on Kulthea which prey on the vices of men
other Shadow World books (e.g., Amthor has never read and precipitate the destruction of governments which
Curse of Kabis); therefore only the Atlases, Jaiman, Iron might otherwise have survived. The Emerian Empire is an
Wind, Cloudlords and Eidolon are considered Canon. example.
There are also many new elements: cities, towns, and Earlier in the Third Era the Empire spanned virtually
other sites not mentioned before. These can simply be all of Emer in a monarchy unmatched in size, wealth and
considered omissions from what was a rather cursory power. But it had finally grown too large to support itself,
previous Loremaster survey of the continent. and with the help of sinister agents of darkness, it crumbled
The timeline has also been advanced a year or so, and into anarchy.
we have the catastrophic event of the theft of the Northern Only in the last few centuries has the continent emerged
Eye to precipitate a few changes. from the chaos and wars which reigned in the aftermath
of that fall. Several regions have established variations on
what on earth is known as a feudal government. It is
3 • CULTURE & CIVILIZATION important to understand how this arrangement works in
While this book focuses on a portion of the continent order to get a feel of what life is like in this environment.
of Emer, it seems important to review and discuss the This way, the Gamemaster can covey this rich milieu to
environment of the Shadow World as a whole, and what the players and create a more satisfying gaming environ-
life might be like in such a place. ment for all involved.
In some ways Kulthea is not unlike our earth; men have
the same psyches, the same wants and goals and desires. FEUDALISM ON KULTHEA
However, the routes to these goals are sometimes differ- Put simply, feudalism is the relation between a lord
ent. And there are powerful forces at work in Kulthea; and his vassals or knights, those who pledge fealty or
things dismissed as superstition and scam in our world are allegiance to him. He, in return promises to protect them
very real mystical and magical energies in the Shadow from outside attack. This hierarchical system may extend
World. And more peoples than mortal men live on Kulthea. upwards to a king and the lords beneath him. Lords are
Immortal Elves rule timeless kingdoms, while gods and granted land to administer, and they build a castle, around
which grows up a town.
Part One: Introduction 9

Much of Emer (for instance, virtually all of Miir, own. Merchants travel from place to place trading their
Stroane and Vornia) is controlled by small kingdoms like wares, while skilled artisans (including in many cases
this, with constantly warring factions, shifting allegiances spell-users) are in demand and may choose their em-
and rival lords. In these regions, the land is dotted with ployer. Banking and an early incarnation of the corpora-
castles every 12-15 miles (a day’s march) with villages tion allow the easy transfer of money and investment.
huddled around each.
LORDS Thrown into this volatile political mix are two other
Successful knights under a great lord are granted land powerful elements: wielders of magic, and representatives
and wealth, and can then set themselves up as ruler of a of rival gods. Clerics and priests seek to increase the
fief. These lords are rulers of their tiny realm (often as influence of their various deities (and so grow their own
small as a parcel of land half a day’s walk in all directions). political influence and wealth). On Kulthea they wield
They protect their serfs and administer their lives as very real power, often the ability to heal wounds and raise
absolute authority. the dead.
KNIGHTS Meanwhile several factions of spell-users offer their
services, though always for a price. A Truthsayer of Itanis
Usually high-born, a knight aspires to become a lord in
is a coveted status symbol in any wealthy royal court, while
his own right. In the meantime he swears fealty to another
many lords have a court Magician or Seer on retainer.
and serves him with his sword and counsel.
The difference between an Essence-user and a Mental-
These people are bound to the land they work. Not
ist is a subtle one to all but learned scholars and those who
exactly slaves, since their lord does not own them, never-
use the power themselves—and between them is often a
theless they are servants with usually few rights. Their lord
bitter rivalry. The hybrid Mystics are usually looked upon
protects them in return for their labor and allegiance.
with disdain and suspicion by both.
They usually have some land for their own use.
Spell users are not all that uncommon on the Shadow
THE RISE OF CITY-STATES World; in fact perhaps one in ten humanoids has the
Independent of these kingdoms have arisen several potential either to wield the Essence or the power of their
centers of power based not upon military strength and own mind. Much more rare is the opportunity to train
fealty, but by the power of commerce and trade. Izar, and hone this raw potential into something that can be
Kaitaine and Sel-kai are perfect examples of this situation. used as tool—and weapon. The wealthy and/or very for-
tunate may attend a college where the magical and mental
THE MERCHANTS & ARTISANS arts are taught. This way they may learn spells and the
With the rise of cities and trade comes the opportunity methods of directing their energies.
for those with ambition and skill to gain wealth of their
10 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

THE PLACE OF CLERICS lines should he need to further develop the cultures de-
The Lords of Orhan, the Dark Gods of Charón, and scribed in Emer or invent cultures of his own.
countless local deities all have their followers. These men In addition, the terminology defined below is fre-
and women can literally tap into the power of their god quently used in the various cultural summaries, so it
and wield a tiny portion of their supernatural ability. would behoove the GM to familiarize himself with it.
Those with this aptitude may join a monastery, temple or
church to learn the ways of their chosen god or goddess.
Below are some terms used to describe the food gath-
THE FLOWS OF ESSÆNCE ering ways of various cultures.
Swirling across and through the planet are the Flows of Hunter/gatherers. These groups rely on big game for
magical energy known as the Essænce. Like rivers, they food, have low population densities, and exist in a no-
have branches, pools, side currents and eddies. And like madic or semi-nomadic state. Extreme temperatures,
those liquid channels they can be very real barriers to rough terrain, and/or poor soil discourage any form of
travel and trade. Unlike rivers, however, flows are often agriculture. Bands or tribes may have distinct hunting
invisible, and move at will. They can spring up overnight circuits and therefore establish vague territorial bound-
and create a barrier as real as a mountain range to divide aries. Urbanization is virtually nil, although certain spe-
a realm or even a town. This raw Essænce is the origin of cific sites may be sacred and the focus of periodic societal
all arcane power on Kulthea, whether it be endowed gatherings. High protein meat diets are supplemented
within the Mentalist’s mind, or for the Magician to tap, or with nuts, fruits, berries, and occasionally fish. Wild
within the god to be channeled. grains are rarely used.
The average group size is normally limited to 25-50
people. The territory is limited by the availability of water,
4 • CRIME & PUNISHMENT wild foods, and game, and the overall proximity of these
The way that a society deals with its criminals says a lot staples to each other. Population density varies from .05
about that society itself. Some places, notably Danarchis to 10 people per square mile.
and Sel-kai to the east, consider themselves enlightened. Men normally do the hunting because the mobility
With their magistrates and judges, they observe a process requirement conflicts with childbearing. Women usually
an adhere to a set of laws. Punishment usually involves a gather supplemental foodstuffs, an often arduous task
fine or incarceration rather than physical that accounts for up to seventy percent of
abuse or maiming. the group’s nutritional intake. As with
On the other hand, less ‘sophisticated’ most extremely mobile groups, few old or
(or bureaucratic) governments depend on weak people survive for any length of time
punishments sometimes meted out by the (e.g., they may perceive their presence as
nearest nobleman or even the lord of a small a burden and wander off to die). In addi-
castle. These—usually smaller and more ru- tion, possessions are usually limited to
ral—governments with less prison space resort to what one can comfortably carry.
public flogging or caning, a few hours or days in the
Slash and burn agriculturists. These folk rely on
stocks, branding, or sometimes mutilation, such as
hardy yet primitive vegetables, mostly grains
cutting off a finger, hand, foot, or castration, or
and tubers. Often poor soil, harsh climates,
putting out an eye.
steep grades, or dense foliage prevent a
While to a lady in Eidolon or a Loari artist
society from exploiting the land any more
in Námar-Tol this may seem brutal and
efficiently. Farming revolves around the
barbaric, these places do not have the luxury clearing of an area by slashing large foliage
of prisons and guards. The accepted phi-
obstacles and burning off the remainder.
losophy is that punishment must be swift
Normally one crop is harvested per year,
and severe in order to serve as a deterrent.
The Stocks and the land is again cleared by burning.
Since the soil is quickly exhausted, move-
5 • CULTURAL STRUCTURES ment to new cultivated areas is frequent. Coarse grasses
The section below discusses some general aspects of replace the cleared forest in the abandoned fields. The
low-technology societies and gives the GM some guide- replenishment of the trees takes decades or centuries.
Part One: Introduction 11

Fishing and gathering may supplement the diet. The TECHNOLOGY

population density varies from 1 to 20 people per square The following technological periods are examples which
mile. reflect a common course of development among most
Herders. Herding peoples survive by supplementing a intelligent humanoid species and are particularly appro-
modest agricultural base with meat and dairy products priate for Kulthea. Various societies on the Shadow
taken from goats, sheep, cattle, and the like. Generally, the World have technologies ranging from Old Stone Age
relatively small parcels of fertile soil are re- through Iron Age and even beyond. For convenience,
served for cropland or gardens, while the less the various ‘levels’ are assigned numbers so
arable territory is given over to the herds. they can be noted in the cultural descrip-
Although the fertile land is provided with tions throughout this book.
adequate fertilizer and is depleted rather One might wonder how a wide range
slowly, overgrazing can exhaust the limited of technological levels can exist in such
foliage elsewhere. Therefore, large areas are close proximity, especially given the
needed for the herds, since some rotation of amount of trade on Kulthea. This situation
the grazing lands is required. is understandable, however, because tech-
Seasonal movements between lowland and nical advancement depends on skill,
highland pastures occur on occasion and serve knowledge and the proper facilities. For
to counter soil depletion and subsequent ero- instance, the Bodlean Dalesmen have nei-
sion. Mobility can also conquer the prob- ther the skill nor the equipment to make
lems of drought and famine, which can dev- fine steel, even though they might know
astate the animal-based food supply. Unfor- the formula. However, iron is fine for
tunately, it is harder to hide from disease, most purposes, and what steel imple-
and a herding group can suddenly find itself ments they need they could buy in trade
without food, should their flocks contract a from Danarchis or Miir. In another ex-
severe illness. The people’s proximity to ample, the making of the anti-gravity
their animals also makes them more suscep- metal Xenium requires not only sophisti-
tible to contagious disease. Herder popula- cated equipment, but the formula is a
tion densities vary from 3 to 40 people per closely guarded secret held by a few Alche-
square mile. mists.
Fisherfolk. Fishermen may supplement their Virtually all Kulthean societies fall into
diet by gathering or gardening. Normally these the Pre-Technology categories; the Tech-
folk live on islands, beside the coast, or along rich water- nology categories are given primarily for ref-
courses, and get most of their nutrition from fish, shell- erence and the occasional aberration.
fish, sea mammals, and other related delicacies. Some of PRE-TECHNOLOGY LEVELS
these societies are akin to hunters and gatherers, and Level Description
move periodically, as a result of weather or the flow of 1 Stone Age. Crude stone tools used; little or no
food sources. Others live a more sedentary existence, cultural development. Fire, basic spoken lan-
usually in comfortable seaside spots. This sort of subsis- guage. No art, no agriculture, no medicine.
tence produces population densities between .5 and 50 Natural metals used late in this period.
people per square mile.
2 Bronze Age. Crude metalworking, agriculture, and
Mixed economies. These groups emphasize rotational simple art forms. Settled cultural groups. Basic
farming, often yielding large amounts of food, mostly written language. The wheel, oared galleys, herbal
grains and vegetables. Modest amounts of meat, dairy healing, crude spears and bronze swords. Stone
products, and fish round out the diet. Such societies used in important buildings.
generally possess large tracts of arable soil, and devote 3 Iron Age. Refined weapon and tool-making, so-
their surplus land and harvests to providing for animals, phisticated agriculture. The beginnings of sci-
or as storage for future use. Within these areas, popula- ence and philosophy. Regional governments.
tion density varies from 10 to 100+ people per square Keystone arch, water power, chemical medicine,
mile. scale armor.
12 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

4 Medieval Age. Steel alloys (swords, chain-mail), powerful energy weapons. Personal shields.
sailing ships. Art and language refined. Wind- (Space Master™)
mills. The pointed arch allows for greater unsup- 14 Early Matter/Energy Age. Basic control of energy/
ported spans. matter movement and form. Short range
5 Early Renaissance Age. Regional Governments (<100,000 km) matter transmission. Planet build-
become more sophisticated. Art is a powerful ing (Dyson spheres, Ringworlds), fast
force. Rigged sailing ships, telescopes. terraforming. (Beyond Space Master.)
6 Late Renaissance/Pre-industrial Age. Superior 15 Late Matter/Energy Age. Total control of energy/
metals, advanced cultures with national govern- matter movement and form, manipulation of
ments. The beginnings of ‘technology’: printing matter into different molecular structures
press and first clocks developed. Balloons, medi- through use of complex machinery. Long range
cal experimentation. (Optionally: gunpowder) (10 LY+) matter transmission through hyper-
space. Early experimentation with inter-planar
TECHNOLOGY LEVELS travel. (Far beyond Space Master; Lords of
7 Fossil Industrial Age. Steam power allows first Essænce Tech Level.)
automated machinery. Automobiles, prop air- 16 Planar Control Age. Access to parallel dimen-
craft, railroads, direct current electricity, vac- sions through technology, personal units to ma-
cines and anesthetics used in medicine. The nipulate matter, mental interaction with ma-
telegraph. chines. Time travel, consciousness without need
8 Electronic Age. Transistors, then Silicon chips of physical body.
revolutionize technology. First computers, jet 17 Beyond imagination.
aircraft, nuclear bombs. Organ transplants, prac-
tical working prosthetics, antibiotics in use. SPECIFIC TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTS
9 Early Space Age. Interplan- In the unique world of Kulthea,
etary exploration, supercon- the introduction of such factors as
ductors, optical electronics, the Essænce and artifacts of the
voice interaction with com- ancient Lords make it difficult to
puters, artificially intelligent categorize technological advances
(sentient) computers, prac- into a simple, clear progression.
tical heavy energy weapons, Below, we offer some guidance and
antiviral drugs, cryogenics, information.
cloning, human/computer Water/Wind Power: The crudest
interfaces (Cyberspace™). form is the windmill, or the
10 Fusion Age. Clean energy, waterwheel, both used to grind
widespread interplanetary grain between large stones. Water
travel, advanced bioengi- power is more steady and reliable.
neering (Alterant Repli- Windmills are only usually used in
cants), small-scale ter- coastal areas or plains where wind
raforming. Practical hand- is relatively constant. More sophisticated machines such
held energy weapons. Cancer defeated. as pumps and conveyors came later.
11 Molecutronic Age. Truly organic computers, Steam Power: A few advanced societies have developed
nanocircuitry, slow FTL (faster-than-light) ve- crude steam turbines — usually to operate mills, propel
hicles span interstellar distances in decades. ships, or other simple machines.
12 Gravitic Age. Gravity fields understood and neu-
Printing: A handful of cultures have developed a crude
tralized on a limited scale. Tachyon and inertial
method of printing — though nothing as advanced as a
field physics in early stages. Energy screens devel-
press with movable type. And the vast majority of societ-
oped. Planetary scale terraforming.
ies with a written tongue are as yet satisfied with just that
13 Antimatter Age. Control of fields, knowledge of
— writing it.
hyperspace. Interstellar communication (Ta-
chyon Beam Dictor), fast FTL vehicles, matter/ Alloys: Many of the more advanced societies have devel-
antimatter harnessed, interstellar governments, oped sophisticated smelting processes, allowing them to
Part One: Introduction 13

unlock the earth’s priceless metals from their surround- Democracy. A society where the ultimate power is vested
ing ore. In addition, they can combine metals to create in the citizenry. Under this system, each citizen has an
strong alloys such as steel. equal vote.
Gunpowder: The secret of this potentially devastating Dictatorship. Absolute power, but not necessarily au-
tool has yet to be unlocked, by even the most advanced thority, is held by one person (the dictator).
cultures on the Shadow World. The power of magic as Feudal. A somewhat decentralized system based on vari-
stagnated any desire for a chemical explosive, and the ous tiers of landholders (possessors or owners). Those
mysteriously fluctuating effects of the Essænce can have a with lesser holdings (vassals) derive their grants and secu-
transmuting effect on chemical reactions. rity from those above and, in return, provide the greater
Machines: A few of the most advanced groups have landholder (lords) with goods (e.g., food) or services (e.g.,
mastered the concept of gears and pulleys and have cre- troops). Such a system is often hereditary.
ated complex mechanisms. While electricity is far from a Monarchy. Absolute power and authority is held by one
reality, inspired inventors have harnessed water, wind, overlord, the monarch (e.g., king, queen, emperor, em-
and even steam to drive machines. press, etc.). Such a system is generally hereditary.
Medicine: The medical arts owe most of their sophistica- Oligarchy. Power and authority rests in the hands of a
tion to the devotion of religious Healers and those who small number of individuals (oligarchs), who may form a
follow the mental disciplines of Lay Healing. The latter, coalition or elite upper class.
through intense study and mental energy, are able to
Republic. Supreme power rests in one or more
perform feats of surgery comparable to the most ad-
representative(s), governmental assemblies elected by the
vanced science of Space Master’s Terran Empire.
citizenry. Citizens may or may not have practical equality
Herbs also provide potent medicinal cures; these en- (i.e., an equal vote).
chanted plants are capable of anything from relieving
minor pain to reviving those thought to be in an irrevers- Theocracy. A state where the ultimate political power and
ible coma. authority rests with those who hold supreme religious
power and authority. The overlord is often considered a
Astronomy: Kultheans as a rule have an unusually well- deity or divine representative.
developed understanding of their place in the cosmos. In
many cases this may be attributable to the wealth of Tribe. A group of related clans or a large collection of
knowledge — however fragmented — left behind by the people who maintain the same culture and consider them-
Lords of Essænce. For instance, despite the fact that the selves brethren. They are typically ruled by a council of
globe cannot be circumnavigated (because of the barriers elders (e.g., clan chieftains) and/or a high chieftain or
of the Essænce), any goatherd knows that the world is a king.
sphere, and that it whirls around the huge burning orb of
the sun (along with a number of other spheres). Things 6 • GETTING AROUND
begin to break down, however, when one inquires as to the
The varied lands of Hæstra may be traversed in a
number of other planets and their names.
variety of ways; obstacles when they arise are as often
POLITICAL STRUCTURES political as geographic or elemental.
Typical political structures or governmental systems GM Note: much useful information about travel and
include the systems which follow. encounters can be found in the Rolemaster book
Anarchy. Actually, the absence of a working structure or Gamemaster Law.™
government, generally leading to complete disorder and
The Hæstra mainland is crisscrossed by an ancient
Clan. A large group of families or bands (family groups) network of paved roads: the highways built by the Emer-
which claim descent from a common ancestor and have ian Empire. About twenty feet wide (enough for wagons
strong blood ties. They are typically ruled by a chieftain or to pass) they are paved with flagstones, sloped for drain-
warlord, although a council of representatives (e.g., el- age, and have league markers (a league is approximately 3
ders) may possess some or all of the real power and miles; markers tell distance from Votania). Solidly built
authority. stone bridges span creeks, rivers and ravines. These roads
connect virtually all of the large city-states, though they
14 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

are in varying stages of disrepair. In general, the roads are It is 13-18 days from Artha to Izar, a long journey once
in better shape around the Sea of Votania and deteriorate broken by a stop at Zinvar. But since the mysterious
as one moves away from that body. In Bodlea the highway destruction of the port city over a hundred years ago, the
is intermittently covered by eroded soil and weeds. island is shunned.
Secondary roads are of packed earth, though most are While there are not many strictly passenger ships on
kept clear by area residents and have some markers. Kulthea, many trade vessels have a few cabins and they
Finally, there are what can only be called paths, rutted and will sell passage to travellers. Depending on the size and
winding, barely wide enough at times for two horses to nature of the ship, passengers may have anywhere from
travel side-by side. These can have underbrush perilously feather beds and private rooms with their own steward
close to the path (a perfect hiding place for bandits), and and fine meals to hammocks and eating with the crew.
at times the path itself can seem to vanish. While the Sea of Gold is usually fairly tame, and the bay
of Izar calm, each can be choppy—and storms are not
ON FOOT uncommon in spring and fall. Further north, the Melurian
Travellers on foot usually walk 8-12 hours a day, taking Straits are always fraught with tricky currents, and storms
several breaks. Considering this, one should assume that can suddenly appear year-round.
a group can cover 12-15 miles a day on roads, perhaps a bit
more if they are in excellent shape and push themselves, BY AIR
less if the terrain is not ideal. Not surprisingly, manors and Skyships stop daily at all the major ports in Hæstra:
villages dot the landscape about 12-15 miles apart, espe- Artha, Izar, Sarnak, and Aquitar, less frequently at Dynax,
cially along major roads. Relian, Arakin, Orian and Nysellin.
MOUNTED The Loari Airbarges, on the other hand, skirt the coast,
travelling only from Danarchis to Izar, then on down to
If everyone in the group is mounted and the way is easy,
Kaitaine, a few stopping off at Aquitar. They are not seen
one can cover as much as 20-25 miles a day. Obviously, it
over the Hæstra mainland.
is assumed that the mounts are rested periodically. If the
group has resources to get fresh mounts every few hours BY NAVIGATOR
they can cover considerably more territory.
These guides are usually hired to guide Skyships or large
BY SEA sea vessels with important cargoes. Some wealthy mer-
The western coast of Emer is always busy with trade chants who travel overland will also hire a Navigator to
ships. From Sel-kai far to the east ships arrive in Artha make the journey go more smoothly. Navigators rarely
daily, continuing on to the Port of Izar, then to Aquitar are called upon to teleport passengers very far except by
and on to Kaitaine in the south. the very wealthy and powerful. (PCs could go an entire
campaign without seeing a Navigator Jump a client.).
Part II: A History of Emer 15

With Notes On Other Realms

“You have no idea what’s begun here.”

The Jenaar Emissary to the Shoneb Emperor
Just before she teleported away to escape capture
Northern Thuul
TE 5028

Walk the way the fishes know

Safe beneath the domain of storms
Living stone arches above
All life allied; the world is one.
Entry is gained by knowing the key
Clues aplenty left by the door where
The fish speak.
Translation of an Earthwarden Codex
Interregnum, date unknown
16 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

As this is the first of the Emerian Atlas supplements, it seemed appropriate to include an
expanded timeline for the continent as a whole — with an extra focus on the Emerian Empire,
which was centered here in Hæstra. This history is far more exhaustive than previously published
and is essentially a composite of many Shadow World texts. Nothing so complete could be found
anywhere on Kulthea except perhaps on the Loremaster island of Karilôn or the great library of
Nomikos on Ormian. Other large libraries might contain sections of this material, but especially
the Emerian Empire history would be relatively fragmentary. It should be noted that even this
accounting is by no means complete; after the fall of the Emerian Empire, this record concen-
trates mainly on Hæstra. Later books will reveal events in other areas of Emer in further detail.
Secret or covert activities are included in italics; these are events and actions that the PCs
could not be aware of without special means such as a vision or access to secret texts. Also, events
before the year “0” (i.e., during the shadowy First Era and the Interregnum) are also essentially
unknown and are included mainly for the GM’s reference. Terms in other languages are either
OE (Old Emer), K. (Kugor, the language of the Great Drakes), Ir. (Iruaric), or I (Iylar, high-

world becomes the center of an explosion of interstellar

1 • THE FIRST ERA colonization. Many planets become homes for seedling
c. -80,000 FE (Approximately 200,000 years before the cultures. The Lords of Orhan shield themselves on their
present time.) A cataclysm of cosmic proportions sends moon, employing illusion and misdirection to keep the
shock waves through the universes, and causes a ‘gate’ or Althan race away.
‘tear’ in the inter-dimensional fabric. A group of non- c. -16,000: First appearance of the mighty comet Sa’kain
corporeal entities enters this space-time, fleeing the in the Kulthean solar system. In Kulthea’s sky it is like a
destruction of their own universe through the gate. They huge column of fire clearly visible by day and making the
close this gate (though it can never be completely sealed) night as bright as sunset. Unbeknownst to the inhabit-
but find that they cannot leave the solar system because ants of the Shadow World, Sa’kain’s entry into the sys-
the unique location of Kulthea in space-time maintains tem has reopened the a new inter-dimensional rift,
its singular association with their home universe. Be- destabilizing the current balance. The Lords of Orhan
yond the system, the peculiar radiations are too rarefied are unable to close this interface, so Kulthea is subjected
to maintain their life-force. They arrive at a moon to irradiation by the strange energies of another uni-
orbiting the gate planet Kulthea (not wishing to interfere verse. This energy interacts with all matter in the system,
in the natural evolution occurring on the planet itself), infusing it with what is later known as the primal Es-
alter the moon’s ecology to their liking (including mak- sænce. In addition, the Kulthean system becomes vul-
ing the moon the focus of their power), and take up nerable to intrusions from the Planes and the Void.
residence. They are to become the Lords of Orhan.
c. -15,000: First discovery of the Essænce by the Althan
Also at this time, a tiny black hole (its origins also
scientists of Kulthea. (Inhabitants were aware of unex-
possibly in another universe) strikes Kulthea, passing
plainable energies since the dawn of their civilization,
through the world and erupting out the other side. It
but were previously unable to analyze their nature or tap
extrudes core material behind it as it exits, and the Pillar
their power.) Genetic manipulation enhances latent
of the Gods (a pinnacle of black crystal and metal several
abilities to control the force. Members of the K’ta’viiri
miles high, located in central Thuul) is created. Severe
(family? clan? sub-race?) show special aptitude. The
earthquakes and tidal waves cause widespread devasta-
Althans soon discover that the Essænce is unique to the
tion, especially in the region surrounding the pillar.
Kulthean system. In addition, certain materials are
c. -30,000: The first indigenous intelligent race on Kulthea shown to retain, augment, or resist the Essænce. Strange,
— the Altha — discover fire. violent creatures from other dimensions appear peri-
c. -20,000 — -18,000: Althan culture develops a tech- odically on Kulthea, but are little more than a nuisance.
nology which allows them to conquer the stars. The
Part II: A History of Emer 17

However, many of the Althans are also true Psionics, sweeping attempt to overthrow the current Empress-
able to tap their own energy reserves. (Psionic power is goddess.
a personal energy which a percentage of all thinking The Lords of Orhan — fearing the complete destruc-
beings in this universe may possess; it is unrelated to the tion of life on the Shadow World — rescue representa-
Essænce.) tives of their favorite animal and plant species from
c. -15,000 — -10,000: Althan civilization begins to evolve Kulthea and bring them to Orhan. Indeed, large areas of
into a unique combination of technology and ‘magic’ Kulthea are laid waste as the Uruths destroy the most of
(the Essænce power). Society also polarizes, with the the K’ta’viiri, using channels of raw Essænce. The
Essænce adepts (mostly the K’ta’viiri) becoming a privi- backlash from this power destroys or damages many of
leged upper class. A number of Portals are constructed the ancient Portals, leaving them ‘open’ without control.
on Kulthea (and several on Charón); these gateways Strange creatures and destructive demons of the Void
allow direct access to a selected few of the parallel dimen- swarm into this universe through the broken Portals.
sions. Althan scientists master techniques for opening Although the rebellion is successful, the result also
and closing such gateways, sometimes using artifacts brings about the complete downfall of the Althan Civi-
such as powerful crystals. lization. Worlds are destroyed, their popula-
tions reduced to a primitive existence.
c. -14,500: First reappearance of the
comet Sa’kain. It returns every 1500 c. 0: The final conflict of Utha and Kadæna
years, though the proximity to takes place on Kulthea. Kadæna is be-
Kulthea varies dramatically with headed by Utha himself, wielding a
each pass: sometimes brighter weapon known as the Soulsword.
than Orhan in the night sky, By a last effort of Utha, the Flows of
sometimes all but invisible to the Essence are altered to imprison the in-
unaided eye. Its presence coin- truders: by placing the ‘Eyes of Utha’ at
cides with violent Flowstorms and the poles, he limits further influx of the
serious disruption of the Portals. strange and hideous creatures. While it
was always believed that Utha caused
c. -14,000 — -10,000: After a se-
the Flows to shift dividing the world
ries of battles across the stars, the A Scribe at the into hemispheres, that was merely a
K’ta’viir family rules a large por-
Library of Olas Shryak side-effect of the crystals which he
tion of the galaxy in a vast Empire,
placed at the two poles of the planet.
maintaining control by virtue of
Their real effect was to insulate Kulthea from the radia-
their superior Psionic powers and their mighty star-
tions of the inter-dimensional rift, and thus inhibit
fleets. Their dynasty survives for millennia.
Demonic incursions from the Void. It is restored to the
c. -10,000 — -6000: The K’ta’viiri begin experimenting balance before the coming of the comet.
with cosmic forces to open gates in other regions of However, much of the world is now a wasteland.
space. Their hope is to tap the Essænce elsewhere. All Recovery for Kulthea will be a long and painful process.
such attempts end in spectacular failure. It is said that a few of the K’ta’viiri and Uruths survive,
Also, many peoples and creatures from other planets placing themselves in suspended animation to awake at
are brought to Kulthea and experimented with. Masters a later time.
of genetics, the Lords of Essænce alter plants, animals, A secret cabal is formed at this time; led by none other
and races to suit their whim. These unusual races than Utha’s son Dænkú, it is made up of eight surviving
include the Krylites, the Saurkur, and the Kuluku. rebels and calls itself the Ahrenreth (Ir. “Secret Circle”).
c. -2000 — -250: The Emperors are increasingly corrupt Their mission is to ensure the safety of the Eyes of Utha and
and sadistic, showing little respect for life or the continu- to continue to close the errant Portals (or ‘Shadowgates’).
ity of galactic stability. This perverse trend culminates in These Portals, though severely inhibited by the Eyes of
the Ascension of the Empress Kadæna in c. -510. Utha, still allow demonic beings limited access to Kulthea.
c. -250 — 0: Rebellion against the K’ta’viiri begins, insti- INTERREGNUM
gated by the Lord Utha, a cousin within the family. Also called the “Long Night”, this period lasts approxi-
Political, technological and Psionic powers are used in a mately 100,000 years. The world begins a slow return to
stability. Many lands are lost beneath the waves as the
18 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

clouds condense. Only the most sturdy peoples survive is as yet unable to pierce the magical veils shrouding the
the period, and most are held at the lowest level of civili- Lords of Orhan. Dænkú assumes the guise of an Elven sage
zation. Unfortunately, many of the survivors are twisted, and begins to gather other wise Elves together. He takes the
evil creatures such as the deformed Lugrôki and subterra- name Andraax.
nean Trogli — and worse things, evil intruders from the
end of the First Era. The Krylites, insectile people, main-
tain their culture hidden deep beneath the Spine of Emer
and slowly elevate into a technically advanced society. The 1: Founding of the College of Loremasters by Kirin T’thaan,
Dwarves also manage to survive by hiding underground. Ilmaris Terisonen, and Andraax. All three are suppos-
During this time the Lords of Orhan seed some of their edly Elven, though Andraax is actually a Lord of Es-
‘rescued’ peoples back on Kulthea, among them the Elven sænce. The College is based on the isle of Karilôn, the
and human races. The Fey Folk (Nymphs and Sylphs, location hidden. The purpose of the Loremasters is
Naiads and Dryads) first appear—creations of the Lords twofold: first to serve as an instrument for gathering
of Orhan sent to guard over the vulnerable races. knowledge and information so that it is not lost; and
It should be noted that the Loremasters have chronicled second to disseminate this information ‘for the advance-
(though in only the most general terms) the rise and fall of ment of civilization.’ This date is not a coincidence; this
at least three civilizations during this time. They are is the beginning of ‘Loremaster Reckoning’ after the
known—among other names—as the Jinteni, the Wôrim, interregnum.
and the Taranians. The Jinteni were probably centered in c. 100: A large Elven community, migrating from the east,
southern Emer; the Wôrim from the eastern lands be- settles on the green islands east of Emer. They name their
tween Emer and Folenn, and the Taranians lived on a land home Námar-Tol.
mass in the Lonely Sea, which sank during a terrible
450: First Loremaster-recorded appearance of the comet
earthquake near the end of the Interregnum. Of these
Sa’kain, a burning mass that hangs in the Kulthean sky
cultures little remains. The most remarkable legacy of the
for weeks. As it passes near the planet, it disrupts the
Jinteni may be the City of the Dead in southwest Emer.
function of the Eyes of Utha, and opens a door into a
There were also several powerful groups active during this
multitude of universes—including the Void. The comet
time, among them the Earthwardens, who are credited
returns every 1500 years. Soon after this event the Dark
with construction of the Coral Roads.
Gods begin to appear on Kulthea. To counter this, the
The Dænkú Ahrenreth is also active for many thousands Lords of Orhan create manifestations of themselves and
of years. But one by one, these immortal men and women fall accept followings. The origins of the Dark Gods remain
victim to various disasters. Three are believed killed in unclear, though some suspect they are actually former
combat with servants of the Agoth. Two are slain by the Lords of Orhan who turned from the benign ways of
backlash of closing Portals, and two others perish destroying their brethren. Others hold that they are early manifes-
a cult of hidden Kadænan survivors. Twenty thousand years tations of the Unlife, or even ‘failed’ experiments by the
after the fall of the K’ta’viir empire, only Dænkú himself Althans to create non-corporeal life. Perhaps only An-
remains. Unable to bear continuing alone, he constructs a draax knows the truth.
secure vault on an isle south of Jaiman and places himself in
suspended animation. Sophisticated machines are set to 450: Dænkú (Andraax) discovers a surviving K’ta’viir,
awaken him if the Essænce is disturbed. (What even Dænkú who is gathering evil creatures in Mulira. After a spec-
does not know is that one of his order — Ondoval — was not tacular battle the former servant of Kadæna is slain—but
killed but caught in a warp of time. Far more horribly, his half-K’ta’viir son (Lorgalis) escapes.
another of the Order was captured by the Agothu and taken 500: The Loremasters call the first Council of Karilôn, a
into the void. By some unspeakable method, the female gathering of seven leaders, to address a variety of issues.
K’ta’viir was impregnated and bore a child. It consumed the Joining Kirin T’thaan, Ilmaris Terisonen, and Andraax
mind and body of its mother and sought a way to return to are Tanris Dekdarion, a Loar Warrior Monk), The Linær
Kulthea.) Cleric Yael Ziriv-kari, the Loar Bard Ilmaris Terisonen,
The machines fulfill their instructions after about sixty and the Loar Astrologer Romenor Tartalus.
thousand years, during a particularly close pass of the comet 825: Six powerful Titans settle on the mountainous isle of
Sa’kain. Dænkú wanders the globe for centuries, finding Votania in the center of Emer. They decide that this
that the world has blossomed. Races have multiplied, and mighty continent needs order and begin to gather ser-
ancient wounds have healed. He suspects intervention, but
Part II: A History of Emer 19

vants. The Loremasters take note but elect not to inter-

1000: Andraax re-forms the Dænkú Ahrenreth, dedicated to
maintaining the balance. As a lord of Essence and son of
Utha, he is one of the few who even partially understands
the real purpose of the Eyes of Utha. Kulthea hangs on the
threshold between universes—a wild, chaotic one where
magic rules; and the one where only physical laws apply.
The Eyes hold the world in the open doorway, allowing
Essence to work while maintaining the world in this uni-
verse. Should the eyes be destroyed, the world may fall one
way or the other. Either all magic will fail or the world will
enter a universe where flowstorms are continuous and the
Unlife rules. The comet Sa’kain complicates things, as it
seems to have multiplied the access to other universes.
c. 1000: Warrior-mages on huge steeds begin purging the
wilds in central Emer, driving out the ubiquitous Gark
and Lugrôki hordes. These knights are harbingers of the
coming of the Masters.
1073: A pantheon of godlike beings (the Titans) calling
itself the “Masters of Emer” claims all of central and
northwestern Emer. Their home is the mist-shrouded
isle of Votania. Lordly beings, they are the size of giants,
yet handsome and fair, and immortal. They rule through
an order of warrior-mages (the Xiosians) but appear for
festivals and ceremonies, riding out of the sky on en-
chanted chariots drawn by Pegasi.
A Laan Lord and his wife,
c. 1073 — 5000: Under the Masters, most of the rustic
Shay peoples are driven out of Hæstra, and the Laan circa 1500 SEI
settle in various areas. By 2000 the central and eastern
regions are well populated with the Laan (who in the 1220 — 1229: Híaz, after crushing the Garks of Onar,
Third Era are referred to as the ‘“Old Race”). The Laan leaves Xaix Yjan in control; Híaz and Mira Zyan then
build beautiful strong cities of granite and marble, and civilize the Anzeti of Silaar; she remains to rule. (The
their knowledge of science and magic exceeds for a time Islands of Námar-Tol are left unassailed; whether the
any that has yet to be seen on Kulthea since the Long Masters elected to ignore the Elven peoples or a secret
Night. But they are more easily called to the Darkness, pact was struck is uncertain.)
and beginning as early as 3000, servants of the Unlife 1230: Titus Híaz returns to Votania triumphant: all of
begin their slow work to undo the power of the Laan. Emer is in the hands of the Masters. Each rules a region
1075 — c. 1200: Another Master known as Kio Viax joins as lord and god. An era of peace and prosperity for the
Titus Híaz (who is their Military Captain) to lead a entire continent ensues, lasting nearly two millennia.
mighty army through the Gap of Uj. By the end of the 1950: The comet Sa’kain returns, as it does every 1500
century they drive out the Goblins of Murlog and subju- years, triggering massive flowstorms and random gate
gate the upstart peoples to the southwest. The early openings.
horsemen tribes worship Viax as a god.
c. 2,000: First Loremaster-recorded appearance of ser-
1200 — 1218: Titus Híaz, now joined by Ria Xain, crosses vants of the Unlife. The Unlife is a dark power—a force
the Spine of Emer east and easily subjugates the nearby for total destruction and death—originating in another
SE regions. Xain takes up rule of Khûm-kaan while Híaz universe, allowed access to this one through a combina-
moves on southwest. Meanwhile, the Master Xaym Jyax tion of the Eyes and the Comet. Unlike inhabitants of the
marches towards Tai-emer, quelling war between the Planes and even the Void, whose actions and purpose
peoples there.
20 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

seem unfathomable, the Unlife is a single force with overrun, signaling the end of the undisputed reign of the
many servants and incarnations. Dark cults—followers Masters.
of the Unlife—begin to spring up. 3450: The comet Sa’kain returns.
2200: The Council of Loremasters decides to take a more c. 3500: The six mightiest of the Great Drakes, at the
aggressive stance against dark forces. behest of Voriig Kye, gathers at the ancient breeding
c. 2500: Establishment of the Changramai Monastery in caves at Ssoiayig Saer (K: “Caves of the Drakes’ Birth-
the Choak mountains of northern Emer. It is believed place”). They agree to form an alliance of sorts.
that the Changramai are disenchanted Xiosians who left c. 3450 – 5000: Much of Emer continues to be fragmented
the service of the Titans (In fact, some are; however, the by incursions from various enemies and by the growing
founder is Tanris Dekdarion, the Loremaster, grandfa- threat of Goblins, Lugrôki and Trogli. Dragons and
ther of the famous T’vaar Dekdarion). Their quasi- other terrible enchanted beasts are everywhere, wreak-
religious order seems filled with contradictions to out- ing havoc and destruction. Corruption spreads through
siders, but they are soon renowned as unsurpassed war- the Xiosians as well. The Masters settle their grievances
riors in unarmed combat by the end of this period, but enemy forces have grown
2530: (Jaiman) Founding of the Library of Nomikos in too strong for them to overcome. They can only hold
southern Jaiman (by Andraax). It is ad- Hæstra, watching as the civilizations they
ministered by a monastic order of worked so hard to build collapse into
sages and scribes. dust. Soon even the Laan of Hæstra
3100: The first stirrings of discord begin to revolt, seduced by dark gods.
among the Masters of Emer. Two 3451: Birth of Tethior the Smith in
(Mira Zyan of Silaar and Xaix Yjan of Námar-Tol, son of the noble house of
Onar) are unhappy with their re- Jeranian.
gions and wish to reapportion the 3453: Birth of Krelij (later known as
lands. Titus Híaz refuses to do so. ‘The Swordmaker’), Tethior’s younger
c. 3200 — 3350: Goblins begin raiding brother—and eventually his rival.
in Uj again; Garks multiply in the Ru- Over the next dozens of centuries both will create a
laash Forest of Onar and terrorize the Kuluku; number of powerful tools and weapons to aid in the fight
Lugrôki breed in the Spine of Emer and begin raids on against the Unlife.
the lowlands of Hæstra. c. 3600: The White Dragon Oran Jatar approaches Krelij
3300: Founding of the first guild of Navigators, a secretive and secures his assistance in creating the Dragon Helms.
group which offers guaranteed safe travel as a service— There are to be Six, the number of the Dragonlords. In
to anyone who can afford their fee. Their powers are return, Krelij learns much of the arcane arts of alchemy—
based largely on a discovered cache of ancient artifacts including the working of laens and eog.
known as ’compasses’ which allow the user to tap the Flows c. 3500–3700: Rise of the realm of Thanor in Silaar.
for safe teleportation. According to the sparse surviving records, this kingdom
c. 3300 — 3700: The Navigator Guilds spring up across was ruled by a divine priest-king aided by an elite hier-
the globe (or at least the western hemisphere). At first archy of wizard-warriors. These people appear to be of
there is competition between the Guilds, uneven service, the Jaaderi race. Many of the Thanorian ruins contain
and low fees. Navigators can only be found and hired at Orhan-marble, indicating that they were skilled masons
large cities. and in tune with the Essence.
3345: Forces of the dark god Andaras attack Uj via land 3710 — 3730: Convinced by the legendary Navigator
and sea. Because of the ongoing fight amongst the Orbaal jen Zamain that the Navigators cannot survive in
Titans, the Master of Uj (Kio Viax) leads an army him- their present state, a summit is convened among leaders
self. of all the Guilds. After literally years of negotiation, the
3347: The fight for Uj climaxes with a confrontation Navigator Guild Alliance is formed. Pricing is rigidly
between the Titan Kio Viax and the god Andaras. Kio is fixed, and the Guild Alliance sets up a sophisticated
nearly slain before his brethren arrive to help. Uj is network of obelisks, allowing anyone to ‘summon’ a
Navigator just by touching the obelisk and requesting
Part II: A History of Emer 21

one. The Navigators make their home at the center of the 4175: Sendar, now a decorated Warrior-mage in the
land known as Iyxia. Annual Conclaves are held at their Thanorian army, is appointed governor of Arûl. His
headquarters there, a sprawling citadel called Nexus. sister Sendil, a Mystic, is always near him.
(Note: Erroneous accounts give the origin of the Navigator 4179: Sendar declares the Priest-king of Thanor (his uncle)
Alliance as late as TE c 5000). to be corrupt and a false leader. He names himself lord
3744: The Dragon Helms are completed, and the Six gather. of Arûl and Thanor, and reveals apparently supernatural
What they do not know is that Krelij, using the knowledge powers. Civil war breaks out.
gleaned from the Dragonlord, also made six rings. These c. 4180: Seeing a threat from the power of Thanor to the
would allow a human wearer to assume the powers of a southwest and an opportunity with the rebellion of Arûl,
drake. They are known as the Daath Leerssoi (K. “Maker the Dragonlord Voriig Kye begins to amass his armies and
of the Shadow Drakes”). He tells no one of their existence constructs a fleet on several isolated isles.
but makes note of them in his secret journals. Soon after the c. 4200: Preceded by a series of earthquakes and brutal
helms are distributed, the golden dragon Kydak Dûm, storms, the fleets of the “Lord of Encla Turic” (Voriig
vanishes. Kye) assault the Silaar and Tai-emer coast from the
3840: Tethior and Andraax begin work on the Six Crowns of north and the south. The Dragonlord’s armies utterly
Jaiman. destroy the realms of Thanor and Arûl; Thanor’s trea-
3910: (Jaiman) Six realms arise with the Six Crowns as suries are looted and cities laid ruin. Sendar and Sendil
their foci. Dominating the continent, they wield their vanish. Voriig himself leads a series of devastating
items for Light and hold back the Unlife (including the assaults on Thenia and central Silaar. He is largely re-
assaults of Lorgalis) for a long period. Even the Flows of sponsible for the formation of the Vœrken Mire. The
Essænce are altered, creating sea lanes for the trade ships twin demigods escape to a secret temple in the Pelegris
to escape the pirates of Ulor. Mountains where Akalatan casts them into a magical
c. 4000: The Thanorian kingdom is in its heyday, occupy-
ing northern Silaar, with satellite states in southern 4430: Tethior’s son A’kesh is born, the product of a brief
Silaar, Námar-Tol, and Tai-Emer. Theirs is a land where romance. The mother—actually a Dyar mystic—does not
magic is commonplace. The city of Thenia on the shores tell the father of his child but instead apprentices the boy to
of the Lake of Glass is a place of graceful towers of Krelij.
alabaster and crystal. This is in stark contrast to most of 4495: Krelij reveals the Daath Leerssoi to A’kesh.
Emer, which is populated by warring tribes or loosely 4790: Tethior (with the aid of Andraax) creates the Ilarsíri.
allied feudal lords.
4980: (Jaiman) A cataclysm of uncertain origins destroys
• (Jaiman) The Order of the Priests Arnak is formed by a the capital of Zor and lays waste to the central region of
manifestation of the Unlife known as the Iron Wind. They that kingdom. The Zorians, ever hungry for ancient tech-
establish themselves in six locations across the continent of nology, uncovered a terrible weapon from the lost realm of
Jaiman. Tools of evil, they work to destroy society and Tarania. They unwittingly triggered it, causing an explo-
civilization from within. sion not unlike a thermonuclear blast. The city was vapor-
4145: The youngest daughter of the Priest-king of Thanor ized, the land all around melted to slag. Radiation persists
has an affair with a handsome white-haired stranger (he to this day. Fortunately, the Crown, sword and pendant of
is in fact Akalatan the Dark Spirit, servant of Klysus the Zor had been removed to the refuge of Gryphon College by
Serpent God). She becomes pregnant and her lover aban- loyalists and were not destroyed. Zor would never rise again
dons her. In shame she flees to the province of Arûl in as a kingdom, however.
southern Tai-emer, having her twin children there— c. 5000: (Jaiman) While every ruler of the remaining Five
one boy and one girl. She names them Sendar and Sendil. Kingdoms dons the crown at coronation and is ‘at-
Other than having white hair (unheard-of among the tuned,’ a growing recognition of the crowns’ mind-
Thanorians, considered of Jaaderi stock), they appear to altering effects (and a wariness of the influence of Priests
be entirely human. The children grow up under the Arnak) leads to a tendency to wear them less frequently.
cloud of being bastard nobility. No one would believe Without the will of the wearer, the powers of the crowns
that their father is a dark demigod. to enforce borders are weakened. Border conflicts begin
to spring up across the continent. Only the kings of
22 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

Rhakhaan don the crown with any frequency, and that With the aid of the Lords of Orhan and the Titans, the
realm is the only one to survive into the Third Era intact. Dark Gods are driven back and imprisoned on Charón,
5230: Tethior and Krelij have a confrontation which reput- their powerful servants destroyed. Many valiant Lore-
edly ends in Tethior killing his younger sibling in self- masters and Sages are killed, however.
defense. (Krelij is killed, despite many rumors that he 6820 – 6825: At the conclusion of the war, the Loremasters
survived.) The incident leaves Tethior unbalanced with coordinate a massive effort to set enchanted, immortal
grief and guilt. He at times assumes the personality and Guardians at the many Portals to guard against new
appearance of his brother, and eventually becomes The incursions of dark forces.
Nameless One. A’kesh witnesses the killing, unaware that Tethior is said to have been a casualty of the wars but in
Tethior is his real father. He flees with one of the Daath fact goes into hiding. The Masters of Emer retire to their
Leerssoi. Tethior finds another of the Dragon-rings in the palace-city atop Mount Votania (in the center of Emer),
wreck of Krelij’s workshop. Andraax later takes the other setting guardians about the perimeter and a barrier of
four. clouds about the city.
c. 6200: (Jaiman) Every kingdom on the continent is at
war on at least one front. Within decades, U-Lyshak and 3 • THE THIRD ERA OF IRE
Saralis cease to exist as united realms. The designs of
Tethior and the Loremasters have been largely undone. c. 1 – 1000: The weakened Loremasters begin to aid the
rebuilding of civilizations. Across most of the hemi-
6203: (Jaiman) An Ordainer appears in southwest U- sphere, it is a struggle to survive in a dark age which has
Lyshak and leads an army of evil creatures south. Mor- destroyed much of what the Loremasters labored so long
tals flee before the demonic lord. to build. A few scattered enclaves survive, but they are
c. 6400-6450: All across the western hemisphere, govern- under siege in a world of chaotic forces. Wild demons,
ments destabilize, criminal activity rises, cultural and undead and evil creatures roam free for centuries, only
racial hatreds inflame. This is partly caused by the cor- slowly hunted down and destroyed.
rupting influence of organizations such as the Priests • Jaiman fares better than most lands of the hemisphere,
Arnak and other dark religious orders preaching intoler- perhaps because of the crowns—even though only
ance and subversion, but there seems to be literally Rhakhaan’s rulers wear them with regularity. As a result,
something in the air causing tempers to shorten and while the lands themselves are not ravaged as some
aggressive behavior to increase. Goblins and Lugrôki others, the other four governments are either ineffectual
breed in large numbers and are seen walking openly in or nonexistent (Zor is, of course, no more); their royal
the daylight—something they never dared do in the past. artifacts lost or hidden.
They burn farms and ambush travelers with impunity.
Once again dragons and other fearsome creatures are • On Emer, Votania is a haunted island, shrouded in
seen with growing frequency. At the bidding of the Dark clouds of mist. Most of the continent reverts to wilder-
Gods, the undead rise and demons appear to rape and ness broken by isolated city-states.
kill unchecked. c. 300: A group of Dyari Elves, led by the Dark Prince
6441: Because of increasing dangers and flow instability, Quentar Daal, arrive on the western shores of Emer. They
Navigators suspend commercial travel services until are traveling east from their homeland, seeking new lands
further notice (until the end of the war). While it is not to settle. After some exploration they find a high hidden
widely known, they offer their services to the Loremasters vale in the Mountains of Gold, and a cave complex directly
and their allies through the end of the Wars of Dominion. beneath. They establish a small kingdom of their own and
name it Skystone.
6450 – 6820: Wars of Dominion The arrival of the Comet,
severely disrupting the Flows, triggers the apocalyptic 350: The Dyari of Skystone encounter the Dwarven king-
war. dom of Ton-Bor further south under the mountains. After
The disruptions of the Wars cause a ripple in space- an initial period of mutual suspicion, they make an alli-
time, reopening several Portals. Ondoval of the Ahrenreth ance. The naturally secretive Dwarves agree to broker the
returns to Kulthea, but he has been driven insane by his Dyari goods to the outside world—while preserving the
eternity in another dimension. His soul is corrupted by the anonymity of the Dark Elves—in return for a commission.
Unlife. 408: After travelling across Kulthea, Ondoval returns to the
Guarded Isle, original gathering place of the Dænkú Ahr-
Part II: A History of Emer 23

enreth. He decides that it is his duty to reconvene the of Aldaron were never many, numbering perhaps only a
Ahrenreth, and ventures forth again to gather a new cabal. few hundred when they first appeared. They tend to-
He is insane. wards fair hair (even white or silver) and skin, with blue-
888: Ondoval convenes the Dænkú Ahrenreth, giving it the gray eyes. They have a youthful mien for most of their
new name ‘Cult of the Secret Circle’ (Jerak Ahrenreth). The lives, then age slowly. Life span is usually about 500
members: Churk Ta, Schrek, Ondoval, Lorgalis, A’kesh years.
(son of Tethior), Darí Holvir, Oan Lyak and Shanarak. C.
1100 — 1300
Their goal: to free Kulthea from the oppressive barrier
surrounding it and allow complete access to the Flows of
Essænce. They and their servants begin the process of Aldaron’s charisma and determination (not to men-
reawakening the heart of the Ahrenreth, a great focus- tion powerful tools and weapons, the exact nature of
crystal. However, Ondoval does so by the use of human which are now lost to history) earn him the respect of his
sacrifices. But even Ondoval does not possess the power to neighbors. He establishes his home at Votania, building a
destroy the Eyes of Utha… yet. He requires certain artifacts mighty citadel on the northern slopes of the mountain.
from the First Era. Construction begins on the Eight ‘Se- Only the uppermost peak remains mist-shrouded, and
crets’ (or ‘Ahreni’), towers and citadels scattered through- Aldaron orders that it is off-limits. From this base—
out the world to act as centers for the plan of the Cult. Aldain Castle—and using a combination of diplomacy
and disciplined armies (and apparently a natural talent
898-1108: Construction of the Ahren-lyax (Ir. “Dreaded for Mentalism), he solidifies his hold on central Emer.
Secret”) in central Ræl. It is also later known as the Tower Aldaron easily brings all of the bucolic Shay and Talath
of Vour. tribes of central Hæstra under his control. Eventually
c. 900: Schrek, with the help of the forger A’kesh, creates an even the most willful (some would say arrogant) Laan
item to allow him to retain his human form indefinitely. people in more civilized lands are for the most part
Schrek erases A’kesh’s memory of creating the Faaw Shryaac, convinced to ally under Aldaron’s flag.
(K. “Talisman of Hiding”). It is a translucent red stone 1105/1 ER (Empire Reckoning): Aldaron sets up tempo-
roughly in the shape of a humanoid heart, which pulses rary quarters on the northern banks of the inland sea of
with a reddish light, set on a staff or Dír-wood, held in place Votania. He also founds the Eight Orders and directs the
by a setting in the shape of a black dragon-claw with silver creation of the Artifacts of the Orders.
talons. However, the talisman also locks Schrek into hu-
man form, and without it he cannot assume his true shape • The workshops of the Ahn Sye Ni-Vulma (OE. Order of
or access all of his powers. the White Flame) are constructed along the rocky west-
Andraax, wandering far in the East, is awakened as if ern shore of Votania. The first Master of Ni-Vulma is
from a dream. His memory remains fragmented, but he Kerento T’ara. He gathers an elite circle of Laan and
knows that something is terribly wrong. Elven smiths and they begin to create the artifacts of the
Eight Orders.
c. 1000: An organization calling itself simply the Alliance
is formed in central Agyra (the western-most equatorial 1112: Construction begins on Aldain Castle on the north-
continent). ern shore of Votania itself.
c. 1000–1500 (Jaiman) Rhakhaan consolidates power along 1125: The comet Sa’kain returns, though on this pass it is
approximately its old Crown-enforced borders. Much relatively distant.
of Haalkitaine City is rebuilt. The other four realms also 1130: The Garks of the northern Spine of Emer are virtu-
rebuild during this period, though Tanara is now the ally eradicated by Aldaron’s armies.
domain of the Dúranaki. 1135: The Murlogi of the Forbidden Ridge are driven into
1085: Aldaron comes to Emer, transported, most sup- their caverns and the entrances into Hæstra are sealed.
pose, through a Portal. Actually, he and his group are from 1144: Most of the Lugrôki of the Mountains of Gold are
a colony ship which arrived in this system from a far planet scattered and their king slain by Lord Kendos. A nonag-
of the Althan Empire. He leads a fair people who begin to gression treaty is made between Aldaron and the Dwar-
settle the continent. While not immortal, he seems to age ven kingdom of Ton-Bor under the mountains, but
slowly even for his race, which is long-lived. Some of the Skystone City, the hidden Dyar kingdom, remains se-
Laan (now referred to as the ‘Old Race’) resent his cret.
presence, but most welcome a unifying force. The People
24 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

1145: Hæstra is secured; Aldaron names Kendos the Grand 1190: Aldaron returns home for a few years to supervise
Duke of Hæstra. The regional capitol of Ardan is estab- the growth of his capital city.
lished in Hæstra, along the foothills of the Mountains of 1192: The Loremasters first learn of the Alliance, and send
Gold. Its symbol is the Unicorn. a few agents to ascertain their alignment. They are unable
• Aldaron names himself King of Hæstra and in a grand to penetrate the secret Brotherhood. However, the Alliance
ceremony he founds the eight orders: Ahn sye Nokora (E. sends one of their own back to infiltrate the Loremasters.
“Order of the Flaming Sword,” the King’s Guard), Ahn This spy must be cautious, however. Andraax can recognize
sye Zanar (OE. “Order of the Cloak”), also known as the a Thalan on sight.
Crimson Cloak or Crimson Order, the priests of the 1204: From his citadel of Ahrenraax (Ir. “Secret Claw,” one
official religion of the Kingdom—worship of the one of the Eight Secrets of the
god Zanar), Ahn sye Jerak Ahrenreth) the
Talaus (OE. “Order of Ordainer Morloch com-
the Ring”), a group of pletes his subjugation of
magicians), Ahn sye eastern Thuul. He turns
Shan (E. “Order of the to the southwest.
Sun”), Animists re-
1208: Voriig Kye encoun-
sponsible for the agri-
ters a servant of the Ahr-
cultural health of the
enreth and traces it back
kingdom, also special-
to the Ahrenæk, in Onar.
ists in herbs and drugs),
He also discovers A’kesh
Ahn sye Takla (OE.
and they meet. Voriig
“Order of the Four
gathers a few hints about
Winds”), the messen-
Schrek as well (but Voriig
gers of the King), Ahn
does not learn of the Faaw
sye Woloka (OE. “Or-
Shryaac). Voriig decides
der of the Eye”), a
that he should be a mem-
group of Seers and As-
ber of this council, if for
trologers to advise the
no other reason than to
King), and Ahn sye
keep an eye on them.
Nomoke (OE. “Order
of the Hand”), a secre- 1210: Churk Ta of the
tive society whose pur- Jerak Ahrenreth dies un-
pose was always un- der mysterious circum-
clear. In fact, the name stances. A’kesh nominates
‘Ahn sye Nomoke’ Voriig Kye to replace him.
means Order of the 1261: After several years
Mask; they are a sort of of bloody strife, the in-
secret elite guard, spies digenous Jaaderi people
for the king both inside of Tai-emer are subju-
and outside the realm). gated by Aldaron. A re-
Lastly, the Ahn sye Ni- gional capitol of Relas is
vulma (OE. “Order of the White Flame”), a guild of established in Tai-Emer, at the mouth of the T’voca
craftsmen and artisans who were the master smiths for river. Its symbol is the Lion. Aldaron heads further east
the King and creators of the artifacts). More is written while his brother Aldanor leads a fleet across the Sea of
about the eight orders in the Other Powers section. Tears to the north.
1187: Sailing south along the western coast, Aldaron’s 1262: Aldaron advances into the land of the Nuyan Khôm.
forces secure western Uj and head east. Regional capitol Not only are the Nuyani better horsemen but they are
of Leonas is established at the mouth of the Daluj river in skilled in a style of unarmed combat unknown to the
Uj. Its symbol is the Wyvern. Emerians. However, the Nuyani are fewer in number
and they have little defence against the Imperial cross-
Part II: A History of Emer 25

bows. Aldaron’s losses are heavy but he eventually makes magical defenses). This event is a closely guarded secret
his way to the capitol of Ashenoq. Aldaron asks to meet among the Navigators. If anyone should ask to go to Agyra,
the Nuyani warlord (Hûta’arn) Tasan Nuyin, but in- they are simply told that it is off-limits. This marks the
stead the Nuyani surrender. He is lead to the Warlord’s beginning of an uneasy truce between the Navigators and
palace where he learns that Tasan has committed sui- the Alliance. Since this time, the Navigators have been
cide. Aldaron is named the new Hûta’arn of all the essentially giving ground as the Alliance assumes total
Nuyani. Meanwhile, Aldanor founds a regional capitol control over more and more land. The Navigators have
in northern Silaar, at the northern tip of the Rust Moun- warned the Loremasters of the Alliance, but the Loremas-
tains. It is called Corinn; its symbol is the Hawk. ters are reluctant to interfere—and unsure whether the
1286: Heading south, Aldanor moves into Khûm-kaan, Alliance is even a bad thing.
settling Coronan at the mouth of the Sybarus River. 1300 — ≈1500 / 200 — 400 ER:
1298: Voriig Kye determines to some extent the nature of (AGE OF EXPLORATION)
Schrek’s powerful Faaw Shryaac (K. “Talisman of Hid- Aldaron ends many ships out from Emer to explore
ing”) and convinces another of the Eight—the Lyax the surrounding isles and lands across the seas. In addi-
Khâng—that Schrek is a threat. The Khâng (an elf named tion to securing the remainder of the Emerian continent
Nandaar Darian at the time) manages to steal Schrek’s under his rule, Aldaron establishes relations with realms
staff and gives it to Voriig. The Dragonlord keeps it for to the west, south and north. Attempts to explore the
nearly five millennia, during which time he has his cohort, lands east in Iyxia are turned back by powerful Essænce
the Dragonlord-alchemist Oran Jatar separate the staff flows.
into three parts. He removes the red jewel in the center
leaving an empty gap between the four claws. The gem 1307: Aldanor’s fleet arrives on the shores of Námar-Tol.
becomes known eventually as the Dathmaur Shryak (K. He is greeted politely but coolly by the regional lords. By
“Heart of Agoth”). Now the top of the staff is called the time he makes his way to the capitol, the Prince has
Raathtruliik (K: “Cold leaping flame”), and between the learned Aldanor’s intentions: to annex the Isles for the
claws the staff glows sometimes—especially near Schrek, Empire. While the ships of the Elven fleet are individu-
creatures of the void—and of course the Heart. The lower ally superior, they are outnumbered by the Emerians; on
part of the staff, a rod of Dír-wood is the Riig Prona (K.: land the vast armies of the Emperor are overwhelmingly
Ember of Hope”) The top of the staff is given to the Elven superior. While the Elves might hold off an attack, they
brothers on Vog Mur to keep, while the heart itself is have little stomach for warfare with such an enemy. After
guarded in Voriig’s vault, and the rod is kept by Jatar. meeting with the Council of Lords, the Elven Lords of
Námar-Tol sign treaties with Aldaron, essentially agree-
1300: Aldaron’s unification of central Emer essentially ing to be a protectorate state, independent but under the
complete, he declares himself the Emperor of Emer. At wing of the Empire. The Elves are not pleased at paying
a grand ceremony he presents the four scepters of the tribute but they are surrounded and vastly outnum-
Archduchies, crowns his brother Prince of Coronan. bered. The Emperor agrees not to interfere with the
The Four Realms are: internal workings of their land.
Name Region Symbol c. 1310-1320: Aldanor explores Khûm-kaan and estab-
Ardan Hæstra Unicorn lishes settlements along the northern coast. Expeditions
sail up the rivers to the foothills of the Black Mountains,
Relas Tai-emer Lion
but do not penetrate the deep jungles. The Kuluku
Corinn Silaar Hawk people remain in hiding.
Leonas Uj Wyvern 1317: Janel Vonn, a Loari Magician of Námar-Tol, is
Plus the Princedom of Coronan, covering the region of named to the Order of the Ring.
Khûm-kaan. 1318-19: Aldaron sends agents into Jaiman.
c. 1300: Navigators venturing into Alliance territory (cen- 1320: Aldaron abandons the idea of annexing Jaiman,
tral Agyra) are told they are not welcome. At first they partly because of the peculiar geopolitics of the land (i.e.,
ignore the warnings, but after a Jenaara (with twenty the magical crowns). Instead, he secures a nonaggres-
Kal’chah) materializes in the center of the Great Hall at sion treaty with the southern kings of that land. He
Nexus on Iyxia to press the Alliance’s wishes, they quickly directs the Duke of Leonas in Uj to explore south.
relent (and after the intruders have left they reinforce their
26 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

c. 1320-1332: Aldanor sails out of the bay of Zalkali and c. 1400-1420: The Komaren Isles and the Shinh Archi-
back south into Onarian waters. He continues east past pelago west of Emer are brought under rule, and most of
the Rulaash region and to the grasslands of central Onar, the pirates who had been flourishing there are rooted
a land known as Ahnasan. There he encounters the out. Rumors of the Alliance in Agyra are first heard in the
Kinsai, riders of huge six-legged panthers. The Kinsai are Emerian court of Aldain. Aldaron sends a few agents
semi-nomadic—barbarians to Aldanor’s eyes. He claims from the Order of the Hand. When they return a few
the land in the name of the Emerian Empire, though the months later, a few note that their behavior is somewhat
Kinsai seem unimpressed. Continuing east the Prince changed (They are actually Brotherhood spies in disguise).
arrives in Malqanar and discovers the Shuluri, the Sea- 1415-17: The young Prince Terenis distinguishes himself
elves. Aldanor meets with their leaders and after some as a warrior and commander in the Shinh and Komaren
negotiation they form a simple alliance. The Shuluri campaigns, captaining the flagship of the Imperial fleet.
grant an area of land to Aldanor on which to build an
1425: Ships from the Emerian Empire encounter the
Kingdom of the Desert Jewel (Gethyra).
1322: Bethis Hirl, Lord High Seer of the Order of the Eye,
1428: Gethyra and Emer sign a peace treaty. Embassies are
is found dead in his quarters; apparently he committed
suicide. The Laan Vartain Leganto is named to succeed
him. 1430: As arranged by Aldaron and the Church, Terenis
marries the Laan woman Syba, daughter of the Na-Fulk
1325: The famed Laan explorer Jelred Tain, under com-
(OE. Archduke) of Relas.
mission from the Duke of Leonas, rounds the spur of
Ræl. He is the first to do so, after many ships are lost in 1431: Explorers enter the Ring of Thuul and encounter
the Dead Sea. Continuing east, he passes through the the Pillar of the Gods. They also discover the isle of
treacherous Spire Straits between Ræl and the continent Iordan and the Jhordi, a race of telepathic, blue-skinned
of Falias. Only 20 miles wide and filled with rocky barren men and women. Jhordi emissaries return to Emer.
islands, the straits also harbor swift, unpredictable cur- Much of southern Thuul is a shadowed land populated
rents. Tain enters the Rælian Bay. by evil races.
1326: Jelred Tain lands on the Isle of Jade and nearly loses 1432: Aldaron first hears of Terenis’ illicit liaisons from
his life to unspeakable creatures there. He escapes but agents of the Order of the Hand, but does nothing.
many of his crew do not. They continue westward to the 1434: Rumors spread of Terenis’ infidelity. Court gossip
Rælian mainland, claiming it for the Empire. The natives is that his consort is Jaad, one of the Knights of the Silver
greet Tain as a god. Sword (a man). The Aldain court is rocked by scandal.
1332: The Satellite capitol of Shanish is established in 1437: Terenis divorces Syba and ‘marries’ Jaad by declara-
Onar, along the northern coast. tion, in defiance of the religion of Zanar (homosexuality
1340: Aldaron marries one of his own people, Isil. is quietly tolerated in more liberal sections of Emerian
culture but open relationships of this type are frowned
1341: Colony ships from Leonas in Uj make the danger-
upon in society and disallowed by the official church).
ous passage to Ræl and a satellite capitol of Intil is
Despite pressure from the Cho-Na-kudai (Lord High
established in eastern Ræl, though at this point it is
Priest), Aldaron refuses to banish Terenis. Nor will he
Emerian in little more than name. Ræl is so isolated from
either bless or condemn the ‘marriage.’ However, he
the rest of the continent that there is little threat from
declares his daughter Vania is ordained heir, despite
Imperial fleets or armies. The colonists treat the natives
tradition of the male being selected as heir.
like little more than animals, hunting and enslaving
them. By the end of the century the indigenous people 1439: Vania marries the Laan Lord Estar of Leonas, shift-
are nearly extinct. ing some focus from Terenis.
1368: Isil bears Aldaron a daughter: Vania. 1440: Terenis survives an assassination attempt (the as-
sassin, a woman, is thwarted by Jaad). He retires for a
1372: Aldaron doubles the size of the Order of the Silver
time to the Imperial winter palace in the Komaren
Sword from 88 to 176 plus an equal number of adher-
1451: Londoris, Lord High Mage of the Order of the Ring,
1388: Isil bears a son, Terenis.
founds the Olas Shryak (K.: “Library of Essænce”) with
Part II: A History of Emer 27

the sage T’jamiis (really the Dragonlord Voriig Kye) at the c 1550 - 1600: (Emer) Vania’s last few years are marred by
source of the Lene river. corruption among her ministers and—despite a strong
1462: Emerians encounter the Shoneb Kingdom. The first and even hand—disaffection in the outlying provinces
meetings do not go well, the Shoneb being an aggressive and possessions, and nearly continual uprisings. She is
and suspicious culture. Emerian explorers shift their also forced to pay some regional armies for their alle-
attentions more south. giance, thus creating mercenary forces who will work for
the highest bidder. Corruption in the military becomes
1466: Aldaron’s brother Aldanor, Prince of Coronan, dies
rampant, and naval ships are little more than privateers.
of an unknown illness. His son Keil succeeds him.
• In Coronan (the Princedom controlling the lands of
1480: Aldaron lays aside the Scepter of Emer, and his
Khûm-kaan and Onar), Keil maintains control over the
daughter Vania assumes the throne. To her are given
Shay peoples of western Khûm-kaan, but Onar and Ræl
over the symbols of rulership and the allegiances of the
essentially fall out of contact.
Eight Orders. Aldaron retires to the Houses of the Dead.
At his departure ceremony are many dignitaries from • In Nuyan-Khôm, the individual warlords begin to assert
far-flung realms, including the GreatKing of Gethyra more and more authority, and the Duke of Silaar is
and the Crown Prince of Rhakhaan. essentially powerless to stop them.
1482: Tyganis, the Zanar Cardinal of Ardan, begins to • In Tai-Emer, the indigenous Jaaderi people of the Lion
pressure Vania to banish her brother and his lover from Province of Relas begin to chafe under the increasingly
Emer. She refuses, but at her urging Terenis and Jaad oppressive rule. Skirmishes and civil disturbances be-
maintain a low profile at court. come common
1493: Gorjar, the Fulk of Relas, contests Vania’s authority • In Uj, The Wyvern Province of Leonas suffers attacks
and attempts to secede from the Empire. But the Em- from the Charn Raiders in the highlands, and the no-
press reacts swiftly, sending a large force into the Relas madic Rhiani tribes—always only nominally part of the
region and arresting Gorjar by the dawn of 1494. empire—ignore all Leonas authority.
c. 1500: At their compound on the Aaen Vulm (K.: “Isle of • Finally, in Ardan, the land of the Unicorn and the heart
Glass”) on the Rælian Bay, members of the Order of the of the empire, the counties begin to chafe under harsh
Sun begin genetic experiments on various flora. They are Ducal rule and ever-increasing taxes needed to pay for
aided by the powerful Animist Durnanga (in reality Drül the army.
Churk). 1551: Accusing them of plotting against the Empress,
• (Jaiman) The Magician appears in Haalkitaine. Under Vania disbands the Order of the Hand and banishes their
his influence the emperors wear the crown less fre- leader, the Laan/Iylar Mystic Barul Xygarus. In fact, the
quently, and expand aggressively into surrounding lands. Order goes underground. They choose as their head-
quarters an isolated tower in the Northern Spine of
1512: Vania gives birth to a son: Vanaar.
Emer. They become truly the Order of the Mask.
1525: Vania has another son: Vemik.
1552: Vania gives birth to twins: Væric and Vinya. It is
1535: Vania’s husband Estar dies in what is announced as obvious that they are part Elven; Vania’s husband Shanar
a hunting accident in the forests of Norg near the eastern vanishes, the courts at Aldain and Corinn are rocked by
edge of the Forbidden Hills. In fact he was is found this scandal: Shanar was apparently not a Laan but an Elf.
beheaded along with the rest of his hunting party. (They Vania is accused of deception and sorcery. She eventu-
were ambushed by Shards of Viour.) ally reasserts her power and Væric is accepted as her son.
1543: Vania remarries: this time a Laan lord of Corinn 1553: The Lord High Priest of Zanar declares the church
named Shanar (really the Dyar Elf Shanarak, a.k.a. Kort independent of the Imperium and moves his official seat
Hulum, of the Jerak Ahrenreth). from Aldain to the Isle of Fire, off the coast of Hæstra.
1548: Vania’s eldest son Vanaar is slain in a hunting (The Isle of Fire had previously been a religious retreat).
accident. While circumstances surrounding the inci- The church takes no official action against the Imperial
dent are quite different than those of Vanaar’s father family, but at the direction of the bishops, priests begin
Estar (Vanaar is shot by an arrow, apparently by acci- to openly speak out against certain empire policies.
dent), there is speculation at court that the deaths are 1555: At A-kesh’s suggestion, the Order of the White
part of some plot. Flame relocates their home to the Ahrenæk in Rulaash.
28 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

The rest of the Order does not realize the true nature of assailed by forces out of the frontier. The Emperor loses
the installation until it is too late and they are under the his elder son on the fields of battle.
spell of the Ahrenreth. • Relas secedes; Væric is unable to hold it. Later that year,
1558: Vania’s second son Vemik is lost at sea. The half- two cities in Ardan are burned. Væric’s seers (led by
Elven Væric is named heir to the Empire despite conser- Ondoval) foretell the end of his rule within a year.
vative outcries. • Isolated by the secession of Relas, the Silaar province of
1576: Vinya disappears (she joins the Cult of Stars). Corinn splits in two. In the southern region, the Nuyani
1588: Væric narrowly escapes assassination. The would- are victorious (they are aided by supplies from the Elves
be assassin is never caught. of Námar-Tol), while Jysela manages to maintain con-
trol of the northern mainland and the islands. While still
1589: Væric marries the Lady Kyria of Leonas.
part of the empire in name, Corinn is essentially inde-
1600: The strain of rulership takes its toll, and Vania pendent.
passes the Scepter of Emer to her son Væric. She dies
1618: Luarto Shang tells Væric that his remaining son and
within a week; Emer mourns for eight days.
heir, the teenage Valaan, has betrayed him (a lie, but
1603: Archduke Welias of Corinn marries the Laan beauty Væric believes it). Valaan is arrested and put on trial,
Jysela. convicted of treason through Shang’s skillful framing. In
1604: Raiders from the south assault Ræl. The Imperial Væric’s moment of greatest anguish, Luarto Shang mur-
fleets, already stretched thin to maintain peace in other ders him with a poisoned dagger, then steals many of the
regions, are unable to protect the possession. Imperial artifacts and departs.
1605: Archduke Welias names Jysela his co-ruler. Within • Valaan escapes, rescued by the Storm Wizard and taken
weeks she (and the Seer Kesilex of the Order of the Eye) to Storm Castle.
begins to institute ‘reforms,’ restricting the rights of • Ageren Vuk, the Cho-Na-kudai (Lord High Priest) of the
many citizens. She also begins to speak against the Order of the Cloak, names himself Emperor Regent and
Nuyani race, naming them inferior to the Laan and Old declares the eight-year old Silima Chark (a distaff niece)
Race. Corinn forces begin to collect Nuyani books and Empress. He has the backing of most of the Council, but
scrolls. Certain civic leaders are taken in for ‘question- there is dissent from some of the Orders. Ageren Vuk is
ing.’ extremely conservative, and believes that the fall of the
1607: Væric appoints a new Keeper of the Eye: Luarto Empire was because of sin and corruption. He orders
Shang (it is Ondoval in disguise). martial law, censorship and strict adherence to oppres-
sive laws.
1608: The Prince of Coronan is assassinated; his half sister
Driselle seizes power with the blessing of the church. She • As more priests fall under the shadow of the Ahrenreth
refuses to acknowledge Væric as Emperor, instead crown- by tapping its power, they are forced to pay a sinister
ing herself Queen of Coronan. price: the life-force of all who die under their care is
1609: The Order of the White Flame recalls many of the channelled back to the jewel at the heart of the Ahr-
Imperial Order artifacts and ‘enhances’ them (actually enthrôk.
adding lenses made with the help of the Order of the 1618-1648: The next 30 years are marked by Inquisitions.
Eye). At first only books are burned and rights are restricted,
but soon the terror escalates and ‘trials’ condemn hun-
1612: Racial tensions in Corinn reach a climax—Arch-
dreds to death, burned at the stake as heretics, sorcerers,
duchess Jysela orders restrictive curfews for all Nuyani.
There is rioting in several towns, and within days of the and ‘the perverted.’ (This time is later referred to as the
proclamation, Jysela declares martial law. Her husband ‘First Zanarian Purge’). Loremasters rescue what texts
they can, and free many innocents, but soon they are also
Welias—supposedly the actual ruler—is silent. Hun-
targeted by the church. Silima remains a puppet Em-
dreds of Nuyani are arrested; many are summarily ex-
press, eventually marrying Vuk’s nephew, Horgo.
ecuted as traitors. When scholars among the Laan speak
out, they too are arrested as traitors. • Ondoval abandons the Order of the Eye. His work in Emer
complete, Ondoval begins his search for the Book of Gates.
1617: Væric is besieged as the full decay of the heart of
Emer is revealed. The provinces either rebel or are He travels into the East. The Order is in disarray; many of
its artifacts are gathered by Zanar and the others.
Part II: A History of Emer 29

• The other Orders fail or break away one by one. The partially ruined (and reputedly haunted) refuge for ban-
Church works to destroy them, painting the organiza- dits and criminals.
tions as tools of sorcery or politically corrupt. Some c. 1660-1700: Rustic peoples of Emer, tired of their pov-
members go into hiding, while the leaders of a few others erty while the priests live in growing wealth, begin to
try to set up governments of their own. Zanar attempts fight back. Anti-church uprisings spread across the con-
to establish order on a religious rather than political tinent, despite the very real power wielded by Zanarian
basis, the Cho-Na-kudai endorsing leaders he feels will priests. Zanarian missionaries are driven out of Tai-
survive. The Four Winds Order vanishes; Eye, Sun, Emer and Silaar. The Elves of Námar-Tol take great
Silver Sword, Flame and Ring all disband. The Mask was pleasure in routing them from their island realm.
always invisible.
c. 1800: Kaitaine has established a name as a trading center
• There is widespread famine and disease as systems of along the SW coast of Emer.
trade, food distribution and bureaucracy break down
• Aldain City is essentially abandoned; the isle of Votania
• A nonaggression pact is made with Queen Driselle of is deserted.
Coronan, but it has little meaning considering the sepa-
• The Yellow Death sweeps across all of central Emer,
ration of the two realms.
killing twenty percent of the mortal population. It is
• By the end of this period, the western isles, Námar-Tol, marked by high-fever and a yellowing of the skin and
and most of Uj has essentially seceded. The Emerian eyes. (It is an acute form of hepatitis; Elven races are
Empire has shrunk down to the region of Hæstra. immune.)
1648: Ageren Vuk dies; he is succeeded by an even more c. 1900: The bucolic land of Lys is founded by Linæri
cruel but politically inept cleric. Silima attempts to assert disenchanted with Urulan and fearing the growing power
herself but her haphazard policies wreak havoc with the of Rhakhaan. En route to their new home in southern
already faltering Imperial economy. Emer they are joined by others of their kind who depart
1649: Silima dies suddenly (she was poisoned by her Námar-Tol.
husband). Horgo’s bid to rule causes chaos. 1998: Ondoval recovers the Book of Gates. With it—and the
1649-1652 These three years mark the final death-throes power of the Secrets—he may open Portals to the past and
of the Empire. Seven men and women sit on the throne begin his search for the Shadowstone.
in quick succession during this violent period. By 1652 c. 2000-3000: (Emer) Most of the continent remains
even the central continent is in anarchy, with a few small politically fragmented and slides into a Dark Age lasting
city-states ruled by petty despots, each constantly trying over a thousand years. With the exception of a few
to destroy the others. Most of the People of Aldaron have enclaves and a handful of resilient trade centers, Emer is
fled into the mountains while the Laan retreat to islands a thinly populated land.
or sail westward.
• The Dyari of Skystone City expand their underground
1650-1660: Second Zanarian Purge. As the remaining realm and in high sheltered mountain vales. The Dwarves
vestiges of organized government collapse, Priests of of Ton-Bor also expand their subterranean metropolis.
Zanar continue to rile against sin and excess, while
• The goddess Mynistra first appears in Hæstra and cults
demanding heavy tithes. They are able to move between
following her spring up across the land.
the warring city-states with relative impunity, as few
warlords wish to anger the Church. • Námar-Tol closes its borders for most of this period, the
Elves fearful of the deteriorating situation on the main-
• Sel-kai emerges as a small independent trading town on
land. Meanwhile, however, they continue their techno-
the Sharhya river. Its island location, distance from the
logical advances.
Imperial capital yet key location between Emer and
Jaiman make it an ideal trade center. • (Jaiman) After many more years of relative peace under
the influence of the Six Crowns, The Priests Arnak
1653: Aldain City is sacked by raiders (mostly Shay brig-
return to the realms of Jaiman. Under their evil influ-
ands from the countryside). Only hours before the loot-
ence, the kings and queens wear the crowns less, opening
ers reach the old city, a force of Loremasters and Naviga-
the door to outside influence. The magical borders
tors enter and rescue what art, books and other treasures
they can salvage. The last man claiming to be Emperor of
Emer is slain on his throne. The city deteriorates into a c. 2000 (Jaiman: the Mur Fostisyr) The time setting of events
as told in The Iron Wind.
30 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

• (Agyra) The Alliance gains dominion over virtually all of 3050: Schrek sends his lieutenant Wargur to assume com-
Agyra. mand of the Ahrenæk from the Elf-lord Sigirus and the
c. 2000 – 5030: Ondoval travels through time and space Alchemist A-kesh.
seeking the Shadowstone. He returns at various times to 3150: The Grotto Path is discovered by ships sent out by
rest and call the Council, but as the ages pass, dissension Kaitaine to find new markets. Ræl and the islands of the
grows in the ranks of the Ahrenreth, and Ondoval begins to Rælian Bay are open to trade.
communicate less with the order. 3155: Kaitaine makes trade pacts with the Naal Triumvi-
2059 – 2065: A plague (known as the ‘lingering pain’) rate in western Ræl.
sweeps through northern Emer. It kills through a long, c. 3200: A group of Emerians settle at the mouth of the
painful wasting disease, wreaking panic and death among Urij river; their land is called Sarnak. After the male
the Laan, Shay, Nuyani, and Jaaderi. leaders make a series of foolish decisions that threaten
c. 2100: A Dragon Cult spreads over the Isle of Jade in SE the realm, the women revolt and take control.
Emer. 3290: Hostilities between Naal and Ansidus in Ræl erupt
2625: The comet returns once more. into war.
c. 2625-2700: Altered weather patterns (possibly caused 3300: Kaitaine caravans moving along the Scorpion Ridge
by the return of the comet) increase the average tem- have their first encounter with a Rhiani tribe.
perature and reduce rainfall in regions of eastern Uj and • The Naal/Ansidus war climaxes in a huge battle near the
Tai-Emer. These areas move from a semi-dry environ- tower of Vour. The fight is inconclusive though many
ment to arid. Easternmost Uj becomes essentially a thousands die. An uneasy peace follows, and the battle-
desert. field is a haunted place thereafter.
2705: Shanarak (“The Fair”) Departs the Ahrenlaakh (Ir. c. 3300 - 3500: In Silaar, the Nuyan Khôm begin a rise
“Lost Secret”) on an errand to the East. Schrek begins to again from scattered clans into a group of provincial
infiltrate the citadel with his agents. city-states. The lords (called ‘Tarns’), form trade and
2755: Shanarak returns to the Lost Secret to discover Schrek’s antiaggression pacts.
work. There is a battle between the two Lords’ forces and in • The Loari of Námar-Tol continue to make technical
the end Shanarak is victorious. However, Schrek inter- advances, creating ever more complex mechanical de-
venes, summoning the power of the Ark of Worlds, sending vices. Their skill with alchemy is unmatched on western
the citadel and its surroundings into a parallel plane. Kulthea. They make tentative contact with Sel-kai and
c. 3000 – 4000: The Lords of Orhan begin to make appear- the Nuyani.
ances on Kulthea again, having vanished after their aid in 3380: Trade explorers from Kaitaine enter the Bay of Izar
the Wars of Dominion. They are more aloof from politi- (at first thought to be another ocean); they encounter
cal affairs than before. the Amazon culture of Sarnak. Their first meetings end
• Kaitaine’s population swells, and her power- in disaster.
ful trade guilds explore further and further 3840: Trade agreements between Sel-
outward. kai and Kaitaine are signed.
• (Jaiman) In the northeast, the realm 3980: The Laan lord Jengar
of the Dragonlord grows, while Qatanen of Orian, a city-
the western realms fall to state at the mouth of the
armies of Lugrôki. The Alarna river (north of Vo-
Dúranaki go into hiding. tania in Hæstra) secures fe-
Only the Elven-realm of alty from several nearby
Urulan stands against the lords and establishes the
growing domination of Rha- kingdom of Irdania, span-
khaan. ning most of the old land of
3030: Kaitaine establishes a Miir. Jengar then launches
trade pact with the Elven realm on a campaign to expand
of Lys. his realm into the neigh-
Part II: A History of Emer 31

boring regions of Vornia to the west and Stroane to the court that Telemedar and Selis share a more intimate
east. relationship.
3989: Jengar has lordship over most of the lands sur- 4034: Prince Terok of Irdania dies, under suspicious
rounding the Sea of Votania. circumstances. Nevertheless, Telemedar Qatanen is
3998: Jengar is killed while in the forest of Norg on SE crowned king at the age of nineteen.
Hæstra. He and his entire party are found beheaded and 4035: Court Magician Belos dies of a fall from the Orian
dismembered; many appear to have been drained of castle wall. Telemedar names his stepmother Selis to the
blood. (It was the Shards of Viour.) Jengar’s 15 year old post. Her influence at court grows, to the consternation
daughter Lissane assumes the throne. of the Royal Council and lords and ladies of the court.
3999: Many lords in Irdania express dissatisfaction with The only other person who has Telemedar’s ear is a
Lissane’s weak rule, while others compete to marry her childhood friend, Kevik, the son of a wealthy Orian
and become king. Eventually the Lord Terok wins out. merchant.
They are married and he is declared a member of the 4036: Selis is pregnant; there is little doubt as to the father.
royal family of Qatanen. Soon after the wedding he At her urging, Telemedar expands Irdania into the
asserts himself, and a period of peace begins for Hæstra. Bodlean lands and makes plans to take Sarnak and
c. 4000: Danarchis.
• A strange disease virtually wipes out the entire horse 4037: The war front to the north does not go well for
population of Silaar and Tai-Emer, crippling the fight- Irdania. Kevik is found dead in his quarters, hours after
ing forces of the Nuyani. The disease is stopped at the counselling Telemedar not to accept Selis’ impending
Spine of Emer, however. child as heir. Telemedar consults a Seer and learns the
truth: Selis was behind his friend’s killing. Insane with
• (Western Lands) The Alliance, already in control of
rage and anguish, he brutally murders his pregnant wife.
Agyra, has spread over most of Mulira and into western
Telemedar is tried and executed. His younger half-
Thuul. In addition to their subterfuge methods, they
brother, the 13 year-old part-Elven Xerion, is placed on
employ their swift war-catamarans to control the coasts.
the throne.
• (Jaiman) Rhakhaan now controls nearly all of the Jaiman
4052: Like his brother, Xerion shows a preference for the
mainland, having beaten back the Lugrôki and the armies
magical arts—and sensual pleasures. He shows little
of the Dragonlord. There is increasing prejudice against
interest in governing, preferring to spend his time in the
the Elven-kind, leading to internal strife. Many Elves flee
intimate company of wine, food, young men and women.
the country for Urulan.
The kingdom is essentially ruled by Privy Council of
4008: (Jaiman) Kelir VI names himself Emperor of Jaiman. lords.
War is declared on the Elven-realm of Urulan, and the
4056: At the insistence of the Privy Council, Xerion mar-
two countries are at odds for over 500 years and three
ries: the 21 year old Celiana, Countess of Maray. She
Rhakhaan emperors.
shows a skill at rulership he lacks, and while he descends
c. 4008 - 4500: (Jaiman) While the two mighty realms of ever deeper into decadence, she assumes control of the
Rhakhaan and Urulan fight to the south, many lesser government. The northern aggression is halted, and
lords begin to quarrel amongst themselves for the north- Irdania makes peace with her neighbors.
ernmost lands of Jaiman.
4066: At the age of 42, Xerion is stabbed to death in his bed
4015: Queen Lissane of Irdania gives birth to a son, by a slave boy who had been brought to him for ‘enter-
Telemedar; however, she dies in childbirth. tainment.’ Soon after her coronation as ruler, his wife
4020: Prince Terok marries again, a half-Elven woman Queen Celiana puts this incident behind her and purges
named Selis. the palace. A long period of stability ensues.
4024: Selis gives birth to a son, Xerion. 4085: At Schrek’s urging, an Astrologer named Zagul is
appointed to the Jerak Ahrenreth, taking Ondoval’s place
4031: Prince Telemedar, at 16, is already a handsome and
as Arulis Kygari.
extremely bright youth, but those close to him see a dark
side. Seeming to have little interest in the martial arts, he 4125: Sa’kain streaks past Kulthea again, wreaking havoc
studies magic under the court Magician Belos, and his with weather and Essænce.
stepmother. Rumors also begin to circulate through
32 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

4166: (Jaiman) The conqueror Ugus Fost (now ruler of c. 4400-5500: Most of Hæstra is in a dark age. Trade ships
most of NW Jaiman) is murdered and his realm de- only enter the Bay of Izar to dock at Sarnak; others
stroyed by a demonic force (it is the Shards). remain along the seacoast. Even Skyships do not enter,
4205: The First Skyship is constructed in Sel-kai by the partially because of tales of at least one dragon terroriz-
Laan shipwright Leriu Valain and the Loari alchemist ing the land. Navigators add a surcharge for travel there
Teryk Altiar. The Merchant-prince of Sel-kai be- for many years after the plagues have
gins an ambitious project: to build a
flying merchant fleet.
4250 – 4600: The fame and wealth of
Sel-kai grows. In 4600 the current
prince embarks on a plan to con-
struct a floating city.
c. 4300: (Jaiman) NW Jaiman falls
under the yoke of a lord known only
as the Syrkakang. This would appear
to be a successor to the one who
threatened the Mur Fostisyr 2300
years ago.
4345-4349: King Perulin of Itanis,
soon after his 100th birthday, claims
that he has been visited by the spirit
of Telemedar and his unborn child,
and claims they are haunting the
palace. The King’s delusions grow
steadily worse over the next few
years until he is incoherent. How-
ever, strange, unexplainable events
have begun to occur: fires starting
spontaneously, eerie voices in the
night, the walls of the King’s inner
chambers seeming to bleed. Clerics
summoned to cleanse the palace all
fail. Finally, the king throws himself
off a parapet. Perulin’s son Xerion is
A Gathering of Loremasters, including , Romenar Tartalus,
crowned; the mysterious events cease. Shayn al Xa’ar, Kirin T’Thaan, and Yael Ziriv-Kari
4350 – 4365: Three apparently different
run their course. Bodlea, never densely populated, be-
plagues wipe out almost half the population of Hæstra.
comes a desolate empty land. Many castles and manors
This, combined with a series of droughts and uprisings
in the border lands, and the weak rule of King Xerion III, in the other regions are abandoned and fall into ruin.
spells doom for the kingdom of Irdania. Several lords in Even the city-states do not recover from the plagues and
lack of contact.
Vornia split away into independent holdings. Fear of the
plague severely limits trade and travel amongst the holds, c. 4500:
and few ships from outside mainland Hæstra will go • In Ræl, the rival kingdoms of Ansidus and Naal escalate
there, wary of contamination hostilities once again. Their ongoing conflict continues
4365-4400: By the end of the century, most of Hæstra has sporadically for a thousand years.
deteriorated once again into a collection of small, petty • After millennia of wandering with fragmented memories,
kingdoms and a handful of more powerful city-states. Andraax is caught in a flow-storm which restores his
Irdania is no more. powerful mind. He is subject to fits of insanity, however.
The K’ta’viir visits the Guardian Mind, only to find that it
Part II: A History of Emer 33

has been cursed by a spell from beyond the Pale. Andraax • (Western Lands) The Alliance encounters the Shoneb
returns in disguise to Karilôn to discover what has tran- Empire in NW Thuul, and begins infiltrating their gov-
spired. There he learns of the plots of the Eight, and of the ernment. They also send agents south into the Jan.
Alliance. He detects the Alliance spy, but his own disguise 5028: (Western Lands) A Jenaar emissary from the Alli-
remains intact. He is unsure of what action to take—if ance officially contacts the Shoneb Empire. She is at-
any—to stop this group. tacked, and barely escapes, her Kal’chah guard—fierce
• The (female) Dragonlord Ulya Shek discovers a partially and skilled as they may be—are outnumbered, forcing a
functioning Lord of Essænce installation on a far western retreat.
isle. Inside, she awakens an Althan Lady: Jenkyna. They 5029: (Western Lands) The Alliance retaliates: Dozens of
form an alliance. Kal’chah attack key government centers in the Shoneb
4515: (Jaiman) The Emperor of Rhakhaan (the first to Empire, and it collapses like a house of cards. The
refuse the Phoenix Crown even at coronation) is assas- Emperor agrees to ‘join’ the Alliance.
sinated after only three years as monarch; the realm, 5030: Ondoval recovers the Shadowstone, an immensely
without a strong heir, is politically fragmented. The powerful item once worn by Kadæna. As he returns—
inconclusive (but mutually debilitating) war with Urulan exiting a Portal in Mulira—the Portal is destroyed by the
is broken off. dark energy of the Shadowstone. The planar instability also
c. 4520 - 5000: (Jaiman) The weakened Urulan falls prey allows the return of the Ahrenlaakh to this world. Ondoval
to sea-raiders and eventually disintegrates as a nation. retires to the Ahrentorg and plots his final assault on the
Rhakhaan fares better, but her borders retreat to nearly very Essænce.
where they once were when the Emperor wore the 5030 – Present: All but imperceptibly, Flow-storm activ-
Crown. Meanwhile, the Syrkakang spreads his domin- ity increases across Kulthea. Random Portal operation
ion to the northern border of Rhakhaan. also intensifies, allowing more creatures of the Void and
4578: An alliance between three of the Eight (Lorgalis, Oan other planes into the world. The Loremasters, the Lords
Lyak and Iæn Shiin) is formed at the Ahren-Lyax. They of Orhan, and a few others are aware—though they
lure the Seer of Urulan to their hold, slay him, and Iæn cannot determine the cause.
Shiin assumes his post. He is instrumental in the realm’s 5040: The Dragonlords Voriig Kye and Sulthon Ni-shaang
demise. are nearly slain in a trap laid by Schrek, the acting leader
4650: The city of Eidolon rises in the sky above Northern of the Jerak Ahrenreth. Both escape, however.
Emer, a jewel of unsurpassed beauty and a triumph of c. 5100: The Loremasters learn that a dark power has built
Kulthean craftsmanship. It nearly bankrupts Sel-kai. a citadel in the northern waters of the Endless Sea, but the
c. 5000: area is swathed in a veil of shadow which they cannot
• With the decline of terrestrial powers comes a rise of penetrate. Agents sent in do not return. As the darkness
religious rivalries in Hæstra. Mynistra’s followers wield grows, their concern intensifies.
considerable influence in the southwest, while Priests of 5188:
Andaras gain power in Stroane. Izar has always been • Ondoval declares himself the K’ta’kuli (Ir. “Lord of Shad-
largely a center for Shaal, the Orhan god of the sea. In the ows”). His court includes Ordainers and other powerful
north, the Sun god Phaon sees a resurgence of popular- demons.
ity. The church of Zanar has fallen by this time to a little-
• A power struggle ensues within the Jerak Ahrenreth, though
known cult.
Schrek quickly emerges as the final authority.
• (Jaiman) The southeast is besieged by the dark forces of
• The fact of Ondoval’s return and full measure of his
the Dragonlord. The Dúranaki retreat into their caves,
treachery are finally revealed to Andraax, even in his
leaving the Sulini and Myri to fend for themselves. Many
somewhat unsteady mental state. He begins the search for
Myri sail south and settle in the empty lands of Bodlea in
the Soulsword, the only instrument which might slay the
Emer. Over the next few decades they colonize (albeit
wearer of the Shadowstone.
sparsely) much of the rolling land north of the Keyten
river. They become known as the Talath. c. 5200: (Western Lands) Alliance forces encounter
Lugrôki in western Thuul and Mythenis. After attempt-
ing to utilize them as laborers, they find them too diffi-
34 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

cult to control. They begin a systematic destruction of not entirely successful one—angers Kaitaine as well as
this race, which they consider ‘worthless.’ Ansidus and the independent isles in the Rælian Bay.
5210: Gelenad n’Chenn becomes Lord of Relian after the c. 5600: Tensions between the Naal Triumvirate and the
sudden death of his father. This is somewhat controver- kingdom of Ansidus in Ræl escalate into open warfare.
sial because Gelenad is a priest of Phaon. 5615: Dyari immigrants—a faction exiled from Skystone
5210-5220: Gelenad sends escorted trade representatives City—come to the deserted isle of Plasidar and decide it
north to the Dales and Danarchis, west to Zinvar and east is the perfect place to settle—and set up a pirating
into Tai-emer. Over the next few years trade begins to operation.
grow, enriching Relian. His aggressive trade policies are 5650: The comet returns. During the ensuing weeks it
welcomed, though his promotion of the religion of hangs in the Kulthean sky while strange and terrible
Phaon is not greeted with the same enthusiasm. Ten- events occur across the world.
sions increase between Relian and Arakin, which has
• Droughts strike Ræl for the next several years. By 5660,
become a stronghold of Andaras.
the region which was Ansidus is a wasteland.
5221-5225: Gelenad’s religious influence grows from
• Chronic famine in many lands.
merely openly following Phaon to making it the only
tax-free religion in the land, and he begins to pressure • The Prince of Sel-kai’s sky-yacht Nightflyer vanishes
citizens to convert. Finally, in 5225, the council of Mer- with his daughter on board. It returns periodically in
chants asks him to choose either his church or the later years, a ghost ship—and an evil omen.
Lordship. He retires to a monastery and the council • Snakes rain from the sky in Tai-emer and Uj.
assumes control of the city.
• Erratic tides (even for a planet with five moons) cause
c. 5300: The Dark Elves of Skystone discover an ancient widespread damage to coastal cities.
installation. While not of the Lords of Essænce it is a
• Another attack of the strange horse-killing disease sweeps
technologically advanced geothermal power generation
across northern Emer, this time also affecting Hæstra.
facility, possibly built by the Taranians during the interreg-
Three quarters of the horse population is lost. Each in
num. After many years of work and study, they manage to their own way, the Lankanok and the Nuyani decide to
repair and restart it. They find many other interesting seek alternatives.
devices, some a fusion of magic and technology.
5650-c. 5700: The Animists and warriors of Lankanok
5430: The Loari of Námar-Tol develop the first airbarges. embark on a breeding program to domesticate the Srill,
These huge, slow-moving steam powered air vehicles are
large, herbivorous bipedal lizards, as an alternative to
greeted with awe and suspicion my most other people.
horses. (A brief flirtation with riding the carnivorous
5499: (Jaiman) The entire popula-
tion of Plasidar (a Duchy of U-
Lyshak) is wiped out. The first
ships to arrive after the event find
the port empty except for dozens
of large cocoon-like objects. They
flee when they hear a loud, pierc-
ing shriek. (A nest of Kæden was
found and accidentally awakened
by the inhabitants, who were quickly
subdued and cocooned). The island
is left abandoned for over a cen-
tury; all trade ships steer a wide
berth past it and the boiling waters
around Aranmor.
5598: The Naal Triumvirate at-
tempts to control access through
the Grotto Path, taxing trade ships
passing through. This move—a Empire Ruins on the Votania coast
Part II: A History of Emer 35

Quarnaks was abandoned when they kept eating their accelerate breeding of their still-secret mounts, the giant
riders). dragonflies known as Krell.
5651: The High Priest of Ashenoq in the Nuyani lands 6000: (Western Lands) Jenaar emissaries of the Alliance
goes into the wilderness to seek an answer to the loss of approach the kingdom of Gethyra. The king rebuffs
their horses. He fasts and prays to the god To-to-nar (‘the them.
two-faced’; actually the Orhan gods Kieron and Jaysek). • The population of Sel-kai City exceeds ≈150,000
The gods hear his pleas… after five days of wandering the
6019: The Nameless One enters the Palace of the Emperor
solution comes to him—in the form of a huge Gryphon.
of Nuyan Khôm and warns the ruler of a great disaster.
She is to be the mother of a stable of winged mounts for
That night the Butterfly Scepter of Khôm is stolen.
the elite warriors of Nuyan Khôm.
6020-22: Plague devastates Silaar, killing 35% of the popu-
5704: A Silvery Dragon is seen again, the mighty beast
lation of Nuyan Khôm, including nearly all of the Royal
terrorizing the city of Eidolon. Yet it does no damage and
vanishes into the clouds. Some claim that it had a human
rider. Rumors abound that the Prince of Sel-kai is sub- 6021-40: (Western Lands) The Alliance infiltrates Gethyra.
sequently blackmailed into paying a ‘protection’ ran- 6023: Piracy causes serious disruptions along the Lethys—
som. These rumors are not true. Sel-kai trade routes; Plasidar is suspected.
5899: (Jaiman) Ilred IV dies in his sleep; is succeeded by 6035: Amidst the ruins of the old capital of Relas (one of
his daughter Italana VI, who accepts the crown of Rha- the four regions of the old Empire) a new leader begins
khaan and welcomes the Magician. to rebuild. He names himself the Lord of Ardania.
5910: More than a thousand years after its first aggression People flock to the site to take jobs, and the city begins to
against Kaitaine, Vajaar declares sovereignty over the thrive again. The Lord even resurrects the ancient Ahn
entire mainland of Uj west of the Daluj river. Itanis, sye Nokora (Order of the Silver Sword) which once
Kaitaine and the Rhiani are all cut off from each other guarded the Emperor of Emer.
except by sea and a treacherous route (through the 6036: The head of the Faaw Shryaac (The red gem alone
Scorpion Ridge) which only the Rhiani will brave. becomes known as the Heart of Agoth) is stolen from Voriig
5912-5913: Two successive springs fraught with severe Kye by the infamous (and allegedly insane) Loremaster
hurricanes buffet Kaitaine, the Komaren Cluster, and Elor Once Dark. He, in turn, misplaces the artifact and it
the entire SW Emer coast. Much damage is done, and is lost.
shipping is disrupted. Only a few very precious cargoes 6037: Niév (a small town north of Arakin) passes many
guided by Navigators get through safely. conservative laws at the urging of the local Priest of
5922: The Loremaster Selas Vey enters ruins believed to be Andaras.
of Jinteni origin in Uj, otherwise known as the City of the 6038: A total solar eclipse (by Orhan) over central Emer.
Dead. He is not heard from again. Minor tremors shake the lands about Votania… for the
5945: A man known only as the Nameless One arrives on next ten days and nights, strange lights are seen in the
the isle of Zinvar and predicts impending disaster to the mists about the base and summit of the island.
thriving trade center in three years. (It is in fact Tethior • (Jaiman) The Priest of Yarthraak arrives in Helyssa, a
the Elven Smith, using one of the Daath Leerssoi to conceal kingdom in the heart of old U-Lyshak.
his appearance.)
6039: The Nameless One warns the Priest-king of Pochanto
5948: The people of Zinvar are overcome in one night by of impending doom. He is ignored. Eight days later an
a mysterious plague of violent madness. The city burns. earthquake levels the capital city.
Zinvar becomes a deserted place, shunned by sea-travel-
• (Jaiman) The Dyar pirate lord Guynar of Plasidar is
ers. assassinated; his three sons (Aenor, Kalon and Jerel) vie
5980: The Kuluku of the Quon jungle in Khûm-kaan, who for power.
have been trading with the neighboring Shay living near • (Jaiman) An unusually harsh winter with deep snows
the Gap of Uj for centuries, suddenly vanish into the rain continuing into spring causes hardships throughout
forest. They did not die but retreated to avoid becoming
eastern Jaiman. Snow-gark attacks on the Dúranaki
entangled in the turmoils of the Shay. In their seclusion
become intolerable. The warrior T’Kaal Arain gathers a
they begin to arm themselves and train in earnest. They
36 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

force and mounts a series of counterattacks, driving the Families towards a greater awareness of the larger politi-
Garks northward. cal situation in Jaiman—and alliance with Rhakhaan.
Ondoval makes his first attempt to destroy the Northern 6043:
Eye. His failure is nearly complete but spectacular, trigger-
• (Jaiman) Empress Italana dies and her son Jerrin takes
ing a violent Flow-storm and causing an incredibly severe
the throne of Rhakhaan, but refuses the Phoenix Crown.
winter for much of the northern hemisphere. He returns to
His younger cousin, Frelik, steals the crown and retreats
the Shadowed Secret to regroup.
north, claiming to be the true King.
6040: Rumors of visits by the Nameless One in southern
• (Jaiman) Gark raiders attack the Myri lands in the
Hæstra, Námar-Tol, and a southern city in the Lankan
Tanaran foothills.
• Dyari miners, delving deep under Skystone City, en-
• The Lankanok, their elite cavalry astride the swift and
counter a connection to the Ash Lairs. Ever curious to
agile Srill lizards, defeat the surviving Pochanti in north-
the point of recklessness, they explore deeper.
ern Tai-emer, consolidating their hold on the region.
• The Nameless One is seen in Izar, but makes no public
• The Khurtûm (Priest-king) of Lankanok and the Lord of
Ardania sign a pact of nonaggression. Lankan priests
order more human sacrifices—many of them Pochanti • Reports of a huge red-gold dragon in the Spine of Emer
prisoners. near Tovor, at first dismissed as hysteria, persist. It is
Motar Voorg.
• (Jaiman/Plasidar) The eldest son Kalon takes control of the
pirate realm; Aenor goes into hiding, and Jerel flees with a 6044:
few loyal followers to southern Urulan. • The forces of the Katra of Stroane move through Vornia,
• (Western Lands) Gethyra agrees to come under Alliance capturing hold after hold. The Archbishop of Helberna
‘protection;’ their capital is occupied by Alliance war- (the heart of the religion of Mynistra) refuses to yield and
riors. the city is laid siege.
6041: The Katra of Stroane, urged on by his advisor • A manor south of Tovor is destroyed—survivors tell of
Shatang (a high priest of Andaras), begins his expansion a huge winged fire-drake.
campaign, drawing nearby Miirian holds under his rule • The Dyari of Skystone inadvertently release a mighty
by oaths of fealty. Those who resist are laid siege. This Ordainer—a Lord demon of the Essænce. It slays many
expansion continues for the next few years. of them before they drive it out. It takes up residence in
• Aenor of Plasidar changes his name to Aenor of Quaal and the caves of the Lugrôki to the north, enslaving them.
settles in Sel-kai City. With his share of pirate gold he sets • (Jaiman) Prince Halek of Helyssa sends an explorer ship
himself up as a wealthy entrepreneur. to Ulor—supposedly a lifeless island since the Wars of
• (Agyra) Dyari of the Alliance uncover a cave near the Sea Dominion. The ship fails to return.
of Fate in the center of the continent. The entire party is 6045:
later found dead—dismembered and their heads miss- • Under the influence of Robersin, a Priest of Andaras,
ing. Within weeks the entire eastern coast of the sea
Niév becomes even more radically conservative. The
(known as the Green Beach) and nearby forests are
cleric of Andaras preaches that all nonhumans are evil. A
terrorized by a murderous force which takes the heads of
law is passed making it illegal to be an Elf in Niév.
its victims. They released Shards of Ubenmas, including
N’koru of the I-lat Norg. • (Jaiman) T’Kaal Arain becomes First Speaker for the
6045 – 6048: (Jaiman) Frelik, aided by mercenaries from
• (Jaiman/Urulan) Jerel of Plasidar builds a base of opera-
Saralis, assaults the northern borders of Rhakhaan. He
tions in southern Urulan. he names himself the White makes slow progress southwards.
Swan. Ships flying his flag begin raiding along the eastern
edge of the Melurian Straits, creating problems for Sel- 6046:
kai, Danarchis, Præten and Lethys. • In the first enforcement of their anti-Elven law, an Elven
• (Jaiman/Tanara) T’Kaal Arain succeeds his aging mother traveller venturing into Niév is arrested and convicted of
as Head-of-Family. He begins steering the Council of “being an Elf.” He is executed by beheading. News of this
event travels far, and many Stroane trade partners
Part II: A History of Emer 37

threaten boycott. Niév trade suffers as traders avoid the sweep down from the Spine of Emer to harass Stroane
town, but most of the residents are now caught up in the and the Dales of Bodlea. Residents of the Stroane manors
religious fervor. are more suspicious of strangers than usual, and the
• (Jaiman) King Halek of Helyssa is slain while on a Bodleans barricade their villages. The Red Dragon at-
hunting trip. Halek’s son Kier vanishes that same evening tacks several more manors, though usually just to feed
and a search is begun. The Priest of Yarth accepts the on livestock.
Regency and maintains order. • (Jaiman) The Priest of Yaarth escalates the search for the
6046: After a long siege, Helberna falls to the army of son of king Halek, missing since the night of his death.
Stroane. The Archbishop of Helberna is thrown into the SPRING 6049
• Hæstra is in turmoil as news of the Katra of Stroane’s
6047: death spreads.
• The Sarnak Council, aware that they may be the next • (Jaiman) Yinka armies attack the southern Myri villages,
target of the Stroane aggression, sends a beautiful agent breaking a thousand-year-old peace. The Bucolic people
to Arakin. are unprepared and many are killed. A meeting of clan-
• Voriig Kye calls a meeting of the Dragonlords. The five (the leaders is held, and the Myri begin to arm themselves.
golden dragon is still missing—or dead) gather at Vog • (Emer) Trogli from the southern Spine of Emer swarm
Mur, the first such meeting in millennia. While most out of their caves at night to attack the Shay of Khûm-
(except Sulthon Ni’shaang) have little interest in the affairs kaan. The Kuluku are still not to be seen; it is suspected
of men and Elves, the Alliance, as well as Ondoval and that they died in a plague, though no one dares enter the
Schrek, are cause for concern. However, only Voriig sees the jungle.
true threat of Ondoval; the others succumb to the inevitable
self-confidence of their inherent power. SUMMER 6049
6048 (Spring): Against the advice of his High Priest, the • (Jaiman) Yinka attacks intensify; a major assault on the
Katra of Stroane marries Vazia, a country maid of ques- river town of Ulir is turned back by the appearance of
tionable birthright. knights astride flying horses: the Cloudlords of Old have
• (Summer) The Katra of Stroane is found dead in his bed, returned, wielding magical swords and wands which
apparently murdered by his young wife—who has dis- unleash the power of the sun. Further Yinka incursions
appeared. His ten year old son Mikel is crowned Katra, are deterred by a Dúranaki presence. Cloudlord sightings
but only in name. True power is shared between the Lord continue.
General of the military, High Priest Shatang of Andaras, • (Emer) Cloudlords are seen near Eidolon. They fly close
and the Katra’s uncle, Prince Lorek. As news of the but do not land.
Katra’s death spreads, the Stroane forces begin to lose
the initiative.
(Jaiman) Yinka attack the Sulini village of Shenin, but are
• (Jaiman) T’Kaal Arain, returning from a diplomatic
turned back. Sulini are joined by Elven reinforcements
mission to Haalkitaine, narrowly avoids an ambush by
from Urulan.
unknown assassins in the Grey Mountain foothills. Saralis
raiders cross the Pelyar mountains into Helyssa. • (Emer) Eidolon loses a dozen ships—supposedly in
freak storms.
• (Jaiman) Agents of the Priest of Yaarth are seen as far east
• 6049 • as the Grey Mountains, seeking Prince Kier. The remote
• Lugrôki under the Ordainer of Gorlhach expand their Yinka temple of Chakor is burned. There are no survi-
realm under the northern Mountains of Gold. They vors, but rumors spread that it was Cloudlords’ work.
enter the Ash Lairs.
• 6050 •
• The Hard Winter in Hæstra: heavy snowfalls block high-
ways. Parts of the Keyten river freeze over. Wild beasts • The Nameless One is seen in Kaitaine.
38 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

• The Nuyan-Khôm tell tales of ghosts wandering out of party flee the city in the flying vehicle—barely escaping the
the old land of Thanor. Thanor has always been haunted, site’s golem guardians—and return in secret to Námar-
but now the undead seem to be multiplying. Tol.
• (Jaiman) Frelik’s armies reach the border of Prevan, a SUMMER 6050
province just north of Haalkitaine. Emperor Jerrin Talus
Malvion Faslurin III orders his Lord Captain north with • With the death of the Katra of Stroane, expansion halts
four legions to finally crush the would-be usurper. Cloud- and generals try to consolidate what they have taken
lords assault the Yinka city of Achren, burning the city (Izar is spared). There is civil unrest but it is generally
and sending Yinka fleeing into the hills. disorganized. The Bodleans remain safe behind the
Keyten. Trade is tentatively reestablished with some
neighbors, but local tax officials take advantage of the
disorganized Stroane/Arakin government.
• (Jaiman) Forces of
Dansart from the Zor
Wastes seem to aid the
Usurper’s armies. Frelik
reveals the crown to the
Rhakhaan generals, cast-
ing doubt amongst them
(but the Usurper still
does not dare to put the
crown on).
• Four of the Jerak Ahren-
reth hold an informal
• Secret rebellious fac-
tions form and grow in
major Hæstra cities; lo-
cal lords begin making
plans to retake their
lands—and perhaps ex-
pand in the chaos they
A rare glimpse of Storm Castle, its shielding clouds know is coming.
torn away by a sudden wind. • Many rumors of the
growing realm of Arda-
nia reach the court of Eidolon. The Lord of Ardania
SPRING 6050 (really Y-tarmen, one of the 12 adherents of Ahrenreth) as
• (Jaiman) Slowed by a long winter, the Emperor’s forces established Ardan City, and at its heart the Palace of
reach Prevan even as Frelik the Usurper attacks the Gold. He is surrounded by a guard bearing the ancient
provincial capital; the would-be Emperor is turned back. Yarkbalkas. Also in evidence is the Order of the Eye, led
• The Loari inventor/adventuress Selia Rendanaar of Ná- by Iæn Shiin, an Iylar Elf and former Loremaster, now a
mar-Tol mounts an expedition to the City of the Dead. She member of the dreaded Jerak Ahrenreth.
finds the lost journals of the Loremaster Selas Vey—and • (Jaiman) The Priest of Yaarth, claiming that Prince Kier
something else. In a laboratory deep within the catacombs is dead, seizes control of Helyssa. United with the forces
of the city she discovers a cache of jewels of varying sizes, all of Lorgalis, he sweeps east towards Rhakhaan.
faceted spheres. She determines that these have the power
to absorb energy and release it to power devices—and
vehicles, one of which she discovers and repairs. She and her
Part II: A History of Emer 39

FALL 6050 The Loremasters suspect artificial intervention in the

weather of Jaiman, but are unable to trace the source.
• Recruiters appear in several major cities in Emer, offer- They are understandably nervous that a source of such
ing opportunities for well-paying jobs in the new realm power can remain cloaked from their detections. The
of Ardania. The lord of that city seems to have endless Navigators, always concerned about strange meteoro-
gold to spend. He does indeed, tapping the coffers of the logical phenomena, launch their own investigations.
Jerak Ahrenreth.
• Rebellious activity in central Hæstra increases, funded in
• (Jaiman) The snows begin to melt, but heavy rains
secret by Sarnak, Izar and Danarchis. Smuggling and tax
further slow progress of any forces in the Rhakhaan
evasion is rampant. The Stroane government, having
taken out huge loans from Sel-kai to pay its mercenaries,
and now unable to effectively collect new taxes, is near 2•10 – 2•25: (Sel-kai) Heavy rains and melting snow cause
bankruptcy. the canals to rise to above flood stage. Minor damage to
lower levels of some structures.
• (Jaiman) The Empire of Rhakhaan is under siege on
three fronts, and Jerrin Faslurin finds that his defenses 2•15: the Bank of Sel-kai and Ullizi Bank call in their loans
are strained. Almost nowhere on Jaiman is unaffected by to Stroane. The realm is unable to pay, so the banks claim
war. the collateral (the crown jewels) and declare themselves
in charge of the government. They send agents to Arakin.
• The Storm Wizard, fearing the fall of Rhakhaan and
subsequent collapse of civilization on Jaiman, gathers his 2•18: (Stroane) A coup led by the Lord General Terell—
powers. The conflict must be slowed, and he takes matters backed in secret by members of Ahn Sye Zanar, Order of the
into his own hands. Cloak—has the other two of the Trinity, as well as the
agents of the Sel-kai Banks, arrested and the Katra’s son
• 6051 • rumored to be killed (actually, he is taken to Ahrenreth).
WINTER 6051 Terell declares martial law in Arakin. High Priest Shatang
and the Katra’s Uncle are tried and executed for treason;
1• 5 Minor earthquake in Sel-kai. the Sel-kai bankers are ordered to return home empty-
1• 7 A dragon is sighted over Sel-kai. It circles a few times, handed. The Order of the Cloak asserts its influence.
then climbs near Eidolon, but does not approach any of • (Sel-kai) The bankers return (by Navigator Jump), and
the Skyships or airbarges before abruptly vanishing into within hours Sel-kai declares the Stroane government
the clouds. Opinions differ over the type, but many invalid. They make plans to recover their investment.
believe it is Silver. (It is Voriig Kye).
2•31: A Portal opens on the plains of Miir in Hæstra and
1•11 Arrival of the Hûta’arn of Nuyan-Khôm in Sel-kai three beings from another time and place emerge. They
for trade talks. He sails into the harbor amidst a fleet of are the Dreamlords. They depart for the East. This event
unusual ships, traveling up through the Sea of Tears. He unlocks the portal, and for several days, horrible crea-
is only 30 years old (one of few of the royal family to tures emerge: demons from and beyond the Pales. Fi-
survive a plague 28 years ago) but a shrewd ruler. To- nally, Loremasters arrive and seal the portal. But many of
gether with his wizened great-aunt as trade minister, he the hideous beings remain free.
is a formidable negotiator.
• A strange flu-like illness strikes many Itanian Warlocks.
All who succumb recover, though some suffer a terrible • (Stroane) Lord General Terell has trouble maintaining
permanent side-effect: their Mentalist abilities are gone. power in the sprawling, recently taken lands of Miir and
There are rumors of a cure, an herb which grows in Námar- Vornia. Independent-minded lords reassert their au-
Tol. thority and much of Hæstra is torn by warfare. Resis-
• (Jaiman) With dramatic suddenness, winter comes to tance in the cities becomes more widespread.
nearly all of Jaiman in the form of a monstrous blizzard. • (Hæstra) Wild wolves and stranger creatures continue to
The cold and snows cut off supply lines and freeze armies range far from the Spine highlands to harass homesteads
in their tracks. There are heavy casualties on all sides, but in the hills. The Choak Pass becomes a dangerous road
the weather works to the Emperor’s advantage. Never- except for well-armed caravans—and even they have no
theless, Frelik the Usurper renews his call for Jerrin’s chance against the occasional forays of the Red Dragon.
40 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

• (Jaiman) The Arnak Priest of Dansart sends his evil vices as bodyguards. Many are not to be trusted. The
Messengers of Ulkya against the northern provinces of realm of Stroane shrinks to the Lene river on the north
Rhakhaan. More strange creatures emerge from Zor to and Qye to the south. Niév is an independent town, still
harass the Imperial forces (they are mutants bred by dominated by a Priest of Andaras. The Archbishop of
Dansart). Helberna is freed from prison and soon elected Lord
• The Elves of Námar-Tol begin quietly buying up large
• (Jaiman) The Dragonlord Sulthon Ni’shaang consoli- amounts of raw Arinyark, the rare mineral crucial to
dates his hold over Wuliris. He decides that Frelik has making the antigravity metal Xenium. Their interest spurs
grown too powerful (he would prefer to see the Usurper more exploration for the mineral. They are building a
and Emperor at each other’s throats indefinitely) and secret fleet of very small, fast Skyships, powered by the
considers a move south into the Zorian wastes. starstones—jewels found by Selia Rendanaar.
• The deterioration of southern Hæstra continues: most • (NE Jaiman) The Dragonlord Sulthon Ni’shaang takes
lords refuse to pay taxes to Arakin, and desertion among the initiative against depleted Zor and the Syrkakang,
the Stroane mercenary armies is rife. and seizes lands to the west and south. Earthquakes
FALL 6051 accompany volcanic eruptions in Ja’miil Targ.
5•21: (Jaiman) At the climax of an important battle be- • The Izaran League is formed: a loose mutual-protection
tween Helyssa loyalists and forces of the Priest Arnak, alliance between Sarnak, Izar, the Komaren Cluster, and
Prince Kier Ianis appears in his homeland amidst a Barellis.
tremendous surge in the Essænce. He is wearing the Sea- • The beginning of the Grand Campaign…
drake Helm. Under Kier’s leadership (and using the • (Jaiman) The Dragonlord Sulthon Ni’shaang takes the
powers of the Helm) the armies of Yarthraak are driven initiative against depleted Zor and the Syrkakang, and
back or destroyed. seizes lands to the west and south. Earthquakes accom-
5•22: (Jaiman) Night skies above Jaiman are illuminated pany volcanic eruptions in Ja’miil Targ.
by unprecedented Flow-storm activity. The most in- 1•20 – 1•30: Schrek, Oan Lyak, and Darí Holvir of the Jerak
tense disruptions are above the center of the continent. Ahrenreth meet secretly and decide to begin a program of
These storms are accompanied by minor but frequent assassinations among their enemies to further disrupt po-
earthquakes. litical situations.
5•23: (Jaiman) The main powers of the Sea-drake Helm 1•22: Ignatus Jurgon, a merchant baron of Sel-kai, is
fail (as do those of all six helm-crowns of Jaiman; the vault found murdered in his study. (It is the work of Saren
of Crowns is disabled). Prince Kier retreats into hiding Xanaari, revenge for House Jurgon illegally infringing
and initiates a guerrilla offensive against reduced and on their trade.)
disorganized armies of Yaarth.
1•33: (Sel-kai) First meeting of Olgivana Centaurus, Barrin
5•40: (Jaiman/Rhakhaan) The Emperor, in order to head Qaterris, Koren Maas (security minister), Enik Foor (Min-
off rampant rumors, declares Frelik’s claim irrelevant, ister of State), and Boren Alsec (Commerce Minister).
since the Crowns are no longer true symbols of the Olgivana puts forward her plan to have Barrin succeed
rightful monarchs. Nevertheless, the realm is in chaos. Prince Rylec.
• 6052 • 1•35: (Jaiman) One of the Priests Arnak in Lethys is
murdered by a Cult of Stars assassin.
1•54: Rylec Qaterris, Prince of Sel-kai, narrowly escapes
• Spurred by Bishops of Mynistra and Priests of Andaras, assassination. Three days later, the alleged attacker (a
most of the lords of Miir and Vornia sever their ties from woman in black) is found dead on the steps of the
Arakin. Larger cities (Relian, Orian, Dynax, Helberna) Prince’s Palace. City gossip says she had on a steel ring—
are independent city-states, while across the countryside mark of the Grey Ring. She was a Cult of Stars assassin,
dozens of manors become essentially independent fief- indeed caught and killed by the Grey Ring.
doms. This situation creates an environment where
bandits and highwaymen flourish. Trade suffers; the 1•66: The Cult of Stars assassinates the Loremaster Gireg
cities are full of former mercenaries offering their ser- Jaan, who had been investigating the Jerak Ahrenreth.
Part II: A History of Emer 41

SPRING 6052 2•16 (Jaiman) Oan Lyak orders the liquidation of the Cult
member who failed in her mission. The Emperor’s would-
• Zornaq, High Prælector of Vajaar in Uj, annexes the
be Assassin is murdered in her high-security cell, despite all
Komaren Cluster, declaring it a haven of sin and evil and
in need of a religious purge. The Komari (having no
interest in becoming part of religiously oppressive Va- 2•20: (Jaiman) After being assured by the Loremasters
jaar) retaliate, precipitating a series of naval battles. The that the Phoenix Crown no longer exerts magical control
defenses of the port of Aquitar on Komaren are rein- over the wearer, the Emperor announces the date of his
forced. Kaitaine, geographically and politically caught in coronation: the first day of summer.
the middle, declares neutrality, but is forced to further 2•25: Zener Morndaak (the Loremaster who’s report on the
fortify the ports and patrol the island perimeter. status of the Crowns may have been read in Nomikos) is
• (Jaiman) The Cloudlords demoralize the Y’kin govern- captured in Urulan by a shadowy group know as the Silver
ment. This frees Rhakhaan forces fighting on the south- Claw.
ern fronts to defend the east and north. 2•35: Zener Morndaak dies under torture.
2•1 (Jaiman) Frelik begins his march towards the Rhakhaan 2•39: (Jaiman) T’vaar Dekdarion is attacked in Haalkitaine
capital, accompanied by only 50 guards. He claims to be Palace. He fends off the would-be killer but is wounded
coming under the flag of truce to negotiate peace. with a poison knife. The assassin, a woman in black (an
2•11: (Stroane) General Terell is murdered by one of his agent of the Cult of Stars) escapes. Dekdarion falls into
generals, triggering a revolt in Arakin. There is rioting a coma.
and the royal palace is burned and looted. Chaos rules SUMMER 6052
for several days before another officer (Guard Captain
Snythe) gains control of the city. • The Vajaar-Komari war continues with little progress.
The few times Vajaar forces make land on a Komaren
2•15 (Jaiman) Frelik arrives outside Haalkitaine. Instead island they are ferociously attacked by the infamous
of negotiating, he declares himself Emperor. In a brief Blood Brethren. The Izaran League allies also come to the
ceremony, Frelik’s Advisor Belock places the Phoenix Komari’s aid.
Crown on his head, and the Usurper, anticipating that he
be granted tremendous powers by the crown, demands 3•1: (Jaiman) Jerrin Talus Malvion Faslurin III is crowned
that the Emperor abdicate. He barely finishes his decla- Emperor of Rhakhaan by Eldest Loremaster Kirin
ration, however, when two black-clad women appear T’thaan. Many envoys from other countries attend,
nearby and attack Frelik and Belock. Frelik is slain at the including Dúranaki, Elves, many Melurian lords, the
very gates of Haalkitaine, but Belock apparently fends Prince of Sel-kai (arriving by skyship) and Cloudlords.
off the attacker and vanishes. There is a simultaneous The celebration lasts ten days. With heavy security by
attempt made against the Emperor Jerrin himself, but he Palace Guards, Changramai, and Loremasters, there are
is saved by the Loremaster/ Changramai Master T’vaar no incidents.
Dekdarion. The assassin is captured before she can 3•23: Eidolon trembles and tilts a fraction of a degree for
escape or kill herself and placed under heavy guard. She a few seconds, causing a panic among residents. The city
is believed to be a member of the Cult of Stars. rights itself and stabilizes, but the cause for this alarming
2•15 (Jaiman) The Jerak Ahrenreth’s plan to create chaos in event is not discovered.
Jaiman backfires as the Emperor of Rhakhaan’s greatest 3•44 Klyrunak of the Ahrenreth arrives at the Watching Isle;
threat is removed while the Emperor himself is saved his search for the Tomb of Andraax is almost over.
through intervention of the Loremasters. Oan Lyak, the 3•48 Klyrunak enters the Tomb of Andraax and encounters
‘Dreaded Assassin’ and mistress of the Cult of Stars, swears Tya’ar. Andraax is alerted to the intruder.
that she will personally slay the Loremaster T’vaar Dek-
3•49 Unable to make sense of the Lords of Essænce vault,
Klyrunak proceeds to the Hall of Worlds, where Andraax
2•16: (Jaiman) Taking advantage of the demoralized and catches up with him. The Mystic is no match for a Lord of
leaderless condition of his enemies, the Emperor orders Essænce, but Andraax is unable to fully shield his identity
an attack. The Phoenix Crown is recovered and the from the Ahrenreth adherent. Klyrunak escapes with this
Usurper’s guard is arrested. As news of the Imperial knowledge and his life, no more. Andraax remains here to
victory spreads, Frelik’s forces all surrender or flee. meditate and converse with Tya’ar, then goes to Karilôn.
42 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

• Tensions escalate between the Elves and mortals of Sel- AFTERMATH OF THE LOSS
kai. Scuffles between rival gangs of thugs increase.
• Sendar and Sendil, demigod offspring of Akalatan, are
awakened by their father. They emerge from their secret
mausoleum and he directs them to the Heart of Agoth. • Essænce storms wreak havoc; the hemisphere curtain
The twins then make their way towards Kenezán, capital (the Wall of Darkness) breaks down in random areas.
of the Lankan Empire. • The entire globe is swept by storms and aftershocks for
the next 2-3 days, causing widespread flooding, property
damage and thousands of deaths.
• (Jaiman) Kier Ianis claims his throne in U-Lyshaak. He
• Coasts are buffeted by tidal waves. Portals everywhere
sends messengers to The Elven Forest, Norek, and
sporadically open and close, drawing in any beings and
Rhakhaan asking for aid.
animals nearby or spewing forth strange creatures.
• (Jaiman) While no longer in control, the forces of the
• The Navigators suspend service for 30 days. (their com-
Arnak Priests are still troublesome to the governments
passes behave erratically for 10-20 days before returning
of Jaiman. They retreat into shadows to build again.
to normal function.) Most sea travel is virtually impos-
FALL 6052 sible for 10-20 days; perilous for another 10-20 because
• Large Arinyark deposits are found in the Scorpion Ridge of storms.
near Jantanen. Miners from Sarnak and other nearby • Sel-kai Skyships, being more fragile and susceptible to
towns flock to the site despite hazardous conditions. Essænce than sea vessels, are grounded by order of the
5•58: The Nameless One appears alone in the Garden of Prince for a full 30 days.
Songs on Karilôn. He warns of an impending global • Eidolon is shaken by tremors for hours; a few residents
catastrophe and vanishes. A few Loremasters claim to flee to the ground. Meanwhile, Sel-kai City suffers the
have seen six fingers on his hands, while a few believe worst floods in 200 years. There are scattered fires but
they caught a glimmer of gold in his eyes, spurring a they are for the most part contained due to the well-
rumor that the Nameless One is in fact the legendary prepared fire-marshals.
sixth Dragonlord: Kydak Dûm, the Golden Dragon. • Meteor showers rain fire down all over the planet; com-
Andraax is there in disguise; he and Tethior each see bined with lightning storms and volcanic eruptions they
through the other’s illusion, but Tethior flees. trigger raging fires. These would be far worse except for
the widespread downpours and blizzards.
• 6053 •
• The Great Kaitaine Fire. A meteor strikes the city and
WINTER 6053 triggers terrible devastation; fires burn for days. Over
1•1: (Just after Midnight on New Year’s Eve; the North Pole) half of the city is destroyed or rendered uninhabitable.
The insane K’ta’viir lord Ondoval, accompanied by three Undaunted, the Guilds begin reconstruction.
K’ta’viiri lieutenants, enters the Northern vault and takes • A land mass rises out of the center of the Lonely Sea. It is
the Eye of Utha. He is unable to destroy it, but has created part of the lost continent of Tarania.
a vessel which controls its powers. Two of the Lords are
• Many other cities across the planet are damaged by
killed and Ondoval is badly wounded, but he escapes back
earthquakes and the fires which are triggered by them.
to the Shadowed Secret with the Eye. Immediately, the
Several dormant volcanoes become active, spewing ash
Southern Eye attempts to compensate (The Lords of Orhan
into the sky.
also lend power to the Southern Eye, but they cannot
continue this indefinitely) but is unable to fully protect the ≈1•1 The Loremaster Council is called into emergency ses-
globe. Kulthea shakes with a worldwide earthquake. And sion (attended in secret by Andraax), and the Navigator
that is just the beginning. Guild Alliance convenes a conclave (they gather as soon as
the Essænce storms subside enough for travel)…
• Schrek summons a gathering of the Jerak Ahrenreth. They
gather to discuss the deeds of Ondoval and how to salvage
their own plans for dominance; they are at odds with the
Priests Arnak, several Dragonlords and other factions.
Part II: A History of Emer 43

Schrek is becoming desperate to locate the Heart of Agoth ing was developed by the Loremasters, and is used by the
and regain his full powers before the collapse of the protec- Navigators and most cultures on Emer and Jaiman.
tion of the Eyes. He attends the council with a new body-
guard, a very large humanoid wearing a full helmet. Schrek
claims that the guard is in fact the infamous Shar-Bu, lord Kulthea—like any planet with an axial tilt and regular,
of shards who can literally kill with a smile… elliptical orbit—has four celestial “seasons.” Their formal
beginnings and endings are largely ignored however (ex-
1•35: While the seas are still stormy, the Komari launch a cept by astronomers, and for a few holidays) in favor of the
devastating sneak attack against Vajaar, via a coral road. much more obvious pentennial phases of the great moon
They infiltrate Vajaar’s war harbors and sink two-thirds Orhan.
of her fleet while it sits vulnerable, docked in harbors. There are four landmark dates in the seasonal year of
The Komari demand the Prælector’s immediate surren-
Kulthea, two Solstices and two Equinoxes:
der. He is humiliated, defeated by a nation of sherki.
Solstice: When the sun appears to be farthest from the
SPRING 6053 planetary equator. There are a ‘summer’ and ‘winter’
(THE PRESENT) Solstice, the latter signifying the first day of the calendar
to year to many Kulthean cultures.
• While the weather stabilizes somewhat, sea storms are
still common—as are sightings of and attacks by a vari- Equinox: Where the sun passes the planet equator. The
ety of fearsome sea creatures. For the next few months, vernal occurs when the sun appears to pass from the
valuable, nonperishable cargoes are rerouted via land south to the north; autumnal when it appears to move
routes. north-south.
• Stories reach the main cities that several Navigator- MONTHS
guarded caravans across Hæstra are attacked by high- Rather than follow the above pattern, most cultures
waymen. In every case, the Navigator leaves the crimi- have adopted ‘seasons’ which mirror the five months,
nals dead or crippled, to the delight of the caravan each seventy days long. These are listed as follows, begin-
leaders, despite a surcharge. The Navigator Leadership ning with the winter solstice, when Orhan is new:
relaxes their noninterference policy in certain circum- Winter: The period of deepest cold.
Spring: Weather grows warmer; planting season.
• (Jaiman) Settlers flee the Lu’nak region, claiming the
Summer: Warmer weather still, yet (relatively) pleasant.
‘Forest Demons’ have returned. The New Syrkakang
(ousted from much of Lu’nak) asserts dominion over all Autumn: Hottest weather, then cooling. The last day of
the Myr Fostisyr. The Fustir, Ky’taari and Udahir are in autumn is usually an indicator for harvest.
hiding. Fall: Temperatures drop; harvest; preparations for Win-
• A Jenaar emissary from the Alliance arrives in the belea- ter made.
guered Vajaar to offer aid in return for Alliance member- This varies from culture to culture of course, depend-
ship. ing on climate, hemisphere, and social orientations. (The
Southern Hemisphere, for instance, goes in reverse.) The
• The Light dragon Ssamis T’zang emerges from her eyrie names given here are conventionalizations.
to terrorize the inhabitants of the Scorpion Ridge. However, Orhan begins each month new, waxes to full
on the 35th, and wanes again towards the end of the
Any culture is going to have days out of the year set WEEKS
aside as special for one reason or another. The reason There is a shorter period marked by many of the more
for such days can be religious or secular, ephemeral or sophisticated Kulthean cultures, the ten day span which is
practical. Below is a summary of holidays observed by delineated by the phases of Varin, the Second Moon.
some major cultures in Jaiman and Emer. Unlike the huge Orhan (which appears much larger than
even earth’s moon in the sky), Varin barely shows a visible
disk. It is rather bright, however, and can be seen on even
Before launching into a description of holidays, a
sunny days.
review of the common calendar is in order. This reckon-
44 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

However, since seventy days is a rather cumbersome The day of the full moon is considered the first day of
length of time to keep track of, most people think in terms the week, and is market day in many cultures.
of ten-day weeks. Following are the names of the days as Note: Unlike a modern industrialized week, in medieval
declared by Loremasters, and their Erlin (common Elvish) societies there is no ‘work week’ and ‘weekend,’ everyone
translation: works every day. Religious services are held early in the
morning or in the evening. Because of this, holidays are
DAYS OF THE WEEK: even more significant.
Erlin Name Translation Significance
Orhayen Moon-day Varin is full
Interestingly, the Loremasters ignore Varin for official
Buryen Fire-day record-keeping purposes, using Orhan exclusively to di-
Usivyen Water-day vide the Kulthean year. Dates are recorded as “TE 5090,
Melyen Earth-day Orhan 4, day 45” for example. This means the 45th day (of
Ordyen Air-day 70) of the fourth month (otherwise known as Autumn in
the northern hemisphere) in the year 5090 of the Third
Maryen Dark-day Varin is new
Era. It might be even more briefly recorded as 5090•4•45.
Kyayen Star-day The Scribes of Nomikos and all the Navigator Guilds also
Aryen Sun-day use this simple but effective calendar system.
Kindagyen Cloud-day
Purlyen Wind-day
Part III: Denizens 45


could hardly believe our luck—we were no more than an hour from the port of Orian, up
from the unhappy little town of Qye. Maybe those tales about a giant kraken in the Sea of
Votania were really just no more than tales. Going by ship saves days over travelling by land.
Hard to believe that so many crusty mariners would be afraid of a rumor though…
The sun went down and darkness swept across the waters all around us. I felt a cold wind on my
face; saw clouds moving in from the north. Looked like a storm coming… then suddenly I was
thrown off my feet and nearly over the balustrade as the ship lurched backwards. Had we hit a some
hidden rocks just under the surface? Then I saw them—two then three, then more, like huge blind
serpents coiling over the rail and onto the deck: tentacles. One knocked a man overboard as you or I
might swat a bug. Then another wrapped around a crewman and lifted him into the air like a doll,
screaming. Other tentacles, dozens of feet long, gripped the ship, and we began to list badly to star-
board. The first mate was yelling for everyone to grab harpoons and swords, but it seemed like there
would be no stopping this monster…
Maret Skeldo, of the Trader Ship ‘Blue Morning’

u u u

Second largest of the four main continental regions of Emer (the others are considered to be
Tai-emer, Khûm-kaan and Uj; Onar, Silaar, Ræl and the islands are considered ‘lesser regions’ by
conservative geographers), Hæstra is the most widely cultivated and the most densely populated
of Emer’s varied lands Its mild climate, fertile soil, and available resources make it an ideal
region for human habitation.
In this section the climate and basic geography are discussed. Also described are some typi-
cal—as well as not so typical—flora, and fauna, and the races who inhabit the Hæstra region.
46 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

moderate, however, and actually heavy in the late spring

1 • CLIMATE & GEOGRAPHY (supplied from the Bay of Izar and the Sea of Votania).
Shielded on nearly every side, Hæstra is protected from Summers are mild, the temperature rarely exceeding 90°
all extremes of nature. The humid mid-latitude climate is F. While often during the winter the temperature dips
ideal for agriculture; no wonder that Hæstra has been below freezing for days at a time, rarely does Hæstra
called the breadbasket of Emer. experience truly bitter cold.
HÆSTRA CLIMATE A more detailed depiction of Hæstra’s weather picture
Following is some general climate-related information can be gleaned from the weather table below.
which serves as a guide and key for terminology used in HÆSTRA WEATHER TABLE
the various areas of Hæstra. Lowlands Hills Coasts/Isles
(Miir, Vornia) (Bodlea) (Danarchis)
CLIMATE TYPES Winter 15-35° 10-30° 35-50°
The climate of Hæstra is tremendously variable, de- Mod Sw/Rn Mod Sw/Rn Normal Rain
pending on latitude, prevailing winds, proximity to coasts, Breezy Breezy Windy
Essænce Flows, mountains, and a plethora of other fac-
tors. The Weather Map shows some basic wind and Flows Spring 40-55° 35-50° 40-65°
Rainy Normal Rain Rainy
information, and utilizes the terms defined below to Breezy Breezy Windy
provide basic guides as to the typical weather activity for
a given area. Summer 70-90° 60-80° 65-85°
Rainy Tropical: At most, one or two dry months; all Moderate Rain Moderate Rain Normal Rain
months warm or hot. Calm Breezy Breezy
Wet and Dry Tropical: A well-developed dry season with Autumn 60-80° 50-70° 60-80°
one or two rainy seasons; all months warm or hot. Moderate Rain Moderate Rain Normal Rain
Semiarid Tropical: Light precipitation, rapid evapora- Calm Breezy Breezy
tion; all months warm or hot.
Fall 40-60° 30-50° 45-60°
Hot Arid: Negligible precipitation, rapid evaporation; all
Normal Rain Mod Sw/Rn Normal Rain
months warm or hot. Breezy Windy Windy
Humid Subtropical: Precipitation in all seasons with
maximum in summer; long warm summers, cool win- KEY
ters. Temperature: is expressed in degrees Fahrenheit as the aver-
age daily low-high. Note that most Kultheans do not
Dry Subtropical: Hot dry summers; cool, moderately describe temperatures so precisely; they simply say the
rainy winters. temperature is cold, cool, warm, or hot. Mountain tem-
Humid Mid-latitude: Precipitation in all seasons with perature refers to the habitable regions between 1,000-
maximum in summer; long warm or hot summers, cold 3,000' above sea level. To calculate temperature at higher
winters. altitudes, subtract 1° for every 300' more above sea level.
Precipitation: refers to the % chance of rain or snow falling on
Temperate marine: Numerous rainy days in all seasons a given day. In the higher altitudes of the Spine of Emer and
with moderate total precipitation, higher precipitation Gold Mountains, snow will usually occur when moderate
in highland areas; warm summers, cool winters. Snow/Rain yields a precipitation result.
Semiarid mid-latitude: Light precipitation; warm or hot Moderate Rain: 15% rain; partly cloudy.
summers, cool or cold winters. Moderate Sw/Rn: 5% snow; 2% sleet; 8% rain; partly cloudy.
Normal Rain: 25% rain; partly cloudy.
Arid mid-latitude: Extremely light precipitation; warm or Rainy: 40% rain; cloudy.
hot summers, cool or cold winters. Wind: Speeds are given in miles per hour. Above the tree line,
High altitude: Climate varies with elevation, latitude, and winds are considerably more forceful. Treat Breezy as
exposure. Windy, and Windy as High Winds (20-60+ mph)
Calm: 0-9 mph; or consult Sea Winds Table (-20).
TEMPERATURE AND PRECIPITATION Breezy: 5-20 mph; or consult Sea Winds Table (-5).
In addition to the weather map, the chart below pro- Windy: 10-40 mph; or consult Sea Winds Table (no adjust-
vides some temperature and precipitation guidelines.
As noted above, most of mainland Hæstra is well-
protected from coastal storms. Precipitation is generally
Part III: Denizens 47

SEA WINDS TABLE Shúthos glows with red fire as the sun sets. At the southern
terminus of the north spinal ridge, the Fiery Mountain over-
Calculate the wind speeds at sea, around islands and looks the Gap of Uj. Though no match for Larnthos, Shúthos
along the coast according to the following table (percent- is a respectable 11,000 feet in height. Its upper portions are very
ages reckoned according to an open-ended D100 roll). sheer.
When rolling for the coast of a sheltered bay, reduce the Larnthos: This mighty peak was named ‘tall mountain’ with
total by 20. good reason. It stands at nearly the same latitude as the peak of
Votania, but rises to a height of 17,000 feet. The pinnacle is all
Wind Condition Normal Roll Fall Roll the more spectacular from the east. (The southern Hæstran
Dead Calm (0-1 mph) 01 01 plains are nearly 4000 feet above sea level, reducing Larnthos’
Light Winds (2-7 mph) 02-25 02-25 relative height.)
Moderate Wind (3-7 mph) 26-74 26-74
Strong Wind (8-18 mph) 75-89 75-84 CHOAK MOUNTAINS
Gale (32-54 mph) 90-96 85-92 Like an afterthought, the Choak Mountains cap Emer,
Storm (55-72) 97-00 93-97 rising up in an inverted ‘T’ shape a hundred miles north
Hurricane (73+ mph) — 98-00 of the last peak of the Spine. Ironically, they are much
older than any of the other mountain ranges on Emer.
MOUNTAIN RANGES Apparently they survived geological turbulence which
The ranges which guard Hæstra’s borders are formi- much of the rest of the region did not.
dable barriers. All are relatively young mountains except MOUNTAINS OF GOLD
Choak, a legacy from an earlier epoch. A ridge of hills jutting up from the ocean, they form a
Hæstra is bordered on the south by the Forbidden Hills; sheer barrier between central Hæstra and the stormy
beyond lies the desert of Uj. To the west stands the Izaran waters of the open sea — isolating the Elven Isle of Talæn
Crest, and to the east the mighty Spine of Emer. Northeast and a handful of neighbors from the mainland. Named
are the Mountains of Gold. for their golden color in the sun, they also embrace rich
THE SPINE OF EMER mines of that precious element.
Separating Hæstra and Tai-emer and extending far THE IZARAN CREST
beyond Hæstra southwards, the Spine of Emer is one of These old, rolling hills lie along the eastern banks of the
the most prominent features on the face of Kulthea. Bay of Izar, separating Sarnak from the lands to the east
Beginning south of the Choak Mountains, the ridge runs and north. The Crest is much higher on
unbroken for over 1500 miles. Only at the Bay side, the last fold before the
the famous Gap of Uj does the Spine great plateau (which holds central
pause before rising again to run south Hæstra and the Sea of Votania) falls to
another thousand miles. With a sharp the level of the ocean.
dogleg east, the chain makes a twisting
path southeast before finally sinking into SCORPION RIDGE
the sea 800 miles further. The Spine of Named for the hooking line of the
Emer has many tales to tell, for it has ridge not unlike the curled barb of a
many residents both above and below scorpion, the ridge encloses the south-
its surface. Scattered through its peaks ern portions of the Bay of Izar. It is
are also several dormant volcanoes. One rocky and the slopes are steep, but a few
is active: Mount Gorath, about 400 miles hardy groups have made their homes
south of the northern tip of the range. along its flanks. The Ridge also has
Gorath spews smoke on a regular basis several dormant volcanoes and three
and surrounding lands are shaken with known active ones.
tremors. It has not had a major eruption
in decades, though it seems only a mat-
ter of time before Gorath shows its an- A vast area of ancient mountains
ger again. Two of the Spine’s largest whose peaks have long ago worn down,
peaks also bear specific mention: the Highlands still rise to a respectable
altitude. Mining attempts in these hills
Shúthos: The Iruaric name means ‘fiery
mountain.’ Indeed the snow-covered tip of have yielded nothing of value, proving
48 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

The Barrier Isles form an intimidating boundary between the

Sea of Gold and the Forbidden Sea
them to be worthless as well as ugly. However, ancient with countless rivers, streams and small lakes throughout
lore speaks of a kingdom beneath the Hills, populated by the landscape.
strange, stunted people. These are the Murlogi, and under
these hills and the Forbidden Ridge is their realm-under-
the-mountain. And even further down are the Ash lairs. The nature and frequency of dangers faced by seafarers
varies somewhat from body to body, but most share some
FORBIDDEN RIDGE common perils. Many islands are ringed by treacherous
High and sheer, the Forbidden Ridge is true to its coral reefs that can rip open the hull of any ship, or
name: the peaks are almost barren of vegetation and sandbars lurking just beneath the water surface. Even a
composed of a black rock, giving them an ominous qual- cautious captain can run aground of these, his ship trapped
ity. However the Ridge is rich in minerals of many kinds, forever. More unpredictable are whirlpools and water-
including jewels, silver and rare materials. But also lurk- spouts (tornadoes at sea). The former can draw a ship
ing under the Ridge are the tunnels of the Murlogi. down into the depths to vanish without a trace; the latter
can wreck sails and masts, or even lift a ship out of the sea.
SEAS & WATERWAYS And the sea is not immune to Essænce Storms. These
Bounded by seas to the west and north, this region’s sometimes form with normal storms or hurricanes to
coasts are erratically populated because of the often treach- create a force of terrible destruction.
erous coastlines. Inland Hæstra is a well-irrigated land, Then of course there are sea beasts: sharks, giant sea-
turtles, sea-drakes, giant squid, sea-serpents…
Part III: Denizens 49


Most of the northwest coast meets this relatively calm Urij flows down from the foothills of the Forbidden
sea, named long ago perhaps for the adjacent mountains Ridge into the Bay of Izar. The upper reaches of this river
or the lovely hue it acquires at sunset. are swift and dangerous — far too rocky to be navigable.
While reefs are less of a problem here than further Geographically and historically, Votania is a place with
south, the Straits are infamous for their strong currents, few rivals in the picture of Kulthea. It has been home to
spontaneous whirlpools, and of course the boiling seas the Emperor of Emer, the Masters of Emer, and conceals
around Aranmor in southern Jaiman. still a secret citadel beneath its green flanks.
FORBIDDEN SEA This isle lies near the heart of Emer, at the center of
most comprehensive maps of the Western Hemisphere.
North of the Barrier Isles (named appropriately for
Guarded by the deceptively calm Sea of Votania, the isle is
their many jagged spires, deadly reefs, barely submerged
rarely visible, clothed in a thick veil of mist. The sea is a
rocks and unpredictable currents), the cooler waters are
freshwater body and very deep. Tales of some sort of
also rougher and deeper than the Sea of Gold—and more
kraken-like monster living in the depths of the sea are
often stormy. Few mariners brave the open ocean here.
unsubstantiated, but rumors and sightings have persisted
BAY OF IZAR for millennia. Votania is also the nexus of a flow coil—a
Another prominent feature on the Emerian landscape spiral of Essence energy spiraling out from the island and
is the huge enclosed bay along the western coast. Shel- across the continent.
tered by the Scorpion Ridge along the south and the
Morbek Highlands to the southeast, the waters of the bay
The Spine of Emer — especially the central region —
are calm and easily navigable. There is little land upon
which to gain a foothold, the only flat shores lie to the is a rich repository of valuable minerals. It is no wonder
that Stroane has become a wealthy nation with such a
northeast. Land meets water in rocky shoals along much
copious base. In addition to coal, iron and copper, the
of the rest of the coast, and in the southwest sheer cliffs
mountains yield up quantities of gold and silver, Shaalk,
Keron, Eogs, and even Kregora.
There are three primary ports on the bay: the Port of
The Mountains of Gold were once a plentiful and easy
Izar at the mouth, the town of Bentara along the northern
supply of that yellow metal, but their easily-accessible
coast, and the city of Sarnak, lying to the far east of the bay
supplies seem to have dried up. Tales of new veins are
and shielded under the Morbek highlands.
always circulating, but most are dismissed as wild rumors.
KEYTEN RIVER A rare vein of Orhan Marble is not completely depleted
The Keyten River travels east-west across northern in the Forbidden Ridge, but it is also difficult to reach. The
Hæstra, dividing the Bodlean states from the expanding only practical access is by water over the Sea of Votania, a
arm of Stroane. It is wide and deep, an excellent waterway voyage few dare to undertake.
for travel, though all boatmen shun the haunted city of
Zinvar on the isle at the mouth of this river.
One of the most famous mystical beings of Hæstra is
Kellus, a powerful Naiad of the river Keyten who protects Hæstra’s temperate climate allows for a wide variety of
the bucolic Bodleans from southern aggressors. plantlife. Many types of deciduous tree are common, as
well as many coniferous forests, especially to the south-
Originating in the Spine of Emer, the River Alana
winds its way southwest to empty into the Sea of Votania. DÍR TREES
The black wood of Dír is among the most prized of
THE LANGASSE hardwoods, being similar to ebony. Durable and fine-
Langasse flows nearly north-south from the Moun- grained, it makes superior staves and bows. Its dark
tains of Gold into the Sea of Votania. Once this river beauty is unmatched in elegance.
literally flowed with gold from the rich mines, but now it The Dír tree itself is deciduous and grows in a tall,
is only blue. vertical trunk with short, horizontal branches. Its small
50 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

leaves are nearly round with a dark underside and a silvery FOGFLOWERS
green upper face. Dír tree seed pods are disc-shaped, Resembling a lily, these lovely white flowers give off a
curling under at the edge to create an aerodynamic air sweet scent during the day, but as night settles, they exude
pocket. The bark of the tree is nearly black like the core. a bluish mist. Herbalists theorize that the mist is a
Dír trees, while best known in the north of Jaiman, are defensive mechanism, driving away nocturnal beasts which
found primarily in the northern regions of Hæstra, SW would consume the Fogflower’s sweet leaves. The fog-like
Uj, and Ræl. emanations of these flowers can be considerable; a field of
HOEN TREES fogflowers can blanket the countryside in a heavy mist,
Also deciduous, the Hoen has an overall form similar only burning away in the late morning sun. They are
to the oak, but with large three-lobed leaves which have a common in southern Bodlea.
light golden color in autumn. The bark of the tree is even SIENE
lighter than the silver birch, and the wood itself is natu- Said to be the gift of the Orhanian god Kieron, Siene is
rally a pale color which makes it quite valuable. It makes a bush which produces a luminous orange berry. The
excellent bows. berries do not keep well, but
Hoen trees are rare but flourish when tended by Elves. can be made into a preserve.
The isle of Talæn is heavily forested with them, and the In any case, a small amount of
Emerald Forest is said to have a number deep in its the fruit has the effect of
embrace. Elsewhere they are scarce, though a few can be cleansing the body of any in-
found in the western regions. toxicant in seconds (it also
MIRAN TREES cures hangovers). This
This deciduous beauty is rarely encountered outside of miracle fruit is indispensable
for curing addictions; it is also quite rare. It can be found
Elven lands. Originally only found on Urulan, seedlings
were brought by Elven colonists in the early centuries of on the slopes of Votania and the southern shores of the Sea
the Third Era. of Votania.
Mirans are similar to maples in many ways, but with THOKOT
lighter, smooth bark and rounded, dark green leaves A sturdy shrub, Thokot is able to thrive in even the
which turn deep gold in the Fall. Miran seeds are like most hostile of environments. It has small bluish leaves
walnut-sized acorns, dark brown with a golden cap. They and produces bitter red berries, but Thokot’s main feature
are delicious to eat, and a handful can provide a full day’s is the 4" long thorns which grow all over the plant. These
sustenance. In Hæstra they can only be found on Talæn thorns exude a sticky fluid which has the effect of a mild
and in the Emerald Forest. to moderate nerve poison. Shadowy landowners use the
BORE-BURRS bush to guard their borders. Thokot is rare in Hæstra, seen
only along the shores of the Bay of Izar.
Small shrubs found in hilly regions sprout these shiny
brown burrs which catch on the clothes of a passing man
or steed and cling. They can sense body heat, and if not 3 • FAUNA
removed within a few minutes, the tiny organism inside While one might think that much of Hæstra is settled,
sprouts. It will burrow into the flesh (the host may feel a there are still wide stretches of virtually untouched forest
sting), making a home in muscle or fat tissue. Once the and moor. In these lands many beasts both common and
burr ‘bites’ it requires a deep incision to remove it, other- enchanted make their home. Also, the flora and fauna of
wise the burr drains one hit the first day, two the next, the mainland differs greatly from that of the islands.
three the third, etc., as it grows. After 10 days the only way
to stop it is to remove the limb or major surgery by a Lay MAINLAND FAUNA
Healer. Left unchecked, the burr with grow, making the Following is a discussion of some typical beasts which
affected area swell and deform, until the host lapses into inhabit the inland areas of Hæstra.
unconsciousness and eventually dies. If a host is bitten by
several burrs at once he may die within a few days. BIRDS
Whether plant or animal it is uncertain, but death this way On the interior mainland can be seen the usual variety
is said to be extremely painful. of normal temperate avains, from sparrows to hawks and
Part III: Denizens 51

falcons. The huge Rocs are rare but there are eyries in the It is believed by many Kulthean cultures that a Unicorn
Spine of Emer. sighting is a guide or harbinger.
Actually large, ebony-furred flying squirrels, these imps Most of the western isles (e.g., Komaren, Barellis, the
look like normal rodents, but are actually voracious car- Rashelles) are tropical or sub-tropical, with rain forest
nivores. Huge swarms of them have been known to swoop covering most of their rugged land. These are home to a
out of trees and overpower unwary travellers. vast array of wildlife.
Deadly and silent, these huge pale dogs travel in packs Some of the less densely settled islands still have popu-
all along the upper flanks of the mountainous Spine of lations of apes and other primates—including some of the
Emer. Their breath is freezing, and the icy claws of a Snow large, hostile Grey Apes.
Hound will freeze their prey to the bone.
NIGHT HOUND A variety of snakes large and small make their home on
Night Hounds shun the sun, wandering by starlight the isles. Some are venomous while others are constric-
when their coal black coats conceal their presence. They tors. The largest are the giant pythons of the Rashelles.
have luminous yellow eyes and are silent like the Snow
Hounds. Night Hounds are larger than their Ghostly TREE FROGS
brethren, often waist high at the shoulder and weighing in Common on the is-
excess of 200 pounds lands, these amphibians
come in a variety of col-
GRYPHON ors and are usually quite
Enchanted animals with the head and wings of a huge tiny. However, some
hawk and body of a grey panther, gryphons are an awe- have a highly poison-
inspiring sight. They are somewhat intelligent and usually ous secretion on their
very dangerous. Preferring their lofty aeries to lowlands, skin, while one type can
they are rarely seen away from the peaks of the Spine of spit a reduction poison
Emer. up to twenty feet if frightened.
These huge, semi-intelligent scorpions are more com- The islands feature a wide assortment of brightly-
mon in Uj, but can also be found along the beaches near plumaged birds, including some very large parrots. Some,
the Mountains of Gold. It is these which the Dyari of especially the prized Falta-bird, are hunted for their beau-
Skystone City have tamed and made into fearsome mounts tiful feathers. Others are kept as pets.
for their defensive guards.
A beast of unequaled beauty, the unicorn resembles a
graceful pure white horse with a single spiraling horn
projecting from its forehead. The whorled horn can be
either gold or silver, but always has an unnatural, metallic
look about it. Unicorns, while intelligent, have an inscru-
table outlook, and will almost never embroil themselves
in mundane events. They are incredibly rare, but sightings
seem to occur most often in the vicinity of Flow-storms.
Unicorns are creatures of the Essænce and are apparently
able to travel through the Planes with ease. They also have
an intrinsic mastery of spells, many having access to the
lists Shield Mastery, Lofty Bridge, Elemental Shields, Spell
Reins, and Warding Power (see the Master Atlas Book).
The Falta bird
52 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

WATER FAUNA Elves are very similar to humans, except they are
The temperate waters along the western coast are generally taller and have elongated ears with points at the
home to a wide variety of fish and sea mammals. And the top, slightly larger eyes, and more delicate features. Men
fresh water Sea of Votania harbors its own mysteries. have no facial hair, and they have almost no body hair,
Dolphins, whales and sharks are among the larger while scalp hair grows thick and full throughout their
creatures to be encountered in the seas; few whales are lives. Elves mature as humans, but once the reach adult-
seen close to the shores, while sharks prefer the more hood they do not age.
southern areas. Dragon turtles and sea serpents are also Many Elven cultures revere the Lords of Orhan, while
known to live in these waters. others follow lesser deities and the more rustic spirits of
forest and river.
At least one kraken has been encountered within the HIGH ELVES (IYLARI)
Sea of Votania; there may be more than one, or the sea The most lordly of all the Elves, two Kindred make up
may actually be connected to subterranean bodies of the Iylar race: the Linæri and the Loari. There is also an
water through deep tunnels. Giant squid are spotted along offshoot tribe of the Loari known as they Dyari.
the coast periodically. Linæri (Iy.: ‘Singers’)
Kraken rarely attack ships, tending to dwell at great The Linæri possesses golden-blond hair, blue eyes, and
depths. However, when food is short they venture into the fair skin. While of the High Race, they prefer open spaces
shallows and will attack anything they consider threaten- to structures, and when they build homes they are always
ing. very airy designs filed with light and warmth.
True to their name, the Linær are a musical people.
Even the least of them can play the harp or sing, while the
Porpoises are common in more talented compose music or delight the ear with
the Sea of Gold expertise on several instruments. Garments of white,
silver or gold enhance the nobility of the Linæri de-
Loari (Iy: ‘Builders’):
The Loari, have raven-black hair, predominantly
brown, grey-blue or hazel eye color, and fair—even pale—
While the Loari love nature as much as the Linæri,
they seek to unlock its hidden secrets rather than enjoy
it in its untouched state. They are unsurpassed at gem-
cutting, architecture, an the making and working of
alloys. Their egos are also unsurpassed among Elves and
men — except perhaps by those among their kind who
have turned to darkness: the Dyari.
Dark Elves (Dyari):
Despite their name, the Dark Elves do not have darker
4 • RACES skin than their brethren, in fact they are often very fair-
The races common to Hæstra are described in detail in skinned, and have pale—even white—hair. Their ears
this section. frequently have more pronounced points than the other
Elves; their eyes are grey, black, or sometimes amber.
ELVES Often, however, they are so similar to their Loari brethren
General Inf.: Males 6'-6’10", 150-200 lbs.; females, 5’6"- that it is difficult (at least for mortals) to tell the difference.
6’2", 115-165 lbs; highly resistant to extremes of natural The Dark Elves instead gained the name because of
heat and cold; death occurs only through violence; 2 hours their reputation for serving darkness. It is true that many
of meditation each day suffice in place of mortal sleep. of their kind have been seduced by the lure of the Unlife
Superior hearing and vision; can see outdoors at night as (many of the Priests Arnak are Dyari, for instance), but
full daylight. most Dyari are merely what one might call ‘mercenary.’
Part III: Denizens 53

They embody the worst traits of the Loari but to the nish mix. They are almost always mortal, though enjoy-
extreme: they are vain and arrogant, considering all other ing a slightly longer life span, remaining healthy and hale
races (including other Elves) to be inferior. They have a until very near the end, then aging very rapidly over the
lust for power, whether it be gained by magic or might, last 5 years or so, of life.
and they have love technology. But while the Loari love Individuals who are children of a pure-blood Elf and
machines partly as clever creations in themselves, the pure-blood Human may be given a choice (by Eissa, one
Dyari see them primarily as tolls to gain wealth and power. of the few gods to have the power to grant such a choice)
Forest Elves (Erlini). whether to be mortal or immortal—or it has been pre-
Forest Elves most often have sandy hair and light blue, determined at birth by genetics (aka ‘the will of the gods’).
green, or grey eyes. Like the Linæri, they prefer to live MANNISH RACES
close to nature in her unaltered state. When they employ In addition to the common racial types described in
tools and structures these are always subtle and clever of the Master Atlas Inhabitants Guide, there are a number of
design, simple yet practical. specific racial types who make their home on Emer.
These are the most prevalent of the Elven-kind by far,
and in many areas they have interbred with mortal groups Anzeti: 5’4"-6’0" tall, no professional limitations. Life span:
to create a hybrid race. (See Half-elves below.) However, 100 years.
when a culture of Erlini has been isolated for a long period, The Anzeti are a smallish people but hardened greatly
they are very shy and resist becoming involved in the by the unfriendly climate of the chilly climes they inhabit.
affairs of humans or High Elves. Dark haired, with red-brown skin and green or hazel eyes,
they reside almost entirely in the high, mountainous areas
Aquatic Elves (Shuluri): of central Emer. They are generous, quiet, and shy, for
Aquatic Elves are a rare and elusive breed of Elves they are seldom encountered by other races.
having both gills (hidden inside their throats)
and lungs, able to exist equally well on land Jiner: 5’4" – 6’4" tall, slender, no pro-
or in water. They physically resemble fessional limitations. Life span:
High Elves, but are very pale, with 70-100 years.
blond or white hair. They also have Similar to the Y’nar (see
slightly webbed hands, elongated, below) in facial features, but
webbed toes, and an inner eyelid tend to be more tall and lean.
which helps to protect the eye while Eyes are usually brown or
underwater. Aquatic Elves may amber, and a distinguish-
live on land or in water; typically ing feature is the epicanthic
they reside near coral reefs or folds (the small overlap of
other shallow water areas. skin over the eyes). Jineri
also have the ‘flattened’ fea-
Half-Elves (Ta-lairi): tures: small noses, wide,
The variety in Half-Elves prominent cheekbones and
stems not so much from the subtle forehead. Their hair is always
variance in Elves, as the more pro- coarse and straight, and they tend
nounced differences between the to have darker skin that the Y’nari.
Mannish races. The common dif-
ferent kinds of Half-Elves are Laan: (High Men; related to the Zori in
noted in the race chart in the Jaiman): 5’8"–6’10" tall, no profes-
Master Atlas, with stat differ- sional limitations; life span 100-200+
ences. years.
The Ky’taari of the Mur The Laan tend to be even taller
Fostisyr and the Sulini of than the lordly Elves, but more
Tanara are examples of this heavily boned and physically
fusion; there are numerous Bren Kælerion, a Linær Elf stronger, though perhaps less
other cultures whose people nimble than the Elven-kind.
are — as a group — de- From the Sketchbook of Their hair is dark brown or
scended from an Elven-man- coal black, eyes blue, grey or
T’sandar Vey
54 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

occasionally a bright green, and they tend to be fair- Y’nar: 5’0" - 6’0" tall, no professional limitations, though
skinned, from very pale seeming to a ruddy but light they tend more towards Mentalism than the Clerical or
complexion. Few of the men sport beards, and many have Essence pursuits. Life span: 60-80 years.
little or no facial hair. The Laan are great warriors, leaders Concentrated mostly in the northeasterly regions of
and empire-builders: their ambition matches their great Emer — especially the hills of the great Silaaran peninsula
stature. They are concentrated in Emer in the Kaitaine — the Y’nari are a quiet people. Small but hardy, they
vicinity and in verdant hills of Hæstra. have fair skin and little body hair, but scalp hair is thick
Shay (Common Men): 5’4" - 6"2" tall, no professional and while it can be straight or curly, it is almost always
limitations, though Essence and Mentalism user would be black (or, in rare cases, silver). Eyes are usually brown or
particularly rare. Life span: 50-80 years. amber, and a distinguishing feature is the epicanthic folds
Made up of a mixture of several racial subgroups, the (the small overlap of skin over the eyes). Y’nari also have
Shay peoples are shorter than most other races but stocky ‘flattened’ features: small noses, wide, prominent cheek-
and hardy. They usually have brown hair and fair skin, bones and forehead.
with eyes blue, hazel or brown. Shay men are more hirsute Fauns: 5’6"-6’4" tall; run almost twice as fast as a man; no
than most other races, and are likely to let their facial hair suggested limits on profession. Life-span: immortal, part
grow. Shay are most prevalent in Tai-Emer and the south- fairie
ern and central regions of Hæstra. Spirits of the woods and fields, Fauns are a somewhat
mysterious race, and apparently have a number of sub-
Talath (Northmen; also Myri in Jaiman): 5’10"-6’10" tall,
groups. Some possess the hind legs of a goat; others only
no professional limitations, though spell users would be
the hooves of a goat instead of human feet, and others
very rare. Magical arts are frowned upon on most cultures.
have normally developed human bodies. All, however,
Life span: 70 - 100 years.
display small goat horns springing from the invariably
The Talath are a hardy race, blond and blue-eyed.
chestnut curls that cover their pointed ears. Fauns are
They have cultures in Northern Hæstra, and because their
boyishly handsome (beardless), muscular young men
appearance suggests a people of a cooler clime, are be-
with an infamous libido. They are musically talented and
lieved to have migrated from Jaiman. Powerfully built,
they shamelessly employ their enchanting voices to be-
the Talath are of amazing size and strength. Most have a
guile humans into their arms.
fair countenance; the men have little or no beard. Both
sexes are big-boned and have a strength borne of a life of
hard work and pure spirit.
Tending to be a people of simple means, the Talath
have never been empire builders, preferring to live in
small villages tending their sheep and crops. They are
often subjugated by other peoples, but even this seems not
to phase them overmuch — unless they are assailed by
servants of the Unlife, in which case they fight with a
fevered determination.
Thesians: 5’6" – 6’6" tall, slender, no professional limita-
tions. Life span: 60-90 years.
The graceful Thesians, with their dark brown skin, full
lips and flattened noses, could well be descendants of the
famed Jinteni race. Loremasters base this conjecture on
what few statues and reliefs they have found which can be
linked to the lost Jinteni. In Hæstra there are very few
Thesians except on Thesmoq, where they are virtually the
entire population. Other Thesians on Emer are for the Phylos Chantari of Izar, son of A Thesian
most part in Onar and Khûm-kaan. All Thesians have
father and Loari mother. Note the pointed
dark brown eyes, very dark skin, and have little hair,
except on their scalp, where it grows in very tight curls. ears and dark coloring.
Long-fingered hands are also the norm. Charcoal drawing by
Kendar Deramien, Loremaster
Part III: Denizens 55

One bizarre aspect of the Trogli: 4’6"-5'6" tall; sug-

race is that they are all male. gested professional limita-
Fauns mate with other hu- tions: no spell users (option-
manoid females, and if the ally, only low-level Channel-
child is male, there is a 20% ing-related spells); fear day-
chance of it being a Faun. light, but can become accus-
When not following tomed to it; average life span:
their baser passions, mem- 50 years.
bers of this race have been Trogli fear all things
known to produce great alien to the underground
works of art, music and world. Terror keeps them
poetry. Some have become far from the surface and
skilled Alchemists and entrances where sunlight
smiths. At least one is penetrates; encounters with
known to have been a Navi- beasts or Men from the sky-
gator. covered fields quickly be-
come bloody frays driven
UNDERGROUND by panic. Trogli possess
RACES muscled bodies with blu-
Dwarves: 4'–5’6" tall, 90- ish-white skin; their eyes
200 lbs, no professional glow in the darkness with
limitations, resistant to ex- an eerie red light. Sloping
tremes of temperature. Av- Sculpture of a Sleeping Faun foreheads and massive jaws
erage life span 150 years. form the contours of their
Superior night vision: can From the Ruins of Aldain City. large heads and long,
see up to 100’ in total dark- Sketched by T’sandar Vey tangled, black hair grows
ness (infra-red vision). from their scalps. Trogli
A secretive, subterranean people, Dwarves tend to often wear armor and wield weapons stolen from their
keep to themselves in their underground empires. They foes, but use stones as clubs or missiles when they have
are suspicious of other races, though they sometimes find nothing else.
kindred spirits among the Loari and Dyari.
Short and powerfully built, they seem ideally suited for
a life underground, though their homes are usually much Murlogi: (called in some areas goblins) 3’6"-4’6" tall;
more than a mere warren of tunnels: they have con- suggested professional limitations: no spell users; excellent
structed entire cities and palaces under mountains. Male night sight, blinded by daylight (-75 to all activities if
Dwarves almost always grow thick beards. They usually outdoors); strong; average life span: 80 years.
wear thick wool and linen clothing, sometimes with leather Round-headed creatures with snub noses and wide
trim. While Dwarves may be of any profession, they tend mouths, Goblins possess greenish, yellow skin and toeless
towards mining, construction and craftsmanship. Many feet. Mechanically inclined, the Murlogi have invented
are Alchemists. many machines to torture as well as those useful in
In terms of worship, some follow Iorak or Valris, while warfare. Utility and strength mark most of their creations,
others follow local deities. A few have fallen to follow dark but they are invariably inelegant like their creators. Murgoli
gods. are skilled miners, enlarging their underground king-
The Loremasters believe that the Dwarves began living doms by connecting nearby caverns with tunnels. Often
underground long ago during the interregnum to hide an entire mountain range (The Morbek Highlands are an
from the fearsome creatures on the surface. They face a excellent example) may be webbed by these passages.
different threat however: sometimes their digging leads Goblins stay below ground by day, but night sees them
them too far and the stumble upon a tunnel to the Ash swarming the lands in search of brutal amusement.
Lairs. Garks: 4'-4’6" tall; suggested professional limitations: no
There are at least four distinct tribes of Dwarves, non-channeling spell users; average life-span is 30 years.
though few but they can tell them apart.
56 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

Mottled grey fur covers DEMONS

all of the ape-like Gark, ex- In addition to the demons covered in
cept the palms and soles of the Master Atlas, there are many more
his feet. Long arms hang to which have not been thoroughly covered.
his knees, and a powerful, These include entire races of Essænce De-
prehensile tail grows from mons living in parallel worlds near our
the base of his spine. Most own. One such alternate-Essænce world is
Garks possess only limited Azdyaer (Ir. “Home of dark thirsts”) which
intelligence, and usually use the inhabitants call Kai-tjiin. It is related to
crude weapons such as the dark god Klysus (perhaps he rules there)
clubs, hatchets, and spears. and his Demigod Akalatan.
They wear simple, decora- This planet is a warm, humid world
tive clothing and organize always cloaked in clouds, filled with
themselves by family rainforests and volcanic islands. It is ruled
groups. Each group shares by a hierarchy of Procreator demons, all
a large nest suspended high devoted to base carnal pleasures of every
above the ground in the kind. They enter the Shadow World when
trees. Occasionally, males they can, to rape humans and Elves with
band together to raid the the intent of propagating their race. They
homes of nearby Mannish A Lugrôk
are summoned by the priests of the Python
peoples. Garks are omnivo- cult on Rashelles (and by Priests of Klysus
rous, but some groups relish the taste of raw human flesh. in Lankanôk). Sometimes appearing as powerful and
Garks have been trained by some dark sorcerers and fantastically virile men; sometimes possessing the priest
lords to act as a crude military force, and though they are and transforming him, they ravish their victim—male or
powerful fighters, they are not as easily disciplined as the female—and plant their enchanted seed. If the victim
more military Lugrôki. survives, a female may be pregnant with a demon-spawn,
giving birth in just 90 days, 25% chance the experience
LUGRÔKI kills her. The father then returns to claim his offspring. A
Lesser: 4'-5' tall; partially blinded by direct sunlight (-50 to male may be ‘infected’ and slowly become essentially a
all activities); suggested professional limitations: no spell were-demon (rules as for werewolf, except were-demon
users; average life-span: 100 years. attempts to ravish nearest humanoid).
Greater: 5'-6' tall; dislike, but can operate normally in
sunlight; no suggested professional limitations; same as DEMON TYPES
lesser Lugrôki in other respects. All fall under the classification of Procreator demons,
Grotesque faces with slanting eyes and flattened snouts though their powers differ slightly from those of the
full of sharpened tusks further deform the heavily built, archetypal Procreator. Their normal appearance is de-
muscled body with its long arms and thick, swarthy hide. scribed below, though all can assume a fair form (except
Cannibalistic cruelty motivates their distorted souls, and during insemination, when their true form is revealed).
a Lugrôk respects little save superior force. Most are All have a musky odor they cannot hide, and are naked in
superb smiths, but they rarely make items unassociated their natural form. All know the following lists to their
with war. Lesser Lugrôki are born to live, fight, and die in own level: Evil Mentalist Mind Subversion, Mind Domi-
darkness; they hate the stars and moonlight, but panic nation Mentalist Base Mind Control, Houri Base (RMC
under the brighter sun. Greater Lugrôki are smarter and IV pg. 60, if available) Influences, Alluring Ways.
tougher; they can operate in daylight and possess superior Reveling in emotional (and physical) torture, they like
skills in speaking, reasoning, and fighting; some superior to dominate their mate. If by seduction and deception
individuals have been known to be spell-casters. Lugrôki (preferred by the Go-tjiin and Jo-tjiin), they use spells or
are frequently confused with Goblins due to their similar their irresistable fair form to entrap their mate, only
gruesome physiognomies and proclivities, but if legends revealing their beastly form in the throes of passion.
are to be heeded, their origins are very different. Alternatively (the method preferred by the Khal-tjiin-kai)
they seize and subdue the nearest man or woman and
brutally rape them, enjoying the emotional and physical
Part III: Denizens 57

damage they inflict. But the ultimate goal of all Procre- (among other things). They are hairless except for a long,
ators is to create more of their kind, either through mohawk-like mane of black hair on their heads.
offspring or transformation. Khal-tjiin-kai: (“Terrible demon-men”)
Go-tjiin-kai: (“servile-demon-men”) (Type VI Demon, level 21-30, 6 PP/lvl, 5% chance of
(Type III demon, level 6-10, 50% chance of appearing) appearing) Though about the same height as the Go-tjiin,
Least of the three known races of Azdyaer, the Go-tjiin are (7´6˝ – 8´) these terrifying lords are far more powerful and
often slaves or servants of the Jo-tjiin. They appear natu- dangerous. They have glistening black skin like marble
rally as tall (6´6˝ – 7´), muscular and virile youths with pale which burns to the touch. Their bodies have hugely over-
skin, oversized, pointed ears, small fangs, glowing gold developed muscles and they are grossly virile. Totally
eyes, hairless except for metallic-golden hair spiked up hairless, they sport large pointed ears and a set of ebony
from their heads. curving horns, from their fanged mouth they can extend
Jo-tjiin-kai: (“Master demon-men”) a 4-foot-long, blood-red prehensile tongue. Their over-
(Type IV Demon, level 11-15, 4 PP/lvl, 45% chance of sized hands have curving claws like steel and their eyes
appearing) Taller than the Go-tjiin, (7´6˝ – 8´) the masters glow a deep, hungry red. They are insatiable.
have red-brown skin, huge musculature, pointed ears ATTACK RESULTS
taller than their head, small black horns, fangs and their Demon Critical % Chance
fingers have retractable claws. Their eyes glow with an (Depression+Stress) ‘Impregnated’
orange light. Fantastically virile, they also have a two- Type III C (1 each) 20%
foot-long prehensile tongue which can strangle a man
Type IV D (1 each) 50%
Type VI E (2 each, plus 3 A heat)) 80%

Bs MxPce/ Speed Size/ AT # Outlook
Type Lvl Rt MMBns MS/AQ Crit Hits (DB) Attacks Enc (IQ)
Go-tjiin kai 8 60 Fspt/30 MF/FA M 150 11(60) 150LBa(2x)/150LGr/Spells/Special 1-3† Cruel (VH)
Type III Procreator, attempts to subdue, grapple and ravish target. May use spells (see text).
Jo-tjiin-kai 17 80 Spt/20 MF/FA M 190 12(60) 180LBa(2x)/180LGr/Spells/Special 1-2† Cruel (VH)
Type IV Procreator, attempts to subdue, grapple and ravish target. Tongue grapple: 80MGr. May use spells (see text).
Khal-tjiin-kai 25 100 Dash/10 MF/FA L 240 19(50) 230LCl(2x)/250LGr/Spells/Special 1† Cruel (VH)
Type VI Procreator, attempts to subdue, grapple and ravish target. Tongue grapple: 100LGr. May use spells (see text).
Pale VI Demon 27 150* Dash/50 VF/FA M/LA# 250 12(60) 180LCl(2x)/130LBa/100MBi†/150LCr§1 Cruel(AV)

* Special
† If encountered randomly; otherwise depends on how many are summoned.
58 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire


Bs MxPce/ Speed Size/ AT # Outlook
Type Lvl Rt MMBns MS/AQ Crit Hits (DB) Attacks Enc (IQ)
Bore-burrs 0 0 0 N/A T 1 4(0) 10TPuncture/Special 5-50 N/A
Black Squirrel 0 30 Dash/40 FA/FA S/- 20 1(40) 20TBa/10SBi/30SBi 5-100 Bellig
Gemsting 4 80 Run/10 MF/VF M/I 85/F 12(40) 60LPi(2x)/80LSt/poison 1-3 Hungry
Giant Spider
Lesser 3C 60 FSpt/30 MF/FA S/— 30D 3(30) 20SPi/40SSt/poison†/Special 2-20 Hungry(NO)
Greater 8F 80 Spt/20 MF/FA M/I 160F 4(40) 70LPi/75LSt/poison/Special 1-10 Hungry(LI)
Major 20G 100 Dash/10 FA/VF L/LA† 350G 12(60) 120HPi/90LHo/poison/Spells/Special 1 Cruel(HI)
Night Hnd 5 150 Dash/20 VF/FA M/— 100 4(30) 90MBi/50GBreath 1-10 Bellig.
Sea Serpent 15G 100 FSpt/20 MF/FA H/SL 400G 16(30) 90HGr/150HCr†/80HBi/90WBr[Heat] 1 Aggres.
Warders 10 — — — LA 300 20(0) Special Pair Protect (SU)
Guardians 10 — — — LA 400 20(0) Special Pair Protect (SU)
Lesser 15H1000‡ Dash/50 BF‡/BF‡ M/II 175G 12(50)‡ 120lcb(2x)(Slash)/poison§ 1-5 Cruel(AV)
Greater 25H1000‡ Dash/50 BF‡/BF‡ M/LA 225H 12(50)‡ 150lcb(2x)(Slash)/poisn§/100Bolt‡ 1 Cruel(VH)
Lord Shards
Hoar-Ak 45 1000† Dash/50 BF†/BF† M/II 300 12 (90)* 220lcb(2x)(slash)/Poison3 /Bolt 170† 1 Cruel (HI)
Snow Hnd 6 150 Dash/20 VF/FA M/— 90 4(30) 70MBi/50IBreath/30CBreath 1-10 Bellig.
Unicorn 10 160 Dash/40 BF/VF L/I 200 11(80) 200LHo120MBa†/110MTs†/Spells 1 Good(SU)

Motar Voorg 38G 200 FSpt/15 VF/FA H/SL 450G 16(50) 100HBi/140HCl/110HBa/70HHo/100FBr* 1 Varies(VH)
Red-gold Dragon (Fire Drake) of N. Spine of Emer. Fire Breath Weapon
Ssamis T’zang 34G 250 Dash/25 BF/VF H/SL 300G 12(60) 80HBi/100HCl/70HBa/100HHo/120LBr* 1 Varies(HI)
Blue-white Dragon (Light-Drake), Southern Scorpion Ridge. Lightning Breath Weapon


# Enc: This is the size range of a typical pack of the creatures when NOTES FOR THE GREAT DRAKES
encountered in or near their lair. A pack will often contain a wide range
Attack Patterns for Drakes: (wyverns and fell beasts [see flying beasts table] follow a
of levels/ages (including some young). Often, only a patrol comprised similar pattern)
of fewer members will be encountered away from the lair. If no range Each round while in flight, a drake may:
is given, one such creature is normally encountered. 1) use its breath weapon (if able) and if diving on a target, it may also use:
Outlook: a general measure of the creature’s outlook, attitude, a) its horn attack (roll each critical twice and take both results) or
demeanor, and/or reaction/behavior pattern. b) its claw attack (can be used as a HGr attack to attempt to grab smallertargets) or
IQ: This is a measure of the monster’s reasoning and memory ability. c) its bash attack (can be used as a HCr attack with double damage in anattempt to
land on a smaller target).
The statistic is not normally given for animals since their actions are
On land or in the water a drake may use:
often based upon instinct. 1) its breath weapon (if able to) and one claw attack or one bash attack or
* — Special. 2) its horn attack and one claw attack and its bash attack (tail) or
4 — On ground, movement rate is G of that given, “run” is the maximum pace, 3) its bite attack and one claw attack and its bash attack (tail) or
the DB is halved, and claw (Cl) attacks cannot be used. 4) two claw attacks and its bash attack (tail).
* Reduction Poison; poison level is equal to level of Kæden attacker. Changes in Base Movement Rate due to Environment: The base movement rates
†Special: see text and rules above for drakes and wyverns are for movement in their primary environment (air, land
‡ — Special. or water; listed after the creature type above). The chart below gives the percentage of
primary base movement rate which may be used in other environments. In parentheses
after the percentage is the actual base movement rate for a ‘mature’ drake of the given
type. A dragon in flight must be in a dive to achieve a ‘pace’ of ‘FSpt’ (x4) or ‘Dash’ (x5,
a power dive). No drake may ‘FSpt’ or ‘Dash’ underwater.
Winged Winged
In Air On Land
Fire Drake 100%(200) 30%(60)
Light Drake 100%(250) 20%(50)
Part III: Denizens 59

Bs MxPce/ Speed Size/ AT # Outlook
Type Lvl Rt MMBns MS/AQ Crit Hits (DB) Attacks Enc (IQ)
Wôrim Wight 15D 50 Spt/10 SL/VF M/LA# 145E 1(90) 110We[Cold]/90LBa(Cold)/Spells 1 Protect(AV)
Jinteni Wraiths
lesser (IV) 10C 70 Dash/30 MF/VF M/II# 120D 1(70)* 80We[Cold]/70LBa/Special/Spells 1 Cruel (SU)
greater (V) 15F 60 Dash/20 MD/BF M/LA# 165E 1(50)* 100We[Cold]/90LBa/Special/Spells 1 Cruel (HI)
Undead Sorcerers
Corpse Candle 7H - -/- -/- M/I# 100A 1(30) Spell/Special(4 Con pt/rnd) 1 Cruel (LO)
Found in the Wailing Marshes
Ghost Wolf (IV) 10H 120 Dash/30 FA/VF L/LA# 200A 4(55)* 100LBi/75MCl50/Special 1-5 Berserk(NO)


Bs MxPce/ Speed Size/ AT # Outlook
Type Lvl Rt MMBns MS/AQ Crit Hits (DB) Attacks Enc (IQ)
small 0A 50 FSpt/40 VF/VF T/— 4A 1(60) 10TBi100/20SBi(6) 1-100 Passive
large 1A 90 Dash/30 VF/VF S/— 10A 1(60) 20SBi100/30MBi(3) 1-50 Normal
Large 10G 90 Spt/10 MF/MF L/I 230G 8(30) 85LGr60/65LCl†/70MBi§/90MBa40 1-5 Aggres.
Small 5E 80 Spt/20 MF/MF L/— 150F 8(20) 60LGr60/50LCl†/50MBi§/70MBa40 1-5 Aggres.
Beaver 2A 40 Run/20 MD/MD S/— 40C 3(35) 40SBi100 1-5 Timid
Bee/Wasp 0A 30 Dash/30 MD/VF T/— 1 1(40) 0TSt80/0TPi20/20TSt(10) 1-300 Normal
small 0A 70 Dash/30 FA/FA T/— 5A 1(70) O0Pi50/0TCl150/0SCl(6) 1-200 Timid
large 1A 100 Dash/30 FA/FA S/— 8A 1(50) 0SPi50/0SCl50/20MCl(3) 1-100 Timid
Large 5D 100 Dash/30 FA/MF M/— 100E 3(40) 40MCl40/60MBa60/60MBi§ 1-2 Aggres.
Small 3C 110 Dash/40 VF/VF S/— 60D 3(60) 30MCl30/20SBi30/Both40 1-2 Aggres.
Condor 4C 100 Spt/10 FA/MF M/— 90E 1(30) 50LCl100/45MPi 4 1-2 Passive
Deer 2B 130 Dash/30 VF/FA M/— 70F 3(40) 20MHo90/20MTs10 2-20 Timid(N)
Large 4C 120 Dash/20 VF/FA M/— 65G 3(40) 45MBi100 2-20 Aggres.
Small 2B 100 Dash/30 FA/FA S/— 45F 3(50) 50SBi100 1-10 Normal
Eagle 3C 130 Dash/20 FA/FA M/— 30E 1(30) 50MCl100/35SPi 4 1-2 Aggressive
Falcon 2B 200 Dash/40 VF/BF S/— 20E 1(60) 45SCl100/20SPi 4 1-2 Aggressive
Hawk 2B 150 Dash/30 VF/BF S/— 25B 1(50) 40MCl100/25SPi 4 1-2 Aggressive
Owl 1A 100 FSpt/20 FA/FA S/— 20A 1(50) 35SCl100/10SPi 4 1-2 Normal
Rabbit/Hare 1A 100* Dash/40 VF/FA T/— 10D 1(50) 0TBi100/10SBa(6) 1-10 Jumpy(N)
Large 1A 30 FSpt/10 MD/MF S/— 15B 1(20) 10SBi100/20TBi 2-20 Timid(N)
Small 0A 20 FSpt/20 MD/MF S/— 8A 1(30) 20TBi100/20SBi(6) 2-20 Timid(N)
Sheep (Male) 2B 110 Dash/50 FA/FA M/— 45E 3(40) 60MBa100/50MTs§ 1-10 Normal(N)
Wolf 3C 110 Dash/20 FA/FA M/— 110E 3(30) 65MBi100 2-20 Aggres.
60 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire


Bs MxPce/ Speed Size/ AT # Outlook
Type Lvl Rt MMBns MS/AQ Crit Hits (DB) Attacks Enc (IQ)
Small, water 1A 40 Run/20 MD/MD M/— 85D 7(20) 50MBi100/30SGr§/Special * 1-10 Aggres.
Large, water 3C 50 Run/10 MD/MD L/— 20E 7(10) 80LBi100/80MGr§/Special * 1-10 Aggres.
Dolphin 8F 80 FSpt/40 VF/FA L/— 80E 1(40) 50MBa80/40MBi20 20-100 Normal
Porpoise 7E 80 FSpt/35 VF/FA L/— 85E 1(40) 60MBi100 2-20 Normal
River Dolphin 6E 80 FSpt/30 FA/FA L/— 70E 1(40) 50MBi100 2-6 Timid
Large 3C 90 Spt/20 FA/FA L/— 35D 4(20) 50MPi100 1-5 Normal
Medium 1B 70 Spt/30 FA/FA M/— 20B 3(30) 30SPi100/40MPi(3) 1-20 Normal
Small 0A 50 Spt/40 FA/FA S/— 8A 1(50) 0TPi100/10SPi(6) 1-100 Passive
Frog 0A 10* Run/20 SL/FA T/— A 3(30) 0TBa20/0TGr80/20TGr§ 1-10 Timid
Toad 0A 10 Run/10 SL/FA T/— A 3(40) 0TBa30/0TGr70/10TGr§ 1-10 Normal
Tree Frog 0A 10* Run/10 SL/FA T/— A 3(40) 0TBa30/0TGr70/10TGr§ 1-10 Normal
Jellyfish 0A 5 Walk/0 IN/IN T/— 2 1(30) Touch gives 1-10 hits 1-100 Passive
Killer Whale 9F 100 FSpt/25 VF/VF H/LA 450H 8(20) 100LBa30/110HBi70/150HGr§ 1-5 Belligerent
Small 0A 10 Dash/10 VF/FA T/— A 3(60) 0TBi60/0TCl40/20SBi(6) 1-10 Normal
Large 1B 20 FSpt/0 MD/MD S/— 0C 3(50) 10SBi50/20SCl30/Both20 1-10 Normal
Large 5E 100 FSpt/20 FA/FA L/— 180F 4(20) 100LBi100 1-10 Belligerent
Small 2B 80 FSpt/30 FA/VF M/— 90E 4(40) 60MBi100 1-20 Aggres.
Boa/Python 3C 30 Run/0 VS/MD L/I 5F 3(0) 70MBi30/60MGr70/90LGr§ 1-2 Aggres.
Non-Poisonous 0A 40 Spt/10 SL/VF S/— 0B 1(40) 20TBi100/0SBi(6) 1-5 Normal
Sea Snakes 1A 30 Run/10 SL/FA S/— 0B 1(40) 30TSt100/Poison† 1-2 Normal
Viper 1B 40 Spt/10 SL/VF S/— 5B 1(30) 20SSt100/Poison† 1-2 Normal
Small 1A 40* Run/30 MF/MF S/— 20B 1(50)* 40SGr100/30TPi† 1 Normal
Medium 3B 60* Run/20 MF/MF M/— 40D 1(30)* 60MGr100/40SPi† 1 Normal
Large 6D 80* Run/10 MD/MF L/II 70E 1(30)* 80LGr100/60MPi† 1 Normal
Giant (Kraken) 10E 100* Run/10 MD/MF SL 130F 1(20)* 100HGr100/80LPi† 1 Normal
Turtles, Aquatic&Land
Small, water 0A 30 Run/10 SL/SL S/— 0B 12(20)* 20SPi90/30TBa10 1-2 Passive
land 0A 5 Run/0 CR/SL S/— 0B 12(20* 0SBi100 1-2 Passive
Large, water 2B 40 Run/10 MD/MD M/— 0E 12(0)* 50MPi70/60SBa30 1-2 Passive
land 3C 10 Run/0 CR/SL M/— 0E 12(0)* 20MBi100 1-2 Passive
Baleen 10G 100 Spt/10 MF/MF H/SL 700H 8(50) 80HGr50/75HBa50 2-10 Passive
Beaked 6E 90 Spt/20 MF/MF H/LA 400G 8(40) 85HPi75/60LBa25 6-10 Timid
Narwhale 7E 90 Spt/30 MF/FA L/LA 300F 8(50) 80HHo60/60LBi20/50LBa20 2-10 Normal
Part IV: Realms & Kingdoms 61


ur horses shuffled through the deepening snow and I wondered once again why we didn’t
take a ship north from Arakin and save ourselves several days of road travel in winter. But
Randæ had been evasive, saying only that our eventual destination was inland and this
would work out better in the end.
But the weather was turning against us. The snow seemed to be falling harder with every minute
and several inches already lay on the ground. By my reading of the map we were nearly upon a town
called Niév—a perfect place to spend the night—but Randæ was talking about skirting the town and
heading east towards the foothills of the Spine of Emer tonight. This seemed ill-advised, to put it
“I would rather not stay in Niév.” He sighed finally, after I asked him a third time.
“Why not? Do you have a reputation there?” I smirked.
“No.” I could see the troubled look on his face as he turned to me, even through the falling snow.
“We will find we are not welcome there.”
“Why is that?” Jad demanded.
They do not like Elves in Niév.” Randæ said ominously.
Kalen Avanir
From his Travel Journals
u u u

Second largest of the four main regions, Hæstra is the most widely cultivated and the most
densely populated of Emer’s varied lands. Its mild climate, fertile soil, and available resources
make it an ideal region for human habitation. On the other side of the coin, that means that the
rich lands are coveted and frequently fought over.
Following is an overview of the current geopolitical forces within the region of Hæstra. Brief
summaries of a few neighboring realms may be found in the following chapter, Other Powers.
62 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

This chapter is meant to provide geographic and cul- and Bodlea have since had a friendly and stable relation-
tural information for the various realms and cities, spe- ship for many centuries. Besides, Danarchis has its hands
cifically as noted on the color player map. Information on full dealing with the troublesome Honakh of Præten and
secret or lost sites will (with a few exceptions such as his sea-raiders. Being a practical people, they realized that
Skystone City and Ton-Bor) be found in Part VI, Places of the slow but honest Bodleans would make better allies
Interest. than enemies. Beyond trade with Bodlea, Danarchis has
GM Note: as a point of reference, Hæstra’s land mass is little contact with inland Hæstra.
comparable to that of Spain, France and Italy com- Lethys (a huge city in southern Jaiman), Izar, Kaitaine
bined. Similarly, it is about the size of California and and Eidolon all trade at the Danarchis port of Artha, a
Nevada together. The Komaren Cluster alone is nearly bustling city with beautiful white marble towers and
as large as England. Try to keep this in mind when seaside plazas. The king of Danarchis resides in a gleam-
imagining the variety of realms and terrain here. ing palace on a hillside overlooking Artha.
Also within this section are two charts. One is a military NOTE TO VISITORS
summary of the fighting forces of the various realms. The Visitors to Danarchis—especially to Artha or the other
other is a selection of NPCs, two or three representing
larger towns—will find a friendly, if somewhat aloof,
each realm. These are included to aid the GM in adventure
homogeneous Laan population. The towns are spotless,
ideas and encounters for the PCs. Basic RM2 statistical
and there is minimal crime (city guards are very much in
information is provided which can be easily adapted to
evidence) and moderate corruption. Posted everywhere
RMSS. If more system detail is required the GM can create in Danari, Erlin and Shay are placards listing a number of
it as needed.
infractions and their punishments, including spitting and
littering (5 bp) and public drunkenness (night in jail and
1 • DANARCHIS 1 gp). For more serious crimes, the accused is brought
Occupying a rocky peninsula (the northernmost ex- before a Magistrate.
tension of Hæstra), Danarchis is a small but powerful RESOURCES/EXPORTS
maritime kingdom. Aside from trading with the simple Olives are a rarity elsewhere in Emer and Jaiman but
Bodlean peoples, they have little contact with the inland seem well-suited to the Danarchan hillsides. These as well
affairs of Hæstra — instead reaching out across the seas as wine, clams, shrimp and crabs harvested in the shel-
for their riches. Danarchis also controls all of the small tered bays are all high-demand exports for this small
islands surrounding the realm, to the Forbidden Reef to realm. Healing herbs of various kinds are cultivated in
the west and the Elben Archipelago to the east. sheltered coastal areas as well, and fishing is a major
The kings of Danarchis learned long ago that there was industry.
much more profit to be earned from trade with the There are also rich deposits of tin and nickel in the Blue
stubborn Bodlean Dalesmen than through conquest. As Hills — and a blue-green ore which the merchants of Sel-
a result, the King has declared that his people must never kai and Námar-Tol pay a rich price for, though they are
attempt to seize land beyond the peninsula, and the Talath evasive when asked its purpose. The Danarchan Priests
have agreed not to settle in Danarchan land. Danarchis say that it has some Essænce powers, though it is of no use
to them. (The material is Arinyark ore, a key element in the
making of anti-gravity Xenium.)
Artha is also a major trade corridor, with spices and
pepper coming from the western isles; raw materials from
the Scorpion Ridges; and silks, finished goods, coffee and
tea from the east.
Danarchis has an insatiable need for timber to main-
tain its large fleets and cotton for sails and clothing. The
city obtains most of these supplies from the Bodleans
(except cotton, much of which comes from Tai-emer and
western Uj), in return for wine and finished goods. It also
Flag of Danarchis imports salt, spices and luxury goods.
Part IV: Realms & Kingdoms 63

PLACES OF INTEREST Præten, falling several times to the latter realm. The
While most of Danarchis is rural hills covered by grass islands have strategic value, lying between the two king-
or forest, vineyards or olive orchards, there are some doms and along the heavily traveled Melurian Straits.
bustling trade centers and other spots of interest. Beyond that however, they are not of great value, being
sparsely populated by sheepherders and potato growers.
ARTHA The seas are rough around most of the coastlines, and
Danarchis has only one true city, but the kings have some of the isles still have active volcanism.
lavished all their love and wealth on this metropolis for
generations. While other towns in the kingdom are fish- CULTURAL SUMMARY
ing villages of whitewashed brick, Artha has many Racial Origins: Of Laan descent, the Danarchans are
buildings of pure white marble. Her streets are tall with dark hair and fair skin. They tend to be
paved with stone cobbles, and there are many more slender than the more imposing pure-
courtyards and squares filled with fountains blood Laan, and a few have lighter, often
and grand sculpture. Artha is perched on a curly hair. Their origins are less clear.
rocky hillside overlooking a sheltered bay, Political Structure: Monarchy. The
with extensive harbor facilities. It is also golden scepter passes to the eldest son
well-protected by the Danarchan fleet and when the king reaches the age of 100,
a large contingent of the king’s guard. abdicates or dies (whichever comes
A visitor to Artha will find a cosmo- soonest). There is also a royal Senate of
politan city with a healthy selection of elected men, though they have limited
goods. Traders come from Izar and Sel- power.
kai, the coasts of Jaiman and even as far as
Society and Culture: In Danarchis men
control government and business,
Nestled at the feet of the Blue Hills along
while women are the final authority in
the steep western coast, Diaspar is an iso-
the household. Marriages are arranged,
lated town, accessible only by sea and a
usually within the same class, and the man
narrow pass over the mountains to the more
comes to live with the wife’s family. To outsiders
gentle east slope. It is a place of steep winding
and in most social situations, Danarchans are polite to
streets flanked by whitewashed houses, a way-station
the point of being overly formal; rudeness and disrespect
for trade ships but not a major trade center. Diaspar is
is not tolerated. The one exception is on certain evenings
known for two things, however: its large, black olives
when women remain at home while men often gather for
grown in the hills above the town, and the beautiful blue
raucous parties involving copious wine and food, and
sapphires mined nearby.
good-natured games of skill.
ALBEMARA Technology: TL 3. While Danarchan smiths have the
The Lighthouse of Albemara, though not a great bea- working of iron and a few alloys, they have yet to master
con like the Lights of Izar, is a comforting sight for sea- fine steel, buying what little they need from others The
captains navigating the western coast of Danarchis. Even making of enchanted weapons is beyond their ken. How-
so, navigation around the horn is perilous; the seas around ever, they are unusually advanced in their shipbuilding
the town perched far out on a peninsula are calm, but they skills, having very seaworthy rigged ships second on Emer
hide danger beneath the surface only to those of Elven design.
DANARCHAN ISLES Arts & Architecture In the cities (of which there are two
Ringing Danarchis are dozens of islands and countless besides the port-capital of Artha, not counting more than
atolls. Some inhabited, others little more than barren a dozen villages), the Danarchan architectural skills are in
rocky outcrops. Coral reefs and tricky currents make full flower, revealed in graceful towers, temples and pal-
navigating among them a job for the experienced sea aces of gleaming white marble. They are equipped with
captain. clean running water and sewage facilities. The remaining
The Elben Archipelago, six larger islands and numer- villages which dot the coast and mountainsides are rustic
ous tiny outcroppings, is currently under Danarchan gatherings of stone cottages. The stone is of necessity as
protection. Over the last several hundred years it has been much as a desire for permanence; there is very little
an object of contest between Artha and the Honakhs of available timber in Danarchis, and most is used for ships
64 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

or fuel. Danarchis is known for fine pink coral jewelry— domestically-grown vegetables and some mutton. Some
and a unique form of dramatic pantomime play, often eat corn-meal, but wheat bread is preferred (much of the
using elaborate costumes and masks. There are a few wheat supplied by Bodlea).
travelling Danarchan play troupes, in high demand in Worship: Unusually cosmopolitan, Danarchans worship
cities throughout Emer. the entire Orhanian pantheon, though they frequently
Clothing: In the usually mild climate of this coastal realm, call upon Shaal, the master of the Seas, for favorable
the Danarchan men wear simple kilts or loose shorts, weather (For insurance, they ask his servant Neela to
while women almost exclusively wear billowing pants and moderate him should Shaal lose his infamous temper.)
an over-tunic. Brightly dyed silks are always in demand There is a large and influential priesthood — many of
here; Danarchans buy all they can get from the Sel-kai them Channelers of some skill — who maintain temples
traders who bring such cloths from Nuyan Khôm. to the gods. Priests of Zanar and Andaras have had little
Military Structure: Danarchis’ strength is in its navy. It success in gaining a foothold here.
has a large fleet of galleys which patrol the calm coastal
waters, warding off attack by the Præten raiders. (Note 2 • BODLEA
that these ships are of a radically different design than the
More of a region than a specific government, this
fast, rigged trading vessels).
rolling land of hills and valleys north of the Keyten river is
Currency: Danarchis mints its own pieces of silver, the home to a collection of Talath dales, a term referring to the
weight matching a standard set by Eidolon. independent valley-towns and the farm/pasture lands
Language: Danari is the official language, which has its surrounding them. The dales are relatively isolated, mak-
roots in Old Emer. In fact, it is more similar to that lost ing only sporadic contact between each other. However,
tongue than any other language spoken on Emer today. the southern dales benefit from contact by river trade with
Diet/Subsistence: Mixed economy in most mainland; the Elves of Talæn and the Miirians, and the northern
Fisherfolk on islands. Fish is a staple, supplemented by Dales trade with Danarchis.

One of the moors of Bodlea. Note the standing stones, part of some ancient ruin.
Part IV: Realms & Kingdoms 65

The Bodleans are known for their simple hospitality,
but they also have an instinct for those who mean them
harm. Most are outgoing and friendly, ready with general
information and harmless gossip. Crime and corruption
are minimal. There are virtually no inns in Bodlea except
in the cities, but travellers are always welcome to spend
the night in a barn.
Located in the very foothills of the Blue Hills, Carlsdale
is in an upland vale and is the closest of the dales to
Danarchis. It is also one of the largest and wealthiest of
the Bodlean villages. Carlsdale has large flocks of sheep
and grows corn, wheat and cotton, in addition to a wide
variety of vegetables.
The largest producer of wheat in Bodlea, Millsdale lies
near the windy, rock-strewn western coast. Much of the
shoreline is rocky cliffs, so the Talath of Millsdale have
little to do with the sea (which is fine with them; Talath
seem to have a racial fear of the open ocean).
Another upland valley community, Highdale is nestled
in the western hills of the Choak Mountains. Somewhat
isolated from the other dales, Highdalers tend to have an
(uncharacteristic) superiority complex. They are still
friendly with other Bodleans, but affect a superior air.
A Talath Shepherd boy from Uppsdale DALE SYMBOLS
pencil and watercolor, from the sketchbook Dale Symbol ≈Population
‘Peoples of Emer’ by Haldak Vatay Carlsdale Three Stars 600
Millsdale A Bundle of Wheat 400
Reasons why southern lords have not annexed this Rakesdale A Raven 350
land are as many as the sheep which graze on it. The soil Allesdale An Eclipsing Sun 300
is not as fertile as that in the Miirian land, so has (rela- Highdale A Gryphon 300
tively) limited agricultural value. Because of cold winds Yorndale A Running Horse 200
off the western coast, Bodlea is considerably cooler and Alainsdale A Spread-winged Eagle 300
sees more rain than the rest of Hæstra. The Talath, while
Galendale A Tree 250
disorganized, are ferocious fighters when defending their
Uppsdale A crossed sword and Scythe 300
homesteads. Another reason, and perhaps the most bi-
Wyerdale A Wyvern 400
zarre, is the superstitious fear among the southern forces
that the river Naiad Kellus will rise up to defend the simple Gravesdale A Yellow Rose 250
GM Note: It is in fact true that there is a river Naiad in Racial Origins: With their big-boned physiques, blond
the Keyten, and he does protect the Bodleans when he hair and smooth, fair skin, the Bodleans are very closely
can. He is not omnipotent, but has an awareness of all related to Talath stock.
who enter or pass over his river. More information on
Political Structure: Each Dale is ruled by a council of the
him can be found in the Other Powers section.
seven Eldest (male or female).
66 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

Society and Culture: Patrilineal and

patrilocal, women when they marry
3 • MIIR
move into the home of the man. Miir is a name given to the region situated south of the
Households are run exclusively by Keyten river, and between the Langasse to the west and
the eldest man. The Bodleans have a Alana to the east. This region known collectively as Miir is
rich oral history, and while writing actually a collection of semi-independent lord-holdings,
is known to them it is usually taught and scattered homesteads. The wilderness is strewn with
only to the town shaman or healers. beautiful if mysterious ruins. It is a rolling land with many
small valleys. The downs of Miir have the richest soil in
Technology: TL 2. The Bodleans actually make rather fine
Emer and were once the heart of the Emerian Empire
copper and tin implements, and thanks to their trade with
under Aldaron. As with Stroane and Vornia, many of the
Danarchis have little reason to pursue ironwork on their
Miir lords hold titles passed down since the days of the
own. Their pottery is also simple but attractive. Few
Bodleans can afford a very good loom, so they trade raw
Up until nine years ago most of Miir had been united
wool for cotton and linen cloth.
under the Kings of Orian for several centuries. Like
Arts & Architecture Very rustic wood structures with dirt neighboring Vornia, Miir is a land of feudal alliances. To
floors and thatch or wood-shingle ceilings are the norm; the north, Relian remains an independent city-state, grown
sometimes important structures in a given Dale are con- wealthy and powerful through trade across the Keyten
structed of stone. and the Choak Gap.
Clothing: Simple wool or cotton clothing: shirts with However, the Orian pact was splintered nine years ago
suede or wool pants are the rule in when the Katra of Stroane lay siege to Orian and de-
Bodlea’s cool climate. The men will manded the King’s surrender. Taken completely by sur-
sometimes go shirtless and the prise by this aggression after centuries of peaceful coexist-
women switch to cotton dresses when ence, the king was unable to summon the help of the vassal
the weather gets hot. lords and Orian fell. The Katra received the king’s alle-
Military Structure: None as such. If giance and married his daughter.
the Dale is threatened, the Elders will Recent events have disrupted this political situation
raise a militia. (see the timeline) and Miir is once again in turmoil.
Currency: None internally; barter is
practically the exclusive mode of
Orian and Relian are the two cities which anchor Miir
trade. Most Bodleans have a few coppers squirreled away
at north and south. Most others are towns which have
for special purchases when a travelling merchant comes
grown up around feudal manor holdings. In addition to
through, however.
those listed, there are numerous farms and small villages
Language: Revealing their Jaimani origins, the Talath of scattered across the countryside. Virtually every 15 miles
Bodlea all speak what they call Tal, a sophisticated and or so along most roads one will encounter a small manor
beautiful language which is very close to the speech of the or castle.
Myri of Tanara. This musical, lilting tongue is one of the
most complex in Emer. ORIAN
Diet/Subsistence: Herders/Mixed Economy. Basic fare of A walled city on the north shore of the Sea of Votania,
vegetables (greens and tubers), wheat breads, fowl and Orian is built on ancient foundations. Here during the
mutton are the staples of this bucolic people. Cows are time of the Emerian Empire stood a port which served
usually kept for dairy products. ships making the 50 league journey by water from the
capital city of Aldain on Votania. Upon those remains was
Worship: The Bodleans recognize the pantheon of Orhan
built the capital of the kingdom of Irdania. While not
— especially Iloura and Oriana. But they are also super-
architecturally as grand as either of these, Orian is a
stitious and pay homage to a vast array of local and
thriving city centrally located in Hæstra.
household spirits . Those near the Keyten River in particu-
lar worship Kellus. Visitor Notes: Entry fee: 5 bp. Orian is fairly cosmopoli-
tan, though one does not see many races other than Shay
or Laan. Crime and corruption are moderate.
Part IV: Realms & Kingdoms 67

A way-stop along the
Imperial highway from Re-
lian to Bentara on the Iza-
ran coast, Pellern is a poor,
run-down community
which has seen better days.
Once it was a wealthy min-
ing town, when gold flowed
from the mountains, but
most of the veins in the area
are tapped out. Aging Lord
Dreygen is ill and his wife—
the young Lady Wintessa,
daughter of Lord Dennys
of Bornay—is unhappy
here. She takes out her bit-
terness at marrying the sick
old man by punishing the
serfs and carrying on barely
concealed affairs.
The High Temple of Mynistra near Helberna
RELIAN At the meeting of the upper Langasse on the north and
On the southern bank of the Keyten River just before the Deer Run river on the south, this sizable town is still
it joins the cold, swift Taursa, Relian is a crossroads mining its wealth from the mountains as well as from field
between Bodlea and the heart of Hæstra. Traders coming and river. The Count Harond is an eccentric man (and an
through the Choak Gap pass through here, as well as those astrologer) but he and his daughter are fair and competent.
coming overland from Danarchis. This city-state has an It is a common suspicion among the townsfolk that
unusually diverse population: here one might see Anzeti there is an underground fortress of Elves nearby, but it is
from the Emer highlands, Bodleans who have abandoned not discussed in front of strangers (except perhaps under
rural life for the city, and even a few Jaaderi—mostly duress or a sufficient bribe). Many townsfolk have glimpsed
immigrants from Pochantos, fleeing Lankani repression. what appear to be tall dark men on huge scorpion-like
A few Loari Elves also make their homes here. The vast steeds in the night, or shadowy travellers with an Elvish
majority of the population remains Shay, however, fol- mien on the roads. Exactly where this city is they do not
lowed by Laan. know, but suspect it is somewhere to the south, perhaps 10
Relian is administered by the Chamber of Five: The leagues or so.
High Priest of Phaon, the Grand Guildmaster, and three HELBERNA
wealthy lords.
This bustling town is not only a busy trade center on
Visitor Notes: Entry fee: 3 bp. Crime is becoming preva- the shores of the Votanian Sea but is also the home of the
lent, especially with the influx of Pochanti. Corruption high temple of the goddess Mynistra (See Other Powers).
is moderate. The High Archbishop of the Mynistran Church is located
BORNAY here as well, and much of the surrounding land is ruled by
lords who are also bishops of her faith. (Politics and
A small town just south of the Keyten, Bornay grew up
religion are inextricably intertwined in Hæstra as well as
beside an ancient Empire-era bridge, the only one span-
many other places on Kulthea.)
ning the Keyten River for three days’ walk in either
direction. The town and bridge are controlled by Lord From the three-sided High Temple of Mynistra over-
Dennys of Bornay Castle. looks the city on a nearby bluff, a powerful reminder of the
goddess’ presence.
68 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

Visitor Notes: Entry fee: 2 bp. Helberna

has a very large Laan populace, with Shay
being second in number. Crime and cor-
ruption are moderate.
This town has the unfortunate distinc-
tion of being near the reputed lair of Motar
Voorg the Red Dragon. The great beast has
not yet attacked the town, but he has raided
farms and destroyed several manors in the
area. Lord Lystor is at a loss; beyond offer-
ing a 1,000 gold piece reward for the head of
the dragon (many have tried to slay the
dragon, all have failed).
Alkartek is a sprawling castle overlooking a
vast territory in central Miir, a land with rich
soil and plentiful ancient ruins. Many were
broken down long ago for stones to build new
houses and bridges, but there are still quite a
few scattered among the rolling wheat fields.
Old Lord Nemeck is unsure how to pass on
his territory to his twin sons, who at 20 are
eager to assume responsibility.
The town rests on the north shore of the Three Sisters of Mynistra
Alana River, at a crossroads between three large pencil and watercolor, from the sketchbook
cities. Bokpentok is surrounded by a low stone ‘Peoples of Emer’ by Haldak Vatay
wall, and Count Hirotha’s castle is an ancient but
sound structure. A large abbey of Mynistra is also located
near Bokpentok, just over the river to the south. child to cement an alliance. Among the wealthy however,
many learn to play a musical instrument, and most women
CULTURAL SUMMARY are skilled with sewing and embroidery. Noble boys are
Racial Origins: For the most part, the Miirians are of Shay trained in weapons with the aim of becoming a knight.
descent, though some—especially those of the merchant Children of either sex who show aptitude for the arcane
and landed classes—show evidence of Laan blood in their arts are sent to a school to hone their skills (having a child
ancestry. with magical talent is very prestigious, not to mention a
Political Structure: Varies somewhat from village to vil- possible source of advantage over others).
lage, but most are controlled by the local lord in his castle, Technology: TL 2-3. Varies somewhat from manor to
who in turn is answerable to a regional lord. The overall manor. The larger cities possess a greater sophistication.
political picture is shifting constantly as various lords Clothing: The majority of Miirian people wear wool or
struggle to dominate each other. cotton clothing and leather shoes. Only the wealthy lords
Society and Culture: A typical feudal society: most of the and their ladies can afford the finer fabrics such as velvet
wealth and leisure time is available only to the lords and and silk.
their families. The serfs labor with little time for recre- Arts & Architecture Strictly wood structures except in a
ation, and their lives are controlled by the lord, sometimes rare important building, such as a lord’s castle or a temple.
to the point of who and when they can marry. Of course, Military Structure: As noted above, Miir’s military is
even the offspring of lords will probably have no say in made up of the many feudal lords’ knights, and when
their future spouse, being betrothed to another lord’s necessary the raised militia of serfs.
Part IV: Realms & Kingdoms 69

Currency: Barter is a common system of trade; coins Korel was killed along the road from Izar, apparently by
minted in Arakin, Izar, Danarchis and even Sel-kai are bandits. There were rumors that the boy arranged his
also seen. father’s death, but no proof. Meanwhile, he has proven a
Language: All speak dialects Shay; some speak a bit of Old capable leader and managed to keep his council of advi-
Emer; and Erlin. sors in line—including the power-hungry Sorcerer
Ventine. Bentara is one of two key land routes from
Diet/Subsistence: Herders/Mixed Economies. Wheat,
mainland Hæstra to Izar and the sea, and also the main
corn and tubers are staples, supplemented with beef, some
trade point with the Dwarves of Ton-Bor
mutton, fowl and greens.
Worship: Mynistra is by far the most followed deity in DYNAX
Miir, though many Lords of Orhan are called upon as On the shores of the Sea of Votania and just a day’s
‘lesser gods.’ A few even follow ‘Dark Gods.’ march from the eves of the Emerald Forest, Dynax stands
at a critical trade juncture, just over the mountains from
Sarnak and the western isles. The city is also in a state of
4 • VORNIA political turmoil, having just overthrown its feudal lord
The grasslands between the Bay of Izar and the Gold Wurlek (he is in prison) but the new Guild Council is
Mountains were never densely populated. Vornia is more mired in petty bickering. Midenna of Gelbentex is consid-
of an ancient regional name than a political delineation; ering a takeover, but in the meantime it is a standing joke
there is no central government or any unifying force to the in Dynax that no one knows who is in charge. Trade is
scattered population. The Cultures here are essentially uninterrupted, however, and the main bureaucracy con-
similar to those of Miir, though there are a few Jineri tinues to function as before. Unfortunately, it is rife with
immigrants from the western isles. See the Miir informa- corruption. Bribery and embezzling is widespread. Crime
tion above for cultural information. is a growing problem, and Dynax is becoming known as a
JENNIS city of thieves.
Nestled in a vale near the western end of the Forbidden
Ridge, Jennis is a town under a shadow. It and several 5 • STROANE
surrounding villages are ruled by the Bishop Timmon Stroane is a kingdom in great turmoil. Just a decade
V’nar, a Laan priest of considerable powers, who also ago it was poised to control almost all of Hæstra; today it
holds the title of Baron. is on the verge of complete collapse.
The Bishop of Jennis is by claim a follower of Mynistra, A few years ago, the Katra (‘king’) was murdered by his
but fifteen years ago he turned from following her to the young wife, an act which smacks of a conspiracy of some
worship of Moralis the dark god. It is a tragic tale of sort (she was an assassin sent from Sarnak). But the wife
unrequited love and jealousy which may one day be told, escaped, and the other members of this supposed plot
but suffice it to say that the Bishop goes through the have yet to be uncovered.
motions of following Mynistra by day while leading per- The Katra’s son
verse dark ceremonies to Moralis by night. Mikal—just ten
From the fortified abbey complex overlooking the years old—was
town he rules with an ever tightening grip, giving the ruler in name
sadistic captain of the guard a free hand to keep the people only, the actual
in line. administration
GELBENTEX being handled by
a triumvirate
Baroness Midenna rules her small domain with a firm Crest of
made up of the
but even hand from her fairy-tale castle perched on the Stroane
cliffs overlooking the Sea of Votania. In addition to being highest military of-
ficial (the Lord Gen-
a skilled administrator, Midenna is an accomplished ma-
eral), the Katra’s most eminent advisor (the Andaras High
gician. During the town’s revolt against the Stroane occu-
Priest Shatang) and the Katra’s uncle (Lorek, Prince of
pation she used her powers against the armies of the Katra.
Vornia). The three were frequently at odds, and the
BENTARA government was unstable. One by one the local lords
The Count of Bentara is the young Bryce Korel, who began to reassert their independence, until the Lord Gen-
succeeded his father last year at the age of 19. The elder
70 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

The town of Qye, looking northeast. The water is an inlet of the Sea of Votania.
Etching by Dendenien of Orian
eral—with the backing of the Church of Zanar—insti-
gated a coup and had the other two rulers put to death. of Emer and grains from the surrounding fertile land.
However, he was unable to stop the deterioration of the However, townsfolk will tell you that strange things have
realm, and now Stroane has shrunk to the Lene river on begun to happen in Teterantor recently. The Lord Garan
the north and Qye to the south. Lord General Terell now Tholen has not been seen during the day for the last few
fights to maintain order in a kingdom fraught with troubles months, nor his eldest son in 30 days. All proclamations
inside and out. have been made by the Lord’s secretary. When seen after
sundown he looks pale and tired. Also, people have begun
ARAKIN to disappear from the town without a trace. Some fear that
The capital city and trade center of Stroane, Arakin lies the lord has become some sort of wraith… or a vampire.
along the eastern shore of Vul Arus (I. “enchanted wa- He has become a vampire, and feeds on the people by night..
ters,” the old name of the Sea of Votania). A city of dark He was made so by the minstrel Xanar Trellian, who only
grey stone, it is a forbidding sight. Arakin is surrounded travels by night.
by a high wall with many towers and battlements.
Visitor Note: 8 bronze pieces are charged to enter the city Despite its relative proximity to the city of Arakin, Niév
(a bit stiff), and the Stroane military is everywhere, but is a backwater town ruled in name by the Baron Jerel
rather than maintain order they are often the cause of Hunoren. However, the real power rests with his advisor,
trouble. Brawls and fights are common, drunkenness the Priest Robersin of the cult of Andaras. Under Robersin’s
rampant. Crime and corruption are pervasive. In gen- influence the town has become paranoid and suspicious
eral, Arakin has become a very rough town. of all outsiders, especially those other than the Shay. Elves
TETERANTOR are specifically hated, to the point that it is now illegal to
For the most part Teterantor is an unremarkable manor, be an Elf in Niév. Many travellers now avoid the town,
its wealth derived from mines in the shadow of the Spine staying east of it and fording the Lene river a few miles up.
Part IV: Realms & Kingdoms 71

QYE Arts & Architecture (housing) Multi-storey stone struc-

The town of Qye (pronounced ‘kye’) is a grim place in tures in Arakin. Fully transparent glass windows, wood
the shadow of the Spine where the sun never seems to and coal-burning stoves.
reach. The castle of Lord Dremnock broods over the Clothing: Elaborate wool, cotton and imported silk clothes
huddled buildings, an ancient pile of stones. are worn by the upper classes (wealthy merchants and
People of this town do not look you directly in the eyes, nobility), while the middle merchants and craftsmen wear
their gaze always shifting from place to place. They seem simpler, but high-quality garb. The peasantry wears cot-
glad enough to see visitors, but at the same time they are ton or wool shifts.
not very talkative. This is especially true when one is Military Structure: The large standing army is well-
planning to take the Norg Road to Cloud Pass, because equipped, with a very regimented structure, though there
they are afraid of revealing the secret, the Terror in the are increasing problems in the ranks: desertions, insubor-
Trees dination, etc. Shortswords and broadswords are the pre-
Just five miles from the outskirts of Qye lie the eaves of ferred weapons, and Stroane composite bows are of high
the Forest of Norg. once a game preserve for the Emperor quality.
of Emer. However, something which slept there for many Currency: A silver coinage is minted in Arakin; some
years was awakened: Shards. The river Imanas roars down other cities will no longer accept it, however, claiming that
through this dark and brooding wood from where the it has been diluted with lead.
Spine of Emer meets the Forbidden Ridge. Beside the river
is the Norg Road, a winding way which becomes steep and
twisting as it rises into the Spine to Cloud Gate, a
narrow pass across the mountains into northwest-
ern Khûm-kaan, and the edge of the new king-
dom of Ardania.
The fortunes of Qye have improved in re-
cent years with the rise of Ardania in the east,
and increased trade through Cloud Pass. If
word should get out of the Terror, this new
income would dry up. So they must stay quiet.
So what if a few merchants become food for
the Demons…

Racial Origins: The majority of the Stroane
population (about 85%) is Shay, with most of
the remainder (predominantly the merchant
and noble classes) being Laan. Elves and the
other races are rare
Political Structure: While theoretically an ab-
solute monarchy, Stroane is currently under
the ‘temporary’ rule of Lord General Terell. At
present the throne is occupied by the boy Mikal,
though Guard Captain Snythe has real control of
the government (if anyone does).
Society and Culture: With resources strained from
the long aggressive war, there has been little time for
the arts in Arakin.
Technology: TL 4. Stroane is one of the most tech-
nically advanced realms in Hæstra. Guard Captain Snythe, Lord General Terell,
Zanar Priest Marik Ch’toy
pencil and watercolor, by Haldak Vatay
72 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

Language: There is a ceremonial tongue known fluently to trees. Reefs surround the island, making it treacherous to
about 30% of the population as “Old Emer,” but it is approach. While the Elves will help those who are ship-
actually a distant corruption of that ancient language. All wrecked or otherwise in trouble, they do not welcome
speak Shay, their common tongue. casual mortal visitors.
Diet/Subsistence: Herders/Mixed Economies. The people FLORA AND FAUNA
of Stroane enjoy a well-rounded diet of beef, mutton, a
Talæn is a microcosm of nature, supporting an inter-
variety of breads and cheeses, tubers and greens.
esting array of plant and animal types. Its proximity to the
Worship: Although there are a few temples dedicated to mountainous coast of Hæstra (barely fifty miles at the
some of the Lords of Orhan, the churches of Zanar and nearest point) allows many birds to travel there. Some-
Andaras are currently dominant. how an array of other temperate-climate creatures also
made their way, including deer, goats, and a variety of
6 • ZINVAR other herbivorous creatures.
Until 5948 — barely a hundred years ago — Zinvar was CULTURAL SUMMARY
one of the preeminent trading centers on Emer. A large Racial Origins: Pure Erlin stock.
island, it was an independent city-state at the mouth of the
Political Structure: Monarchy. King Seylars rules here
Keyten river . It had ties with the Dales, Danarchis, Kaitaine,
with his wife, Queen Linnea. Descent is through the eldest
and even Sel-kai and Zinvar had become a wealthy port to
child. The main village is located in the southern bay of
rival Kaitaine.
the island.
Then, in 5945, a man who only called himself the
Nameless One arrived in Zinvar and announced that the Society and Culture: The population of this peaceful
city would fall within a year. After he wandered the city for island spends its time tending the plantlife, protecting its
8 days foretelling doom, he was asked to leave the island. borders, and in art and song. To visitors they seem to be
For three years all was normal in Zinvar, and the city in a dreamlike existence, unhurried and unconcerned.
prospered. Then, three years later to the day (so the tales But if threatened they are deadly foes. Aside from the
go), a ship with tattered black sails came riding into the unquestioned authority of the king and queen, there
western port at sunset, against the wind. It maneuvered seems little other structure to this society. Some couples
into the port as if a skilled crew was at the sails, yet wed while other Elves move through casual relationships.
lookouts could see no one on deck. The ship touched the Technology: TL 2-4. The Elves are skilled craftsmen,
stone dock and vanished. Then the madness began. devoting their energies mainly to works of art and musical
Whether it was a plague or a curse of one of the Dark instruments. They also have simple but seaworthy sailing
Gods will never be known. While legends say that no one vessels.
escaped, a few Navigators did. Fleeing instantly, those Arts & Architecture The Erlin live in huts along the edges
whose Jumps did not go awry were mind-blasted idiots of forest glades, or in light houses constructed in the trees.
who only recovered after months of treatment. Those Each hut is roofed with fronds sealed with beeswax, while
who did not escape attacked each other with the nearest the walls are living vines. The floors of these houses are
weapon — or their bare hands. Trading ships who arrived thick moss or planks. Any cooking is done in outdoor
later that evening saw the port ablaze, great fires reaching stoves of stone and iron.
hundreds of feet into the air. They turned away. For days Clothing: Simple cotton or silk tunics are the norm. Face-
Zinvar burned, columns of smoke visible for miles. Sup- paints are often used for decoration, as well as seashell or
posedly no one has yet returned to the cursed isle… and coral earrings and bracelets.
lived to tell of it.
Military Structure: All Talæn inhabitants are taught to
use a longbow and a knife, though there is no standing
7 • TALÆN fighting force as such. The Erlin also possess many small,
This island off the western coast of Emer is a idyllic swift and maneuverable boats.
haven of Erlini. While only 150 miles from the cursed Currency: None.
island of Zinvar (they could see it burn on that day), the Language: Erlin.
Elves of Talæn had never been in close contact with the
Diet/Subsistence: Gatherers/Fisherfolk. Seafood and a
island. Talæn has a moderate climate and is covered
wide variety of fruits and vegetables grown on the island.
almost entirely by forest, dominated by the massive navaal
Part IV: Realms & Kingdoms 73

They drink a fine mead (an alcoholic beverage made from THE PEOPLE OF THE FOREST
fermented honey; the Erlin are accomplished beekeep- A small community resides deep within the Emerald
ers). Forest, powerful beings with Animistic abilities who are
Worship: Iloura, Jaysek and Kieron are favorites of the unlike any other race on Kulthea. The People of the
Talæn Elves, and they have a mixed respect and fear for Emerald Forest are secretive and wary of outsiders, but are
Shaal. The Elves of Talæn hold frequent banquets in not unkind. They almost never venture forth from their
honor of the Lords of Orhan. haven, and—as mentioned before—a warding presence
prevents unwanted intruders from entering the perimeter
of the forest.
8 • THE EMERALD FOREST On the rare occasion when members of the Forest Folk
Situated between the Sea of Votania and the Bay of out, they are seen only as if through a misty haze, their
Izar, this extensive forest contains a plethora of wild plants features never to be easily made out. One thing is certain:
and animals — and not a few sentient life forms as well. though the wood is a perilous place, it is most so for
Though the Miirians and Vornians say it is haunted, the creatures of evil intent.
Forest is the home of many of the Fairy Folk, a group of
Fauns, and a secretive community of arboreal people. The CULTURAL SUMMARY
master of the Emerald Forest is a powerful being; one Racial Origins: Unknown, though the Forest People have
might call him a god. similarities to Nymphs and Elves, yet are of neither race.
The Forest is surrounded by an invisible barrier which They are immortal, yet reproduce like men and Elves.
inhibits entry by those unwelcome — which constitutes Whether they can be killed is unknown, though it is said
anyone but the Fauns and Forest-folk themselves, as well that powerful Dark Essænce can weaken them. Physically
as dangerous wild animals. small, rarely does a member of either sex reach 6' in height.
GM Note: If uninvited, one must successfully resist 10th Their skin is fair and their eyes are always green, though
hair color may vary from pale blonde to dark brown.
level Channeling or feel unease, increasing as one moves
further in until it is unbearable. Political Structure: The Forest People have a King and
Queen, though among them all are considered equal;
THE FAUNS their Lord and Lady serve to speak for them and judge in
The colony of Fauns who make their home under the disputes. Little more in the way of law or government is
eaves of the Emerald Forest do so at the sufferance of the needed. (Kel—see below—is thought of more as a be-
Forest Folk. They repay this hospitality by guarding the nevolent presence than a ruler, and he is too easily dis-
forest perimeter and helping to protect the wood. tracted and impulsive to be an administrator.)
Among the most ‘human-like’ of the several races of Technology: TL 2. The Forest People use little in the way
Fauns, these are handsome youths with smooth tanned of metal; iron and steel are materials which fear and avoid.
skin and beardless faces. Their bodies overall (including These metals interfere with their magic; whether steel can
legs and feet) are as a muscled human’s, only their small actually do harm because of their nature is unclear. The
curling horns on their head protruding from chestnut knives which some warriors use are of a green glassy
hair betraying their Fairie origins. They prefer to run substance which may be laen, though how this rustic
naked, though some will clothe themselves in green kilts people could master the art of laen-working is a puzzle. A
when travelling outside the Forest. few weapons are also of a greenish metal (beryllium)
Most Fauns are skilled with the bow and a melee found only in one other place on Emer, the jungles of
weapon; all are excellent musicians and singers. They Khûm-kaan.
spend much of their time at play, or dancing, singing and
GM Note: The Forest People are reduced to half their
partying. Their libidinous reputation is well-deserved.
effective level for spell-casting in the presence of iron
They revere Kieron, toasting him often at their banquets.
within 10 feet, (including PPs). Those wearing lots of
This group has a hierarchy among them, with a sort of
iron (like armor) get a +30 to RRs vs. their magic.
pack or gang mentality. The current leader is Kearo, who
Weapons of iron are Of Slaying the Forest People. They
maintains his place as much with his charisma as by his
will attempt to flee when faced by it under all but most
superior prowess.
extenuating circumstances.
GM Note: Many have Bardic spells, and they are
mischievous. They have been known to waylay travellers
just for fun, or even hijack a wine shipment.
74 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

capable of godlike feats, they do not ‘worship’ him. In-

stead, he leads the people in a worshipful respect — and
unity with — the earth itself (much like the Fairie-folk).
Though the Forest Folk clearly have magical items of their
own, they dislike outside magic.

A powerful Dryad-like being, Kel ranks with the Spirits
of Orhan in his resilience. (In fact, the Loremasters
believe that he was once a Spirit of Orhan who surren-
dered many of his powers to live permanently in the
Emerald Forest.) In temperament he is like a playful boy
— though he protects the Forest People as his own chil-
dren. Kel almost never assumes his 12' form because he
considers it intimidating and against his character. How-
ever, if he or his people are truly threatened, he will.
Kel usually wears a bright green tunic with darker
tights and moccasins. He is linked empathically to a huge,
sentient Oak Tree in the center of the Forest, and between
them they maintain a barrier of protection about the
entire wood. If dangerous intruders enter, he is immedi-
ately aware of it.
System Notes: If the wood is threatened, Kel can
increase its power to that equal to a Great Warding
Perimeter. Should Kel be defeated, his spirit returns to
the tree and the perimeter retreats to just around the
A Stroane Guard at Arakin Vale of the Tree. Should this mighty tree be somehow
destroyed while Kel’s spirit is recovering there, he would
Arts & Architecture None. They live in the forest glades be slain.
and in the trees under the sun and stars. Man-made THE GREAT OAK
structures of any kind make them uneasy.
It is an ancient, huge tree, 150’ tall, with branches extend-
Clothing: Finely woven tunics of a silky material which ing almost 100’ out from the trunk. The trunk itself is over ten
shimmers green-blue (+50 to hiding), breeches of a soft feet in diameter. Acorns from the oak are 3x normal size, and
suede-like hide, and sometimes boots of similar (though enchanted: six can provide a day’s nutrition.
thicker) hide. Often they go barefoot.
System Notes: Sentient Tree, defends as a Super-Large
Military Structure: None. All seem to be proficient Creature, 1,000 hits, AT 20 (200). It is intelligent and
warriors in some form of combat or other, however. can speak mentally to Kel or the Forest People. It Knows
Many are skilled Animists, Druids and Shamans. Others the Animist Lists Plant Mastery, Animal Mastery and
are experienced with a long bow, knife and quarterstaff. Nature’s Lore to 50th, except all ranges are to the
Currency: None. perimeter of the Forest. It controls the Warding Perim-
Language: Though they have their own unique, lilting eter around the Forest, and also knows Warding Power
tongue, it appears that most Forest people know the and Warding Lore to 90th level. If necessary, it can
rudiments of Erlin (Common Elvish) and Old Emer. All cause the entire forest to rise up in defense — a truly
are versed in the ancient Earth-Channeling tongue Enruth. frightening concept to would-be enemies.
Diet/Subsistence: Herbivorous, the Forest People forage
for their food. The forest provides all they require; agri- 9 • SARNAK
culture is a foreign concept to them. To the south of the river Urij, slag-like hills rise steeply
Worship: The inhabitants of the Emerald Forest are mas- to the impassable Morbek Highlands. To the north
ters of Channeling powers, and though their leader is stretches the rocky Forbidden Ridge. At the mouth of this
Part IV: Realms & Kingdoms 75

swift and cold River lies the city-state of Sarnak, realm of cluster of interlocking towers. This is also the site of the
the amazon warriors. Sarnak treasury.
Situated strategically on the trade route between the
coastal mining villages along the bay and the inland
settlements, Sarnak guards the shortest route to Votania, The land claimed by the Directorate of Sarnak lies
and the only pass from Hæstra to western Uj. Many along the coast to the southwest, up the steep valley
caravans travel through the Storm Pass to Sarnak, and the behind the city to the east. On the eastern front the state
city has grown wealthy and powerful—but this was not is guarded from the north by the Emerald Forest, and on
always so. the south by the Morbek Highlands. There is a pass south
to the Charn Plateau in Uj.
The most notable feature of Sarnak society is the role
of the sexes. Women rule this land, and men are subser- VISITOR NOTES
vient domestics who look after the children, cook, sew, All the women of Sarnak are cooly polite to visitors.
farm, and perform all other domestic chores. The women They will attempt to address the first female of the group,
are the warriors, heads of government, and usually the but will deal with men. 3 bp are charged to enter the city,
craftsmen. Once Sarnak was like most other cities which plus tariffs on trade goods. Crime and corruption are
had outgrown their feudal lord: ruled by wealthy guilds minimal; the Amazons have little tolerance for either.
and merchants. But a series of foolish mistakes made in
the interest of short-term gains almost ruined the town.
The women conspired to rescue their city. They drugged
the male leaders and soldiers and imprisoned them.
Then the women took control.
While the Warrior-Amazons of
Sarnak are known throughout Emer,
the people of Sarnak do not consider
themselves a martial society. While
women are trained as fighters, they
are not an aggressive people, only
attacking when they consider them-
selves threatened. And they only re-
sort to war when diplomacy and
other means have failed. As a classic
example, rather than face Stroane
on the battlefield and lose hundreds
of lives, they sent an assassin to kill
Stroane’s leader and collapse the
realm’s government, removing the

Located on the southern shore of the
river Urij, the city is constructed on a
bluff of rock overlooking the river and
the eastern portion of the Bay of Izar.
Sarnak City itself is a looming presence, a
jumble of dark towers and parapets de-
signed to look impressive and to be im-
pregnable. Inside it is not so grim, many of
the shops and houses being painted bright
colors. It is also unusually clean, boasting Two women of the Sarnak Directorate confer while a
an efficient sewage system. The Director- (male) page stands by to attend them
ate meets in the Administration Center, a
76 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

TRADE vate life. Men when seen in public always have their eyes
As a crossroads, Sarnak sees a wide variety of goods. cast down and speak quietly. All women are addressed as
Trade has increased lately as the Sea of Gold has become “Mistress.”
a less desirable route from the north to Izar. Technology: TL 3-4. The Sarnak smiths have mastered
RESOURCES/EXPORTS steel-making and are able to craft fine armor and weapons.
In the hills east of Sarnak, people of this small realm Arts & Architecture The city of Sarnak is a fortress, with
have built countless terraces to hold the plentiful rainfall high granite walls and buttressed towers. The interior of
and drainage from the mountains. In these stepped fields the city is somewhat more colorful, with many banners
they grow cranberries and rice, potatoes and other veg- and gardens. But the atmosphere is one of a defensive,
etables. On the drier hillsides to the southwest they grow inward-looking people.
grapes for wine. Sarnaki wine is no match for that of Clothing: The climate of Sarnak is almost uniformly
Danarchis, but it is plentiful and relatively inexpensive. balmy, so that clothing’s only purposes are decoration
The Sarnaki export wool, salt and wood and some and modesty. Men are often shirtless, and the women
finished goods: weaponry, armor, and steel tools. They usually wear a simple, functional tunic. Silk toga-like
are also known for their mercenaries. garments are worn by the women at important festivals,
political and cultural events. The
IMPORTS Amazons keep their hair no
As mentioned above, Sar- longer than to their shoul-
nak has little flat land for ders; many keep it trimmed
farming. They import wheat very short or worn up.
and corn from Vornia, red
Military Structure: This se-
meat from Vajaar, grains and
curity-oriented society has a
cotton from Bodlea.
large and well-equipped
CULTURAL standing army and navy.
SUMMARY Women occupy all positions
of authority, while men serve
Racial Origins: Primarily of
support functions. Men may
Shay but with clear Laan in-
not carry or learn any weapon
fluence. The women are un-
besides the quarterstaff. There
usually tall, often exceeding
is an elite core of soldiers
known as the Shaitan, skilled
Political Structure: Repre- in many weapons as well as
sentative democracy. Ruled the arts of reconnaissance and
by a council of five women sabotage. The woman who
known as the Directorate, killed the Katra of Stroane
elected by the female popu- was from this group.
Currency: While a silver coin
Society and Culture: Men are is minted, barter is often em-
considered inferior except in ployed.
domestic matters. They do
Language: A tongue called
not vote, cannot own land,
Arlak is spoken exclusively,
and are not permitted to carry
which appears to have roots
weapons (except a
in Old Emer, but has changed
quarterstaff). Women may
radically. The women are also
have more than one husband, On the outskirts of Falkenna, along taught Erlin. Most women
and wealthy women may also the coast of the Bay of Izar, looking have basic reading and writ-
have a ‘harem’ of servant men. south. Note the Sarnak watchtowers. ing skills, but it is forbidden
Despite the heavy trade
Etching by Dendenien of Orian for men to learn reading and
through Sarnak, most out-
siders see little of their pri-
Part IV: Realms & Kingdoms 77

Diet/Subsistence: Mixed Economies. Tubers, wheat breads BAYMAR

and vegetables supplement a diet heavy in seafood and red This fortified village overlooking the Fulla River enjoys
meat. a brisk trade with the Komari and Izar. The looming
Worship: Atheistic, the Sarnaki and consider all super- Scorpion Ridge is rich in a wide variety of minerals and
natural beings to be “magicians with overdeveloped egos.” wood which the Jiner Lord Halluan of Baymar trades with
Komaren for finished goods.
Currently, Falkenna is a satellite state of Sarnak while 10 • KOMAREN CLUSTER
the other four are independent towns, each ruled by a Upon arrival at Aquitar, the capital city of Komaren,
lord. Most of the residents are Shay, except Baymar, the uninformed first-time traveler will notice something
whose population is mainly Jineri. All owe most of their unusual about the populace. It may take a moment to pin
wealth to the Scorpion Ridge, which provides miners with down this difference, but once it is realized it becomes
salt, iron, tin, copper, silver, gold, many precious and obvious. First, in most of the city, there are almost no
semi-precious gems… and even Eogs and laen. women to be seen anywhere in public. In many feudal
societies this is not that strange, as women are usually
FALKENNA relegated to domestic life—and on some societies they
Only recently the Count Dennik of Falkenna swore must either cover themselves completely or are forbidden
fealty to the Directorate of Sarnak. He is not thrilled at to go out in public because it would be considered im-
being lorded over by women, but his knights proved no proper. However that is not the reason for the scarcity
match for the amazons. here; women are welcome to visit Komaren—though few
This spur of the Forbidden Ridge yields up diamonds would find reason to settle here.
and silver, enough to keep the Count well-off even after The next thing that a visitor will probably notice is that
paying taxes to the Amazons. And not as glamorous but many of the men of Komaren exhibit uncharacteristic
hardly less valuable is the salt mined from vast caves affection—for each other. Komaren is a realm which has
nearby. become a haven for the sherikaan, (a somewhat deroga-
JANTANEN tory Old Emer term for men who prefer the intimate
Huddled in a narrow valley at the foot of the Morbek company of other men). This orientation is accepted in a
Highlands, Jantanen is constantly under threat from few cultures, ignored in many, and vigorously opposed in
Murlogi raiders by land and pirates by sea. However, the some—especially some very religious societies.
rich gold, emerald and Eog mines nearby make the perils This is not to say that all the men of Komaren are this
worth while. Lord Iorn was killed a few years ago in a raid way, but most at least have some such leanings. It has
by the Goblins, but his widow, Lady Cinnamona, has become a normal and accepted part of the culture and in
proven a skilled leader and administrator. fact is an integral part of the Blood Brethren, the elite
Komari fighting force. Like many of the western islands,
SLYK the Komaren Cluster was sparsely populated for millen-
A growing town overseen by the ambitious Lord Rislian, nia by Jineri, and then annexed by the Emerian Empire
Slyk trades in lumber from the surrounding forests and around SE 1400. The Komaren isles were a rich resource
cut at their mill, as well as iron, tin, platinum and precious for woods, spices and seafood, as well as pearls and citrus
gems from the mines. fruits. Also, of course, the islands held a strategic location
The hills above Slyk are also the only known place in bridging the north and south of Emer.
Emer where the rare lifegiving herb Saliva grows. The Emperor even built a winter palace on the south-
ern shore; Prince Terenis retired here for awhile to escape
scrutiny at the Imperial court.
This town would be more wealthy if the insane Count
Perhaps it began with Terenis; perhaps it was a coinci-
Gilden didn’t squander his fortunes made on Eog and
dence that the Prince and his warrior lover Jaad came
sapphires and amethyst on his sprawling and increasingly
here, but over the years Komaren’s reputation as a haven
baroque castle. It is a spectacle easily seen from well off the
for the Sherikaan has spread, attracting immigrants from
coast and a source of resentment from the common
all over the hemisphere.
people. Gilden’s son Raen is an ambitious teenage boy
who might soon solve the problem…
78 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

NOTE TO VISITORS reputation for never surrendering. Other armies (espe-

Entry to Aquitar costs 3 bp, plus cargo tariffs. Crime is cially the Vajaari) regard the Brethren with a mixture of
minimal, corruption moderate. contempt and grudging respect.
The Komari are for the most part an easy-going soci- The Brethren serve either on Komari naval forces or on
ety, but the one thing they have no patience with is land as elite ‘special forces’ groups. Most are trained in a
intolerance for their orientation. A disparaging word variety of weapons and unarmed combat. Some are skilled
could get the offender banished. assassins while others are experienced in open warfare. All
are among the best warriors on Emer.
THE BLOOD BRETHREN In terms of armor the Brethren usually wear leg and
The Brethren are composed of two-person teams who arm greaves of an unusual leather-like material. (Actually
are mates (usually male, though there is a contingent of it is treated sharkskin: it becomes soft and spongy on one
females) who have sworn oaths to protect each other to side—not unlike neoprene—and retains its tough
the death. Many also have at least rudimentary Mentalist abrasiveness on the outside; especially effective against
abilities and the two are telepathically linked. This ex- slashes and punctures). Some also wear a reinforced
plains the legendary ferocity of these forces and their sharkskin breastplate, though rarely do they don helms.
For clothing they wear only a short red kilt and sturdy
sandals. Part of their pre-battle ritual involves painting
the partner’s face, arms and chest with runes in a bright
red and blue body paint, giving each warrior a unique and
fearsome appearance.
One special group among the Brethren are sea war-
riors. They may serve on ships, but their preferred mode
of travel and attack is atop trained killer whales. A whale
can easily carry both men great distances. These forces are
also sometimes accompanied by loyal dolphin familiars.
The link between man and sea-mammal is closer here
than any about Emer, except perhaps for the Sea-elves of
distant Onar.
The capital of the Komaren Cluster is a large crescent-
shaped city which curves around a bay of many docks.
Komari architects faced a serious challenge when build-
ing their city: the tides here are unusually severe, even
for Kulthea. Waters rise and fall twenty feet or more
every day. The solution: the entire city floats on large
rafts, connected by bridge ramps which can pivot and
tilt to accommodate the shifting altitude of the city
raft-islands. Supporting the islands is a combination
of bubblekelp and island trees.

Racial Origins: The Komaren citizenry is predomi-
nantly a mixture of Jineri and Laan descent, plus a
constant influx of Loar and Erlin Elves, Shay, Itanians,
and just about every other race.
A pair of Blood Brethren show off helms, spears
and a shield—trophies from their victory over Political Structure: A republic where all adults may vote
the Vajaari to elect representatives to the Assembly. They in turn
elect two Speakers, who share considerable power. Resi-
pencil and watercolor, from the sketchbook dence for 1 year is required for full voting citizenship;
‘Peoples of Emer’ by Haldak Vatay
Part IV: Realms & Kingdoms 79

After one month newcomers may be granted provisional Little has been said about Dwarves in the Shadow
citizenship. World before; they are a race unusually isolated both
Society and Culture: Komari culture is essentially unique, culturally and genetically. Legends among men that the
being a nation of immigrants, with few ‘families’ in the Dwarves came from stone are just that: legends. However,
classic sense. However, they do tend to create their own they differ from men and other races in many ways. They
type of family, either pairing or a group creating a com- are resilient and resistant to heat, but cold makes them
munal household. Athletic games are a favorite pastime, sluggish. They are able to ‘hibernate’ if necessary for
as well as music and dance. months or even years in a state of deep sleep.
Technology: TL 5. While superficially a simple culture, Stocky and hirsute, almost all Dwarven men grow
the Komari retain much of the knowledge and techniques thick beards. They have tough skin but deft hands, and it
of the Old Empire. is true that many are skilled craftsmen. Dwarves can see
after a fashion even in the darkest cave, but bright sunlight
Arts & Architecture: The Komari use a variety of beautiful bothers them.
tropical woods to create their low, sweeping architecture. Some men claim that Dwarves have no soul, but
Roofs are ornate, while solid walls are few. Instead they Dwarves tend to be the most fervently religious of races.
utilize moveable screens and roll-up shades for privacy, All revere the Lord of Orhan Iorak, but each clan also has
allowing cool breezes to flow through the building. The a local patron deity.
only structures built primarily of stone are governmental
Dwarves are ruthless warriors with a special hatred for
or civic, but these show skill with stonework and mastery
the Murlogi and all demons.
of the arch and buttress. Every town has at least one
theater, as the Komari enjoy performance arts of every TRADE
kind. The Dwarves of Ton-Bor trade almost exclusively with
Clothing: The balmy climate of the isles mean clothing is Bentara to the south (and, secretly, the Dyari of Skystone),
primarily for decoration or modesty. Men usually wear a though sometimes they will deal with Chelzaria.
short belted tunic or just a kilt; women a similar, longer
tunic. All wear simple leather sandals or barefoot. Jewelry
is usually minimal: either sex may wear a ring, pendant or The Mountains of Gold yield up a wide variety of ores,
earrings; little more. Most men wear their hair very short— and the Dwarves are masters of smelting and alloys. They
even shaved around the ears. even have mastered the working of Eogs. Their
weaponsmiths have no equal except among the most
Military Structure: The most famous (or infamous) of the skilled High-elves. Dwarven metalwork usually bears a
Komari forces are the Blood Brethren, skilled warriors who forceful, utilitarian style.
operate in pairs. In addition the government has a sizable
standing army and navy, always wary of Vajaar to the IMPORTS
south. Unusual foodstuffs, cotton, wool, ale, leather and woods
Currency: They do not mint their own coins, accepting are constantly in demand in Ton-Bor.
any standard weight currency.
Language: Erlin is the primary language, though many
Racial Origins: Dwarves of the Gold-root clan differ from
continue to speak a dialect of Old Emer.
the other clans in that they tend to be somewhat taller,
Diet/Subsistence: Mixed Economies/Fisherfolk. Seafood, with lighter hair and beards.
grains and a wide variety of vegetables are staples. Komari
Political Structure: Ton-Bor is a Patrilineal Monarchy.
culinary skills are widely renowned.
King Valtor III has been ruler for 35 years.
Worship: Most Komari are atheistic, though some follow
Technology: TL 5. Dwarves share a love of mechanical
the Lords of Orhan who accept them: Jaysek and Kieron.
devices with the Loari and Dyari Elves, and while they
tend towards a more functionality-oriented approach to
11 • TON-BOR design, their works have a certain practical elegance.
Within the southern region of the Mountains of Gold Arts & Architecture Vast underground halls decorated by
lies one of the few Dwarven enclaves remaining on Kulthea. ornate carving and sculpture mark the grand style of the
Others on Emer are rumored to be in the Spine of Emer Dwarves.
and the Crystal Cliffs far to the east.
80 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

Clothing: Wool with leather trim is the usual garb, pants

and tunic with heavy boots for both sexes. Dwarves like to
dye their fabric bright colors. In the Mountains of Gold, what began as a precious
metal mine long ago has grown into a grand, mostly
Military Structure: Ton-Bor is guarded by a large garrison
subterranean city. Ruled by an elite class made up entirely
of well-equipped warriors.
of Dyari Elves, this hidden metropolis is unknown except
Currency: Dwarves mint a full range of coins, all with to a very few outside the city. Actually, the city is much
detailed stamped designs older even that its Dyari inhabitants. The four roads and
Language: All speak Tonic, the guttural Dwarven tongue main halls date to well into the Interregnum. Just who
which they teach no outsider. Most of Gold-root clan also built these massive tunnels and what happened to them is
know some Shay and a smattering of Erlin. a mystery.
Diet/Subsistence: Mixed Economies. Roots, tubers and THE UPPER CITY
mushrooms are supplemented by imported vegetables
High up in a narrow mountain valley stands a small
and meats. Dwarves are also big ale and beer drinkers.
cluster of white stone towers surrounded by a few terraced
Worship: Iorak is revered especially by smiths, but the fields and gardens. This is the tip of the iceberg which is
local god Torgon is widely worshipped as the patron god Skystone City; long winding stairs lead down into the
of Ton-Bor. main city deep below. Watchmen stand guard at the
towers while others cultivate the land. Trained falcons
also watch the perimeter by day, and large bats guard by

The Southern Light of Izar, looking south along the Scorpion Ridge
Part IV: Realms & Kingdoms 81


The main city is based upon a cruciform, four great
underground roads extending almost a mile to the north-
east, northwest, southwest and southeast, each ending in
a great gate. These identical gates, actually massive iron
doors fifty feet high and wide, set on sliding tracks, can be
closed to seal the road.
To the southwest the road leads under the mountains
almost a hundred miles to the Dwarven city of Ton-Bor.
Northwest it leads 30 miles to a huge grotto opening onto
the sea. Here the Dyari have built a small fleet. Northeast
the doors have been sealed—they lead down to a maze of
caves and an area of the old city that has been taken over
by a Lugrôki colony. Southeast the road opens into a deep,
narrow valley. Chambers near this secret entrance serve as
stables for the Gemsting steeds.
Many levels extend below the road level, deep under
the roots of the mountains. At the lowest point they join
with the Ash Lairs and connect to Deep Gates. It is here
that the Dyari inadvertently released an Ordainer, who
caused great damage before finally being driven out.

Only the Dwarves know of the secret city, and because
of this they are the Dark Elves’ largest trading partner. A
few agents also carry small items by land, and the Dyari
have a fleet which travels to nearby ports, but for the most
part they depend on Ton-Bor. One might expect the
Dwarven-people to take some financial advantage of this, One of the curving avenues of Izar
but they value fairness, to the Dyari advantage. They also
prize the fine jewelwork and magical devices which the Etching by Dendenien of Orian
Dark Elves are far superior at producing. And the Dyari
can work laen, a skill even the Dwarves have yet to master.
Political Structure: A monarchy in which the eldest child
DEFENSE of either sex inherits the throne. The current king of
The Dyari jealously guard the Obsidian Vale—the Skystone is Valdemarion Amaroth, who has ruled for over
narrow valley which shelters the entrance to their secret five hundred years.
metropolis. In addition to Gemsting patrols there are Society and Culture: A rigid caste system based partially
several lookouts carved into the black rock flanking the on race is the rule here. Dyari are either nobles, priests or
valley. Intruders who are in danger of discovering the artisans. Other races live in the city: humans and other
entrance are either killed or captured and made into slaves Elven tribes are all laborers, little more than slaves who
to work the deep mines. mine or farm or are domestic servants. Many have tried to
A force of warriors ride Gemstings—huge scorpions escape Skystone; none have succeeded.
10-14 feet long. The riders sit in a saddle on the back, and Technology: TL 5-6. The Dyari are masters of mechanical
the scorpion’s stinger arches over his head. and magical devices, adept at making springs and tiny
CULTURAL SUMMARY gears. They are also among the few who have knowledge
of the working of Læn
Racial Origins: As with all Dyari, they are an offshoot of
the Loari tribes from long ago. Arts & Architecture The Dyari architectural style tends
toward smooth, stepped surfaces, sometimes with many
82 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

angles. For ornamentation they utilize geometric patterns Entry costs 5 bp, crime (mostly robbery and petty
and blocky muscular sculpture. Music is not very com- theft) and corruption (mostly bribery) are moderate.
mon—though the Dark Elves do sometimes employ a
variety of percussion instruments. In the realm of perfor-
mance art, poetry and drama is extremely popular, for the These monstrous twin lighthouses were constructed
latter they prefer lengthy plays with elaborate, intertwin- by Aldaron during the heyday of the Emerian Empire
ing plots, often ending in ironic tragedy. thousands of years ago, but have been maintained in fairly
good condition. Each tower is of stone, and almost five
Clothing: The Dyari like deep reds and blues, and espe-
hundred feet tall; the method of their construction has
cially black. Many wear wool garments trimmed with been lost; how such tall slender towers can stand in the
black leather and silver clasps, sometimes with red or
face of storms and earthquakes is a mystery many present-
purple accents. Leather is always in demand in Skystone,
day architects would love to unravel.
as is cotton and silk. Social events are frequent and cloth-
Each tower is topped by a small chamber surrounded
ing is a status symbol. They also like to wear their hair in
by glass. In the chamber is an enchanted crystal which
a highly stylized fashion, braided or curled, sometimes
glows with a powerful light. The southern one glows blue-
woven with ribbons or metallic threads.
violet while the northern one glows amber.
Military Structure: Besides the city guard, all adult Dyari
are trained with weapons. All others are forbidden any
kind of weapon for fear of uprisings. 14 • INDEPENDENT ISLANDS
Currency: Skystone does not mint its own coins but uses There are hundreds, perhaps thousands of islands
Kaitaine, Danarchis or Izar currency. scattered along the northwest coast of Hæstra; no one has
mapped them all. Most of these are in fact little more than
Language: All speak Dyari and Erlin, most also know
fragments of reef, or lifeless outcroppings of volcanic
some dialects of Old Emer and Shay.
rock. New islands are constantly rising out of the sea and
Diet/Subsistence: Mixed Economies. Besides a wide vari- others vanishing, the result of underwater volcanism.
ety of vegetables and fruits from their gardens above, the
Dyari enjoy red meat, breads, and dairy products. Their THE BARRIER ISLES
foods tend to be spicy as well. Dyari of Skystone have an Extending in a great arc west from Danarchis, this
unending thirst for Námar-Tol wines, also peppers and string of isles and atolls divides the Forbidden Sea on the
spices from the western isles. north from the Sea of Gold to the south. The Barriers
Worship: Andaras, Moralis and Scalu each have a follow- extend thousands of miles further north almost as far as
ing here, though most Sorcerers and Astrologers worship the Mur Fostisyr. Few of these are habitable, however,
at the altars of Kesh’ta’kai. being either coral rings or dark jagged spires, steep towers
of stone jutting out of the sea. A few have vegetation
clinging to their flanks, but they are also surrounded by
13 • PORT OF IZAR treacherous reefs and sand bars lurking just below the
Located at the tip of the northern peninsula guarding surface of the water. Beyond this narrow strip of shallows,
the entrance to the bay of Izar, this independent city-state the ocean depth on either side of the ridge plunges swiftly
has been growing steadily in wealth and size for many to many hundreds of leagues.
years. The Lord Mayor of Izar has become little more than The Barrier isles would appear to be an ideal vehicle for
a figurehead, while real power rests with the Council of one of the legendary Coral Roads, and indeed an ancient
Guilds. In addition to being located at a key location for avenue travels beneath this string of barren islands. The
trade, Izar has become a center for skilled craftsmen. The southern entry is hidden beneath a rocky outcropping on
city’s gracefully curving walls protect her vast wealth and the coast of Danarchis. The road splits far to the north, one
teeming population within. Izar’s circular port is always fork heading east to Mulira and the other continuing
bustling with ships. north under the ice to the polar regions.
A truly cosmopolitan city, Izar is home to representa- A single island about 20 miles off the Hæstra coast, the
tives virtually every race on Emer and beyond. It is a Isle of Fire is the domain of the Lord High Priest of Zanar.
bustling trade center and source for goods of all kinds. His palace is perched high on a bluff near the southern end
Part IV: Realms & Kingdoms 83

of the island, and protected by many guards and magical CULT OF THE PYTHON
wards. Controlling the villages over the southern part of the
GM Note: more on the Isle of Fire will be revealed in island, this cult has existed for thousands of years. Deep in
later books. the jungle is a sprawling temple complex devoted to
worship of the snake-god (Akalatan). There is one high-
BARELLIS ISLAND priest and a hierarchy of lesser warrior-priests under him;
North of Komaren and southeast of the mountainous they are political as well as religious leaders who wield
semicircular isle of Thesmoq, Barellis is fairly large— total authority.
nearly 400 miles north to south. Along much of the southern coast are scattered stone
The earliest residents of Barellis were the Jineri people totems: pillars carved to resemble writhing snakes, with
(see Thesmoq below), and it was inhabited as well during the top a huge snake head facing outward: a warning to
the Emerian Empire. However, the Governor did not intruders. Many have ignored these warnings and paid the
depart when the Empire abandoned the isle, instead nam- price. Intruders are quickly captured and brought before
ing himself Prince of Barellis. There was large Laan popu- the Priests of the Python. Some are killed, some kept as
lation on Barellis, and over the centuries they have inter- slaves. Others—particularly young men and women—
mingled with the Jineri. The Princedom has survived to are held prisoner until the next Incarnation Night (every
the current day, though it has evolved into a government New Orhan). There they become the subjects of a bizarre
with relatively powerful regional lords. Barellis has a small and perverse ritual involving the priests and priest-ini-
but respectable fleet, kept alert by constant harassment tiates and summoning of the Procreator demons.
from Shinh pirates.
Barellis has trade relations with Komaren, Danarchis, TEUSILYA
Kaitaine, Izar and Sarnak, and even Sel-kai skyships are This tiny isle rests halfway between the westernmost of
known to visit the sheltered Barellian coves. Especially the Rashelles and the Thesmoq Domain, but is an inde-
popular exports are pepper, cinnamon, and other spices. pendent realm. It is the home of Lord Agonar, a half-elven
Extending from the southern tip of Barellis is the upper lord who divides his residence between here and Sel-kai.
arm of the Nivean Atolls, which separate the Sea of Gold on Agonar’s origins are shrouded in the past, but he has
the east and the Narrowing Bay from the Lonely Sea to the controlled Teusilya since the days of the Emerian Empire,
southwest. While few know it, there is an entrance to the when he used his powers to cloak the island from Imperial
Coral Road at the very tip of Barellis. One avenue rises explorers.
above the sea to the west and Agyra (and provides a way Somewhat of an inventor, the lord has a large work-
towards the risen land of Tarania), while another pro- shop and a metals forge, where he and his assistants create
ceeds under water east to Emer. The Emerian exit is near all manner of mechanical contrivances.
the southern finger of land guarding the Bay of Izar. Aside from a small manor house and outbuildings, and
some cultivated land, the island is mostly covered in
RASHELLE ISLANDS forest. However, Rashellians will tell you that Teusilya is
Just north and east of Barellis, the Rashelles are a protected by many guardians conventional and magical.
cluster of islands long ago separated from the influence of
the Emerian Empire. The population is entirely Jineri, SHINH ARCHIPELAGO
scattered throughout the lush jungles in small arboreal The scattering of isles, reefs and atolls extending be-
tribes. Most of the Rashelle islands are wilderness; one yond the Komaren Cluster and separated from the Ko-
would not call it civilized. Cymonum is little more than a mari by treacherous reefs, Shinh is known only as a group
large fishing village. of isles and atolls inhabited by wild beasts and pirates.
The Rashelles—especially the main island—are home
to several potent and rare herbs, most related to the THESMOQ DOMAIN
nervous system and magic. Rud-tekma, Gort, and Zapic Those who study astronomical phenomena and effects
can be found here, as well as Sek (relieves coma) and Efrid on Kulthea would immediately point to the island of
(massive nerve regeneration). Adventurous herb seekers Thesmoq as the result of a meteor impact millions of years
often come here, but some do not return, victims of the ago. The land mass is a mountainous semicircle around a
Cult of the Python. tiny steep isle. While the remainder of the circle is not
obvious on a map, it is still there lurking just below the
84 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

Thesmoq was first colonized by immigrants from the combination of Essence barriers and encircling reefs, they
Mulirian continent probably during the Second Era. They remain relatively isolated from surrounding lands. How-
resemble the Y’nari race in many ways, though taller and ever, the Alliance knows of Thesmoq and its many valu-
more slender with darker skin; some also display Elven able resources, and they have already begun their program
racial features such as arching eyebrows and slightly to bring Thesmoq within the fold.
pointed ears. Loremasters refer to this race as Jineri. The The mild climate and mountainous terrain combine to
island came under the control of the Emerian Empire create a beautiful land with rainforests on the mountains
during the early Third Era, an Imperial Governor and and warm black beaches, especially on the interior of the
occupying force nevertheless having little effect on the old crater facing the Thesmian Bay. Out of the center of
internal tribal government. the bay juts a small island which the Thesmoq people
The fall of the Empire and departure of the governor name Aeoni. It is uninhabited, though the residents know
and his entourage had even less immediate effect, though of its existence. The sides are sheer rock and landing is
several hundred years of isolation have caused a break- nearly impossible, except at a tiny cleft in the rock on the
down of central authority on Thesmoq. Currently the western side where a hidden platform allows access to a
island is said to be ruled by a collection of independent winding stair. Upon the summit is an ancient temple,
lords, though few specifics are known. Protected by a dating to the Second Era.

This chart is designed mainly to aid the GM in creating encounters with ‘normal’ locals in Hæstra. Most are the type of NPC the players are likely to
run in to or wish to contact. Very brief biographical information is also provided; the GM should feel free to expand this if desired to further ‘flesh out’
the NPC. GMs could also ‘move’ these NPCs to a similar locale to fit in with the movements of the PCs.
Name Lvl Hits AT(DB) Sh Gr Melee Ob Missile Ob Mov
Betram of Carlsdale 6 74 1(20) Y N 60ss 35 short bow 10
Talath Shaman (Animist). Age:36 Sex: M Eyes: blue Hair: blond Build: stocky Height: 6´2˝ Items: Amulet, x2 PP Spells: 3 Animist Base lists to 10th
Profile: Curious, friendly. Unusually knowledgeable about ruins around Bodlea. Will trade info and (minor) healing herbs in return for interesting
Reana of Millsdale 4 36 1(5) N N 31 dagger 50 longbow 0
Talath Fighter Age: 32 Sex: F Eyes: blue Hair: blonde, long Build: full figure; strong Height: 5´11˝ Profile: A farmer and skilled potter, Reana is
raising her son and daughter alone. Her husband Teris vanished 2 years ago; it is suspected he was killed by Lugrôks or wolves. She has been granted
freedom to marry again by the elders but has no desire to.

Varta Benerius 5 81 9(40) Y Y 86 broadsword 65 shortsword 10
Laan Rogue Age: 26 Sex: F Eyes: blue Hair: black (ponytail) Build: slender/strong Height: 6´1˝ Items: black custom leather breastplate/greaves +10,
stainless steel sword, +10. Profile: First mate aboard the trade ship Northern Zephyr (which also carries passengers in moderate comfort), she is a
strong-willed woman loyal to her crew and captain; knowledgeable about the Sel-kai—Kaitaine trade route. Often seen at the Shady Vineyard, a tavern
in Artha. Navigation, Weather Watch, Sailing, others +60
Antonus Pergulis 8 69 1(30) (Y) N 65 dagger 90 Firebolt 10
Laan Mystic (gem merchant) Age: 34 Sex: M Eyes: dark blue Hair: black (neck length) Build: lean Height: 6´7˝ Spells: All Mystic base to 10th,
Invisible Ways, others Items: Spectacles of seeing: allow him to attempt to see through illusion as 30th lvl; bracelet, leather with silver clasp, +4 PP for
Mystics; silver/amethyst ring. Profile: Member of the Amethyst League he reports on any strange activities or people.

Toron Baalik 3 41 13 (30) Y N 72 short sword 55 spear 5
Shay Fighter (deserting officer) Age: 24 Sex: M Eyes: brown Hair: brown Build: lean Height: 5´9˝ Profile: Hiding out in the countryside doing odd
jobs for farmers, Toron does not wish to turn to a life of crime; one of the few of the hundreds who have abandoned the Sarnak army to make such a
Marek Imaren 2 34 1(15) Y N 48 broadsword 15 short bow 10
Shay Rogue Age: 19 Sex: M Eyes: Hazel Hair: light brown/short Build: very muscular Height: 5´8˝ Items: a +5 steel broadsword with a green laen
orb in the pommel (his pride and joy). He does not realize that the sword is magic and Of Slaying Undead. Profile: A page in Sarnak Castle by day,
Marek works as a busboy in the Gilded Goblet tavern most nights. The remainder of his spare time is spent practicing with the sword and building his
body. Marek is bright and knows many secrets of the Castle, from political intrigues to hidden passageways. He is looking for a way out of his dull life...
Part IV: Realms & Kingdoms 85

Name Lvl Hits AT(DB) Sh Gr Melee Ob Missile Ob Mov

Serena, Priestess of Mynistra. 5 33 1(5) N N 45 quarterstaff +25 Shockbolt 5
Shay Cleric Age: 28 Sex: F Eyes: brown Hair: brown Build: slight Height: 5´6˝Spells: 4 base Cleric to 10th, 2 Closed, 2 Open lists Items: Tiara of
Mynistra, +3 spells. Profile: A young priestess serving in the city temple at Orian, she sees many different travellers in need of healing—and hears
many things. She is a notorious gossip, though not in a harmful way.
Borno Vey, Prospector 3 29 1(0) N N 48 Short sword 27 dagger 5
Shay Fighter Age: 52 Sex: M Eyes: brown Hair: grey; grey beard Build: average Height: 5´11˝ Items: Headband, casts Directed Light 1x per day.
Profile: Makes a marginal living on ore he finds in the Gold Mountains, spending most on cheap wine at inn along the foothills. He has seen the Dyari
Gemsting riders, but everyone in the locals towns he haunts think he must have been drunk.

Marto the Barkeep 5 41 1(0) N N 45 dagger — 0
Shay Rogue Age: 28 Sex: M Eyes: brown Hair: red-brown Build: stocky Height: 5´ 8˝ Profile: Owner of The Bursting Barrel in Bentara, Marto is
easily the prime source of local news and gossip. With his wife and four children he runs a respectable tavern and inn. Most skills in cooking and
related fields.
Lady Skella Fenton 7 47 1(5) N N — — 0
Laan Scribe Age: 48 Sex: F Eyes: blue Hair: black Build: average Height: 5´9˝ Profile: A woman of minor nobility, Fenton resides at Dynax, but has
made journeys to the Libary of Shrynaar, and even the great Library of Nomikos. She is fascinated with the history of Hæstra and is writing a book on
it. Many skills in research, languages.

Velta ka Norno 9 94 1(30) Y N 88 broadsword 105 long bow 10
Laan Fighter (Administrator) Age: 41 Sex: F Eyes: blue Hair: black/braids Build: slender Height: 5´10˝ Items: +10 steel sword Profile: Assistant
Minister of Trade, she has many skills related to diplomacy and administration, (assume >+50 in each)
Ketarian na Kono 3 43 1(35) Y N 65 short sword 54 spear 15
Thesian Fighter Age: 23 Sex: F Eyes: dark brown Hair: black Build: sinewy Height: 5´11˝ Profile: A Recent arrival at Sarnak, Ketarian is one of the
many Thesians to have joined the Amazon realm lately. Her cocoa-colored skin is still very unusual on the Hæstra mainland, but Sarnak is one of the
realms where all races are accepted. She is currently serving in the City Guard.

Kylen Marsto 4 43 1(30) Y N 65 scimitar 55 light crossbow 10
Thesian Rogue (sailor) Age: 26 Sex: M Eyes: brown Hair: black/short/kinky Build: muscular Height: 6´2˝ Skills: assume >+50 in all sailing skills
Items: Boots of sea-legs: +50 to all balance/moving maneuvers on a ship; Storm-ring: predicts storms up to 48 hours; also storm direction (wrong
10% of the time) Profile: Currently employed aboard the trader Spindrift, he is a happy-go lucky young man in search of adventure. He is a skilled
sailor and basically honest, but likes to party and frequents the port bars of Izar and Aquitar.
Imaria, Sister of Eissa 15 63 14(35) Y Y 55 mace (Absolution) 10
Laan Cleric Age: 45 Sex: F Eyes: green Hair: blonde, long worn in a bun Build: slender Height: 5´9˝ Spells: Channels, Life Mastery to 20th; Blood/
Bone/Nerve/Organ/Muscle Law to 20th; Concussion Ways to 20th. Items: gold tiara, x4 PP for Clerics of Mynistra; Profile: First Sister of Healing,
Imaria is in charge of the clinic of the Mynistra temple at Izar. While a caring woman, she comes off as cool and a bit distant.


Jak Legan 7 81 14(30) Y (10) Y 105 handaxe +91 net 25
Laan Ranger Age: 28 Sex: M Eyes: blue Hair: black/very short Build: muscular Height: 6´4˝ Spells: Items: ‘sharksin’ armor, +10 steel handaxe,
floating shield of scales Profile: ‘Blood Brother’ (i.e., mate) of Zeno (see below), the two are rarely separated and fight as a team. Recently returned
from their crushing attack on Vajaar, they are stationed at Aquitar, and live in an apartment in the city. They are often on guard duty on the docks.
Both are familiar with the coast, and have some knowledge of the islands. Might take laeve to serve as guides/guards.
Zeno A’chai 6 90 1(90) (Y) Y(arm) +90R4STR/+85R3S+T +100/50/50 Jata 30
Loar/Laan Warrior Monk Age: 33 Sex: M Eyes: green Hair: black/short Build: muscular Height: 6´5˝ Items: Set of black alloy bracers: one is x3PP,
other casts Shield spell 3x per day; +15 enchanted Jata† Profile: Changramai-trained, Blood-brother of Jak (see above).
Raen Willow 4 38 1(15) (Y) N 45dagger 35 Shockbolt 15
Jiner/Thesian Animist. Age: 20 Sex: M Eyes: dark brown Hair: black, curly/very short Build: medium Height: ?´?˝ Spells: Items: Profile: Found,
barely a year old, washed up in a small covered boat on the shore of a western Komaren Isle, Raen was adopted by a family there. His right arm is
malformed and underdeveloped, with his right hand merely a small thumb and two fused fingers. His adopted parents will never know if he had been
abandoned by parents not wanting a deformed child, or if he had somehow been swept there by a storm. At any rate, he was accepted and nurtured—
unusual in a world where there is little room for the crippled. His animistic talents were quickly recognized, and he hones them in his spare time. He
works in the Dark Brew tavern (specializing in coffee beverages) in Aquitar.
86 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

Name Lvl Hits AT(DB) Sh Gr Melee Ob Missile Ob Mov
Ursenda Nymar 10 98 15(35) Y Y 120 Scimitar 90 dagger -5
Laan Fighter (Knight) Age: 34 Sex: F Eyes: grey Hair:black, very long Build: slender Height: 6´1˝ Items: +10 magic scimitar Profile: Eldest
daughter of Lord Keten Nymar, she is in charge of the perimeter guard. A tough, headstrong woman, she is determined to show she is fit to rule, rather
than her conniving younger brother.
Bentis Wratana 5 48 1(30) Y Y (arm) 65 rapier 45 dagger 15
Jiner Thief (Pirate) Age: 21 Sex: M Eyes: light brown Hair: black, short Build: slender Height: 6´4˝ Items: +15 long knife (strikes as rapier), boots
of silence. Profile: Often seen in Nysellin (Barellis’ main town), he is actually associated with some pirates whose base is urther south along the coast.
Bentis loiters about looking for potential targets.

Denas 3 45 1(10) N N +30 handaxe — 15
Jiner Fighter (Fisherman) Age: 36 Sex: M Eyes: brown Hair: black, long in braids Build: lean Height: 6´3˝ Spells: Items: Profile: Lives with his wife
and three children in a small village of huts along the eastern coast of the main island. He is friendly but protective, and speaks a few words of Erlin. He
knows where the Cult of the Serpent complex is.
Soronomi 6 81 1(35) Y N +85 handaxe +75 blowgun (poison) 15
Jiner Rogue (Python Guard) Age: 25 Sex: M Eyes: light brown Hair: black, short Build: lean/muscular Height: 6´3˝ Items: +10 steel handaxe,
blowgun, armed with a level 3 poison which is delivered with any crit above “A”; RR failure means target at -30; second hit within one day means
unconsciousness for 24 hours. Profile: One of the Guardians of the Python, he protects the temple and sometimes participates in raids to capture
Kyto vo Tamen 12 71 1(40) (Y) N +65 dagger +35 Grip of the Python. 10
Jiner Priest (Sorcerer/Evil Mage) Age: 29 Sex: M Eyes: emerald green Hair: black, very short Build: lean Height: 6´5˝ Wears a loincloth and beautiful
feathered mantle. For rituals is naked except for a falta-feather headdress. Spells: Sorcerer Base Mind/Flesh/Soul Destruction to 10th, Evil Magician
Dark Summons to 20th Items: Armlet in shape of snake, x3 PP enhancer for Sorcerer, casts Shield 3x/day; jade & silver pendant, adds 10 levels for
demon control rolls; +10 obsidian dagger, used for sacrifice rituals. Profile: One of the Priests of the Python God (an incarnation of Klysus), Kyto
participates in the perverse rituals of snake worship and summoning the Procreators. He is cruel and his lusts are insatiable. He can cast a fatal
channeling: Grip of the Python. Target who fails RR is down and begins receiving Crush criticals every round, statrting with “B” and increasing,
continuing to take “E” crits until dead. Kyto can stop the process at any time before death.

Jano 7 88 3(30) N N +90broadsword +75net 10
Faun Bard Age: ? (looks ≈18) Sex: M Eyes: green Hair: curly red-brown Build: lean/muscular Height: 6´2˝ Spells: 4 Bard base to 10th, 1 Closed
Essence to 5th, 1 Open Essence to 10th. Skills: Singing85 Dancing70, Seduction90. Items: +10 fighting net, +25 black wood broadsword with green
laen edge. Profile: One of the elders among the Fauns of the Emerald forest (though to look at him you would never know it), Jano is hardly less
playful and mischevious than in his youth many years ago. He is always on the lookout for attractive strangers to seduce (either sex, but they must
have an AP or PR of 80 or above). Jano is usually naked or wears a loincloth.
Lonni 6 58 1(25) N N +72 rapier +58 comp bow 20
Half-Dryad Thief Age: ? (looks ≈25) Sex: F Eyes: green Hair: brown Build: slender Height: 5´1˝ Items: +15 beryllium knife (strikes as rapier), +5
comp bow. Profile: Lonni is a member of the perimeter guard along the Emerald forest eves; she is wary of all outsiders. She wears a camoflage green
tunic and pants. S&H90, Tracking87.
Kel the Dryad 90 300 4(200) (Y10) (Y) 280 Flail 340longbow 80
Animist Age: ? (Appears ≈ 16). Eyes: Brilliant Green. Hair: Red-brown. Build: Slender. Height: 5’10" (or 12'). Race/Sex: Godlike being/Male. Skin: fair.
Demeanor: Playful/mischievous.. Special Abilities: Large Creature Critical Table. When 12' tall, resists as a Super-large creature. “Stun” result forces him
to parry; “Stun No Parry” means he is stunned, but may parry. Haste at will. Resists vs. all forms of magic (Mentalism, Essence, Channeling) equally,
using his level to resist. If he succeeds, there is no effect; Spirits never suffer any ‘partial effects’ from spells. Skill Bonuses: Climb240; Swim240; S&H180;
Perc240; Chan240; Amb±15; AMov100 all; MASt180; MASw180; Acro240; Act120; AnTr90; Dance240; Diving90; Music180; Seduct240; Sing180; StarG90;
Subdu200; Track240; Trick180; Tumb120. Spells: Base Spell OB is 90; Directed Spell OB is 180 (Water Bolt). Kel knows all Animist and Druidic Base lists
to 90th, all Channeling Open and Closed and Base Clerical Spell lists to 50th lvl. Quarterstaff: As +45 Flail and allows parry as many as six foes (inc.
missiles and those behind) a round. Longbow: +45, it has 3x normal range and has no subtraction for intervening woods. Arrows shot from it burst into
green flame and should be considered Holy and Of Slaying creatures of the Unlife and any Demons (they are not really on fire and will not hurt any flora).
Amulet: x6 PP enhancer for Channeling, glows in proximity to demons of the Void and the presence of the Unlife.
Enchanted Oak 120 1000 20(200) (Y) (Y) 120HBa (4x) 150LGr none
Defends as a Super-Large Creature. It is intelligent and can speak mentally to Kel or the Forest People. Knows the Animist Lists Plant Mastery, Animal
Mastery and Nature’s Lore to 50th, except all ranges are to the perimeter of the Forest. It controls the Warding Perimeter around the Forest, and also
knows Warding Power and Warding Lore to 90th level. If necessary, it can cause the entire forest to rise up in defense.
* Indicates a Shield or Greave protection is due to magical garment, shield spells, etc.
† A Jata is a unique three-bladed throwing weapon used by the Changramai monks. See Other Powers for more info.
‡ Only delivers second attack if a critical is delivered by first attack that round.
L: Large Creature Critical hit table
SL: Super Large critical hit table
Part IV: Realms & Kingdoms 87


Melee Missile
Type/Rank Home/Race # encntrd Lvl Hits AT(DB) Shield OB OB MovM
Ship Officer Laan 3/ship 8 90 10(10) N 110rapier 70dagger 10
Captain or first mate of defensive fleet or better traders.
Ship Crewman Laan 10-20/ship 3 45 1(10) N 65rapier 30sb 5
Crew of defensive fleet or better traders. Also might be encountered in port.
City Guard Laan varies* 5 70 14(20) Y 90bs — 5
In Artha or other large cities.
Dale Warrior Talath ≈10-30/Dale 6 110 9(20) Y 100ss 80sb 10
Leather Breastplate, iron or low steel sword.
Dale Levy Talath ≈50-200/Dale 2 50 1(10) N 35 varies 20 varies 15
No uniform, they will fight with whatever is available; usually an axe or pitchfork in melee, rocks or a spear or sling for missile. A few have iron swords
and short bows.
Guard Captain Laan varies* 10 110 15(30) Y 120bs 90 light crossbow 0
Lieutenant Shay varies* 5 80 9(30) Y 90bs -- 0
Guard Shay varies* 2 65 1(30) Y 55ss -- 5
Constable Shay 1 6 65 1(10) N 65 ss -- -5
Deputies Shay 6-20 1 32 1(0) N 40 ss or club -- 0
Military Captains Laan 1 10 110 15(30) Y 120bs 110cp 15
Green Surcoat, Gold helm. Shield is black with Stroane emblem.
Military Soldiery Shay varies* 1 20 6(20) Y 40ss 15sb
Green Surcoat, Green helm. Shield is black with Stroane emblem.
Patrol Dyari Elf 2-6 4 56 18(35) Y 75falchion 68lcb 5
Black alloy armor, Lightcrossbow with spring loading (fire every round), +5 steel falchion.
Mounted patrol Dyari Elf 2-6 5 90 18(35) Y 120whip 100lcb 20 (mtd)
Black chitinous armor (made from gemsting), Lightcrossbow with spring loading (fire every round), +10 barbed whip
Mount Gemsting 2-6 6 140 12(30) N 60LPi(2x)/80LSt/poison 20
Giant scorpion with saddle and reins
City Guard Dyari Elf 1-20 3 44 18(35) Y 55falchion 40lcb 5
Black alloy armor, Lightcrossbow with spring loading (fire every round), +5 steel falchion.
City Guard Dwarf 1-20 3 52 15 (30) Y 67 battle axe 60 heavy cb 0
Only found inside the underground city, usually at entrances or important ares
Patrol Dwarf 2-3 5 71 13 (30) Y 90 battle axe 85 heavy cb 0
Usually outside the city guarding the perimeter. +10 steel axe.
Better Warriors Erlini 1-3 10 100 1(50) Y 120ss 140lb 30
Forest Green tunic and breeches +15 Long Knife (ss table,puncture instead of Krush), +20 Long Bow.
Warriors Erlini 1-20 4 65 1(40) Y 80ss 100lb 25
Forest Green tunic and breeches. Long Knife (ss table,puncture instead of Krush), +10 Long Bow.
Better Warriors Nyph/Erlin(?) 1-2 10 120 3(60) N 110 knife 130lb 30
Long Knife (ss table,puncture instead of Krush). Some have Animist/Druid spells.
Common Warriors Nyph/Erlin(?) 1-10 5 90 3(50) N 80 knife 100lb 20
Long Knife (ss table,puncture instead of Krush). Some have Animist/Druid spells.
Fauns Faun 1-4 4 90 3(40) Y 90bs 70sb 30
Some have Bardic spells.
Sentient Tree Tree 2-10 5 200 11 N 60LBa(3x) 60LCr 0
Cannot move from rooted spot; act only when awakened by Great Oak.
Kel and Great Oak—NPC Chart
88 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

Melee Missile
Type/Rank Home/Race # encntrd Lvl Hits AT(DB) Shield OB OB MovM
Captains Shay/Laan (female) varies* 6 110 17(40) Y5 110bs 60cp 10
Soldiery Shay/Laan (female) varies* 2 40 13(30) Y 50bs 30cp 5
Men Shay/Laan (male) varies* 1 65 1(10) N 25qs — 5
Guard Officer Laan varies* 10 120 1(30) Y10 120bs 100cp 15
Guard Soldier Laan varies* 4 80 1(15) Y 100bs 70cp 10
Blood Bretheren Captain Laan varies* 8 120 14(55) Y10 140bs 90hcb 0
Sharkskin armor, protects as +10 chain but encumbers as leather. +10 rustproof alloy broadsword
Blood Bretheren Soldier Laan varies* 4 60 14(55) Y10 95bs 50hcb 0
Sharkskin armor, protects as +10 chain but encumbers as leather. +10 rustproof alloy broadsword
Knights Laan/Jiner varies* 5 75 9(30) Y 98 falchion 85 bola 10
Patrol estates of the lords. Often on horseback
Peasants Jiner/Shay varies* 0 8 1(0) N 5 0 0
Inhabit the villages around the lords’ castles. Generally passive, but will fight with whatever is available; usually an axe or pitchfork in melee, rocks or
sling for missile. A few have short bows.
Warrior (family head) Jiner varies* 2 18 1(10) N 25 dagger 35 short bow 10
Inhabit the native villages. Generally passive, but will fight if threatened.
Python Warrior Jiner varies* 6 81 1(35) Y +85 handaxe +75 blowgun/sp 15
Guardians of the Python, protect the temple and sometimes participates in raids to capture victims. +10 steel handaxe, blowgun, armed with a level 3
poison which is delivered with any crit above “A”; RR failure means target at -30; second hit within one day means unconsciousness for 24 hours.
Better Warriors Goblins 1-4 4 70 8(30 Y 75melee 45missile 5
Usually encountered (always underground or at night) with lesser warriors below. They use weapons taken from their downed foes—sometimes steel
or magic ones.
Lesser Warriors Goblins 2-20 2 35 8(30) Y 40melee 20missile 0
Always encountered underground or at night. Weapons are usually crude bronze swords, clubs or spears.
Warriors Gark 1-10 2 55 3(20) N 40 melee 20missile 15
Semi-human, apelike beings. Tribal, fight with club and rocks. Also can attack with their tail: 50Sgrapple.
Trogli Warrior Trogli 1-100 3 65 3(30) Y 55 melee 25 misile
Trogli Captain Trogli 1-2 8 110 13(20) Y 120 melee 45 missile
Troll Captain Mountain Troll 1-4 10 250 16(40) N 120club 100rock 10
Ordainer of Argaath Demon 1 60 400 20 (80) N 200HBa/250HuCr; 300whip 15
Fire Law list to 20th, See Master Atlas 2nd Edition, or RM Creatures books for additional powers.
• ‘varies*’ means that the number encountered will depend heavily on the situation. City guardss on patrol usually work in pairs; troops in larger
numbers. Off-duty personnel could be encountered individually, or in groups of 2-6; some might be drunk or hostile depending on the PCs and their
• Shields equal to 20 or 25 of DB. An * means that armor is magical or specially made.
• Note defensive bonuses include Quickness and shield. Shield references include quality bonuses (e.g. “Y5” means “yes, a +5 shield”).
• Unless otherwise stated, mounted troops have fully effective OBs when fighting from mount.
• Unless otherwise noted, the OB given for Martial Artists (abbr. ‘mar’) is for rank four. The letter folloing indicates skill in either strikes (stk) or
sweeps and throws (swt).
Part 5: Places of Interest 89

• PART V •

4 Fall, 5945 TEI

We have arrived at the entrance to the Caves of Danaar, forty leagues from the town of Pellern
near the birth of the Langasse river. If the opening is any indication, these caverns are overrated. Just
a crack in the rocks up among the foothills; I would never have seen it. I think Lord Kalariak only
found it again because of the peculiar formation nearby—an archway of stone perhaps fifty feet tall,
apparently natural in origin. We’ll camp outside tonight before entering the caverns. I continue to
have doubts about the Lord’s expectation of finding one of the caches of the legendary Earth Wardens

6 Fall, 5945 TEI

I must admit that indeed the entrance was deceiving: already I have seen wonders like none
before in all my years of exploring beneath the surface of the earth. Pillars of crystal, luminous plants
and shimmering lakes. Here and there are signs of ancient habitation as well…

26 Fall, 5945 TEI

We have been wandering through these caves for days, going ever deeper. Our food and water
supplies are running low; the last underground river was four days ago—if that contraption of a
clock can be trusted, since there is no night or day here. I fear that we have lost our way, even the
Dwarven guide Gerenn seems at a loss…

28 Fall, 5945 TEI

All are nearing exhaustion. Kalariak foolishly decided to go forward after point of no return.
Temperature seems to be rising… Desperately need water…
90 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

29 Fall, 5945 TEI

Just when all hope seemed lost, we stumbled upon a cavern lit by glowing moss, revealing a vast
underwater lake. We drank out fill and rested, feasting on the delicious blue berries which grow here
in the dim light. Now we continue on, Gerenn having found a new tunnel. The warmth here is
strange, and there are peculiar smells.

(no date entry)

No time… Huge cave, fires, sulfur. A city, black towers… tombs with incredible treasures, gems.
Possibly city of Earth Wardens. Attacked by hideous creatures from below… gates to the Ash lairs…
Gerenn dead, others wounded… no way out…

From the Notebook of Anulis Batanadies,

Kalariak Expedition
(book was found, edges burned, at the mouth of the Langasse River)

While one might think that the severe weather and geologic contortions of the Shadow World
would cause any physical creations of previous civilizations to be quickly lost, the Essænce some-
times acts in strange ways. The lands of Kulthea are scattered with haunting reminders that the
world has been home to many peoples before the present tenants.
While surviving evidence of the Lords of Essænce is extremely rare, the few remaining instal-
lations are especially priceless—and perilous. The Lords had a mastery of magic and technology,
and between these powers they created ways to preserve their secret hideaways even through the
millennia since they ruled this section of the galaxy.
More common are ruins of civilizations which rose and fell during the Second Era and earlier
in this, the Third Era of Ire. A few reminders even survive from the time vaguely referred to by
Loremasters as the Interregnum. This was the period between the destruction of the K’ta’viir
Empire and the founding of the College of Loremasters (the date considered to be the first year
of the Second Era of Ire), a period of as much as 100,000 years. While the Loremasters would like
to take credit for single-handedly returning civilization to Kulthea, in fact many cultures rose and
fell during that vast span of time. Legacies of a few of those peoples have endured, to awe and
mystify scholars and adventurers.

1 • THE CORAL ROAD The road is sometimes under the water, following coral
reefs; at other times it is above the waves connecting
A vast network of avenues linking the continents, the strings of atolls. Once the entrances to the roads were
Coral Road was at first attributed to the Lords of Essænce, grand gates, but most have been sealed or destroyed. A few
but was in fact built some time during the Interregnum, were hidden and locked with powerful spells. The Lore-
before the Second Era. It was designed as a safe method of masters and Navigators know a handful of these secret
travel between continents when the seas were even more ways, but most are lost. A complete map of the Coral
perilous, and frequent flowstorms made magical travel Roads would be priceless; even a partial one highly prized.
almost impossible.
The roads are wondrous works of craftsmanship united
Few have heard of the Coral Road, and fewer still have with the natural growth of coral. Often the tunnels and
walked any of its winding ways, but many of the routes passages have crystal windows cut in them, affording
survive even today.
Part 5: Places of Interest 91

vistas of storm-tossed seas above, and tranquil views of Era. But the temple conceals an even more ancient secret:
swimming fish in the waters below. a Coral Road entry.
Written records of events before SE 1 are notoriously
rare and unreliable, but evidence suggests that most of this
network was constructed/grown sometime between
-10,000 and -5000 SE, by a group known as the Earth Far beneath the surface of the Shadow World, flows of
Wardens. Probably Elven in nature, their influence is water and magma have carved vast mazes of tunnels and
implied by these and other works all across the hemi- caverns. Kulthea is a world riddled with secret caves, and
sphere. the darkest of these are the Ash Lairs.


Entrances to the Coral Road vary tremendously in Even the Loremasters know little of this underworld—
design, though virtually all are now cleverly concealed to it remains largely unexplored. However, it is the home to
appear as natural formations. They are either very near a many creatures and beings: demonic refugees from other
coast or even located just offshore on a small island, the planes, hideous spawn of inter-species matings, and other
actual door hidden by magic and skillful workmanship. things unthinkable. Wild tales of this realm tell of every-
Difficulty in finding the door varies with each entrance, thing from maze-like tunnels to huge caverns enclosing
but discovering one by chance is very unlikely. entire cities. Demons of the Essænce and those of the
The Navigators and Loremasters know of a few dozen Fourth through Sixth Pales in particular make their homes
coral road entries; undoubtedly many more still lie undis- here.
covered. Even the Trogli rarely venture into these depths, though
Goblins, Trolls and Lugrôki find their way into the lairs—
DANARCHIS CORAL ROAD ENTRY whether by plan or misfortune—inevitably to become
A rocky pinnacle rises out of the sea just off the subjugated by the demonic residents. Cave Worms and
northwestern tip of Danarchis, one of dozens of such similar beasts also dwell here.
islands. This one is distinct only because of an ancient
granite archway on the coast facing the isle—a symbolic DEEP GATES
door. Three hundred feet of shallow water separate the Entrances to the Ash Lairs are the Deep Gates, physical
coast from the isle, and there, fifty feet up the sheer rock and magical doorways from the surface world to the lands
face in a niche in the side, Very Hard to locate, is a secret below—and beyond. Fortunately for surface dwellers,
door. Pressing a nearby stone (seemingly a cluster of these access ways are few and most are closed by en-
quartz) triggers a counterbalance to swing the great stone chanted locks. However, take care when exploring a cav-
door inward. A wide stair spirals 100´ down and opens ern, especially when the air turns from cool to an uncom-
onto the coral passageway. A vaulted corridor about 20´ fortable warmth with a scent of sulfur…
high and wide, it curves westward beneath the sea. One
branch heads north where it opens at the Mur Fostisyr, 3 • VOTANIA
and continues to the north pole. Another branch dives
This great mountainous isle near the center of Emer
deep beneath the ocean to rise again at the Thesmoq
has always been a focus of power and mystery. The coast
Domain, underneath a tiny sacred isle. It sweeps further
is a mix of fine sand and treacherous rocks guarding a
west before joining the road which lies along the reefs
narrow border of habitable ground. Soon, however, the
extending from the Komaren entry.
steep flanks of the mountain rise at a seemingly impos-
KOMAREN CORAL ROAD ENTRY sible angle towards the summit, nearly three miles above
On the southern coast of the main island there are the surface of the sea. No mortal has set foot on the
many rocky outcroppings. One of these conceals a spiral uppermost peak of Votania in millennia—and returned
stair down to the domed antechamber. The road heads to boast of it.
west and joins the road from Thesmoq before continuing
to a small outcrop near the risen land of Tarania.
At the northern tip of the island, Aldaron built a
THESMOQ CORAL ROAD ENTRY beautiful palace and the capital of his empire. Aldain was
In the center of the Thesmian Bay lies the tiny island of a metropolis of slender marble towers and colonnaded
Aeoni, crowned by an ancient temple from the Second courtyards, with gardens and fountains everywhere. But
92 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

that was thousands of years ago, and little remains of the Most Portals function in a—relatively—mundane fash-
city but tumbled walls and broken columns. the city was ion, transporting whomever steps through it safely and
plundered soon after the fall, and has been looted many instantly from one place to another. However, some
times over the ages, but it holds treasures still for those Portals have the power to send one to another time, or
clever and determined enough to seek them out. It also has even to another world. And since most Portals operate in
its own guardians… and some say it is haunted. both directions, they give beings on the other side access
to this world.
FORGE COMPLEX RUINS Below is a selection of Portals still functional in Hæstra.
Along the western shores lie the ruins of a vast com- Some are fully active while others have been closed but can
pound. This was the first home of the Ahn Sye Ni-Vulma, be re-opened. This is not meant to be a complete list; GMs
the Order of the White Flame. It was closed in TE 1555 should feel free to add Portals as appropriate for their
when the order moved to the Ahrenæk at the urging of A- campaign. Additional portals may exist within other sites.
kesh. This complex has also been the target of looters,
though not as much so as Aldain City. Many of the GENERAL PORTAL ATTRIBUTES
facilities are underground and hidden, and some have yet Active Linked: The most common type of Portal, it is like
to be reached by robbers. They are equipped with many an interdimensional door, opening at one specific place at
protections, however, so seekers of wealth should beware. the other side. One steps through and is suddenly at the
terminus of the Portal.
The evil order known as the Jerak Ahrenreth makes its Active Variable: This type of Portal is not tied to one
home deep beneath Votania, in a sprawling complex of specific location at the other ‘end.’ Rather it may have
chambers. A physical entrance to the Ahrenthrôk lies several possible openings at pre-determined Portals, or
concealed on the northern coast of the Sea of Votania, but may even be random.
it is well guarded by magical warders. More about the Dormant/Inactive: A Portal is usually inactive (as op-
Ahrenreth is discussed in the “Other Powers” section, and posed to closed) because it requires a key to open it. Keys
details of this holding will be revealed in an upcoming book. may come in the form of anything from a magical token,
to a spoken word, to a gesture, to in at least one case a real
ACROPOLIS OF THE TITANS key. If the key is used properly, the Portal becomes active.
From a small cove on the southern coast of Votania, a Closed/Sealed: This is a functional Portal which has been
wide staircase spirals up around the flanks of the moun- magically blocked (usually by the Loremasters). Powerful
tain, eventually reaching the summit many thousands of spells interfere with the functioning of the Portal, pre-
steps later. This is the only way to reach the Acropolis of venting anyone from going through it. The Portal still
the Titans; no Navigator will take you there. radiates power but cannot be used unless the spells are
Hardy climbers will encounter obscuring fogs (actu- broken.
ally low clouds) near the summit. The upper portions of
Dead: For whatever reason, the power is gone from this
Votania remain wreathed in clouds at all times.
Portal. It give off little or no magical energy, and appears
Treasure-hunting visitors will find disappointment at
to be completely inactive. There have been a few cases,
the end of their labors, for all that stands upon this lofty
however, when a Portal thought to be dead has suddenly
height is a cluster of grand but simple temple-like build-
ings (one dedicated to each Titan). The acropolis appears
abandoned (the titans who are here choose not to show GATE OF YÆRA
themselves) unless someone tries to tamper with or deface This powerful Portal began as a great geode more than
anything. This will bring forth a terrible storm, powerful 15 feet in height. Located in the foothills of the Mountains
enough to literally blow the intruders off the summit. of Gold, it stands amidst many ruins on a rocky plateau.
This place — now known as Yæra — was most likely a
4 • PORTALS scholarly center of the Earth Wardens, though its exact
nature is long forgotten, as its manuscripts have turned to
Portals (otherwise known as ‘Gates’) are an integral
dust. Whether the Laan opened this Gate is uncertain; it
part of the Shadow World. Most were created during the
dates from a time preceding that people.
First Era or Interregnum, though the power to make them
A sorcerer of considerable skill worked his spells, and
was still not uncommon in the Second Era. Few now have
split the geode. Therein were revealed two perfect hemi-
the skill or desire to undertake such a project.
Part 5: Places of Interest 93

spheres, their cores glittering with amethysts. But one featureless most of the time, when it is troubled by the
hemisphere remained for only an instant before vanishing Essænce, strange characters appear on its faces, glowing
in a silvery flicker of Essænce. The other, held upright on blue and green and red.
a pedestal of fine marble, serves as the entrance, and the It is older than the ruins which surround it, though it
vanished half is the exit far away. shows no sign of age. An artifact of the Lords of Essænce,
The Gate is not constantly functioning, and the origi- it is a portal of sorts. By speaking the correct phrase in
nal method of controlling it is long lost; perhaps it was by Iruaric, the surface of the obelisk becomes permeable.
some enchanted item or command. However, the Gate One can step inside, into a triangular chamber about eight
will activate at seemingly random times. A flowstorm will feet per side. In the center is a slender triangular pedestal
open the door, or sometimes a powerful use of Essænce three feet high, on the surface of which is a complex touch-
nearby. But just as often the hollow will fill with a pad/mental control surface. By using thought-commands
shimmering light for no obvious reason, and the air in the and/or touching key combinations, the inside walls change
courtyard around the Gate will become still; almost elec- to indicate the various locations the obelisk-transporter
tric. In the sparkling core of the geode, one can see faint, can deliver you to. Some are obviously destroyed now.
shifting scenes, as if the other terminus of the gate is Once a selection is made, one merely steps through and is
actually moving through space or time. The exit point has there. Someone could theoretically step into the Ahr-
never been determined. enthrôk or any of a number of still-functioning Lords of
The effect will last for a few seconds or an hour — again Essænce installations from here. But, there is no one left
there is no pattern — and the Gate closes again. Naviga- alive who still knows the code phrases except Andraax and
tors stay well clear of it. a handful of K’ta’viiri in deep sleep.

A three-sided pillar of black adamantine stone, the 5 • HOLY & UNHOLY PLACES
obelisk stands in the ruins of an ancient city (there are Here are a few examples of temples and shrines associ-
actually several such obelisks, but the rest are undiscov- ated with various deities.
ered in wilderness areas, or buried, or underwater). The
pillar is ten feet across on each side at the base, rising up TEMPLES OF EISSA
and tapering to a needle point sixty feet in the air. While These structures whether in a city or the countryside
the surface of the Obelisk appears to be smooth and are usually a rectangular temple with a complex of at-

A Portal of the Lords of Essænce, located near a ring of stones ruin

94 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

A Typical Rural Shrine of Iloura

tached buildings. Priestesses of Eissa (all who serve Eissa but there is usually a small roof-vent to let in a ray of light
are women) live here and maintain the temple. many are and allow smoke to escape. Always above the entrance is
also Healers and Clerics who will cure the sick and heal the symbol of Iloura: three leaves in a branch.
wounds (in return for a hefty tithe). The altar itself is a round stone with a large circular
Eissa preaches that those mortals who are pure of spirit depression in the center and a small depression on either
and follow her teachings will be released to a divine side. In finer shrines, set in each of the side depressions is
oblivion when their body dies. The same is true for Elves an unusual material called smokestone. It looks like rock
who die, and others who grow tired of the world may be but is organic, and can be soaked in a liquid steeped in
chosen to travel to Orhan itself and live there in dreamy certain herbs. When dried, it can be lit and smolders for
bliss. about eight hours before going out. (After cooling for ten
or so hours, it can be lit again, and re-used in this manner
SHRINES OF ILOURA almost indefinitely).
Rather than one specific shrine, this is representative of
The smoke from the stones releases an incense which
probably hundreds of small, rural structures scattered
allows one who is a follower of Iloura to have visions —
across Kulthea. As Iloura is the Mother of the Earth, so it
should the Lady Iloura wish it.
is only appropriate that her shrines are usually simple and
The stones are lit and the center depression is filled
located in the wilds.
with fresh water. The adherent must be alone in the shrine
While some may be no more than a shallow cave with
and spend the night. Whether they have a vision or not
a slab of rock to roof it, others have corbeled arch door-
(requires a successful Meditation roll) they will awake
ways with a short corridor leading to the chamber. Iloura’s
rested in the morning.
shrines are always dug at least part-way into the ground,
Part 5: Places of Interest 95

HALLS OF KIERON A treacherous narrow stair cut into the rock is the only
Kieron’s preferred method for his followers to show way up there short of flying or teleport, and at the summit
their devotion is music, festivals and revelry. In return he one is greeted by a sprawling, walled complex of temples
makes sure the wine is always sweet and the hangovers and other structures. This was a monastery once inhab-
mild. Kieron brings levity and fun to balance the serious- ited by dozens of monks devoted to the Bringer of Night.
ness of some of the other gods. Because of this his ‘temples’ Now there are only ruins and the moaning cry of the wind.
are designed to be concert halls and party rooms. These System Notes: Those foolish enough to spend the night
are maintained by attendants who receive tithes to cover on the peninsula will have terrifying nightmares. Each
expenses. night on the peninsula afterwards, they will suffer an
attack from the Evil Mentalist Base Mind Disease list.
TEMPLE OF MYNISTRA AT BENTARA The GM should roll 1D10 to determine the spell level,
This temple is on a bluff overlooking the town of
then roll an attack with no range mod. For Neurosis,
Bentara in Miir. It is the chief temple of the local goddess
Phobia, and Psychosis, the GM should choose things or
Mynistra, a large structure with three colonnaded wings.
acts which seem appropriate for the character.
For more on the goddess herself, see Other Powers.
SHRINES OF AKALATAN This desolate plateau in the Forbidden Hills southwest
One of several temples in larger cities, this one is of Qye holds the remains of temples to Scalu, Klysus,
devoted to the Dark Spirit Akalatan, the ‘son’ of Klysus. Andaras, Inis, Moralis and Z’taar, plus numerous smaller
Followers of the Serpent god must make regular sacri- temples to lesser evil demigods. It dates to the end of the
fices (usually they must give some of their own bodily Second Era, when many dark gods had large followings,
fluid) to appease him and ensure health and life. Priests of just before the Wars of Dominion. The complex seems
Akalatan teach that failure to do this will result in return- abandoned, but there are many traps and hidden magics,
ing in the next life as a slave in a demon-world. and three demons of the Sixth Pale remain magically
Periodically, there will be special closed ceremonies to trapped here for all time, waiting for new toys to amuse
which only the devout are invited. At these shadowy themselves with.
events often culminate in a sacrifice to Akalatan some sort
of perverse ritual of bonding with the god through a
summoned Procreator demon. 6 • OTHER LAIRS &
All priests of Akalatan are men, who for some reason all PLACES OF POWER
appear young and virile until the moment of death, when
they age within a span of seconds to old men (this ex- Below are several miscellaneous sites of interest which
tended youth is a benefit of their perverse rituals and the PCs may have to pass near, or they might be destina-
drinking ‘blessed’ fluid). tions in themselves.
Shrines are six-sided buildings with a small sanctuary, BURIAL MOUNDS OF THE JINTENI
and a stair down to many chambers below ground where Pre-dating the Wôrim, the Jinteni were centered in
priests and servants live. Not surprisingly, a snake motif what is now Uj, but had many colonies in Hæstra and
dominates, including snake-headed men. Khûm-kaan. Their burial mounds can be found through-
ACROPOLIS OF SCALU out Miir and Vornia. Usually visible now as a circular hill
of earth about ten feet high and thirty feet in diameter,
these mounds cover a small tomb, accessed through a
There is a spit of land ten leagues north of Jantanen in
small door. Of course, the door is now covered by earth
the Bay of Izar. The hills are fertile, covered with tall grass
and grass. Inside these tombs (provided they have not
and scattered trees, but this peninsula, known as Desamis
been looted) one may find gold, platinum, art treasures,
Point, lies empty. Loremasters believe that the place was
or even an ancient magical item. However, disturbing the
once the domain of an evil lord—the remains of his castle
tomb may release the angry Wight of the entombed.
still stand somewhere along the coast—. but it was all
destroyed when he turned against the god Scalû. At the LAIR OF MOTAR VOORG
very tip of the peninsula the land rises in a rocky cliff, The Red-gold dragon lives in the Heights of the Spine
hundreds of feet above the water. It is here that the Temple of Emer, east of Tovor. Motar is a fairly typical Mature
of Scalu once stood. Fire-drake, highly intelligent but bent only on the acqui-
96 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

sition of treasure and destruction of all who threaten him. virtuous servant of Kuor, however, it becomes light and
Until recently he was in hibernation, but has awakened easy to swing, and has the following powers:
and is hungry and not too happy about his new neighbors. 1. +30 OB
Motar loves tales and word-games, and actually has
2. Attacks using the “Holy” critical hit table (in addition
much knowledge of the Second Era—not to mention
to regular criticals against normal-sized opponents).
considerable treasure from that time. He enjoys music
and conversation, and has even been known to allow a 2. When drawn from its scabbard it creates a sphere of
particularly gifted Bard to leave his lair unharmed, though anti-magic five feet in radius where no spell may func-
empty-handed. (He has been visited by the Loremaster tion (no RR). Magic items’ innate powers operate nor-
Randæ Terisonen.) mally but they cannot cast spells.
Motar’s home is a warren of caves about a thousand
feet up the Spine of Emer. The entrance is easy to see by the
A Light-Drake, Ssamis resides high in the Scorpion
cascade of bones and rusted armor strewn down the
Ridge east of the coastal town of Slyke.
mountainside by the opening. Among the tens of thou-
Unlike Motar, Ssamis is cruelly mischievous, and en-
sands of gold pieces, hundreds of jewels, and dozens of
joys ‘playing’ with her prey before killing it, much as a cat
magic items in Motar’s treasure hoard is the Holy Sword
does with a mouse. She is also extremely vain, even for a
of Kuor.
female drake, and will let an skillfully flattering intruder
HOLY SWORD OF KUOR live for some time before eating him.
Description: A large bastard sword fashioned of a dull Ssamis’ hoard is not as extensive as Motar’s but is still
grey alloy. The edge is like a razor and never requires a very great treasure-trove.
sharpening. The blade is etched with a fine tracery and
runes which are barely visible. The guard is a simple “T”
Little is known of the Wôrim, whose civilization rose
shape, roughly formed—but it is of Star Iron. The hilts
and fell during the Interregnum, except that at one time
are wound with black wyvern-skin, and the pommel is
they apparently inhabited most of Hæstra. All that re-
an orb of black Læn. The scabbard is also of black
mains of this ancient culture are several scattered bar-
wyvern-skin trimmed with titanium.
rows, mostly in Miir and southern Bodlea. The barrows
Powers: Those who do not worship one of the Lords of are usually marked by a low stone structure and a large
Orhan or are not pure of heart can barely lift the sword. oval pillar with an inscription. Over time some of these
To wield it they would be at -30. In the hands of a have collapsed, or the stones partially covered or broken.
Some of these tombs have been looted for the treasures
buried with the Wôrim. Many
of the residents of these bar-
rows are still here—manifest-
ing as Barrow-wights. Any-
one walking within 100 of the
downs might attract the

In western Vornia, be-
tween the northwestern end
of the Izaran Crest and the
shores of the Bay, lies this
swamp. It straddles the road
between Bentara and
Falkenna, looming over about
fifteen miles of the ancient
A Temple of Cay in SW Hæstra highway built by the Old
Part 5: Places of Interest 97

Empire. Once this road was raised above the swamp—a bright. Creatures natural and supernatural lurk here.
causeway with periodic low bridges to allow the waters to These are the Bodlean Moors.
flow beneath. But the road has sunk in places, and a few
bridges have collapsed, making this a treacherous route.
Year-round it is warm and muggy in the marsh, even The foggy moors provide a home to numerous birds
oppressive. The air is still and the sun never reaches and animals, most harmless. The most dangerous normal
beneath the trees. Often a dark mist will rise from the creatures are probably the few roving wolves. However,
waters. foul beasts inhabit the darker regions: black squirrels,
giant spiders, ghost wolves, and even a few Cave and Hill
The marsh is infested with alligators and large con-
Trolls. There are also rumors of a nest of land wyverns
strictors, but the greatest peril is the wailing deep in the
south of Wyerdale.
Overshadowing the swamp are these great coniferous THE GLEN OF NORG
trees, their roots fanning out above the watery ground like In the Glen of Norg, astride the
living buttresses. Those who have been in the swamp say northern face of the Forbidden Hills,
that the trees have an awareness.
the Shards of Hoar Ak settled at the
THE WAILING WATERS bidding of the Ahrenreth. They drank
In the heart of the swamp, where the cypress trees grow the blood of the lowland breed. Perhaps
thick and tall, are the wailing waters. The site of a battle an
age ago, it is now a watery graveyard for numberless souls. this is why Hoar Ak traded brown for
Within this region are what are commonly known as burgundy.
Corpse Candles. These appear as handsome men or beau-
tiful women trapped under the waters. Unlike the usual More on the Shards and the I-lat can be found in the
type, however, these also can he heard, a sad song wafting Master Atlas 2nd Edition. There is also basic Shard infor-
through the swamp. Those ensorcelled by their spell will mation in the Rolemaster Creatures books.
soon join the wailing.
System Notes: All within 100’ must make a SD RR vs. The potential power and terror of Shards cannot be
1st level or be drawn to look into the waters of the stressed enough. Of all the constructs they are the most
undead. Afterwards treat as a normal Corpse Candle . devilishly powerful and cruel.
PCs may also unwittingly look into the water and be
When moving in combat their pace is anywhere from
trapped even if making a successful RR vs. the wailing.
a Shardic sprint (confined space) to dash (open areas,
THE GREY GROVE including forests), making their DB -300 to -500; virtually
In a shallow valley in central Miir, astride a tributary of unhittable by normal means. They pause for only part of
the Alana river, stands an ancient forest. While made up a round to fire their deadly disks. To have any chance of
of a mix of trees, it is predominately oaks, willows, elms hitting a Shard, one must be on opportunity fire with a
and pines. missile weapon and anticipate where they will stop (within
Within this grove lurk many hostiles: Sentient Trees, a a 30° firing arc). Attempting to melee with a Shard in
colony of Garks, Giant Spiders, and Black Squirrels. combat is suicide.
The one defense against Shards is invisibility, and even
THE BODLEAN MOORS this is less than perfect because of the Shards’ superior
Bodlea is a vast area of rolling land. Most Dales are senses of hearing and smell. If the target is invisible and
situated on higher ground where farmland has the best flying or moving silently, add 80 to their DB. If they are
drainage. Between these higher elevations are regions of invisible but not successfully moving silently, they are
open lowland which form either marshes or just perenni- only -50 to their DB.
ally moist heath. These moors usually covered in grass or And remember, Shards are not merely brutal but cruel,
moss, with a few scattered trees, odd rocky outcroppings, and their dietary preferences make resurrection difficult
and ruins of farms, temples and castles whose owners have at best.
long been forgotten by all but the Elves. Morning fogs
linger in these areas, and the sun never seems to shine as
98 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

ORACLE OF SYNE of a diamond and gold necklace is not enough. Some say
Built into a cliff-side in the Forbidden Ridge— high up the Oracle is fickle; others say it is all-knowing.
the face of the bluff — is a great arched doorway, on either If the Oracle deems the offering insufficient, there is a
side of which sits a staid warder. These statues of wizened stony silence, and the supplicant will get no answer, even
kings which flank the entrance to the Oracle of Syne have if he throws in more. If, however, the gift is appropriate,
no magical power, but they stand guard just the same. the Oracle speaks:
And the narrow winding path to this remote entry dis- “Your offering is welcome and well-given.
suades the faint of heart as well. What do you ask of the Oracle of Syne?”
Once past the eternal scrutiny of these doormen, a The visitor may then inquire about a single concept
corridor slopes gently downward for several hundred feet. (one aspect of a place, a thing, a person, etc.) The Oracle
It is dark but for luminous runes which glimmer on the will answer, sometimes in a clear single word, sometimes
black walls. in cryptic verse. But it will always give some useful (if
At last the visitor reaches a vast domed hall, lighted initially obtuse) reply, and in the asker’s most familiar
from far above by a small opening in the center of the tongue. The Oracle will rarely answer more than one
arching roof. In the center of the chamber is a well: a question per day from a visitor, no matter how rich the
round opening framed by grey stone, a shaft descending offering.
into the depths of the earth. This is the Oracle.
To ask a question of the Oracle, the visitor must cast an STANDING STONES OF NILÔM
offering into the well (no one has ever heard it hit bot- GM Note: The standing stone described here are typical
tom). The Oracle has a supernatural ability to judge the of many sites scattered over Hæstra and sections of Tai-
relative sacrifice of an offering. One man’s offering of a emer and Khûm-kaan. The GM may wish to adapt the
loaf of bread might be sufficient while a rich man’s offer

A Cave of the Shards of Hoar Ak

Part 5: Places of Interest 99

A Typical Standing Stones ruin in Bodlea or Miir

layout and powers and have the characters encounter STANDING STONES POWERS
similar structures elsewhere.
1. All stones begin to glow when a demon or servant of the
The rolling hills of Bodlea have a few features of note,
Unlife (essentially any ‘evil’ being) ventures within 1000'.
among them a number of defiant stands of trees — and
the Standing Stones of Nilôm. 2. Any ‘evil’ being or creature attempting to pass through
The structure takes the form of two concentric rings of (meaning between the stones or over them) the outer
tall, roughly cylindrical pillars surrounding a circular ring receives an “A” Disruption critical and must make a
platform which rises three steps above the ground. The RR vs. 20th level. Failure means the creature is thrown
rings are 100 and 60 feet in diameter, and the platform is backward, success means it has gotten through the Ward.
20 feet across. The pillars in the rings are made of a blue- 3. As 2 for creatures attempting to pass the inner ring,
grey stone. The outer pillars are about ten feet tall while except the critical is “B” and the RR is vs. 30th level.
the inner pillars rise to around fifteen feet; they are consid- 4. As 2 for creatures attempting to climb on to the plat-
erably eroded but one can just make out cryptic, hiero- form, except the RR is vs. 40th level.
glyphic patterns on their surfaces. The platform is of a
grey stone and much smoother. 5. Very powerful creatures may have spells which enable
them to pass the Wards, or even damage them, as is
Once, long ago, there was an avenue lined with smaller
evidenced by the broken avenue.
stones which led to the stream a hundred yards away, but
this road has been fractured in several places, many of the 6. The Wards do not stop good spells from being fired out,
pillars lying broken on the grass. It is no longer a safe place though evil spells must make the same RR as physical
to travel along. action. The Wards do not interfere with physical missile
However, the circle retains much of its ancient virtue. attacks of any kind.
When awakened by need, it can be a fortress against evil.
100 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire
Part VI: Other Powers 101


The sun was shining and it was one of those perfect days for travelling: not too hot or humid, nor too
cold but brisk enough to be comfortable while hiking. We had just stopped to rest on a low hill over-
looking a farm when they appeared. Randæ sensed it before anyone else, and ordered us to lie flat on
the ground. Then the Phoenix pendant turned cold against my skin, almost burning me with the
chill, and a moment later we all felt the tingling, when your hair stands up just before lightning
The sun itself seemed to dim and turn grey as, not a stone’s throw away, a bluish light flickered
near the ground and a shimmering oval of light appeared out of thin air. The oval rimmed what
looked like a rippling mirror perhaps thrice a man’s height—it was a Portal.
For a moment the gateway to another dimension floated silently, then the creature emerged. It
was not unlike a large squid, levitating upright by some power with its tentacles hanging below it and
wavering sinuously. But the upper ‘body’ was bloated and translucent with apparently three saucer-
like eyes spaced about it, and within we could see a monstrous pulsing brain. I had never seen any-
thing like it before, an unspeakably hideous thing beyond imagination.
But Randæ apparently knew its ilk…
“Thresh!” He hissed under his breath. “This is bad.”
But it would get worse. The thing floated forward, then rotated slowly as if surveying the area. We
held our breath. Then the Portal shivered again and another horror appeared, more bizarre than the
first. A huge, bloated fish with shimmering diaphanous fins, for a moment it seemed strangely beau-
tiful. Then I noted that it was covered with large, round, unblinking eyes. And from its toothy maw
protruded a cluster of tentacles, dripping with luminous slime. I felt bile rise from my stomach at the
unnatural foulness of this thing.
And while we were watching this monster, the Thresh had darted across the field to hover above
one of the cattle grazing nearby. It lowered slowly onto the apparently unwary beast, its wavering
tentacles encircling it. Then the body lunged downward and the poor creature let out one plaintive
cry. It was over quickly; within a few heartbeats the cow was a desiccated heap of bones and hide.
As if on queue, the two then flew away to the north with startling speed. We all let out a breath,
and Jad proceeded to become noisily sick.

Kalen Avanir
From his Travel Journals of Emer
102 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

This portion of the book is dedicated to groups and VEILS

individuals who—whether they act openly or in secret— There are ten levels or veils, of skill and development in
have an impact upon Hæstra and environs. The intention the Changramai discipline. These levels are somewhat
is to devote attention primarily to more local influence; theoretical; T’vaar Dekdarion himself has only reached
organizations such as the Loremasters and Lords of Orhan the Ninth Veil, by his own declaration. A Changramai
have been covered in detail in the Master Atlas. Monk advances to a higher veil though a trial, a test of
mental, physical and spiritual ability in which the monk
1 • CHANGRAMAI proves he has earned a new designation. Judgement is
made by a tribunal of masters.
MONASTERY GM Note: These Veils are not tied absolutely to specific
Established around S.E.I. 2500 by none other than the system levels, though for convenience they may roughly
Loari master of unarmed combat, Loremaster Tanris correspond to 5 level increments (i.e., 1st level equals the
Dekdarion (an ancestor of the current Loremaster and First Veil, 5th level = Second Veil, 10th level = Third Veil,
Changramai master T’vaar Dekdarion, as well as the etc.).
infamous Dúranak Prince, T’revor Dekdarion), the school The veil level is signified by the color of the small raised
is named for the ancient changrama technique of mind/ collar band around the traditional white robes, and on the
body fusion. left cuff of the robe or other garment.
It is more a school and training center than a true Veil Color
monastery. In fact, while many adherents follow a devo- First ............................................ White
tion to the Lord Cay of Orhan, no organized religion is Second ........................................... Tan
practiced in the walls of the Changramai compound. Third ............................................. Grey
Fourth ............................................ Red
ENROLLING Fifth ........................................... Green
All are welcome to enroll in the Changramai school,
Sixth ........................................ Maroon
though very few are granted entry. Those older than
Seventh ......................................... Blue
young adolescence are also unlikely to be accepted be-
Eighth ........................................ Purple
cause of the complications of beginning training later in
Ninth............................................ Black
life. Rigorous testing is required to be granted entry; only
Tenth ........................................... Gold
one in perhaps 100 who seek admission are accepted.
RANKS AND LEVELS OF ABILITY A second designation of skill is called degrees or Ranks.
Young men and women who pursue the discipline of These are specific sets of ability related to the two basic
changrama progress through a complex series of ech- schools of martial arts taught at the Changramai school.
elons. The exact nature of these vary slightly depending on There are four ranks for each of the two basic styles,
the chosen curriculum, but the terminology is essentially ranking designated by small triangular pips on the collar.
the same. Ranks for the Talshya method (utilizing mostly striking
STUDENTS attacks) are placed on the left side while ranks for the
The Monastery takes in a few orphans as children and Renshya (involving mostly unbalancing and throwing
essentially adopts them. These children are very well maneuvers) are placed on the right side. The pips are
cared-for through to adolescence. If they have the apti- usually worn only at ceremonial occasions.
tude and desire, they are offered the chance to become MONKS AND WARRIOR MONKS
initiates. Alternatively, they may continue to live and The Changramai training embraces training philoso-
work in the shelter of the monastery, or depart to seek phies both with and without the aid of spells. Thus,
their fortune. graduates may either be pure physical warriors or users of
INITIATE Mentalism as well. While the Mentalist Monk has an
All who enter as adolescents or adults are initiates, additional training regimen, the differentiation is not
usually for five years. They are given a series of tests to often made to outsiders.
determine their aptitudes and preferences, and set upon a GM Note: While RMSS continues to consider Monks of
course of additional schooling and training. Essence and Bards of Mentalism, in the Shadow World this
is reversed for all NPCs (GMs may do as they wish with
Part VI: Other Powers 103

their Player-characters). Monks use Mentalism, Bards

tap the Essence; this is the ‘Amthorian’ philosophy from
RM 2nd Ed.


All who pass the first Veil are given a small red
triangular tattoo on the back of the left hand. From a
distance the tattoo looks solid, but upon close inspec-
tion it is actually a very intricate pattern. The tattoo is
also enchanted in nature, and very difficult to coun-
Optionally, the monk may also have a second
tattoo, a tiny red triangle (pointing down) under the
left eye. This makes it clear to everyone that the
wearer is a Changramai.

The monastery does not hire out monks for guard
duty unless they have passed the Third Veil, (GM
Note: this is usually around 10th level) and have a total
of four ranks in martial arts. However, monks hired as
bodyguards never wear rank or veil insignia as they
would reveal to possible opponents the monk’s area
and level of expertise.
A monk may be hired through one of the offices
located in most of the larger cities in Emer or Jaiman.
Rates vary tremendously depending on the person or
item to be protected, where (or if) they are travelling, etc.
The minimum is 2 Monks for day/night protection at 10
gp/day and up. This is always split 50-50 between the Changramai Monk Novitiates sparring.
monks and the Monastery.
From the Sketchbook of
T’sandar Vey


Name Lvl Hits AT(DB) Sh Gr Melee Ob Missile Ob Mov
Kark Jenael 11 113 1 (85) N Y(arm) 101StkR4; 96SwTR4 90/20 jata* 25
Loari Warrior Monk. All Adrenal moves 58, Subdue 55
Sargon Jerell 10 85 1(80) (Y) Y(arm) 90StkR4 80/30 jata* 20
Jineri Monk. Three Adrenal moves 55, Subdue 50, All Base Monk lists to 10, Shield Mastery to 5.
Bren Jenjanus 13 120 1(95) N Y(arm) 111StkR4; 90SwTR4 100/80/30 jata* 20
Loari Warrior Monk. All Adrenal moves 62, Subdue 70
Horek Trinn 14 115 1(90) N Y(arm) 118StkR4; 85SwTR3 102/50/20 jata* 10
Laan Warrior Monk. All Adrenal moves 80, Subdue 65
Idarien Chye 22 98 1(100) (Y) Y(arm) 90StkR4; 85SwTR4 110/30/20 jata* 25
Loari Monk. 4 Adrenal moves 70, Subdue 80. All Base Monk to 20th, 3 other lists
Thierry of Ravensdale 9 88 1(70) N Y(arm) 100StkR4; 95SwTR3 80/40/20/20 jata* 15
Talath Warrior Monk. All Adrenal moves 65, Subdue 50
Valen Tai 16 125 1(90) N Y(arm) 105StkR4; 117SwTR3 130/60/60/30 jata* 10
Nuyani Warrior Monk. All Adrenal moves 58, Subdue 55
• Jata: This circular, three-bladed weapon rolls on the broadsword table, with range as a spear. Skill in its use is taken in a way similar to martial
arts, except subsequent ranks are instead targets in the same throw (max ranks: 4). All targets must be within a 120° arc. The thrower may use his
last attack bonus instead as a ‘return’, causing the jata to come back to him. Thrower may opt to catch the jata, making a maneuver roll with the
applicable attack bonus. Failure means a roll on the thrown weapons fumble table; failure by over 100 means an unmodified attack on the thrower.
104 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

of Essence. Into each item was integrated a lens—a

2 • THE EIGHT cabochon of transparent laen, tinted to match the hue of
Long ago these eight elite groups served Aldaron and However, in 1609 SEI, Ondoval (disguised as Luarto
his successors, the Emperors of Emer. As agencies of the Shang, the Lord High Seer of the Emerian Empire) and A-
Empire, they aided in administrating the realm and moni- kesh recall many of the old artifacts to be ‘enhanced.’
toring activities throughout the far-flung lands. Some Instead, they alter the purpose of the lenses to link them
also served as foci of learning and storehouses of knowl- with the Dark Jewel of the Jerak Ahrenreth, and each lens
edge. Each order had a First Minister, who sat at council acted as a scrying and recording device, allowing the
with the Emperor. members of the Order of the Eye to ‘see’ through each lens
It was assumed that all the orders were disbanded at will. Once a lens was recovered, they could also view
when the Emerian Empire collapsed in the years following everything that the lens had ever seen. In this way the
T.E. 1650. All except Zanar did vanish from view, and Order of the Eye was able to spy on even the most secret
some actually disbanded. But the kernel of their origins meetings and events. Just as each order had a color asso-
remained, and some have returned to serve as enclaves ciated with it, one might know the origins of a lens by its
against disorder. Some fell under the shadow to arise clear tint.
again as twisted mockeries of their former mission. Order Lens tint
Eye ..................................................... Violet
GM Note: A brief overview of the orders is included here;
Silver Sword ........................................ Grey
more will be revealed of their current activities and mem-
Scarlet Cloak ........................................ Red
bers in later books, especially for those located in other
regions of Emer. Ring ................................................... Green
Sun ................................................... Yellow
ARTIFACTS OF THE ORDERS Four Winds ......................................... Blue
Each of the Eight had powerful items associated with Hand (Mask) ..................................... Black
them, forged at Aldaron’s command. The Smith and White Flame....................................... Clear
Alchemist Kerento T’ara,
one of Aldaron’s people,
was the creative force be- Eight were the servants of Dænkú. AHN SYE
hind these artifacts. Powerful lords, they served a greater master. WOLOKA
T’ara’s understanding of The Ahn sye Woloka
magic was slightly differ- (E. “Order of the Eye”)
ent, having come from a But time was cruel and War put an end was once the association
parallel world. With him to the Power of Dænkú. of Seers who aided the
he brought a new per- Emperor with foretellings
The Eight returned, yet they sought new guidance:
spective on the flows— and communication with
and a powerful use for Ondoval filled the void with Darkness. the far reaches of the em-
the rare crystalline ele- pire. They were corrupted
ment Laen. during the later years of
Laen combines an en- While Dænkú slept for the second time, the Empire by Ondoval
chanted nature along His Cult turned from the Narrow grey path. (founder of the Jerak Ahr-
with some of the tensile Crystal reflections were to defeat the Eyes enreth), when he—dis-
strength and optical guised as the Seer Luarto
properties of glass and If both are lost then hope dies. Shang—rose trough the
the malleability of steel. ranks to be named the
It was mainly the optical Lord High Seer and
Few guessed the purpose of the Cult of Old,
properties of the mate- Keeper of the Eye. He
rial that T’ara was able to subtle as whispers in a gale. used the altered power of
exploit, creating lenses Now their actions speak and realms fall. the lenses of the other
which in effect focused orders to spy on them and
The Order meets again in the Hallowed Hall. engineer their undoing.
and filtered the very flows
Part VI: Other Powers 105

The Order was suppos-

edly destroyed in the ensu-
ing chaos after the fall of the
Emerian Empire.
But Iæn Shiin (now one
of the Eight of Ahrenreth)
stepped in and salvaged the
trappings of the group.
Today they live again, and
they seek the Aenfaw—spe-
cifically the Heart of Agoth
— but not for Schrek. Iæn
Shiin is an ally of Lorgalis
first, and has learned of
Schrek’s search for the arti-
fact. He hopes to secure the
item first and therefore put
it where the demonic Lord
will never find it. He uses
the Order of the Eye to cover
his actions.
As in the original struc-
ture, there is the Lord High A Lens Circlet, holding two lenses
Seer, eight Lord Seers and
sixteen adherents. Iæn Shiin is the Lord High Seer, the
current headquarters of the Order is the Isle of Glass, access the item’s powers. In addition, there is a second clip
located in the Rællian Bay. which can hold another lens pivoting down in front of the
first. A lens from one of the other orders can be inserted
THE LENS CIRCLETS here, and the wearer can view anything the lens has ever
The Lord High Seer and each of the eight Lord Seers witnessed.
possess a magical circlet with mystical scrying powers. In Other Powers:
form they are copper metal headbands studded all around
1. Can view at will as if through any of the other lenses of
with green laen jewels. Affixed to the band in front is a
the Eight Orders.
complex metal apparatus which can swing down over one
eye, allowing the wearer to look through a tinted lens and 2. x4 PP Seer spell enhancer


Name Lvl Hits AT(DB) Sh Gr Melee Ob Missile Ob Mov
Vorga the Inquisitor 20 90 1(50) (Y) N 88 mace +45 Absolution Pure 15
Laan Evil Cleric. All base Evil Cleric to 20th, 6 others to 10th. Scepter of Zanar (with lens), +30 robes of Defense
Gragor the Priest 12 68 1(30) N N 68 mace +20 Black Channel 5
Laan Evil Cleric. Lesser Scepter of Zanar (+10 Mace). All base Evil Cleric to 10th, 5 others to 10th. Black Channel: Wrath of Zanar: range 50´, RR
mod -10. Target bursts into flame, one “B” crit for every 10 pts failure.
Bortok Khog, Champion 15 165 18 (50) Y Y 155 mace 90 heavy crossbow -20
Laan Fighter. +10 armor, Mace of Zanar (+20, additional disruption crit one less than any other crit)
Darmis au Boj, Champion 10 120 18(35) Y Y 125 mace 75 heavy crossbow -25
Laan Fighter. +5 armor, Mace of Zanar (+10)
Klendo Xhaak, Champion 7 93 18(35) Y Y 100 mace 80 heavy crossbow -35
Laan Fighter. +5 armor, Mace of Zanar (+10)
106 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

3. Multiplies range (in time and/or space) of all Seer Base known as the Crimson Cloak or Crimson Order) has
spells x4. become warped and their focus is meaningless. Origi-
4. Multiplies duration of all Seer Base spells x4. nally—on the original world of Aldaron’s People—it was
a priesthood who cared for the sick and honorably re-
AHN SYE NOKORA leased the dead. They followed a benevolent god of that
The Ahn sye Nokora (E. “Order of the Silver Sword”) world named Zanar; theirs is a monotheistic religion.
was the Emperor’s house bodyguard. Traditionally, these However, upon arrival on Kulthea, the priesthood suf-
impressive men wore flowing silver and white robes and fered a crisis: they were severed from contact with Zanar.
had full helms of steel. Their swords were polished to a At first they were welcomed by Eissa, who
silvery finish, and the elite of this guard wielded a special allowed them to believe that she was male
weapon called a Yarkbalka. and another ‘incarnation’ of their god;
Now they have revealed their presence again, and though the Zanarians were troubled by the
serve a man known as the Lord of Ardania and reside existence of other gods.
with him in the Palace of the Sun in southern Tai- Then, in T.E. 1553 the Seer Luarto Shang
emer. All have the same grey robes and (Ondoval in disguise) reveals to the Lord High
helm of their predecessors, and ride great Priest of Zanar that Eissa is really a woman and
steeds. not even the most powerful of Orhan. In the
depth of his crisis of faith, the High Priest is
THE YARKBALKAS vulnerable to Ondoval and is tricked
These strange weapons resemble into redirecting his channelling focus to
large broadswords (bastard swords), but all the Crystal, the heart of the Jerak Ahren-
are fashioned of a special titanium-eog alloy reth.
which has a distinctive silvery hue. As the years passed and more priests
Common Yarkbalka Powers: Treat as 2-h were replaced or converted to following
sword, -10 when use one-handed; +10 and the Ahrenreth in the name of Zanar.
2x hits when used with both hands. Could Now the Inquisitors of Zanar, driven
be summoned to hand of attuned wielder by a misplaced religious fervor, they ter-
from up to 100' away with a thought. A Yarkbalka rorize the land, demanding ‘tithes’ and
Fumbles on an UM 01-03, used 1-h or ‘devotion to Zanar’. The focus of the
2-h. order is the Scepter of Zanar, a silver rod
Superior Yarkbalka Powers: Sixteen with a great red orb, now perverted into an instrument of
High Guardians had special Yarkbal- death.
kas. The Superior weapons had pow- This group controls an island off the Hæstran coast
ers of the common blades, but in (the Isle of Fire, just north of the entrance to the Bay of
addition to striking as a 2-h sword when used one- Izar) and their religion is spreading across Emer. The
handed, and a 2-h sword +20, 2x hits when used with organization does not claim land, but rather seeks to
both hands, these special blades could summon the subvert the peoples of neighboring realms to the religion
Fireblade: the weapon bursts into intensely hot flame. of Zanar. The Church promises longer life to its faithful,
The sword becomes a +30 2-h sword, dealing 3x hits and and in fact offers the chance to be raised from death
an additional Heat Critical of the same value. The Lord should the body be brought to a temple quickly enough.
High Guardian had a similar weapon, except it was also They exact heavy taxes from their followers, and as their
considered Holy. following in a given area grows they put pressure on the
remaining peoples to join.
The Sixteen High Guardians and the Lord High Guard- PRIESTS
ian also possess enchanted helms. Fashioned of a silvery The most innocuous of the followers of Zanar, the
alloy, each had a smoky grey lens set in the forehead. priesthood maintains the many temples which can be
found in cities across Emer. The high Priest of each
AHN SYE ZANAR temple can indeed raise the dead, but there may be side
Once an honorable association — as were all of the effects, as they may be channeling from an evil power.
Eight — the Ahn sye Zanar (E. “Order of the Cloak”; also (GM discretion). They also charge a stiff fee.
Part VI: Other Powers 107


Men who travel the countryside in dark red robes with The Eight High Priests have maces of an enchanted
hoods and masks, the Inquisitors constantly search for nature; each also has a red lens in a special setting on the
‘enemies of Zanar.’ All who use Channeling spells (espe- top. The maces are +15 and do an extra Disruption critical.
cially those who follow the Lords of Orhan) are consid- The Lord High Priest’s mace is actually a seven foot tall
ered such, and the Inquisitors cast Excommunication upon staff, x4 and +4 to channeling. It will also cast Protections
them. Those who openly defy the Inquisitors are often the IV and Spell Shield True at will (user must concentrate to
victim of Firenerves, or even Bloodfreeze (a spell which maintain the Shield).
causes the blood to harden in the veins over a period of 1-
10 minutes, killing the target with agonizing pain) or the
Hand of Zanar, a fatal channeling projection which causes The Eight Lord Champions all had enchanted plate
the target to burst into flame. The Inquisitors are a tool of armor. In addition, they each have an ornate silver cloak-
terror, frequenting areas where there is resistance to the pin, with a red cabochon setting. This is, in fact the lens.
Order. They also carry small scepters of silver, each with AHN SYE TALAUS
a lens in the head. A cabal of Mages, the Ahn sye Talaus (E. “Order of the
The Inquisitors travel in pairs, in a black coach drawn Ring”) was always an arcane group, more secretive than
by sable horses, and always escorted by four to eight any other—except of course the Order of the Mask.
Champions. Because of the nature of their artifact, it was difficult for
When Inquisitors are seen in a town or other public the Order of the Eye to create items of subtlety which
place, people slink away — for they might be picked out incorporated a lens—and which the members of the order
for examination. If such is the case, the two Inquisitors would use. Finally, they created sixteen small telescopes
come towards you, while the Champions cut off escape. and one larger version.
Then they ask: They survive to this day, but in two separate organiza-
“Do you follow Zanar?” tions, often at odds with each other.
If the answer is no, you are ordered to convert imme-
diately and pay 50 gold pieces. Refusal to convert means THE GREY RING
one of the aforementioned spells is employed until you A secret council located in Sel-kai, the Grey Ring is a
convert. vigilante group of Mages and other spell users who have
If the answer is yes, they say: “Tithe five pieces of gold.” taken the law into their own hands. They mistrust the
Talaus College (see below).
Burly men in silver armor with red cloaks, they accom- THE TALAUS COLLEGE
pany the Inquisitors and act as bodyguards and enforcers. The other faction of the Order of the Ring remain
Champions have tall helms with red horsetail crests, and isolated on an isle south of Lys. Now known as merely
wield large silver maces. Talaus, the island is a gathering-place of magicians and
There are eight Lord Champions and one Lord High scholars of the Essænce. They are allied with Lys, and
Champion. cloak their presence from all who travel into the Bay of Uj.
While not evil in nature, the Mages value their isolation
LORD HIGH PRIEST and will protect it at any cost. More will be revealed about
Head of the Church of Zanar on Kulthea, the Lord this group in Emer III
High Priest (also known later as the Lord High Inquisitor)
resides on the Isle of Fire. He rarely ventures forth from THE RINGS
his opulent palace. The current Lord High Priest is Vogo Each member wears a grey alloy ring, composed of
Cthon-Raval, a cruel and depraved man. However, he is platinum and other alloys, engraved with runes. The rings
periodically possessed by the spirit of Schrek, a condition are created for each member and each has unique powers
considered by his adherents as some sort of communion and attunement.
with Zanar. These possessions, however, are invariably THE TELESCOPES
marked by random acts of abuse upon whatever victims
These beautifully crafted instruments are about the
are available.
length of a man’s forearm, and fashioned of polished
walnut. At each end is a silver metal cap protecting the
108 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

lenses. Each also has a matching case to protect it. The STAVES
eyepiece cap screws off to free the smaller lens which Each herald carries a staff, a simple grey wood rod
doubles as a tool for the Order of the Eye. The telescopes about five feet long and tipped with silver.
operate like the real instrument, magnifying distant ob-
jects by 20x. They also allow the user to see through fogs THE HERALDS
and clouds and at night as day. Finally, once per week they Also known as simply the Heralds, these beings are
can see through any one solid barrier (e.g., a wall, a hill, among the most mysterious and arcane on Emer.
even a single mountain) within 4 miles to view what may Each of the Heralds has a tabard bearing one of those
be on the other side. four beasts (Unicorn, Hawk, White Lion, Wyvern) stitched
in silver on a cloudy grey field.
THE BOOK When a Herald is seen, he is always astride a great white
The focus of the Order is a great tome, the Book of the stallion which moves at what seems a slow motion gallop.
Ring. The Book was stolen in T.E. 5010 by an unknown While the horse’s movements are slow, its velocity is not.
thief and the Talaus College has been trying — unsuccess- No man nor beast nor vehicle has yet been able to keep
fully — to recover it since. (The thief was servant of Schrek, pace with these strange riders. And while these horsemen
and the book is in the vaults of Ahrenthrôk). seem solid enough to the eye, they often rise off the ground
AHN SYE SHAN as they ride, carried on nothing more substantial than the
The Ahn sye Shan (E. “Order of the Sun”) is another of air. These horses have no wings like the mighty steeds of
the Orders to be corrupted. Once the members of this the Cloudlords of distant Tanara; only some powerful
order were masters of flora and wise in the ways of enchantment keeps them aloft. They seem to pay no heed
enchanted herbs. to events around them and attacks against them are
fruitless. Often, however, just the appearance of a Storm
Their home is an island known only as the Isle of Glass.
Herald is enough to drive away most creatures of Dark-
It is located in the Rællian Bay, surrounded by reefs. More
will be revealed about this order in Emer III
In fact, the four Heralds serve the Storm Wizard who
THE SUN AMULETS long ago brought Aldaron to this world to unite it against
There were sixteen gold sunbursts about four inches in the Shadow.
diameter and suspended from a golden chain. Each was While these four beings are sentient men, they carry
hollow in the center to hold a yellow lens. Each was a +4 an air of detachment which makes them seem little
PP enhancer, and may cast one Plant Mastery spell up to more than automatons. In a very real sense, they are
user’s level per day. The Lord High Animist had a slightly extensions of the Storm Wizard’s will. It is virtually
larger amulet, which was +8 to Channeling spells, and impossible to slay them, though the nature of their
User may ‘safely’ (i.e., only the normal failure chance) powerful defenses is mysterious. If a Herald finds
overcast any spell up to five levels above his own once per himself in a situation he cannot control, he simply
day. Caster must ‘know’ the spell. vanishes.
Though the four wear tabards with differing em-
AHN SYE TAKLA blems, all have essentially identical powers. They all
The Ahn sye Takla (E. “Order of the Four Winds”) is look similar as well: youthful yet somehow wizened,
still technically in existence, though it is not of the same tall, with short black hair, fair skin, and grey eyes.
nature as it once was. Today its head is the Storm Wizard,
and its members are the Storm Heralds. THE HERALDS’ MOUNTS
These appear as mighty white steeds with silver
HORSES AND BRIDLES hooves. Their saddle and bridle is pale grey leather and
Four blue lenses once were set in the bridles of the trimmed with silver and hung with silver bells. They
Heralds’ mounts, set in the center of the horse’s forehead. are enchanted beasts, the like of which is no longer seen
Long ago, however, the Storm Wizard learned of the on the Shadow World. In a sense, they are not alive at
treachery of the Order of the Eye and the powers of the all, but are summoned spirits from another plane. If
lenses. He removed them and has them now in a secured killed, they will re-form at the Storm Castle.
Part VI: Other Powers 109

AHN SYE NOMOKE was different. Its founding leader was a Lord of Essænce
This order has been known as the Hand, and (errone- by the name of Dænkú — though in a later age he would
ously) the Serpent, but the Order of the Mask is closest to be known as Andraax.
the truth. Always a shadowy organization, they were the
Emperor’s spies—and the only group which refused the
In the hours that followed the death of Kadæna, Utha’s
gift of lenses from the Order of the Eye. They were in fact
disbanded at one point by the Emerian ruler, only to go forces captured all of her K’ta’viiri followers who did not
underground. escape to other planes and stripped them of their powers.
Then they routed her evil minions and either destroyed
They have no set headquarters; their meeting place
them or sent them back into the Void from which they
changes constantly (though their original meeting-hall
came. Utha then decided that Kulthea needed to be
was in the northern Spine of Emer). Their intentions and
shielded from the threat of returning minions of the
purpose have yet to be revealed. However, it is known that
Unlife as well as demonic forces from the outer Planes —
originally there were eight members and eight adherents.
and Beyond. He had set his Eyes to watch over the world,
Each had a mask, which supposedly granted abilities akin
but feared that they alone could not maintain a watch
to those of a powerful Mystic.
against Darkness. So he charged Dænkú with the task of
AHN SYE NI-VULMA forging an organization to protect the Eyes and maintain
The Order of the White Flame was originally a guild of the safety of Kulthea. To aid them he gave the Crystal, a
craftsmen and artisans who were the master smiths for the mighty artifact through which flowed the Essænce. With
Emperor. Now they serve only the Jerak Ahrenreth; their it, the Circle could tap vast energies, and it acted as a focus
home is the Ahrenæk in Rulaash and their leader is A- of their powers and purpose.
kesh, bastard son of Tethior. This first Secret Circle, known properly as the Dænkú
Ahrenreth, was made up entirely of K’ta’viiri, and was led
THE VISORS by the man whose original name was said to be V’gliin. As
There were eight and one of these; all simple laen leader of the Circle, V’gliin came to be known as Dænkú
shields attached to a headband so they could be swing exclusively, and his birthname was virtually forgotten.
down over the face—not unlike the visor of a helm. The The Dænkú Ahrenreth did its duty for thousands of
eight conferred frontal immunity to natural and magical years, but at last the inexorable march of time and the
heat and cold, and were x4 PP enhancers for All realms of attrition of conflict with the minions of the Shadow
Alchemy. The one did as the others, but also, only when reduced the Circle to Dænkú alone. Some were slain in
worn by the attuned Lord of the White Flame, it would combat with demons, some were swept away by the tides
project on the inside of the glass the spells for all Alchemy of the Essænce. Among those lost into the Void was
lists and all alchemical recipes at a command. Only the Ondoval, trusted friend of Dænkú.
wearer could see them. But at last there seemed to be peace, so the Chief of the
Order slept deep beneath the earth, to be awakened should
3 • THE SECRET CIRCLE danger arise again.
This section describes a secret order known amongst THE AHRENRETH REBORN
its members and followers as the Jerak Ahrenreth, or At the Dawn of the Third Era, Ondoval returned from
‘Secret Circle.’ It is a cult of surpassing power and evil, beyond the Void and opened the sealed gates of the
with a convoluted history which reaches back far into the Guardian Isle. The old members of the Secret Order were
First Era. long lost, but he resolved to refound the Circle. But
How this organization is used (if at all) is up to the GM. Ondoval was not as he had been when he entered the Void.
With such powerful agents and subtle operations, the Secret His mind was twisted by the warped reality, and his
Circle could be behind any number of subversive operations, purposes were not what they had been. He strayed from
large and small. the ideals of the original order and fell into evil.
THE JERAK AHRENRETH Seeking for minds of subtlety and power, he endeav-
ored to gather a new Order and renew the Oaths as he
An ancient cult, the Ahrenreth was called to order long
remembered them.
before the founding of the College of Loremasters and
before the first Navigator Guild was formed. In fact, its
origins lie in a different age, when the very face of Kulthea
110 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

It was within the shadowed ruins of the original meet- they opened it. Within was a small circular room empty
ing place of the Dænkú Ahrenreth that Ondoval called the except for thirteen pedestals set in a ring. And upon each
Cabal to order. pedestal was a crystal orb, shimmering with a brilliant,
He summoned forth the Secret Circle once again. prismatic inner light. Believing them to be artifacts of
value, the Dyari brought them out of the vault. It was not
THE AWAKENING OF THE CRYSTAL until much later that they realized that within each orb
The Essænce Crystal still glittered within the deepest was a presence…
recesses of the Earth Vault, but its light was dim, wearied And so thirteen Thalan, imprisoned by the Lords long
by time. In his insanity, Ondoval decided that to re- ago, were freed from their magical tomb. They each
awaken the Crystal would require the blood of sacrifices. mystically impregnated a Dyar female with their presence,
The Eight went forth and returned with humans and Elves and as the fetus developed each moulded it to his or her
by the hundred. Taking their warm blood in a sadistic purpose. The resulting children resembled Lords of Es-
ritual, the Eight added their own life-fluid — weakening sænce as much as Dyari, and from birth they exhibited
themselves near death — and bathed the Crystal. strange powers. Even before their bodies had fully ma-
The great faceted cluster did awake; only now its color tured, these thirteen entities had exerted their mental
was no longer clear like pure water but red like fiery blood powers over the current Dyari leaders. Rather than take
from the depths of the wounded earth. And the innocent prominent positions themselves, they assumed unobtru-
blood of the victims of this ritual cracked the adamantine sive administrative positions in the small Dyar kingdom,
facets. From the Crystal, Ondoval took seven splinters, all the while gathering information and crafting their new
and from each would grow a new Crystal, nourished by organization. They also secured several caches of artifacts
the blood of a thousand souls. Borne of these seven which the Navigators would call compasses, and kept them
splinters grew the Secrets, seven from the one. Each serves hidden for their own purposes.
as a local focus of the Unlife, puncturing the field of Over the next few hundred years the thirteen built a
protection offered by the Eyes of Utha and granting growing commercial empire around bureaucracy of their
Ondoval and the Ahrenreth additional powers. Together own, far outgrowing the Dyari. They became known as
with the Ahrenthrôk, the first hold, they were eight. the Brotherhood.
THE CIRCLE OF EIGHT During this time the group sent out spies and agents,
These eight beings serve as a focus and council; an selecting races who could serve their needs. They brought
alliance of evil unmatched in the Shadow World. But it back Jhordi and Kuluku and bred them as elite warrior
was not always so. The First Secret Circle was called to teams.
combat Kadæna and her cruel servants. THE BROTHERHOOD
Some aspects of the Circle remain the same, however. At the heart of the Alliance is the Brotherhood, a group
As before, the eight members assume titles associated with of 13 Thalan Mystics, each with two Dyari adherents.
specific seats on the council, taking those titles as their Their physical forms are humanoid and immortal, resem-
names. In some ways these were more than designations, bling a fusion of Elf and K’ta’viir. They have all the special
for they were indicators of their role, and even became physical attributes of the K’ta’viir. Using subterfuge and
part of the owner’s identity. manipulation, they brought the wild mannish tribes of the
Those names have been changed, however, and new area under their control. Because the Brotherhood mem-
rings have been forged for the Eight of the Cult. bers are all experts at illusion, no one knows how many
there are or where they may be at any given time—or even
4 • THE ‘‘ALLIANCE’ what they really look like.

GM Note: Much more on the Alliance will be revealed in THE JENAAR

later books, but since they are mentioned in the timeline The primary political emissaries of the Alliance are
and have begun to visit Emer, some background is in order. Dyari Elves. When going openly, they dress in similar
Late in the first millennium of the Third Era of Ire, a black uniforms with red trim and a particular earring and
group of Dyari archaeologists (the less diplomatic might hair style. They are known as the Jenaar, and approach
call them tomb-robbers) discovered an ancient vault of neighboring governments making an offer to join the
the Lords of Essænce. Inside, among other things, they growing trade pact known as the Alliance. Acceptance,
discovered a sealed chamber, and being curious souls, however, means far more than a trade agreement; it
Part VI: Other Powers 111

means coming under the Alliance dominion; refusal means

destruction at the clawed hands of the Kal’chah.
Other Jenaar are trained Mystics who secretly infiltrate The Sirens are beautiful women of Elven character
other cultures and governments— initially in order to (though a few males have been reported), each usually
analyze their potential as future Alliance members, but if accompanied by an elderly man. The general belief is that
the culture refuses or is unsuitable, the Jenaar also act to they come from a land to the south or east, but it is not
destroy the structure from within, making it more vulner- certain
able to outside attack. GM Notes: The Sirens—like the Heralds of Darkness,
and the Priests Arnak in Jaiman—are servants of the
THE VA’TENN & KAL’CHAH Unlife. Having destroyed the land of Gethanen to the
One Jhordi Mentalist (a Va’tenn) is in charge of a east, they are moving into Emer. The Sirens have vary-
group of Kuluku warriors (Kal’chah). The most powerful ing powers and natures, but all are powerful Bards,
among the Va’tenn possess a wristband which functions using music and sound as deadly weapons. Some wield
much like a compass. Using this, they are able to teleport their power with subtlety, others with flagrant displays
into a secure place and strike without warning. of raw power. More will be revealed of them later.


An elite trade organization and social society, the Below is a very brief overview of a few governments
Amethyst League is headquartered on the isle of Pyridiis, outside of Hæstra but which may have an influence on
part of the realm of Danarchis. All members wear an events there.
identical ring—a silver signet set with an amethyst. Each It is important to keep in mind that only the most
gem has a unique emblem cut into it, a seal to identify the wealthy and well-travelled will have seen any of these
individual wearer. places; to most they are merely exotic names and spots on
The League is actually a cover for a crime syndicate, a map.
specializing in smuggling but also involved in other illegal
activities. Many governments have tried to snuff them SEL-KAI
out, but because most are so localized, the League is able A legendary trade city, Sel-kai (and its counterpart, the
to go underground in that area until things ‘cool off’ skyborne city of Eidolon) is known across the hemi-
before resurfacing. sphere. Home of the famed skyships, Sel-kai is a name
synonymous with wealth, prestige and culture.
The city of Sel-kai itself is essentially a sprawling cluster
6 • THE BLACK DAWN of islands at the mouth of the Sharhya River. Canals run
An insidious religious cult said to originate in southern between the isles, which are connected by dozens of
Silaar, the Black Dawn is just beginning to insinuate itself bridges.
into Hæstra. The group’s symbol is a gold sunburst with Hovering high above, glittering in the sun, is the pal-
a black center, meant to symbolize an eclipse. High priests ace-city of Eidolon. It is disc-shaped, with rings of shops
of the order carry a mace of gold with a black obsidian and villas alternating with small parks and gardens. At the
sphere in the center; lesser Priests wear an amulet of a gold center is the Prince of Sel-kai’s palace.
sunburst with an obsidian cabochon.
At present the Black Dawn has a very small following THE LANKAN EMPIRE
in the larger NE Hæstran cities, members meeting in Few of Hæstra’s inhabitants know much of the lands
homes and back warehouses. Rituals are said to involve east of the Spine of Emer, and when facts are scarce there
self-mutilation and sorcerous summonings. Some Lore- is always gossip and rumor to fill in the gap.
masters theorize that the Black Dawn is an offshoot of the While not technically the most advanced culture on
Order of the Sun, but this remains unconfirmed. the continent, the Lankani possess quick minds and an
GM Note: more will be revealed about the Black Dawn aggressive nature. They have conquered nearly all of the
in upcoming books; in the meantime the GM may wish once-isolated tribal communities around them, and just
to plant a few ominous rumors. ten years ago defeated the Pochanti, a kingdom further
north along the coast of Tai-emer. For a culture which
112 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

cannot work steel, has little use for the wheel and little VAJAAR
desire to sail, they have become quite powerful. The Lord Praelector of this realm—located in SW
Uj—has just been crushed by the forces of the Komari.
Vajaar was the aggressor, seeking to annex the Komaren
A trade center even larger than Sel-kai City (though
Cluster and exploit it. But, like so many campaigns by the
perhaps not as famous or glamorous), Kaitaine is located
Vajaari, this one ended in failure.
in southwestern Emer Its ships trade all over the conti-
nent, north to Jaiman and south to Falias and Thuul.

With the breakdown of large governments comes iso-
Two peninsulas and more than a dozen large isles mark
lation and suspicion. Sea lanes are no longer patrolled, nor
the empire of the Honakh (‘king’ or ‘lord’) of Præten. This
roads maintained, and crime thrives.
maritime country is isolated from the steppe-peoples of
Tai-emer and seems more than happy to remain so. The RAIDERS BY SEA
Præteni are an aggressive people who have found them- In addition to numberless independent pirates, the
selves in an unhappy location between two major trade sea-merchants of Hæstra have three forces to contend
powers. To the west lies Danarchis, an organized little with.
realm with ties to every major shipping port from the Mur To the north, the isle of Plasidar is well-known as a
Fostisyr to Kaitaine, while not 500 miles to the east floats pirate haven; their lord is Jerel, the White Swan, a ruthless
Eidolon, the only trade city whose fame (and legendary Dyari Elf. East of Danarchis is Præten, which denies that
flying trade fleet) has spread across the entire hemisphere. its ship raid merchants on their way to Sel-kai, is clearly
As a result, Præten has had to resort to raiding to guilty. The Honakh is a dissembler and master of subter-
supplement its economy, its privateer ships making life fuge, and his ships fly no flag when they strike. Finally,
difficult for Danarchis and the seagoing vessels of Eidolon
as well.

Kellus the Naiad rises out of the Keyten River

Part VI: Other Powers 113

west of Komaren is the Shinh Archipelago, a cluster of isles MYNISTRA

said to harbor many wild creatures—and a pirate base.
Powerful among the local gods of Hæstra, Mynistra
HIGHWAYMEN AND BANDITS could stand in her own domain (within Hæstra itself)
No safer than the seas are the roads of Hæstra in this against a Lord of Orhan. Outside of that region but within
troubled time. Poor, desperate serfs with no home turn 1000 miles of Helberna her powers and level are essen-
from begging to stealing. Often they are armed with no tially halved. Beyond that she is reduced to a quarter of her
more than a knife or pitchfork. More dangerous are normal powers and vulnerable; it would take dire circum-
deserting soldiers, and jobless mercenaries, mostly from stances for her to go so far, especially when she could easily
the army of Stroane. On the positive side is that some channel through a follower.
sense of honor might be expected from these thieves; Mynistra is known as the three-faced: Love, Wisdom,
however the negative is that they are inevitably skilled and and Protector. To reflect this, some statues of her have
well-armed fighters. Then there are the professional high- three faces spaced around the head. Others have three
waymen, merciless killers who will do anything to get your separate statues reflecting the different natures. Though
gold. They are most to be feared. generally benevolent, the goddess does not suffer those
Finally, there is at least one well-organized society of who take her name in vain or worship her without feeling.
bandits: the Riders of the Golden Rose. All wear dark blue, The former might meet with an accident and the latter
including a silk mask and cap, and all have a beautiful could find themselves without Power Points at a very
golden cloakpin in the form of a rose blossom. They are awkward moment. Mynistra is not above being petty.
skilled fighters, honorable after their fashion; some vic- Services are every 10 days (travelling worshippers are
tims say even polite. They are reputed to have an Elven air, expected to make do even on the road); she enjoys singing
speaking Erlin with a fair accent. They never harm their and prayer, and small sacrifices of incense and flowers.
targets when it can be helped, and usually take only cash.
GM Note: The Riders are in fact Elves and Laan, 11 • INTERESTING
recruited into he service of a Linær/Dyar Bard who calls
herself the Golden Rose. Her secret castle is in a vale PERSONALITIES
among the foothills of the Spine of Emer, about ten The following individuals are not particularly power-
leagues east of Relian. ful, but they are all unique and could be useful to add
flavor to the PCs experience.
The following are special NPCs in Hæstra. A wealthy man by most standards, Bashar Tremaine
nevertheless travels on horseback (or in his covered wagon)
KELLUS THE NAIAD from city to city and manor to manor. He carries a wide
Powerful among the Faerie, Kellus is tied to the Keyten variety of wares, including herbs, ointments, jewelry,
River. He draws his strength from it and cannot leave it for unusual trinkets, a few books, and even a selection of
very long. All of the land along the river is lush and magic scrolls.
beautiful, and it is the home of many varieties of animal. With him is his wife Findell and two adult daughters—
Kellus is the object of reverence by the Bodlean people, Naris and Baila. Both daughters are skilled fighters and
and in return he has used the river to help them defend help to guard the entourage.
themselves from southern attackers more than once. He
can turn the river into a raging torrent, sweeping anything PHENO THE JUGGLER
in it away to the sea. Pheno is not unlike many other travelling entertainers
Kellus can assume a human form, a handsome, mus- in Hæstra, travelling from manor to manor, putting on a
cular youth with fair skin and pale blond hair. At other show in return for a meal and a few coppers—except that
times he can rise out of the river, appearing vaguely he is actually a Loremaster. Not all Loremasters are lordly
human in form, but many times the height of a man and Elves who announce their presence. Many indeed are
made up of the water of the river itself. simple merchants and entertainers who travel alone and
gather information from a different perspective.
Pheno dresses in worn but clean clothes in bright
colors; PCs will never know that he is a Loremaster, but if
114 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

they take time to chat with him and buy him an ale, they
might get a priceless gem of knowledge or two.


A wood-elf, Bandara is very unusual for her race in that
she enjoys travelling and interacting with mortals. Her
companion—Mikal—is in fact a Laan. Together they go
from village to manor to city, putting on shows in return
for a few silvers. Bandara travels in more respectable
circles than Pheno; She entertains lords and kings, and
wears an air of mystery and power like a cloak. Her flashy
shows are designed to impress and amaze those unfamil-
iar with magic, and they do.


The handsome Trellian is in demand wherever he goes;
his voice is like honey and his songs are unmatched in
their ability to stir the heart and soul. He has been making
the rounds of Hæstra and beyond for as long as anyone
can remember, yet he still looks like a young man. When
asked, he demurs, suggesting elven blood. But Trellian has
a dark secret: he is a vampire. He must travel only at night;
during the day he sleeps in a sealed box in his covered
wagon. The only one to share his secret is his current
assistant, the youth Kendo, who watches over him by day.
After entertaining, Trellian slips into the night to feed. He
takes little pleasure in this, but he must to survive. He
usually manages to leave his victims alive, but sometimes
he cannot help himself. Bandits lie in wait along the road to Orian


Name Lvl Hits AT(DB) Sh Gr Melee Ob Missile Ob Mov
Kellus 30 250 11(90) N (Y) 180 mace (fist) 120 water bolt 30
Naiad, tied to Keyten River. Age: Immortal (appears ≈20) Sex: M Eyes: blue-green Hair: white-blond, shoulder length Build: muscular Height:
6´/20´Spells: Mentalist Closed Liquid Manipulation, Mystic Base Liquid Alteration, Mystical Change to 30th. 300 PP. Spell range is within 100’
of the river from any point in the river. Over max hits means he discorporates for 7-70 days.
Mynistra 160 700 20(150) N (Y) 300 HBa(fist) 300 lightning call 200
Goddess Age: Immortal (appears ≈25) Sex: F Eyes: green Hair: blonde, shoulder length, flowing Build: perfect Height: 6´/12´ Powers: As
Lords of Orhan (Master Atlas 2nd Ed p 102) within Hæstra. Spells: All Channelling and Base Cleric. She particularly enjoys calling storms and
Pheno 20 110 11(35) (Y) (Y) 140 broadsword 95 dagger 20
Shay Thief (Loremaster) Age: 36 Sex: M Eyes: brown Hair: short, dark brown Build: lean Height:5´9˝ Spells: All Loremaster Base to 20th
Items: Tunic, protects as AT 11, Magic +20 broadsword (looks like poor iron), +20 throw and return dagger. Loremaster Ring, invisible at will.
Bandara 10 40 1(40) (Y) N 35 dagger (spells) 15
Erlin Illusionist Age: Immortal (appears ≈30) Sex: F Eyes: blue-green Hair: Build: statuesque Height: 6´2˝ Spells: All Illusionist Base to
10th, Rune Mastery, Lofty Bridge to 10th.
Mikal 7 68 9(35) Y N 95 quarterstaff 60 comp bow 15
Laan Rogue Age: Immortal (appears ≈20) Sex: M Eyes: blue Hair: black, long Build: muscular Height: 6´4˝ Items: +15 quarterstaff.
Trellian the Bard 20 130 11(40) (Y) N 95 broadsword (spells) 10
Laan Bard (Vampire) Age: Immortal (appears ≈25) Sex: M Eyes:grey Hair: black, short Build: muscular Height: 6´5˝ Spells: A Bard Base to
20th, 5 Essence lists to 10th. Able to become mist form at will, other Vampire powers. Items: +20 harp, +25 magic laen sword.
Part VII 115


ek adjusted his pack for the umpteenth time, but he had run out of new places on his
shoulders—all were sore. It didn’t help that the sun beat down on them through the
humid haze, the heat making perspiration run down his back and soak his tunic. Who
would have thought that it could be so hot this high up in the Gold Mountains? The Changramai
Monk was beginning to feel faint; he wondered how the others were holding up. Just behind him,
he could hear the labored breathing of the Talath youth Bandor, but he was stoic and uncom-
plaining. Zek glanced back to see Bandor’s blond hair plastered to his scalp with sweat. And just
in front, Kylen the Erlin from Komaren had stripped down to his white kilt, and seemed cool and
tireless. But then he was an Elf, sure-footed as he climbed through the tumbled rocks, ever
“I can smell water!” Kylen called back. “Must be a stream nearby; we can rest—”
The Elf was cut off in mid-sentence by a sound like a thunderclap. The ground trembled
under their feet.
“Wh-what was that?” Bandor looked up to Kylen for guidance.
But Zek saw it first. “I think it has something to do with that!” He pointed to a sheltered niche
not far away. It had been shadowed before, but now from that overhang game an eerie blue-green
The three fearlessly clambered over to the source of the light, entering the niche as one—and
stopping short. Before them, framed by a bright glow, was an upright oval perhaps eight feet
high. It seemed to hover in midair. And within that oval, like a window, was an image of another
world. Within the window it was night, on a rocky shore overlooking a stormy sea. But it was
much more than a vision—they could smell the salt air and feel a cool sea breeze. And as if far
away they heard the crashing waves.
“A Portal…” Kylen said in a hushed voice.
116 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

While these atlases are intended primarily as a source of background for GMs to create their
own adventures and campaigns, we include here two relatively detailed adventures and a number
of adventure and campaign ideas. Many of these are intended to be relatively ‘low-level.’
Hopefully these, coupled with the rest of the book—especially Places of Note and Other Pow-
ers—will give GMs inspiration for many hours of exciting campaigning.

Bandits: Highwaymen are everywhere in Hæstra these

1 • THE WAY TO SARNAK days. Between the collapse of Stroane and the confusion
The city-state of the Amazons, located on the eastern caused by freakish weather, there is an increased sense of
end of the Bay of Izar, is the goal of a caravan just up from isolationism outside the cities, and everyone has got to
the town of Qye, now resting in Arakin. They carry a watch his or her own back.
variety of items, from spices to silks and rare herbs. The Bandits can range from a bedraggled group of desper-
leader of the caravan, a Shay trader from northern Khûm- ate lordless serfs to deserting soldiers to a well-organized
kaan named Belian Togg, needs a group of guards who are band like the Riders of the Black Rose (see Other Powers).
familiar with southern Hæstra to guide him overland to
Sarnak. Normally Togg would go by sea, but the storms Inquisitors of Zanar: These troublesome priests tend to
have been too frequent and treacherous—especially in the prey on smaller groups, but a wealthy caravan might be
Melurian Straits—so now he is trying the land route. too much to resist. See Other Powers for a typical Zanar
GM Note: This could serve as a mini-campaign for
starting players, as most of the challenges early-on are Wild Animal/Monster: If it is within 3 days of a Flow
relatively minor, building to such terrors as a Mountain Storm it will be a monster such as a demon; otherwise it
Giant and the Light Drake. See the chart for the will be a hungry bear, 3D4 wolves, or 1D4 Forest or Stone
caravan NPCs Trolls.
Storm: A normal but severe storm. Horses may bolt,
THE GOAL streams flood…
To escort a caravan carrying a variety of goods safely
Flow Whirlwind: A small, luminous green funnel cloud
from Arakin to Sarnak.
forms within a mile, accompanied by strange winds,
ENCOUNTERS clouds and lightning. Treat as a Large Flow-squall (Mas-
Following are things which might be encountered ter Atlas 2nd Ed, pg. 29)
along the way. Keep in mind that Togg and his servants Flow Storm: Treat as Major Flowstorm (Master Atlas 2nd
will not fight unless they have to (that is what he is paying Ed, pg. 29).
the PCs for!).
SPECIFIC ENCOUNTERS BEFORE STORM PASS Roll D100 2x daily on the chart below until 2 days past
Niév: This town is probably best avoided, especially if Dynax. Note that Togg will only travel on the road and by
there are any Elves in the group. An Elf could be arrested day. Some encounters (animals, bandits) are more likely
on sight, which would certainly complicate things. at night when the group is camped.
Roll Result
Fauns: Only encountered at the Emerald Forest perimeter, 01-40 Nothing Unusual
the fauns will observe the caravan, and if it stays away from 41-80 Harmless Travellers
the forest, 50% chance they will ignore it. Otherwise, they 66-69 Bandits: Poor Serfs*
will begin by taunting them from nearby trees. 70-74 Bandits: Highwaymen*
75-79 Bandits: Renegade Soldiers*
RANDOM ENCOUNTERS 80-82 Bandits: Black Rose*
83-84 Inquisitor of Zanar*
Harmless Travellers: These could be traders (From a 85-90 Animal/Monster
single traveler to a wealthy, navigator-led expedition. 91-96 Storm
They might want to exchange rumors about trouble in 97-99 Flow Whirlwind
the area.), soldiers on patrol, travelling minstrels, refu- 00 Flowstorm
gees, or something totally unusual. Most will simply nod *If encountered already, roll again until a different result
to the group and move on. is obtained.
Part VII 117


Giant Spiders: While preferring the night, these hideous The isle of Zinvar has been supposedly uninhabited for
arachnids will welcome prey into their webs at any time. over a hundred years—ever since the entire population
Lesser (Roll 2D4) and greater (Roll 1D4) spiders may be simultaneously went mad and killed each other. Since
encountered together, their webs closing in on the trail. then the place has a reputation of being haunted—or
Murlogi: A danger only at night, these vermin emerge worse. In any city in Hæstra one can hear wild stories told
from their underground cities after sundown seeking third-hand of the brave (or foolish) who have traveled
wealth and slaves. Roll 8 + 2D4 there only to barely escape with their lives. They speak of
Hill Trolls: Mostly in the lower elevations, these Trolls do a few survivors reverted to animal-ways, of hordes of rats,
not turn to stone, but they are blinded by the sun. Roll and of wandering undead: those killed in the insanity who
1D3 still walk the island.


Roll D100 2x daily on the chart below until the border Much of southern Zinvar (formerly a region of farms
of Sarnak. Note that Togg will only travel on the road and and country estates) is now a wilderness. At the northern
by day. Some encounters are more likely at night when the tip of the isle, where once stood Zinvar City.
group is camped. THE GOAL
Roll Result
To go to Zinvar and return—unharmed—to prove
01-50 Nothing Unusual
51-65 Harmless Travellers that setting foot on the island will no longer cause insanity
66-73 Giant Spiders
74-80 Murlogi OBSTACLES & AIDS
81-89 Hill Trolls Few aids are available in this grim adventure, but there
90-95 Light Drake Sighting are perils aplenty. The ruined city is especially infested
96-97 Storm with foul creatures, though there are treasures to be
98-99 Flow Whirlwind
found—few looters have dared to land on Zinvar.
00 Flowstorm
Mountain Giant: The GM can decide whether the caravan INHABITANTS
should encounter the Mountain Giant—and if they Feral Humans: The few who were not killed were reduced
track his path back to his lair. to an animal-like state. Their descendants are barely
Optional Secret Tomb: The Lair of the Mountain Giant is human. They have almost no language, can’t use a
merely the anteroom of an ancient tomb (Easy maneu- weapon more sophisticated than a club, and run naked
ver to notice the architecture, Hard to find the door in through the ruins and forests. They will attack on sight.
the back to the inner tomb.The GM could develop this 10% chance/day of encountering 2-12 (2D6)
to add treasure potential to the trip. Rats: Though not giant, these little beasts grow to be
Light Drake: Ssamis T’zang Actually resides far around almost a foot long (not including the scaly tail). Found
the Scorpion Ridge, but there is a chance she will be mostly in the city, they have grown bold and will attack
flying in the vicinity. If a sighting is rolled (see above), in groups of 5-50 (5D10), especially underground or at
there is a 20% chance she will see the group and decide night. 10% encounter a day, 50% at night, 80% under-
she is hungry. She may just strafe the caravan and carry ground.
off a horse, or she may be in a nasty mood that day… Birds: Flocks of vicious, bloodthirsty seagulls swarm about
the coasts. 30% chance per day 10-60 (10D6) will attack
any ship within a mile of the coast; 50% they will attack
Togg will pay 700 gp. (100 in advance, 600 on arrival)
anyone on the beach.
plus food along the route for safe arrival of his caravan.
This is a lot of gold, but still cheap compared to the cost of Skeletons & Zombies: These remains of the dead resi-
one Navigator. And Togg apparently has some cargo that dents are mostly found underground or in buildings,
will make it worthwhile. In addition, the PCs may keep especially at night. 20% chance/day of encountering 1-4
anything they ‘find’ along the way, though detours are not of either indoors during the day; 50% at night anywhere
permitted. in the city
118 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

REWARDS the Navigators or Loremasters for a considerable sum

Whatever treasure they can haul away; once word is (≈5,000 gp.). Or, the road itself could be a path to many
out that a visit to Zinvar does not equal instant insanity adventures. And of course, the people who mistakenly
there will be a rush of loot-seekers. gave the key to the PC will be wanting it back…
Discreet PCs could sell their information and possibly
act as guides for an expedition mounted by a nearby lord THE TWIN
or wealthy speculative merchants who realize the strategic Someone runs into one of the PCs at a bar, and starts
importance of Zinvar. talking to him like he knows him, calling him by another
name. If the PC plays along, the stranger inadvertently
reveals a secret—perhaps a location of a secret tomb, a
3 • ADVENTURE IDEAS political intrigue, or a scandalous rumor. Suddenly the
Here are a few very brief adventure ideas for the GM to stranger realizes that the PC is not who he thought, and
develop. becomes angry and violent. What to do?


The Dalesmen of Bodlea are used to wolves prowling The larger cities (Sarnak, Izar, Aquitar, Artha, Orian,
the less-settled areas, and the keep large dogs to protect Arakin) are constantly hungry for information about
their sheep. However, something much more fierce and events in other places. They are especially interested in
cunning has begun to kill—and it has attacked humans as each other’s business, and the activities of larger places
well. The Dalesmen would be in the PCs debt if they could like Sel-kai, Kaitaine, Námar-Tol, etc.
capture or kill the beast (It is a werewolf; one of the Dale For the most part this is healthy competitiveness,
leaders). though sometimes observation becomes spying… and
spying becomes sabotage. Most cities have career ‘observ-
THE CORAL ROAD ers’ stationed within the governments and business of
One of the PCs is mistaken for someone else, handed their neighbors, though often they will use others for less
a note, a map and a curious key. Following the map, and sensitive (or more risky) information gathering. Travel-
interpreting the mysterious instructions leads the adven- ling PCs with the right contacts could find these jobs
turers to a Coral Road entrance. lucrative and interesting—if they are careful and discrete.
Just finding an entrance to the Coral Road is a valuable
prize. The PCs could sell this information (and the key) to


Name Lvl Hits AT(DB) Sh Gr Melee Ob Missile Ob Mov

Poor Serfs 25 120 11(90) Y* (Y) 190 long kynac 180 kynac 30
Highwaymen 20 90 1(80) Y* N 90da 110 Fire Bolt 10
Renegade Soldiers 25 120 11(90) Y* (Y) 190 long kynac 180 kynac 30
Index 119


Acropolis of the Titans 92 Bandara 113 Daath Leerssoi 21 Garks 55
Age of Exploration 25 Barellis Island 83 Danarchis 62 Gate of Yæra 92
Ahn 81 Barrier Isles 49 Danarchis Coral Road Entry 91 Gelbentex 69
Ahn Sye Ni-Vulma 23 Bashar 113 Dark Elves 52 Gemsting 51, 58
Ahn sye Ni-vulma 109 Bentara 69 Demons 56 Giant Spider 58
Ahn sye Nokora 106 Black Dawn 111 Diaspar 63 Giant Squid 52
Ahn sye Nomoke 109 Black Squirrel 51, 58 Dragon Helms 20, 21 Go-tjiin-kai 57
Ahn sye Shan 108 Blood Brethren 41, 77 Dragonlords 20 Golden Dragon 42
Ahn sye Takla 108 Bodlea 64 Drül Churk 27 Golden dragon 21
Ahn sye Talaus 107 Bodlean Moors 97 Durnanga 27 Golden Rose 118
Ahn sye Woloka 104 Bokpentok 68 Dwarves 55 Grey Ring 107
Ahn sye Zanar 106 Bore-burrs 58 Dynax 69 Grotto Path 30
Ahrenæk 27 Brotherhood 110 Gryphon 51
Ahrenthrôk 92 E
A'kesh 21 C H
Albemara 63 Earth Wardens 91
Aldain Ruins 91 Champions of Zanar 107 Earthwardens 18 Hard Winter 37
Aldaron 23 Changramai 20 Eidolon 33 Heart of Agoth 35, 105
Alkartek 68 Changramai Monastery 102 Eight Orders 23 Helberna 67
Alliance 110 Chelzaria 67 Elben Archipelago 62 Highwaymen 118
Amethyst League 84, 111 City of the Dead 18, 35, 38 Emerald Forest 73 Holy Sword of Kuor 96
Andraax 113 Cloudlords 37 Emperor Regent 28
Anzeti 53 Compasses 20 I
Aquatic Elves 53 Coral Road 83, 90 F
Arakin 70 Coral Road Entries 91 Iloura, Shrines 94
Ardan 24 Coronan 25 Faaw Shryaac 35 Inquisitors 107
Ardan City 38 Cult of the Python 83 Faaw Shryaac, see also Heart of Irdania 66
Ardania 30 Cult of the Secret Circle 23 Agoth 23 Iron Wind 21
Arinyark 40 Fauns 54 Isle of Fire 27, 82
Artha 63 Forest Elves 53 Isle of Glass 105
Ash Lairs 91 Four Realms 25 Itanian Warlocks 39
Izar Coastal Towns 77
Izaran League 40
120 Emer I: Hæstra and the Emerian Empire

Jantanen 77 Nameless One 35 Sarnak 74 Unicorn 51
Jenaar 110 Narrowing Bay 83 Scalu 95
Jennis 69 Navigators 20 Second Era of ire 18 V
Jerak Ahrenreth 23, 104 Niév 70 Secret Circle 109
Jineri 84 Night Hound 51 Sel-Kai 111 Va’tenn 111
Jinteni 18, 54, 95 Nivean Atolls 83 Shaitan 76 Vœrken Mire 21
Jo-tjiin-kai 57 Northern Eye 36 Shay 54 Voriig Kye 21
Nuyan Khôm 24 Sherki 43 Vornia 69
K Shinh Archipelago 26, 83 Votania 91
O Shoneb Empire 33
Kaal Arain 35 Shoneb Kingdom 27 W
Kaitaine 111 Obelisk of Thase 93 Shuluri 53
Kal’chah 111 Olas Shryak 26 Silver Claw 41 Wars of Dominion 22
Kellus 65, 113 Ondoval 28 Skyship 32 Wôrim 18, 96
Khal-tjiin-kai 57 Oracle of Syne 98 Skystone City 80
Kieron 95 Oran Jatar 20 Smokestone 94 X
Komaren Coral Road Entry 91 Ordainer 36, 81 Snow Hound 51
Komaren Isles 26 Order of the Hand 27 Ssamis T’zang 43, 58, 96 Xenium 62
Krelij 20 Order of the Mask 27 Ssoiayig Saer 20
Kuluku 25, 35 Order of the White Flame 27 Stroane 69 Y
Orian 66 Sybarus River 25
L Syrkakang 32 Yarkbalkas 38, 106
P Y'tarmen 38
Laan 53 T
læn 72 Pellern 67 Z
Lankan Empire 111 People of the Forest 73 Talath 54
Leonas 24 Period of Consolidation 23 Talaus College 107 Zinvar 35, 72
Lonely Sea 83 Pheno 113 Temple of Mynistra 95
Lord High Priest 107 Pirates 112 Teterantor 70
Lord of Encla Turic 21 Plasidar 35 Tethior 20
Luarto Shang 28 port of Izar 82 Teusilya 83
Lugrôki 56 Portals 92 Thesians 54
Præten 112 Thesmoq Coral Road Entry 91
M Procreator 56, 83, 95 Thesmoq Domain 83
Tirellion 113
Ministra 67 R Ton-Bor 22, 79
Morloch 24 Tree Frogs 51
Motar Voorg 36, 58, 68, 95 Rashelle Islands 83 Trogli 55
Murlogi 55 Relas 24 T'vaar Dekdarion 41
Mynistra 113

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