Vi - SALM Training Manual - Chapter 4 To 6 PDF
Vi - SALM Training Manual - Chapter 4 To 6 PDF
Vi - SALM Training Manual - Chapter 4 To 6 PDF
The SALM practices in soil and water conservation fall into four broad
groups. Some of these techniques are described in this chapter. The A-frame
Terraces are constructed with the aid of an A-frame, consisting of:
SOIL • Terraces • Retention ditches
• Contour bunds • Pitting 2 bars that should be 200 cm long, made of wood or metal.
• Broad beds and • Trenches 1 bar, 180 cm long.
furrows • Tied ridges 1 bar, 60 cm long.
• Semi-circular bunds • Grass strips A balancing water tool to show the balancing mark, for example a small
• Trash lines • Irrigation transparent plastic tube of water.
• Diversion ditches and Nails to assemble the A-frame.
cut-off drains
• Roof catchment
• Ground surfaces and
• Irregular surfaces
Place water tool here
WATER • Tanks
60 cm
• Birkas
• Pans
• Ponds
• Dams
surfaces) • Wells and boreholes
180 cm
• Ecological sanitation
• Kitchen water Illustration: A-Frame
Instructions: How to make a terrace and contour bunds using the A-frame
1. For this you need your A-frame and a large number of small poles to
mark your contour bund.
2. Explore the shape of the terrain in your field and check for steep
slopes and observe any signs of erosion. The first terrace should be
made at the highest point of the slope
28 29
3. Set out the first contour line (line joining points at the same altitude) Surface bench
25 m from the top of your field. Place the first pole at that spot. Place
the A-frame horizontally to your field and next to the first pole (as Ridge
60 cm
1. Set out the first contour line (line 2. Place the A-frame horizontally to 3. Hold the A-frame in its position, and
joining points at the same altitude) your field and next to the first without moving the first leg of the
25 m from the top of your field. pole. A-frame, swing the second leg next
Place the first pole at that spot. to the pole 180° until the frame is
perfectly levelled. Place the second
Second pole
First pole First pole Illustration: How to make a contour bund
Once established, bunds need some maintenance in the first two years.
It is advisable to strengthen the bunds by placing stones and/or grow grass
along and/or to the top of the ridges.
30 31
speed is high.
Ensure there is a ridge at the bottom of the terrace, to close off the fanya 1m Bench
Final ridge on the
0.75 m
juu terrace. end of farm
0.5 m
in height.
2. The trenches could be 10 m - 20 m apart depending on the steepness
of the field.
3. Grasses or trees are often grown on the ridges to stabilise the bank,
Make the terraces by throwing the soil downhill
e.g. napier grass (in higher rainfall conditions). Bananas can be planted
in the trenches. Illustration: How to build fanja chini terraces
Water movement
c. Fanya chini
Fanja chini means throw the soil downhill. To make this kind of terrace, dig
a ditch and throw the soil downhill to establish a ridge. Grow tree or fodder Illustration: How to build water terraces
on the ridges. Close off the terrace with a final ridge. Fanja chini terraces
are often used in the lowlands with moderate slopes. e. Stone terrace
In stone terraces, stones are used to create strong embankments on steep
slopes. The stone terraces have the potential to slow down runoff, increase
water infiltration, and form the basis for improved production in semi-arid
areas. By using the contours of low slopes, water harvesting is improved
and crops can be grown in low rainfall years.
32 33
4. Place, on the side not blocking the water, smaller stones to support
the larger stones. EXERCISE
5. Place on top and in between the smaller stones sediments or top soil
Study your land and visualise where the contour lines will run. This
that can be distributed along the soil together with the rain water.
can be done by one person directing another person in walking to
6. Plant grass or trees along the stones to support the stone terrace.
the other side of the area to be contoured such that he/she stays
at the same height as the first person.
Large stone
Grass or trees to Water
Small support the terrace movement
4.1.3 Broad beds and furrows
25 - 30 cm
10 - 15 cm Furrows are narrow ditches dug in the field between crops. Runoff water is
10 - 30 m
diverted into furrows. The furrows are blocked in the lower end. When one
furrow is full the water backs up into the head furrow and flows into next
Trench furrow. Between the furrows are broad beds where crops are grown.
Furrows work in the same way as infiltration ditches.
Illustration: How to build stone terraces
50 cm
4.1.2 Contour bunds/contour farming 30 cm 100 cm
Contour farming involves ploughing, planting and weeding along the con-
tour, i.e, across the slope rather than up and down. Contour lines are lines
that run across a slope such that the line stays at the same height and does
Sunken furrow
not run uphill or downhill. As contour lines travel across a hillside, they will
be close together on the steeper parts of the hill and further apart on the Illustration: How to make broad beds and furrows
gentle parts of the slope.
4.1.4 Semi-circular bunds
Did you Semi-circular bunds are made by digging holes on the tips of the contours,
Experiments show that contour farming alone can reduce soil erosion
know? in the form of half-circles. Semi-circular bunds are used to harvest water,
by as much as 50% on moderate slopes. However, for slopes steeper
conserve soil and water, and improve soil fertility (when manure or compost
than 10%, other measures should be combined with contour farming
is added).
to enhance its effectiveness.
The dimension of the holes and spacing of the contours are determined
by the type of crop or the farming system. The bunds are staggered so that
the water which spills round the ends of the upper hill is caught down the
Contour bunds are permanent ridges of soil that are built by excavating slope. The excavated planting pits are filled with a mixture of organic manure
a channel on a slope along a contour line (line joining points on same and topsoil to provide the required fertility and help retain moisture.
altitude). These soil conservation structures resemble “fanya chini” terraces
(see, c). Contour bunds are popular in the highland and in semi-arid Instructions
areas and are mostly used to harvest water, enhance the retention of runoff
1. Semi-circular bunds are constructed on the gentle slopes of 1 – 2 %
water, and prevent soil erosion and flooding. Contour bunds are made using
in areas with 500 mm – 700 mm rainfall.
an A-frame (see 4.1.1).
2. Mark the points along the contours and get smooth curved lines
across the slope 8 m – 50 m apart depending on slope starting at the
Note: If contour lines are incorrectly established, then they can actually
top of the field.
increase the risk of erosion.
3. Mark points on lines where water affects the agricultural field and
demarcate these areas to be constructed with the bunds.
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4. To develop a bund, mark 6 m - 20 m radius and make a semi-circular
bund down the slope and form a bund to bund measures 3 m - 10 m Trash line made of crop residue
along the lines while from the bund line to another line ranges
3 m - 30 m.
5. At the inner part of the semi-circular demarcation, dig a trench of
20 cm – 30 cm throwing soil downward and create a semi-circular
ridge/embankment. 1 m wide
6. In the trench or mid/ends of the bund fill with loose stones and plant
some trees or shrubs on the ridges and inside bunds plant fodder
crops and trees etc. to maintain during rainstorms.
7. 1.5 m wide and 0.5 m deep diversion ditch can be constructed within
the bunds field to drain excess water during rainstorms.
For a video demonstration on semi-circular bunds, visit:
Trash lines are created across the slope along the contour using previous
seasons’ crop residues (millet, maize and sorghum stalks), grasses, litter and Road surface
other dead vegetative organic materials. Trash lines control surface runoff, soil
erosion and enhance infiltration. Trash lines can be 1 m wide.
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Blocked on one end
Side slope
Original ground
0.9 m
0.3 m
b. Contour infiltration ditches
Contour infiltration ditches are short ditches or pits dug along the contour
0.6 m
and upslope from a crop field. Water is diverted from the roadside into the
ditch, which is blocked at the other end. The water trapped in the ditch
seeps into the soil gradually.
Illustration: How to make zai pit
38 39
For a video demonstration on zai planting pits, visit:
Dig the pits On planting Inside the pit place ashes (to
Pit measurement: expel termites), farmyard
• 22 cm in diameter manure and crop residues
• 30 cm deep then cover with soil before
b. Tumbukiza pits planting one or two seeds
of either maize, millet or
This is a pitting system that involves digging huge pits, and filling the pits Contour bund sorghum
created from
with trash and vegetative material, including farmyard manure and topsoil. excavated soil
pit. At the end of one cutting cycle (30 days), the fodder has grown enough
to allow the next round of cutting. Excavating the pits is labour - intensive.
Three months before planting season dig the One month to onset of rainfall
tumbukiza pits
About 2 - 3 wheelbarrows or
Pit measurement:
4 debes (20 kgs) of manure
Illustration: How to make chololo and ngolo pits
• 60 cm deep
or compost mixed with 1
• 60 cm in diameter
wheelbarrow of top soil is
• 90 cm space between pits
added to fill the holes and
crops are planted. e. Five by nine pits
Five by nine pits are square-shaped pits, larger than zai pits that are used
to plant maize crops. The pits measure 60 cm square and are 60 cm deep.
The name “five by nine” is based on the five or nine maize seeds planted at
the pit diagonals (five for dry areas, and nine for wet areas). This type of pit
can hold more manure than a zai pit. Hence, it is capable of achieving higher
yields that have a long-lasting effect. The pit can be re-used for a period of
up to two years.
40 41
4.1.9 Trenches
4.1.11 Grass strips
Trenches are short ditches or pits dug across the slope to trap water.
Trenches help recharge underground water and maintain a supply of water Grass strips are 1 m-wide strips of grass planted on terraces along contours to
for wells and springs, protect the soil down slope from erosion and enable reduce the amount of water flowing down the slope and conserve soil. This
trees to grow quickly in dry lands. Embankments of trenches are planted technique can be practiced in wet and moist areas. Grass strips are planted
with grasses, legumes and trees stabilising soils and enhancing vegetation with fodder grass such as Napier or are left with natural grass, thereby they
grows leading to both biomass and soil carbon. provide fodder for livestock (cut and carry.)
Water 30 cm
Measurement of a trench:
60 cm wide x 30 cm deep Trench
Illustration: How to make grass strips
Illustration: How to make a trench
4.1.12 Irrigation
4.1.10 Tied ridges Irrigation is the use of collected or harvested water for agricultural purposes.
Tied ridges are a series of cross-ridges that interrupt or block the furrows The practice improves soil moisture and mitigates against drought, allowing
in areas with dry soils and prevent water from flowing along the furrows. crops to use the available water efficiently.
This allows the water trapped between the ridges to seep into the soil. Tied
ridges conserve soil moisture in drought-prone areas increasing crop yields, Drip or trickle irrigation
prevent water erosion, and its simple to use and maintain with farmers. In drip irrigation, water is led to a farm through a pipe system. A tube is
installed in the farm, next to the plants. Holes are then made in the tube at
Ties regular intervals, and an emitter attached to the tube is used to supply water
slowly, drop by drop, to the plants. This system is suited to small farms.
There are different types of drip irrigation based on what materials you as a
farmer have available. Examples are bottle irrigation, bamboo tube irrigation
and bucket irrigation.
1.5 - 2.0 m 30 - 60 cm
42 43
Plant Plastic bottle with 1. Pull out the drawing of your farm. What soil conservation method
bottom cut off
would you adopt in your farm?
2. List five reasons why this method is good/beneficial for you?
Cotton threads fitted
in the pin pricked hole
to release water slowly
River bank protection: The sides of the river are called river Think
banks. The banks have natural vegetation called riverine which about
are supposed to be protected. Farmers sometimes destroy
the banks of the river by growing crops. Also naturally heavy
Illustration: Bottle irrigation rainfall, river flooding and landslide erode river banks. When
the banks are destroyed the river can flood causing river bank
erosion, loss of soil, crops and livestock, as well as depositing
sand, silt and boulders on cropland. River banks can be
protected using live barriers (plants) and gabion wires. The
Water hole river sides twice the river include banks are supposed to be
protected and not be cultivated by farmers for riverine
vegetation and biodiversity. Farmers can rehabilitate the
Water damaged river banks by not cultivating, allowing natural
Bamboo tube
Stone cover regeneration, planting trees, napier, sugarcane, and/or banana.
44 45
4.2.3 Irregular surfaces (roads, railways, footpaths 4.3.3 Excavated pans and ponds
and hillsides) Ponds are reservoirs with a water volume less than 5,000 m3. Excavated
Runoff water from areas such as roads, homesteads and railways lines is pans are shallow depressions (1 m to 3 m deep) constructed to collect and
caught and channeled into fields or stored in systems such as tanks, dams hold runoff water from various surfaces including from hillsides, roads, rocky
and ponds for future use. Gutters can be used to channel the water. areas and open rangelands. When properly designed and with good
sedimentation basins, the water collected can be used for livestock watering
or to supplement the irrigation of crops.
Crop field
a. Charco dams
Charco dams are small excavated pits or ponds, about 3 m deep, constructed
at well-selected sites on a relatively flat topography for livestock watering.1
For high efficiency in water collection, the pond is situated at the lowest
point of the topography. The right site may be selected using contour maps
of the area or by observing where water collects naturally.
46 47
sand or subsurface dams. Local materials for construction are usually
available and the only extra cost is that of cement and labour.
Sand river storage is a socially acceptable water source, and because Fly screen
the water is stored under the sand it is protected from significant evaporation
losses and is also less liable to be contaminated. Vent pipe
In regions without notable surface water resources it is necessary to obtain Washing trough
Faeces hole
water from underground sources (ground water near the surface or deep
geological layers). A borehole-well is a borehole connected to a well Ash bucket
(generally modern); the borehole feeds the well, which is used as a water
reservoir. Evaporative plant bed
Note: Farmers or organisations abstracting water from a river, using dams Compost chamber
Note: Do not apply the EcoSan manure directly on crops or plants, only mix
into soil. This is an act of precaution, not to spread germs.
48 49
Contour strip Grass strips. Reducing soil loss.
Time required: 4 hours Integrated Pest Man- Combination of biological, The expected reduction in
agement physical and chemical pest number of pests reduces the
and disease control. need for pesticides.
5.1 What are agronomic practices?
Cover crops and green manure – See chapter 3
Agronomic practices are designed to manage crops on croplands to Fodder banks – See chapter 6
increase yields, productivity, adapt to climate change and increase the Alley cropping – See chapter 6
resilience of the crop land. Some of the recommended practices are listed Integrated Pest Management – See chapter 11
Table: Agronomic practices
50 51
Crop rotation is the repetitive planting of a sequence of crops in the same Legumes, e.g. beans Maize
field following a defined order in a year or years of cropping. The practice Legumes, e.g. beans
is necessary in order to avoid the built-up of pests, weeds or diseases, and Maize
chemicals, and to ensure that root systems explore the soil to different depths.
Suitable crops for use in rotations include legumes (nitrogen-fixing),
Illustration: Intercropping
cereals (high feeders), root crops (cover crops) and grasses (which
also help to maintain the fertility).
5.5 Relay cropping
Relay cropping is the planting of temporary crops within the main crop
The main practices involve planting cereals (high feeders) first, followed before the main crop is harvested. Relay cropping ensures the land is
by legumes (nitrogen-fixing) and finally plant root crops (cover crops). Examples used continuously. It also reduces the cost of subsequent cultivation while
of crops used in a crop rotation system include planting maize first, then ensuring the availability of organic matter for the new crop, stabilises
beans (intercrops and pure stands), and finally cassava or potatoes. nitrogen, and controls weeds and diseases.
Beans, Peas,
Outgoing crop
Legume Root
Incoming crop
Grain Fruit and
52 53
6. Agroforestry Trees increase biodiversity,
reduce deforestation, and
Trees provides shelter
and act as windbreakers,
enable climate change and have cultural, and
adaptation. psychological value.
Trees provide fodder Trees provide firewood,
This session introduces the idea of the intentional or deliberate planting of for the animals and timber, fruits, nuts, poles
increase livestock and sometimes have
trees in a crop or livestock farm. By the end of this chapter you will know productivity. medicinal properties.
Benefits of agroforestry:
54 55
6.2 Agroforestry tree species BENEFIT SPECIES OTHER ATTRIBUTES
BENEFIT SPECIES OTHER ATTRIBUTES Timber Albizia lebbeck Termite resistant, drought resistant
Markhamia lutea Termite resistant
Firewood Calliandra calothyrsus
Cederella odorata Drought resistant
Sesbania sesban
Land Acacia mearnsii Termite resistant, drought resistant
Cordia africana Termite resistant
rehabilitation Terminalia brownii Termite resistant, drought resistant
Gliricidia sepium Termite resistant, drought resistant
Terminalia superba Termite resistant, drought resistant
Soil erosion Calliandra calothyrsus
Poles Markhamia lutea Termite resistant
control Gliricidia sepium Termite resistant, drought resistant
Acacia mearnsii Termite resistant, drought resistant
Sesbania sesban
Grevillea Robusta
Morus alba
Medicine Azadirachta indica Termite resistant, drought resistant
Tephrosia vogelli
Melia azedarach Termite resistant
Soil fertility Sesbania sesban
Callistemon citrinus
improvement Calliandra calothyrsus
Spathodea nilotica
Cajanus cajan
Combretum molle Termite resistant, drought resistant
Gliricidia sepium Termite resistant, drought resistant
Terminalia brownii Termite resistant, drought resistant
Tephrosia vogelli
Moringa oleifera Drought resistant
Albizia chinensis Termite resistant
Wind break Markhamia lutea Termite resistant
Trema orientalis
Grevillea Robusta
Shade trees Ficus natalensis Termite resistant
Casuarina equisetifolia Competitive
in crop land Albizia chinnensis Termite resistant
Ornamentals Terminalia brownii Termite resistant, drought resistant
Polyscias fulva compound Callistemon citrinus
Cordia africana Termite resistant
Casuarina equisetifolia Competitive
Maesopsis eminii Termite resistant
Terminalia mantally
Trema orientalis
Spathodia nilotica
Croton macrostachyus
Bee forage Markhamia lutea Termite resistant
Fodder trees Calliandra calothyrsus
Callistemon citrinus
Albizia chinnensis
Calliandra calothyrsus
Morus alba
Albizia chinensis
Sesbania sesban
Cordia africana Termite resistant
Gliricidia sepium Termite resistant, drought resistant
Live fences Dovyalis caffra
Moringa oleifera Drought resistant
Calliandra calothyrsus
Timber Khaya anthotheca Termite resistant, competitive
Gliricidia sepium Termite resistant, drought resistant
Milicia excelsa
Table: Some of the agroforestry tree species in East Africa.
Podocarpus falcatus Termite resistant, competitive
Maesopsis eminii Termite resistant
Grevillea Robusta
Table: Some of the agroforestry tree species in East Africa.
56 57
6.3 Common agroforestry systems 6.3.1 Planting trees among crops - agrisilviculture
An agroforestry system is a distinct use of different agroforestry practices Planting trees among crops is known as agrisilviculture. Examples of
in different location and over a certain period of time. The most common practices are dispersed interplanting (see 6.2.3), trees with perennial crops
systems are discussed below. and alley cropping.
Examples of shrubs to be planted within crop land include Sesbania about
Livestock Sesban, Gliricidia Sepium or Calliandra species.
Napier grass
Insects Trees for example calliandra
+ Apiculture
Trees Crops
+ Calliandra
30 cm
+ 30 cm
58 59
Trees planted along the contours
8 m if steep
16 m if less steep
Note: Especially fruit trees, coffee plants and maize need to be sheltered
from heavy wind. Wind that damage trees and crops tend to come from
specific direction – study your farm and consider the wind directions. Trees
Animal shelter
16 m
Wind direction
Illustration: Home garden
16 m 4m
f. Shade trees
A shade tree system uses selected trees with good canopies to provide
Illustration: Wind trees
shade for livestock, compound and delicate crops against sun scorches.
Mostly coffee, fruit trees and bananas require some trees for shade.
d. Contour trees
Example of tree species are Markamia lutea, Mango, Albicia, Acacia
Contour trees are planted on sloping land for the purpose of soil and water xanthophloa.
conservation. The trees reduce runoff speed, increase infiltration, increase
vegetation cover, control soil erosion and largely sequester carbon into soil.
60 61
g. Improved fallows
Improved fallows is the targeted use of a fast-growing tree species to obtain The commonly used fodder bank plants and trees/shrubs include:
Calliandra spp, Sesbania sesban, Gliricidia sepium, Moringa oleifera, about
the benefits of a natural fallow. Nitrogen-fixing trees and shrubs are planted
with the main aim of improving nutrient input into soil, by fixing nitrogen and Leucaena leucocephala and Cajanus Cajan, and grasses such as
adding organic matter to the soil. The practice is common where land is napier grass and/or legume crops such as desmodium, lucern.
regularly fallowed especially in semi-arid areas. The trees are planted for
1-3 years, then harvested and the field is planted with high value crops.
Trees with pastures or livestock is a practice concerned mainly with the Different types of grasses,
management of trees, forage and livestock. It is also known as the for example napier grass
and water intake through the plants as well as manage the agricultural GHG Compost for manure
emissions (especially methane) produced by livestock. The ability of some Trees give fodder
legumes to fix atmospheric nitrogen makes them protein-rich feeds. Improved Crops, residues feed cows or
breeds are encouraged to reduce the number of livestock owned and used for compost or mulch
soil nutrients and moisture not available to grasses and herbaceous plants.
This characteristic enables the grasses and plants to retain fresh foliage into
the dry season. Cows grazing
62 63
6.3.4 Trees and insects - apiculture and sericulture
Trees and insects together is also known as entomosilviculture. Two common
forms are apiculture and sericulture.
a. Bee-keeping (apiculture)
Apiculture is the rearing of bees for honey products, using trees for
shade and bee-forage. It can be a source of income from selling the honey
produced, and honey is also a source of nutrition.
Air space
/4" space
18 1/4"
b. Silkworms (sericulture)
Reversible bottom board
17 5/8"
Silk production provides alternative income for the farmer.
1 1/8"
64 65
6.4 Common agroforestry land use
Normal egg
There are four major land use practices within agroforestry. In this context,
3 - 4 DAYS
Egg hatched
land use refers to how you choose to plant the trees and how they interact
Ant (newly hatched)
with the crops.
1st instar
3 - 4 days
1st molt
Tree species
Fresh cocoon with
The following table summarises the main tree species in various major lands
7 - 8 DAYS
2 - 3 days
2nd molt use agroforestry systems in East Africa.
3rd instar
3 - 4 days
3 - 4 days
4th molt Casuarina Mangifera indica Grevillea Robusta Markhamia lutea
5th instar
6 - 8 days
Mature or ripening silkworm
5th molt
Albirzia lebbeck Citrus limon Albirzia coriara Casuarina equisetifolia
Illustration: Silk production Markhamia lutea Persea Americana Albirzia lebbeck Acacia xanthophloea
Cedrela odorata Artocarpus Acrocarpus Maesopsis emnii
heterophyllus fraxinifolius
6.3.5 Trees and water animals - aquasilviculture
Acacia nilotica Psiduim quajava Podocarpus Grevillea Robusta
Aquasilviculture is an agroforestry system that combines trees and water falcatus
animals. It involves planting and/or maintaining belts of trees and shrubs Prunus Africana
Acacia Syzygium cumnii Leucaena leucocephala/
in areas bordering lakes, streams, rivers and wetlands containing fish. For xanthophloea Calliandra calothyrsus
example, selected tree species are planted to interact with fish ponds. The Cordia Africana
Acacia Pasiflora edulis Senna siamea
trees provide leaves to feed the fish and manure for the pond to generate polyacantha
plants that fish can feed on.
Maesopsis emnii Eriobotrya japonica
about Table: Tree species for different land uses
Example of trees to be planted: Calliandra, Sesbania sesban, Gliricidia sepium.
Factors to consider when selecting tree species for agroforestry:
The benefits of aquasilviculture include: CHARACTERISTICS BENEFITS
Alternative livelihood to fishing communities. Fish farmers can harvest fish Multi-purpose Provide products such as firewood, fodder, poles,
green leaf manure, medicine.
and mud crabs, and at the same time get fruits from trees.
Conservation of ecosystems at coastal areas and rivers, and related Growing Fast growing, increased production of biomass.
wildlife. Rooting system Deep-rooted so that they do not affect other crops.
Protection of water and river resources.
Competition Non-competitive for plant space, nutrients, air, light
and water.
Water Trees (Calliandra, Sesbania, Gliricidia) Re-growth Grows back after cutting.
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6.4.1 Woodlots 6.4.4 Boundary planting
Woodlot refers to a cluster of trees grown together to produce timber, Boundary planting involves planting selected trees along field boundaries,
poles, or fuel wood (firewood and charcoal) and support other systems hedges, borders and roadsides. The trees can create micro-climate for
like bee-keeping, livestock and crop production. Woodlots are grown on crops, create windbreaks, stabilise the soil, and sequester significant
agricultural land. amounts of carbon.
Woodlots form high carbon pools (made of tree stems, roots, litter
and organic matter). It is advisable to plant a variety of indigenous tree
species for high carbon sequestration and to conserve biodiversity. As a
complement, you can also plant exotic agroforestry trees if they are adaptive
to the local setting. Boundary trees
Illustration: Woodlot
6.4.2 Fruit orchards 1. Describe the agroforestry practices you are currently having
on your farm.
Fruit trees can be planted as orchards (cluster of fruit trees) or scattered in
2. What benefits do you derive from your farm?
the farm for home use or for selling. The leaves, seeds, fruits, nuts of fruit
trees provide food with high nutrition value, medicine and other products.
Choose trees that grows well in your area.
6.5 Nursery and seed management
6.4.3 Dispersed inter-planting A tree nursery is a place, on the farm or away from it, where tree seedlings
In dispersed inter-planting, trees are grown in a systematic way in fields are bred and grown to a desired, usable size. The plants can be used on
alongside crops to provide food, fuel wood, building poles, fodder or gum. your farm or sold to others, providing extra income for the family. Nurseries
The trees also provide nutrients and organic matter for the soil, and shade offer ready access to new tree seedlings at a low cost. Seedlings grown
for crops and livestock. in a nursery, are more likely to survive, than seeds sown directly. This is
because the seedlings are already established.
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6.5.2 Location of tree nursery How to collect seeds:
The following factors determine the location of a nursery on a farm: 1. Find a good example of the tree that looks healthy, without diseases.
2. Pick seeds that are not rotten or damaged (neither the pods or the
Reliable water supply. seeds).
Accessibility and near the farm. 3. Process the seeds (see table)
Availability of good soils. 4. Pre-treat the seeds (see table)
Protection from strong wind, direct sunlight (shade) and livestock. 5. Now the seeds are ready for sowing.
Gentle slope for water drainage.
Area free for expansion.
Nursery soil should be fertile and well-drained. It should also be collected,
Terminalia Drying under the Soak in boiled 7 - 20 days Direct sowing/
preferably, from some identified part of the farm such as under some trees mantally shade hot water nursery
or along the fence since it is here that most of the core soil nutrients are overnight
stored. Before digging topsoil for nursery use, clear the surface to remove
Terminalia Drying under the Remove wings 21 - 40 days Direct sowing/
all plants and litter. Dig using a hoe and then sieve the soil to remove
superba shade and soak seeds nursery
undesirable materials such as stones and sticks. Mix two portions of the overnight in
sieved soil with one portion of sand and one portion of manure. This is the boiled hot water
soil to use for the next step, potting.
Toona ciliata Drying in the sun Not necessary 5 - 7 days Nursery and
put in pots
6.5.4 Potting 3 - 6 months
Potting is the process of putting soils into the containers or bags for the Acacia Drying in the sun Soak in boiled 5 - 7 days Direct sowing/
purpose of raising and protecting seedlings to maturity. Locally available nilotica and crushing the hot water nursery
materials e.g. milk packets, used tins, calabashes and clay can also be pods overnight
used as containers. You can also buy ready-made potting material such as Drying in the sun Soak in boiled 5 - 7 days Direct sowing/
special black polythene bags. polyacantha and crushing the hot water nursery
pods overnight
Acrocarpus Drying in the sun Soak in boiled 7 - 20 days Direct sowing/
1. Take the soil mixture and moisten it by sprinkling some water on it. flaxinifolius and crushing the hot water nursery
Ensure that the soil is neither too dry nor too wet. pods overnight
2. Put the moist soil into the containers in such a way that lower part (¾) Albizia Drying in the sun Soak in boiled 8 - 30 days Direct sowing/
of the container is slightly pressed while the soil in the upper quarter chinensis and crushing the hot water nursery
is loose. Remember, heavy compaction at the top makes seed sowing pods overnight
difficult and inhibits root penetration.
Albizia Drying in the sun Soak in cold 8 - 30 days Direct sowing/
3. Ensure the containers are open at both ends or have holes at the coriaria and crushing the water overnight nursery
bottom to allow movement of water and healthy root development. pods
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Azadirachta Drying in the sun Soak in cold 8 - 28 days Direct sowing/ Grevillea Drying in the sun Soak in boiled 8 - 30 days Nursery
indica and crushing the water for 48 hrs nursery Robusta and crushing the hot water for
pods pods 24 hrs
Cajanus Drying in the sun Not necessary 5 – 7 days Direct sowing Grilicidia Drying in the sun Soak in boiled 7 -10 days Direct sowing.
Cajan and crushing the sepium and crushing the hot water (If you do not
pods pods overnight plant by seed,
you can plant
Calliandra Drying in the sun Soak in boiled hot 4 - 10 days Direct sowing a cutting with
callothyrsus and crushing the water for 12 hrs bud directly).
Hibiscus Drying in the sun Not necessary 4 - 7 days Direct sowing
Callistemon Drying in the sun Not necessary 20 - 28 days Nursery sabdariffa and crushing the
citrinus and crushing the pods
Khaya Drying in the sun Not necessary 7 - 30 days Direct sowing/
Carica Cut the fruit and Soak in cold 7 days Direct sowing/ anthotheca nursery
papaya expose the seeds water for 12 hrs nursery
Leucaena Drying in the sun Soak in boiled Direct sowing
Casuarina Cones are Not necessary 10 - 15 days Nursery diversifolia and crushing the hot water for
equisetifolia sundried and pods 4 hrs
turned regularly to
release seeds Leucaena Drying in the sun Soak in boiled 4 - 15 days Direct sowing
leucocephala and crushing the hot water
Cedrela Drying in the sun Not necessary 5 - 7 days Direct sowing/ pods
odorata and crushing the nursery
pods Maesopsis Depulping Soak in cold 24 - 90 days Direct sowing/
eminii (removing flesh) water for 12-72 nursery
Chlorophora Drying under Not necessary 21 - 60 days Nursery hours
excelsa shade
Markhamia Mature capsules Not necessary 4 - 20days Direct sowing
Citrus Softening in cold Not necessary 10 - 15 days Potting lutea are dried in the
reticulata water for 12 sun to extract the
hours and then seeds
drying in the sun
Moringa Capsules are Not necessary 9 - 30 days Direct sowing
Citrus Seeds must not Soak in boiled 3 weeks Direct sowing oleifera dried in the sun
sinensis be more than 3-4 hot water and seeds ex-
weeks old overnight tracted manually
Citrus Softening in cold Not necessary 10 - 15 days Nursery and Persea Using fresh seeds Disinfection 4 - 6 weeks Direct sowing,
sinensis water for 12 put in pots americana with hot water grafting,
hours and then 3 - 6 months nursery
drying in the sun
Podocarpus Depulping Crack seeds 23 - 100 days Direct sowing/
Cordia Drying in the sun Soak in cold 30 - 60 days Direct sowing/ usambarensis (removing flesh) nursery
africana water for 12-24 nursery
hours Prunus Depulping Soak in cold 10 - 30 days Direct sowing/
africana (removing flesh) water overnight nursery
Croton Crush the pods Not necessary 6 - 60 days Direct sowing
megalocarpus and sort them Psidium Softening in Not necessary 5 - 7 days Direct sowing/
guajava water and drying nursery
Cyphomandra Wash and dry in Soak in boiled 4 - 6 days Nursery in the sun
betacea the shade hot water
Table: From tree to seed - 3
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a. Sunken beds
SEEDS PROCESSING TREATMENT PERIOD METHOD A sunken bed is a basin like excavation, 1 m wide and 5 cm deep, in which
SPECIES THE SEED METHOD seeds are planted. Such a structure holds the seedlings together, and help
Senna Drying in the sun Soak in cold 8 - 30 days Nursery to conserve moisture. Sunken beds are commonly used in dry areas.
siamea and crushing the water overnight
Plant one or more
seeds in hole
Sesbania Drying in the sun Soak in cold 7 days Direct sowing
sesban and crushing the water overnight The length can be 1 m or more
1 m wide
Drying in the sun Soak in cold 8 - 10 days Direct sowing 5 cm
vogelii and crushing the water overnight 10 cm
6.5.7 Seed germination bed preparation 1. Water the seedbed properly before pricking out.
A seed germination bed is a place where seed are sown for purposes of 2. Take an empty basin and fill with water to ¾ level.
germination. There are several types of beds: sunken beds, raised beds, 3. Hold the leaves of the seedlings and insert a sharp tool (pencil or small
and other containers. stick) underneath the root system to loosen the soil.
4. Pull out the seedlings gently and immediately put them in to the basin
with water.
5. Water the pots before transplanting the seedlings.
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6. Make a hole at the center of the pot using sharp tool (pencil or small stick). 6.5.13 How to plant a tree
7. If the roots are too long clip off the tip, insert the root system gently
For most trees, the right time to plant is during the long rainy season. Get a
in the hole while holding the seedlings by the leaves. Do not hold the
note book to record every detail of the tree and make sure you have all the
stem of the seedling because they are tender and feeble – this may
materials and requirements available before planting.
injure the seedlings.
8. Hold the sharp tool (pencil or small stick) in the tilling position and 1. Choose a suitable species for the area. Select healthy seedlings.
insert it in the soil about one centimeter away from the seedling to the 2. Choose the agroforestry system/practice you want have on your
same depth as the hole. farm, for example woodlot, dispersed interplanting, boundary etc.
9. Push the soil towards the seedling to hold it tightly. This ensures that Demarcate the areas with right measurements and mark with sticks
all the air pockets around the roots are closed; using your fingers cover where to plant the trees.
the hole you made; water the pots properly and shade the seedlings. 3. Prepare the holes:
For soft soils, dig a round hole: 20 cm diameter wide and 30 cm deep.
6.5.9 Shading and watering For hard soils, dig a rectangular hole, to let roots penetrate through
Both during germination period and raising the seedling, shading is the corners: 50 cm width, 50 cm deep.
necessary. Use locally available materials such as grass, mats, or banana
Note: If you plant a seed (spot planting), dig a small rectangular
fibres for shade construction.
hole (30 deep and 20 cm wide). If you plant a cutting with a bud
Water seeds and seedlings twice a day, early in the morning and evening,
(for example for hedges), dig 30 cm deep. Follow the instructions
when the sun is not hot. Watering may be done once or skipped altogether
below regarding soil preparations.
during the rainy season. Take care not to under-water or over- water the
plants. Use adequate amount of water, i.e. 20 litres for 1,000 seedlings. Use Separate top soils (10 cm depth) from sub soils.
a watering can which doesn’t damage the seedlings. Avoid the direct use of Leave the holes to stay for 7 days – 3 months depending on tree
hosepipes while watering the seedlings as this may wash away the soil. species.
4. Prepare the soil and manure:
6.5.10 Weeding Mix top soil and subsoil (ratio 2:1), make a fine mix by crushing crumbs.
Mix the soil mixture with well composted manure or compost
Weeds are a threat to healthy seedlings development as they compete with
(ratio 1:2).
seedlings for nutrients, water and light. Weeds also cause diseases to the
Fill the hole completely with the mixture.
seedlings. Control weeds by gentle pulling out of the unwanted growth
Leave the filled hole 1 – 3 days.
(rouging) whenever the weeds are observed sprouting from the pots. You can
5. Plant the seedling:
also use your fingers to weed by gently disturbing the soil, or a small stick.
Time the rains onset well, plant 1 - 7 days before raining.
Water the hole with slow flow of water (20 l) in the morning or
6.5.11 Root pruning
Root pruning is the cutting of the roots to control the root system Open a hole depending on the size of the seedling and species.
development beyond the container. It is done when the roots become longer If your seedling is in a black polyethylene bag, cut of the bottom if
than the depth of the pots. Roots that are not pruned will penetrate into the closed. Be careful not destroying the roots.
ground and develop a root system. Place the seedling gently in the hole, half down the stem.
Water the seedlings properly before root pruning. Use a sharp knife or
Note: Plant seeds 5-10 cm deep. Plant cuttings 30 cm apart and
wire to cut the long roots underneath the container. You can also uplift the
10 cm deep.
pots (wrenching) to cut overgrown roots. Water the seedlings well after
root pruning to help the plant withstand moisture stress. Root pruning Return the soil to cover the hole and flatten.
should be done regularly preferably every 2 - 3 weeks. Water the seedling until it is saturated.
6. Managing the growing planted tree:
6.5.12 Hardening off Spread compost/manure around the plant.
Hardening off is the gradual preparation of seedlings for field conditions. Mulch with dried residues.
Hardening-off should be done 2 - 3 weeks before transplanting. It involves Shade the plant against the sun.
the reduction in watering intensity, frequency and exposure to more Weed the plant regularly.
sunshine. Good preparation for transplanting results in good field survival. Prune if necessary.
Water twice a day if rain is not falling.
Spread ash around to scare away ants and termites.
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• Mix top soil and subsoil (ratio 2:1), make
7. Tillage and residue management
a fine mix by crushing crumbs.
• Mix the soil mixture with well composted
manure or compost (ratio 1:2).
• Fill the hole completely with the mixture.
• Leave the filled hole 1 – 3 days.
For hard soil, dig a rectangular hole. Fill the hole with For soft soil, dig a round hole. Fill the hole with This chapter demonstrates how the integration of residue management and
soil mixture as soil mixture as
described. described. reduced tillage can sustainably manage agricultural lands to increase
productivity, resilience to effects of climate change and increase soil organic
matter. As a farmer you have significant amount of crop residues and litter
50 cm 30 cm
from trees that you can use to mulch the farm. By the end of this chapter
50 cm
you will understand different tillage operations as well as the importance of
20 cm
residues in supporting tillage.
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