10 1016@j Psep 2020 05 034
10 1016@j Psep 2020 05 034
10 1016@j Psep 2020 05 034
PII: S0957-5820(20)30571-1
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psep.2020.05.034
Reference: PSEP 2267
Please cite this article as: Samsami S, Mohamadi M, Sarrafzadeh M-Hossein, Rene ER,
Firoozbahr M, Recent advances in the treatment of dye-containing wastewater from textile
industries: Overview and perspectives, Process Safety and Environmental Protection (2020),
doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psep.2020.05.034
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UNESCO Chair on Water Reuse, Biotechnology Group, School of Chemical Engineering,
College of Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran.
Department of Environmental Engineering and Water Technology, IHE Delft Institute for
Water Education, Westvest 7, 2601DA Delft, The Netherlands.
Department of Polymer Engineering, School of Chemical Engineering, College of
*Corresponding author:
Graphical abstract
Dye-containing wastewater should be treated effectively in order to prevent adverse effects on
the environment and water resources. This review summarizes the recent dye removal
technologies from wastewater, such as biological methods, advanced oxidation process (AOP),
performances, operating conditions, important process parameters, and the advantages and
efficient color removal, a large number of researches have also focused on hybrid treatment
technologies. Among the different hybrid treatments, the MBR (membrane bioreactor) and the
PMR (photocatalytic membrane reactor) technologies have been discussed in this paper as
promising methods for color removal from textile wastewater. Regarding effective factors in
prominent factor. Since not many review papers focused on these methods, this paper has been
prepared in a way to cover this deficiency and address mentioned methods more
1. Introduction
Water, a valuable and mandatory factor for life, is covering 71% of the earth's surface. This
amount consists of 97.5% salty water and only 2.5% freshwater, with only 0.007% available
for drinking. [1]. Industrial wastewater from the textile industries contains different types of
dyes and other organic and inorganic pollutants. The discharge of effluents from different
industries resulted from the growing pace of industrialization has caused serious problems.
Recently, more than 10,000 types of dyes are being produced in the world based on the Color
Index, which leads to 700,000 tonnes of dye production [2].
Aquatic life can be in a horrible danger because of the presence of these dyes in water bodies.
Reducing the dissolved oxygen (DO) level in water caused by blocking sunlight from the water
system and resisting photochemical reactions is one of the side effects of this presence. Dyes
even increase Chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) levels
of water sources. According to a study that focused on textile effluent characterization, COD
and BOD in the last decade were in the range of (150-30,000) mg L-1 and (80-6000) mg L-1 on
average, respectively [3]. Harmful effects on the environment and human health are resulted
Recent studies show that some known carcinogens must be removed before the dye wastewater
release into the environment. Several researches have reported the mutagenicity of azo dyes
and the potential of causing cancers. Myslak et al. have presented that German painters
developed bladder cancer after longtime being in contact with azo dyes [5]. De Lima et al.
examined the effluent of a textile processing plant to determine the mutagenic and carcinogenic
potential of that. This effluent contained some dyes such as the CI Orange 37, CI Disperse
Violet 93, CI Disperse Blue 373, and three unknown fluorescent compounds [6]. Besides the
dyes, Mazzo et al. found 47 g L-1 of benzidine in the same sample which was analyzed in their
research and the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and the World Health
Organization (WHO) have presented that benzidine as a human carcinogen [7]. Moreover, dyes
that are made from benzidine, such as Direct Black 38, Direct Blue 6, and Direct Brown 95,
are a cancer factor in humans. The DHHS has reported that Direct Black 38 and Direct Blue 6
cause cancer in animals and WHO mentioned that Direct Black 38, Direct Blue 6, and Direct
Brown 95 cause cancer in animals [8].
The major industries that are causing the release of dyes in the environment are shown in
Fig. 1. Textile industry (54%) forms half of the existing dye effluents seen in the world-wide
environment followed by dyeing industry (21%), paper and pulp industry (10%), tannery and
paint industry (8%), and the dye manufacturing industry (7%) [9].
Fig. 1. Major industries that are causing the release of dyes in the environment [9].
On the other hand, in compliance with a detailed study of Market Research Future (MRFR),
the global textile dyes market annually increases at a CAGR of 8.13% over the forecast period
of 2016-2023 (which is shown in Fig. 2). That would cause serious problems for the
Fig. 2. The global textile dyes market over the forecast period of 2016-2023 [10].
Recently, countless research papers have scrutinized several dye removal methods. Being able
to eliminate amounts of dye from wastewaters in a brief period, without causing secondary
categorized into three major treatment categories called biological, chemical, and physical
treatment, and membrane filtration are some of the important methods commonly using for dye
removal. It cannot be directly addressed that which one is the best method since each method
has its advantages and limits concerning cost, efficiency, feasibility, and environmental impact.
Till now, no technique capable of satisfactory treatment exists since the nature of effluents
processes is often used practically to gain the most efficient quality as well as the most
Till now, numerous review papers have been published that each of them has their own
approaches. Many of them focused on biological treatments, while some of them had attended
to chemical or physical treatments. Also, a few numbers of them had presented hybrid
processes for the removal of dyes from textile effluents. As a means to clarify the approach of
this paper, Table 1 has been prepared, which reports recently published review articles in this
field and demonstrates their chief aims. As it turns out from this table, a majority of the studies
are about biological treatments, while it seems hybrid techniques insufficiently addressed in
recent years. It has been tried to make up this scientific research lack partly in this paper.
Table 1. Recently published review articles in the field of dye removal from wastewater.
Source title Year Aim References
Textile wastewater dyes: Toxicity 8132 Presented various methods to treat the textile ]31[
profile and treatment approaches wastewater and introduced biological
treatments as the best alternative that can be
appropriate for eco-friendly treatment methods.
Efficiency of various recent 8132 Highlighted enzyme biodegradation and ]31[
wastewater dye removal methods: A adsorption dye removal as one of the most
review efficient dye removal technologies nowadays.
Also, suggested the utilization of a combined
8132 ]31[
Bioremediation of textile effluent for 8132 Presented potential of microbial processes for ]31[
degradation and decolorization of the dyes' mineralization.
synthetic dyes: A review
Recent advances in microbial 8132 Summarized the enzymes identified, bacterial ]32[
remediation of textile azo dyes strains isolated, mechanism of action and
methods involved in dye's degradation.
Recent advances in anaerobic 8132 Reviewed recent advances on high-rate ]31[
biological processes for textile anaerobic methods. Also summarized current
printing and dyeing wastewater limitations of these techniques, and indicated
treatment: A mini-review future research directions.
The efficacy of bacterial species to 8132 Reviewed the efficiency of bacterial species ]81[
decolorize reactive azo, (individual and consortia) to remove azo,
anthroquinone and triphenylmethane anthroquinone and triphenylmethane dyes from
dyes from wastewater: A review wastewater.
A critical review on recent 8132 Critically reviewed the adsorbents investigated ]83[
advancements of the removal of in the last decade for the textile effluent
reactive dyes from dyehouse effluent treatment and compared their capacities for
by ion-exchange adsorbents removing dyes.
Study of environmental concerns of 8131 Defined different technologies for color ]88[
dyes and recent textile effluents removal from industrial effluents. Also,
treatment technology: A review discussed disadvantages and advantages of
those techniques.
A critical review on recent 8131 A detailed survey on the dye removal ]81[
developments in the low-cost technologies with special attention to select
adsorption of dyes from wastewater the efficient low-cost adsorbents which are
alternative to the existing AC (activated
Potential of fungal laccase in 8131 Presented recent developments in the synthetic ]81[
decolorization of synthetic dyes
Recent advances in textile 8131 Focused on literature on the microbial consortia ]82[
wastewater treatment using microbial application in the treatment of textile
Treatments for color removal from 8131 Presented an analysis of different mechanisms ]81[
wastewater: State of the art involved in the various dye removal processes
and reported approximately 180 experimental
tests in this area case by case.
Degradation of anthraquinone dyes 8181 Discussed the presence and remediation of ]11[
from effluents: A Review focusing on anthraquinone dyes from dyehouse effluents,
enzymatic dye degradation with focused on enzymatic processes.
industrial potential
Impact of textile dyes on public 8181 Focused on the environmental impact of the ]13[
health and the environment dyeing industry. While highlighting the existing
technologies as well as promising new ones for
dye removal from textile wastewater.
Recent advances in the treatment of 8181 Summarizes the recent dye removal This article
dye containing wastewater from technologies from wastewater with focusing on
textile industries: Overview and hybrid treatments in order to achieve efficient
perspectives color removal. Among the different hybrid
treatments, more attends the MBR (membrane
bioreactor) and the PMR (photocatalytic
membrane reactor) as promising methods
technologies for color removal from textile
The present paper discusses these current techniques for dye removal from wastewater. The
focal purpose of this study is to provide a review including (i) textile industry as one of the
most remarkable source of releasing dye wastewater, (ii) diverse dye removal technologies,
(iii) discussion on different mechanisms, and (iv) present literature on PMR and MBR as
2. Textile operations
Textile manufacturing contains different processes which the most common one consists of
desizing, scouring, bleaching, and dyeing [32]. After preparing a specific mixture of chemicals,
dyestuff, and water in these processes, the environment is the first destination of the leftover
mixtures (dye effluent). Besides, 85% of dye contaminant is discharged from the dyeing stage
[14]. Dyeing is defined to be the process of adding color to fibers. A large volume of water is
used in not only dyebath but also during the rinsing step [33]. Fig. 3 demonstrates a list of water
Fig. 3. Schematic of operations involved in textile industry and some of the pollutant generated at
3. Dyes
Color exists everywhere, from the clothes we wear to all the objects around us, whether they
are human-made or natural. Until the nineteenth century, natural resources were the origin of
these colors. Vegetables like plants, trees, and lichen formed the major group of these origins,
followed by insects and molluscs. Thousands of years of dye utilization demonstrate that only
a dozen or so have been used practically, which reflects the instability of natural dyes.
Nowadays, more than 7,000 colorants exist, and in 1974, the world sales of synthetic dyes
achieved a huge number of £ 1,500 million [36]. A market intelligence company issued a report
in 2019, entitled ‘Synthetic Dyes and Pigments Market by Segments’ which presented that in
2018 the global market for synthetic dyes and pigments extended to a value of $52.0 billion,
which have increased 1.4% in compound annual growth rate (CAGR) since 2014 and this rate
of growth will continue to 2022. Besides, reported that the largest market for synthetic dyes
and pigments companies is Asia-Pacific, that 41.9% of the global market belongs to it. It is
followed by North and South America, Western Europe, the Middle East, and then the other
regions. Afterward, Asia-Pacific and Africa will have the fastest growth rate among all regions
Production of synthetic dyes has happened recently, which is being furthered in large scales
because of the rise in dye demand. Recently, different industries like textiles, cosmetics,
plastics, and printing use dyes in a considerable amount as a crucial ingredient in their products
[4],[38]. W. H. Perkin and Hofmann discovered Mauveine in 1856, which was an instant
success for dying silk, thus ‘Dyestuff Revolution’ started. The importance of Mauveine
increased when it was used for dyeing wool using tannic acid as a discovery by Perkin and
others. His noteworthy achievement made him be called ‘Founder of dyestuffs industry.’
Perkin’s success made his component chemists pay heed to this industry which made them
announce more significant discoveries in the post-mauveine era [32].
Type of dyes -p
The chromophores and the auxochromes are two essential components of dye molecules. The
first one is in charge of producing the color and the second one is able to supplement the
chromophore, rendering the molecule soluble in water, and provide enhanced affinity (to
attach) toward the fibers [39]. Basically, dyes are organic compounds which can attach
themselves to surfaces of fabrics to convey a color [4]. Various types of synthetic dyes exist,
which can be classified based on their molecular structure, colors, and applications. Table 2
Table 2. Various types of dyes and their applications [34],[35].
Basic Orange 5
Direct Cotton, leather, nylon,
rayon, silk, paper
-p Congo Red
Mordant Black 11
silk, wool
Azo Acetate, cellulose, cotton,
rayon, polyester
Methylen Blue
Disperse Blue 5
Sulphur Cotton, leather, paper,
polyamide fibres, rayon, silk
Vat Orange 15
In some cases, solubility is the factor which dyes can be classified based on it. As an example,
acid, basic, direct, mordant and reactive dyes are considered as soluble dyes. Whereas, azo,
disperse, sulphur, solvent and vat dyes are some of the examples of insoluble dyes, as depicted
in Fig. 4 [42]. Normally, cationic (all basic dyes), anionic, and non-ionic dyes are used in the
textile industry depending on their particle charge dissolution aqueous solutions [43],[44].
Azo dyes form the highest percentage of produced dyes among all dye types (65-70%), and it
is the most used dye around the world [45]. The majority of synthetic aromatic dyes are azo
dyes (monoazo, diazo, triazo, and polyazo), which consist of one, two, three or more (N = N)
groups which are connected to benzene and naphthalene rings substituting with some
functional groups, like triazine amine, chloro, hydroxyl, methyl, and nitro as well as sulphonate
[46]. Chemical structures of some azo dyes are shown in Fig. 5. Pharmaceutical, textile dyeing,
food, cosmetics, and paper printing are some of the applications of azo dyes. Textile industry
forms the majority of this application (80%) because of its low cost, high stability, and color
variety [47]. It was estimated that nearly 10-15% of dyes in effluents are released into receiving
water bodies because these dyes go unbound with the textile fibres [48]. As an example, the
amount of water and dyestuff needed for dyeing 1 kg of cotton is consecutively 30-60 g and
70-150 L, and it was reported that more than 50% of used dyes were discharged directly and
Fig. 5. Chemical structure of (a) diazo dye Acid Red 151, (b) monoazo dye Acid Orange 7, (c)
polyazo dye Sirius Red F3B, and (d) triazo dye Direct Blue 71 [51].
Equalization and sedimentation were the preliminary water purification processes used as dye
removal methods in the late 1990’s since there was no dye effluent discharge limit [52].
Improvements were made after acceptable establishment of effluent release standards, which
caused by presenting more efficient dye removal techniques [53]. It is noteworthy to state that
discoloration and degradation have a clear distinction. In fact, discoloration refers to a process
of color loss from wastewater, which is the analysis object. Whereas the water still may be rich
in organic substance [54]. In the case of having an impact of parameters, such as TOC (total
organic carbon) and COD, the used technology is more accurate to be referred to degradation.
In the dye degradation process, larger dye molecules are chemically broken down into smaller
ones. Carbon dioxide, water, and mineral byproducts are the outcomes of this process [55].
Minimizing adverse effects on the environment, protecting consumers and users, and co-
operating with government and public concerns over the harmful effect of their products were
established as aims by the ETAD (Ecological and Toxicological Association of the Dyestuffs
Manufacturing Industry) in 1974. SEPTA (Scottish Environment Protection Agency) and the
Environment Agency (EA) for England and Wales, regulated these matters in Great Britain.
concerning dye removal from industrial wastewater. For example, the UK has enforced a law
declaring that no synthetic chemicals should be discharged into the marine environment. It has
textile effluent, including Azo dyes, and there is no official document that lists the different
limit about effluent applied in different countries [56]. Many developed countries, such as
Canada, the nations of the EU, the United States of America, and Australia oblige
environmental legislation that establishes limitation laws. Morocco and Turkey have copied
the EU model, while Thailand has copied the US system. In other regions, including Pakistan,
India, and Malaysia, the effluent contamination limits are not mandatory, and they are just
recommended. In most cases, azo dye limitations are not specified as a separate group from
In the following sections, common methods, that have been applied for removing dyes from
Biological treatment is a low-cost and environmentally friendly process that produces less
sludge. Needing a lesser amount of reagents, having an energy-saving nature and being
economical are some of the features of this treatment, that can lead to complete mineralization
of dyes [55]. In this treatment, the main procedure is the conversion of biodegradable wastes
into simpler and harmless species in a biological process. This method has significant
[4],[58]. There are two ways of dye decolorization for this treatment: (1) adsorption on the
These processes are divided into two categories called aerobic and anaerobic process which
both can be used for wastewater treatment [59]. The products of aerobic and anaerobic
treatments contain carbon dioxide and biomass; moreover, water is another product for the
aerobic treatment and methane for the anaerobic treatment. Dye solutions can be treated in an
eco-friendly in this method without high investment and costs [4]. Textile wastewater consists
of various microorganisms such as fungi, algae, and bacteria, with the ability to degrade present
diverse dyes [34]. Another biological treatment in an enzyme system, which has some benefits
Bacteria, algae, fungi, and yeast are some of the microorganisms that have the potential of
transforming dyes molecule into less harmful forms [60],[61]. Cell wall components (lipids
various functional groups including hydroxyl, amino, phosphate, carboxyl, and other charged
groups which they can cause great, attractive forces between the cell wall and azo dye [62].
Bacteria were found to be generic and comparatively more effective in comparison with other
forms of microbes [63]. Many researches are proposing a wide range of bacterial strains for
textile dye decolorizing [64], [65], that their effectiveness depends on their adaptability and
their activities under certain environmental conditions [66]. Many bacteria, such as
Pseudomonas, Aeromonas sp., Bacillus, Shigella, Klebsiella, and Rhodococcus are capable of
biodegrading azo dyes efficiently [67], [68], [69]. Being easy to culture and growing faster in
comparison with other microorganisms are the main advantages of working with bacteria
which are well-fitted material to be used for mineralizing azo dyes finely [70]. Different groups
of bacteria run the process of biodegradation of azo dyes under normal anaerobic, aerobic, or
facultative anaerobic conditions. The first stage of the mechanism of bacterial degradation is
reductive cleavage of azo bonds (-N=N-), which happens with the help of azoreductase
enzymes [71].
Algale require no preservation since their growth only mainly depends on sunlight and carbon
dioxide, which does not generate secondary waste product and also helps to and can remove
the nutrients from wastewater [73]. Algae-based processes are often easy, operational method
and most cheaper and environment-friendly in comparison with method among other
conventional treatment methods [74], [75], [76]. Algal biomass has also been used vastly as a
bio-sorbent, and its characteristics like binding ability and high surface area have made it
possess an excellent adsorption potential and electric force to attract contaminants from
algae surface [78]. Color elimination by algae consists of three major steps. The first step is
algae utilization of chromophores to harvest the algal biomass, CO2, and H2O; then the non-
chromophore material are formed from chromophore material alteration in the second step; and
third, algal biomass absorbs the resulting chromophore [79]. Table 3 presents some recent
Table 3. Some recent studies on biodegradation of dyes by algae.
(mg L-1)
Monolithic algal green powder Crystal Violet 90.3% 5, 10, 15, 20 [80]
(MAGP), fabricated based on Methylene Blue 93.4% 5, 10, 15, 20
Enteromorpha flexuosa
Spirulina platensis Indigo Blue >90% 25, 50, 75, 100 [82]
A fungal culture can accelerate its metabolism to change the environmental conditions, and
their existence lingers to this ability [83]. In this case, intra- and extracellular enzymes help in
metabolic activity. Enzymes like lignin peroxidase (LiP), manganese peroxidase (MnP) and
laccase can make a suitable situation for dye degradation in textile wastewater [84].
Biodegradation of dyes through fungal strains results in the breakdown of the dye molecule
fungal for color removing purposes have been furthered to be an alternative for present physical
(PAH) like textile, pulp, and paper industry can use Phanerochaete chrysosporium for effective
pollutants degradation [89]. Table 4 presents some recent studies on biodegradation of dyes by
4.1.4. Yeast-assisted biodegradation
Some researches show the efficient performance of yeast species as dye adsorbents which are
capable of uptaking high dye concentration [92]. Although only a few studies have investigated
the decolorization and degradation ability of yeasts, they can be used as a substitute for deleting
dyes in the textile industry because of its rapid growth like bacteria and its capacity to sustain
in adverse environmental conditions even at low pH [72], [62]. Known yeast species with dye
Trichosporon and Rhodotorula are the most promising genera [93]. Noticeable dye removal
from diverse dyes caused by Pseudozyma rugulosa Y-48 and Candida krusei G-1 made these
two novel strains to be selected and identified among 44 yeast strains tested for permeability
to destroy dyes. P. rugulosa Y-48 and C. krusei G-1 removed the Reactive Brilliant Red K-2BP
(200 mg L-1), with the efficiency up to 99% dye elimination after 24 h [94]. More studies show
that biodegradation proceeded primarily the decolorization of the dyes tested [46].
Enzymes are not the first choice in wastewater treatment due to their cost in pure form.
However, industrial and not too purified enzymes, as reliable, low-priced, efficient, and
regenerable agents, also exist in a liquid form [95]. It is reported in a recent research that
enzymes have the highest efficiency in eliminating dyes [14]. Enzymes convert stubborn
pollutants into products or use precipitation process to remove them from wastewater [96].
Enzymes became reputable for their easy availability and green chemistry. They can be used
have shown their great potential for azo dyes degradation and enzymatic decolorization.
Laccases also have a great potential to decolorize a vast range of known industrial dyes
4.2. Chemical processes for dye removal from wastewater
Regarding the theory of chemistry, dye removal is considered as chemical treatments. These
technologies are usually more expensive in comparison to biological and physical treatments
except for electrochemical degradation treatment. Some of the disadvantages of chemical dye
removal methods, which has made them unattractive for commercial use, are requiring proper
equipment, high electrical energy for reactors and also consuming a considerable amount of
chemicals as reagents [35],[101]. Toxic secondary pollution followed by chemical dye removal
process is another unwanted deficiency of this treatment which presents an additional disposal
problem [14].
4.2.1. Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs)
Glaze et al. scrutinized advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) and defined them as water
treatment technology applicable under the specific condition of temperature and pressure [102].
This process is based on the in-situ generation of a strong oxidizing agent like hydroxyl radicals
(OH • ), which effectively decontaminate waters at a sufficient concentration. AOPs are being
electrochemical oxidation, ultrasound, plasma, and UV-based have been investigated for
utilizing this potent oxidizing agent. They could be applied either individually or coupled with
each other. These treatments, those including UV irradiation and ozonation, in particular, have
already been used commonly for operation in treating drinking water and wastewater at full-
scale [106].
In the following reaction set, the formation of OH • radicals can be observed as a result of the
photolysis of ozone in water. Eq. (1) corresponds to the initiation step, Eqs. (2) and (3) to the
propagation steps and Eqs. (4) and (5) to the termination steps [107].
O3 + H2 O + hv → 2 OH • + O2 (1)
O3 + OH • → HO•2 + O2 (2)
O3 + HO•2 → OH • + 2 O2 (3)
OH • + HO•2 → H2 O + O2 (4)
2 OH • → H2 O2 (5)
Also, hydrogen peroxide can absorb UV irradiations at a specific wavelengths ranging. The
following chain mechanism shows how OH • radical forms in this situation [107]:
H2 O2 + hv → 2 OH • (1)
OH • + H2 O2 → H2 O + HO•2 (2)
HO•2 + H2 O2 → OH • + H2 O + O2 (3)
OH • + HO− •
2 → HO2 + OH
2 HO•2 → H2 O2 + O2
-p (5)
OH • + HO•2 → H2 O + O2 (6)
Fenton method as the most practical AOPs, is a mixture of a soluble iron (II) salt and H2 O2 ,
known as the Fenton’s reagent, is applied for degrading and destroying stubborn organic
pollutants [108],[109]. Recent studies have shown that the formation of hydroxyl radical is the
initial stage of Fenton process, regarding the reaction (1), and could be applied to the
Fe2+ + H2 O2 → Fe3+ + OH • + OH −
In addition to the above reaction, in the photo-Fenton process, the hydroxyl radical formation
H2 O2 + UV→ 2 OH • (2)
Fe3+ + H2 O + UV→ OH • + Fe2+ + H + (3)
The photocatalysis process has been presented by many researches for OH • production along
with textile-waste degradation, which is potent for a maximum of 90% dye removal with
modifications [111]. Semiconducting materials like TiO2 and ZnO can be used as photocatalyst
for generating holes and free radicals, which leads to dye degradation. Fig. 8 peresents the
Ultrasound is one of the advanced oxidation processes. The following chain of reactions shows
the sonication of pure water which leads to the formation of radicals [114]:
H2 O + ))) → OH • + H • (1)
OH • + H • → H2 O (2)
OH • + OH • → H2 O2 (3)
H • + H • → H2 (4)
Also, a new AOPs based on the electrochemical technology (EAOPs) have been developed in
recent years for wastewater treatment approaches. Using electron as a clean reagent, has made
(AO), OH • radicals are generated in the bulk solution through homogeneous processes like
Hydroxyl radical as a radical containing 2.8 V (at pH 0) to 1.95 V (at pH 14) range of oxidation
potential, is the most reactive oxidizing agent vs. saturated calomel electrode (SCE) for
wastewater treatment [116]. Owing to the fact that HO• can react by hydrogen-atom abstraction
classic AOP, these radicals include a more extensive pH range of productive usage [117].
S2 O2− •−
8 / HSO5 + hv → 2 SO4 (1)
S2 O2− •−
8 / HSO5 + ∆ → 2 SO4 ; Ea = 33.5 kcal/mol (2)
S2 O2− − •−
8 / HSO5 + 2 e → 2 SO4 (3)
Eq. (4) and (5) show that how sulfate radicals can be decomposed to generate HO• when present
2 SO•− • −
4 + H2 O → HO + HSO4 (4)
SO•− − • 2−
4 + OH → HO + SO4 (5)
Extensive various activation techniques, as well as oxidant generation, can productively be
used for a number of different mechanisms for organic destruction as technologies for AOPs.
Fig. 9 demonstrates applied processes for utilizing radical in hydroxyl radical-based AOPs.
4.2.2. Coagulation-Flocculation
Coagulation and flocculation, as a vital process for the removal of coloring substances in
wastewater, are furthering a process that destabilizes the solid particles which are dispersed in
water by reducing their surface charge, which results in being gathered to form larger particles.
Coagulation, flocculation, and sedimentation are the three steps of this procedure. Firstly,
coagulants are added in a violent mixing condition. Secondly, the charge of finely dispersed
particles is reduced, or they are neutralized because of the coagulants act. Then, flocculants are
mixing gently to gather fine particles together and form larger particles. Finally, large particles
are removed by sedimentation afterwards [119],[4]. Coagulants are materials such as metal
salts and polymers, and flocculants are polymers causing flocs aggregation enhancement to
create larger elements for easier separation [29],[4]. Some natural materials that have been
reported as highly efficient coagulants specifically in dye removal from effluents are:
Tamarindus Indica, Moringa oleifera, Musa genus, and Azadirachta indica [120]. Based on a
recent research, several chemical coagulants that used in the coagulation-flocculation process
are: aluminium sulphate solution (Al2 (SO4)3.18H2O), MO-KCl (the extract from the Moringa
oleifera Lam. seeds in potassium chloride), MO-NaCl (the extract of Moringa oleifera Lam.
seeds in sodium chloride) [121].
4.2.3. Electrochemical treatments
particles are formed in situ. Aluminum or iron, as metal anodes act as catalyst and coagulant
agent and hydrogen gas is evolved at cathode [122]. The flocculated species are floated by the
assistance of the hydrogen gas. Electrolytic oxidation and reduction occurring at the suitable
electrode in an electrochemical reactor generate the coagulant. Colorless, clear, and odorless
effortlessness, able to handle the considerable volume, no need of chemical materials using,
generating lower sludge, high reaction rate, cost-effective, and environment-friendly are certain
of this treatment.
Fig. 10. Electrocoagulation mechanism [125].
ro Electro-Fenton (EF)
Organic substances are removed in two stages called oxidation and coagulation, which is
[126]. Better control of the process, lack of secondary pollutants, no necessity to the use of
harmful reagents are some of the advantages of using electro-Fenton process, which results in
Anodic oxidation destroys pollutants in both direct and indirect oxidations, which in the first
one, pollutants are absorbed by anode’s surface and then degraded by the reaction of anodic
oxygen species with 2.80 V/SHE standard redox potential (E°) which is electrocatalytically
M + H2 O → M (OH • ) + H + + e− (1)
Active chlorine, in the form of gaseous chlorine, hypochlorite ions or hypochlorous acid, is
anodically produced from chlorides which are naturally present in or added to the solution
Although this process is efficient in eliminating of coloring and organic substances, it is not
economically advantageous nowadays because of the low process stability and considerable
have 86.8-99% range of dye removal, with the adsorption process ranking highest among all.
These are capable of degrading almost any dye or a mixture of dyes easily [14]. Physical
methods, as a commonly used method among all three methods (biological, chemical, and
physical), are usually straightforward. Different characteristics like cheapness, simple design,
and easy operation, high efficiency, no effect by toxic substances, and low costs have made the
adsorption techniques to be a productive process for treating polluted waters. The low necessity
of chemicals is another advantageous feature of this method [132]. This treatment seems to be
more predictable than the two other treatments because of its independence of living organisms
4.3.1. Adsorption
This method is considered as a surface phenomenon in which the molecules of adsorbate or
ions (gas or liquid) are attracted to the surface of adsorbent (solid) (Fig. 11). Physisorption or
chemisorption are the two classes of adsorption. These categorizations depend on the way that
dye molecules or other elements get adsorbed onto the adsorbent surface [41]. Different types
of forces may exist in the adsorption process of dye molecules such as hydrogen bonding, van
This structure increases the total exposed surface area and allows fluid to cross faster. This
method used as a simple and cost-effective technique for removing dyes from wastewater
[134]. High treatment efficiency and being reusable are some of the advantageous features of
this method. The performance of most of the adsorbents is controlled by different factors which
the main ones are initial dye concentration, pH, temperature, contact time, and adsorbent
amount. Possessing porous structure (resulting in high surface area) and low adsorption
equilibrium established time for removing dye wastes in lesser time, result in a suitable
adsorbent [135],[136].
The most determinative element of the adsorption process is the adsorbent. Adsorption
capacity, surface area, short adsorption period are the most important factors of an adsorbent
[52],[137]. Alumina, activated carbon, zeolites, and silica gel are commonly used for the
removal of dye from wastewater [41]. Porous structure with high surface area and great
adsorption capacities towards various kind of pollutants are the factors which have made
activated carbon (AC) well-known [138]. Table 5 depicts a review on the studies furthered on
Table 5. A review on the studies furthered on treatment of dye-containing wastewater by using adsorption in the last two years.
Methylene Blue The optimized cellulose/montmorillonite 30, 80, 100 4, 6, 7, 9 298, 313, 323 Almost 100% ]311[
(MTM) hydrogels re
Methylene Blue Composite structure of montmorillonites 750 8 111 94.3% ]311[
(Mt) with graphene oxid (GO) (Mt/GO) -p
Congo Red ZnO@Ze composite particles 25–500 3−12 111 0.025– 0.1 Up to 90% ]311[
Food Red 17 Bio–based polyurethane/chitosan foam 25 8 182 3 >98% ]311[
One of the cutting-edge treatment technologies for removing color, COD, and salinity from
the membrane, which has small pores that makes the solutes bigger than these pores to be
trapped behind it, and then the passed solution is exempt from those solutes. The trapped
solutes create a filter cake layer. In order to have an easy filtration process, these layers must
be continuously cleaned. The pores' size is one of the factors that membranes can be
categorized based on that. Rejection and permeates flux usually defines the membranes'
performance [4].
of Microfiltration (MF)
In this membrane process, contaminants from the fluid are removed by microporous
membranes. A classification of a typical microfiltration membrane can be based on its pore
size range, which is between 0.1 to 10 micrometer (μm). One of the applications of this process
is to remove suspended solid particles [150].
Ultrafiltration membranes with pore sizes between 0.1 to 0.001 microns are more economical
because of requiring lower pressure than nanofiltration and reverse osmosis. However, low
from wastewater. Whereas several researches have presented MEUF as a proper technique for
retention of anions, metal ions, and organic contaminants, but this method has not been used
pollutants, which has a higher concentration in comparison with CMC (critical micelle
concentration). As a result, the organic and inorganic contaminants are solved by the formed
micelles of surfactant molecules. Then these micelles which contain the dissolved solutes are
rejected at the time of membrane ultrafiltration treatment. After passing a permeate stream
Nanofiltration (NF) is a novel advanced membrane technology that is applicable for diverse
wastewater treatment and decontamination applications [152]. Lately, nanofiltration (NF) has
membranes remove the dyes efficiently because of having charge and the pore size between
0.5 to 2.0nm in diameter [152], [154]. Thus, they can effectively reject various dye molecules
via both the size and electrostatic repulsion mechanisms. This technology has depicted features
between ultrafiltration (UF) and reverse osmosis (RO) [155],[4]. For instance, Kurt et al.
studied on a commercial NF membrane (NF-270, Dow Filmtec, with a molecular weight cutoff
(MWCO) of 200-300) to eliminate colors, COD (chemical oxidation demand) and salts from
the weaving industry effluent. Under the continuous mode, the NF-270 was found to eliminate
nearly 100% of the colors, reject up to 94.7% of the COD, and 76.3% of the salts [156]. In
addition, NF also has lower fouling tendency and lower energy consumption, lower osmotic
pressure difference, higher permeate flux, higher retention of multivalent salts, relatively low
investment and low operation maintenance costs are the advantages of NF which indicates
The process of using semi-permeable spiral wound membranes for separating and removing
dissolved solids, organics, submicron colloidal matter, pyrogens, nitrate, bacteria, and color
from water is defined as reverse osmosis (RO) [160]. This process has been used for industrial
applications in the removal of colors and salts from solutions, furnishing an almost deionized
water [161]. Achieving concentration and separation with no state change and no thermal
energy or chemicals using are the advantages of this membrane-based process and technology.
These features make efficient process energy and suitable applications for recovery. The
compounds, and reclamation of wastewater and seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) treatment
Table 6. A review on the studies furthered on treatment of dye-containing wastewater by using membrane filtration in the last two years.
Pure water Dye
Membrane Pore radius Pressure
Dye permeability concentration Contact angle Decolorization References
(mg L-1)
Reactive Green 19 PES-Fe3O4-MDA (0.5 wt%) - NF 7.44 nm 185.7 1 100 37.18° ~98% [162]
Methylene Blue 0.5 wt. % ZnO/cGO nanohybrid in hollow 7.92 nm 358.5 ± 14.9 11 98.6 ± 1.4%
1 35.3±1.1° ]311[
Rhodamine B fiber membranes - NF (L/m2. h mmHg) 8 98.5 ± 1.1%
Alizarin Yellow PA1/TA 0.08 thin-film nanocomposite 103.2 97.5%
Sunset Yellow membrane 25.3 nm (L/m2h. mPa) 1 311 36.7±1.6° 99.9% ]311[
Congo Red 99.9%
Congo Red 14.8
PES/UiO-66 membrane - NF 0.25-0.28 nm (L/m2.h.bar) 2 40 50◦ 99.9% [165]
Zwitterionic N, N Bis (3-aminopropyl)
methylamine, ZDNMA (1 wt%) and TMC
Methyl Blue 0.27 nm (L/m2.h.bar) 1 300 30-45° 99.9% [166]
Blue Corazol PES/PEI 3.0 + GO 0.025 + PEI 1.5
(Reactive Black 5 and MF 0.2 μm 1 10 59.3 ± 4° 97.8% [167]
Reactive Blue 220)
Bright Blue food MF PEI5 GO1 TA4 20.52 79° ± 9° %311
coloring MF PEI5 GO1 TA0 0.2 μm 23.35 1 10 78° ± 3° 88.26% [168]
MF PEI5 GO0 TA4 736.35 57° ± 3° 16.05%
Two textile dye Ceramic membrane 1376
bath effluents 0.27 μm 3 26% [169]
MF (L/m2.h.bar)
Rhodamine B
Polyether sulfone (PES) microfiltration 4777
0.1 μm 5 >98.9% [170]
membrane (L/m2.h.bar)
Methyl Orange Chitosan enhanced cellulose membrane 107. 28 1 0.1 mM 19.50° 86% [172]
Direct Blue 71 UF (L/m2.h.bar) 89%
PPSU/ SnO2 mixed matrix hollow fiber
Reactive Black 5 membranes (HFMs) -UF 362.9 >94%
8 11 63.7 0 ]311[
Reactive Orange 16 (L/m2. h) >73%
Polyimide (PI) membrane
Direct Red 23 UF 3 311 67.6° 98.65% ]311[
(L/m2. h)
Direct Red 80 Ceramic membrane made from purified 14.7
natural Moroccan clays 75 nm 1 50 99% [175]
(L/m2. h)
Al3+- doped TiO2 (AT) tight 9.6
Alizarin Red-S 3.5 nm 1 250 19.4° 96.9% [176]
UF (L/m2.h.bar)
Acid Black 210 PPSU 20%–PES 4% membraneUF 313.31nm 1 35, 45, 65 68.1 ± 1.51° >99.65% [177]
(L/m2. h)
Polypropylene composite hollow fiber
Congo Red membrane (PPM1.49) 81.8
0.15±0.0 μm 1 50 37 o 99.5% [178]
UF (L/m2. h)
Congo Red PSf/PVA/ZnO (0.5 w.t. %) ~55 53.5%
(J/J0) 3 100 43° [179]
Not specify
Spiral wound membrane 19 Almost
5 μm ~8 28 [180]
RO (L/m2. h) compeletely
Methylene Blue
34.99 100 91.34-100%
Methyl Orange PES/TiO2 halloysite nano-tubes (NTs) 1.149 μm 1.8 45 ± 1.5o [181]
(L/m2. h) 100 68.33-100%
4.3.3. Ion exchange method
Ion exchange method has absorbed interests vastly. High efficiency, low costs, and attractive
features have made it suitable for applications such as water purification, heavy metals
removal, and textile effluents treatment. Removing dyes by strong interactions between
functional groups on ion exchange resins and charged dyes is one of the effective processes of
this method. In this process, achieving effective separation is caused by forming strong bonds
between resins and solutes [182],[4]. Anion exchangers or cation exchangers as resins are being
used to separate solutes with different surface charges [183]. Table 7 presents some recent
Table 7. Some recent studies on ion exchange for removal of dyes.
Dye Anion/cation exchanger Dye removal Dye concentration References
Acid Black synthesized cellulose anion almost 100% 300 mg L-1 [185]
exchanger (CellAE)
Fig. 12 categorizes the advantages and disadvantages of different technologies used for color
Fig. 12. A glance of dye removal technologies with their advantages and disadvantages [14],[47].
4.4. Hybrid treatments
Recently, researchers have paid heed to hybrid processes. Based on the fact that each dye
removal process has its own advantages and disadvantages, a combination of different
techniques can be used to have efficient dye removal. Mixing up easily and wrong classification
are defined clearly in combined processes and hybrid processes vitally. A combined process is
defined as a process in which two or more treatments are furthered sequentially. A hybrid
process is defined as a process where two or more treatments are fused into one process [187].
In hybrid processes, integrating treatments adjust the individual treatment criteria [188].
Basically, a hybrid process, as a cost-saving and time-saving process, requires one vessel for
carrying out the multiple processes which are integrated into one [189].
The next section discusses the perspectives of textile wastewater treatment using MBR and
PMR systems. -p
PMR and MBR: two promising hybrid technologies
The interrelations between the three major dye removal technologies, PMR and MBR hybrid
Fig. 13. The interrelations between the three major dye removal technologies, PMR and MBR hybrid
The objective of this part is to overview the progress in the configurations and applications of
these technologies and also, organizes the results and information from studies conducted
recently on the performance of using MBR and PMR technologies for textile wastewater
This system was first presented in 1968s as a combined membrane unit [190]. MBR process
has some advantages such as low maintenance, lower sludge production, small footprint,
consistency in final treated water quality independent of sludge conditions in the bioreactor,
and higher removal of organic and nutrients pollutants over conventional activated sludge
processes [191]. Furthermore, one of the major advantages of membrane bioreactor treatment
over more conventional processes in dye removal is its high efficiency in microorganisms'
retention [192]. -p
However, membrane fouling is the main weakness of the MBR process, which is defined as an
irreversible deposit of layer materials on the surface of membrane with a possible existence
increasing the trans-membrane pressure (TMP) with processing time, causing higher operating
costs for cleaning the membrane and finally decreases the membranes life span
[194],[195],[196]. The filtration flow can be improved, and the membrane fouling can be
Whereas this technology is highly costed in set up and it is overcome by the reuse of permeate,
performance and applicable technique for operating the domestic and a full scale of industrial
wastewaters [199],[200].
This process consists of different stages, firstly started by feed wastewater as feeding, and then
it comes into the reactor to interact with the biomass. The second stage is pumping the mixture
of feed wastewater and biomass to the membrane unit, and then the retentate is recycled after
discharging the permeate into the separation unit [200],[194]. Membranes with the pore size
range of 10-4 - 10-3 µm are used in MBR systems, and the process could be referred either as
MBRs often are categorized according to their aeration processes, which is discussed in the
following sections. Another way to categorize MBR systems considered the system setup. To
be exact, the membrane modules could be located in a separate tank (side-stream system) or in
the bioreactor tank itself (submerged system) as it is shown in Fig. 14. Regardless of the
aforementioned configurations, the membrane itself can be in the shape of a hollow fiber or
flat sheet [201]. All of these options are a critical aspect of designing a wastewater treatment
plant and need to be delicately selected based on certain requirements of the system.
Nowadays, this type of MBR as a reputable process is being used for textile wastewater
treatment. It will be used in a situation that COD removal efficiency is more than 90%.
Meanwhile, decolorization from printing and dyeing stages has gained much attention [202].
Using aerobic MBR treatment by Yun et al. resulted in 94.8% COD removal and 72.9% dye
removal. It is known that adsorption to microbial cells followed by sludge withdrawal can only
remove synthetic azo dye which cannot be biodegraded [203]. Hoinkis et al. studied the COD
concentration (600 and 1250 mg L-1) effect on the MBR system. The removal efficiency for
COD, ammonium, and color reported being more than 90%, 90%, and 60-75% consecutively
consisted of two anoxic bioreactors afterward, an aerobic membrane bioreactor, a UV
decontamination unit, and a GAC (granular activated carbon) filter to process a synthetic textile
effluent called Blue Remazol (BR) over 100 days. 95% of BR and 99.1% of COD were
removed by this system. Whereas, MBR is an efficient treatment for textile wastewaters,
Anaerobic MBRs used for textile wastewater treatment and have been investigated in several
studies. In those, they show an excellent technology for wastewater treatment. A review study
by Lin et al. showed that food industrial wastewater treatment is the most famous applicable
industry for AnMBR. Using AnMBR for textile wastewater treatment has been reported once
required process, advance of active and economic biogas recovery (main methane) is used to
make the anaerobic MBR technology economically possible [199]. Biogas production could
be observed in anaerobic MBR technology during wastewater treatment based on the founding
of several studies. Producing biogas with an excellent fuel quality followed by anaerobic MBRs
have been noted by Hu and Stuckey. This study shows that this biogas consists of 80% methane
Anaerobic MBR system has low energy consumption for mineralizing the organics. Producing
low sludge, low nutrient requirement, cost-effective for wastewater treatment, especially for
those dye textile wastewater and generating useful methane as an end-product are some of the
advantages of anaerobic MBR [199],[208]. Achilli et al. furthered research comparing the
operational cost of an aerobic and anaerobic treatment for urban wastewater treatment. It has
been presented in this study that aerobic MBR had more operational costs in comparison to
anaerobic MBR since aerobic MBR has excess sludge management [209]. The application of
MBR (anaerobic and aerobic) for the treatment of synthetic textile wastewater were
investigated by Yurtsever et al. Both MBRs had efficiencies for removing high COD. Whereas
the efficiency of dye elimination was only 30-50% in aerobic MBR, anaerobic MBR showed
100% dye removal. Whereas the research presented lack of color removal in MBR process and
energy saving [210]. Adopting anaerobic-aerobic processes in the MBR system are making an
The application of membrane separation for different types of textile wastewater has been
studied in several investigations. Table 8 depicts a review on the studies furthered on treatment
Table 8. A review on the studies furthered on treatment of textile wastewater by using MBR in the last two years.
Hollow fiber
Capital and operational
Woolen textile 74% 70% costs were estimated for
- Submerged MBR Aerobic 80% [211]
wastewater 99% 97% full-scale MBR.
MBR+NF 85%
99% 99%
UF Study of the effect of
Al-Kut textile factory HRT and MLSS on the
- Submerged Aerobic - [212]
wastewater MBR 88.34% 83.7% removal efficiency by
MBR+RO 99.8% 99.8% MBR.
Suggested that the
osmotic membrane
Synthetic dyeing Lanaset Red Osmotic bioreactor (OMBR)
Submerged Anaerobic - ~99.4% ~100% [213]
wastewater G.GR (Acid dye) membrane
re process is a good option
for treatment of dyeing
Simulated printing and Methyl filtration
Submerged Anaerobic - - 100% [214]
dying wastewater Orange (PVDF flat
sheet membrane)
Simulated textile Diamozol Red Submerged UF Aerobic - 79% 76% [215]
wastewater ED-3
4.4.2 PMR technology
Smaller dye molecules resulted by breaking the large ones is one of the potentials of PMR
technology because of the photocatalyst’s action, which mainly water and carbon dioxide are
photons, which followed by electrons transfer to the conduction band and formed electron-hole
pairs. Reaction of electrons and holes with the oxygen and hydroxyl groups in water is the next
step, which generates various reactive oxygen species like OH, O2− , H2 O2 . Degrading various
types of refractory organic contaminants and strong oxidizing properties are some of the
features of this technique [217]. The mechanism has shown in Fig. 15. Separation of
photocatalysts from the treated water, good permeate fluxes, antifouling properties, energy-
saving, and reducing the installation size due to the supplementary operations, are some of the
Fig. 15. Schematic representation of the activity of photocatalytic membrane and TiO2@HNTs
photocatalyst [220].
Photocatalysts (structures and properties, concentration, type, and loading), membrane (type,
material and pore size of the membrane, and configuration of membrane module), light
(wavelength, intensity, and type of light, the position of the light source), temperature, pressure,
and pH are some of the most important efficient factors of PMR. More details can be found in
particle size distribution, crystal composition, porosity, and surface area, as the properties and
as the most important factor. The most used photocatalyst in PMR is TiO2-based photocatalyst,
because of its distinctive characterization like desirable chemical stability and activity, cost-
effective, and nontoxicity [222],[217].
PMRs can be classified into two configurations: the first one is PMRs with suspended
photocatalyst (which is known as slurry reactor) and PMRs with immobilized photocatalyst
on/in the membrane. Due to the greater active photocatalyst surface area, UV light avoids
membrane damage and generates hydroxyl radicals in the suspended system in comparison to
the immobilized system. The researchers paid more attention to the PMRs with suspended
system can be categorized into two groups: external and internal type. Whereas in the second
one, the membrane separation process and photocatalytic reaction are fused into one system,
in the first one, two processes occur in separate apparatuses [217],[225]. Cross-flow and dead-
end are two various operation ways of photocatalytic membrane reactors with an immobilized
source position, that can be: inside or above the feed container, inside or above the membrane
unit, and in a specific vessel positioned between the membrane unit and the feed container
[221]. All these classifications are shown in Fig. 16 to present more accurate view of PMRs
Fig. 16. Different configurations of photocatalytic membrane reactors [226],[217].
membrane (PM). Membranes in this system act as a selective barrier for the pollutants that
should be removed as well as the membrane separation process that furthered in the same unit.
Supports are handled either by using polymeric and ceramic membranes or various organic and
inorganic materials [227]. Some of the typical polymeric membranes are PA (polyamide),
Different factors control membrane preparation techniques and conditions like membrane
material and the desired structure and morphology. There are different techniques that are being
used for catalytic membrane preparation which the most used and versatile technique for
A research furthered by Dhananjeyan et al. states that by using immobilized photocatalysis on
TiO2 and Fe2O3 on modified copolymer films, chlorocarbons, and Orange II dye can be
degraded. This study indicates that different factors like the type of scavenger used for
separation of the charges on the semiconductor surface and the organic compound, the physical
characteristics of the bound semiconductor, and the light source control the degradation of
solutes permeation through the membrane and photocatalytic reaction occur simultaneously
has been investigated by Wang et al. Using Acid Red 4 (AR4) dye as a model pollutant led to
following results. Firstly, the decomposition ratios of dead-end and system were five and three
times higher than the system containing flow rates of 4×10-7 m3 s-1 and 6.67×10-8 m3 s-1,
respectively. Secondly, increasing irradiation intensity and the amount of loaded catalyst
increases the decomposition ratio, but at higher catalyst loading remain constant. Thirdly,
increasing flow rates decreases the decomposition ratio [229]. A pluronic-based TiO2 hybrid
photocatalytic membrane was fabricated by Goei et al. with hierarchical porosity using the
acid-catalyzed sol-gel method. They evaluated the membrane performance in continuous flow
photoreactor and batched photoreactor in dead-end mode operation. Batch photoreactor could
degrade 100% of Rhodamine B in spite of the limit of mass transfer. A flux with 116 L.m2 h-1
bar water permeability and 3.1×1012 m−1 intrinsic membrane resistance was shown after using
the stratified porous Plu A membrane (that is coated with three diverse layers of TiO2 with
diverse pore structures). Finally, a considerable amount of RhB (2700 mg m-2) was removed
purification system was used for the photocatalytic filtration experiments in continuous flow
conditions. In this study, Methylene Blue and Methyl Orange were used as azo-dyes model
contaminants, under near-UV/vis and visible light irradiation. By examining the consequence
of some factors such as surface area and charge of the photocatalysts, porosity, and amount of
that, which are related to both of the hybrid ultrafiltration/photocatalytic method and the
membrane structure, membrane efficiency tried to be optimized. The type of contaminant and
pH of the under-treatment steam were two of the main controllers [156]. The degradation of
Reactive Orange 16 and Reactive Red 180 (azo dye solutions) were studied by Yatmaz et al.
(MD) process in textile industry wastewater. Hir et al. used phase inversion technique for
content up to 13 wt% (PT-13) took place. In this study Methyl Orange was almost completely
removed in acidic conditions. Methyl Orange photodegradation followed pseudo first-order
kinetics and the PT-13 film showed to be efficient to gain a high degradation even after five
to recover the photocatalyst from the treated solution, a membrane can be used independently.
This technique has some advantages, including being in contact with the pollutants sufficiently
as a noteworthy advantage that is due to the higher surface area. Besides, whereas increasing
of photocatalyst dosage is not possible for the immobilized system due to the inadequate
all, higher productivity and more capable for applications in large-scale industries are the
features of PMR [232],[217]. As a salient example among several reports on using this
configuration for dye removal and purification, Congo Red (C32H22N6Na2O6S2) and Patent
Blue (C27H31N2NaO6S2) were degraded in aqueous solution by Molinari et al. This process
furthered in a photocatalytic membrane reactor using TiO2 Degussa P25 as the catalyst. Congo
Red was depicted to be photodegraded faster in the same experimental situation; it could be
because of the higher absorption on the catalyst surface. As an interesting note, this treatment
is successful in being used in solutions with high concentration (500 mg L-1) of both mentioned
dyes which furthers in a continuous process reaching adequate fluxes of permeate (30-70
L m-2 h-1). The reactor containing the suspended photocatalyst performed more efficiently in
comparison to the PMR with immobilized catalyst [233]. This type of PMR technology for
decolorization means was investigated by Damodar et al. The material used for membrane in
this study was polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), which the pore size of it was 0.22 mm and the
contact angle value was 120°. The removal of color (100%) in a high-performance state and
80% removal of TOC and COD was the result of this study. Photocatalyst in PMR was reported
not only to have the ability to be reused and be separated effectively but also to be able to keep
its activity for long-term use. During continuous filtration operation, the distribution of TiO2
particle size presented a momentous diversity. This study also indicates the benefits of their
operating conditions to have a longer operation and reducing the regular requirement for
cleaning the membrane [234]. The consequence of presenting ZnO nanoparticles in PMR for
removing Congo Red (CR) was studied by Hairom et al. The membrane used for this study
was polypiperazine amide, which is a nanofiltration (NF) membrane. Under active stirring
highest photodegradation efficiency. Furthermore, they showed the lowest effect on the
membrane flux decline from all the ZnO samples tested. The results of this study indicated that
0.3 g L-1 optimum loading for photocatalyst was achieved with 20 mg L-1 initial dye
concentration at pH 7, which the effective surface area of ZnO-PVP-St and the presence of UV
light are the terms explaining it [235]. Yatmaz et al. scrutinized the degradation of Reactive
Orange 16 and Reactive Red 180 (azo dye solutions) from the wastewater of the textile
industry. In this study, an innovative hybrid photocatalytic and membrane distillation process
was used. These two processes used as sequencing and hybrid system. The stages of this
technique consist of: 1) studying the photocatalytic process to determine the optimum
conditions and the best efficiency in which the highest amount of COD and color removal were
obtained using the ZnO catalyst (1 g L-1) and UVA light for RR 180 dye in photocatalytic
process. 2) connection of the membrane distillation unit to the photocatalytic reactor for
furthering the treatment, which in this case, increasing flow rates (from 210 to 665 mL min-1),
led to increasing the amount of collected distillate. As a result, easing the operation while
maintaining a small footprint was obtained as membrane distillation was used to separate the
catalyst particles provided. Finally, the color removal efficiency improved up to 100% for both
dye solutions as the membrane distillation unit integrated after the photocatalysis process [236].
A summary of the researches on treatment of textile wastewater by using PMR in the last two
Table 9. A review on the studies furthered on treatment of textile wastewater by using PMR in the last two years.
Sample Dye PMR configuration Photocatalyst Membrane Irradiation COD removal Dye removal References
A mixture solution: Methyl Blue Immobilized P-doped Al2O3 Visible light - > 90% [237]
MB (5 ppm), MO g-C3N4 (PCN) hollow fiber
(8.1 ppm), and phenol
(3.3 ppm)
Bulk solution of Methyl Blue Immobilized – PDA/ZIF-67 Flat sheet Visible light 92.3% [240]
MB and MO Methyl Orange cross flow polypropylene -
(PP) membrane 99.5%
Eosin Yellow Immobilized N, Pd co-doped PSf Visible light - 97% [241]
TiO2 polymeric
photocatalysis to process a sample of real textile wastewater. Sathya et al. (2019) have
photocatalysis and also investigated the membrane fouling phenomena. Through this combined
system, they achieved 94%, 93%, and 100% removal of color, organic, and TSS (total
suspended solids), respectively. It can be concluded from this work, that the combination of
membrane bioreactor and photocatalysis presents an efficient technique to remove organic and
To conclude the PMR section, the photocatalytic performance of some nanoparticles is going
to be discussed, which is one of the most critical factors in this system's efficiency.
The photocatalytic performance of nanoparticles has been attracting considerable attention for
dye removal applications in recent years as a cost-effective and green method [244],[245].
Metal oxide semiconductors are promising candidates as photocatalytic nanoparticles for
degradation of organic pollutants and water purification [246],[247]. Among numerous metal
oxides, ZnO (zinc oxide) nanomaterials are critically important as a n-type semiconductor,
which have been thoroughly studied in a recent decade because of its exceptional properties
such as high photosensitivity, high electron mobility, biocompatibility, chemical stability, and
nontoxicity [248]. Decreasing the particle size consequences in reinforced specific surface area,
and the higher number of active sites while repressing recombination of electron-hole pairs
[249],[250]. The presence of defects, steps, kinks, and sharp edges on exposed surfaces
eventually outcomes in higher surface energy to facilitate photocatalytic dye degrading [251].
The application of nanoparticles for degradation or removal of textile dyes in some recent
researches is presented in Table 10. The data are reported in recent researches in order to show
the most efficient nanoparticles for certain abovementioned applications. As shown in the table,
the photocatalytic process is the major process for the utilization of nanoparticles for
degradation or removal of dyes from textile wastewater. In general, the degradation of dyes
using this method could reach high removal performance from 90 to 100%, under equitable
duration (below 300 min). The remarkable property of the photocatalytic degradation of dyes
in the reports is the dominance of the efforts to represent the potential of visible light,
problematic dyes such as Crystal Violet and Rhodamine B and also some popular dyes such as
Congo Red, Methylene Blue, and Methyl Orange. From the perspective of the nanomaterials,
there are several forms of nanoparticles for the degradation or removal of textile dyes, i.e. (a)
powder (single-core, with or without doping), (b) decorated (core nanoparticles covered with
smaller particles), (c) composite (core nanoparticles were embedded onto a surface larger than
the nanoparticles) [252].
Table 10. A review on recent studies on treatment of textile wastewater by using photocatalytic nanoparticles in the last two years.
Nanoparticle Core material Surrounding material Dye Dye removal Irradiation Removal time References
type (min)
Decorated Graphene nanosheets Biphasic TiO2 Methylene Blue 93–98 % Sunlight 60 [255]
Congo Red 93-98 % 60
Decorated Flower-like NiAl-layered Black Cu-doped Methyl Orange >95% Visible light 60 [256]
double hydroxide TiO2 nanoparticles
Composite Au@Ag@AgCl Malachite Green 98% Sunlight 110 [258]
Oxalate (MGO)
A wide range of physical, chemical and biological technologies for the removal of dyes from
wastewater were reviewed. Evidently, each of these technologies has its own advantages and
drawbacks. By using a hybrid packing materials and integrated processes, very high color
removal can be achieved and mixture of dyes can be treated. MBR and PMR technologies are
simple, reliable and cost-effective processes that have been investigated for the treatment of
commercial scale is membrane fouling which reduces the permeate flux and therefore,
membrane cleaning is required. Thus, for long-term reliability of these technologies, the
operational conditions should be optimized at the lab and pilot-scales and life cycle impact
analysis and cost-benefit analysis studies should be carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal
relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance offered by the UNESCO Chair on Water
Reuse in Iran. The authors would like to thank IHE Delft (The Netherlands) for providing
infrastructural and staff time support (“Support to the Society”) to collaborate with researchers
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