University of St. La Salle - Liceo de La Salle Senior High School
University of St. La Salle - Liceo de La Salle Senior High School
University of St. La Salle - Liceo de La Salle Senior High School
It is the Liceo Rover Circle’s objective to contribute to the moral and spiritual
uplift of young adults while respecting their religious convictions. The
organization also assists young adults in developing decision-making skills and
accountability and provide a specific method by which young adults may become
self-reliant. The club also prepares young adults for service during emergencies
and provide young adults opportunities to develop physical fitness. It is to prepare
young adults for leadership in the Boy Scouts of the Philippines where the club
will train young adults in skills for socio-economic development. Preparing young
adults for responsible citizenship and provide opportunities for active leadership
and participation in community projects that will promote environmental
development and healthful living is part of being active as a Liceo Rover Scout.
The Organization wishes to promote desirable Filipino customs, traditions, and
provide young adults opportunities to develop awareness of family responsibilities.
Last but not the least, the club would like to cooperate with kindred youth groups
and other agencies in worthwhile undertakings in order to promote international
relations as a means to understanding, peace and brotherhood.
The Liceo Rover Circle’s mission is to provide community services in a simple
way. It is also our mission to represent the school in some important programs.
We, the Liceo Rover Scouts Circle, have organized ourselves into an organization
to perpetually kindle in our hearts and minds the true spirit of the Scout Oath and
Law; to strive and spread the values of leadership and service by leading and
guiding other scouts to achieve the highest rank in the scouting movement, that
they may become responsible citizens of the community and to foster and
strengthen among ourselves the scouting ideals, do ordain and promulgate this
Constitution and By-Laws.
University of St. La Salle – Liceo De La Salle Senior High School
La Salle Avenue, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
University of St. La Salle – Liceo De La Salle Senior High School
La Salle Avenue, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
According to data found in, the Philippines has only 70% internet users out
of the whole population. With the ongoing pandemic affecting the educational system in the
Philippines, DepEd has shifted into an unfamiliar setup of learning which is online classes.
However, not all students have access to gadgets and wifis as such due to inevitable poverty and
to make sure that no learner is left behind, the majority in the public schools have chosen
modular learning. That is why the concerned Department of Advocacies in Liceo de la Salle
together with the Liceo Rover Scouts have acted upon this matter by gathering a number of
paper donations to be donated to teachers in Banago 2 Elementary School and Minoyan Junior
High School to be used for their modules.
Project Objective/s
● To gather monetary donations amounting to a minimum of 1,000 pesos for a minimum of 5 reams of
bond paper to be donated to Banago 2 Elementary School and monetary donations amounting to a
minimum of 6,000 pesos for the 25 reams of bond paper to be donated to Minoyan National High
● To aid the Banago 2 and Minoyan community of teachers with their drive to eagerly teach and help
the students with bundles of knowledge despite no physical contact or face to face meeting.
● To help the Banago 2 and Minoyan Junior High School students with their struggle to cope with the
new modular learning system in this time of pandemic and poverty with paper donations.
Details of the Activity:
a. Preparations
1. Creation of poster as campaign material with the help of DPR
2. Create a letter of notice to Banago 2 Elementary School and Minoyan National High School to inform
them that they have been chosen as beneficiaries for this project.
a) Point person of Banago 2 Elementary School and Moderator of Rover Scouts – discussion for
possible project assistance (July 14)
b) Rover Scouts Officers and members together with club moderator – (July 28 and August 18)
d) Rover Scouts made the decision to explore collaboration with Department of Advocacies (August 30)
f) Department of Advocacies, together with Liceo Rover Scouts Moderator and President - Ironing out
of terms and conditions of project collaboration (September 6)
University of St. La Salle – Liceo De La Salle Senior High School
La Salle Avenue, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
g) Department of Advocacies with the SAC moderator, Liceo Rover Scouts Moderator, and President –
ironing out of details of project collaboration (September 11)
b. Implementation
1. The date of implementation is September 18, 2020-October 24, 2020.
2. An announcement poster will be released on September 18, 2020, signifying the start of operations.
The announcement poster will contain the names of both the Department of Advocacy and Liceo Rover
Scouts as implementers and collaborators and also the names of the 2 beneficiary schools
3. Students and teachers alike will be encouraged to participate in a “tagging gimmick” to ensure the
project can reach a wider audience. Captions and call scripts are to be provided for a neat and uniform
4. Monetary donations will be accepted through a GCash account, with only one commissioner holding
access to it. Gcash account name and number is: Cindy A. Valencia - 09382266207
5. Weekly, a progress report will be made to ensure transparency on the amount of money collected
prior to the purchasing and donation of the reams of bond paper.
6. The canvassing of prices of bond paper will be entrusted to the parent of one of the commissioners as
well as the purchasing of the 30 reams of bond paper.
a. First phase of donation will be on October 2 for Banago 2 Elementary School – 1 representative of
Banago 2 Elementary School will go to USLS to receive the donation from the club moderator of
Liceo Rover Scouts.
b. Second phase of donation will be Oct 21 to 24 for Minoyan Junior High School through a
commissioner with the aid of a trusted adult/parent.
8. After the project implementation, both the Department of Advocacies and the Liceo Rover Scouts
will submit a liquidation report.
a. 1. Human Resources
3. Logistics
-turning-over of donated goods (turn over at USLS gate 1 for Banago 2 Elementary School
representative and drive-by manner only for Minoyan National High School)
University of St. La Salle – Liceo De La Salle Senior High School
La Salle Avenue, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
V. Additional Attachments
a. Copy of Letters
Proposed by:
Department of Advocacies Chairperson
Noted by:
Endorsed by:
University of St. La Salle – Liceo De La Salle Senior High School
La Salle Avenue, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
Approved by:
General Objective:
To aid the Banago 2 Elementary School and Minoyan school community in reproducing
their modules by providing at least 30reams of bond paper
Specific Objectives:
In the time of pandemic, Liceo Rover Scouts club officers were thinking about the
different activities that they can do despite the pandemic . On July 14, 2020, Ms. Terai G.
Barcoma also known as the “Liceo Rover Scout Moderator” had a discussion with the point
person of Banago 2 Elementary School for possible project assistance. Then , the Rover Scouts
Officers and members together with the club moderator on July 28 and August 18 further
discussed on how to pursue this possible project. The club officers decided to do a bondpaper
University of St. La Salle – Liceo De La Salle Senior High School
La Salle Avenue, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
donation to the Banago 2 Elementary School which is entitled “Papel mo, Ligaya ko” as
suggested by the Scribe/PIO of the club.
The Department of Advocacy saw the title in the Calendar of Activities of the
Association of Club and Organization then, the Chairperson who is Katrina Beatrice L. Pe
messaged Lanz Joseph T. Villanueva who is the Rover Leader or the Club President of Liceo
Rover Scouts. She asked if they can collaborate since the activity is the same and only the title
differs. The Rover Leader asked his peers and his other officers if it is okay for them to
collaborate on a similar activity. A meeting was held on August 30, 2020 via Google Meet with
the Department of Advocacy and Liceo Rover Scouts Club Officers and with their respective
moderators to discuss the collaboration. After the virtual meeting , both decided to name the
project as “Papel Mo, Pangarap Ko” which is about donating 25 reams of bondpaper to Minoyan
Junior High School and 5 reams of bondpaper for the Banago 2 Elementary School. The
Department of Advocacies Commissioners started the project proposal on September 5, 2020
and consulted the Liceo Rover Scouts for revisions. September 6, 2020 is when the Department
of Advocacies, together with Liceo Rover Scouts Moderator and President ironed out the terms
and conditions of the project collaboration. For the final touch of the project, the Department of
Advocacies, Liceo Rover Scouts Moderator, and President asked the SAC moderator for
consultation on ironing out the details of project collaboration on September 11, 2020.
The project was implemented on September 18, 2020 to October 24, 2020. The
announcement poster was released on September 18, 2020 which signifies the start of operations.
The announcement poster contained the names of both the Department of Advocacy and Liceo
Rover Scouts as implementers and collaborators and also the names of the 2 beneficiary schools
which is Minoyan Junior High School and Banago 2 Elementary School. Students and teachers
alike were encouraged to participate in a “tagging gimmick” to ensure the project can reach a
wider audience. In order to have neat and uniform look, Captions and call scripts were provided.
Monetary donations were accepted through a GCash account, with only one commissioner
holding access to it which is Cindy A. Valencia. A progress report were made weekly to ensure
transparency on the amount of money collected prior to the purchasing and donation of the reams
of bond paper. The canvassing of prices of bond paper were entrusted to the parent of one of the
commissioners as well as the purchasing of the 30 reams of bond paper.
After gathering all the donations, donation to Banago 2 Elementary School took place on
October 2 through representative that went to USLS to receive the donation from the club
University of St. La Salle – Liceo De La Salle Senior High School
La Salle Avenue, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
moderator of Liceo Rover Scouts. After donating to Banago 2 Elementary 2 Schoool, Minoyan
Junior High School followed next on October 21 to 24 through a commissioner with the aid of a
trusted adult/parent.
Evaluation: In terms of meeting the target objectives, the club succeeded in accomplishing the
project objectives because the officers and members were able to double the target number of
reams donated to Banago 2. For future implementation of the same project, the officers may
look into creative ways of getting the active participation of the members in the project. Club
officers may also train themselves on how to do creative fund raising.
Comments / Suggestions:
University of St. La Salle – Liceo De La Salle Senior High School
La Salle Avenue, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
According to data found in, The Philippine Medical Association said
there are 130,000 licensed physicians in the country, but only 70,000 are active in the profession.
A good number have actually turned to nursing and work as nurses overseas. With the ongoing
pandemic, front liners such as doctors, nurses, and military personnel, government officials,
volunteers from different organization, like RCY, youth for Christ, scouts. They did their very
best to serve the country and the people. Which is why the Liceo Rover Scouts have acted upon
this news by making a 4 minute video with each member of the club thanking and saluting the
front liners.
Project Objective/s
To gather videos from the members of the club by the end of October 18, 2020 which will be passed
through the rover gmail.
To thank the front liners such as doctors, nurses, military personnel, government officials, volunteers
from different organization, like RCY, youth for Christ, and scouts with their utmost volunteerism in
this time of pandemic.
To let the front liners understand that all their efforts and volunteerism during this time of pandemic will
never be in vain.
a. Preparations
1. Inform the members of the club the quality of the video that is required.
2. Giving instruction on what to wear and what to do in the video.
3. Meeting conferences via messenger:
a) Liceo Rover Scouts – Suggestion of the Project (September 7)
b) Liceo Rover Scouts together with the seniors - Project Brainstorming (September 8)
c) Liceo Rover Scouts - Project Proposal Revising (October 11)
b. Implementation
1. The date of implementation is October 18, 2020 - October 24, 2020.
2. The video will be released on October 18, 2020, signifying the start of operations. The video
will contain the name of Liceo Rover Scouts as implementer and also the other members who
participated in the video.
University of St. La Salle – Liceo De La Salle Senior High School
La Salle Avenue, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
3. Students and teachers alike will be encouraged to participate in a “tagging gimmick” to ensure
the project can reach a wider audience. Captions and call scripts are to be provided for a neat and
uniform look.
c. Evaluation
a. Video
b. Type A / Type C for the members
c. Necker for those members who have their necker with them, Lasallian green uniform for the
d. Caption for the post
V. Additional Attachments
Proposed by,
Noted by:
Approved by:
General Objective:
To thank the frontliners such as doctors, nurses, military personnel, government officials,
volunteers from different organization, like RCY, youth for Christ, and scouts with their outmost
volunteerism in this time of pandemic.
Specific Objectives:
To gather videos from the members of the club by the end of October 18, 2020 which will be passed
through the rover gmail.
To encourage the people to show their volunteerism in this pandemic
To let the front liners understand that all their efforts and volunteerism during this time of pandemic
will never be in vain.
1. Online / Facebook
Sir. John Augustin Tabugos also known as the Liceo Rover Scouts’ Assistant Moderator
suggested about doing a video presentation where the Rover Scouts will thank the frontliners.
The Liceo Rover Scouts officers discussed on September 7, 2020 if they are willing to do the
video presentation of saluting the fronliners. Then a meeting was held via Google Meet on
September 8 where the Liceo Rover Scouts together with their seniors started a project
brainstorming and after the meeting, they started on making the project proposal.
The club members were required to wear Type A which consists of the blue polo, necker,
carabao slide, blue pants, black shoes, and last is the garrison belt. If one does not have the Type
A uniform, he/she was required to wear type B which consists of the white t shirt, necker,
carabao slide, blue pants, black shoes, and last is the garrison belt. Lastly, if one does not have
University of St. La Salle – Liceo De La Salle Senior High School
La Salle Avenue, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
both Type A and Type B, one is required to wear type C which consists of the white t shirt,
necker, carabao slide, maong pants, rubber shoes, and last is the garrison belt.
October 11 was the date of the revision of the project proposal of “Saludo Sa Iyo” then it
was implemented on October 18, 2020. The video was posted in the Facebook page of the Liceo
Rover Scouts. First part of the video was the compilation of Liceo Rover Scouts fixing or
wearing their respective uniform. The text of appreciation was presented while the song “War”
by Ben & Ben was being played through the video. After presenting the message in the video,
the images of the frontliners came next . At the end of the video, The Rover Leader ends with
the message, “Sa lahat ng frontliners, saludo po kami sa inyo. ” Then, each one of the members
will start to salute to thank the frontliners for their service to the country.
Evaluation: The concept to salute the frontliners was very commendable but the execution of
the video needed a lot of improvement , quality wise. The scriptwriting part could have been
improved as well as the editing . More scouts could have been involved in the actual video.
Comments / Suggestions:
University of St. La Salle – Liceo De La Salle Senior High School
La Salle Avenue, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
University of St. La Salle – Liceo De La Salle Senior High School
La Salle Avenue, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
According to emergency first “First aid training can help save lives, enable
patient’s comfort, gives the tool to prevent something worse, and encourages healthy and safe
living”. During this pandemic when families are required to stay at home and it is not easy to get
outside help when emergencies arise, it will be very beneficial when at least one member of the
household has basic knowledge and skills on first aid. It will be a great relief when there are
members of the household who are capable of helping and guiding the family on what to do. It is
in this context that the Liceo Rover Scouts together with Liceo Senior Plus Red Cross Youth
decided to conduct a webinar via zoom on basic first aid for the Rover Scouts aspirants and
members and RCY recruits and members. Both clubs already had prior experience in working
together for a seminar because last March 12-13, 2020 through the core subject Disaster
Readiness and Risk Reduction (DRARR) for STEM Students, both collaborated to train STEM
Project Objective/s
To give an overview about first aid to the 30 Rover Aspirants and RCY recruits.
To increase the ways on how to show the true spirit of volunteerism and service
To collaborate with other organizations in order to unite as one Lasallian.
1. Form a core committee composed of key officers to discuss and plan the details of the
Collaboration (3rd week of October 2020)
2. Hold meeting conferences via zoom and facebook messenger:
2.1 First Project Brainstorming - August 30, 2020
2.2 Detailed discussion of the collaboration - November 2, 2020
3. Submit draft project proposal to Rover Scouts Moderator for initial review –
November 2, 2020
4. Revise and finalize the project proposal - November 3, 2020
5. Submit project proposal to SAC - November 4, 2020
6. Once approval from SAC is secured, prepare powerpoint presentations for the webinar
7. Prepare e certificates for the speakers and the participants
8. Undergo test run for the webinar - November 20, 2020
University of St. La Salle – Liceo De La Salle Senior High School
La Salle Avenue, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
1. The date of implementation of the webinar is November 21, 2020 from 2:00 to 3:30 PM.
2. The link for the zoom meeting will be posted by the respective club presidents the day before
the webinar through the messenger.
3. The webinar participants will be admitted starting 1:30 PM.
4. The webinar will start at exactly 2:00 PM via zoom and it will run for 1hr and 30 minutes
which will end by 3:30 PM.
5. The webinar topics will cover the following: What is First Aid? 3Ps of First Aid, Basics of
Aid and Applying First Aid in Wounds.
6. Rover Scouts will take care of the technical hosting of the webinar while the RCY will
provide the resource person for the webinar.
7. Rover Aspirants and RCY recruits will be given certificate of participation at the end of the
1. Attendance will be checked at the end of the webinar
2. Short quiz will be given at the end of the presentation
3. Feedback of the participants will be sought through google forms
a. Program Flow
November 21, 2020
1:30 -2:00 Admit participants to the zoom meeting
2:00 -2:05 Prayer
2:05-2:10 Ice Breaker
2:10 -2:15 Welcoming of the Participants, Rationale of the Webinar and Introduction
of Speaker
2:15-2:55 Talk on Basic First Aid
2:55-3:05 Clarifications
3:05-3:15 Mini Quiz
3:15-3:20 Giving of E Certificate to the Speaker
3:20-3:30 Closing Activity – Acknowledgment and Closing Prayer
b. Projected Results Framework
University of St. La Salle – Liceo De La Salle Senior High School
La Salle Avenue, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
Proposed by,
Noted by:
Endorsed by:
Approved by:
University of St. La Salle – Liceo De La Salle Senior High School
La Salle Avenue, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
Council: Liceo Rover Scouts and Liceo Senior Plus Red Cross Youth
Activity / Project Title: First Aid Training
Nature of Activity: Training / Workshop
General Objective:
To train Rover Aspirants and RCY applicants in order for them to become first aid
responders to their community and show their spirit of volunteerism based on what they learned
from the webinar.
Specific Objectives:
To give an overview about first aid to the 30 Rover Aspirants and RCY recruits.
To increase the ways on how to show the true spirit of volunteerism and service
To collaborate with other organizations in order to unite as one Lasallian.
1. Online / Zoom
The Liceo Senior Plus Red Cross Youth and Liceo Rover Scouts already had prior
experience in working together for a seminar because last March 12-13, 2020 through the core
subject Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction (DRARR) for STEM Students, both collaborated
to train STEM students. They formed a core committee composed of key officers to discuss and
plan the details of the collaboration again during the 3rd week of October 2020. The first Project
brainstorming was back on August 30, 2020 which was discussed only by the Liceo Rover
Scouts. Detailed discussion of the collaboration occurred on November 2, 2020 in order for
clarifications if the Liceo Senior Plus RCY will agree on collaborating.
A draft of the project proposal was submitted to the Rover Scouts Moderator for initial
review on November 2, 2020. It was later revised and finalized on November 3, 2020 then
submitted to the SAC on November 4, 2020. Once approval from SAC wass secured, the club
prepared the powerpoint presentations for the webinar. After preparing the powerpoint, the PRO
of RCY started making the e certificates for the speakers and the participants. A test run for the
webinar was held via Zoom on November 20, 2020.
University of St. La Salle – Liceo De La Salle Senior High School
La Salle Avenue, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
The webinar was opened on November 21, 2020 1:30 – 2:00 PM. It was opened early in order
for the assigned speakers and officers to admit the following RCY recruits and Rover aspirants at
the zoom meeting. They started with a prayer at 2:00 -2:05 which was led by the Treasurer of
RCY which is Vincent Lenard V. Lopez. An “Ice Breaker” was the activity in order for them to
restock the knowledge of other students on first aid. After the “Ice Breaker” it was the time to
welcome the participants, and introduce the speakers and the rationale of the Webinar. For 40
minutes of talking about the basic first aid, at the end there were clarifications if other members
would like to ask about the webinar. A Mini Quiz was done online and after the quiz, giving of E
Certificate to the Speaker took place. The closing Activity consisted of the Acknowledgment and
Closing Prayer.
Evaluation: Division of labor was clearly defined between the two clubs. Participation of club
members needs improvement. In addition to the students as resource persons, it would be good to
invite professionals as resource person also to enrich the inputs of the students.
Comments / Suggestions:
University of St. La Salle – Liceo De La Salle Senior High School
La Salle Avenue, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
University of St. La Salle – Liceo De La Salle Senior High School
La Salle Avenue, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
According to, from the beginning of creation, God had a reason for
creating human and that purpose is to love and serve Him. Therefore, as Christians, one of the
vital aspects of our fulfilling destiny includes serving God genuinely. Service gives us a great
deal of fulfilment one that gives meaning to our life (Ephesians 2:10). It is also part of the
Scout’s Law that he/she must be reverent at all times. That is why the Liceo Rover Scouts would
like to donate 10 boxes of face masks to the Sacred Heart Seminary Bacolod.
Project Objective/s
To help the Sacred Heart Seminary Bacolod by donating 10 boxes of face masks and face
shield in this time of pandemic.
To show the true spirit of volunteerism and the true nature of being a reverent scout.
a. Preparations
1. Brainstorming on what would be the reach out activity – January 25, 2021
2. Announcing to the members and voting for the activity – February 2, 2021
3. Create a letter of notice to Sacred Heart Seminary to inform them that they have been
chosen as beneficiaries for this project.
4. Creation of poster as campaign material
5. Meeting conferences through google meet and facebook messenger:
a) Liceo Rover Scouts – Suggestion of the Project January 25, 2021)
b) Liceo Rover Scouts - Project Brainstorming (February 9, 2021)
c) Liceo Rover Scouts – Meeting with aspirants for the project (February 13, 2021)
d) Liceo Rover Scouts – Revise the project proposal (February 13, 2021)
c. Implementation
1. The date of implementation is March 7, 2021.
2. An announcement poster will be released on February 19, 2021 signifying the start of
operations. The announcement poster will contain the names of Liceo Rover Scouts as
implementer and collaborator and also the name of the beneficiary institution.
4. Monetary donations will be accepted through a GCash account, with only one
commissioner holding access to it. Gcash account name and number is that of Ms.
Dexielene V. Villanueva - +63 951 208 1163
5. Weekly, a progress report will be made to ensure transparency on the amount of money
collected prior to the purchasing and donation of 10 boxes of face masks.
6. The canvassing of prices of face masks will be entrusted to the parent of one of the
commissioners as well as the purchasing of the 10 boxes of face masks.
7. The implementation of the project will be done through a representative of Liceo Rover
Scouts who will go to USLS inside the Balayan Office to receive the donation and to deliver
the items to the Sacred Heart Seminary Bacolod.
8. After the project implementation, the Liceo Rover Scouts will submit a liquidation report.
d. Evaluation
1. Documentation will be provided on the purchasing of donations (face mask and face
shield) and screenshots of the verification of the donors as a form of receipt.
2. A letter of acknowledgment coming from the beneficiaries will signal the success of
the project.
1. Human Resources
2. Materials and Equipment
-Boxes of face mask and face shield (minimum of 10 boxes)
3. Logistics
-transportation (private vehicles)
-turning-over of donated goods to Sacred Heart Seminary representative
V. Additional Attachments
a. Copy of Letters
Letter to the Rector of the Sacred Heart Seminary Shrine
University of St. La Salle – Liceo De La Salle Senior High School
La Salle Avenue, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
Noted by:
Endorsed by:
Approved by:
General Objective:
To contribute and participate in the overall campaign against COVID 19 and develop the
value of sharing and true spirit of volunteerism.
Specific Objectives:
To help the Sacred Heart Seminary Bacolod by donating 10 boxes of face masks and face
shield in this time of pandemic.
To show the true spirit of volunteerism and the true nature of being a reverent scout.
The Liceo Rover Scouts Club Officers brainstormed on what would be the reach out
activity for the club on January 25, 2021. After they brainstormed, they started to announce to
the members in order for them to vote for the specific activity they want to do. The club decided
to create a project that reaches out to the church and named the project from their 12th Scout Law
which is “A Scout is Reverent”. The Rover Leader created a letter of notice to Sacred Heart
Seminary to inform them that they have been chosen as beneficiaries for this project. The Liceo
Rover Scout started creating the poster as campaign material.
An announcement poster was released on February 19, 2021 signifying the start of
operations. The announcement poster contained the names of Liceo Rover Scouts as
implementer and collaborator and also the name of the beneficiary institution. Students and
teachers alike were encouraged to participate in a “tagging gimmick” to ensure the project can
reach a wider audience. Captions and call scripts were provided for a neat and uniform look.
Monetary donations were accepted through a GCash account, with only one commissioner
holding access to it and that is Ms. Dexielene V. Villanueva. A progress report was done weekly
University of St. La Salle – Liceo De La Salle Senior High School
La Salle Avenue, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
in order to ensure transparency on the amount of money collected prior to the purchasing and
donation of 10 boxes of face masks. The canvassing of prices of face masks was entrusted to the
parent of one of the commissioners as well as the purchasing of the 10 boxes of face masks. The
implementation of the project was done through a representative of Liceo Rover Scouts who
went to USLS Balayan Office to receive the donation and to deliver the items to the Sacred Heart
Seminary Bacolod. After the project implementation, the Liceo Rover Scouts submitted the
liquidation report.
Evaluation: This is a commendable project initiated by the club to reach out to the Church.
Among all the club’s projects, this one was highly participated by the members. Instructions and
labels need to be very clear among members or their representatives who bring the donations to
USLS to avoid confusion in the drop off area at Gate 2.
Comments / Suggestions:
University of St. La Salle – Liceo De La Salle Senior High School
La Salle Avenue, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental, Philippines