Deed of Absolute Sale
Deed of Absolute Sale
Deed of Absolute Sale
That I, TAJEE ARTAP LIBRADA, of legal age. Filipino, residing and with postal
address at Cattleya Drive Roseville Subd Santa Rosa Laguna Region 4, am the lawful
possessor of a certain motor vehicle and more particularly described as follows:
Plate No. ….. WHT-663
Motor No. ….. P3SD1-P301358
Serial/Chassis No... PAD3A2550XV101367
Official Receipt No.. 1212335596
Cert. of Registration No. 190096513
That for and in consideration of the sum of ONE HUNDRED SIXTY THOUSAND
PESOS (P160, 000.00) Philippine Currency, to me in hand paid to my full satisfaction,
by virtue of these presents, do hereby, SELL, TRANSFER and CONVEY to
________________residing and with postal address at
_________________________to his/her heirs, successors and assigns the above-
described motor vehicle, free from all liens and encumbrances from any third person or
entity and all claims whatsoever kind and nature.
BEFORE ME, A Notary Public, for and in the City of San Pablo and in the
Province of Laguna, this _____ day of ____________, 20___, personally appeared:
TAJEE A. LIBRADA with I.D. No. ___________________, who represented to me to be
the same person who executed the foregoing instrument and that he acknowledged to
me that the same is his own free act and voluntary deed and the VENDOR attested to
me that he has read and understood the contents hereof.
WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL, on the date, year and place first above-written.