Effects of Monosodium Glutamate On Some Hematological Parameters in Adult Rats
Effects of Monosodium Glutamate On Some Hematological Parameters in Adult Rats
Effects of Monosodium Glutamate On Some Hematological Parameters in Adult Rats
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Rashad Ghadhban
University of Basrah
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Dr. Rashad Fadhil Ghadhban
Dept. of Physiology, pharmacology and chemistry/ college of Veterinary medicine / University of Basra
ABSTRACT is study aimed to investigate the physiological effects of administration monosodium glutamate which use as food
additive and flavor enhancer on some hematological parameters in rats blood.
16 normal healthy adult rats weight (120-200) g. e animal divided into two groups, each one consist of 8 animal, the first group (control)
administrated orally withe distal water, second group (experiment) administrated orally with food additive monosodium glutamate dose 200
mg /Kg/ day for 30 days
e result show significant increase in the body weight, WBC count, lymphocyte%, RBC count, and significant decrease monocyte %,
granulocyte %, mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC).
Introduction Statistical Analysis
Various environmental chemicals, industrial pollutants and food All recorded data were analyzed for ANOVA II (Steal and Torrie, 1980)
additives have been implicated as causing harmful effects. using complete Randomized design (CRD) using computer
Monosodium glutamate (MSG), the sodium salt of amino acid packaged program (SPSS 2009). Least significant differences (LSD),
glutamate, is a food additive, popularly used the world over as “flavor was calculated to compare the significant differences between
enhancer”. e safety of MSG’s usage has generated much means of treatments were ANOVA showed significant differences.
controversy locally and globally (Zerasky, 2010). As a food additive, is data were expressed as mean ±S.D. (stander Deviation).
monosodium glutamate is described and listed on food labels as a
“Flavouring” or “Hydrolysed vegetable protein”. rough its RESULT AND DISCUSSION
stimulation of the Orosensory receptors and improving the Table 1 show significant P≤0.05 increase in body weight of treatment
palatability of meals, monosodium glutamate influences the group in the 30days in compare with 0 days and also with control
appetite positively and induces weight gain (Moore, 2003). Despite group.
its taste stimulation, and improved appetite enhancement, reports
indicate that monosodium glutamate is toxic to humans and TABLE (1) EFFECTS OF ADMINISTRATION OF MONOSODUIM
experimental animals (Biodun and Biodun, 1993). GLUTAMATE (MSG) ON BODY WEIGHT (MEAN±SD)
is study aimed to determine the physiological changes on body CONTROL 0-DAY 198.12±14.37
weight and some blood parameters when administration 30-DAY 197.50±13.88
monosodium glutamate orally to rats. MSG 0-DAY 201.87±21.20
30-DAY 283.75±56.61**
In this study used 16 normal healthy adult rats weight (120-200) g. **significant p≤0.05
e animal divided into two groups, each one consist of 8 animal, the
first group (control) administrated orally withe distal water , second e results are compatible with previous findings obtained by Oluba
group (experiment) administrated orally with food additive et al. (2011) after administration of MSG, where treated rats showed
monosodium glutamate dose 200 mg /Kg/ day for 30 days . significant increase in body weight which led to obesity, as they
showed that consumption of MSG increases body weight gain.
Blood collecting Kawakita et al., (2005) explained that the potential for MSG-obesity
At the end of the experiment 2ml of blood each were collected into link lies in the alteration of regulatory mechanism that affect fat
heparinized sample bottles and were then analyzed for hematologi- metabolism.
cal parameters such as packed cell volume (PCV), hemoglobin
concentration (Hb), total red blood cells (RBC) count, mean cell e results in the table (2) show significant effects to administration
volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), mean of MSG which are significant P≤0.05 increase in total WBC count
corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), total white blood approximately about (2.8*103) and lymphocyte percentage about
cell (WBC) count WBC differential percentage were collected from (7.7%) in other hand result show significant P≤0.05 decrease in the
experimental and control animal through scarified the animal by percentage of both the monocyte and granulocyte about (1.7%) and
heart puncture directly Ewuola and Egbunike (2008). (5.98%) respectively in treatment group in period (30 days) in
comparing with the (0 day) of treatment and control group
GROUPS WBC x103/mm3 Lymph% MONO% GRAN%
CONTROL 0-DAY 6.48 0.33 63.55±2.89 3.41±0.27 33.51±2.96
30-DAY 7.52±0.92 62.82±2.79 3.41±0.29 33.76±2.77
MSG 0-DAY 6.72±0.39 61.36±1.00 3.55±0.27 34.96±0.95
30-DAY 9.53±0.68** 69.06±6.05** 1.85±0.50** 28.79±5.80**
**significant p≤0.05 gastrointestinal macrophages.
Increase in lymphocyte percentage in the treated animals might be Macrophages serve as antigen presenting cell, and the antigenic
due to the fact that MSG is perceived as a toxic agent in the treated products (polypeptides) to the helper T cells and the B lymphocytes
animals or could be a consequence of the interaction between MSG bringing about their activation (Sembuligham, 2005).
Macrophages also secrete substances called interleukin-1 /- Significant effects P≤0.05 of administration of MSG to laboratory rats
cytokines, which brings about the activation, proliferation and where the results in table (3) show significant increase in the total red
increase in the lymphocyte count (Sembulingham, 2005; Barrett et blood cells RBC count about (0.5*106) and in other hand significant
al., 2010). decrease in both mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) and mean
corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) about (2.9)Pq
e result of this study agree with result of (Ashaolu.,et al 2011) who (4.69)g/dl respectively in treatment group in period (30 days) in
shows MSG administration has a significant effect on the neutrophil comparing with the (0 day) of treatment and control group while
and lymphocyte count, indicative of a compromised immune status there are no significant effects on each of packed cell volume( PCV),
and poisoning respectively in the treated animals. hemoglobin (HB) and mean cell volume (MCV).
GROUPS RBC x106/mm3 PCV % HB g/dl MCVfl MCH pq MCHC g/dl
CONTROL 0-DAY 6.66 ±0.41 40.87 ±1.17 13.52±0.75 57.91±1.03 19.01±0.64 33.97±1.18
30-DAY 7.44±0.31 41.42±0.76 13.65±0.79 57.02±1.95 18.22±1.32 31.03±2.04
TREATMENT 0-DAY 7.00±0.15 40.58±0.66 13.95±0.43 58.33±0.44 19.21±0.70 33.31±0.65
30-DAY 7.59±0.63** 41.18±6.43 13.10±0.91 58.56±0.81 16.31±1.46** 28.61±2.10**
**significant p≤0.05
In this study the result show that the MSG have harmful effects on the
body which effects on immune system and also lead to increase in
the weight gain and this cause to obesity.
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