Indian Minerals Yearbook 2015: (Part-III: Mineral Reviews) 54 Edition

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Indian Minerals
Yearbook 2015
(Part- III : Mineral Reviews)

54th Edition



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November, 2016


40 Potash
P otash is a common name of the fertilizer form of
mineral potassium (K) which is abundantly
available in nature. The name derives from the
In India, glauconite is commonly associated
with sand/sandstones, shale, marl and occasionally
with limestone. Glauconitic sandstones of Vindhyan
collection of wood ash in metal pots when the Group represent oldest glauconite deposits which
beneficial fertilizer proporties of this material were
are well developed in Son Valley region covering
first recognised many centuries ago. Potassium can
parts of Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. In
be applied as a straight fertilizer, or as part of a
blended or compound fertilizer with nitrogen and Madhya Pradesh, occurrences are in Sidhi and Satna
phosphorus. There are four common kinds of straight districts. The deposit of same origin are located in
potash fertlizer - Muriate of Potash (MOP), Sulphate Banda, Sonbhadra and Mirzapur districts of Uttar
of Potash (SOP), Potassium Magnesium Sulphate Pradesh. Glauconite occurs in shale, limestone and
and Potassium Nitrate. Tal formations at Duggad and Tal Valley in Garhwal
and Mussoorie in Dehradun district, Uttarakhand.
Bedded marine evaporite deposits and
In Rajasthan, glauconitic sandstones/shales occur
surface & sub-surface potash-rich brines are
principal sources of potash. The principal ore is in Chittorgarh, Kota, Karauli, Jaisalmer and Barmer
sylvinite, a mixture of sylvite (KCl) and rock salt districts. In Gujarat, glauconite is found in Ukra
(NaCl). As far as India is concerned, few deposits Formation at Guneri in Kachchh district. In Himachal
of potash mineral are reported from Satna & Sidhi Pradesh, glauconite of hydrothermal origin is found
districts of Madhya Pradesh, Sonbhadra district of in Kumla-Kathwar area of Sirmaur district. In Kerala,
Uttar Pradesh and Jaisalmer, Chittorgarh and Kota glauconite occurs in Quilon Limestone and sea bed
districts of Rajasthan. It is in the form of Glauconitic sediments of Thiruvananthapuram coast.
(a potassium bearing green mica) sandstone.
However, Indian reported occurrences are not USES
commercially exploitable and hence no production
of potash is reported from India. The entire Potash is an essential nutrient for protein
requirement of potash to be utilised as fertilizer is synthesis and it aids plants to use water more
therefore met by imports. efficiently. Glauconitic sandstones/greensands are
used directly in acidic soils in eco-friendly manner,
RESOURCES as glauconitic sand mixes homogeneously with the
As per UNFC system, the total resources soil and provides potash as nutrients for plants. It
of potash as on 1.4.2010 is estimated at also increases soil fertility and improves soil texture,
21,815 million tonnes in the country all in remaining porosity and permeability due to more or less uniform
resource category. Rajasthan alone contributes 94% grain size. Potassium chloride (KCl) is the principal
to the total resources, followed by Madhya Pradesh fertilizer product with 60-62% of K2O equivalent.
(5%) and Uttar Pradesh (1%) (Table- 1 ). Other salts, for fertilizer use, are potassium sulphate,
potassium magnesium sulphate and potassium
nitrate. Potassium chloride and potassium nitrate are
GSI carried out exploration for glauconite/potash used in manufacture of glass, ceramics, soap,
in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. The synthetic rubber and chemicals. Potassium nitrate
details of exploration caried out during 2014-15 are is used in explosive manufacture. Potash is also used
given in Table-2. as a raw material for manufacturing complex fertilizers.
Glauconitic sandstones/greensands deposits
can be used as an alternative indigenous resource Domestic consumption of potash was about 1.35
for potash. Glauconite is essentially a complex million tonnes in 2014-15 and the fertilizer Industry
hydrous silicate of iron and potassium chiefly with solely accounting for its entire consumption, showed
ferric oxide and partly with ferrous oxide. It contains a slight increase from that of the previous year (Table-
about 4-7% K2O. 3).


Table – 1 : Reserves/Resources of Potash as on 1.4.2010

(By Grades/States)
(In million tonnes)

Remaining resources
Reserves To t a l
Grade/State To t a l Indicated Inferred Reconnaissance To t a l resources
(A) STD332 STD333 STD334 (B) (A+B)

All India : Total – 18142 3652 22 21815 21815

By Grades
Glauconite – 878 1068 22 1968 1968
Polyhalite – 13985 2179 – 16164 16164
Sylvite – 2072 404 – 2477 2477
Unclassified – 1206 – – 1206 1206

B y St a t e s
Madhya Pradesh – 1206 – – 1206 1206
Rajasthan – 16936 3462 22 20419 20419
Uttar Pradesh – – 190 – 190 190

Figures rounded off.

Table – 2 : Details of Exploration Activities for Potash, 2014-15

Agency/ Location Mapping Drilling

State/ Area/ Sampling Remarks
District Block Scale Area No. of Meterage (No.) Reserves/Resources estimated
(sq km) boreholes
Kachchh Guneri village 1:5000 7.5 - - 184 Detailed Investigation for
potash in glauconite bearing
shale and sandstone was carried
out. The area was divided into
114 grids of 250 m × 250 m and
sampling was carried out by
pitting and from exposed
sections. Pitting of 150 cu m was
carried in grid pattern. A total
of 151 samples were collected
and sent for chemical analysis.
24 samples were collected for
petrographic studies and 09
samples were collected for XRD
studies. Section measurements
were carried out at 5 sections.
Glauconite is fine to medium
grained, very light to dark green
and occurs as small discontinuous
bands within ferruginous
sandstone. Occurrences of other
economic minerals like gypsum,
bauxite and bentonite as small
veins/pockets/patches were
observed around Guneri and
Umarsar areas. Glauconite occurs
as three different forms in the


Table – 2 (Concld.)

Agency/ Location Mapping Drilling

State/ Area/ Sampling Remarks
District Block Scale Area No. of Meterage (No.) Reserves/Resources estimated
(sq km) boreholes
study area; viz; hard and compact
Guneri village glauconitic sandstone, sandy to
(Contd.) clayey soft glauconite, and
intercalation of glauconite with
fine grained ferruginous
sandstone/siltstone. The bands are
discontinuous, average thickness
varies from few cm to 0.5 m.
Based on the observation from
pits and well sections, glauconite
occured at 0 to 4 m depth.

Madhya Pradesh
Sidhi - G-4 stage - - - - 12 A G4 stage investigation for
glauconitic shale/ sandstone was
taken up in Vindhyan Supergroup.
Based on field observations three
types of association of glauconite
beds have been recorded. The
analytical results of the samples
indicate that glauconitic shale
associated with Fawn limestone
is the potential host of
glauconite. Analytical results of
12 samples give K2O content
between 3.85% -11.52 percent.
Uttar Pradesh
Sonbhadra Newari-Semiyan G-4 - - - 802.35 40 A G4 stage investigation was
area stage carried out by LSM, detailed
mapping and scout drilling.
Study of drilled cores together
with borehole geophysical data
of Semiyan block reveals
glauconite mineralisation is
occurring at three different
levels in depth. 1.33 million
tonnes of resources were
estimated on the basis of data
of boreholes NSH-1, 2 & 3 in
Semiyan block with an average
g r a d e o f K 2O - 4 . 8 6 % .
Glauconite bearing zone with a
strike length of 650 m and
average width of 30-50 m was
delineated in the Barawadih area.
Analytical results of 40 nos. bed
rock samples of Barawadih area
s h o w K 2O v a l u e r a n g e s f r o m
0.61% to 6.56 % with an
average value of 4.31%.
Analytical results of some spot
samples of Kurccha block show
maximum value for K 2O is 11.09


Table – 3: Consumption* of Potash Salt Table – 5: World Production of Potash

2012-13 to 2014-15 (By Principal Countries)
(By Industries) (In '000 tonnes of K2O content)
(In tonnes)
Country 2012 2013 2014
Industry 2012-13 2013-14(P) 2014-15(P)
World: Total 31478 34161 39099
All Industries 1316200 1310800 1349500
Belarus 4831 4179 6340
Fertilizer 1316200(11) 1310800(11) 1349500(11)
Canada (Chloride) 8963 10140 11345
Figures rounded off
Chile (Chloride) 996 1158 1108
Figures in parentheses denote the number of units in
organised sector. China 2559 3600 3600
(*Paucity of data, hence coverage may not be complete).
Germany (Potassic salt) 3149 3075 3127

Israel (Chloride) 2115 2155 2213

The world reserves are estimated at Jordan 1094 1047 1100
approximately 3,700 million tonnes of K 2 O Russia (Chloride) 5563 6104 7402
content. Deposits are located mainly in Canada
USA (Potassic salt) 900 960 850
(27%), Belarus (20%), Russia (16%), Israel &
Jordan (7% each), Chile & Germany (4% each) Other countries 1308 1743 2014

(Table-4). Source: World Mineral Production, 2010-2014.

The world production of potash in 2014 was
39.1 million tonnes in terms of K 2O content as
against 34.1 million tonnes in 2013. Canada FOREIGN TRADE
remained the leading producer of potash with Exports
29% share in total production in 2014, followed Exports of potash fertilizer increased
by Russia (19%), Belarus (16%), China (9%), considerably to 39,052 tonnes in 2014-15 as
Germany (8%), Israel (6%), Chile & Jordan (3% against 19,753 tonnes in the previous year. Exports
each) (Table-5). were mainly to Sri Lanka (53%), UAE
(15%), Pakistan (9%) and Mozambique (5%),
Table – 4: World Reserves of Potash Exports of potassium nitrate decreased slightly
(By Principal Countries)
to 1,133 tonnes in 2014-15 from 1,144 tonnes in
(In '000 tonnes of K2O content)
t h e p r e v i o u s y e a r. E x p o r t s w e r e m a i n l y t o
Country Reserves Thailand (41%), Bangladesh (16%), USA (13%)
World: Total (rounded) 3700000 and Egypt (10%) (Tables- 6 and 7).
Belarus 750000
Brazil 13000 Imports
Canada 1000000 Imports of potash fertilizer increased
Chile 150000 drastically to 4.62 million tonnes in 2014-15
China 210000
from 3.39 million tonnes in the previous year.
Germany 150000
Russia (28%), Canada (25%), Israel (14%),
Israel 270000
Jordan 270000
Belarus (10%) and Jordan (8%), were the main
Russia 600000 suppliers in 2014-15. On the other hand
Spain 20000 imports of potassium nitrate increased drastically
UK 70000 to 181 tonnes in 2014-15 from 96 tonnes in the
USA 120000 previous year. China (71%) and Korea, Rep. of
Other countries 90000 (28%) were the main suppliers of potassium
Source: Mineral Commodity Summaries, 2016. nitrate in 2014-15 (Tables- 8 and 9).


Table – 5: Exports of Potash Fertilizers Table – 7: Exports of Potassium Nitrate

(By Countries) (By Countries)

2013-14 2014-15(P) 2013-14 2014-15(P)

Country Country
Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value
(t) (`'000) (t) (`'000) (t) (`'000) (t) (`'000)

All Countries 19753 649845 39052 1122425 All Countries 1144 92206 1133 169325

Sri Lanka 9459 248506 20524 404528 Thailand 412 32070 470 65182

UAE 3793 140559 5643 190294 USA 29 6222 142 43691

Pakistan 489 19163 3705 118821 Egypt - - 118 14607

Brazil - - 1800 80630 China 34 6797 67 12786

Mozambique 1736 58076 1848 78942 Bangladesh 49 2815 182 10796

Egypt 292 9537 1180 50702 South Africa 18 5178 29 8521

Korea, Rep. of 552 21009 600 25549 Yemen Republic 75 4084 75 4123

Saudi Arabia 139 4895 572 24850 UAE 117 7407 15 2509

Peru 600 22803 550 23080 Bahrain ++ 2 5 2035

Iran 988 47388 561 22813 Indonesia ++ 27 10 1907

Other countries 1705 77909 2069 102216 Other countries 410 27604 20 3168

Table – 8: Imports of Potash Fertilizers Table – 9: Imports of Potassium Nitrate

(By Countries) (By Countries)

2013-14 2014-15(P)
Country 2013-14 2014-15(P)
Qty Value Qty Value Country
(t) (`'000) (t) (`'000) Qty Value Qty Value
(t) (`'000) (t) (`'000)
All Countries 3394833 81826455 4620668 92745062
Russia 898673 21447423 1275123 24710551 All Countries 96 17545 181 21516
Canada 828718 20070241 1145382 22538185 Korea, Rep. of 20 2324 50 10611
Israel 576773 13786229 658061 12994608
China 50 5126 129 9500
Belarus 280412 6681302 456711 8908105
Austria 1 5540 1 589
Jordan 352043 8706090 346880 7780427
Germany 1 1828 1 285
Lithuania 92985 2180279 277715 5324208
Germany 153293 3791005 180626 4585504 USA 1 87 ++ 276
China 2432 88406 100953 1916475 Netherlands 1 660 ++ 236

Indonesia 3206 117466 87317 1809835 UK - - ++ 14

Latvia 181983 4186537 33000 620673 Belgium - - ++ 5

Other countries 24315 771477 58900 1556491 Other countries 22 1980 - -


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