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Indian Minerals
Yearbook 2022

61th Edition





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December, 2023


18 Limestone & Other Calcareous Materials

L imestone is a sedimentary rock composed

mainly of calcium carbonate (CaCO 3) in the
fo r m of t he mi ne ra l c a l ci te . Ab o ut 1 0% o f
Pradesh (4%). The remaining 11% is shared by
other states. Grade-wise, Cement grade (Portland)
has leading share of about 69% followed by
Unclassified grades (12%) and BF grade (6%).
sedimentary rocks are limestone and most cave
systems are through limestone bedrock. The two The remaining 13% is shared by various other
most important constituents of limestone are grades [Table-1 (A)].
calcite and dolomite. Limestone often contains The total reserves/resources of marl of all
magnesium carbonate, either as dolomite CaMg categories and grades as per NMI database based
(CO 3) 2 or magnesite (MgCO 3) mixed with calcite. o n U N F C s ys t e m a s o n 1 . 4 . 2 0 2 0 h a s b e e n
Such rocks are termed as 'dolomitic' or 'magnesian' estimated in Gujarat at 99.20 million tonnes of
limestone. Limestone al tered by dynamic or which 68.15 million tonnes (69%) are under
c o nt a c t m e t a mo r p h i s m b e c o me c o a r s e l y Reserves category and 31.05 million tonnes (31%)
crystalline and are referred to as 'marble' and are under Remaining Resources category [Table-
'crystalline limestone'. Other common varieties of 1 (B)].
limestone are 'marl', 'oolite' (oolitic limestone),
shelly limestone, algal limestone, coral limestone,
pisolitic limestone, crinoidal limestone, travertine, The exploration & development details, if
onyx, hydraulic limestone, lithographic limestone, any, are covered in the Review on "Exploration &
etc. However, the limestone which is used by Development" under "General Reviews".
industries in bulk quantit y is a bedded type
sedimentary limestone.
Other calcareous material used by industry are Limestone
'limeshell', the thick calcareous shells of molluscs The production of limestone in 2021-22 at 393 mil-
deposited in the form of beds as well as present lion tonnes increased by about 12.50% as compared
in ancient lakes and shallow seas. "Marl", a lime- to that of the previous year.
rich mud contains variable amounts of clays and
There were 689 reporting mines in 2021-22 as against
665 during the previous year. Thirty-six mines, each
A limest one ro ck which separates we ll producing more than 3 million tonnes per annum con-
along the stratification into a few centimetres thick tributed 47 per cent of the total production of lime-
slab is termed 'flagstone'. This dimension limestone stone in 2021-22. The share of 21 mines, each in the
in used in buildings and as ornamental stone. production range of 2 to 3 million tonnes was 13% of
the total production. About 20% of the total produc-
RESERVES/RESOURCES tion was contributed by 54 mines, each producing 1 to
The total reserves/resources of limestone of 2 million tonnes annually. The remaining 20% of the
total production was reported by 578 mines and 7 asso-
all categories and grades as per NMI database
ciated mines during the year. Ten principal producers
based on UNFC system as on 1.4.2020 has been
contributed about 54% of the total production. About
estimated at 2,27,589 million tonnes, of which 2.87% of the production was reported by Public Sector
19,028 million tonnes (8%) are placed under mines as against 2.48% in the previous year.
Reserves category and 2,08,560 million tonnes
About 97% of the total production of limestone
(92%) are under Remaining Resources category.
during 2021-22 was of Cement grade and remaining 3%
Karnataka is the leading State having 25% of the
by other grades.
total resources followed by Andhra Pradesh (13%),
Rajasthan (13%), Gujarat (10%), Meghalaya (10%), Rajasthan was the leading producing State ac-
Telangana (8%), Chhattisgarh (6%) and Madhya counting for (22%) of the total production of lime-

Table – 1(A) : Reserves/Resources of Limestone as on 01.04.2020 (P)
(By Grades/States)
(In '000 tonnes)

Reserves Remaining Resources

Tot al
Grade/State Proved Probable Total Feasibility Pre-feasibility Measured Indicated Inferred Reconnaissance Total Resources
STD111 STD121 STD122 (A) STD211 STD221 STD222 STD331 STD332 STD333 STD334 (B) (A+B)

All India: Total 14701910 1065305 3261256 19028470 7665106 6442697 9261072 7528921 32250068 135833401 9579524 208560789 227589259
By Grades
Chemical 146938 24096 83801 254835 193447 136909 614181 49055 1852736 2334325 17172 5197825 5452660
S.M.S.(O.H.) 84202 544 18824 103570 37598 347821 750421 473258 872586 2351376 12338 4845398 4948968
S.M.S.(L.D.) 27026 64 28 9 27379 4535 107078 11723 6933 218226 240547 2202 591243 618622
S.M.S.(O.H. & L.D.
mixed) 143912 - - 143912 - - - - 69460 167182 - 236642 380554
B.F. 447043 17379 282224 746646 236231 423320 345685 513408 941805 10947453 18551 13426453 14173099
S.M.S. & B.F. mixed 5579 6543 9459 21580 18093 15425 99785 15303 139338 712250 240733 1240926 1262506
Cement (portland) 13072953 940605 2699398 16712957 6584396 5046475 6977585 5557939 17983254 89232763 8258746 139641159 156354115
Cement (white) 27140 - 86 6 28006 2132 7949 3629 - 27225 5862 - 46798 74804
Cement (portland

& white) 29172 - 26239 55411 14126 7694 67824 338670 60000 516850 39000 1044164 1099575
Cement (blendable
beneficiable) 479513 3638 105356 588507 284744 204927 198066 75132 2699758 3432109 156607 7051343 7639850
B.F. & cement mixed 6583 - 13281 19864 36032 26131 35249 48 5 479069 40442 - 617408 637273
S.M.S., chemical
& paper 18 2 - - 18 2 1732 2174 1329 - - 1228344 51 7 1234096 1234278
Paper 53899 - 2375 56274 41846 - 3164 125453 27073 643601 - 841137 897411
Blendable (CaO 34-38%) - - - - 6641 6730 2762 39760 310215 113006 404770 883884 883884
Others 43886 2312 2516 48714 34178 32246 35476 64646 558849 2687647 27316 3440357 3489071
Unclassified 105382 54583 5127 165092 116840 65050 94908 224091 5666344 19835715 380040 26382988 26548080

Not-known 28500 15540 11502 55542 52535 12767 19286 44789 344129 1343930 21532 1838969 1894511

By States
Andhra Pradesh 2815170 2133 439387 3256690 1302360 404217 1164592 115264 2129536 1866740 3399422 26582132 29838822
Arunachal Pradesh - - - - - - - - 49220 433575 1 482796 482796
Assam 23442 - 164687 188130 170039 27593 100319 67000 39859 1278730 - 1683540 1871670
Bihar 11807 - - 11807 3388 2558 1675 67926 135740 772343 10558 994188 1005995
Chhattisgarh 1364595 65530 56227 1486351 1658144 903350 298720 1456579 1778018 5630057 - 11724867 13211218
Daman & Diu - - - - - - - - - 128670 - 128670 128670
Gujarat 722663 115984 64467 903115 507311 254583 176439 79919 2593098 18317659 16 0 21929169 22832284
Table-1(A) (concld)
Reserves Remaining Resources
Tot al
Grade/State Proved Probable Total Feasibility Pre-feasibility Measured Indicated Inferred Reconnaissance Total Resources
STD111 STD121 STD122 (A) STD211 STD221 STD222 STD331 STD332 STD333 STD334 (B) (A+B)

Haryana - - - - 1425 15507 3382 - 2200 52163 - 74677 74677

Himachal Pradesh 696165 249863 75984 1022012 78403 653158 21105 1529950 5079 3295168 14271 5597134 6619146
*Jammu & Kashmir 156757 15852 12881 185490 122422 45566 58608 67456 26704 1703261 218054 2242071 2427561

Jharkhand 6780 3512 39 5 10687 74071 50565 11535 91922 13220 356962 11803 610078 620765

Karnataka 1766001 2013 503208 2271221 584131 522239 778646 1776165 15091800 35135248 11008 53899236 56170457

Kerala 10475 - 65 10540 123286 10 3 - 21161 2888 36622 - 184059 194599

Madhya Pradesh 1252455 128972 311004 1692431 772476 342790 1119260 498580 791417 4128019 308205 7960747 9653178

Maharashtra 528636 137773 34940 701349 765567 235543 126780 69286 681879 1220928 7060 3107044 3808392

Manipur - - - - - - - 10197 2138 33718 - 46053 46053

Meghalaya 133298 50979 66766 251043 57639 104791 16452 697286 4167752 17819716 720309 23583945 23834988
Nagaland - - - - 82 5 - - - 1005500 745875 - 1752200 1752200

Odisha 388084 67346 13150 468580 156898 456006 260485 139924 239877 435449 38785 1727424 2196004
Puducherry - - - - - - - 4433 4333 6966 - 15732 15732

Rajasthan 3299838 220062 1284254 4804154 454148 1838217 4541298 441902 2261727 12946106 1673697 24157095 28961249

Sikkim - - - - - - - - - 2380 - 2380 2380


Tamil Nadu 537272 3836 5915 547024 317801 239742 120594 95885 114647 687457 90 0 1577025 2124049

Telangana 984751 1450 227926 1214127 509737 142386 299243 118735 893077 11342869 3132280 16438327 17652454
Uttar Pradesh 3720 - - 3720 - 111910 101510 142763 40000 43540 - 439723 443443

Uttarakhand - - - - 5035 91872 60429 29486 164879 1191059 33011 1575771 1575771

West Bengal - - - - - - - 7104 15482 22120 - 44706 44706

Figures rounded off

* Notified as Union Territory and is to be known as Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir comprising the territory of the existing State of Jammu & Kashmir (Gazette
Notification No. 53, New Delhi, Friday, August 9, 2019)
Table – 1 (B) : Reserves/Resources of Marl as on 01.04.2020
(By Grades/States)
(In tonnes)

Reserves Remaining Resources

Tot al
Grade/State Proved Probable Total Feasibility Pre-feasibilityMeasured Indicated Inferred Reconnaissance Total Resources
STD111 STD121 STD122 (A) STD211 STD221 STD222 STD331 STD332 STD333 STD334 (B) (A+B)

All India : Total 50825000 17210000 110000 68145000 26474477 4189000 - - - 390000 - 31053477 99198477
By Grade

Unclassified 50825000 17210000 110000 68145000 26474477 4189000 - - - 390000 - 31053477 99198477

By State

Gujarat 50825000 17210000 110000 68145000 26474477 4189000 - - - 390000 - 31053477 99198477

Figures rounded off


stone, followed by Andhra Pradesh & Madhya Pradesh Table - 2 (contd)

(13% each), Chhattisgarh (11% ), Karnataka (10%), Name and address Location of mine
Telangana (7% ), Gujarat (6% ), Tamil Nadu (5%) and of producer
State District
remaining 13% was contributed by Assam, Bihar,
Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Jharkhand, Dalmia Cement Andhra Pradesh Cuddapah
Ltd (Bharat), Karnataka Belgaum
Kerala, Maharashtra, Meghalaya, Odisha and Uttar Dalmiapuram, Main Road, Meghalaya Jaintia Hills
Pradesh. Kallakudi Lalgudi, Madhya Pradesh Satna
Tiruchirappalli- 621 651, Odisha Sundargarh
Mine-head closing stocks of limestone for the year Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Ariyalur
2020-21 were 24.19 million tonnes and for the year 2021-
22 are 27.24 million tonnes. J.K. Cement Ltd. Karnataka Bagalkot
Kamla Tower, Rajasthan Chittorgarh
Average daily labour employment in limestone Kanpur-208 001 Nagaur
Uttar Pradesh
mines in 2021-22 was 19,464 as against 20,470 in the
previous year. The Ramco Cement Ltd, Andhra Pradesh Ariyalur
5 th Floor, Auras Corporate Chitradurga
Centre,98 A, Karnataka Krishna
Table – 2 : Principal Producers of Limestone, 2021-22 Dr Radhakrishanan Salai, Tamil Nadu Kumool
Mylapore, Chennai.- 600 004, Perambalur
Name and address Location of mine Tamil Nadu Thoothukudi
of producer Virudhunagar
State District
UltraTech Cement Ltd, Andhra Pradesh Kurnool
‘B’ Wing, Ahura Centre, Chhattisgarh Baloda Bazar J.K. Lakshmi Cement Ltd, Chhattisgarh Durg
2 Floor, Mahakali
Raipur 4th Floor, Nehru House 4, Rajasthan Siroho
Caves Road, Gujarat Amreli Bahadur Sah Zafar Marg,
Andheri (E) Bhavnagar New Delhi-110 002
Mumbai-400 093, Himachal Pradesh Solan Chettinad Cement Andhra Pradesh Guntur
Maharashtra Karnataka Gulbarga Corporation Ltd, Kamataka Gulbarga
Madhya Pradesh Dhar House of Chettinad Tamil Nadu Ariyalur
Neemuch Rani Seethai Hall, Dindigul
Rewa 5th Floor- 603, Karur
Satna Anna Salai Perambalur
Sidhi Chennai- 600006
Maharashtra Chandrapur Wonder Cement Limited, Rajasthan Chittorgarh
Rajasthan Chittorgarh 17, Old Fatehpura
Jaipur Near Seva Mandir
Nagaur Udaipur- 313004
Pali Rajasthan- 313004
Tamil Nadu Ariyalur
Uttar Pradesh Sonbhadra

Shree Cement Ltd, Andhra Pradesh Guntur

Post Box No. 33, Chhattisgarh Raipur
Bangur Nagar, Karnataka Gulbarga
Beawar – 305 901, Rajasthan Ajmer
Rajasthan. Jhunjhunu

Ambuja Cement Ltd, Chhattisgarh Baloda Bazar

Elegant Business Park, Raipur
MIDC Cross Road B Gujarat Junagadh
Off Andheri Kurla Road, Himachal Pradesh Solan
Andheri-(East), Maharashtra Chandrapur
Mumbai - 400 059 Rajasthan Nagpur
Maharashtra Pali
ACC Ltd, Chhattisgarh Bilaspur
Cement House, 121, Durg
Maharshi Karve Road, Himachal Pradesh Bilaspur
Mumbai – 400 020, Jharkhand Singh bhum (West)
Maharashtra Karnataka Gulbarga
Madhya Pradesh Katni
Maharashtra Yavatmal
Odisha Bargarh
Rajasthan Bundi


Table – 3 : Production of Limestone, 2019-20 to 2021-22

(By States)
(Qty in '000 tonnes; Value in '000)

2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 (P)

Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value

India 359464 88890081 349120 86484948 392760 97349550

Andhra Pradesh 42532 9267248 41148 8685149 50260 10444417
Assam 1552 500950 1552 469810 1681 537696
Bihar 556 263446 1000 301961 987 367151
Chh atti sgarh 42699 10200663 40378 10139974 41888 11009962
Gujarat 22868 5204303 22227 5080904 23543 4959400
Himachal Pradesh 12527 2746801 12018 2618878 13710 2966412
Jammu & Kashmir* 959 280284 1175 300656 1156 354825
Jharkhand 785 339164 324 233245 72 35005
Ka rna t a k a 34165 6672035 33188 6095069 39405 7611350
Kerala 398 342144 376 331191 379 345424
Madhya Pradesh 47118 12332360 46099 12879609 50140 14782552
M a hara sht ra 14614 3475512 13943 3476065 15757 3869717
M eghalaya 7248 2988280 6029 2689713 6399 2872708
Odisha 5627 1848621 7186 2118507 7059 2410646
Raj asthan 72390 19094468 74266 19449722 87679 22220563
Tamil Nadu 24461 7151088 21144 5813723 21334 6265788
Tela ngan a 26161 5249950 24493 4904676 28502 5620487
Utt ar Pradesh 2804 932764 2574 896096 2809 675447

*Formed a new Union Territory to be known as the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir comprising the territory of
the existing State of Jammu & Kashmir vide Gazette Notification No. 53, New Delhi, Friday, August 9, 2019/Shravana
18,19 41 (SAKA).

Table – 4 : Production of Limestone, 2020-21 and 2021-22

(By Frequency Groups)

Production group No. of Production for the group Percentage in total Cumulative
(In tonnes) mines ('000 tonnes) production percentage

2020-21 2021-22 (P) 2020-21 2021-22 (P) 2020-21 2021-22 (P) 2020-21 2021-22 (P)

All Groups 665(4) 689(5) 349120 392760 10 0 10 0 - -

Up to 10000 226(3) 230(4) 332 34 3 0.10 0.09 0.01 0.09
10001–50000 108 10 2 3037 2951 0.87 0.75 0.97 0.84
50001–100000 61 79 4445 5750 1.27 1.46 2.24 2.30
100001–200000 52(1) 48(1) 7602 7305 2.18 1.86 4.42 4.16
200001–300000 31 26 7827 6512 2.24 1.66 6.66 5.82
300001–400000 23 20 8011 7278 2.29 1.85 8.95 7.67
400001–500000 15 24 6996 10880 2.00 2.77 10.95 10.44
500001–600000 8 9 4468 5061 1.28 1.29 12.23 11.73
600001–700000 8 13 5312 8525 1.52 2.17 13.75 13.90
700001–800000 9 10 6831 7643 1.96 1.95 15.71 15.85
800001–900000 11 8 9526 6722 2.73 1.71 18.44 17.56
900001–1000000 11 9 10551 8767 3.02 2.23 21.46 19.79
1000001–2000000 49 54 68520 78795 19.63 20.06 41.09 39.85
2000001–3000000 27 21 67999 52717 19.48 13.42 60.57 53.27
3000001 & above 26 36 137663 183511 39.43 46.73 100 10 0
Figure in parenthesis indicates mines of chalk, dolomite & shale with limestone as an associate mineral.

Table –5 : Production of Limestone, 2020-21 & 2021 -22
(By Sectors/States/Districts/Grades)
(Qty in '000 tonnes; Value in 000)
2020-21 2021-22 (P)

State/District Grades Tot al Grades Tot al

No.of LD, SMS & No. of LD, SMS &

mines Cement BF Chemical Qt y Value mines Cement BF Chemical Qt y Value

India 665(6) 339449 7174 2497 349120 86484948 689(7) 381294 9347 2119 392760 97349550
Public Sector 24 5409 3259 - 8668 3509259 19 6999 4272 - 11271 5007428
Private Sector 641(6) 334040 3915 2497 340452 82975689 670(7) 374295 5075 2119 381489 92342122
Andhra Pradesh 68(1) 40665 48 3 - 41148 8685149 72(1) 49685 57 5 - 50260 10444417
Anantapur 8 4339 15 - 4354 860178 9 5192 9 - 5201 982310
Cuddapah 6 10301 - - 10301 2051805 6 12103 - - 12103 2476086
Guntur 13 4360 - - 4360 831792 12 5424 - - 5424 1067576
Krishna 10 9627 23 6 - 9863 2590794 10 11921 30 0 - 12221 3016235
Kurnool 31(1) 12038 23 2 - 12270 2350580 35(1) 15045 26 6 - 15311 2902210
Ass am 2 1552 - - 1552 469810 2 1681 - - 1681 537696
Karbi Anglong 1 13 1 - - 13 1 44867 1 18 8 - - 18 8 64063

North Cachar Hills 1 1421 - - 1421 424943 1 1493 - - 1493 473633
Biha r 1 1000 - - 1000 301961 1 987 - - 987 367151
Rohtas 1 1000 - - 1000 301961 1 98 7 - - 98 7 367151
Chhattisgarh 57 39925 45 3 - 40378 10139974 68 40983 90 5 - 41888 11009962
Baloda Bazar 3 5919 - - 5919 1246777 4 7161 - - 7161 1627249
Bastar 10 35 ++ - 35 12658 10 2 ++ - 2 82 3
Bilaspur 2 13 0 24 0 - 37 0 165784 3 23 2 62 7 - 85 9 342913
Durg 21 6858 21 3 - 7071 1925455 30 7014 27 8 7292 2162587
Janjgir-Champa 2 1464 - - 1464 445670 2 1604 - - 1604 478941
Kabirdham 1 20 - - 20 12811 1 30 - - 30 19051

Raipur 18 25499 - - 25499 6330819 18 24940 - - 24940 6378398

Gujarat 91(1) 19945 - 2282 22227 5080904 85(3) 21765 - 1778 23543 4959400
Amreli 2 3597 - - 3597 763013 4 3611 - - 3611 708884
Bhavnagar 2 21 0 - - 21 0 72145 2 53 - - 53 12422
Jamnagar 16 2040 - 267 2307 501474 20 1960 - 21 7 2177 481522
Junagarh 35 6460 - 953 7413 1678614 29 8075 - 86 8 8943 1900510
Kutch 3 5385 - - 5385 1164058 3 5906 - - 5906 1127687
Porbandar 30(1) 1884 - 1062 2946 793850 23(3) 1924 - 69 3 2617 636737

Table-5 (contd)
2020-21 2021-22 (P)

State/District Grades Tot al Grades Total

No.of LD, SMS & No. of LD, SMS &

mines Cement BF Chemical Qt y Value mines Cement BF Chemical Qt y Value

Rajkot 2 99 - - 99 18825 3 28 - - 28 12629

Surat 1 27 0 - - 27 0 88925 1 20 8 - - 20 8 79009
Himachal Pradesh 2 2 11888 130 - 12018 2618878 23 13623 87 - 13710 2966412
Bilaspur 1 3085 - - 3085 579895 1 4145 - - 4145 852101
Sirmour 19 65 7 13 0 - 78 7 338730 20 85 4 87 - 94 1 384175
Solan 2 8146 - - 8146 1700253 2 8624 - - 8624 1730136
Jammu & Kashmir 1 8 1175 - - 1175 300656 16 1156 - - 1156 354825
Anantnag 8 - - - - - 7 - - - - -
Pulwama 7 64 6 - - 64 6 147919 6 61 4 - - 61 4 145080
Srinagar 3 52 9 - - 52 9 152737 3 54 2 - - 54 2 209745
Jharkhand 4 324 - - 324 233245 4 72 - - 72 35005
Ranchi 2* - - - - - 2* ++ - - - ++
Singhbhum (West) 2 32 4 - - 32 4 233245 2 72 - - 72 35005

Karnataka 54(1) 32835 353 - 33188 6095069 54 39035 370 - 39405 7611350
Bagalkot 37 2919 32 5 - 3244 830920 34 3299 34 9 - 3648 978723
Belgaum 4 1858 28 - 1886 434104 6 2326 21 - 2347 541057
Chitradurga 1* - - - - - 1* - - - - -
Gulbarga 10(1) 28058 - - 28058 4830045 11 33410 - - 33410 6091570
Shimoga 1* - - - - - 1* - - - - -
Tumkur 1* - - - - - 1* - - - - -
Kerala 1 376 - - 376 331191 1 379 - - 379 345424
Palakkad 1 37 6 - - 37 6 331191 1 37 9 - - 37 9 345424
Madhya Pradesh 144(3) 42308 3689 10 2 46099 12879609 168(3) 45364 4684 92 50140 14782552

Damoh 1 3858 - - 3858 883581 1 3883 - - 3883 870234

Dhar 6 2819 - - 2819 522457 13 3741 - - 3741 706242
Jabalpur 1 - 29 - 29 11051 1 - 2 - 2 1317
Katni 52(3) 3665 2895 102 6662 2129731 59(3) 4377 3647 92 8116 2761570
Narasinhapur 1 - 28 - 28 5314 1 - 80 - 80 56859
Neemuch 3 3887 - - 3887 695347 5 4178 - - 4178 894048
Panna - - - - - - 1* ++ - - ++ 19 9
Rewa 10 3847 2 - 3849 1478513 10 3813 1 - 3814 1431710
Satna 66 21986 73 5 - 22721 6291250 73 23187 95 4 - 24141 6929425
Sidhi 4 2246 - - 2246 862365 4 2185 - - 2185 1130948
Table-5 (contd)
2020-21 2021-22 (P)

State/District Grades Tot al Grades Total

No.of LD, SMS & No. of LD, SMS &

mines Cement BF Chemical Qt y Value mines Cement BF Chemical Qt y Value

Maharashtra 17 13943 ++ ++ 13943 3476065 20 15757 ++ - 15757 3869717

Chandrapur 5 10888 - - 10888 2591866 7 11493 - - 11493 2474836
Yavatmal 12 3055 ++ - 3055 884199 13 4264 ++ - 4264 1394881
Meghalaya 19 6029 - - 6029 2689713 16 6399 - - 6399 2872708
Jaintia Hills 16 3796 - - 3796 1169489 14 3922 - - 3922 1170179
Khasi Hills East 3 2233 - - 2233 1520224 2 2477 - - 2477 1702529
O di sha 7 7186 ++ - 7186 2118507 7 6993 66 - 7059 2410646
Bargarh 1 84 1 - - 84 1 435886 1 95 8 - - 95 8 514376
Koraput 1 17 2 - - 17 2 51704 1 18 3 - - 18 3 55058
Sundargarh 5 6173 - - 6173 1630917 5 5852 66 - 5918 1841212
Rajasthan 39 72125 2028 113 74266 19449722 41 84792 2638 24 9 87679 22220563
Ajmer 2 2341 - - 2341 550969 2 2337 - - 2337 606728

Banswara 1 1084 - - 1084 254656 1 1277 - - 1277 301582
Bundi 1 1041 - - 1041 299886 1 1071 - - 1071 369064
Chittorgarh 11 29173 - - 29173 7503303 11 34240 - - 34240 8029392
Jaipur 1 3901 - - 3901 1283521 1 4697 - - 4697 1424535
Jaisalmer 2 58 9 2028 - 2617 1249027 2 1065 2638 - 3703 2035163
Jhunjhunu 1 - - - - - 1* ++ - - - 12 0
Kota 1 2578 - - 2578 641856 1 3169 - - 3169 798599
Nagaur 7 1157 - 113 1270 566906 9 3488 - 24 9 3737 1283422
Pali 6 18310 - - 18310 3781328 6 19130 - - 19130 4096204
Sikar 1* ++ - - - 47 1 2 - - 2 91 3

Sirohi 3 10425 - - 10425 2929091 3 12438 - - 12438 2798957

Udaipur 2 1526 - - 1526 389132 2 1878 - - 1878 475884
Tamil Nadu 89 21107 37 - 21144 5813723 78 21313 21 - 21334 6265788
Ariyalur 38 11288 37 - 11325 2747043 37 11419 21 - 11440 2955836
Coimbatore 4 - - - - - - - - - - -
Dindigul 4 2544 - - 2544 713104 4 2490 - - 2490 825475
Karur 1 52 9 - - 52 9 149645 1 63 3 - - 63 3 218485
Perambalur 17 2576 - - 2576 706756 16 2207 - - 2207 652706
Salem 3 47 9 - - 47 9 237120 3 52 4 - - 52 4 162005
Table-5 (concld)
2020-21 2021-22 (P)

State/District Grades Tot al Grades Total

No.of LD, SMS & No. of LD, SMS &

mines Cement BF Chemical Qt y Value mines Cement BF Chemical Qt y Value

(Tuticorin) 4 1070 - - 1070 575739 5 1091 - - 1091 584904

Tiruchirapalli 9 2317 - - 2317 525936 9 2501 - - 2501 589054

Tirunelveli 3 - - - - - 2 16 0 - - 16 0 127493

Virudhunagar 6 30 4 - - 30 4 158380 1 28 8 - - 28 8 149830

Telangana 30 24493 - - 24493 4904676 31 28502 - - 28502 5620487

Adilabad 2 2950 - - 2950 583275 3 3480 - - 3480 748259

Karimnagar 2 95 7 - - 95 7 347573 2 1300 - - 1300 541750

Nalgonda 22 16676 - - 16676 3220595 22 18715 - - 18715 3379762

Rangareddy 4 3910 - - 3910 753233 4 5007 - - 5007 950716

Uttar Pradesh 2 2574 - - 2574 896096 2 2809 - - 2809 675447

Sonbhadra 2 2574 - - 2574 896096 2 2809 - - 2809 675447

(++): Negligible
( ): Figure in parenthesis indicates mines of chalk, dolomite and shale with limestone as an associate mineral.
(*) Only labour reported.
** Formed a new Union Territory to be known as the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir comprising the territory of the existing State of Jammu & Kashmir vide
Gazette Notification No. 53, New Delhi, Friday, August 9, 2019/Shravana 18, 1941 (SAKA).

Table – 6 : Mine-head Closing Stocks of Limestone, 2020-21 & 2021-22

(By States/Grades)
(In '000 tonnes)

2020-21 2021-22 (P)

State Grades Grades

Cement LD, SMS Chemical Total Cement LD, SMS Chemical Total
& BF & BF
India 19788 2919 1488 24195 22658 3257 1327 27242

Andhra Pradesh 302 10 5 6 41 3 22 7 114 - 34 1

Assam 21 - - 21 21 - - 21

Chhattisgarh 2498 14 6 - 2644 2381 328 - 2709

Gujarat 1239 - 1348 2587 1529 - 1240 2769

Himachal Pradesh 188 49 - 23 7 517 13 - 530

Jammu & Kashmir* 226 - - 22 6 82 - - 82

Jharkhand 16 - - 16 16 ++ - 16

Karnataka 2698 62 8 - 3326 3112 554 - 3666

Kerala 1 - - 1 1 - - 1

Madhya Pradesh 4769 1230 51 6050 5484 1585 23 7092

Maharashtra 83 6 ++ 89 677 1 - 678

Meghalaya 132 - - 13 2 71 - - 71

Odisha 310 413 - 72 3 408 47 5 - 883

Rajasthan 5979 22 1 83 6283 6859 78 64 7001

Tamil Nadu 899 121 ++ 1020 91 6 109 ++ 1025

Telangana 427 - - 42 7 357 - - 357

++: Negligible
*Formed a new Union Territory to be known as the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir comprising the territory of
the existing State of Jammu & Kashmir vide Gazette Notification No. 53, New Delhi, Friday, August 9, 2019/Shravana
18, 1941 (SAKA).

year 2021-22 was 591 tonnes as against 608 tonnes

in the previous year.
The production of limeshell is 100 tonnes
during 2021-22 and nil production in the preceding The average daily employment of labour
year.There was one reporting mines in 2021-22. during the year 2021-22 was 1 as against 1 in the
Mine-head closing stocks of limeshell in the previous year. (Tables-7 to 9).


Table – 7 : Production of Limeshell, 2019-20 to 2021-22

(By States)
(Qty in tonnes; Value in '000)

2019-20 2020-21 2 02 1 -2 2 (P )
Stat e
Qua nt it y Value Qu a n t it y Value Qu a n t it y Value

India 4600 18730 - - 100 220

Ka rna t a k a 1017 3051 - - 100 220
Kerala 3583 15679 - - - -

Table – 8 : Production of Limeshell, 2020-21 & 2021-22

(By Sectors/States/Districts)
(Qty in tonnes; Value in '000)

2020-21 2021-22 (P)

No. of mines Quantity Value No. of mines Quantity Value

India - - - 1 100 22 0

Public sector -- - - - - -

Private sector - - - 1 10 0 220

Karnataka - - - 1 100 22 0

Uttara Kannada - - - 1 100 22 0

Kerala - - - - - -

Kottayam - - - - - -

Tamil Nadu - - - - - -

Cuddalore - - - - - -

Table – 9 : Mine-head Closing Stocks of Limeshell, 2020-21 & 2021-22

(By States)
(In ton nes)

Stat e 2020-21 2 02 1 -2 2 (P )

India 608 591

Ka rna t a k a 608 591
Kerala - -
Tamil Nadu - -

Production of marl during 2021-22 was 1,853 thousand mines in the previous year. The entire production was
tonnes as compared to 2,216 thousand tonnes in the reported by Private Sector mines.
Entire production of marl during 2021-22 was re-
preceding year. The entire production of marl was re-
ported from Gujarat and Tamil Nadu.
ported as associated mineral with limestone in both the Mine-head stock at the end of 2021-22 was 469
years. There were 8 associate mines reporting produc- thousand tonnes as against 600 thousand tonnes in
tion of marl during 2021-22 as compared to 9 associate the previous year. (Tables-10 to 13).


Table – 10 : Principal Producers of Marl, 2021-22

Locat ion of min e

Name and address of producer
Stat e District

*Ultrat ech Cement Lt d, Gujarat Am reli

B-Wing, 2 nd Floor,
Ahura Centre, Mahakali Caves Road,
Andheri (E), Mumbai– 400 093.
*Saurashtra Cement Ltd, Gujarat Porba nd ar
N.K. Mehta International House,
17 8, Backbay Reclamation,
Mumbai-400 020.
Gujarat Sidhee Cement Ltd Gujarat Junagarh
N.K.Mehta Internat ional House
17 8, Backbay R eelamation,
M umbai-400020
*Chettinad Cement Corpn. Ltd, Tamil Nadu Ariyalur
4 th floor, Rani Seethai Hall Building, 603,
Anna Salai Chennai-600 006
*The Ramco Cements Ltd, Tamil Nadu Ariyalur
3rd floor, Auras Corporate, Centre-98 A,
Dr. Radhakrishanan Salai, Mylapore
Chennai-600 004
*Produced as an associated mineral with limestone

Table – 11 : Production of Marl, 2019-20 to 2021-22

(By States)
(Qty in tonnes; Value in '000)

2019-20 2 0 20 -2 1 2 02 1-22 (P)

Stat e
Qua nt it y Value Qu a n t it y Value Qu a n ti t y Value

India 2148854 412463 2216414 417184 1853481 326498

Gujarat 1646104 318711 1300333 243556 900560 133211
Tamil Nadu 502750 93752 916081 173628 952921 193287

Table – 12 : Production of Marl, 2020-21 and 2021-22

(By Sector/States/Districts)
(Qty in tonnes; Value in '000)
2020-21 2 02 1 -2 2 (P )
State/ District
No. of Qu a n t i t y Value No. of Qu a n t it y Value
mines min es

India (9) 2 2 16 41 4 417184 (8) 185 3 48 1 3 2 64 9 8

Private Sector (9) 22 1 6 4 14 417184 (8) 18 53 481 326498
Gujar at (5) 1 3 00 33 3 243556 (4) 900560 13 3 211
Amreli (2) 12 1 1 6 51 228179 (2) 532155 971 61
Jamnagar (1) 23 0 49 2 78 9 (1) - -
Junagadh (1) 15 7 33 3 25 7 (1) 39 130 8 39 1
Porbandar (1) 49 9 00 9 33 1 (1) 3 2 92 7 5 27 65 9
Tamil Nadu (4) 916081 173628 (4) 952921 1 9 32 8 7
Ariyalur (4) 916081 173628 (4) 952921 193287
Figures in parentheses indicate associated mines with limestone


Table – 13 : Mine-head Closing Stocks of Marl, 2020-21 & 2021-22

(By States)
(Qty in tonnes)

Stat e 2020 -21 2 0 2 1 -2 2 (P )

India 600254 468771

Gujarat 381309 262383
Tamil Nadu 218945 206388

Limestone produced in Himachal Pradesh is

MINING & MARKETING supplied to cement plants, paper industry, sugar mills
In India, limestone mines are worked by and lime kilns. The limestone production from
opencast method. Captive mines are mechanised and Bilaspur district is despatched to fertilizer unit of
supply feed to cement and iron & steel units. Some National Fertilizers Ltd (NFL) at Naya Nangal.
mines have well-laid road-cum-rail routes. The large Limestone produced in Jammu & Kashmir is
mi nes are developed by forming benches in suitable for cement manufacturing.
overburden and limestone bed. The face length, width In Karnataka, limestone is supplied generally to
and height of the benches correspond to the mining paper mills and cement plants. However, limestone of
machinery deployed and production schedule. Kalaburagi district, commonly known as 'Shahabad
Heavy earth-moving machinery like 3.3 to 4 cu.m stones', is used as flagstone or flooring stones.
capacity hydraulic excavators in combination with Limestone from Madhya Pradesh is used in
10–35 tonnes dumpers are normally used. Other cement, sugar, paper, steel and lime industries.
mines are mainly worked by semi-mechanised and
In Maharashtra, apart from cement and sugar
manual opencast mining methods. As per MCDR
industries, limestone is used in Ferromanganese
reports, drilling is done by Jack hammer & Wagon
Industry as flux and also in Tanning Industry.
drill and blasting is done by ANFO, Slurry explosives,
emulsion explosives etc. Limestone mined in Rajasthan is consumed in
captive cement plants on a large scale. Limestone of
Limestone production from Kurnool, Andhra
Nagaur district is utilised as feed for white cement
Pradesh and from Adilabad in Telangana is used in plants as well as in steel plants as low silica SMS
paper mills, sugar, cement and steel plants. Tile, grade flux and in Chemical Industry. Crystalline
mossaic, chip and polished stonemakers also use limestone of Rajasthan is widely known as a
limestone. decorative ornamental stone. The limestone worked
Limestone produced in Bihar is supplied mainly in Bundi district and Raghunathgarh in Jaipur district
to cement plants, foundries and lime kiln units. is an excellent flagstone which find use as paving
In Raipur and Durg districts of Chhattisgarh, stone.
the limestone produced is suitable for Iron & Steel The limestone produced in Dehradun-Garhwal
Industry. The B hilai Steel Plant fulfills its areas of Uttarakhand was supplied to Sugar, Paper,
requirements of limestone from Nandini mines in Steel, Glass, Chemical and Cement Industries in the
Durg district. The Cement-grade limestone is also past.
produced in the region and there is large cluster of Limestone in Tamil Nadu is consumed by various
cement plants in and around Raipur. industries like Cement, Steel, Paper, Foundry, Fertilizer
Limestone produced in Gujarat is consumed and Chemicals.
ma inly i n cement and chemical industries Limeshell from Kerala is used mainly in Chemical,
and also in textile, foundries and steel plants. Cement and White cement Industries. It is also used
The dolomitic limestone in Gujarat is used for making in the manufacture of polyfibre and in Tanning
slabs and tiles. Industry.


Limestone used for industrial purpose falls Cement Industry
under 'major mineral', while the use of limestone in Cement is a binder, a subs tanc e used in
lime kilns and for building purposes comes under construction that sets, hardens and adheres to other
'minor mineral' as pe r M ines and Minerals materials. Cement used in construction is usually
(Development and Regulation) Act, 1957. inorganic, often lime or calcium silicate based.
The threshold value of limestone as per the Magnesia, sulphur and phosphorus are regarded as
revised Notification issued by IBM vide No.C-284/ delet erious elements. As per e nd-use grade
3/CMG/2017 dated 25th April 2018 is CaO 34% (min.) classification of IBM, it is mentioned that as reported
and MgO 5% (max.). by Cement Manufactures Association, limestone
The principal use of limestone is in the Cement containing CaO of 44 to 52% and MgO not more than
Industry. Other important uses are as raw material 3.5% should be classified under Portland Cement.
in the manufacture of quicklime (calcium oxide), Limestone containing 38–44% CaO and up to 5%
slaked lime (calcium hydroxide) and mortar. MgO should be placed under Blendable/Beneficiable
Pulverised limestone is used as a soil conditioner to Cement. Limestone containing CaO 48% (min.)
neutralise acidic soils (agricultural lime). It is used should be placed under White Cement. The broad
in sculptures because of its suitability for carving. chemical specifications of Cement grade limestone
It is often found in medicines and cosmetics. (r.o.m.) for cement manufacture suggested by the
In some circumstances, limestone is used for glass National Council for Cement and Building Materials,
making. As a reagent in fuel-gas desulphurisation, it New Delhi, are specified in Table-14.
reacts with sulphur dioxide which enables air Table – 14 : Broad Chemical Specifications of
pollution control. It can suppress methane explosions Cement Grade (Run-of-Mine) Limestone
in underground coal mines. It is added to toothpaste, (Clause 6.1.1)
paper, plastic, paint, tiles and other materials as both
white pigment and cheap filler. In blast furnaces, Oxide component/ Acceptable range for Limiting values
Other manufacture of taking into con-
limestone binds with silica and other impurities and Constituents Ordinary Portland sideration other
facilitates their removal from iron. Cement (33, 43 & 53 types of cements,
Grade) scope of
Lime is prepared by heating limestone in kilns (per cent) beneficiation
up to 1,000 OC. The CO2 released is effluxed and and blending
'quicklime' (CaO) formed remains as hard white lumps. (per cent)
This when slaked with water and mixed with sand,
CaO 44-52 40 (min.)
forms mortar or plaster. Commonly, the commercial
lime is prepared as dry hydrated lime Ca(OH)2 by MgO 3.5 (max.) 5.0 (max.)
adding to quicklime the right amount of water (18 SiO2 To satisfy LSF, silica –
parts to 56 parts of CaO). The value of lime for most
Al2O3 Modules and alumina –
purposes depends upon its CaO (or CaO + MgO)
Fe2O3 Modules –
The manufacture of metallic calcium is one of TiO 2 <0.5 <1.0

the latest uses of lime. Calcium is used in reducing Mn 2O3 <0.5 <1.0
organic compounds, desulphurising petroleum, R2O (Na2O + K2O) <0.6 <1.0
debismuthising lead production of hard lead alloys
Total S as SO3 <0.6 <0.8
and calcium-silicon alloys, and in the manufacture
of calcium hydride which is further used as an P2O 5 <0.6 <1.0
efficient hydrogen carrier. Cl <0.015 <0.05
Limeshell is used mainly in Chemical and White Free silica <8.0 <10.0
Cement Industries. It is also used in the manufacture
Source: Report on Norm for limestone deposits for cement
of polyfibre and in Tanning Industry. Marl is used manufacture by National Council for Cement and Building
as lithographic stone. Materials, New Delhi, May 2001


Iron & Steel Industry Chemical Industry

In Iron & Steel Industry, limestone is used The calcium carbide manufacturers generally
both in blast furnace and steel melting shop as a prefer lime containing 95% CaO (min.) with
flux after calcining. It is also added as flux in limitations of not more than 3% SiO 2, not more
self-fluxing iron ore sinters. It has two basic than 0.95% phosphorus and other impurities not
functions in steel making, first to lower the exceeding more than 2%. For the manufacture of
temperature of melting and second, to form calcium bleaching powder, lime containing 95% and
silicate which comes out as a slag, as it combines a b o ve C a O i s r e q u i r e d . T he t o t a l F e 2 O 3
with silica in iron ore. +Al 2 O 3 +MnO 2 should be less than 2%; MgO
should be below 2%; and SiO 2 less than 1.5%.
For use in the blast furnace, the calcium
Bleaching powder is prepared by absorption of
carbonate (CaCO 3) content in limestone should
chlorine by dry hydrated lime. The hydrated lime
not be usually less than 90 per cent. The combined
should not contain more than 2% excess water.
SiO 2 and Al 2O 3 should not exceed 6% though up
Iron and manganese oxides lead to unsuitability
to 11.5% is allowed, MgO should be within 4%
of the product and iron oxides tend to discolour
and sulphur & phosphorus as low as possible.
the bleached material. Magnesia renders the
In Steel Melting Shop (SMS), insolubles in bleaching powder hygroscopic. Silica and clay
limestone should not exceed more than 4 per cent. impede solution and settling of bleaching powder.
Good fluxing limestone should naturally be low in
BIS has prescribed specification for limestone
acid constituents like silica, alumina, sulphur and
for use in Chemical Industry as per IS: 3204:1978
phosphorus. Limestone should be dense, massive,
(First revision, Feb, 2009).
preferably fine-grained, compact and non-fritting
on burning. Sugar Industry
BIS has pr escrib ed s pecificat ions for In Sugar Industry, lime is used for clarification
Flux grade limestone for use in steel plants as per of cane and beet juice, viz, removing the impurities
IS : 10345 - 2004 (Second Revision; Reaffirmed 2009). from the juice and also for precipitating sugar from
impurities. Milk of lime 1% in volume of cane juice is
Glass Industry
added to pre-heated juice. Limestone used in Sugar
G l a s s I nd u s t r y r e q u i r e s hi g h c a l c i um
Industry must be high in active lime (CaO 80% min.),
limestone (94.5% CaCO 3) and 97.5% of combined
but low in iron, alumina and silica. Magnesia should
CaCO 3 and MgCO 3 . Iron and other colouring
be less than one per cent. Excess silica is undesirable
matters are regarded as objectionable and Fe 2O 3
because it separates as a gelatinous precipitate which
should be up to 0.20% (max.). For colourless
glass, limestone should contain 98.5% CaCO 3 covers the sugar crystals and retards their growth
(min.), iron content as Fe 2O 3 should not be more and filtration. Magnesia is objectionable because
than 0.04%; and for bottle glass, Fe 2O 3 up to 0.05% magnesium carbonate is soluble in sugar juice.
is used. The BIS specifications (IS : 997 - 1973), Presence of iron tends to colour the finished product.
First Amendment (Reaffirmed Feb. 2013) for Fertilizer Industry
limestone for use in Glass Industry are as follows:
Limestone is used only as carrier in the
Silica as SiO 2 2.5% manufacture of calcium ammonium nitrate fertilizer.
Total iron (Fe 2O 3) Fo r t his p ur po s e, limest one shoul d c o nta in
a) Calcite or marble 0.05% MgCO3+CaCO3 85% (min.), SiO2 5% (max.) and acid
b) Limestone 0.10% insolubles 14% (max.).
c) Dolomitic limestone or dolomite 0.15% Foundry Industry
Lime (as CaO) 53.0% The chemical requirements of limestone for
Total lime and magnesia 54.50% us e i n fo und r i e s a s p e r B I S s p e c i f i c a t i o n
(as CaO + MgO) (IS : 4140 -1978) have been withdrawn.


cement reached 334.37 million tonnes in 2019-20

registering a negative growth of about 0.87% over
Limestone comprises 95% of core raw material that of the preceding year.
for cement production. As per report of Mines &
In 2019-20, the total cosumption of limestone,
Minerals–CMA India, around 180–250 kg of coal
as reported by different industries was 328.62 million
and about 1.5 tonnes of limestone are required to
tonnes which decreased marginally by 5.41% from
produce one tonne of cement.
347.42 million tonnes in the preceding year. Cement
I n d i a wa s t he s e c o n d l a r ge s t c e me n t was the major consuming Industry accounting for
producing country in the world after China. The 308.66 million tonne (94%) consumption, followed
total installed capacity of cement in 2019-20 was by Iron & Steel 12.68 million tonnes (4%) and
thus about 537 million tpy against 532.16 million Chemical 5.29 million tonnes (2%). Negligible
tpy in the preceding year. Besides, there are three consumption was reported by aluminium, sugar &
white cement plants ha ving a to tal of about other industries etc. Consumption of limestone from
9,90,000 tpy capacity. The total production of 2017-18 to 2019-20 is furnished in Table - 15.

Table - 15 : Consumption* of Limestone, 2017-18 to 2019-20

(By Industries)
(In ton nes)

Indu stry 20 1 7 -1 8 2 0 18 -1 9 (R) 2 0 1 9 -2 0 (P )

All In d us tr i e s 31 37 67 10 0 (2 1 6 ) 3 4 7 4 2 1 6 0 0 (2 1 7 ) 3 2 86 1 9 80 0 (2 08 )
Alumi nium/Alumina 126100 67200 57800
C em en t 295644300 327466600 308659600
Chemical 5116100 5162200 5293100
Iron & St eel 11135600 12723600 12680700
Sugar(c) 780000 858000 648000
Ot h e r s ** 965000 1144000 1280600
Figures rounded off.
* Includes actual reported consumption and/or estimates made wherever required. Due to paucity of data, coverage
may not be complete.
** Includes, Alloy steel, calcination, ceramic, electrodes, oil well drilling, refractory, petroleum refining, sponge iron
fertilizers, ferroalloys, foundry, glass, paper, metallurgy & thermal power.
( ) Parenthesis indicates total no. of plants

compared to 21,509 tonnes in the previous year.

B l e a c hi ng p o wd e r wa s e x p o r t e d ma i nl y t o
FOREIGN TRADE Bangladesh (84%), and Sri Lanka & Nepal (4%
Exports each) besides other countries.

Exports of limestone increased by 245% to In 2021-22, about 787 tonnes of calcium carbide
12.16 million tonnes in 2021-22 from 3.53 million was also exported as against 129 tonnes in the
tonnes in the previous year. Limestone in bulk was previous year registering a massive six-fold
exported mainly to Bangladesh (almost 100%). On increase. Exports were mainly to Bangladesh (89%)
the other hand, during the same period, exports of and Nepal (6%) (Tables-16 to 19).
chalk increased moderately by 2% to 1,129 tonnes Imports
from 1,104 tonnes in the previous year. Chalk was
exported mainly to Nepal (92%), Bangladesh (3%). Imports of limestone increased moderately by 21%

Congo & Egypt (2% each). to 27.58 million tonnes in 2021-22 from 22.80 million

E x po r t s o f bl e a c hi ng p o wd er inc r ea s e d tonnes in the previous year. On the other hand, imports

moderatly by 44% at 30,919 tonnes in 2021-22 as of chalk in 2021-22 decreased by 3% to 64 tonnes as


against 66 tonnes in the previous year. Limestone was Table – 17 : Exports of Chalk
(By Countries)
imported mainly from UAE (88%), Oman (8%), and
Malaysia (2%), while chalk was imported mainly from
2020-21 (R) 2021-22 (P)
France (94%) and Italy (6%). Country
Qt y Value Qt y Value
Imports of calcium carbide decreased marginally by (t) ( '000) (t ) ( '000)
33% to 22,008 tonnes in 2021-22 from 32,665 tonnes in
All Countries 1104 6155 1129 7557
the previous year. Calcium carbide was imported mainly
Nepal 93 6 4281 1039 5628
from China (79%) and Indonesia (21%).The imports of
Congo, Dem. Rep ++ 5 21 645
bleaching powder during 2021-22 decreased considerably
Egypt 47 495 28 451
by 9% to 31 tonnes as against 34 tonnes in the previous
Bangladesh 1 10 33 292
year. Imp orts were mai nly from USA (97%) and
Argentina (3%) (Tables-20 to 21). Bhutan 1 12 2 149

Canada - - ++ 126
Table – 16 : Exports of Limestone Gambia ++ 4 4 77
(By Countries)
USA 4 25 ++ 44

Maldives 1 11 ++ 38
2020-21 (R) 2021-22 (P)
Country UAE 25 449 1 21
Qt y Value Qt y Value
(t) ( '000) (t) ( '000) Other countries 89 86 3 1 86
Figures rounded off
All Countries 3528973 42939083 12160342 4551537
Table – 18 : Exports of Bleaching Powder
Bangladesh 3447674 41950799 12112717 3474 832 (By Countries)

USA 7481 1756 59 5607 60 7975

2020-21 (R) 2021-22 (P)
Nepal 17098 1069 29 17272 10 5575 Qt y Value Qt y Value
(t) ( '000) (t) ( '000)

UK 31871 3797 21 6187 93047 All Countries 21509 734237 30919 931596
Bangladesh 15834 46 87 20 26059 69 7795
Ireland 6136 77425 3049 40362
USA 814 71779 732 65150

Korea, Rep. of 3308 34268 3416 30926 Sri Lanka 1615 52816 1228 44202
Vietnam 639 40912 355 23880
China 364 5791 1499 28727 Nepal 1160 23736 1374 23553
UAE 69 2778 244 21504
Belgium 1670 21699 2129 24420
Malaysia 484 19394 357 18041

UAE 741 21454 64 1 22522 Israel 24 1747 105 10312

Ethiopia 166 6127 133 4647
Ghana 891 9873 1093 14705 Egypt - - 40 3336
Other countries 704 46228 292 19176
Other countries 11739 1554 65 6732 10 8446
Figures rounded off
Figures rounded off


Table – 19: Exports of Calcium Carbide Table – 20 : Imports of Limestone

(By Countries) (By Countries)

2020-21 (R) 2021-22 (P) 2020-21 (R) 2021-22 (P)

Country Country
Qt y Value Qt y Value Qt y Value Qt y Value
(t) ( '000) (t) ( '000) (t) ( '000) (t) ( '000)

All Countries 129 11213 78 7 97371 All Countries 22797801 32911759 27582767 49014650
Bangladesh 82 6221 70 1 89402 UAE 18835897 23618001 24281405 39309027
Nepal - - 48 3202 Oman 2623396 4505778 2337928 4191555
Djibouti - - 22 2360 Malaysia 635579 2739907 648596 3627260
Bhutan 47 4706 16 2059 Vietnam 489553 1172453 114659 747183
Germany ++ 30 ++ 31 9 Egypt 52930 209827 91165 376224
Singapore ++ 45 ++ 29 China 7070 120656 7563 244462
USA ++ 10 9 - - Thailand 14338 163346 7952 181001
Mozambique ++ 72 - - Philippines 66950 129086 44000 118475
UAE ++ 24 - - UK 2578 54269 3002 70607
Tanzania Rep ++ 4 - - Jordan - - 13968 52611
Other countries - 2 - - Other countries 69510 198436 32529 96245

Figures rounded off Figures rounded off

Table –21 : Imports of Chalk

(By Countries)

2020-21 (R) 2021-22 (P)

Qt y Value Qt y Value
(t) ( '000) (t ) ( '000)

All Countries 66 2661 64 2197

France 40 1110 60 1719

Italy 4 381 4 376

Seychelles - - ++ 53

China 4 182 ++ 30

USA - - ++ 17

UK ++ 1 ++ 2

Belgium 10 583 - -

Taiwan ++ 179 - -

Germany 8 167 - -

Vietnam ++ 58 - -

Figures rounded off


Table – 22 : Imports of Calcium Carbide

(By Countries)

2020-21 (R) 2021-22 (P)

Qt y Value Qt y Value
(t) ( '000) (t) ( '000)

All Countries 32665 1774 852 22008 1576 090

China 29248 1580 788 17400 1274224

Indonesia 3384 193334 4590 299912

UAE -- -- 18 1954

Dominica 33 73 0 - -

Figures rounded off

Table – 23 : Imports of Bleaching Powder

(By Countries)

2020-21 (R) 2021-22 (P)

Qt y Value Qt y Value
(t) ( '000) (t) ( '000)

All Countries 34 5524 31 6228

USA 28 3656 30 4824
Argentina 4 1714 1 1400
Japan 2 12 9 ++ 4
Switzerland ++ 22 - -
Germany ++ 3 - -

Figures rounded off

FUTURE OUTLOOK The demand for paper in India is expected to

rise at a healthy rate mainly due to the Packaging
India has huge resource s of l ime stone
Industry and the increasing number of schools.
distributed over different parts of the country. It is
The increasing number of construction projects
comfortably placed in terms of annual capacity and is expected to lead to a thriving Building and
production of cement. Cement-grade limestone occurs Construction Industry in India. This is expected
in all the limestone-bearing areas, while SMS, BF and to contribute 10% to the GDP of India. Also with
Chemical-grade limestones occur in selective areas. rising growth in Indian pharmaceutical and Food
Concerted efforts to locate SMS and BF grade & B eve r age i nd us tr ies , the co nsump t ion of
limestone along with Cement-grade limestone are calcium carbonate (limestone) in India is expected
imperative to meet the growing demand. to increase.
The demand of raw materials for cement, such India's domestic demand is being fulfilled as
as, limestone and gypsum is expected to cause per the Government of India's new policy of
disruptive growth in the next few decades. The second allotment of mining blocks through auctioning. Up
largest Cement Industry in the world, the Indian to 2022-23, a total of 241 blocks were auctioned.
Cement Industry, is expected to grow to an extent of Out of these 241 blocks, 74 blocks were limestone
550 million tonnes per annum of capacity by FY2025. blocks.


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