2013 - Vol III - Laterite 2013

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Indian Minerals
Yearbook 2013
(Part- III : Mineral Reviews)

52nd Edition




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January, 2015


31 Laterite

T he mineralogical & chemical composition of laterite

depends on their parent rock. Laterite is a residual
ferruginous rock commonly found in tropical regions
Laterite can be considered as polymetallic ore
as it is not only the essential repository for
aluminium, but also a source of iron, manganese,
and has close genetic association with bauxite. The nickel and chromium. Furthermore, it is the home
term ‘laterite’ was originally used for highly ferruginous for several trace elements like gallium and
deposits first observed in Malabar Region of coastal vanadium which can be extracted as by-products.
Kerala and Dakshin Kannad & other parts of
Karnataka. It is a highly weathered material, rich in
secondary oxides of iron, aluminium or both. It is RESOURCES
either hard or capable of hardening on exposure to Laterite occurrences are widespread in the
moisture and drying. country. Almost all Indian bauxite deposits are
associated with laterite, except those in Jammu &
Laterite and bauxite show a tendency to occur
Kashmir. Laterite generally occurs as capping on the
together. Aluminous laterites and ferruginous bauxites
hills and plateaus of Madhya Pradesh and in some
are quite common. The most common impurity in both
states of the Deccan peninsula at altitudes ranging
is silica. Laterite gradually passes into bauxite with
from coastal to 2,000 m with thickness up to 60 m.
decrease in iron oxide and increase in aluminium oxide.
The laterite deposits may be described on the basis of As per UNFC System as on 1-04-2010, the total
the dominant extractable minerals in it: (i) aluminous resources of laterite are placed at 471 million tonnes.
laterite (bauxite), (ii) ferruginous laterite (iron ore), Out of these, 24.7 million tonnes are the reserves
(iii) manganiferous laterite (manganese ore), and 446.12 million tonnes are the remaining
(iv) nickeliferous laterite (nickel ore) and resources. Major share of about 87.5% resources
(v) chromiferous laterite (chrome ore). Laterite with was distributed in two states namely Madhya
Fe2O3:Al2O3 ratio more than one, and SiO2:Fe2O3 ratio Pradesh (61%) and Rajasthan (26%). The remaining
less than 1.33 is termed as ferruginous laterite, 13% of resources are spread over in the states of
while that having Fe2O3:Al2O3 ratio less than one Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Gujarat, Maharashtra and
and SiO2:Al2O3 ratio less than 1.33 is termed as Jharkhand. Gradewise and Statewise reserves
aluminous laterite. resources are given in Table-1.

Table - 1 : Reserves/Resources of Laterite as on 1.4.2010

(By Grades/States)
(In ’000 tonnes)

Reserves Remaining Resources

Proved Probable Total Feasibility Pre-feasibility Indicated Inferred Reconn- Total Total
STD111 (A) STD211 STD332 STDD333 aissance (B) Resources
STD121 STD122 STD221 STD222 STD334 (A+B)

All India: Total 13936 2172 8607 24714 1830 60 2625 1107 230865 209632 446119 470833
By Grades
Unclassified 13936 2172 8607 24714 1830 60 2625 1107 230865 209632 446119 470833
By States
Andhra Pradesh 4349 2172 6942 13463 1830 60 2625 1107 6895 277 12794 26257
Gujarat 9406 - 164 9570 - - - - - - - 9570
Jharkhand - - - - - - - - 570 - 570 570
Kerala 180 - 1500 1680 - - - - - 16717 16717 18397
Madhya Pradesh - - - - - - - - 158910 129778 288688 288688
Maharashtra - - - - - - - - 4000 - 4000 4000
Rajasthan - - - - - - - - 60490 62860 123350 123350

Figures rounded off.



Directorate of Mining & Geology, Kerala The production of laterite at 3,373 thousand
tonnes in 2012-13 increased by 20% as compared
carried out exploration in 625 sq. km. area of
to that of the previous year owing to more demand
Lateritic Plateaus between Vidhyanagar and
in market.
Manjeshwaram in Kasargod district. The rock
There were 62 reporting mines during 2012-13
types are of Khondalite Group belonging to
as against 53 in the previous year. Besides, the
Eastern Ghat Super Group, amphibolite,
production of laterite was reported as associated
hornblende biotite gneiss intruded by later acid mineral by 17 mines during 2012-13 as against 23
intrusive such as granite, syenite and basic in the previous year. Six principal producers
intrusives of dolomitic composition. All of the accounted for about 57% of the total production.
rock types have been subjected to laterisation of Forty four mines, which include 37 mines of laterite
and 7 associate mines each producing more than
various degree. Bauxite/aluminous laterite occurs
10,000 tonnes annually, accounted for 97% of the
in the form of massive sheets or blankets capping
total production during the period under review.
plateaus. Samples collection has been completed. About 3% of the total production was reported
A total number of 101 samples were subjected for from captive mines in 2012-13 as against 8% in
chemical analysis. Resources will be estimated the preceding year.
after completion of drilling. The area is proposed Andhra Pradesh was the leading state in
to be studied through remote sensing techniques laterite production contributing 77% of the total
followed by field visits and detailed drilling. production, followed by Madhya Pradesh (11%),
Karnataka (5%) and Gujarat (3%). The remaining
The DMG, Kerala also carried out exploration 4% was contributed by Kerala & Maharashtra.
in 225.58 hect. area of Peringome East and
Gradewise analysis of production in 2012-13
Peringome West in Taliparambu Taluk of Kannur
revealed that the bulk of production was of cement
District for Chinaclay/Aluminous Laterite/Bauxite. grade, accounting for 96% of the total production
The general geological formation of the area are during the year. Four percent production was in
mainly laterite of Quarternary age of the top, below 40% Al 2O 3 grade which was reported from
followed by variegated clay with yellow, re and Madhya Pradesh only. Nominal production of
Chemical grades has been reported from Karnataka
pink patches and yellowish clay of Tertiary age
(Tables 2 to 5).
overlying the Archeans-gneissic charnockite. A
Mine-head stocks of laterite at the end of
total number of 40 boreholes were drilled in the
2012-13 were 855 thousand tonnes as against 870
area at a grid interval of 250m by achieving a total
thousand tonnes in the beginning of the year
meterage of 791.5m. The average thickness of (Tables 6(A) & 6 (B)).
chinaclay is about 11m and that of overburden
The average daily employment of labour in
laterite is about 7m. The investigation is being laterite mines was 906 in 2012-13 as against 625 in
continued by core drilling techniques. the previous year.


Table – 2 : Principal Producers of Laterite USES & SPECIFICATIONS

2012-13 The compact and ferruginous variety of
laterite is used widely as a road metal and as a
Name and address Location of mine
local stone for culverts and buildings. It cannot
of producer
withstand heavy pressure and as such it is used
State District
for construction of light structures, partition
S. Soban Babu, Andhra East walls, boundary walls, etc. Laterite as a building
D.No.23-16-25/A, Pradesh Godavari stone possesses one advantage that it is soft
Lalitha Nagar, when quarried and can be easily cut and dressed
Rajahmundry, into blocks and bricks which on exposure to air
East Godavari, become hard.
Andhra Pradesh.
The industrial use of laterite is in the
Maheswari Minerals, Andhra East cement industry. It is used as an additive for
1-1-37/1, Kondaiahpalem, Pradesh Godavari lowering the clinkerisation temperature and
Gangeyulu,Vari Street, supplementing aluminous and iron contents
Near Nukalamma Temple, required in the manufacture of cement. It is
Kakinada,East Godavari,
also reported that laterite is capable of removal
Andhra Pradesh.
of phosphorus from solutions and percolating
columns of laterite remove cadmium, chromium
Belgaum Minerals, Karnataka Belgaum
91, Ganesh Krupa,
and lead to very low concentrations. Specificat-
Vinayak Nagar, ions of laterite for cement industry are given in
Hinidalga Road, Table - 7.
Belgaum - 591 108, CONSUMPTION
Karnataka. Laterite is used as an additive in cement
industry. The industrial end-use consumption of
T. Gangadhar Reddy, Andhra East laterite in 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-13 was
69-10-5, Bhaskar Nagar, Pradesh Godavari
approximately 3.74 million tonnes, 3.89 million
Near C.T.R.I., Rajahmundry,
tonnes and 4.02 million tonnes, respectively.
East Godavari - 533 103,
Other consuming sectors are building
Andhra Pradesh.
construction and road metal.
V. Prabhakar Rao, Andhra Warangal
H. No. 7-1-469, Pradesh FUTURE OUTLOOK
Mankammathota, Though vast resources of laterite are
Karimnagar, available in India, systematic exploration and
Andhra Pradesh. estimation of resources need to be taken up.
There seems to be no major change in the end-
S. Tanuja Reddy, Andhra Ranga
use pattern of laterite. The consumption of
3-6-521, Flat No. 402, Pradesh Reddy
laterite in cement has increased due to increased
Opp. KFC, Gharondamaya
demand of cement in the country. In future,
Apartment, Himayathnagar
Main Road, Hyderabad,
laterite could be used as a source of metallic
Andhra Pradesh. minerals like iron, aluminium, chromite and of
trace elements like gallium and vanadium.

Table – 3 : Production of Laterite, 2010-11 to 2012-13(P)
(By States)
(Quantity in tonnes; value in ` '000)

2010-11 2011-12 2012-13

Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value

India 1220304 147948 2815275 395548 3372636 545379

Andhra Pradesh 633253 70005 1800704 260228 2610853 368734
Gujarat 234548 15733 207998 17153 117830 10036
Jharkhand 1220 183 1550 310 - -
Karnataka 130300 17119 149600 21111 163200 58312
Kerala 88444 34913 112703 45688 97909 36707
Madhya Pradesh 132539 9995 536220 50505 378844 71038
Maharashtra - - 6500 553 4000 552

Table – 4 (A) : Gradewise Production of Laterite, 2012-13(P)

(By Sectors, States and Districts)
(Quantity in tonnes; value in `’000)

For use in alumina &

No. of aluminium extraction, For use in other than
State / District mines Production by Grades : alumina & aluminium Total
Al2O3 Content extraction

Below 40% Cement Chemical Quantity Value

India 62(17) 123472 3247964 1200 3372636 545379

Public Sector 2 - 61498 - 61498 26737
Private Sector 60(17) 123472 3186466 1200 3311138 518642

Andhra Pradesh 37(2) - 2610853 - 2610853 368734

Adilabad 1 - 2650 - 2650 265
Cuddapah (1) - 11345 - 11345 1838
East Godavari 7 - 1582115 - 1582115 228330
Medak 1 - 12850 - 12850 1092
Nellore (1) - 9020 - 9020 1353
Nizamabad 1 - 65914 - 65914 5932
Ranga Reddy 10 - 359359 - 359359 25536
Warangal 17 - 567600 - 567600 104388

Gujarat 3 - 117830 - 117830 10036

Kachchh 2 - 98660 - 98660 5243
Porbandar 1 - 19170 - 19170 4793

Karnataka 1 - 162000 1200 163200 58312

Belgaum 1 - 162000 1200 163200 58312

Kerala 2(1) - 97909 - 97909 36707

Kannur 1 - 35750 - 35750 9191
Kasargod 1 - 58025 - 58025 26053
Thiruvananthapuram (1) - 4134 - 4134 1463

Madhya Pradesh 18(14) 123472 255372 - 378844 71038

Jabalpur 5(9) 123472 155274 - 278746 59853
Katni 6 - 7553 - 7553 712
Rewa (1) - 3500 - 3500 228
Satna 7(4) - 89045 - 89045 10245

Maharashtra 1 - 4000 - 4000 552

Chandrapur 1 - 4000 - 4000 552

Figures in parentheses indicate number of associated mines.


Table – 4 (B) : Gradewise Production of Laterite, 2011-12

(By Sectors, States and Districts)
(Quantity in tonnes; Value in `’000)

No. of For use in For use in other than

mines alumina & alumina & aluminium
aluminium extraction Total
State/District extraction,
Production by
Grades:Al2O3 Content

Below 40% Cement Abrasive Chemical Quantity Value

India 53(23) 207633 2593407 13150 1085 2815275 395548

Public sector 2 - 84048 - - 84048 36405
Private sector 51(23) 207633 2509359 13150 1085 2731227 359143

Andhra Pradesh 26(1) 114230 1686474 - - 1800704 260228

Cuddapah 1 - 270 - - 270 26
East Godavari 4(1) - 1135437 - - 1135437 152287
Khammam 1 1326 - - - 1326 221
Medak 1 - 16750 - - 16750 1424
Ranga Reddy 7 - 212819 - - 212819 12545
Warangal 12 112904 321198 - - 434102 93725

Gujarat 2 - 194848 13150 - 207998 17153

Kachchh 1 - 194808 - - 194808 6623
Porbandar 1 - 40 13150 - 13190 10530

Jharkhand (1) 1550 - - - 1550 310

Lohardaga (1) 1550 - - - 1550 310

Karnataka 1 - 148515 - 1085 149600 21111

Belgaum 1 - 148515 - 1085 149600 21111

Kerala 3(1) - 112703 - - 112703 45688

Alapuzha 1 - 16300 - - 16300 4401
Kannur 1 - 11400 - - 11400 2747
Kasargod 1 - 70868 - - 70868 33875
Thiruvananthapuram (1) - 14135 - - 14135 4665

Madhya Pradesh 19(20) 91853 444367 - - 536220 50505

Jabalpur 5(10) 90571 173149 - - 263720 27428
Rewa (1) - 11700 - - 11700 761
Katni 6(2) 1282 116618 - - 117900 11279
Satna 8(7) - 142900 - - 142900 11037

Maharashtra 1 - 6500 - - 6500 553

Chandrapur 1 - 6500 - - 6500 553

Rajasthan 1 - - - - - -
Chittorgarh* 1 - - - - - -

* Reported production of ochre only.

Figures in parentheses indicate number of associated mines.


Table – 5 : Production of Laterite, 2011-12 & 2012-13(P)

(By Frequency Groups)
(Quantity in tonnes)

No. of mines Production Percentage in Cumulative

Production group total production percentage

2011-12 2012-13 2011-12 2012-13 2011-12 2012-13 2011-12 2012-13

Total 53(23) 62(17) 2815275 3372636 100.00 100.00

Up to 1000 11(7) 12(3) 4377 2708 0.15 0.08 0.15 0.08

1001-2000 4(3) 3(2) 11055 7251 0.39 0.21 0.54 0.29

2001-5000 3(1) 5(4) 15786 31192 0.56 0.92 1.10 1.21

5001-10000 3(2) 5(1) 32024 44420 1.14 1.32 2.24 2.53

10001-50000 20(10) 24(6) 714748 836092 25.39 24.79 27.63 27.32

50001 & above 12 13(1) 2037285 2450973 72.37 72.68 100.00 100.00

Figures in parentheses indicate number of associated mines.

Table – 6 (A) : Mine-head Stocks of Laterite at the beginning of the year 2012-13
(By States/Grades)
(In tonnes)

For use in alumina & For use in other than alumina &
aluminium extraction aluminium metal extraction
State Al 2 O 3 Content To t a l

Below 40% 40–45% Chemical Cement Refractory Abrasive

India 137798 30360 279 690238 48 11590 870313

Andhra Pradesh 180 - - 217813 - - 217993

Gujarat - - - 1737 - 11590 13327

Jharkhand 983 - - 20 - - 1003

Karnataka - - 279 9746 48 - 10073

Kerala 1050 - - 596 - - 1646

Madhya Pradesh 135585 30360 - 456328 - - 622273

Maharashtra - - - 3913 - - 3913

Tamil Nadu - - - 85 - - 85


Table – 6 (B) : Mine-head Stocks of Laterite at the end of the year 2012-13(P)
(By States / Grades)
(In tonnes)

For use in alumina &

aluminium extraction For use in other than alumina &
State Al 2 O 3 Content aluminium metal extraction To t a l

Below 40% 4 0 – 4 5 % Chemical Cement Refractory Abrasive

India 121990 116 377 720764 48 11540 854835

Andhra Pradesh - - - 302443 - - 302443
Gujarat - - - 28332 - 11540 39872
Jharkhand 998 - - - - - 998
Karnataka - - 377 10560 48 - 10985
Kerala - - - 272 - - 272
Madhya Pradesh 120992 116 - 378740 - - 499848
Maharashtra - - - 332 - - 332
Tamil Nadu - - - 85 - - 85

Table – 7: Specifications of Laterite Consumed in

Table - 7 (Contd.)
Different Cement Plants
(In Percentage) Plant Al2O3 Fe2O3 SiO2

Plant Al2O3 Fe2O3 SiO2

Heidelberg Cements 5-8 42-47 –
ACC Ltd, 36-45 – – (Diamond Cements)
P.O. Narsingarh,
Wadi Cement Works,
Distt. Damoh,
Distt. Gulbarga, Karnataka.
Madhya Pradesh.
Anjani Portland Cement 20-40 – – Jaypee Rewa Cement, 15(min.) 30(min.) 10-12
Ltd, Anjanipuram, Jaypee Nagar,
Distt. Nalgonda, Distt. Rewa,
Andhra Pradesh. Madhya Pradesh.

Birla Cement Works, 17 50 18 J.K. Cement Works, 10-15 40-55 12-27

Chanderia, Nimbahera and Mangrol,
Distt. Chittorgarh, Rajasthan. Distt. Chittorgarh,
Birla Corporation Ltd, 26 37 17
P.O. Birla Vikas, Kakatiya Cement & Sugar 40-45 9 10
Distt. Satna, Industries,
Madhya Pradesh. Distt. Krishna,
Andhra Pradesh.
Cement Corporation of India, > 22 > 40 –
Tandur, Distt. Ranga Reddy, J.K.Cement Works, - >50 -
Andhra Pradesh. P.O. Gotan, Distt. Nagaur,
The India Cements Ltd, 22-37 22-36 21-30
Chilamkur, Distt. Cuddapah, Keerthi Industries Ltd, 25.52 31.05 30.54
Andhra Pradesh.
Distt. Nalgonda,
Andhra Pradesh.
The India Cements Ltd, 12-18 45-50 12-18
Vishnupuram, Wadapally Kesoram Cement, 35-38 – –
Distt. Nalgonda, P.O. Basantnagar,
Andhra Pradesh. Distt. Karimnagar,
Andhra Pradesh.
The India Cements Ltd, 12-15 40-43 –
Malkapur, Distt. Ranga Reddy,
Andhra Pradesh. (Contd.) (Contd.)


Table - 7 (Contd.) Table - 7 (Concld.)

Plant Al2O3 Fe2O3 SiO2

Plant Al2O3 Fe2O3 SiO2

The KCP Ltd, – 45-55 – Andhra Pradesh.

Macherla, Distt. Guntur,
Andhra Pradesh. Sanghi Cement 15-20 18-25 25-30
Madras Cements Ltd, – – 12 Kachchh,
Kumarasamy, Raja Nagar (max.) Gujarat.
Distt. Krishna, Andhra Pradesh.
Satna Cement Works, 26 37 17
Maihar Cement,(Unit -2) – >45 < 18
P.O. Sarla Nagar,
Maihar, Distt. Satna, Dist. Satna,
Madhya Pradesh. Madhya Pradesh.

Malabar Cements Ltd. 38 30 10 Shree Cements, – 70-94 –

Walayar, Distt. Palakkad, Beawar, Distt. Ajmer,
Kerala. Rajasthan.

Manikgarh Cement, >25 >30 – Shri Durga Cement Company 36 34 6

Gadchandur, Distt. Chandrapur, Ltd, Hesla,
Maharashtra. Ramgarh Cantt;
Ramgarh, Jharkhand.
Mancherial Cement – 32-40 16-22
Company (P) Ltd, Ultra Tech Cement Ltd. 21 42 19
Mancherial, Distt. Adilabad, Adityanagar, Malkhed Road,
Andhra Pradesh. Gulbarga, Karnataka.
Orient Cement, 22-35 27-45 –
Devapur Cement Works, Ultra Tech Cement Ltd. 68 58 12-14
Distt. Adilabad, (Unit-Vikram Cement Works)
Andhra Pradesh. Vill. Khor, Kheda Rathore, etc.
Teh. Jawad, Neemuch,
Panyam Cements & – 24-42 10-14 Madhya Pradesh.
Mineral Industries Ltd,
Cement Nagar, Sri Vishnu Cement Ltd, 36–42 – 18-22
Distt. Kurnool, Dondapadu,
Andhra Pradesh. Distt. Nalgonda,
Andhra Pradesh
Penna Cement Ind. Ltd, 35 30 14
Ganeshpahad, Distt.Nalgonda, Toshali Cements Pvt. Ltd, 10 8 10
Andhra Pradesh. Distt. Koraput,
Ampavalli, Odisha.
Penna Cement Ind. Ltd, – 38 –
Boyareddypalli Vasavadatta Cement, – 55 < 30
Distt. Anantapur, Sedam, Distt. Gulbarga,
Andhra Pradesh. Karnataka.

Penna Cement Ind. Ltd, 42 25 14 Vikram Cement, – 58 (min) 12-14

Vill. Talaricheruvu, Vikram Nagar, Khor,
Distt. Anantapur, Distt. Neemuch,
Andhra Pradesh. Madhya Pradesh.

Rajashree Cements, 20 44 19 Zuari Cement, 16-24 24-39 28-35

Malkhed Road, Krishna Nagar
Distt. Gulbarga, Distt. Cuddapah,
Karnataka. Andhra Pradesh.

Rain Commodities Ltd, – 35(min.) – Zuari Cement Ltd, 35-42 – 20-22

Distt. Nalgonda, Sitapuram,
Ramapuram, P.O. Dondapadu
Distt. Nalgonda.
(Contd.) Andhra Pradesh.

Source : Individual plants.


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