Camping Skills II-1

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Camping Skills II

1. Be at least in Year 6.
Camping Skills II has been designed so that it is within the capabilities of
Pathfinders who are in Year 6 or higher.

2. Develop a personal philosophy of outdoor etiquette, such as courtesy

to other campers and outdoor conservation.
 Be considerate of other campers.
 Be courteous to other on campsite and others on meet on the trail.
 Be mindful of the noise level made in your camp.
 If camping in the wilderness (wild camping) be sure to make your camp
out of sight of the trail. Wild camping in the UK is mostly illegal make
sure you know the rules for your area of interest.
 Do not enter anyone else's campsite without their permission,
especially when travelling to or from your campsite.
 Do not litter.
 Leave the area cleaner than you found it.

3. Know and understand the following six W's for the selection of a good
To help remember the things that are important to campsite selection,
remember the six W’s:
 Wind- Find areas that are protected from the wind. This requires
knowing or guessing at the normal wind direction (hint look at the
direction trees are leaning and the current wind direction)
 Water- Fresh water should be available for drinking, beware of
drainage areas, flooding, and other water related hazards. Marshy
areas can have a high mosquito population that can make camping
 Weather- Knowledge of the weather history and forecast of an area
can help you decide the best location for the campsite and the best
equipment to take with you.
 Wild things- Beware of animals such as foxes and watch out for the
small wild things such as squirrels, spiders, ticks, biting flies,
mosquitoes and rats/mice.
 Wood- Adequate wood should be available for a campfire if you have
permission to light fires on the ground and/or on stands. Ensure that
there is no dead wood above sleeping area. Survey the trees to make
sure that they will not fall on you in strong winds.
 Willingness- Make sure the owner of the property is willing for you to
camp on it.

4. Demonstrate your ability to protect the wilderness and your water

source by proper personal hygiene and cooking sanitation.
Going on a camping trip does not absolve you from the need for hygiene and
sanitation – it merely makes it a little less convenient.
 If you are camping on an established campground, use the toilet
facilities provided. Otherwise, you will have to provide your own
 If you are camping with a small group, this can be as simple as digging
a cat hole 30m from running/fresh water1 and no more than 10 cm
deep, depositing your waste in the hole, and burying it again.
 If camping with a larger group, you will need to dig a latrine. Whether
using cat holes or a latrine, make sure they are dug at least 60 meters
from any water source.
 When cooking, be sure to clean your dishes and kitchen area
immediately after use.
 When camping with a small group, wipe all dishes, pots, pans, and
utensils as clean as you can with paper towels. Burn the paper towels.
Then you can scrub the dishes out with clean sand and rinse them off.
 When camping with a large group, you will need to establish a
dishwashing area. Fill two tubs with water – use hot water if possible
(and it almost always is). You can optionally use a third tub for pre-
rinsing, which will eliminate the need to wipe the dishes with a paper
towel before washing. Add 15 ml of bleach to the rinse water.
 When finished, dispose of the "grey water" as directed by campground
management (if on a campground). Otherwise, dispose of the grey
water at least 60 meters from any water source.

5. Participate in a weekend campout.

6. Take part in a camp worship service to include one of the following:

a. Leading song service

b. Sabbath School lesson study

c. Story

d. Worship thought

7. Know how to safely light and use a camp stove and lantern.
This will depend a lot on the type of stove or lantern you have. For those that
uses small propane canisters or compressed spirits like Mentholated and
white spirit.
 Always follow manufactures instructions of operation and for safety.
 Make sure the canister/bottle is connected properly.
 Then light a stove lighter, these a long-stemmed butane lighters if
possible, near the mantle.
 Only after the flame is going should you turn on the gas.
 If you stove or lantern has a push-button igniter you will have to turn
the gas on first. Hold well away from you body to light. Start igniter as
soon as gas is turned on.
 If you have trouble, turn the gas off and let it dissipate before
attempting again.

8. Know safety rules and demonstrate your ability to properly cut

firewood. Demonstrate how to break dead wood properly.

While firewood can be cut with an axe, it takes much less effort, and less
wood goes to waste if it is cut with a saw.
 Prop one end of the to-be cut log off the ground
 The end of the log should protrude past the support, and the log should
be sawn just past this point.
Dead wood can also be broken instead of sawn. This is often easier and
quicker than sawing it, but care must be taken to do this properly, and it can
only be done on smaller logs.
 Prop one end up on a support while the other end lies on the ground.
 Then the camper brings his foot down mid way between the support
and the ground. Be careful to keep your footing while doing this, and
watch that the ends of the log do not fly off.

9. Using fuzz sticks or shaved sticks, build and know the use of a
council or criss cross fire and one type of cooking fire. Review fire
building safety rules.

Fuzz sticks

Making a fuzz stick with a pocket The finished product


A fuzz stick is a small piece of wood, which has had slices, cut in the sides to
create small shavings. Ideally, the shavings should remain attached to the
stick, but if they are accidentally removed, they can still be used. Because the
shavings are thin, they are easy to ignite. Because they are attached, they in
turn ignite the larger host stick.
To make a fuzz stick safely, choose a piece of dry wood, preferably a dry,
dead stick from an evergreen tree. The stick should be about the size of a
pencil, or perhaps a little larger. Place one end of the stick against a firm
surface, such as a log or a rock, hold the upper end with your left hand, and
hold the knife in the right. Carefully slice into the stick with a downward,
diagonal motion, maintaining even pressure. Stop before the knife reaches
the centre of the stick. Take another slice a little higher up, and repeat until
the stick is covered with the slices of "fuzz." Turn the stick over and make
more shavings on the other side. This is far easier to do with a sharp knife
and with a soft wood such a pine, fir, spruce or hemlock. Be sure that you are
always slicing away from your fingers. Think at all times about where the knife
blade will go if the shaving breaks off, or the knife slips. Make sure that your
hand; foot, leg, companions, etc are not in the path!
Make several fuzz sticks and use them as the first layer of kindling,
positioning them atop the tinder. In some cases, the fuzz sticks themselves
can be used as tinder.

Council fire

Council Fire
Native Americans used the council fire during their meetings (or councils). It is
very much like the log cabin fire except that more than two logs are laid on
each layer. Be careful not to lay the logs too close to one another. Leave gaps
of at least one inch (2.5 cm) between each log to allow air to circulate. Like
the log cabin fire, the council fire is very stable, and it falls into itself as it
burns, remaining within the fire ring. The council fire lights easily as the main
fuel is located directly above the kindling and tinder where convection will
carry the flames. This fire is hot, and will make a nice bed of coals for cooking.
It also uses a lot of fuel. This fire is sometimes called a pyramid fire as well.

Hunter's fire

Hunter's Fire
The hunter's fire is a cooking fire. The logs on top are spaced close enough
together such that a pot, pan, or Dutch oven can be placed on them. Try to lay
it as level as possible.

Fire safety
 Locate the fire in a safe place. It should be clear for 10 feet (3 meters)
all around.
 Do not light a fire beneath overhanging branches.
 Do not use accelerants, such as lighter fluid, gasoline, kerosene, etc.
Learn to light a fire without these.
 Put the fire out completely before leaving it. If it's too hot to put your
hands in the ashes, it's not sufficiently out. Douse it down with water,
turn the coals with a shovel, and be sure to extinguish every coal and
 Do not build a fire on top of flammable material such as grass or
 Cut away the sod (keep it moist so it stays alive, and replace it before
your leave), and clear away the duff and litter.
 Keep fire-extinguishing supplies handy and near the fire. A bucket of
water or sand, or a fire extinguisher is recommended.
 Do not remove burning sticks from a fire.
 Watch for embers that escape the fire pit and extinguish them
 Wear proper footwear around a fire.
 Be aware that paper, cardboard, and leaves create floating embers that
rise out of the fire pit and may land dozens of yards away.
 Do not light a fire when conditions are adverse (high winds, or drought

10. Explain two ways to keep camp food cool.

One way to keep food cool without ice while on a camping trip is to place the
food in a mesh bag and secure it in a stream or brook. Another way is to put
the food in a bag, cover it with several layers of burlap, wet the burlap, and
suspend it from a tree branch. As the water evaporates from the burlap, it will
cool the food. You have to re-wet the bag occasionally.

11. Build two different camp cranes.

Pot Hanger
A pot hanger or pothook can be used to hang a cooking pot from a
crane. This makes it easier to remove the pot without having to slide the
hanging handle all the way to the end of the crane. This is particularly
useful if you've built a crane that is supported on both sides of the fire.
Carve a notch in a forked branch as shown to hang your cooking pot
from a crane.
Pot Hook
A pothook can also be used to place your cooking pot on the crane, or
remove it from the crane while keeping your hand further from the
heat. A notched branch could also be used.

Simple Crane
This crane is the most
simple of cranes. A long
stick with a weight on the
back propped over a log
or rock will work fine. Feel
free to use whatever is
handy for propping up a crane. A large rock or two work as well as a log for
this crane.

Adjustable Crane
This crane allows for adjusting the
heat of cooking by rising or lowering
the cooking pot over the fire. By
spiralling the piece of rope around the
large stick, you can raise and lower the
pot by twisting the stick to wind on
more rope, or release more rope. The
tripod could also be a forked branch driven into the ground.

Simple Crane
A simple crane with a forked
branch driven into the ground for
support will work in areas where
the soil is soft. Use a weight
(Rock) to hold the crane down if
the ground is too hard to drive
the stick into for support.

Double Support Crane

This crane supported on both sides of the
fire is a popular choice and provides a stable
crane. As seen on the right hand forked
branch, use a small pile of rocks to hold the
vertical supports where the ground is too
hard to drive in a branch.
It is best to use green wood for any sticks that will be close to the fire, as
green wood will resist catching fire better than a dry stick. Be sure to secure
any vertical members so that the crane will not fall over when you hang the
pot on it. Drive them deeply into the ground, or pin them in place with large
rocks. Test the crane before committing your soup to it.

12. Prepare camp meals using boiling, frying, and baking.

Camping foods that are prepared by boiling include:
 Pasta (spaghetti, macaroni, etc)
 Oatmeal
 Boiled eggs
 Cooked vegetables (carrots, green beans, corn, etc)

Foods that are prepared by frying include
 Pancakes
 Scrambled or fried eggs
 French toast
 Vegetarian sausages
 Veggie burgers
 Grilled cheese sandwiches

Foods that are prepared for baking on a campout include:
 Bread on a stick
 Biscuits
 Cobbler (see the Dutch Oven Cooking honor for more ideas)
 Baked potatoes
 Corn on the cob
 Veggie burgers

Baked potatoes, corn on the cob, and veggie burgers can all be baked by
wrapping them in aluminium foil and covering them with hot coals. Veggie
burgers can have onions, carrots, and thin potato slices added to them and
cooked in the same package. Delicious!

13. Demonstrate tent site selection. Properly pitch and strike a tent.
What precautions should be taken when striking a wet tent? Properly
clean, dry, and store a tent.

Tent site selection

Find an area that is large enough to pitch your tent and that is also flat. It is
difficult to sleep on an incline. Avoid ridge tops as they will be windy and there
is significant lightning danger there. Likewise avoid dry stream beds,
especially in desert areas. Flash floods can be caused by rains many, many
miles away. If camping near a river, camp above the high water line. The river
may rise in the night. You can determine the high water line by observing
trees on the river bank - they will have debris in the lower branches deposited
there by flood waters. Camp on the leeward side of a hill to avoid the wind.
Carefully examine the space above your tent site, making sure there are no
dead branches or anything else that could fall on the tent and cause harm.

Pitching and striking a tent

The details vary for every type of tent there is, so we provide only general tips
here. First, carefully read the instructions that came with your tent. If it's a new
tent, keep the instructions. You might be surprised how easy it is to forget
which pole goes where.
Tents can fall generally into two categories based on how they are erected.
Flysheet first or inner tent first.
For a tent erected inner first
 Then lay out the inner tent.
 Orient the door to where you want it.
 Peg it down. This will prevent the wind from blowing it away while you
are trying to raise it.
 Slide the poles in place, but do not raise the tent until the main poles
are all in place.
 Raise them together.
 Slip the pole ends over the "hooks" located at the stake-down straps.
 Throw the flysheet over the tent, being careful that the up side is up
and the front side is to the front.
 Flysheet often has elastic ropes that attach to plastic clips near the
pole anchors.
 Guy ropes are generally located at the four major corners as well as
other places on the flysheet. Peg them.
 Use the adjusters on the guy ropes to adjust the tension. Do not over-

If possible, do not strike the tent until it has dried. This is, of course, not
always so you'll have to strike a wet tent. If your tent is wet when you strike it,
you will need to set it up to let it dry as soon as you get back. Do not store a
wet tent.
To strike the tent:
 Inspect the inside; being sure that everything has been removed.
 Sweep the tent.
 Remove pegs, unhook and pull off the fly.
 Let down the poles. Carefully remove the poles from the inner tent.
 Fold up flysheet together with inner tent and roll pegs and poles into
folded tent.
 Put everything back into the bag it came in.

Cleaning a tent
Sweep the tent out before striking it. Remove muddy shoes before entering a
tent, or take them off as soon as you enter the door. You can clean the floor in
front of the door with paper towels. A stiff broom will also clean most debris
from the walls, but you may need to use a cleaner to clean messes deposited
by birds. Please consult your tent manufacturer’s instruction on recommended

14. Bedding:

a. Show proper ways to stuff or roll your sleeping bag or bed roll for
If your sleeping bag came with a stuff sack, all you have to do is stuff it in. It's
really that simple. If it did not come with one, you can purchase one
separately. Otherwise, you'll have to roll it up. That's a little more difficult, but
not that hard. First check for the tie-strings. They are usually at the foot of the
bag. Zip the sleeping bag closed and fold it in half lengthwise with the tie-
strings down - one tie string will be located near the centre of the bottom, and
the other will be located near the edge. Then go to the end opposite the tie
strings and start rolling, keeping it tight as you go. When you get to the end,
draw the tie strings around the bag and tie them with a shoelace knot.

b. Tell how to keep a sleeping bag or bed roll dry on a camping trip.
The most important thing you can do to keep your sleeping bag dry is to keep
it in the tent and keep the tent door closed. Take off your shoes when you
enter the tent (or before going in) so you do not track water all over the place.
Keep your sleeping bag on your sleeping pad, as this will raise it off the floor
slightly so that any water that drips off wet clothing cannot reach it. Avoid
pressing your sleeping bag against the walls of your tent. Condensation
particularly during the night collects on the inside of the flysheet and can
make its way into the tent if the inner tent touches the flysheet.

c. Describe how to properly clean your sleeping bag or bed roll.

Check the manufacturers instructions for cleaning your sleeping bag. Turn the
sleeping bag inside out, throw it over a clothesline, and beat it with a stick.
Unzip it and let it air out completely. Do not put a sleeping bag in a washing
machine unless the washing instructions on the bag specifically say that you
can. A washing machine will crush the fibres inside, reducing the insulation
and padding value. If your sleeping bag can be cleaned in the washing turn it
inside out, and wash it on a gently cycle. Placing two tennis balls in the
machine with your sleeping will help to fluff the fibres and keep you sleeping
in good condition. A bed roll can be shaken vigorously like a rug, and it can
also be beaten with a stick after hanging it on a clothes line.
Adapted by Nigel Cooper form:

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