Marketing Research and Analysis-II (Application Oriented) Prof. Jogendra Kumar Nayak Department of Management Studies Indian Institute of Technology - Roorkee Lecture - 31 Non-Parametric Test - VII

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Marketing Research and Analysis-II (Application Oriented)

Prof. Jogendra Kumar Nayak

Department of Management Studies
Indian Institute of Technology – Roorkee

Lecture – 31
Non-Parametric Test - VII

Welcome everyone to the lecture series of the course Marketing Research and Analysis. We
have been dealing with the non-parametric tests since the last 2 to 3 lectures. We are trying to
understand what non-parametric test means all about and why they are used and where they
are used, what are the conditions in which parametric test does not work and in place of that
we tend to use the non-parametric tests. We have conducted several non-parametric tests
including for example the Mann Whitney U test, the Kruskal-Wallis test.

Then we did with the signs test, the Wilcoxon signed-rank test, then we did it with the
Spearman correlation test which is the similar test with Pearson correlation, so it is a test of
association like the correlation test you have for the Pearson correlation, but this is for the
non-parametric. So continuing the same, even we have talked about the chi-square test and
McNemar test. So these 5-6 tests we have already discussed and may be today we will wind
up this lecture on non-parametric, may be 1 or 2 more techniques we will cover up.

I will show you how to conduct those tests on even the SPSS and then we will wind up this
lecture on non-parametric. So well we were talking about McNemar.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:50)
So what is this McNemar test? Let us go back and think about what we have discussed in the
last class. In the last lecture, we discussed that McNemar is a similar test to the chi-square
test which follows a chi-square distribution. You remember chi-square distribution, so a chi-
square distribution is more of a right skewed distribution and the McNemar follows a follows
chi-square distribution, but of course, the problem is then what is the difference between the
chi-square and the McNemar test.

The difference is that a chi-square test can be done between more than 2 variables, let us say,
and the variables will be nominal obviously. So let us say we can conduct a 2 x 4, a 3 x 4, so
these kind of studies can be done in a chi-square test, but when you do a McNemar test, it
restricted to only a 2 x 2 contingency table. So this is the limitation of a McNemar test,
otherwise the distribution that it follows is similar to the chi-square distribution. So how do
you do this McNemar test using SPSS, so let me explain that.

So what I will do is I will show you one of those slides which I have prepared. So McNemar
test, so this is the data. So the data is between two things. (Video Starts: 03:11) So what is it
saying, let us see. So pre-situation and post-situation as you can understand. So what is this
pre-situation and post-situation? It is a test where people who are smokers and who are
nonsmokers they were taken and these people were shown treatment like an advertisement
which talks about the ill effects of smoking and then they were checked what is the impact of
this advertisement on the people’s mind.

So did their smoking habits change or did it remain the same. So in this case, we have taken 0
as nonsmokers so who people who do not smoke are taken as 0 and the people who smoke
are taken as 1. Taking this so we have created the data how does it look like pre that means
before the advertisement what was the condition, so let us see the data. So in the pre-
situation, you can see so 1 were smokers, so these were all smokers, smokers, smokers,
smokers, these are nonsmokers, so as you go down so these are nonsmokers, 0, 0, 0, 0 all are

After the advertisement was shown to them or the treatment was given to them, he is a
smoker and continues to be a smoker, smoker again smoker, but somewhere here you see it is
a smoker, after the advertisement or after the treatment, he or she has been converted to a
nonsmoker. So similarly you can see so 1, 0, so again conversion is there, here there is a
conversion, here there is a change in mind, here again.

So here they were already nonsmokers, so let us see has there been any change with the
nonsmokers, so that are nonsmokers became smokers something like that, no I do not think
anything has been there. So there has been no absolutely change with the nonsmokers, they
have been nonsmokers, have stayed as nonsmokers as before. So now to conduct a McNemar
test what we will do is, how do we test this? So let us go to analyze. Here there are two ways
of doing it.

You can do with a non-parametric test going into the parametric test, but then I will show you
another way which is more simpler. Now go to the crosstabs, so take any one of them as the
pre-situation as may be in the row and post-situation in the column. Now what do you want?
We want the McNemar test. Now if you can see here the McNemar test is there. We take this
go with continue and we know that in a in a-chi square test the minimum cell size has to be 5,
less than 5 it does not work. So now let us see what is the output.

So if you go to the output, we will see the pre-situation versus post-situation, there are 40
sample respondents and there is no missing value. Pre-situation was that nonsmokers who
remained nonsmokers were 20, nonsmokers who became smokers 0, so no nonsmoker has
become a smoker. Smokers who became nonsmokers are 5 and smokers who remained
smokers is 15. So is this data telling us some significant change, at the moment if you see
from the McNemar test here the value, now we can see that it is coming 0.063.

Let us assume our significance level that we have taken is, usually we take it at a 5%
significance level. So if you take a 5% significance level, what do you infer form here. You
infer from here that the null hypothesis is not to be rejected because this p value is more than
0.05. Now let us make small changes in the dataset. Let us go back to the dataset and make
small changes. So let us make some changes and see in the dataset if our results are varying
now. So let us go back to the dataset again. So what I will do is I will change some of the

For example, let me change this as 1. Let us assume he was also a smoker earlier right and
you can also convert some of these as smokers let us say, but then we do not have to have the
adverse effect, we do not want to see that, let us assume still if you want we can. So some
nonsmokers have become smokers I mean to say that, so this is another let us say smoker. So
let us take this much and check has there been any change in our result. Now if you go by
again this and you run the test keeping everything as same, now you see because you
converted 2, 2 smokers, so nonsmokers who became smokers is 2 now.

So it is a very dangerous effect which I had shown and smokers who were earlier smokers
and now they are nonsmokers is 8 and smokers who remained smokers are 15. So it has
become more poor, the significance value has become more poor. So instead of this if you do
one more thing, instead of this, we will not make it we will keep it 0 as it is. So let us make it
0, 0, and this is also 0, we do not want. So this is 1, this is 1, 0, so this has become some of
them more let us say take one more and we make this also 0, so I think okay it is done.

So now let us run it, let us see has there any change. So if you go by this and you check, so
now if you see what I have done by only changing two things, I have this is just an
experimentation, you can try several things while you do. So now just what I have done you
see, the nonsmokers, 0 are nonsmokers 1 is smokers, so nonsmokers who remained
nonsmokers after the advertisement is 17, nonsmokers who became smokers 0. Smokers who
became nonsmokers now we increased from earlier, I think it was 8 or something, we made it
to 10 and remaining smokers also has gone down (Video Ends: 09:47).

As a result, you see the McNemar test says that there is a significant change in the people’s
smoking habits after they watched the advertisement or went through the treatment. So this is
what you have to write when you write the result of the test, this is a significant test and the
null hypothesis is rejected that the advertisement has got no effect on the smoking habits,
rather it has got a smoking impact on the smoking habit of people right, a positive impact. So
this is one of the things that we were doing. Now let us go back to the ppt okay.
(Refer Slide Time: 10:24)
So we have covered this. In our example p is equal to the significance level is 0.027, this
means that the proportion of nonsmokers is statistically significantly different after the
intervention which I am saying as the advertisement as compared to before or put in another
way, the change in the proportion of nonsmokers following intervention was statistically
significant. So this is how you write, so that means what, that at 0.05 level it was significant
and you got it was significant at 0.027. So this is how you write it in the research reports and

Today we will do one more test, but before I do one more test if you remember we had done
one test which I said I would do it later on the analysis for it. So that was the Wilcoxon test,
you remember the Wilcoxon test. So Wilcoxon signed-rank test, this was the test which is
basically like a paired sample t test. If you remember by any chance, a paired sample t test is
a test where a before and after situation happens. So what happens is how does a person react
before and let us say after some treatment.

Let us say you have been given some medicine or some kind of a method of teaching, some
kind of a method of let us say some experimentation has been done and what is the effect of
that medicine as we did earlier also. So we will see (Video Starts: 11:59) what is the change
in this case? So Wilcoxon signed-rank test, this is a test in which the pain of people was
measured, same people.

Now why I am saying it is like paired sample t test because the sample remains the same, so
the sample there is a group of sample of let us say 25 people and their pain score was
recorded, before some medicine was given, the pain score was recorded. So after recording,
can we say that because of this medicine there has been a change in the pain among the
patients, so this is the test. So Wilcoxon signed-rank test is nothing but a non-parametric test
for the paired sample t test that you were doing earlier in the t test. So how do you do this.

So you can see Wilcoxon signed-rank test. There are two related samples. So let us go to
week 1, so this is one, week 4, so this is the one. So we take we want the descriptive, we
continue and okay. So let us go to the result and check the result. So what is the result saying.
Now as per the result if you see, if you look at the test statistics, the z value is -3.706
something and if you look at the significance it says there is a significant change in the pain
of people in comparison to the week 4 and the week 1.

So that means the medicine has worked wonders. So week 1 pain score mean was 6.8, week 4
pain score was 4.8, so that means the pain has significantly reduced and this is proven from
here. So this is another test which is very very important and I have said the Wilcoxon
signed-rank test is a more powerful test in comparison to the sign test right, which we have
already seen earlier. So these are the 2 tests which I was talking about.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:05)

Today we will move into one more test the Friedman’s test. So what is this Friedman’s test.
This Friedman’s test is nothing but another test which is similar to the analysis of variance
test. Whenever you have two groups, so you use an independent sample t test or a paired
sample t test. So on the non-parametric you have for that the Mann Whitney or you have the
Wilcoxon for example, but if you have more than let us say 2 groups, let us say you have 3
groups, group 1, group 2, group 3.

Now there if you do an independent sample t test that means between group 1 and group 2,
group 1 and group 3, group 2 and group 3, so there are 3 tests and if you do 3 tests, we have
learned earlier also that the type I error increases and the inflation the alpha gets inflated. So
to avoid that, you do a one-way ANOVA correct. So to have a one-way ANOVA in the non-
parametric, you have a similar test called Kruskal-Wallis which already we have discussed,
but what in the one-way ANOVA, the sample is repeated again and again.

That means in a test in the one-way ANOVA you have the dependent variable as some kind
of a continuous variable let us say and the independent variable as a categorical variable, but
suppose we have a repeated measure that means the same sample is getting repeated more
than 2 times right you are checking for the same sample, the change in the value of the
sample 3 times, 4 times, 5 times, so then each of these groups are having the same people but
only the experimental values are being recorded, may be 3 times or 4 times if it is let us say
something like this.

So in such a condition you use a technique called, in the parametric case you use the one-way
repeated measure test, but here similarly in the non-parametric case you have a test called the
Friedman’s test or this test which is similar to this one-way repeated measures test, ANOVA
this is right. So let us see what it is saying.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:25)
It is a non-parametric test alternative to the one-way ANOVA with repeated measures that
was I said just now, so it is being repeated, the same sample is getting repeated. It can be
considered as an extension, yeah this is true, if you have a paired sample t test, what was
happening in the paired sample t test, in the paired sample t test, the sample respondents were
being checked 2 times, may be once before and once after, but here it is an extension of that.
That means it is may be not 2 times, but 3 times 4 times or more than that.

It is used to test for differences between groups when the dependent variable being measured
is ordinal. It can also be used for continuous data that has violated the assumptions, so it is a
powerful test so it can also work for continuous data that has violated the assumptions, but
the question is if it is continuous data, generally one will go for a one-way repeated measure
ANOVA, but then the condition here it is saying it has violated the assumption of the
normality, so that is why one-way ANOVA will not work, repeated measure ANOVA will
not work.

So in that case, we use this Friedman’s test okay. It is particularly useful when the sample
size is very small, now that is very interesting. So if you have a one-way ANOVA, you do
some kind of a parametric test. If the sample size too small, then it does not work well, but
this test has a capacity to run smoothly, to run function well, even when the sample size is
(Refer Slide Time: 18:00)

So let us see a test, I will show you. There are assumptions first, let us discuss. One, one
group that is measured on 3 or more different occasions. I said one group, that is the sample
respondents are the same are measured once, twice, thrice, may be four times. The group is a
random sample, so there is no bias of selection. Your dependent variable should be measured
at ordinal or continuous level. So in ANOVA if you remember I had said, just now also I
said, in the ANOVA what was happening, the dependent variable was continuous, so it was
continuous and independent variable was categorical.

So examples of ordinal variables include Likert scales, amongst other ways of ranking
categories a 5-point scale explaining how much a customer liked a product, so these are some
of the examples. Continuous variables include revision time, how much time measured in
hours, intelligence may be in IQ, exam performance measured from may be scale of 0 to 100
what is your percentage in the exam, weight measured in kg, etc. So if the dependent variable
is in this kind of a data, no issues, it is okay. Samples do not need to be normally distributed,
fantastic, obviously, otherwise what is the use of a non-parametric test.
(Refer Slide Time: 19:19)

Now let us take this example. Six raters, raters means there are 6 people who are experts, they
are they are evaluating 4 restaurants okay. The results of the experiment are displayed in
table, next table I will show you. So what are these people doing. They are rating the
restaurants and trying to see which restaurant is better than the other. If you cannot make the
assumption that the service ratings are normally distributed for each restaurant, then the
Friedman test is appropriate.
However if it would have been normally distributed and the sample size would have been
larger a bit, then you would have gone for the F test right, but this is not the case, our sample,
our ratings whatever they have given actually are non-normal okay.
(Refer Slide Time: 20:13)

The null hypothesis in this case, you should actually kindly take a pause and start writing the
null and alternate here, anyway, so null hypothesis is that the median service ratings for the
four restaurants are same or equal. So that means median M1 = M2 = M3 = M4, so all the
median values are same, so M1, M2, M3, M4 right. What is my alternate, at least not all the
medians are equal, at least one of them is unequal or not equal. So may be median 1 and
median 2 are same, median 2 and median 3 are same, but median 3 and median 4 may not be
same or any one of these.
(Refer Slide Time: 20:53)
So let us take these, so there are 6 raters as I had said, 4 restaurants. Restaurant A, B, C, D.
So the first rater gave a rating of 70 to A, 61 to B, it is between 0 to 100, 82 to C, and 74 to
D. Second rater gave 77, 75, 88, 76 right. Third rater gave 76, higher the score better is the
performance, 67, 90, 80. So the third rater has given a higher score of 90 and 80 also. The
fourth one gives A 80, C 96, and others are 63 and 76. Similarly these are the values. For fifth
one, 92 has been given for C and sixth one 98 has been given for C and 86 for let say D.

So now this is a small table you can even see, but when you have to test it and say whether it
is a significant different or not, for that statistical test may have to be conducted. Now what
we have done is we have tried to make a rank.
(Refer Slide Time: 22:09)

Now let us see what is the rank? Now in this first row, just look at the first row, which is the
lowest value, the lowest value is 61. Now so 61 gets a 1, rank 1. Rank 2, 70. Rank 3, 74. So is
it okay, so 1, 2, 3, 4, so now we will see here. So which is the first rank among these 4, 75
first, then second, then three, then 4, so 3, 1, 4, 2, is it there, 3, 1, 4, 2 correct. Suppose
sometimes just remember even I have told you in some other tests if there is a suppose a same
tie is there in between two, let us say this would also have been 75 let us say, so in this case
what would have happened.

Now one and let us say this would have been let us say what is the rank, 75 is 1, so this would
have become 2, so 1 and 2, that means now the rank would have 1.5 and 1.5, why, now 1+2,
because since this is 76 more than 75, this would have become 3 automatically. So 1+2/2 so
that is equal to 1.5 each. If it is tie in that case, you should have done that change okay. So
other things also you can do for similarly 1, 2, 3, 4 right, so 1, 2, 3, 4, goes on. So we have

In this table there is similarity for this value, you see this is 1, this is 2, this is 3, and this is 4.
So now this value rank when you come to the rank what it should become, 2+3, 5/2, so each
gets a 2.5, 2.5, let us see, 2.5, 2.5 right, so you have done it. So now this is the total of the
ranks, 14.5 for A, 6 for B, 24 for C, 15.5 for D.
(Refer Slide Time: 24:17)

Now this is the formula. I have got this formula because it is very tough to write these things,
so I have copied this formula, downloaded it. So Friedman’s the formula is

Where, Rj2 = the square of the total ranks for group j

r = the number of blocks
c = the number of groups
(Refer Slide Time: 24:49)
Now let us use, r = 6 in our case, 6 raters are there, 4 restaurants are there, R1 was 14.5, 6, 24,
15.5. Now putting into the formula you see if you do this then the score that comes is 16.25.
Now 16.25 is the Friedman’s test value.
(Refer Slide Time: 25:16)

Now since you got a 16.25, but what is the table value you have to compare, the table value
you have to look at from the chi-square table, you have to compare with the chi-square table.
So chi-square table for 3 degree of freedom, why 3 because the degree of freedom in the
Friedman’s test is measured as c-1, so c was what is the c, you see the c is the number of
groups you have, so were 4 groups, so it is like a within, so c-1 so you have 3. Now if you
look at the chi-square table for 3 degree of freedom at 0.05 significance level, the value is
Now since 16.25 is greater than 7.82, what is your assumption, what inference will you draw.
The null hypothesis is rejected, why, because if you look at the table value is 7.82 and the
calculated value is somewhere 16, so if this is, the null hypothesis is rejected. So what is the
null hypothesis, the null hypothesis said that the median scores of the all the restaurants are
the same, so that is rejected, so that means there is a difference between the median score of
the restaurant. Now how do you write this, you see.
(Refer Slide Time: 26:38)

There was a statistically significant difference among the restaurants, so chi-square at 3

degree of freedom is equal to 16.25 and p = 0.001. The same test I will show you on the
SPSS also and we will compare. So that is how we got this 0.001. Now what you can do is
suppose you want to see whether this relationship has significant differences between the
each restaurant is there or not. For example so A, B, C, D were there.

Now okay there is a difference, null hypothesis rejected, but what is the relationship between
A and B, A and C, A and D, B and C, B and D, and C and D so you want to check it for
example, you can do it. So to do that what you have to do is you do just, I think I have written
yes. You have to do a post hoc analysis with Wilcoxon signed-rank test because I said
Wilcoxon signed-rank is a like a paired t test, so you can do because the sample is same here.
So 6 raters, the raters are same, so you can do a study between A and B, A and C, A and D,
and goes on, 6 studies but remember this, this is important.

But with a Bonferroni correction applied, now what is the Bonferroni correction it says, now
suppose you are taking a significance level of 5%, now you are conducting 6 tests, so you
have to divide it by the number of tests. So much is remaining, now for example I have done,
0.05/6 = so the new significance level is not 5% but is 0.0083, that means it is 0.8, so this is
the new significance, it is less than 1% and you have to check at this less than 1%
significance level.

If your study gets significant by comparing with this, then you can say what is the
relationship between may be A and B, A and C, A and D, individually you can check and see.
So I will show you how to do this. (Video Starts: 28:48) So this is the same case 1, 2,3, 4, 5,
6. So the 4 restaurants are there, The scores have been given and let us now do it. So go to
analyze, go to nonparametric test, now what will you do? This is a multiple groups, same
sample but multiple times it has been taken, 4 restaurants, so 4 restaurants same people.

So which is the one I should be using, if you use your logic here, so I am using K Related
samples, they are not independent, they are related, same people, so I am taking all the 4. So I
have taken, now Friedman’s test is the normal choice when you take several related sample
the normal choice is just Friedman. So let me take the descriptive and check. So what is my
assumption coming, my study saying, the mean rank of first one is 2.42, second one is 2, third
restaurant gets a 4 the mean rank is 4, so it is quite high, restaurant 4 is 2.58.

Looking at the test statistics, it is significant at what level, 0.001, it is significant at 0.001
(Video Ends: 30:05). So that means what, we can easily say from here that there is a
significant difference between the service offered by the restaurants as per the 6 raters okay.
If you want to compare it individually you can make a comparative study between restaurant
1 and 2, restaurant 1 and 3, restaurant 1 and 4, similarly 2 and 3, 2 and 4, and 3 and 4 by
making individually a Wilcoxon signed-rank test, but only thing you remember you have to
take your significance level not 5% or 10%.

Whatever you take it has to be divided by the number of tests, that is in this case 6. So if there
are 3 groups how many tests, if there are 3 groups there will be only 3 tests. Suppose A, B, C,
A and B, A and C, B and C 3 test. So if it is 5% for a 3 tests, it will be 5/3. In this case you
have 4 groups, so there are 6 tests, so 5/6 and whatever you have to compare accordingly. So
this is what is the Friedman’s test.
(Refer Slide Time: 31:12)
There is one more test which I will talk about, the last test is K-S test, this is the last test
which we are discussing today. So this test is a simple non-parametric method for testing
whether there is significant difference between observed frequency distribution and a
theoretical. I have seen many a times when you talk about models, so there you need to
understand whether there is a difference between the observed frequency and the expected
frequency or not, and if there is no difference then that means model is fit or strong, even that
we saw in the chi-square test.

So K-S One sample test is more powerful than a chi-square test since it can be used for small
samples unlike the chi-square, this is a very important thing you need to remember okay.
(Refer Slide Time: 31:55)
Now how do you do this. The null hypothesis assumes no difference between the observed
and the theoretical distribution. So what is the null hypothesis saying, there is no difference,
but as a researcher what do you want, there needs to be difference because that is what the
alternate hypothesis talks about. So the difference D is calculated as
D = Maximum [Fo(X) - Fr(X)]
Now what are these two? Fo(X) is equal to observed cumulative frequency distribution of a
random sample of n observations. Now Fo(X) is equal to k/n where k is equal to the number
of observations equal to or less than X and divided by the n, total number of observations.
Fr(X) is the theoretical frequency distribution.
(Refer Slide Time: 32:39)

So let us this one of the problem. So this is the more or less the same thing. The acceptance
criteria if calculated value is less than the critical value. If calculated value is greater than the
critical value, you will reject. The same thing raised.
(Refer Slide Time: 32:51)
So this is the study of 60 students. Each student were interviewed to join the Drama Club. So
B.Sc 5 people, B.A. 9 people, B,Com 11 people, M.A. 16 people, M.Com 19 people. It was
expected that 12 students from each class would join the Drama Club. So using the K-S test
to find if there is any difference among student classes with regard to the intention of joining
the Drama Club, let us check that.
(Refer Slide Time: 33:18)

What is the null hypothesis. There is no difference among students of different streams with
respect to their intention of joining. So we want to say there is difference in the thought
process of people with B.Com degree and M.Com degree or a B.A. and B.Com we want to
compare. We develop the frequencies for the observed and the theoretical distributions.
(Refer Slide Time: 33:43)
So what it says is the number of students interested in joining observed is 5, 9, 11, 16, 19. Go
back so 5, 9, 1, same thing right. What is the theoretical since there are 60 people and there
are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 so 5 groups, so we will divided it by 60, 60/5 = 12 for each. So what is my
observed frequency, 5/60, 14/60; how 5+9 right, 14/60; then 14+11, 25/60; then 41/60; 60/60
okay. What is my theoretical distribution now 12/60, 24, 36, 48, 60. Now we will take the
difference between these 2, this and this. So what it gives, 12-5, 7/60; 24-14, 10/60; 36-25,
11/60; 48-41, 7/60; this is 0 right.
(Refer Slide Time: 34:36)

So if you calculate the maximum now difference, it is where, where is the maximum
difference, this one 11/60, so this is the maximum difference 11/60 which is equal to 0.183.
The table value of D at 5% significance level is given by this is the formula. So 1.36 √n,
which is coming at 0.175. Now you see your calculated value was 0.183, your table value is
0.175, so what will you do? Since table value is less than the calculated value, the null
hypothesis is rejected.

So since the calculated value is greater than critical value, we reject the null hypothesis and
conclude that there is a difference among students or different streams in the intention of
joining the club. Well, I hope this is a very simple test but very powerful test it can be
utilized. All these tests of non-parametric tests that I have tried to explain you and make it as
clear as possible to my extent of knowledge, for my level what I can think of, but non-
parametric tests are not to be taken lightly.

They have a very important role because many a times in life the data does not behave
normally. So in such a condition, the best thing is to go for a non-parametric test and draw
your research inferences okay. Thank you so much.

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