FDR Related and EGT Related Info
FDR Related and EGT Related Info
FDR Related and EGT Related Info
The first part of this paper describes the implementation of a Flight Data Monitoring (FDM) database in the Analysis Ground
Station (AGS) software for decoding recorded data on an Airbus A310. The results for a selection of recorded parameters are
analysed and the procedure that computes the flight phase is described. The second part of the paper describes the study
and implementation of algorithms for performance trend monitoring of PW4000-100 engines. Two tools were developed using
the R programming language. The first tool is responsible for the acquisition of stability points in cruise from recorded flight
data using specific conditions and criteria and, after validation, it was implemented in AGS. The second one uses the stability
points from the flights processed in AGS to derive engine baseline models and calculate the performance trends with respect
to these models. The engine parameter data is corrected using the inlet temperature and pressure and the performance
characteristics of the engines are displayed for standard day conditions. The engine baselines are composed by linear
regression models adjusted to the data obtained from the flights after the engines return from shop visits. The trend
re and confirmed the potential of the
Keywords: Flight Data, Condition-Based Maintenance, Engine Condition Monitoring, Performance Trends, Corrected Gas
Turbine Parameters, Stability Points
information transmitted.
SDI: Bits 10 and 9 form a two-bit code that gives the
Source/Destination Identifier (or SDI). This is used to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 bits
identify the receiver to which the information is destined Figure 2.4 Frame, Subframe and Word
when there are multiple receivers. It is also used to
identify the source of the transmission or, in some cases, Bit one corresponds to the Least Significant Bit (LSB) and
for transmission of data. is transmitted first, while bit 12 is the MSB and the last to
Label: Bits 8 to 1 contain a label identifying the data type be transmitted. By having information about the
of the 32-bit word and the parameters associated with it. subframe(s), word(s) and bit(s) it is possible to locate the
A label is assigned to each parameter that is transmitted parameter recordings in the frame. This information,
are together with the parameter ARINC 429 characteristics
listed in the ARINC 429 specification [4] and are and the recorded bits, provides the necessary tools to
represented as octal numbers. compute its value from the recorded flight data. ARINC 429 Data Types Regular Frame
BCD (Binary Coded Decimal): Figure 2.2 displays the Most parameters are recorded at least once every four
general format of a BCD word. The data field in a BCD seconds, i.e., in every frame. The recording rate of a
word contains up to five sub-fields, which represent regular frame parameter is directly related with the
different decimal digits. The SSM field gives the sign. number of times that parameter appears in the dataframe.
If the parameter is recorded once per second (1 Hz), it
appears once per subframe and a total of four times per
frame. The parameters can be output at lower rates of 1/4
Figure 2.2 General BCD Word Format [3] Hz or 1/2 Hz, and appear in one or two subframes,
Four bits are allocated to each digit, except for the most respectively. When a parameter is recorded at rates
significant sub-field, which encodes the digit with 3 bits higher than 1 Hz, there are various samples per subframe
only. and each one is called an instance of the parameter.
BNR (Binary): The BNR format stores the data as a Superframe
binary number. The general format and fields are The superframe parameters have a recording rate of 1/64
represented in figure 2.5. Bit 29 is the sign bit and bit 28 is Hz and appear once every 16 frames. Superframe
the most significant bit of the data field. Negative numbers parameters are recorded on dedicated words within a
are encoded complement format. Bit 28
represents half of the maximum value (range) of the significant bits (12 to 9) of the superframe contain a
parameter, bit 27 represents 1/4 of the range, etc. counter that is incremented at the end of each frame.
change throughout a flight or that does not change as
Figure 2.3 General BNR Word Format [3] frequently as the accelerations, speeds, etc.
Discrete: The Discrete type of data is used whenever the 2.2 ATA 31 Recording Systems: Aircraft
parameter can be encoded with only one bit. The discrete Integrated Data System (AIDS)
data is accommodated in the unused pad bits of data The main function of the Aircraft Integrated Data System
words or in dedicated words, which can store up to 19 (AIDS) of the Airbus A310-325 is to convert the various
different parameters. critical (including the mandatory) parameters into a
2.1.2 ARINC 717/573 Protocol recordable format and to record them on a Flight Data
The ARINC 717 protocol was created to describe the Recorder (FDR). The aircraft from which the data will be
equipment and installation standards capable of meeting decoded and analyzed is fitted with a Basic AIDS
mandatory flight data recording requirements prescribed composed by the following equipment:
by the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) and other A Digital Flight Data Acquisition Unit (DFDAU);
aviation authorities. A Digital Flight Data Recorder (DFDR); Data Frame Description A three-axis linear accelerometer (L.A.);
A Control Panel (C.P.);
The format in which the data is stored in the different A Quick Access Recorder (QAR).
recording units on-board the A310-325 aircraft is specified
by the ARINC 717 protocol. The stream of data
Air Transport Association of America
: Basic AIDS
: Optional
Figure 2.5 AIDS Architecture
The DFDAU acquires, conditions and processes the
aircraft parameters coming from the several sensors and
on-board computers [5]. The DFDAU then transmits the Figure 3.1 Regular parameter: Pitch Angle (PITCH)
required parameters to the DFDR in the format specified 3.2.2 Superframe Parameters
by the ARINC 717/573 protocol at a rate of 64 12-bit The frame recorded in the QAR also accomodates 4
words per second. The DFDR, commonly known as the superframes. To decode the superframe parameters it
, is designed to withstand the conditions likely was first necessary to define the location of the
to be encountered in an aircraft crash. The DFDR has the superframe words and the corresponding location of the
ability to store data collected during up to 25 hours of counters. In total, 31 of these parameters were added to
flight and when it reaches its maximum capacity the the dataframe and they all have a period of 1/64 Hz,
oldest data is overwritten by the new data. which means that they are only updated every 64
The DFDAU sends a copy of the DFDR data frame to the seconds.
QAR, which records the data on a magneto-optical disk.
The QAR is located in the avionics compartment and not 4. Decoding Results and Flight Phase
in rear of the aircraft close to the tail cone like the DFDR Computation Procedure
and is used by maintenance personnel acquire the
After programming and validating the dataframe in
mandatory parameter recordings.
database version 10079, the flight data from several
3. Dataframe Programming flights performed by the A310-325 aircraft was decoded
and analyzed. Some procedures that compute new
The flight data reading and processing tasks are carried
parameters from the recorded data were also
at computer ground stations by a flight data analysis tool:
implemented to the database, allowing an improved flight
the Analysis Ground Station (AGS) from SAGEM. AGS is
data analysis. In this section, examples of decoding
capable of decoding the data frames recorded in the
results are presented and the implementation of the Flight
ARINC 717/573 format containing the flight parameters.
Phase Computation procedure is discussed.
AGS works on a Database basis, which is the
configuration used to perform the flight data analysis for a 4.1 Results for Recorded Parameters
particular aircraft or fleet of aircraft. A new database Figure 4.1 displays the evolution of the pressure altitude
version was implemented containing the necessary or Standard Altitude (ALT_STD) as a function of the
information to decode the flight data recorded in the QAR current Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). This is the altitude
of the Airbus A310-325. in the International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) [6] with
3.1 Parameter Implementation the same pressure as the part of the atmosphere in which
the aircraft is flying. The profile shows some spikes during
Before the parameters are allocated to their respective
the climb and descent phases of the flight. This situation
word slots, the information regarding their ARINC 429
is corrected via an additional procedure that calculates
characteristics needs to be inserted in AGS. A total of 219
the Standard Corrected Altitude (ALT_STDC), ensuring a
parameters from various signal types were implemented:
smooth profile as depicted in the same figure.
172 coming from the digital buses of the aircraft in the
ARINC 429 format, 37 discretes and 10 analog
parameters. All these parameters are mandatory.
3.2 Dataframe Construction
3.2.1 Regular Parameters
The majority of the parameters are recorded in the regular
frame. The regular frame parameters can be added to the
dataframe structure by means of a dialogue window
similar to the one displayed in figure 3.1. The dataframe is
represented in the bottom part of the window word, bits
and subframes - and allows the user to visualize and
select the location of the parameter in the word slots.
Each parameter can contain up to three parts, which need Figure 4.1 Altitude, Pitch and Angle of Attack results
to be allocated separately. The recording rate for each The evolution of the Pitch Angle (PITCH) and the Angle of
part must be defined. AGS will use the ARINC 429 data Attack (AOAL) is also presented in figure 4.1. During most
bits information for each part to compute the correct of the climb the Pitch Angle is kept at a higher angle than
parameter values. For parameters with several instances the Angle of Attack, resulting in a positive Flight Path
in each subframe, it is only necessary to select the Angle and an ascending trajectory. The opposite occurs
location of one of them. AGS will automatically assign the during the descent. In cruise, the Pitch Angle and the
location of the remaining instances. Angle of Attack have approximately the same value and
during this phase the trajectory is horizontal. The biggest
difference between these two parameters occurs in the
final moments of the flight before Landing, when the computed from the Flap and Slat position recordings
Angle of Attack is much higher than the Pitch Angle. selected with the Flap and Slat Control Lever.
4.2 Additional Procedures: Flight Phase The results of the implementation are represented in
figure 4.17, which shows the evolution of the
FLIGHT_PHASE parameter throughout a selected long-
The Flight Phase Computation procedure is of extreme haul flight. The transitions between the flight phases occur
importance for the flight analysis. This procedure in the correct order defined in table 4.1. The transitions to
computes the Flight Phase based on several recorded higher flights levels in cruise are indicated by the periods
and computed on ground parameters. The Flight Phase where the FLIGHT_PHASE transitions from Cruise (8) to
parameter (FLIGHT_PHASE) is used in a variety of Climb (7) and then back to Cruise (8). The aircraft does
maintenance and flight operations related procedures and not go through a Rejected Take-Off (4) or a Go-Around
is also mandatory for the correct separation of each flight (13), as expected in normal operation. Results similar to
contained in a media. those in the figure below were encountered for the other
4.2.1 Flight Phases Definition flights and demonstrate the correct implementation of the
The procedure was implemented based on the definition procedure and its usefulness to the analysis.
from SAGEM that includes a total of 14 flight phases [7],
similarly to what happens in the databases for TAP fleet.
Nr. Phase Nr. Phase
1 Engine Stopped 8 Cruise
2 Taxi-Out 9 Descent
3 Take-Off 10 Approach
4 Rejected Take-Off 11 Final Approach
5 2nd Segment 12 Landing
6 Initial Climb 13 Go-Around
7 Climb 14 Taxi-In
Table 4.1 SAGEM Flight Phases
Powerplant Engineering
Satellite G/S
Radio G/S
Figure 5.1 Engine data acquisition processes at TAP As the engine accumulates flight cycles its performance
deteriorates due to several reasons: dust/dirt ingestion
The most efficient method for automatic data acquisition and accumulation on the turbine and compressor blades,
consists of transmitting the in-flight recorded data to increasing tip clearances on the compressor and turbine
ground stations via ACARS (Aircraft Communications blades, erosion of the airfoils, hot section oxidation, etc.
Addressing and Reporting System). Although the cost of Slow Drifts represent the gradual deterioration of the
using ACARS is higher when compared to the other performance of the engine that is caused by these factors.
methods, there is the added benefit of making the Step Shifts indicate mechanical changes in the engines
information immediately accessible to the engineers, who that may propagate to failure and lead to the occurrence
can conduct real-time/near real-time assessments and of incidents, such as in-flight shutdowns and aborted take-
plan in advance any required maintenance actions to be offs. The effective monitoring of the cruise trends helps to
undertaken on the aircraft, thereby optimizing the time on minimize the risks associated with unexpected engine
the ground. The major disadvantage of manual data failures, which result in unscheduled engine removals with
acquisition processes is that it can take a long time from additional maintenance costs to the airline, and to avoid
the moment the recordings are executed to the moment
when they are analyzed. checking the performance delta parameters against
Once the data is available it is interpreted by ECM potential problem limits.
software, typically provided by the Original Equipment
Manufacturers (OEM) of the engines. The primary 5.4.2 EGT Margin
function of the software tools is to perform parameter To meet aircraft performance requirements, engines are
trend monitoring. This is the primary process used by designed to provide a constant Thrust up to a designated
. Flat Rate Temperature (FRT). Below this temperature the
Thrust is limited by software. When the Outside Air
5.3 Engine Parameter Measurements Temperature (OAT) is lower than the FRT, the EGT is
There are two types of parameters used for monitoring less than the limit. This limit is called the EGT Red Line
gas turbine engine condition [12]: the mechanical and is demonstrated during endurance tests required for
parameters and the performance parameters. The first engine certification [14]. When OAT is higher than FRT,
group of parameters includes the engine vibrations and oil the fuel flow has to be reduced in order to keep the EGT
temperature and pressure. These parameters are not below the limit and protect the turbine hardware.
significantly influenced by the flight conditions and engine The EGT Margin is an estimate of the difference between
thrust setting, contrary to the performance parameters. the certified EGT Red Line and a projection of the engine
Today, most of the airliners in operation are equipped with EGT to full (non-derated) take-off reference conditions.
turbofan engines. They produce lower noise levels than The observed/recorded peak EGT during the take-off is
earlier generation jet engines and have considerably projected to the reference condition of full take-off power,
improved fuel economy. The key performance parameters on a FRT day at sea level. This projected temperature
in a turbofan engine are the EPR, the Low-pressure rotor represents the expected EGT if the take-off actually
speed or Fan speed (N1), the High-pressure rotor speed occurred with the reference conditions.
or Core speed (N2), the Exhaust gas temperature (EGT) The EGT Margin is routinely used to monitor the health of
and the Fuel Flow (FF). the engines, together with the trends from the cruise
5.4 Parameter Trend Monitoring performance parameter deltas. EGT Margin can be used
to forecast the remaining time of the engine on the wing
Parameter trend monitoring is the process in which the in-
flight results are processed and then compared to a 2
Temperature: 288.15 K, Pressure: 1013.25 hPa (Sea-level ISA
baseline model of how the engine is expected to perform atmospheric conditions)
by predicting the point at which the margin will be 6.2.1 Observation Window and Stable Frame
completely eroded. A period of time identified as a stability point is called in
6. Study of Algorithms for ECM Trend the A330-223 aircraft a Stable Frame and has a duration
of 100 seconds. Before searching for stable frames, there
Monitoring are some conditions that need to be verified first. They
The main objective of this work is the development of are used to avoid report triggering in flight phases where
algorithms for performance trend analysis of engines. The the parameters are of no interest and are called the Basic
methodology presented in this section and the next relies Conditions. When the Basic Conditions are met, the DMU
only on recorded flight data to derive the engine baseline searches for stable frames. It looks to the parameter data
models and determine its deterioration levels. The in each 100 seconds of flight and then computes the
objective is to use this approach in complement to the difference between the maximum and minimum values
trend monitoring tools s software. and compares it to .
6.1 Case Study: PW4168A Engine This first method of searching stable frames consists of
performing computations for each individual 100 seconds
The studies were conducted on the PW4168A engine, observation window in the flight. Individual means that
-223 aircraft. It is a dual rotor each window is independent from the others, covering
(two spool), axial flow turbofan engine with separate data from different periods of time. The second method
primary and fan duct exhaust systems. The engine uses a gliding window, where the observation window
delivers a maximum static take-off thrust of 68,600 lbs. at advances seconds. If is small (e.g. 1 second) the
sea level conditions and has a bypass ratio of 4.9. number of observation windows considered for the stable
Figure 6.1 identifies the different Gas Path configuration frame search increases significantly. The A330-
areas on the PW4168A engine and the Engine Stations. DMU searches for the best stable frame using a gliding
The latter correspond to location points in the engine gas window method with an advancing front of 20 seconds
The ( ). In the algorithm developed, the advance in the
EPR is the ratio of the turbine discharge total pressure gliding window is equal to the period with which the flights
(Station 4.95) to the compressor inlet total pressure were exported from AGS.
(Station 2). The EGT is the total temperature of the low
6.2.2 Quality Number
pressure discharge gas flow (Station 4.95).
If several stability points are identified it is necessary to
have a consistent procedure that selects the best of them.
Stability points are selected based on the quality number
[15]. The Engine Quality Number (QE), is the sum of each
of the individual quality numbers of the stable frame
parameters and is computed using the following formula:
(6.7) 3
Due to TAP confidentiality policies, the A/C tails correspond to
fictitious registrations, which do not exist at the date this work
was done.
from the measured and the baseline points yields the
delta parameter.
Performance Measured Point
Parameter (Corrected Data)
Baseline Point
Corrected Baseline
y=b0+b1x (Adjusted for Bleed and Pack Selection)
Definition of the
Engine Baseline Model
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