Akathist Hymn To ST Joseph

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Akathist Hymn to St.


O holy and righteous Joseph! While yet on earth, you did have boldness before the Son
of God, Who was well pleased to call you His father, in that you were the betrothed of
His Mother, and Who was well pleased to be obedient to you. We believe that as you do
dwell now in the heavenly mansions with the choirs of the righteous, you are listened to,
in all that you do request from our God and Savior.

Therefore, fleeing to your protection and defense, we beg and humbly entreat you: as
you, yourself, were delivered from a storm of doubting thoughts, so also deliver us that
are tempest-tossed by the waves of confusion and passions; as you did shield the
all-Pure Virgin from the slanders of men, so shield us from all kinds of vehement
calumny; as you did keep the incarnate Lord from all harm and affliction, so also by
your defense preserve His Church and all of us from all affliction and harm.

You know, O Saint of God, that even the Son of God had bodily needs in the days of His
incarnation, and you did attend to them. Therefore, we beseech you: tend, yourself, to
our temporal needs through your intercession, granting us every good thing, which is
needful in this life (for the sake of life of the age to come).

Especially, do we entreat you to intercede that we may receive remission of our sins
from Him Who was called your Son, the only-begotten Son of God, our Lord Jesus
Christ, and be worthy of inheriting the Kingdom of Heaven, so that, abiding with you in
the heavenly mansions, we may ever glorify the One God in three Persons: the † Father,
the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and for ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Litany of St. Joseph
Lord, have mercy. Joseph most faithful,
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy. Mirror of patience,
Christ, hear us. Lover of poverty,
Christ, graciously hear us. Model of workmen,
Glory of home life,
God our Father in heaven, Guardian of virgins,
have mercy on us. Pillar of families,
God the Son, Solace of the afflicted,
Redeemer of the world, Hope of the sick,
have mercy on us. Patron of the dying,
God the Holy Spirit, Terror of demons,
have mercy on us. Protector of Holy Church,

Holy Trinity, One God, Lamb of God, you take away the sins
have mercy on us. of the world, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins
Holy Mary, pray for us. of the world, have mercy on us.
St. Joseph, Lamb of God, you take away the sins
Noble son of the House of David, of the world, have mercy on us.
Light of patriarchs,
Husband of the Mother of God, V. God made him master of his
Guardian of the Virgin, household,
Foster father of the Son of God, R. And put him in charge of all that
Guardian of virgins, he owned.

Faithful guardian of Christ, Let us pray:

Head of the Holy Family,
Joseph, chaste and just, O God,
Joseph, prudent and brave, who in your inexpressible
Joseph, obedient and loyal, providence were pleased to choose
Pattern of patience, Saint Joseph as spouse of the most
holy Mother of your Son,
Joseph most just, grant, we pray, that we, who revere
Joseph most chaste, him as our protector on earth, may
Joseph most prudent, be worthy of his heavenly
Joseph most valiant, intercession.
Joseph most obedient, Through Christ our Lord. Amen

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