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Synopsis Depot Management

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(i) Title of the Project.


(ii) Introduction and Objectives of the Project.

The bus depot management system is efficient,secure ,simple way of maintaining the
information of employees working in bus stand .It keeps the record of bus no. and provides
the no. of trips by a bus in a day. It provides the information about the time taken by us
from one city to other. It will surely help the bus stand management in a user friendly way.
The creation of database will also help in reducing the duplicacy of data and chance of
mistake in manual system. The database will hepl in maintaining accuracy and quality of
record keeping. It will also help in faster retrival of data and updation of information.
It automates the employee registration. Because its very difficult to keep the record of
employees on paper without any error.

• This software helps to maintain the records of buses at different routes and depots. It registers
the category and unique no. of the bus. According to the category fare between two stops
is fixed.

• As we all know there are many rare software on bus management System.So its a good
attempt. Because of computerized system it reduces the duplicacy in keeping the records
of buses and employees

• It also helps to punctuate the bus management system.

Existing system

 In Manual system records related to passengers are maintained in books or


 Employees need to visit depot to submit Leave Requests.

 The data security and data accessing is very slow.

 It is more difficult to share information throughout the business and leads to

more cumbersome process.

 Increases the possibility of human error.

 Searching for a record takes more time in manual system.

 If bus gets some problem between route its difficult to get contact with
nearest depot mechanic on urgent basis.
Proposed System Overview:

• It gives facility to manage all employee records.

• It provides complete automated operations.

• Makes Leave Management system very simple and accounted.

• It is very fast in accessing a record from the database. No need to search the entire

(iii) Project Category: RDMS

(iv) Tools/Platform, Hardware and Software Requirement specifications.


PROCESSOR Core i3 or Higher

RAM 2 GB or more


PROCESSOR Core i5 or higher

RAM 2 GB or more

HARD DISK 250 GB and above


OPERATING Windows 10/Linux




WAMP Server

IDE Dreamveawer, Android Studio

(v) Problem Definition, Requirement Specifications (Detailed functional

Requirements and Technical Specifications), Project Planning and
Scheduling (Gantt chart and PERT chart).

 This is a software on bus depot management system aimed at catering to the

automation of all major day to day activities that need to be carried out in an ordinary
bus stand . This software consists of modules such as login module, employee
details,route management module,bus detail etc.
 The login module is the first module which is visible to the user on starting the
software. Here the user has to provide the user name and password which is provided
to the employee by the admin and access to various other modules is provided based
on the category of the employee which is verified during login.
 The employee module further has forms for automating employee registration. This
module keeps the records of all employee working in different departments.
 The bus detail module is the major module of the project. Every bus has a category
and a unique number associated with it. This project keeps the records of all buses at
the depot. It tells about the fare and seats of the bus.
 The trip module contains the form about trip information.This module specifies the
no. of trips by a bus in a day. The form contains bus no.,trip no.,route no.,starting time
of trip and end time.
 The route module is important module of the project. It provides the information
between the two locations.From which depot the bus starts and where it stops.Here it
gives information about the route between two cities.The form contains bus no., bus
type,bus depot,from city,to city,distance between two cities and the most important it
describes the path of the bus .

(vi) Scope of the solution.

This project is a one of the very few of its kind software which caters to the day to
day activities bus depot Management therefore there is a huge need for software like
this in the field of Transportation. Already even though this is a low level project I
still have two commercial orders for this software even before the project is ready for
implementation thus one can easily guess the urgent need for cheap and efficient
softwares like this one in the trasportation field for management of bus stand all over.
and thus there is a huge potential market for this software. This software can be used
by bus management for keeping detailed employee histories and buses records along
with thier trip and route no. to make their work simpler and more efficient. This
software has been made taking into consideration the requirements of the bus stand .

(vii)Analysis (Data Models like 0, 1 and 2 level DFDs, Complete ER Diagrams

with cardinality, Activity Diagram, Class Diagrams, State Diagrams etc. as
per the project requirements).

0Level DFD

Bus Details
Update Details 0.0
DRIVER/COND Manage Users
UCTOR Leaves User Details
Payment Update Status
Received T
Service Details
Level 1 DFD

Leave Details Get Details

Leave Updated
2.0 Manage
Leave Admin
DUCTOR Schedule
Leave Granted Allotment

Update Service Details

Service Order 3.0

Service Verifies Decisions

(viii) A complete Database and tables detail with Primary and

Foreign keys, and proper constraints in the fields (as per project

Type Null Key Default Extra

username varchar(25) NO PRI NULL
password varchar(50) NO   NULL
user_type varchar(60) NO   NULL
hint_qtn varchar(60) NO   NULL
hint_ans varchar(60) NO   NULL
Table structure for employee_details
Field Type Nu Constraints Extra
employee_id int(10) N PRIMARY KEY auto_inc
O rement
first_name varchar(20) N    
last_name varchar(20) N    
gender ENUM(‘Male’,’Female’) N    
address varchar(160) N    
Dob DATE N    
mobile_no BIGINT N    
mail_id varchar(200) N    
designation_id Int(11) N FOREIGN KEY
O REFERENCES(designation)

Table structure for table routes_details

Field Type Null Constraints Extra
route_id int(10) NO PRIMARY KEY auto_increment
via varchar(30) NO    
source varchar(20) NO    
destination varchar(20) NO    

Table structure for table timings_details

Field Type Null Constraints Extra
timing_id int(10) NO PRIMARY KEY auto_increment
bus_id int(10) NO  FOREIGN KEY  
Field Type Null Constraints Extra
route_id int(10) NO   FOREIGN KEY  
driver_id int(10) NO   FOREIGN KEY  
conductor_id int(10) NO   FOREIGN KEY  
arrival Time NO    
departure Time NO    

Table structure for table bus_details

Field Type Null Constraints Extra
bus_id int(10) NO PRIMARY KEY auto_increment
bus_number varchar(20) NO  
bus_color varchar(10) NO  
model int(10) NO  
Table structure for table designation

Field Type Null Constraints Extra

designation_id int(10) NO PRIMARY KEY auto_increment

designation varchar(60) NO

Table structure for table levave_types

Field Type Null Constraints Extra
leave_type_id int(10) NO PRIMARY KEY auto_increment
leave_type varchar NO  
available_leaves int(10) NO  

Table structure for table leave_requests

Field Type Null Constraints Extra
lr_id int(10) NO PRIMARY auto_increment
employee_id int(10) NO  
leave_type_id int(10) NO  
from_date int(10) NO  
to_date DATE NO
leave_days Int(11) No
Field Type Null Constraints Extra
leave_status ENUM(‘pending’,’accepted’,’rejected No

(x) A complete structure which includes:


As this system is designed for the Transportation Industry we need Admin entry, Employee
details,Bus details,Route and Timings, and service details like Bus pass , Tour packages etc.


• Admin overlook over the services provided.

• Pass and Package request can be analysed.

• Receiving problems faced by passenger in terms of complaints.

• A neat record of all the registered passengers and employees working.

 Administrator:

Admin must have privileges to this application for managing requests, complaints
received by passengers and Employees and process them. Admin must have
knowledge of the computer and internet. Admin should have the knowledge about
updating every detail to the database.

• Bus details:
Bus is very important entity in BTS all the details related to bus maintained. IT gives
detailed information about Bus number, to which particular wing it belongsto etc.

• Employee details:
Employee details like Drivers, Conductors, Mechanics, Helpers all employee details
managed here.

• Service Request:
Includes requests made by registered passengers to avail bus passes and tour
Admin views the request received by passengers and grant them or reject.

• Routes, Timings:
Includes details of buses travel in particular routes with their respective timings. In
Timing details like bus number, driver name, conductor name, arrival and departure
are shown.

• Leave Management:
Employees leave management process is implemented in this application.

 Process Logic of each module.


Driver Details OUTPUT

Conductor Details EMPLOYEE REPORT
Mechanic Details Management ROUTES REPORT
Bus Details Bus Management BUS REPORT
Route Details Routes Management LEAVE REPORT
Leave Types Leave Management
Leave Requests

 Implementation methodology

(xi) List of reports that are likely to be generated.

 Employees Report
 Bus Report
 Leave Report
 Overall Report
(xii)Overall network architecture (if required for your project)

(xiii) Implementation of security mechanisms at various levels

Only Registered users can access the system

Users Will be provided with privileges and permissions to access parts of the application

There are many types of testing like

 Unit Testing
 Integration Testing
 Functional Testing
 System Testing
 Stress Testing
 Performance Testing
 Usability Testing
 Acceptance Testing
 Regression Testing
 Beta Testing  
Unit Testing

Unit testing is the testing of an individual unit or group of related units. It falls
under the class of white box testing. It is often done by the programmer to test
that the unit he/she has implemented is producing expected output against given

Integration Testing

Integration testing is testing in which a group of components are combined to

produce output. Also, the interaction between software and hardware is tested in
integration testing if software and hardware components have any relation. It
may fall under both white box testing and black box testing. 
Functional Testing

Functional testing is the testing to ensure that the specified functionality

required in the system requirements works. It falls under the class of black box

System Testing

System testing is the testing to ensure that by putting the software in different
environments (e.g., Operating Systems) it still works. System testing is done
with full system implementation and environment. It falls under the class of
black box testing. 

Stress Testing

Stress testing is the testing to evaluate how system behaves under unfavorable
conditions. Testing is conducted at beyond limits of the specifications. It falls
under the class of black box testing. 

Performance Testing

Performance testing is the testing to assess the speed and effectiveness of the
system and to make sure it is generating results within a specified time as in
performance requirements. It falls under the class of black box testing. 

Usability Testing

Usability testing is performed to the perspective of the client, to evaluate how

the GUI is user-friendly? How easily can the client learn? After learning how to
use, how proficiently can the client perform? How pleasing is it to use its
design? This falls under the class of black box testing.

Acceptance Testing

Acceptance testing is often done by the customer to ensure that the delivered
product meets the requirements and works as the customer expected. It falls
under the class of black box testing.

Regression Testing

Regression testing is the testing after modification of a system, component, or a

group of related units to ensure that the modification is working correctly and is
not damaging or imposing other modules to produce unexpected results. It falls
under the class of black box testing.
Beta Testing
Beta testing is the testing which is done by end users, a team outside
development, or publicly releasing full pre-version of the product which is
known as beta version. The aim of beta testing is to cover unexpected
errors. It falls under the class of black box testing.

(xiv) Future scope and further enhancement of the project.

• The developed web application which can be easily modified for further
• This system can be extended to many different types of company.
• Ability to filter certain documents requested by the clients.
• This system reduces the manual work.
• Any additional modules can be added.
• Mailing and messaging services for all the end users.
• Enhanced features like GPS, Android application can be developed

(xv) Bibliography.


1. “Software Engineering”,by Ian Somerville, Sixth

Edition, Pearson Education Ltd 2007.
2. “Web Programming”, by ‘Chris Bates’ Wiley Dreamtech
India, 2nd Edition.
3. IEEE SRS Format.
4. Database Management Systems,byNavathe.


1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PHP for Php.

2. http://www.w3schools.com for Php

3. http://www.mysql.com/click.php?e=35050 for MySql

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