Series: MX Multi-Sensor
Series: MX Multi-Sensor
Series: MX Multi-Sensor
MX Multi-Sensor
Detection Range
• Compatible with MX Addressable Loop on
VIGILANT MX1 and MX4428 panels
• Smoke/Heat/CO Multi-Sensor detectors
• AS 1603.1 Listing (heat detectors)
• AS 1603.2 Listing (smoke detectors)
• AS 7240.6 Listing (CO detectors)
AR Each detector is identified by
- a unique label on the top, as
+ shown:
L1 L1 L1
R R R 814PH 814I
L2 L2 L2
M + M 814P
M 814CH
E500 Mk2 4B-I 4B-C
The MX CIE can be programmed to illuminate a Remote Indicator for detectors in alarm other than the detector base to which the
Indicator can be programmed to illuminate a Remote Indicator for detectors in alarm other than the detector base to which tyco
is connected. the Indicator is connected.
The 814 series of detectors are not suitable for use where they may allowing wiring testing etc. Note that insulation testing must not
be exposed to condensing moisture, mist or water spray. When be done when isolator bases are used. Depressing the plunger at
mounting on a damp surface or narrow beams where condensation the side of the base allows the detector to be rotated back into
may enter the rear of the detector, the deckhead mounting base its operating position. Although the 814CH has an expected life in
4B-DHM (part no. 517.050.051) or similar should be used. The excess of 10 years, in order for the 814CH to provide the intended
814CH should not be positioned where high localised levels of CO level of fire detection, the detector should be checked for calibration
may normally occur, e.g. indoor car parks, warehouses. The 814H 5 years after installation or within 7 years of the date of manufacture.
Heat detector may be more appropriate. Installation of all detectors
Applications Warning In many fires, hazardous levels of smoke and
should be carried out in accordance with AS 1670.1/NZS 4512. Cable
toxic gas can build up before a heat detection device will initiate an
penetrations should be sealed when positive or negative pressures
alarm. In cases where life safety is a factor, the use of smoke and/
in ceiling spaces may affect the performance or contaminate the
or CO detection is highly recommended. Heat detectors are not
installed detectors.
considered to provide life safety protection and are generally used
Maintenance And Service where property protection is desired, but smoke or CO detectors
The Tyco MX addressable system should be maintained in accordance cannot be used. Typical heat detector applications are satisfied by
with AS 1851/NZS 4512. The Tyco X330 Smoke Tester, X461 Heat the use of rate-of-rise and fixed temperature electronic detectors.
Tester and CO Test Gas (part no. 517.001.262) may be used for testing The addition of rate-of-rise operation provides faster heat detection
in-situ. Rotating the detector anticlockwise past an indent to the park for use where temperature fluctuations are controlled and less than
position disconnects the detector from the circuit whilst still retaining 6°C/min. Where temperatures may fluctuate more quickly, use fixed
it in the base, temperature detection only (Type B or Type D).
Australia Level 3, 95 Coventry Street Southbank VIC 3006 Tel: 1300 725 688 Tel: +61 3 9313 9700 Email:
New Zealand 17 Mary Muller Drive Hillsborough PO Box 19-545 Woolston Christchurch 8241 Tel: +64 9 635 0617 Email:
VIGILANT, a respected regional brand of Johnson Controls, is a technology leader in the Australian and New Zealand fire detection markets with AS and NZS product approvals. The VIGILANT product line
includes a comprehensive range of MX TECHNOLOGY fire detection products and the market-leading QE90 voice evacuation systems. VIGILANT product is widely supported throughout Australia and New
Zealand by a network of installation companies, service companies and distributors.
© 2017 Johnson Controls. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision date and are subject to change without notice.
814INFVIG1708 August 2017