Project Topic Proposal Topic: Python Based Job Scouting Portal
Project Topic Proposal Topic: Python Based Job Scouting Portal
Project Topic Proposal Topic: Python Based Job Scouting Portal
Finding jobs that best suits the interests and skill set is quite a challenging task for the job seekers.
The difficulties arise from not having proper knowledge on the organization’s objective, their work
culture and current job openings. In addition, finding the right candidate with desired qualifications
to fill their current job openings is an important task for the recruiters of any organization. Online
Job Search Portals have certainly made job seeking convenient on both sides. Job Portal is the
solution where recruiter as well as the job seeker meet aiming at fulfilling their individual
requirement. They are the cheapest as well as the fastest source of communication reaching wide
The web application “Job Search Portal” provides an easy and convenient search application for the
job seekers to find their desired jobs and for the recruiters to find the right candidate. Job seekers
from any background can search for the current job openings. Job seekers can register with the
application and update their details and skill set. They can search for available jobs and apply to
their desired positions. Python, being open source has already made its mark in the web pplication
development. To make things handy, the user functionalities are developed as an a web application.
Employer can register with the application and posts their current openings. They can view the Job
applicants and can screen them according to the best fit. Users can provide a review about an
organization and share their interview experience, which can be viewed by the Employers.
The purpose of developing an Online Job Search Portal comes from my idea to make the job search
efficient and handy. It helps the recruiters as a primary source of talent search. It also helps the job
seekers to search for current vacancies at a single point. Therefore, we can say that Online Job
Search Portal act as a bridge of communication between organizations and applicants. With the
evolution of technology and internet being the main source of information for the applicants, these
job portals and have become an excellent method to reach wide range of audience. Initially, when I
am unaware of these portals, I used to do research about companies and their technology stack
through their respective websites and apply if the job responsibilities matches my interests. This
requires lots of effort and time. However, later when I realized the importance of job search portals,
I am able to access jobs in companies, locations that I might not otherwise have learned.
Existing Systems
The existing system for job recruitment includes traditional methods like Employment agencies,
advertising through newspapers, televisions and radios, college fairs etc., which are too slow and
stressful. With the advancement of internet, jobseekers rely on the online job portals, which makes
the job search efficient. Again, most of these are limited to the web/desktop applications, which
requires jobseekers to have a laptop or desktop connected to internet and is not handy.
Time consuming
Proposed System
Job Search Portal is a Python-based web application that provides functionalities of e-recruitment
on the desktop, on portable devices like Android based smart phones/tablets and iOS devices.
Job Search Portal is developed to provide an effective means for the employers to post job openings
with required qualification to have a better penetration into the job market and jobseekers to find
out the information regarding the current openings in the organization. In addition, Employers can
view the reviews provided by the applicants to make necessary improvements in their system
needed. Job search portal is a web based a application providing flexibility for the users.