Chapter Two Literature Review
Chapter Two Literature Review
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
It is concerned with the critical review of the related systems and technologies the required is focused on the justification and evaluation of the recruitment process and
technology selection. There are several systems which are related to the online job portal. Some of
the systems are operated manually. The systems are as follows, the job search engines/job websites,
social media, newspapers and advertisement, local employment agencies and the social websites
and advertisements. This systems show the job vacancies available, the qualifications which a
candidate needs to apply for the jobs and also how to apply for the jobs. Like the local employment
agencies shows the jobs which are available local. People who are not able to access the social
media and other job websites can access their local employment agencies easily and at any time.
Most of this systems are traditional systems.
The job website serve a large audiences. Various geographies and different areas of specifications.
CareerBuilder sites are found in 23 countries outside the U.S., and has a presence in over 60
markets. In 2011, CareerBuilder acquired Jobs Central in Singapore and JobScout24 Germany. In
2014, CareerBuilder acquired recruiting technology company Broad bean in the U.K
The Benefits
It generates leads which enables the campaign to be monitored effectively
It increases your visibility since your post appears at the top creating more awareness.
It is able to reach the engaged audience this is because many people use the social media several
times a day.
It targets the specific audiences because the people there post their profiles which tell a lot about
them, the business use the information to know the interests of their target. McDonald, P., &
Thompson, P. (2016).
The social media advertisement increase the brand awareness and customer loyalty.
It increases flexibility.