Laboratory Diagnosis of Bordetella Bronchiseptica

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Arhiv veterinarske medicine, Vol. 11, No.

2, 33 - 41, 2018
Milanov D. … et al.: Laboratory diagnosis of Bordetella bronchiseptica...

Case report UDK 636.7:[616.233-002:616-07


Dubravka Milanov1*, Milan Đilas2, Maja Velhner1, Nevenka Aleksić3
Scientific Veterinary Institute “Novi Sad“, Novi Sad, Serbia
Institute of Public Health of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Belgrade, University of Belgrade, Serbia


In the present paper the laboratory isolation and identification of Bor-

datella bronchiseptica, the causative agent of canine tracheobronhitis, is
described. A dog which suffered persistent cough, loss of appetite and fever
was previously unsucceffully treated with antibiotics, which is why nasal
swabs were taken and sent for microbiological assessment. The isolation of
the causative agent was performed on routinely used standard solid growth
mediums. The final identification of the isolate was done with MALDI-TOF
(matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization - time of flight) and real-time
PCR (polymerase chain reaction) assays. Therapy based on the results of
the antibiogram lead to successful recovery. The necessity of cooperation
of veterinary clinicians and veterinary microbiologists for timely and reli-
able identification of the microbe(s) and selection of antimicrobials based
on the results of the susceptibility testing is emphasized. The significance
of the collaboration between microbiological veterinary laboratories and
those dealing with human material is underlined. These can provide precise
identification of zoonotic agents.
Key words: Bordatella bronchiseptica, dog, tracheobronchitis, MAL-
DI TOF, real-time PCR

Corresponding author:

Arhiv veterinarske medicine, Vol. 11, No. 2, 33 - 41, 2018
Milanov D. … et al.: Laboratory diagnosis of Bordetella bronchiseptica...


Dubravka Milanov1*, Milan Đilas2, Maja Velhner1, Nevenka Aleksić3
Naučni institut za veterinarstvo „Novi Sad“, Novi Sad, Srbija
Institut za javno zdravlje Vojvodine, Novi Sad, Srbija
Fakultet veterinarske medicine Beograd, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Srbija

Kratak sadržaj

U ovom radu prikazujemo laboratorijsku izolaciju i identifikaciju Bor-

datella bronchiseptica, uzročnika traheobronhitisa psa. Pas koji je imao
uporan kašalj, ispoljavao gubitak apetita i imao hipertermiju, prethodno
je bez uspeha bio lečen antibioticima, zbog čega su brisevi nosa poslati
na mikrobiološki pregled. Izolacija uzročnika izvedena je na podlogama
koje se uobičajeno koriste u mikrobiološkim laboratorijama. Identifikacija
izolata do vrste izvedena je primenom MALDI-TOF (matrix-assisted laser
desorption/ionization - time of flight) i real-time PCR (polymerase chain
reaction) metoda. Posle primene terapije na osnovu antibiograma, pas je
uspešno izlečen. Istaknuta je neophodnost saradnje veterinara kliničara i
veterinarskih mikrobioloških laboratorija u cilju blagovremene i pouzdane
identifikacije uzročnika i odabira terapije na osnovu rezultata ispitivanja
osetljivosti izolata na antibiotike. Dodatno ukazujemo na značaj poveza-
nosti mikrobioloških laboratorija humane i veterinarske medicine u pre-
ciznoj identifikaciji zoonotskih agenasa.
Ključne reči: Bordatella bronchiseptica, pas, traheobronhitis, MALDI
TOF, real-time PCR


Bacterial species of the Bordetella genus are inhabitants of the respirato-

ry system in both healthy and diseased animals and humans (Markey et al.,
2013). The most infamous among these is B. pertussis, the primary aetiologi-
cal agent of whooping cough, which can also be caused by B. parapertussis. A
similar ailment in dogs is caused by B. bronchiseptica, and results in infectious
tracheobronchitis, which may attack any dog breed at any age (Ford, 2006).
In laymen it is referred to as kennel or canine cough and among profession-
als as canine croup. The etymology originates from the idea that it primarily
affects dogs dwelling in kennels (but also other places where there are many

Arhiv veterinarske medicine, Vol. 11, No. 2, 33 - 41, 2018
Milanov D. … et al.: Laboratory diagnosis of Bordetella bronchiseptica...

animals in limited areas), and that it resembles the synonymous childhood

diseases. The pathogen is transmitted by direct contact or via Flügge drop-
lets (Vieson et al., 2012), but contaminated fomites may also serve as a source
of infection (Datz, 2003). Following an incubation which lasts generally from
two days to two weeks, the infected dogs start coughing; in the beginning the
cough is a dry, paroxismal cough, but later transforms into productive, with
nasal discharge, conjunctivitis and fever (Shelton et al., 1977). The most severe
complications develop in young dogs due to the immaturity of their immune
systems. Aged animals, those with impaired immunity and pregnant bitches
are at higher risk. The disease may lead to tracheal collapse (Oskouizadeh et
al., 2011). B. bronchiseptica has been identified in rabbits with bronchopneu-
monia, causing even septicaemia, in cats, horses, guinea pigs and rats suffer-
ing from respiratory ailments, and as an opportunistic agent contributing to
atrophic rhinitis in pigs (Pittman, 1984; Datz, 2003). Although relatively rare
in humans, it was found in people with endocarditis, peritonitis, meningitis
and infected wounds, as well as in immunocompromised persons suffering
from respiratory infections (Hadley et al., 2009; Woolfrey and Moody, 1991).
Several virulence factors play role in the pathogenesis of respiratory infec-
tions which develop owing to B. bronchisepica. For example, fimbriae (FIM),
filamentous haemagglutinin (FHA) and pertactin (PTN) mediate the attach-
ment to specific receptors in the respiratory system (Datz, 2003). Since adhe-
sion is a prerequisite for invasion, flagella also may contribute to the adherence
to eukaryotic cells (Savelkoul et al., 1996). B. bronchiseptica (and B. avium)
are motile by peritrichous flagella (B. pertussis and B. parapertussis are non-
motile) (Markey et al., 2013).
Not unlike other gram-negative bacteria, the outer membrane of Bordetella
species contains a lipopolysaccharide endotoxin (Woolfrey and Moody, 1991).
In addition, they produce several toxins: tracheal cytotoxin (TCT), dermon-
ecrotic toxin (DNT), osteotoxin, and adenylate cyclase toxin (ACT) (Markey
et al., 2013). TCT disrupts ciliated cells (Cookson et al., 1989), DNT is capa-
ble of damaging tissues and suppresses both humoral and cellular immunity
(Magyar et al., 2000), ACT inhibits the phagocytic function of neutrophils and
macrophages (Datz, 2003) and ACT interferes with the activities of epithelial
cells (Woolfrey and Moody, 1991). Pertussis toxin (PTX) is an exoprotein pro-
duced only by B. pertussis, although the corresponding genes are found also in
B. parapertussis and B. bronchiseptica (Masin et al., 2015).

Arhiv veterinarske medicine, Vol. 11, No. 2, 33 - 41, 2018
Milanov D. … et al.: Laboratory diagnosis of Bordetella bronchiseptica...

Isolation and identification of B. bronchiseptica.

From a four-month-old dog with symptoms of respiratory disease samples

of nasal discharge were taken with two flexible nasal swabs. One sample was
sent to the laboratory of the Scientific Veterinary Institute “Novi Sad” for the
isolation of the microbes and the other was delivered to the Institute of Public
Health of Vojvodina to be subjected to real time-PCR (polymerase chain reac-
tion) assay.
On arrival, the nasal swab was streaked on to Columbia blood agar base
(CM0331, Oxoid, UK) with 5% defibrinated ovine blood and MacConkey agar
(CM0007, Oxoid, UK). The plates were incubated at 37oC in aerobic condi-
tions. After 24h of incubation, the blood agar was covered in very small (0.5-1
mm in diameter), convex, smooth, non-haemolytic colonies, which turned to
opaque in the next 24h (Figure 1. A). On the MacConkey agar plate (Figure 1.
B) the isolate gave rise to minute, pale colonies.

A. B.
Figure 1. Colonies of isolate on blood (A) and MacConkey agar (B) after 48h incuba-
tion at 37°C.

The isolate did not ferment carbohydrates (glucose, sucrose and arab-
inose), but was positive for catalase, urease and oxidase production, and cit-
rate utilization. When the slides were stained with Gram, small Gram-negative
coccobacilli were revealed with light microscopy. Based on these characters,
the isolate was identified as B. bronchiseptica, and was sent to the Institute of
Public Health for confirmation by MALDI TOF (matrix-assisted laser desorp-
tion/ ionization - time of flight).
The isolate was prepared using the standard Bruker’s direct transfer sample
preparation procedure for MALDI-TOF MS. A single bacterial colony was spot-

Arhiv veterinarske medicine, Vol. 11, No. 2, 33 - 41, 2018
Milanov D. … et al.: Laboratory diagnosis of Bordetella bronchiseptica...

ted directly onto a MALDI target plate (Bruker Daltonics, Germany), allowed to
dry and overlaid with 1.0 μL of matrix solution (Bruker Matrix HCCA; α-Cyano-
4-hydroxycinnamic acid). MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry was performed on
Microflex LT/SH Biotyper system (Bruker Daltonics, Germany) under the con-
trol of flexControl software ver. 3.4 (Bruker Daltonics, Germany) (Fig 2). Spectra
in the mass range of 2 to 20 kDa were collected by accumulating 240 laser shots
(laser frequency, 60 Hz; ion source 1 voltage, 20 kV; ion source 2 voltage, 18.15
kV; lens voltage, 6 kV) at 30–40% of maximum laser power.
Intens. [a.u.]





4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000


Figure 2. Spectra of Bordatella bronchiseptica isolate generated by MALDI-TOF

Bruker flexControl software.

RT-PCR. Bordetella species determination in the PCR with hybridization

fluorescent detection includes three stages: DNA extraction from the sam-
ples, PCR amplification of pathogen genome specific region and real-time hy-
bridization fluorescent detection. In real-time PCR, the amplified product is
detected with fluorescent dyes, linked to oligonucleotide probes which bind
specifically to the amplified product during thermocycling. DNA was extract-
ed with the DNA-Sorb-A kit (Sacace, Italy). Real-time PCR was done with a
commercial kit on SaCycler-96 system (Sacace, Italy). Bordetella pertussis /B.
parapertussis/ B. bronchiseptica Real-TM PCR kit is an in vitro nucleic acid
amplification test for detection and differentiation of these three species. It can
be used for both clinical materials (nasal and oropharyngeal swabs) and mi-

Arhiv veterinarske medicine, Vol. 11, No. 2, 33 - 41, 2018
Milanov D. … et al.: Laboratory diagnosis of Bordetella bronchiseptica...

crobial cultures with real-time hybridization fluorescence detection. During

the amplification stage, three simultaneous reactions take place – amplifica-
tion of the conservative region of ptxA gene that codes pertussistoxin located
in B. pertussis, B. parapertussis and B. bronchiseptica genomes; identification
of specific regions in genomes of B. pertussis and B. bronchiseptica, as well as
amplification of nucleic acid sequence of the Internal Control (IC) sample. The
target regions are detected by different detection channels (FAM for IC, JOE/
HEX for ptxA, ROX for B. pertussis and Cy5 for B. bronchiseptica). Sample was
tested positive for B. bronchiseptica.
The susceptibility of B. bronchiseptica isolates to antibiotics was assessed
with the standard disc-diffusion test on Müller-Hinton agar medium and pre-
sented in Table 1.

Table 1. Antibiotic susceptibility of B. bronchiseptica isolate

Antibiotics (abbreviation & dose)
zone (mm)
Penicillin (P 10 U) 0
Amoxicillin (AX 25 mg) 0
Ampicillin (AM 10mg) 25
Amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (AMC 30mg) 30
Cefpodoxime (CPD 10mg) 0
Ceftazidime (CAZ 30mg) 32
Cefotaxime (CTX 30mg) 25
Ceftriaxone (CRO 30mg) 30
Erythromycin (E 15mg) 25
Tetracycline (TE 30 mg) 35
Streptomycin (S10 mg) 0
Trimethoprim/sulphamethoxazole (SXT 1.25/23.75 mg) 17
Neomycin (N 30mg) 12
Gentamicin (CN 10mg) 24
Enrofloxacin (ENR5mg) 28
Ciprofloxacin (CIP 5mg) 35
Nalidixic acid (NAL 30mg) 34

No breakpoints have been set for any of the antimicrobials tested for B.
bronchiseptica susceptibility (Morrissey et al., 2016), which is why it is impos-
sible to catagorize the isolates even based on their MIC values (Kadlec et al.,

Arhiv veterinarske medicine, Vol. 11, No. 2, 33 - 41, 2018
Milanov D. … et al.: Laboratory diagnosis of Bordetella bronchiseptica...


Besides parainfluenza virus and canine adenovirus type 2, B. bronchisep-

tica is the most frequent causative agent of canine respiratory diseases (Datz,
2003; Vieson et al., 2012). Although bordetella infection in the dog is usually
mild and results in a self-limiting disease, it can be fatal for young animals. In
this case, a four-month-old dog of mixed breed was treated empirically, with
the combination of antibiotics: penicillin and streptomycin. Both were admin-
istered i.m., on five consecutive days: benzyl penicillin 20,000 IU/kg and strep-
tomycin 150 mg/kg. The laboratory testing was required due to the absence
of the response to the therapy, but not before two weeks had passed from the
onset of the symptoms. The results of in vitro investigation of the nasal swabs
confirmed the clinical suspicion of antibiotic resistance, which is understand-
able. Streptomycin seems generally ineffective against B. bronchiseptica in vitro
(Woolfrey and Moody, 1991). Despite the wide use of penicillin, ampicillin
and amoxicillin for canine respiratory infections, they have been proven inef-
fective against B. bronchiseptica, except when the latter is combined with cla-
vulanate (Lappin et al., 2017). Resistance to penicillin has been reported in
canine isolates (Markey et al., 2013). In addition, penicillin does not penetrate
well into bronchial secretions, which impairs its efficacy. The susceptibility of
B. bronchiseptica is intrinsically low to some β-lactams (e.g. penicillins and
first-generation cephalosporines) owing to the production of β-lactamase and/
or low membrane permeability to cephalosporines (Prüller et al., 2015; Mor-
rissey et al., 2016). By contrast, aminoglycosides appear to be highly effective
against B. bronchiseptica: in severe infections when animals do not respond
to parenteral therapy, aerosolized gentamicin may be helpful (Vieson et al.,
2012). The most commonly used antibiotics are amoxicillin/clavulanic acid
and cephalexin (Vieson et al., 2012). Tetracyclines are also highly efficacious
in treating bordetellosis.
To conclude, antibiotics should be selected based on culture and sensitiv-
ity tests. Definitive diagnosis of B. bronchiseptica infection in dogs should be
confirmed by microbiological findings in nasal or pharyngeal swabs. History
and clinical signs can only imply that it is infectious tracheobronchitis caused
by B. bronchiseptica we are dealing with. Frequently, it is necessary to cooper-
ate with public health diagnostic laboratories, which are provided with more
sophisticated equipment and are capable of performing more precise diagnos-
tic procedures, as it was in this case. In addition, this collaboration can result
in better insight into the epidemiology of zoonoses. The initiation of therapy
should be guided by the clinical signs: in critically ill animals, empiric therapy

Arhiv veterinarske medicine, Vol. 11, No. 2, 33 - 41, 2018
Milanov D. … et al.: Laboratory diagnosis of Bordetella bronchiseptica...

should start on the collection of swabs, but in those more stable, antimicro-
bial therapy should be postponed until the results of the antibiogram arrive,
which takes two to three days. Treatment should last about two weeks, or seven
days beyond the resolution of health problems (Leekha et al., 2011). When
deciding on antibiotic therapy, veterinary surgeons must always have in mind
the threatening possibility of resistance development and by giving adequate
therapy not contribute to its emergence and spread.


This work was supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Tech-
nological Development of the Republic of Serbia, grants awarded to Project
Nos. TR 31071 and III 46002.


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Primljeno: 24.10.2018.
Odobreno: 10.11.2018.


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