Word of Command PC-CP RO-: The Boys' Brigade Nigeria
Word of Command PC-CP RO-: The Boys' Brigade Nigeria
Word of Command PC-CP RO-: The Boys' Brigade Nigeria
Ceremonial Parade.
Pc- March on the colour
Cp- Sir, slop, carry
Pc- To your colour salute
Cp- Colour party we march on the colour, by the central quick-march
1. Colour party left form
2. Colour party right form
3. Colour party change direction right, into line at the halt, right -form
Pc- sectional commander two pace forward march
Engine to the colour take post
Cp- Take post
Pc- On the arriver of guard of honors band major ready.
Pc- In the honor of the chairman united central battalion council. Band major
Ready for national salute.
Pc- we form two ranks from three ranks, form two ranks.
{parade commander march smartly to the review officer to take permission
for inspection}
Pc- Sir, Boys and officers found-up ready for your inspection
{after the inspection, at the tail end of the last section the parade
commander thanks the review officer and march smartly to the central of
the parade }
Pc- Thanks for your inspection may I have your permission to continue the
rest of the parade
Ro- Permission granted
Pc- We form three ranks from two ranks, form three ranks
Pc- Ensign to the colour take post
Sectional commander two paces back march
Pc- we move in review order by- the centre quick- march.{if necessary}
Pc- sir, Boys and Officer formed up ready for your address.
Pc. Parade Stand At- Ease
Pc – Atten- Shun. {after the inspection}
Pc- Parade we remove head dress, remove head dress.
Three hearty- cheers to the Boys Brigade Nigeria
Three hearty- cheers to the Boys Brigade Kwara state council
Three hearty- cheers to the Boys Brigade the……………company
Hip! Hip!! Hip!!!---------- Horray x3
Pc- Sectional commander two paces forward march
Ensign to the colour take-post.
Pc- Band major ready for BB anthem
Pc- Ensign to the colour take post
Pc- Sectional commander two paces back march
Pc- {march to the review officer to march of the parade }
Sir, permission to march off the parade.
Ro- Permission granted
Pc- Thank u sir.
Pc- Colour party march off the colour
Cp- Sir, colour party we march off the colour.
Pc- To your colour salute
Cp- By the centre, quick march
Colour party right –from
Pc- Officers on the parade turn to ur right and fall –out
Pc- Boys on the parade turn to the right and dismiss
{if parade commander like, he can march the boys to the church to take there
Thank you and God bless.