Eng 3 Structure of English Course Outline I. Linguistics A. PHONOLOGY (Group 1)

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Course Outline
A. PHONOLOGY (Group 1)
1. What is phonology?
2. Phonology vs. Phonetics
3. Phonemes
4. Segmental vs. Suprasegmental
5. The anatomy of speech
6. Manner of Articulation
7. Places of Articulation
8. International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA Symbols and transcriptions)
 Vowels
 Vietor triangle
 Diphthongs
 Consonants
 Voiced
 Voiceless

1. What is Morphology?
2. Morphemes
 Free Morphemes
 Open class
 Closed class
 Bound Morphemes
 Root
 Affixes
 Derivational
 Inflectional
3. Word formation processes
4. Parts of speech
a. Nouns
 Forms of noun
 Types of noun
 Gender of nouns
 Functions of noun
 Plural of nouns
 Possessive nouns
b. Pronouns
 Types of pronouns
 Cases of pronouns
c. Verbs
 Types of verb
 Voices of verb
 Mood of verbs
 Verb tenses
 Subject verb agreement
d. Adjectives
 Degrees of adjective
 Kinds of adjective
 Order of adjectives
e. Adverbs
 Types of adverb

f. Preposition
 Kinds of preposition and their uses
g. Conjunctions
 Kinds of conjunction
h. Interjections

C. SYNTAX (Group 3)
1. What is syntax?
2. Kinds of sentences
 According to Structure
 According to Function
3. Sentence patterns
4. Tree diagramming
5. Sentence diagramming
D. SEMANTICS (Group 4)
1. Conceptual vs. Associative meaning
2. Synonym/Antonym
3. Retronym
4. Polysemy
5. Hypernym and Hyponym
6. Homophony
7. Homonymy
8. Metaphor
9. Metonymy
10. Synecdoche
11. Idioms

1. Speech act theory
 Locutionary
 Illocutionary
 Perlocutionary
2. Conversational maxims
 Maxim of Quantity
 Maxim of Quality
 Maxim of Relevance
 Maxim of Manner

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