The Detection of Extraterrestrial Life

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The detection of extra

extra- -terrestrial life and

the consequences for science and society
Re-Production by SARC-CRAS, Feb 15, 2011
Space Affairs Research Commity
Dallas, Tx

1. SUPA,, University of St Andrews, School of Physics and Astronomy,

North Haugh, St Andrews KY16 9SS, UK
2. Planetary and Space Sciences Research Institute (PSSRI),
The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, UK
Astronomers are now able to detect planets orbiting stars other than the Sun where life may exist, and living generations
could see the signatures of extra-terrestrial
terrestrial life being detected. Should it turn out that we are not alone in the Universe, it
will fundamentally affect how humanity understands itself—and
itself we need to be prepared
pared for the consequences.
A Discussion Meeting held at the Royal Society in London, 6–9 6 Carlton House Terrace, on 25–26 26 January 2010,
addressed not only the scientific but also the societal agenda, with presentations covering a large diversity of topics.

Keywords: origin and evolution of life; extra-terrestrial

extra life; extra-solar planets; astrobiology;
Search for extra-terrestrial
terrestrial intelligence; science and society

1. The quest for exploration

A thin layer around the surface of Earth is teeming with life of huge diversity: from micro-organisms
organisms to plants and
animals, and even intelligent species. Up to now, this forms the only known sample of life in the Universe. However,
observing the pinpoints of light on the night sky has probably alwaysalwa inspired humans to speculate about the existence
of other worlds. It is, therefore, not surprising that there is a long history of thoughts about such a proposition (e.g.
]). Despite the fact that it is straightforward to imagine that stars other thanan the Sun would also host planets,
speculations turned into evidence only fairly recently: in 1992, the first planet around a special type of stellar remnant,
Namely pulsars, was found [6], ], and in 1995, the first detection of a planet around a star of similar composition to the
Sun, namely 51 Peg b, was reported [7]. [ The enormous progress in this field is reflected by the fact that, as of 1 June
2010, more than 450 extra-solar
solar planets1 are known. While most of these are gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn,
Satur some
spectacular discoveries of about 20 planets of less *Author for correspondence ( 1This number is
likely to be out of date already by the time this paper is published, but the reader is referred to the ‘Extra
Extra solar Planets Encyclopaedia’
One contribution of 17 to a Discussion Meeting Issue ‘The detection of extraextra-terrestrial life and the consequences for science and
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500 M. Dominik and J. C. Zarnecki than 10 Earth masses (e.g. [8–13])
[ ]) have already indicated that rocky planets with
conditions considered suitable to harbour life are probably rather
rath common. The discovery of a true sibling of our home
planet, therefore, seems to remain only a question of time (cf. [14, 15]). The active quest for extra-solar
extra planets has
opened a new chapter in the book of the search for extra-terrestrial life. This was already an active field of science with
the exploration of the Solar System by means of space probes, which gave rise to a ‘space age’ from 1957 when
Sputnik-1, the first Earth-orbiting
orbiting artificial satellite, was launched. Current technology allows us tto land a robotic
chemistry laboratory on other Solar System bodies, or return samples to Earth, the latter coming with the advantage of
being able to adapt analysis strategies to unexpected findings.
Based on our current understanding, Mars, Europa, and Enceladus and, if we consider life based on a liquid other than
water, Titan are the most promising places for finding life signatures (cf. [16]).]). A direct search for life on Mars, rather
than searching for evidence from fossils, was carried out as early as 1976 with the two Viking landers. However, the
outcome of these experiments is still subject to an unresolved controversy (cf. [16, 17]).
A further opportunity to find alien life forms is given by the study of meteorites found on Earth (cf. [17]),
[ where it is
now well established that some of them originate from Mars [18]. [
However, the exchange of biological material between Solar System bodies might also mean that such life is not
distinct from ours, but rather shares a common origin.
Only shortly after the advent of the space age, it was proposed to use radio telescopes to search for signals arising from
extra-terrestrial civilizations [19], while independently preparations for such an experiment, ‘Project Ozma’, were
already under way [20]. This marked the birth of a scientific venture known as the ‘Search for Extra-Terrestrial
Intelligence’ or ‘SETI’ for short (e.g. [21]).
Exploration of the unknown, making use of previously unavailable technology, led to ‘ages of wonder’ [22], where
prevailing concepts have been challenged and new ideas and insight emerged. The study of the origins, evolution,
distribution and future of life in the Universe, for which the term ‘astrobiology’ has been coined (following up on the
earlier used ‘exobiology’), plays a critical role in a continuing era of enlightenment.

2. Universality or uniqueness?

We readily accept that the concepts of physics and chemistry apply throughout the cosmos and are valid for all time,
but should this not make us wonder whether biology is universal as well [22], and not just a special feature that only
applies to planet Earth?
There is actually no lack of the building blocks of life; the number of molecules fundamental to Earth’s biochemistry
that have already been found in the interstellar medium, planetary atmospheres and on the surfaces of comets, asteroids,
meteorites and interplanetary dust particles is surprisingly rather large.
Giant ‘factories’, where complex molecules are being synthesized, appear to make carbonaceous compounds
ubiquitous in the Universe (cf. [23]).
We are however left with a fundamental gap in understanding just at the point where molecules become ‘alive’.
Nevertheless, it has been conjectured that life resembling that on Earth in its biochemistry is a cosmic imperative [24,
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Introduction. Extra-terrestrial life 501 following from the deterministic and reproducible nature of chemistry under
given environment conditions and the reproducibility of optimization by selection [26] from a large number of variants.
The latter is strongly supported by the observed evolutionary convergence in the biological history on Earth, but it
cannot be ruled out with certainty that our existence is a fluke arising from a highly improbable chance event (cf. [27]).
A strong case for the genesis of life being a ‘cosmic imperative’ would arise from the detection of a ‘shadow biosphere’
on Earth with a distinct ‘tree of life’ [28–30].
So if there are alien civilizations at a comparable stage of evolution, one might expect that they do not differ that much
from our own (cf. [27]). However, with the Sun just about half-way through its lifetime as a main-sequence star, with
about 4.5 billion years remaining, that ‘comparable stage’ might constitute a rather short transient episode, and
advanced extra-terrestrial life might be inconceivable to us in its complexity, just as human life is to amoebae.

3. Our lack of knowledge and the arising challenges

The current state of the study of life in the Universe sees us being confronted with many questions cutting across
various traditional fields of science, while leaving us with almost no answers. The inherent interdisciplinary does not
come as a surprise when realizing that we are investigating ourselves, 2 our origins and future, and our role in the
Our ignorance is most famously quantified by the Drake equation [30–32] N =R_ fp ne fl fi fc L, (3.1) which describes
the number of civilizations N that are detectable by means of electromagnetic emissions (more particularly, radio
signals) as a product of various factors, namely the rate R_ of formation of suitable stars, the fraction fp of those with
planetary systems, the number ne of planets per such system with conditions suitable for life, the fraction fl of such
planets on which life actually develops, the fraction fi of life-bearing planets on which intelligent life emerges, the
fraction fc of emerged civilizations that develop technologies for propagating detectable signals and finally the time
span L over which these civilizations disseminate such signals. Rather than as a product of numbers, the Drake equation
should more appropriately be seen as a product of random variables with their respective distribution functions [33–
35]. Interestingly, the uncertainty among the different factors in the Drake equation increases from left to right. The
‘astronomical factors’ R_, fp and ne are rather well determined as compared with the ‘biological factors’ fl and fi, while
the ‘technological factor’ fc and even more the ‘societal factor’ L are the great unknowns.
Despite the fact that the Drake equation has been devised for SETI, only the last three factors are specific to intelligent
life or its detection by means of electromagnetic signals, whereas the others are relevant to any astrobiological
2As Frank Drake likes to point out.
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Let us suppose that life beyond Earth does exist. In order to detect it, we encounter substantial difficulties when aiming
to define its characteristics, and in selecting signatures that are certainly incompatible with and a biogenic origin.
Organic molecules with a carbon skeleton that are stable on geological time-scales form ‘chemical fossils’ that
constitute an early record of life on Earth. Moreover, measured carbon isotope ratios in sedimentary rocks suggest the
presence of microbial life already 3.8 billion years ago ([36]; cf. [17]). It, however, requires biological material to
determine whether life is truly ‘alien’, i.e. belonging to a ‘tree of life’ distinct from that of life on Earth. Evolutionary
selection is likely to result in the use of a set of basic organic molecules, but it is a subject of debate whether there is a
strong evolutionary convergence either to the one and only optimum or in such a way that the process of natural
selection always leads to the same global optimum for all environments under which life can evolve, or whether a weak
evolutionary convergence accounts for the possibility of ending up with different optima for the realization of life or its
features. Strikingly, a system of life based on molecules just of opposite chirality but otherwise identical to those that
form the building blocks for life known on Earth appears to be a viable distinctive alternative (cf. [16,17,27]).
Out of the vast number of places in the Universe to look for life, what should guide our search? With no other account
for life other than that on Earth and a lack of understanding of the properties and preferred environments of life as we
do not know it, one readily tends to accept the null hypothesis that an efficient search should be oriented towards the set
of conditions that is defined by the variety of terrestrial life forms. Therefore, a widely adopted strategy is to search for
liquid-water habitats, given that terrestrial biochemistry relies on liquid water as solvent (cf. [16, 27]). Moreover, given
the requirements of metabolism, energy is a more universal imperative for life, providing a further criterion to narrow
down searches, and opening an opportunity to go far beyond characteristics that might be specific to life as we know it
[37]. While it was the porphyrin nucleus, central to the structure of chlorophyll, that paved the way for using chemical
fossils as biomarkers ([38]; cf. [17]), even before the age of photosynthesis life may have been living on energy sources
bound within rocks, such as iron. Rather than just the presence of water or energy, it is the kinetics of water flows that
constitute the crucial criterion for such processes to succeed (cf. [39]).
Not only has Earth initially provided an environment for life to develop, but also the resulting living organisms have
subsequently shaped the planet. In particular, the large abundance of oxygen in the Earth’s atmosphere is the result of
biogenic photosynthesis. Such feedback mechanisms gave rise to the idea of describing the Earth’s biosphere,
atmosphere, oceans and soil as a complex entity in what is referred to as the ‘Gaia theory’ [40, 41]. In fact, it emerged
from thoughts about simple signatures of life on another planet [42], and given that planets outside the Solar System
cannot be explored by spacecraft, measurements of the abundance of molecules in the planetary atmosphere from
related spectral features in order to construct a biosignature are the very limited ‘bits and pieces’ of information upon
which we can draw conclusions about life. Such efforts mark one of the greatest challenges ever undertaken in
observational astronomy (cf. [15]).
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Introduction. Extra-terrestrial life 503

4. Societal relevance and political action

The detection and further study of extra-terrestrial life will fundamentally challenge our view of nature, including
ourselves, and therefore the field of astrobiology can hardly be isolated from its societal context, including
philosophical, ethical and theological perspectives (cf. [43]).
With the detection of extra-terrestrial life being technically feasible, one needs to address whether perceived societal
benefits command us to search for it, or whether such an endeavour may rather turn out to be a threat to our own
existence (cf. [44]). Modelled after the Torino Scale for asteroid/comet impact predictions [45] and the Rio Scale for a
putative discovery of extra-terrestrial intelligence [46], the London Scale index (LSI) with values ranging from 0 to 10
together with an independently evaluated level of risk or biohazard [47] provides an assessment of the scientific
importance, validity and potential risks associated with putative evidence of extra-terrestrial life discovered on Earth,
on nearby bodies in the Solar System, or in our Galaxy.
Various scenarios of encounters with extra-terrestrial life have already been portrayed in the science-fiction literature
and films, some of these being more scientific, others more fictional (cf. [48]). Imagination, however, must not be
underestimated as a valuable means to advance knowledge towards new frontiers, and is not at all an unscientific
concept. It is also valuable that a broad public has been given the opportunity to reflect on this topic. Similarly,
scientists involved in relevant research themselves should engage with journalists and the public (cf. [49]). Media
reports and weblogs debating extra-terrestrial life, including those that relate to this very Royal Society Discussion
Meeting, also provide some evidence on public opinion and reactions that can be expected.
If data are absent or ambiguous, we tend to argue by retreating to analogies or theories about universalities. Historical
examples, however, need to be well understood before these can serve as a guide, which is demonstrated by the fact
that history is full of misinterpretations and misconceptions of itself (cf. [48,49]).
Rather than aliens invading Earth, most likely detection scenarios will involve microbial organisms and/or extra-
terrestrial life at a safe distance that prevents physical contact. As far as exploring other life forms is concerned, any
strategy applied must exclude biological contamination—not only to protect ourselves,
but also to preserve any alien life discovered as part of an overall commitment to enhancing the richness and the
diversity of life in the Universe [16]. For such scenarios with well-contained risks, the dominant human response is
unlikely to be one of fear and pandemonium [48]. Human perceptions and representations of alien life will not only
derive from science, but, given that humanity is more than just a collection of logic and facts, they will be highly
influenced by cultural and psychological factors. Therefore, reactions will not necessarily be homogeneous, and reality
may defy common myths [49]. It is believed by some that establishing the presence of extra-terrestrial life as a fact will
cause a crisis for certain religious faiths. A survey, however, shows that followers of all the main religious
denominations as well as atheists declare that it will not be a problem for their own beliefs [50].
While scientists are obliged to assess benefits and risks that relate to their research, the political responsibility for
decisions arising following the detection of extra-terrestrial life cannot and should not rest with them.
Any such decision
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Will require a broad societal dialogue and a proper political mandate. If extraterrestrial life happens to be detected, a
coordinated response that takes into account all the related sensitivities should already be in place. In 1989, the
International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) approved a SETI post-detection protocol [51], which was developed by
one of its committees. Despite the fact that it has subsequently been endorsed by the International Institute of Space
Law (IISL), the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) of the International Council for Science (ICSU), the
International Astronomical Union (IAU) and the International Union of Radio Science (URSI), the procedures laid out
in that document are not legally enforceable. If it remains a voluntary code of practice, it will probably be ignored in
the event to which it should apply. Will a suitable process based on expert advice from proper and responsible scientists
arise at all, or will interests of power and opportunism more probably set the scene (cf. [52])? A lack of coordination
can be avoided by creating an overarching framework in a truly global effort governed by an international politically
legitimated body.
The United Nations for constitute a ready-made mechanism for coordination. Member States of the Committee on the
Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) will need to place ‘supra-Earth affairs’ on the agenda in order to take it
further to the General Assembly, with the goal of establishing structures similar to those created for dealing with threats
arising from potentially impacting near-Earth objects [53].

5. Outlook

So far, there is no scientific evidence for or against the existence of life beyond Earth. All arguments about whether life
is common and universal or whether we live in a unique place in the cosmos are rather based on philosophical beliefs
and assumptions. Consequently, there is no way of predicting the outcomes of searches for extra-terrestrial life. This,
however, surely drives the scientific imperative to test the hypothesis.
The year 2010 marks the 50th anniversary of the first search for radio signals originating from other civilizations, a
remarkably optimistic endeavour in 1960, particularly bearing in mind that up to now all SETI experiments have
provided a negative result. One, however, has to realize that these have probed only our neighbourhood, up to about
200 light-years distant, whereas the centre of the Milky Way is 25 000 light-years away from us. And even if there is
no other intelligent life in the MilkyWay, it could still be hosted in another of the remaining hundreds of billions of
other galaxies.
Advanced efforts are now on the drawing board or already under way for the further exploration of the Solar System
and the search for biomarkers in the atmospheres of extra-solar planets, while searches for signals of extra-terrestrial
intelligence are entering a new era with the deployment of the next generation of radio telescopes.
The study and understanding of life in the Universe encompasses many, if not all, of the fundamental questions in
biology, physics and chemistry, but also in philosophy, psychology, religion and the way in which humans interact with
their environment and each other. While we cannot be prepared for the unpredictable, the careful development of a
societal agenda alongside a scientific agenda for the search for life elsewhere becomes mandatory.
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Frequently, things are only seen in the proper context if observed from a far enough distance. The image of Earth taken
by Voyager 1 from as near as about 40AU, i.e. still within the outer regions of the Solar System, which depicts just a
‘pale blue dot’, proves insightful. As Carl Sagan [54] (p. 9) worded it: ‘Our posturing, our imagined self-importance,
the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe, are challenged by this point of pale light.’ For the
first time in human history, living generations are now given a realistic chance to find out whether we are alone in the
Universe. Should an answer be found one day, we will still be left with deeper questions to be answered: where do we
come from, why are we here and where will we are going?
We would like to express our thanks to the session chairs of the meeting, namely Steven Rose, Catherine Cesarsky,
Jocelyn Bell-Burnell and Martin Rees, the reviewers of the papers in this issue, Uffe G. Jørgensen for a careful reading
of this manuscript, Paul Browne and Christine Liebig for handling the microphones, and finally the event managers of
the Royal Society, as well as the IT, catering and other staff without whom the meeting would not have been as
enjoyable as it was.


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