Analysis of Cutting Parameters Report
Analysis of Cutting Parameters Report
Analysis of Cutting Parameters Report
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the
(Mechanical Engineering)
This is to certify that the project titled Investigation and analysis of various
cutting parameter on heat generation metal cutting operation and its
measurement review based is a record of the bonafide work done by VIVEK
PANDEY, VAIBHAV SINGH RATHORE (179402167,179402157) submitted in
partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of
Technology (B.Tech) in (Mechanical Engineering) of Manipal University Jaipur,
during the academic year 2020-21
This is to certify that the project entitled Investigation and analysis of various
We would like to thank our project guide Dr Ashok Kumar Sharma for their guidance and support in
completing our seminar project. We would also like to extend our gratitude to the Head of the
Department of Mechanical Engineering Dr Rahul Goyal for providing all the facilities required for
successful completion of our seminar project.
Metal cutting processes usually cause heat generation at the cutting zone (around the
workpiece-tool intersection). The heat generated during these processes may cause
different effects on both the workpiece and tool, this in turn may affect the finished
product and the general performance of the machined piece. In this study, a review was
done on various types of machining conditions available, effects and analysis of heat
generated on the workpiece and tool, and the approaches adopted to reduce this heat at
cutting zones.
It was discovered that heat generation causes two major types of wear on the tool,
crater and flank wear, resulting in the reduction of cutting tool life as well as
dimensional inaccuracy, surface damage and severe corrosion cases on the workpiece.
Various heat reduction methods and coolant application types were as well studied and
their merits and demerits were discussed.
In this paper a review has been done on the various parameters of heat generation and
its considerable effects on the life of the cutting tool and the quality of the machined
Subjects taught at the university namely Production Technology part1,2, Heat Transfer
and Metrology helped me a lot for understanding various terms and for calculations of
various data. Our main purpose is to find out how much heat generated by changing
various parameters and what its effect is on tools and workpiece.
Table Page
No Table Title No
3 Cutting parameters 41
5 Tools comparisons 48
Figure Page
No Figure Title No
3 Carbide tool 13
4 HSS tool 14
5 Tool Terminology 16
6 K type thermocouple 16
Chapter 4 METHODOLOGY 38
Chapter 1: Introduction
Metal removed in the form of chips. In manufacturing various processes are involved
such as turning, grinding, cutting, milling, drilling etc. All of these processes required
cutting tools but some if the conventional process such as forging, rolling, bending
doesn't require cutting tools. As we know that while machining lots of heat is
generated at the cutting force due to friction present at the surface of the workpiece
and cutting tools. The dissipated energy converts into heat and increases the
temperature of the cutting tools and workpiece surface. Almost 99% heat transferred
to chip cutting zones (shear zone) and cutting tools only 1% energy used for cutting
the metals.
Much of the heat generated due to increase in machine removal rate with increase
in machine removal rate decreases the time by increasing the speed of cutting and
this will increase heat in cutting surfaces, this means that cutting tools should bear
more temperature so that cutting tools cannot lose their strength and shape, and
can resist high temperatures. For this we use cutting fluid so that the cooling effect
can be done so that proper cooling takes place and heat release from the tools
smoothly. Distinct types of cutting fluids are available in the market with different
chemical compositions and cutting parameters. Analysis of heat and measurement is
the main intention and to find a suitable route to reduce and overcome from this we
had chosen this paper.
Measurement of heat during the machining process is an important task. Excess heat
causes wear and tear at the tool tip and damages the workpiece, surface finish and
dimensional accuracy is also disturbed, much of the power consumed during
machining process and this power converted in heat loss so economics of the
materials also affected. Our main motivation is to analyze and measure the heat
generation by changing machining parameters and find a way to reduce heat that is
generated during the process. To analyze heat and reduce this heat we had chosen this
research work.
Our main objective is to measure excess heat generated during the machining process
and with the help of data we find a way to reduce this heat generation so that
machining cost, dimensional accuracy can be achieved. To increase overall efficiency
of machining by removing heat is our final motto.
The NOVIANO series is designed for highly efficient machining of alloy steel,
duplex and exotic materials such as Inconel and Titanium above 35 HRC.
2. High strength
3. High rigidity
High-speed steels, abbreviated as HSS, are a specialized class of tool steels that were
named primarily for their ability to machine and cut materials at high speeds (high
hot hardness). It is often used in power-saw blades and drill bits. High-speed steel is
superior to the older high carbon steel tools in that it can withstand higher
temperatures without losing its temper (hardness). High-speed steels are complex
iron-base alloys of carbon, chromium, vanadium, molybdenum, or tungsten, or
combinations thereof.
High speed steel (HSS) is a tool steel with high hardness, high wear resistance and
high heat resistance. High-speed steel is often used in power-saw blades and drill
1. Water:
Water has high specific heat but is poor in lubrication. Also, it encourages rusting. It
is used as cooling agent during tool grinding.
3. Mineral Oils:
Mineral oils are used for heavier cutting operations because of their good lubricating
properties. They are commonly found in production machines where high metal
removal rates are employed. They are most suitable for steels but should not be used
on copper or its alloys since it has a corrosive effect.
in order to transform
water into a good
2.The Effects of Heat T.S. Ogedengbe, A. P. (a) Tungsten–Carbide (b) 1. The heat generated
Generation on Cutting Okediji, A. A. Yussouf, High Carbon could reduce the
Tool and Machined O. A. Aderoba, O. A. magnitude of the cutting
Abiola, I. O. Alabi and O. Steel forces leading to
Workpiece I. Alonge reduction
in power consumption
and then improve the
machinability of the
significantly as there is a
direct relationship
between the two. High
values of surface
3.Heat generation and N.A. Abukhshim, P.T. Single point cutting tool fibre-optic pyrometers
temperature prediction in Mativenga, M.A. Sheikh and infrared
metal cutting: A review thermography techniques
and implications for high these techniques could
speed machining measure temperature, as
well as, the cooling rate
easily, accurately and
with fast time response
4.Optimization of Cutting Adeel H. Suhail, N. medium carbon steel AISI This study discussed an
Parameters Based on Ismail, S.V. Wong and 1020 application of the Taguchi
Surface Roughness and N.A. Abdul Jalil method for optimizing the
Assistance of Workpiece cutting parameters in
Surface Temperature in turning operations using
Turning Process combined of two
performance measures,
workpiece surface
Temperature (T) and
surface roughness (Ra)
5. The Influence of Sandip Patil, Shital Turning tool An increase in the cutting
Cutting Heat on the Jadhav, Swapnil Kekade, speed from 40 m/min to
Surface Ashish Supare, 140 m/min and an
increase in the feed rate
Integrity during Amit Powa , Dr. RKP from 0.2 mm/rev to 0.5
Machining of Titanium Singh mm/rev lead to higher
Alloy Ti6Al4V cutting temperature at the
cutting zone
because of enhanced
contact between tool and
workpiece and hence
increased friction.
2. At lower cutting
parameters, work
hardening phenomenon
however; at high cutting
parameters thermal
softening phenomenon
was found to be more
dominant. This was
derived from increased
surface roughness and
reduction in
microhardness values
6. Influence of Cutting Junzhan Hou, Ning Zhao, Face milling cutter The temperature rise
Speed on Flank and Shaoli Zhu increases slightly when
Temperature the cutting speed is less
than 1507 m/min. When
during Face Milling of the cutting speed is up to
Magnesium Alloy more than 1507 m/min,
the temperature increases
7. Analyses of Effects of Marcelo Ribeiro dos High speed steel tool Results are discussed in
Cutting Parameters on Santos, Sandro Metrevelle
Cutting Edge Marcondes de Lima e section.
Temperature Using
Inverse Heat Conduction Álisson Rocha Machado,
Technique Márcio Bacci da Silva,
Gilmar Guimarães, and
Solidônio Rodrigues de
8. Chip- tool interface L. B. Abhang, and High speed steel tool The appropriate
temperature prediction M.Hameedullah aggregation among the
model for turning process cutting speed, feed rate,
depth of cut and tool nose
radius can generate
minimum cutting
temperature during steel
9. Investigation of Cutting A. G. F. Alabi, T. K. High speed steel tool The temperature profile
Temperatures Distribution Ajiboye and H.D. obtained indicated that the
in Machine Heat Treated Olusegun tool has a higher
Medium Carbon Steel on machining temperature
a Lathe when machining steel
11. Thermocouple and Abdil Kus, Yahya Isik, PVD TiAlN-TiN-coated They concluded that the
Infrared Sensor-Based M. Cemal Cakir, Salih WNVG080404-IC907 most important in
Measurement of Coşkun and Kadir reference to tool chip
Temperature Distribution Özdemir carbide interface is cutting speed.
in Metal Cutting According to their
research, most of the
important changes seen in
the chip formation and
curvature were due to the
increase in cutting speed
whereas the feed rate is
not of much importance.
They used the Techniques
like IR pyrometer and a
K-type thermocouple to
measure the temperature
of the tool and contact
behavior between tool-
chips in the turning
process of heat-treated
AISI 4140 alloy steel 50
HRC. By using multi-
sensor applications they
have studied the behavior
of cutting parameters
during heat distribution.
In order to verify the test
FEM results will be
playing a crucial role in
future studies, these
results are obtained based
on estimated heat over the
tool chip interface.
12. A review on selection Vamsi Krishna Mamidi High-speed steel, tungsten They concluded that the
of cutting fluids and M. Anthony Xavior carbide, cubic boron three major factors
nitride, polycrystalline affecting the cutting fluid
diamonds, ceramic and are the machining
diamond cutting tools process, workpiece
material and the cutting
tool material and they also
stated that proper
selection of cutting fluids
provides longer tool life,
higher surface finish
along with uninterrupted
cutting speeds, high
depth, and high feed rates.
They introduced a Dry
machining process in
which low cutting fluid is
applied during the
machining operation thus
lowering the cutting fluid
cost. The disposal cost
can also be minimized by
using a method of
regeneration of fluids
which decreases the
environmental impact to a
greater extent.
13. Temperature A.A. Sri Rama Krishna, K-20 carbide cutting tool They stated that the
Prediction in Orthogonal Dr.P.Ravinder Reddy maximum temperature
Machining of A1/SiCp that can be found at the
Composites chip tool interface at a
cutting speed of 50m/min
is 315°C. Along with
radial and tangential
directions, the tool contact
temperature gradually
decreases from the chip
tool mating point to the
tool flank. They used
finite element results in
order to come to
14. Temperature rise Mr. Lathiya NE 9445 steel and AISI They stated that the
distribution due to the Dharmeshkumar and Mr. 1045 steel with a carbide quality of machined part
combined effects of shear Viswakarma Ajay tool and tool life is mainly
plane heat source and the influenced by the
tool chip interface temperature produced at
frictional heat source the different zones during
machining operations.
Also the study of
temperature at various
zones during the
machining process helps
to reduce production cost
and increase tool life.
They used MATLAB for
the determination of the
distribution of
temperature of five
different types of metal
cutting operations.
15. Predictive modeling of Özel, T., & Karpat, Y. hardened AISI H-13 steel They used neural network
surface roughness and modeling to predict
tool wear in hard turning surface roughness and tool
using regression and flank wear over the
neural networks machining time for a
variety of cutting
conditions in the finish
hard turning of their tool.
Regression models were
also developed to capture
processing parameters.
16. Surface roughness Chavoshi, S. Z., & AISI 4140 using CBN They found the effect of
modeling in the hard Tajdari, M. cutting tool spindle speed and material
turning operation of AISI hardness variations on the
4140 using CBN cutting surface roughness of
tool. hardened AISI4140 steel
by using CBN inserts.
According to their
research, the surface
roughness variation is
mainly dependent on
workpiece hardness
whereas speed does not
play a critical role. They
also concluded that in a
range of 35 to 55 HRC as
the hardness of the
workpiece is increased the
surface finish also
increases, but further
increase in hardness
deteriorates the surface
17. Experimental study on B. Tulasi Rama Rao, Dr. Stainless steel and In their research, they
the effects of cutting K. Srinivas, Dr. P Ram aluminum experimented with various
parameters on surface Reddy, A. Raveendra, Dr. combinations of three
finish obtained in CNC B. V. R. Ravikumar different parameters
turning operation. namely spindle speed,
depth of cut, and feed rate.
They came to a
conclusion that minimum
surface roughness is
obtained in stainless steel
and aluminum when the
spindle speed is 1200 rpm
and 800 rpm respectively.
Also, they concluded that
as the surface roughness
increases the surface
finish decreases.
18. Cutting temperature: Marcio Bacci da Silva, They stated that out of
prediction and James Wallbank force, surface roughness,
measurement methods chip
19. Heat generation and N. A. Abukhshim, P. T. They stated that the best
temperature prediction in Mativenga, M. A. Sheikh technique for measuring
metal cutting: a review temperature is fiber-optic
and implication in high- pyrometers and infrared
speed machining thermography. They also
stated that due to the
complexity of
deformation in the HSM
process, pure analytical
approaches are restrictive.
They concluded that
though there are FE
models for numerical
model analysis of HSM
processes, they also have
some issues which can be
resolved by altering some
of the FE codes.
20. Effect of material Sudesh Garg, Ravi Kumar AISI H11 die steel They concluded that to
removal rate (MRR) on Goyal, Ankit Chabra acquire mail surface finish
AISI H11 die steel in of workpiece, the cutting
drilling using face centred speed should be as high as
design possible and the feed rate
should be as low as
possible.increase in
spindle speed and feed
leads to increase in MRR
but the depth of hole has
no effect on MRR. They
developed a MRR
prediction mathematical
model that shows that
feed is the most
significant factor affecting
the MRR in drilling
[3] N.A. Abukhshim, P.T. Mativenga, M.A. Sheikh's work is precisely directed
towards the heat generated during the orthogonal machining process. The emphasis is
on the comparability of test results, as well as, the relevance of temperature
measurement method to high speed cutting. New temperature measurement results
obtained by a thermal imaging camera in high speed cutting of high strength alloys
are also presented. Finally, the latest work on estimation of heat generation, heat
partition and temperature distribution in metal machining is reviewed. This includes
an exploration of the different simplifying assumptions related to the geometry of the
process components, material properties, boundary conditions and heat partition. Set
up ,methodology and result shown in chapter 4 and 5.
[4] Adeel H. Suhail, N. Ismail, S.V. Wong and N.A. Abdul Jalil done his research
in following way-
Approach: The focus of present experimental study is to optimize the cutting
parameters using two performance measures, workpiece surface temperature and
surface roughness. Optimal cutting parameters for each performance measure were
obtained employing Taguchi techniques. The orthogonal array, signal to noise ratio
and analysis of variance were employed to study the performance characteristics in
turning operation.
Results: The experimental results showed that the workpiece surface temperature
can be sensed and used effectively as an indicator to control the cutting performance
and improves the optimization process.
Conclusion: Thus, it is possible to increase machine utilization and decrease
production cost in an automated manufacturing environment.
[5] Sandip Patil, Shital Jadhav, Swapnil Kekade , Ashish Supare, Amit Powar ,
Dr. RKP Singh Machining of titanium alloys generates enormous amounts of heat at
the chip-tool interface leading to poor machinability. The current research
investigates the effect of dry machining of Ti6Al4V on surface integrity of machined
A change in subsurface deformation was assessed by varying cutting speed and feed
rate keeping the cut depth constant. Various output responses viz. cutting
temperature, surface finish, induced strain, deformed depth, microhardness, etc. were
discussed to evaluate the surface integrity. An optical microscopy, SEM and EBSD
analysis performed on the machined edge showed deformation induced damage with
microstructural restructuring which was correlated with chip microstructure. At lower
cutting parameters, work hardening phenomenon however; at high cutting parameters
thermal softening phenomenon becomes more dominant. This was derived with
increased surface roughness, reduction in microhardness values beneath the machined
surface and coarse microstructure obtained at higher cutting parameters. A Chip
microstructural analysis validates the thermal softening and work hardening
phenomenon where at high cutting speeds and feed rate the shear band formation is
accompanied with increased chip segmentation frequency. However, at lower cutting
parameters the reduction segmentation frequency and more deformed grains near the
shear band were observed. The results that were obtained are: An increase in the
cutting speed from 40 m/min to 140 m/min and an increase in the feed rate from 0.2
mm/rev to 0.5 mm/rev lead to higher cutting temperature at the cutting zone because
of enhanced contact between tool and workpiece and hence increased friction. At
lower cutting parameters, work hardening phenomenon however; at high cutting
parameters thermal softening phenomenon was found to be more dominant. This was
derived from increased surface roughness and reduction in microhardness values
beneath the machined surface along with coarse microstructure obtained at higher
cutting parameters. With the increase in level of cutting parameters from Experiment
1 to Experiment 4, depth of deformed grains beneath the machined surface and the
corresponding strain in those deformed grain was found to be increased.
[6] Junzhan Hou, Ning Zhao, and Shaoli Zhu done investigation on Influence of
Cutting Speed on Flank Temperature during Face Milling of Magnesium Alloy
Find out that Chip ignition is one of the important problems in cutting magnesium
alloy due to cutting temperature rise, which is mainly caused by the increase of
cutting speed. In this article, we measured the mean flank temperature through
mounting two K-type thermocouples in workpiece of AM50A magnesium alloy.
Effect of cutting speed on the temperature rise of tool flank was analyzed. The results
show that the temperature first increases and then decreases as the cutting speed
increases. The chip ignition appears when the mean flank temperature rise is about
3_C in cutting magnesium alloy at ambient temperature. However, the ignition
cannot be observed with further increase in temperature. The results can
reasonably be used to predict and avoid the occurrence of chip ignition. The analysis
and methodology are shown in tabular and graphical form in chapter 4 and 5.
[10] Sushil D. Ghodam Temperature at the cutting point of the tool is a crucial
parameter in the control of the machining process. Due to advancement in the
machining processes, a special attention has been given on the life of a tool. To
achieve this, the best way is to apply the coating to the tool. In this study, coated and
uncoated tungsten carbide tools were used and temperature occurred during
machining were measured. Among the number of temperature measuring methods,
the tool-work thermocouple technique is used as it is easy to install and inexpensive
as compared to other methods. He pointed out that generation of high temperature at
the tool rake face takes place due to the enormous frictional forces caused at the tool-
chip interface. This generation of heat can be resisted by using a coated tool.
Reduction in the temperature of the tool improves the tool strength and also improves
the surface roughness of the work piece. From his experimental data, it is found that
as compared to uncoated tool the coating of the tool increases the life of a tool for the
same cutting velocity or for the same tool life, coated tool can be used at higher
cutting speed as compared to uncoated tool.
[11] Abdil Kus, Yahya Isik, M. Cemal Cakir, Salih Coşkun and Kadir Özdemir
in their research paper they estimated the tool-chip interface temperature by
simultaneously employing K- type thermocouple and Infrared pyrometer. As the
machining process is a bit complex thus the researchers insisted on the integration of
two measurement techniques to obtain consistent temperature data. The results from
the thermal analysis were compared through the ANSYS finite element method. The
research was based on dry machining processes using workpiece material of AISI
4140 alloy steel 50 HRC. A PVD TiAlN-TiN-coated WNVG080404-IC907 carbide
insert was used during the turning process. They concluded that cutting speed, feed
rate and depth of cut are the main parameters affecting the cutting tool temperature.
The cutting speed was found to be the most assessing parameter in increasing the
chip-tool interface temperature.
[12] Vamsi Krishna Mamidi and M. Anthony Xavior. This research paper mainly
focuses on different ways by which the tool temperature can be minimised in order to
increase tool life. They stated that using coated cutting tools is a bit expensive and is
only suitable for machining of some materials like titanium alloys, etc. Another way
of minimising the tool temperature is by applying cutting fluids in between the
machining operation, the cutting fluid acts as a lubricant and coolant for the tool
material and the workpiece. They concluded that the most important thing is the
selection of cutting fluid. The selection of cutting fluid should be such that optimum
and economical results are produced in the machining process.
[13] A.A. Sri Rama Krishna, Dr.P.Ravinder Reddy. This research paper deals
with the temperature measurement in machining new materials. The experiment
consists of turning operation on Aluminum 6160- based metal matrix composite with
K-20 carbide cutting tool. The temperature measurement was done along the cutting
tool edge by placing various thermocouples at different cutting speeds and depth of
cuts while the feed rate was kept constant. They modeled a normally loaded
particulate metal matrix composite against a tungsten carbide cutting tool using FEA.
Analytical calculations of heat generation at chip-tool interface, frictional heat
generation at the tool flank and heat generation at the work tool interface were done
and those values were used as boundary conditions. The analysis of steady state heat
transfer was carried out and the temperature distribution at cutting edge, shear zone,
and interface regions has been reported.
[14] Mr. Lathiya Dharmeshkumar and Mr. Viswakarma Ajay. This Research
paper focuses on the determination of maximum temperature during the machining
process and its distribution along the rake surface and their influence on tool life and
quality of machined parts. This work focuses on the various analytical and numerical
analysis of temperature distribution along the rake surface of the tool. An analytical
thermal model was developed to determine the temperature during the cutting
process. The model was developed using MATLAB software.
[15] Özel, T., & Karpat, Y. This research paper mainly focuses on utilising the
neural network modelling in order to predict the surface roughness and tool flank
wear during the machining operation for different conditions in hard turning. Process
specific parameters are also captured using regression models. The neural networks
were trained using different sets of collected data for surface roughness. these trained
neural networks were used in order to determine surface roughness and tool flank
wear at other conditions. In comparison to regression models the predictive neural
networks were found more capable of better predictions. They concluded that
decrease in feed rate gave a better surface roughness but the tool wear was taking
place at a faster rate, whereas increasing the cutting speed resulted in significant
increase in tool wear development but resulted in better surface roughness. Increasing
the hardness resulted in better surface roughness but higher tool wear. Overall they
concluded that CBN inserts with honed edge geometry performed better in both,
better surface roughness and less tool wear.
[16] Chavoshi, S. Z., & Tajdari, M. This research paper is a study of the influence
of hardness and spindle speed on surface roughness in hard turning operation of AISI
4140 using CBN cutting tool. Multiple regression analysis based on analysis of
variance is done in order to find the influence of hardness and spindle speed.
Artificial neural networks and regression methods have been used for modelling of
surface roughness during hard turning. The results indicate that the reverse ANN
model can predict hardness for the train data and spindle speed for the test data with a
good accuracy but the predicted spindle speed for the train data and the predicted
hardness for the test data don’t have acceptable accuracy.
[17] B. Tulasi Rama Rao, Dr. K. Srinivas, Dr. P Ram Reddy, A. Raveendra, Dr.
B. V. R. Ravikumar. This paper deals with studying the optimal surface roughness
in order to get minimum surface roughness. The effect of various cutting parameters
such as cutting speed, depth of cut and feed rate were taken into consideration during
this research. They came to a conclusion that minimum surface roughness is obtained
in stainless steel and aluminum when the spindle speed is 1200 rpm and 800 rpm
respectively. Also, they concluded that as the surface roughness increases the surface
finish decreases.
[18] Marcio Bacci da Silva, James Wallbank. They stated that out of force, surface
roughness, chip dimensions, strain, tool wear, and temperature, the temperature is the
most difficult to measure. As the temperature is mainly dissipated at the tool-chip
interface thus the best method to measure temperature is by using the tool-work
thermocouple. It gives the trends of temperature with different cutting parameters like
cutting speed, feed rate, and depth of cut. They stated that the application of cutting
fluid to the system adds more difficulty to the problem of measuring temperature.
[20] Sudesh Garg, Ravi Kumar Goyal, Ankit Chabra. They concluded that to
acquire mail surface finish of workpiece, the cutting speed should be as high as
possible and the feed rate should be as low as possible.increase in spindle speed and
feed leads to increase in MRR but the depth of hole has no effect on MRR. They
developed a MRR prediction mathematical model that shows that feed is the most
significant factor affecting the MRR in drilling operation.
Chapter 4: Methodology
[1] The research work was carried out at the metallurgy workshop. Two of the cutting
fluids (water and soluble oil) with the cutting tools (Tungsten carbide and HSS) were
both obtained from the workshop. The other cutting fluid (palm kernel oil) and the
workpiece (mild steel) were sourced locally. The experiment was carried out on a
center lathe machine. The workpiece was inserted into the 3-jaw chuck and the jaws
were tightened down until the jaw started to grip the workpiece. The Tungsten
Carbide cutting tool was tightly clamped in the tool holder and the angle of the tool
holder was adjusted so that the Tungsten Carbide tool was approximately
perpendicular to the side of the workpiece. The cutting speed was set to 355 rpm and
the laboratory attendant assisted in turning the carriage handwheel counter clockwise
to slowly move the carriage towards the headstock while I continued to apply the
cutting fluid with the help of a hand pump. The process was repeated continuously
until a certain diameter for the workpiece was reached. The diameter of the
workpiece was also determined using a vernier caliper. These steps were repeated for
subsequent cutting fluids while a set was cut dry and after the results of the four
samples had been derived using the Tungsten Carbide cutting tool, the overall
process was repeated using the HSS cutting tool. The cutting temperatures were also
taken immediately after each cutting and the values are shown in the table.
value for each experiment was derived from the
[2] Dry Machining Condition- It is a situation where no lubricant is used but this is
advisable for milling but not for drilling. It could be used in turning
operation if hard cutting technology is present in the industry. Hard cutting is the use
of hard cutting tools like diamond and Cubic Boron Nitride. These are expensive
tools, but the technology produces some great advantages. Dry machining requires no
coolants hence the working environment is cleaner and more comfortable eliminating
the possibility of slippage during machining.
Wet Machining Condition-Here, both the tool and the workpiece require the right
quantity of coolant. Under wet machining, the heat generated and chip removal rates
occur at the same time Tools utilized here are either externally or internally cooled,
depending on the machining process and the workpiece material. Cooling fluid fed by
the pump also carries away chips produced during the cutting process. The
application of coolant during machining reduces friction between the two surfaces
thereby improving machinability
Cryogenic Machining
Cryogenic cooling is a cooling type that delivers liquid nitrogen of low temperature
(up to -195oC) directly to the cutting edge to facilitate faster processing speeds and
improve tool life compared to conventional cooling methods. It is an alternative to
conventional machining processes. In the past, this technology was difficult and
costly since it was focused on spraying the liquid nitrogen all over the tool rather than
on the selected cutting edge. The implication was, the coolant will almost evaporate
completely before it gets to the cutting surface, this reduces the ability of cutting and
cooling too. Today, the technology enables the nitrogen to be delivered on the cutting
surface which means the evaporation takes place close to the cutting edge, cooling it
beyond its conventional cutting limits and at the same time increasing the wear
resistance which implies longer life span of the tool . Although, reduced wear on the
cutting edge, increased cutting tool lifespan and increased processing speed are major
advantages of cryogenic cooling, the gases may explode
Hence handling and storage of cryogenic gases can be dangerous.
[3] The ThermaCAM SC3000 was set up and the location of the analysis area was
chosen to be on the chip. The camera was positioned at a distance of 10 mm from the
tool workpiece interface in order to avoid any damage by the chips. The stored
images were recalled and analysed by using the ‘flying spot meters and the line’ in
the software, see program interface in Fig. 3. When placed on the image the
spotmeter gave the temperature value at a particular point and was used to predict the
position of the maximum temperature, while the line gave the maximum temperature
along the tool-chip interface. The line was positioned at a distance of 40 mm from the
interface into the chip as shown in Fig. 4 .
Fig. 3. The Therma CAM researcher main window.
[11] The Taguchi L18 (21 × 37) method was used for the determination of optimum
control factors. Low, medium and high cutting parameters were selected for the
experiments. In the selection of these parameters, the tool manufacturers’
recommendations and the machine tool capacity were taken into consideration. There
were 18 (3 × 3 × 2) combinations of the turning tests in total which were all carried
out to complete the experiments. The experimental conditions are shown in Table
1 HSS WATER 355 34
g 4.c: Hardness values for HSS cutting tool in different medium of cooling
g 4d: Hardness values for carbide cutting tool in different medium of cooling
1- 2-
Fig 5a Specimen using dry cutting and carbide cuttingtool Fig5b Specimen using
water as cutting fluid and carbide cutting tool
Fig.5c-Specimen using palm kernel oil as cutting fluid and carbide tool Fig.5d-
Specimen using dry cutting and HSS cutting tool
When cutting fluid applied over the during machining process then it will remove the
heat on the interface of the tool. It will increase tool life and power consumption;
fluid also minimizes the friction coefficient because it acts as a lubricating agent and
also decreases the tool tear and wear during machining process so that proper
dimension and surface finish can be achieved properly.
Figure6a: Tool life comparison for steel in wet and dry conditions
RESULT-1. The heat generated could reduce the magnitude of the cutting forces
leading to reduction in power consumption and then improve the machinability of the
2. The heat generated during machine operations also affect the material surface
roughness significantly as there is a direct relationship between the two. High values
of surface roughness could result in an eventual failure of parts fabricated
3. Tool life reduces with an increase in heat generation during machine operations.
Coolants play a pivotal role in reducing the rate of heat generation in machining.
However, it might still pose a challenge if not well applied.
Maximum tool-chip interface temperatures were found to be 700 and 1000 8C for
cutting speeds of 122 and 244 m/min, respectively and a depth of cut of 0.25 mm.
The location of the maximum interface temperatures occurred approximately at the
mid of the contact length.
The tool chip interface temperature increases by upto 30% as the cutting speed is
increased, but the change in feed rate barely has any effect on the tool-chip
interface temperature. The influence of feed rate and cutting speed on tool-chip
interface temperature is shown in figure below:
FIG: The influence of feed rate and cutting speed on tool-chip interface temperature
It is possible to evaluate the heat distribution into the cutting tool by employing a
FEM model, reducing the available heat flux until the simulated temperature
matches with the experimentally measured temperature. Figure below shows the
temperature distribution of between 29.89 °C and 412.9 °C on the tool-chip
interface as well as the temperature distribution along the 12 mm path that starts
from the tool-chip interface.
FIG: Temperature distribution on the path from the tool chip interface
Chapter 6: Conclusion
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