Heat Exchanger

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Design and Analysis of Oil Cooler


Mehulkumar N. Mistry [090460119004]

Darshan V. Patel [090460119008]
Ravi M. Ramina [090460119047]

Team ID :

Guided By

Mr.Vinay Verma
Asst. Professor Mr.Mayur Jain
Mechanical Engineering Department Project/Design Engineer
Universal College Of Engineering Heat Chem Eng. Co.
And Technology Vatva, GIDC

A project report submitted to Gujarat Technological University

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Engineering
in Mechanical

December 2013

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Universal College Of Engineering & Technology,

This Is To Certify That Work Embodied In This Entitled “Design And Analysis Of Oil
Cooler” Was Carried Out By Darshan V.Patel, Mehulkumar N. Mistry, Ravi M. Ramina
At Universal College Of Engineering And Technology, Ahmedabad, For Partial
Fulfillment Of B.E. Degree To Be Awarded By Gujarat Technological University. This
Work Has Been Carried Out Under My Supervision and Is To My Satisfaction.

Date: 28/10/2013
Place: Ahmedabad

Mr.Vinay Verma
Mr.Mayur Jain
Asst. Professor
Project/Design Engineer
Mechanical Engineering Department
Heat Chem Eng. Co.
Universal College Of Engg. &
Vatva GIDC-382445
Gandhinagar – 382721

Dr. N. K. Sherasiya Mrs. Mittal Patel

Principal H.O.D. Mechanical Department
Universal College Of Engineering And Universal College Of Engineering And
Technology Technology
Gandhinagar – 382721 Gandhinagar – 382721

Department Of Mechanical Engineering

Universal College Of Engineering and Technology, Gandhinagar

The author extends his sincere thanks to Asst. Prof. Vinay Verma for his kind
suggestions to work at Universal College Of Engineering & Technology and for guiding
during the course of this work.

The author puts on record and submits with regards the continuous guidance and
inspiration that was received throughout the work from Mr.Mayur Jain as an external
guide for preparing this thesis.

The author acknowledges with thanks, the support of Heat Chem Engineering
Company, Plot No. 4608, Phase-4, G.I.D.C. Industrial Estate, Vatva, Ahmedabad-

The author is grateful to Heat Chem Engineering Company.

The author is thankful to Mrs. Mittal Patel, Head Of Mechanical Engineering

Department And Principle Dr. N. K. Sherasiya for their kind support.

My special thanks to my family members, for their unique support in successful

completion of project. Finally I would like to thank each and every person who has
directly or indirectly helped me in this project.

Darshan V. Patel _________________

Mehulkumar N. Mistry _________________
Ravi M. Ramina _________________


Oil cooler is Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger. It is Fixed Tube-sheet and Counter
Flow Type Heat Exchanger. Here, Shell side fluid is crude oil and tube side fluid is
ammonia gas. Crude oil is hot fluid And Ammonia Gas is Cold fluid. We are designing
and Analysis of oil cooler due to the problem of Large Pressure Drop at shell side, Large
Pressure Drop at tube side, Less Heat Transfer rate and Cost is very high.
Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers are used as process heat exchangers in the
petroleum-refining and chemical industries. It is used as steam generator, condensers,
boiler feed water heater, and oil coolers in power plant, as condensers and evaporators in
some air-conditioning and refrigeration applications and also in waste heat recovery
applications with heat recovery from liquids and condensing fluids and environmental


Acknowledgement i
Abstract ii
List of Figures iv
List of Tables vii
List of Abbreviations x
Table of Contents xi

Chapter 1 Introduction 11
1.1 Heat Exchanger 11
1.2 Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger 11
1.2.1 Why Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger? 11
1.2.2 Scope of shell and tube heat exchanger 12
1.2.3 Construction and Working of Shell and Tube 12
Heat Exchanger
1.2.4 Components of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger 13
1.2.5 Classification of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger 14
1.2.6 Application of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger 16
1.4 Shell and Tube Designation 17

Chapter 2 Literature Review 18

2.1 Introduction 18
2.2 Summary of Papers Referred 18
2.2.1 A Numerical Analysis for the Performance 18
Improvement of Channel Heat-Exchanger
2.2.2 Design and Construction of Concentric Tube 18
2.2.3 Increasing Heat Exchanger Performance 19
2.2.4 Heat Exchanger Design 20

2.2.5 Optimum Design of Shell and Tube 20
Heat Exchanger
2.2.6 Comparison of numerical heat transfer in 21
Conventional and helically baffled heat exchanger
2.2.7 Performance Evaluation of deep spirally 22
Corrugated Tubes for Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger

Chapter 3 Problem Definition 24

3.1 Problem 24
3.2 Technical Specification 24

Chapter 4 Design Procedure of Oil Cooler 25

4.1 Flow Chart 25
4.2 LMTD Calculation 26
4.3 Fluid Properties 27
4.4 Basic Heat Transfer Relation 28
4.4.1 Bundle Diameter (Db) 28
4.5 Tie Rod 29
4.6 Baffle 30
4.6.1 Types of Baffle 30
4.6.2 Baffle Cut 32
4.6.3 No. of Tube per Baffle Plate 33
4.7 Tube 33
4.7.1 Introduction 33
4.7.2 Different Tube Arrangements 33
4.7.3 Tube Passes 34
4.7.4 Tube Pitch 36
4.7.5 Access Area 37
4.8 Shell 38
4.9 Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient and Heat Capacity 40
4.10 Pressure Drop 43
4.10.1 Shell side Pressure Drop 43
4.10.2 Tube side Pressure Drop 43
Chapter 5 Modeling & Simulation 44
5.1 Modeling Part 44
5.2 Analysis Part 48

Chapter 6 Conclusion 52
Appendix 54

List of Figures

No. Description Page No.

Fig 1.1 Construction of Shell and Tube 12
Heat Exchanger
Fig 1.2 Shell and Tube heat exchanger 13
Fig 1.3 Fixed tube sheet heat exchanger 14
Fig 1.4 U-tube heat exchanger 15
Fig 1.5 Floating-head Heat Exchanger 15
Fig 2.1 Shell and tube heat exchanger with conventional 21
baffle (STHX)
Fig 2.2 Shell and Tube heat exchanger with continuous 22
helical baffle
Fig 4.1 Temperature profile 27
Fig 4.2 Tie Rods 29
Fig 4.3 Single-segmental baffle 30
Fig 4.4 Double-segmental baffle 30
Fig 4.5 Triple-segmental baffle 31
Fig 4.6 Disk and Doughnut baffle 31
Fig 4.7 Types of baffle cut 32
Fig 4.8 Different Tube Patterns 34
Fig 4.9 One pass 35
Fig 4.10 Two passes 35
Fig 4.11 Four passes 35
Fig 4.12 Six passes 36
Fig 4.13 Tube Pitch 36
Fig 4.14 Different Types of Shell 38
Fig 5.1 Present Geometry 45
Fig 5.2 Modified Geometry 45
Fig 5.3 Present Mesh Geometry 46
Fig 5.4 Modified Mesh Geometry 47
Fig 5.5 Boundary Condition for Present Geometry 48

Fig 5.6 Boundary Condition for Modified Geometry 49
Fig 5.7 Analysis for Present Geometry 50
Fig 5.8 Analysis for Modified Geometry 51

List of Tables

Sr. No. Description Page No.

Table 1 Different Class of 17
Table 2 Specification 26
Table 3 Fluid Properties 27
Table 4 constants K1 and n1 for 53
triangular pitch, Pt=1.25d0
Table 5 Tie Rod Standards 53
Table 6 Baffle Thickness 54
Table 7 Tube Thickness 54
Table 8 Minimum Shell Thickness 55
Table 9 Constants K1 and n1 for Square Pitch, 55
Table 10 Conclusion 52

List of Symbols, Abbreviations and Nomenclature


1.1 Heat Exchanger [1] :-

“A heat exchanger may be defined as equipment which transfers the energy from a hot
fluid to a cold fluid with maximum rate.”

Example Of Heat Exchanger :-

(1) Inter cooler and Preheater

(2) Condensers and boilers in steam plant
(3) Regenerators
(4) Auto mobile Radiators
(5) Oil cooler
(6) Condenser and evaporators in refrigeration unit
(7) Economizer

1.2 Shell And Tube Heat Exchanger [3] :-

Shell and tube heat exchanger is one type of heat exchanger according to design and
construction features.

1.2.1 Why shell and tube heat exchanger?

Shell and tube heat exchanger accounted for 85% of new exchangers supplied to oil-
refining, chemical, petrochemical and power companies in leading European countries.

 Can be designed for almost any duty with a very wide range of temperatures
and pressures.
 Can be built in many materials.
 Many suppliers.
 Repair can be by non-specialists. Design methods and mechanical codes have
been established from many years of experience.

1.2.2 Scope of shell and tube heat exchanger :-

(A) Maximum pressure

o Shell 300 bar (4500 psia)
o Tube 1400 bar (20000 psia)

(B) Temperature range

o Maximum 600oC (1100oF) or even 650oC
o Minimum -100oC (-150oF)

1.2.3 Construction And Working of Shell And Tube Heat Exchanger :-

A shell and tube heat exchanger is a class of heat exchanger designs. It is the most
common type of heat exchanger in oil refineries and other large chemical processes, and is
suited for higher-pressure applications. As its name implies, this type of heat exchanger
consists of a shell (a large pressure vessel) with a bundle of tubes inside it. Shell and tube
heat exchangers are designed according to the standards of the Tabular Exchanger
Manufactures Association(TEMA).In a single pass shell and tube heat exchanger, the
fluid goes in one end of each tube and out the other.

Fig.-1.1 : Construction of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger

One fluid runs through the tubes, and another fluid flows over the tubes (through the
shell) to transfer heat between the two fluids. The set of tubes is called a tube bundle, and
may be composed by several types of tubes: plain, longitudinally finned, etc.

1.2.4 Components of shell and tube heat exchanger :-

(1) Shell
(2) Shell cover
(3) Tubes
(4) Tube sheet
(5) Baffles
(6) Nozzle
(7) Tie rod

Fig.-1.2 : Shell and Tube heat exchanger

1.2.5 Classification of shell and tube heat exchanger :-

(A) Based on construction :-

(1) Fixed tube sheet heat exchanger :-

Fig.-1.3 : Fixed tube sheet heat exchanger

A fixed tube sheet heat exchanger has straight tubes that are secured at both ends to tube
sheet welded to the shell.The principal advantage of the fixed tube sheet construction is its
low cost because of its simple construction.A disadvantage is that the bundles is fixed to
the shell and cannot be removed, the outsides of the tubes cannot be cleaned mechanically.

(2) U-tube heat exchanger :-

Name implies, the tubes of a U-tube heat exchanger are bent in shape of a U.There is only
one tube sheet in a U-tube heat exchanger. The out sides of the tubes can be cleaned, as
the tube bundle can be removed.

Fig.-1.4 : U-tube heat exchanger

This is advantage of U-tube heat exchanger. The disadvantage of the U-tube construction
is that the inside of the tubes cannot be cleaned effectively, since the U-bend would
require flexible end drill shafts for cleaning. Thus, U-tube heat exchanger should not be
used for services with a dirty fluid inside tubes.

(3) Floating head heat exchanger :-

Fig.-1.5 : Floating-head Heat Exchanger

The floating head heat exchanger is the most versatile type of shell and tube heat
exchanger, and also the costliest.In this design, one tube sheet is fixed relative to the shell,
and the other is free to “float” within the shell.

(B) Based on service :-

(1) Single-phase (both shell side and tube side)

(2) Condensing (one side condensing and the other side single-phase)
(3) Vaporizing (one side vaporizing and the single-phase)
(4) Condensing/vaporizing (one side condensing and the other side-


1.2.6 Application Of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger :-

 As process heat exchangers in the petroleum-refining and chemical industries.

 As steam generator, condensers, boiler feed water heater, and oil coolers in power
 As condensers and evaporators in some air-conditioning and refrigeration
 In waste heat recovery applications with heat recovery from liquids and
condensing fluids.
 In environmental control.


 Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger are designed by TEMA Standards.

 TEMA = Tabular Exchanger Manufactures Association

Table-1 : Different Class of TEMA STANDARDS


CLASS-R Covers Exchangers for the generally severe

duties of the Petroleum and related industries.

CLASS-C Covers Exchangers for moderate duties in

commercial and general process application.

CLASS-B Covers Exchangers for use in the chemical
process industries.

1.4 Shell and Tube Designation [3] :-

m/n; “Where”, m=No. of Shell Passes

n=No. of Tube Passes

Examples: (1)1/2 = 1 shell pass and 2 tube passes

(2)2/4 = 2 shell passes and 4 tube passes


Literature Review

2.1 Introduction :-
A literature review for the present work was carried out. Various research
papers and Web articles were studied relevant to the topic of work.

2.2 Summary Of Papers Referred :-

2.2.1 “A numerical analysis for the performance improvement of channel

Author Name: Byung-Hyun Jang, Byeong-Ha Jeon, Kwon-Hee Lee
Dong-A University (Busan 604-714, KOREA)
They conclude that The shell and tube heat exchanger is used throughout
various industries because of its inexpensive cost and handiness when it comes to
maintenance. There are several thermal design factors that are to be taken into account
when designing the tubes in the shell and tube heat exchangers. They are tube
diameter, tube length, number of tubes, number of baffles, etc. The characteristics of flow
and heat transfer within the shell are not simple. This paper conducted numerical analysis
to predict the characteristics of difference in temperature and pressure drop, which are the
performances of channel heat exchanger.ANSYS CFX was used for heat transfer and fluid
flow analysis and the initial and boundary conditions.

2.2.2 “Design and construction of concentric tube heat exchanger”

Author Name: Folaranmi Joshua, Federal University of Technology
(Minna, Niger State, Nigeria)
They conclude that The concentric tube heat exchanger was designed in order to
study the process of heat transfer between two fluids through a solid partition. It was

designed for a counter-flow arrangement and the logarithmic mean temperature difference
(LMTD) method of analysis was adopted. Water was used as fluid for the experiment.
There are three main types of heat exchangers:
The Recuperative type in which the flowing fluids exchanging heat are on either side of a
dividing wall.
(A) The Regenerative type in which the hot and cold fluids pass alternately through a
space containing a matrix of material that provides alternately a sink and a source for
heat flow.
(B) The Evaporative type in which a liquid is cooled evaporatively and continuously in
the same space as the coolant.

This research paper is on recuperative type of heat exchanger, which can further be
classified, based on the relative directions of the flow of the hot and cold fluids, into three
(A) Parallel flow, when both the fluids move in parallel in the same direction.
(B)Counter flow, when the fluids move in parallel but in opposite directions.
(C) Cross flow, when the directions of flow are mutually perpendicular.

2.2.3 “Increasing Heat Exchanger Performance”

Author Name: KEVIN M. LUNSFORD, Bryan Research & Engineering,
Inc., Bryan, Texas
They conclude that These requests may arise as a result of the need to increase
process throughput, increase profitability, or accommodate capital limitations. Processes
which use heat transfer equipment must frequently be improved for these reasons. This
paper provides some methods for increasing shell-and-tube exchanger performance.The
methods consider whether the exchanger is performing correctly to begin with, excess
pressure drop capacity in existing exchangers, the re-evaluation of fouling factors and their
effect on exchanger calculations, and the use of augmented surfaces and enhanced heat
transfer. A plan for increasing heat exchanger performance for shell and tube exchangers
should consider the following steps.

(1)Determine that the exchanger is operating correctly as designed. Correcting flaws in
construction and piping that may have a detrimental effect on heat transfer and pressure
drop may be the solution.

(2)Estimate how much pressure drop is available. For single phase heat transfer
coefficients, higher fluid velocity increases heat transfer coefficients and pressure drop.

(3)Estimate fouling factors that are not overstated. Excessive fouling factors at the design
state result in oversized exchangers with low velocities. These low velocities may
exacerbate the fouling problem. More liberal fouling factors and periodic cleaning may
increase the heat exchanger’s performance.

(4)Consider using a basic shell-and-tube exchanger with enhancement or intensification

such as Finning, tube inserts, modified tubes, or modified baffles.

2.2.4 “Heat exchanger design”

Author Name: Su That Mon Than, Khin Aung Lin, Mi Sandar Mon
They conclude that A characteristic of heat exchanger design is the procedure of
specifying a design, heat transfer area and pressure drops and checking whether the
assumed design satisfies all requirements or not. The purpose of this paper is how to
design the oil cooler (heat exchanger) especially for shell and tube heat exchanger
which is the majority type of liquid to liquid heat exchanger. General design
considerations and design procedure are also illustrated in this paper and a flow
diagram is provided as an aid of design procedure. In design calculation, the Mat
LAB and AutoCAD software are used.

2.2.5 “Optimum design of shell and tube heat exchanger”

Author Name: Liljana Markovska, Vera Mesko~Radmila Kiprijanova,
Aleksandar Grizo
They conclude that Optimization of shell-and-tube-heat exchanger is
accomplished by use of the OPTIMIZER software package. The objective function is

defined together with the implicit constraint. The simultaneous equation solving method is
used to solve the equations that describe the process.

The advantages of the simultaneous equations solving approach are that:

(1) It is a natural way to specify a problem since the design problem is by nature and
optimization problem and the engineer does not have any other criterion for specifying
many arbitrary variables.
(2) It is easy to specify variables and constraints.
(3) It can handle highly integrated systems since all equations are solved simultaneously.
The Extended Complex algorithm is chosen for such optimization study. The optimal
value of the objective function and appropriate design variables are obtained.

2.2.6 “Comparison of numerical heat transfer in conventional and

helically baffled heat exchanger”
Author Name: C.Sivarajan, B.Rajasekaran, Dr.N.Krishnamohan
They conclude that As the helix changer offers process designers a high
performance, it has been considered for study in this project. Helical baffles are
employed increasingly in Shell-and-tube heat exchangers (Helix changer) for their
significant advantages in reducing pressure drop, vibration and fouling while
maintaining a higher heat transfer performance. In order to make good use of helical
baffles, serial improvements have been made by many researchers. Helix changer is
cost effective, having lesser shell side fouling. It has higher shell-side heat transfer and
lower shell-side pressure drop. Because of homogeneous flow distribution it improves
plant reliability and run length, having reduced vibration hazards.

Fig.-2.1 : Shell and tube heat exchanger with conventional baffle (STHX)

Extensive analysis results from numerical simulations indicate that these STHXHB have
better flow and heat transfer performance than the STHX. Based on these new
improvements, the STHXHB might be replaced by STHX in industrial applications to save
energy, reduce cost, and prolong the service life and operation time.

Fig.-2.2 : Shell and Tube heat exchanger with continuous helical baffle

Tubes for Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger”
Author Name: Ventsislav ZIMPAROV, Plamen PENCHEV, Department of
Mechanical Engineering, Gabrovo Technical University
They conclude that Extended performance evaluation criteria have been used to
assess the benefit of replacing the smooth tubes with deeper corrugated tubes in
shell-and-tube heat exchangers. The goal is to assess the influence of
characteristic parameters of the corrugated tubes: height-to-diameter ratio e/Di; relative
pitch p/e; and relative helix angle β on the thermodynamic efficiency in the case of
condensers with steam condensing on the outside of the vertically or horizontally mounted
tubes and water in forced convection (non-boiling) flow being pumped through the tubes.
Corrugated Tube Heat Exchangers (CTHE) are shell and tube heat exchangers which use
corrugated tubes instead of plain tubes.


Problem Definition

3.1 Problem :-

Here, Oil Cooler is Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger. The Problems are:
 Less Heat transfer rate.
 Large Pressure Drop at shell side.
 Large Pressure Drop at tube side.
 Cost is very high.

3.2 Technical Specification :-

 Outer diameter of tube = 15.875 mm

 Thickness of tube = 1.62 mm
 Length of tube = 3000 mm
 Length of fin = 2900 mm
 No. of tube = 85 (single pass)
 No. of baffle = 22
 Thickness of baffle = 2 mm
 Design pressure = 18 kg/cm2
 Working pressure = 14.5 bar
 Flow rate = 85 l/min
 Shell side temp. (oil) (a) Inlet temp. = 80 o C
(b) Outlet temp. = 50 o C
 Tube side temp. (Ammonia) (a) Inlet temp. = 40 o C
(b) Outlet temp. = 40 o C
 FPI (fin per inch) = 24


Design Procedure of Oil Cooler

4.1 Flow Chart :-

4.2 LMTD Calculation [2] :-

Table-2 : Specification

Hot fluid : Crude Oil Cold fluid : Ammonia gas

(shell side) (tube side)

T1 = inlet temp. = 80 o C t1=inlet temp. = 40 o C

T2 =outlet temp. = 50o C t2=outlet temp. = 40 o C

• LMTD = Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference

LMTD = ∆tlm = [(T1-t2)-(T2-t1)]/ [ln {(T1-t2)/ (T2-t1)}] (1)

= [(80-40)-(50-40)]/ [ln {(80-50)/ (50-40)}]

= (40-10)/ln (40/10)
= 22 o C

Fig.-4.1 : Temperature Profile

4.3 Fluid Properties [2] :-

k ( W/m- K) ρ (kg/m3) µ (N-s/m2) Cp (J/kg-K)

Crude oil 0.122 786.4 0.00189 2177

Ammonia gas 0.022 0.86 0.0000098 2190

Table-3 : Fluid Properties

k = thermal conductivity
ρ = density
µ = dynamic viscosity
Cp = specific heat

4.4 Basic Heat Transfer Relation [2] :-

Q = U A ∆tm (2)

Q = Total heat to be transferred
A = Required effective outside heat transfer
Surface area
∆tm = Mean temperature difference = ∆tlm*F
F = Correction factor
U = Overall heat transfer Coefficient

A = π do L Nt (3)
do = Outside diameter of tube=15.875 mm
Nt = No. of Tube = 85
L = Length of tube = 3000 mm

A = 3.14*15.875*3000*85
= 12711112.5 mm2
= 12.711 m2

4.4.1 Bundle Diameter (Db) :-

Nt = No. of Tubes = 85
K1 = 0.319 (From the Table)
n1 = 2.142(From the Table)
d0 = Outside diameter of tube = 15.875 mm

Nt = K1[(Db/d0)^n1] (4)

From table-4, K1 = 0.319 & n1 = 2.142

85 = 0.319 [(Db/15.875)2.142]
(15.875)2.142*266.478 = (Db)2.142
(99439.94)1/2.142 = Db
Db = 215.71 mm
Db = 8.63 inch
Shell Internal Diameter = 10 inch
= 250 mm

4.5 Tie Rod [2] :-

Function: (1) Hold the baffle assembly together

(2) Maintain the selected baffle spacing
(3) To reduce the vibration
The No. of Tie Rods used depends on the Shell Inner Diameter.

Fig.-4.2 : Tie Rods

From the Table-5, Tie Rod Diameter = 6.4mm
No. of Tie Rod = 4

4.6 Baffle [5] :-

Function :
(1) To direct fluid stream across the tubes, to increase fluid velocity.
(2) So, improve the rate of heat transfer.

Material Used: MS, SS or Brass.

4.6.1 Types of Baffle [5] :-

Fig.-4.3 : Single-segmental baffle

Fig.-4.4 : Double-segmental baffle

Fig.-4.5 : Triple-segmental baffle

Fig.-4.6 : Disk and Doughnut baffle

The single and double segmental baffles are most frequently used. They divert the flow
most effectively across the tubes.The triple segmental baffles are used for low pressure
drop application, which are approximately 0.5 and 0.3 of the segmental value.Disc and
Doughnut baffles are composed of alternating outer rings and inner disks, which direct the
flow radially across the tube field.

4.6.2 Baffle Cut [3] :-

Function: to specify the dimensions of a segmental baffle.

Generally 20-45% baffle cut is used.20-25% baffle cut is used for to gives good heat
transfer rates and reduce pressure drop.It permit the shell side fluid to flow across the
baffle.This is expressed as a percentage of shell inside diameter.

Fig.-4.7 : Types of Baffle Cut

No. of Baffle = 22
Baffle Cut = 25%

Baffle Spacing = 0.5* Shell Internal Diameter (5)

= 0.5*250 mm
= 125 mm
From Table-6, Baffle Thickness = 1.6 mm

4.6.3 No. of Tube per Baffle Plate [5] :-
Total area of Baffle Plate = (π/4)*Db2 (6)
= (π/4)*(215.71)2
= 36526.681 mm2

Actual Baffle Plate area with consider 25% of Baffle Cut = 0.75*36526.681
= 27395.011 mm2

Area No. of Tube
36526.681 mm2 : 85
27395.011 mm2 : (?)
So, No. of Tube per Baffle Plate = (85*27395.011)/36526.681
= 64
No. of Tube in 25% area of Baffle Plate = 85-64
= 21

4.7 Tube [3] :-

4.7.1 Introduction :-

Diameter range-16mm to 50mm.16 to 25mm diameter tube is preferred for most duties
because it is more compact and cheaper.Longer tubes are easily clean by mechanical
methods and would be selected for heavily fouling fluids.

4.7.2 Different tube arrangements :-

(1) Triangular pattern

(2) Rotated Triangular pattern
(3) Square pattern
(4) Rotated Square pattern

Triangular and Rotated Square Pattern of tube give good Heat transfer rate.
Square pattern of tube gives Low Pressure Drop.

Fig.-4.8 : Different Tube Patterns

4.7.3 Tube Pass :-

The Different Tube Passes Used For Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger are :
(1) One Pass
(2) Two Passes
(3) Four Passes

(4) Six Passes

The Tube Passes can be decided From Shell internal diameter.

Fig.-4.9 : One pass

Fig.-4.10 : Two Passes

Fig.-4.11 : Four Passes

Fig.-4.12 : Six Passes

4.7.4 Tube Pitch(Pt) [5] :-

Tube Pitch = Distance between Tube Centers.

Pt = 1.25*(Tube Outer Diameter) (7)

= 1.25*15.875
= 19.844mm

Fig.-4.13 : Tube Pitch
Area of One Tube = L*do*π (8)
= 3000*15.875*3.14
= 149542.5 mm2
= 0.150 m2

No. of Tubes = Total Area of Tubes/Area of One Tube (9)

= 12.711/0.150
= 85

Tube Cross-Sectional Area = (π/4)*(do)2

= (3.14/4)*(15.875)2
= 197.832 mm2

From Table-7, Tube Thickness = 0.065 inches = 1.62 mm

So, Tube inside Diameter = 12.635 mm

4.7.5 Access area :-

Provided area = (π/4)*Di2 (11)
= (π/4)*(0.25)2
= 0.050 m2
Required area = 85*(π/4)*do2 + 4*(π/4)*d2 (12)
= 85*(π/4)*(0.015875)2 + 4*(π/4)*(0.0064)2
= 0.017 + 0.0001286
= 0.0171286 m2
Access area = Provided area-Required area (13)
= 0.050-0.0171286
= 0.033 m2

4.8 Shell [2] :-

Fig.-4.14 : Different Types of Shell

 Different types of shells are used as Shown in figure according to requirement.

 Here, First Column Indicates the following Different Types Of Front End
Stationary Head Types:

(1)Channel and Removable Cover (A type)
(2)Bonnet (Integral Cover) (B type)
(3)Channel integral with tube-sheet and removable cover (C type)
(4)Channel integral with tube-sheet and removable cover (N type)
(5)Special high pressure closure (D type)

 Second Column Indicates the following Different Types Of Shell :

(1) One Pass Shell (E type)
(2) Two Pass Shell With Longitudinal Baffle (F type)
(3) Split Flow (G type)
(4) Double Split Flow (H type)
(5) Divided Flow (J type)
(6) Kettle type Re boiler (K type)
(7) Cross Flow (X type)

 Third Column Indicates the following different types of Rear Head :

(1) Fixed Tube-sheet (Like “A” Stationary Head) (L type)
(2) Fixed Tube-sheet (Like “B” Stationary Head) (M type)
(3) Fixed Tube-sheet (Like “N” Stationary Head) (N type)
(4) Outside Packed Floating Head (P type)
(5) Floating Head With Backing Device (S type)
(6) Pull Through Floating Head (T type)
(7) U-Tube Bundle (U type)
(8) Externally Sealed Floating Tube-sheet (W type)

 E shell is commonly used.

 F shell is used where the shell and tube side temperature difference will be
unsuitable for a single pass.
 G and J shells are used to reduce shell side pressure drop.

From Table-8,
According to SCH. 30 Shell Thickness= 7.5 mm
So, Shell Outer Diameter= 265 mm
4.9 Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient and Heat Capacity [5] :-

U = 1/ [{(1/ho) +ro}(1/Ef) + rw + ri(Ao/Ai) + {1/hi(Ao/Ai)}] (14)

ho = Film Coefficient of shell side fluid
hi = Film Coefficient of tube side fluid
ro = Fouling Resistance on outside surface of tubes = 0.003
ri = Fouling Resistance on inside surface of tubes = 0.001
rw = Resistance of tube wall referred to outside surface of tube wall,
including extended surface if present
Ao/Ai = Ratio of outside to inside surface of tubing = 1.578
Ef = Fin efficiency (Where Applicable) = 1

Now, rw = t/12k [{d+2Nω (d+ω)}/(d-t)] (15)

t = Tube wall thickness = 1.62*10-3 m
N = No. of fins per inch = 24
= No. of fins per meter = 960
ω = Fin height = 10-3 m
k = Thermal conductivity = 0.022 W/m K
d = outer diameter of tube = 15.875*10-3

So, rw = 1.62*10-3/12*0.022 [{0.015875+2*960*0.001(0.015875+0.001)}/(0.015875

= 0.021 Ω

ho De/k = 0.36(De Gs/µ)0.55*(Cp µ/k)1/3*(µb/µw)0.14 (16)

k = 0.122 W /m K
µ = 0.00189 Ns/m2
Cp = 2177 J/Kg K
C = Clearance between adjacent tubes = PT-do = 19.844-15.875 = 3.969 mm
µb = 0.00189 Ns/m2 at 338 K
µw = 0.02 Centi-Poise = 0.02*10-3 Ns/m2 at 313 K

De = 4*[{PT2*(3)1/2}/4-πdo2/8] / (πdo/2) (17)

= 4*[{(19.844)2*(3)1/2}/4-{π*(15.875)2/8}] / (π*15.875/2)
= 11.491 mm

Gs = m/As (18)
As = DsCB/PT (19)
B = Baffle Spacing
Ds = I.D. of shell
As = Bundle Crossflow area at the center of the shell
As = 250*3.969*125/19.844
= 6250.315 mm2
= 0.006 m2

Q = U*A* ∆tm = U*A*∆tlm*F (20)

= U*12.711*295*1
Select trial value of U from Range = 20-1000 W/m2K
So, U = 21 W/m2K
Q = 21*0.150*295
= 78.744 KJ/s
Q = mh*Cph*(th1-th2) (21)
th1-th2 = Inlet temp. of hot fluid-Outlet temp. of hot fluid
= 80-50
= 30o C
= 303 K
78.744 = mh*2.177*303
mh = 0.119 Kg/s = 0.119*3600 = 428.4 Kg/h
Gs = m/As
= 0.119/0.006
= 19.83 Kg/s-m2

hoDe/k = 0.36*{(0.011*19.83)/0.00189}0.55 *{(2177*0.00189)/0.122}1/3
* (0.00189/0.02*10-3)0.14
ho*0.011/0.122 = 0.36*13.621*3.193*1.890
ho = 328.20 W/m2K

Atp = [(π/4)*di2] *(Nt/2) (22)

= (π/4)*(0.012635)2 * (85/2)
= 5.326*10-3 m2
umin = mt / ρt*Atp (23)
= [5100] / [0.86*5.326*10-3]
= 309.29 m/s
Re = ( ρ*umin*di) / µ (24)
= (0.86*309.29*0.012635) / 0.0000098
= 342936 > 104
So,flow is turbulent.
Nub = [(f/2) * (Reb - 1000) Pr] / [1-12.7*(f/2)0.5 * (Pr0.67-1)] (25)
f = [1.58 ln Re - 3.28]-2 (26)
= [1.58 ln 342936 - 3.28]-2
= 0.00352
Nub = [0.00176 * (342936-1000) * 0.881] / [1-12.7*(0.042)*(0.081)]
= 508
hi = [Nub * k] / di (27)
= [508*0.022] / 0.012635
= 885 W/m2K
U = 1/ [{(1/328.20)+0.003} (1) + 0.021 + 0.001*1.578 + (1/885)*1.578]
= 1/0.030408
= 32.886 W/m2K
Q = 32.886*12.711*295 = 123.314 KJ/s

4.10 Pressure Drop [5] :-

4.10.1 Shell Side Pressure Drop :-
∆Ps = [f *Gs2 (Nb+1).Ds] /2 ρ *Φs*De (28)
Φs = (µb/ µw)0.14
f = exp (0.576-0.19 ln Res) (29)
Nb = no. of baffle = 22
Ds = 250 mm = 0.25 m
Gs = 19.83 kg/m2s
De = 0.011491 m
ρ = 786.4 kg/m3
Φs = (94.5)0.14
= 1.890
µ = 0.00189 N-s/m2
Res = (19.83*0.011491)/0.00189
= 121.59
f = exp (0.576 - 0.19 ln 121.59)
= exp (-0.336)
= 0.7145
∆Ps = [0.7145*(19.83)2 *(22+1) * 0.25] / (2*786.4*1.890*0.011)
= 50.25 Pa < 62
So, Design is Safe.

4.10.2 Tube Side Pressure Drop :-

∆Pt = (4*f * L* Np*Gs2)/ (di*2 ρ) (30)
= [4*0.00352*3*1*(19.83)2] / (0.012635*2*0.86)
= 777.46 Pa = 0.77746 K Pa <1.196 K Pa
So, Design is Safe.

Modeling & Simulation

5.1 Modeling Part:-
 Here, Different Tube Patterns are Available as below. From this we Choose
Triangular tube Pattern (Present Geometry) and Rotated Square Tube Pattern
(Modified Geometry) for CFD analysis because they gives good heat transfer Rate.

Present Geometry

Inlet Outlet

Fig.-5.1 : Present Geometry

Modified Geometry



Inlet Outlet

Fig.-5.2 : Modified Geometry

Present mesh Geometry

Fig.-5.3 : Present Mesh Geometry

Modified mesh Geometry

Fig.-5.4 : Modified Mesh Geometry

5.2 Analysis Part:-

Boundary condition



Inlet (wall)
T=353 K Outlet (wall)

T=313 K


Fig.-5.5 : Boundary Condition For Present Geometry

Boundary condition

Outlet (Wall)
Inlet (Wall)

T=353 K

T=313 K


Inlet (Wall) Outlet (Wall)

T=353 K


Fig.-5.6 : Boundary Condition for Modified Geometry

Analysis for Present Geometry

Fig.-5.7 : Analysis for Present Geometry

Analysis for Modified Geometry

Fig.-5.8 : Analysis for Modified Geometry

 This analysis Shows that the heat transfer Rate is 13% more in Rotated Square
Tube Pattern Compared to triangular Pattern.
 Oil Outlet Temperature = 325 K For Triangular tube Pattern
Oil Outlet Temperature = 318 K For Rotated Square tube Pattern

Table-10 : Conclusion

Parameter Company Data TEMA Standard Remarks

Baffle Spacing 102.5 mm 125 mm Close Baffle Spacing gives

High Pressure Drop.

Baffle Thickness 2 mm 1.6 mm Baffle Thickness is

Decrease, then Material used
for Baffle is reduce and Cost
is also reduce (20 %).

Shell side Pressure 62 Pa 50.25 pa 18 % Decrease


Tube side Pressure 1.196 kPa 0.77746 kPa 34 % Decrease


 Here, we calculate the Shell side and Tube side Pressure Drop Which is less than
the Actual Pressure Drop. So, our Design is Safe.


(1) Rajput R. K., Heat and mass transfer, S. Chand Publication, Year-1999.
(2) Tabular Exchanger Manufacturers Association (TEMA STANDARDS - 9TH Edition)
(3) Mukherjee Rajiv, Chemical Engineering Process, Engineers India Ltd.
(4) Practical Engineering Guideline For Processing Plant Solution By KLM
TECHNOLOGY GROUP [Section : Heat Exchanger Selection & Sizing(Engineering
Design Guideline)]
(5) Kakac Sadik, Heat Exchangers-Selection, Rating and Thermal Design,publication,


Table-4 : constants K1 and n1 for triangular pitch, Pt=1.25do [3]

No. of passes 1 2 4 6 8

K1 0.319 0.249 0.175 0.0743 0.0365

n1 2.142 2.207 2.285 2.499 2.675

Table-5 : Tie Rod Standards (CB-4.71) [2]

Dimensions in inches (mm)
Shell Inside Diameter Tie Rod Diameter Minimum No. of Tie Rod
6-15 (152-381) 1/4 (6.4) 4

16-27 (406-686) 3/8 (9.5) 6

28-33 (711-838) 1/2 (12.7) 6

34-48 (864-1219) 1/2 (12.7) 8

49-60 (1245-1524) 1/2 (12.7) 10

61-100 (1549-2540) 5/8 (15.9) 12

Table-6 : Baffle Thickness (CB-4.41) [2]

Dimensions in inches (mm)
Nominal Baffle Thickness
Shell ID Baffle Spacing

12(305) Over Over Over Over Over
and 12(305) to 24(610) to 36(914) to 48(1219) to 60(1524)
Under 24(610) 36(914) 48(1219) 60(1524)
inclusive inclusive inclusive inclusive
6-14 1/16 1/8 (3.2) 3/16 (4.8) 1/4 (6.4) 3/8 (9.5) 3/8 (9.5)
(152-356) (1.6)
15-28 1/8 3/16 (4.8) 1/4 (6.4) 3/8 (9.5) 3/8 (9.5) 1/2 (12.7)
(381-711) (3.2)
29-38 3/16 1/4 (6.4) 5/16 (7.5) 3/8 (9.5) 1/2 (12.7) 5/8 (15.9)
(737-965) (4.8)
39-60 1/4 1/4 (6.4) 3/8 (9.5) 1/2 (9.5) 5/8 (15.9) 5/8 (15.9)
(991-1524) (6.4)
61-100 1/4 3/8 (9.5) 1/2 (12.7) 5/8 (12.7) 3/4 (19.1) 3/4 (19.1)
(1549-2540) (6.4)

Table-7: Tube Thickness [5]

O.D. of BWG Thickness Internal External Internal Weight I.D. O.D. /
Tubing Gauge (in.) Flow Surface Surface Per Ft Tubing I.D.
(in.) Area Per Foot Per Length, (in.) (in.)
(in.2) Length Foot Steel(lb)
(ft2) Length
1/4 22 0.028 0.0295 0.0655 0.0508 0.066 0.194 1.289
1/4 24 0.022 0.0333 0.0655 0.0539 0.054 0.206 1.214
1/4 26 0.018 0.0360 0.0655 0.0560 0.045 0.214 1.168
3/8 18 0.049 0.0603 0.0982 0.0725 0.171 0.277 1.354
1/2 16 0.065 0.1075 0.1309 0.0969 0.302 0.370 1.351
5/8 16 0.065 0.1924 0.1636 0.1296 0.388 0.498 1.25

Table-8 : Minimum Shell Thickness (CB-3.13) [2]

Dimensions in Inches (mm)
Minimum Thickness
Carbon Steel Alloy
Nominal Shell
Diameter Pipe Plate
6 (152) SCH. 40 - 1/8 (3.2)
8-12 (203-305) SCH. 30 - 1/8 (3.2)
13-23 (330-584) SCH. 20 5/16 (7.9) 1/8 (3.2)
24-29 (610-737) - 5/16 (7.9) 3/16 (4.8)
30-39 (762-991) - 3/8 (9.5) 1/4 (6.4)
40-60 (1016-1524) - 7/16 (11.1) 1/4 (6.4)
61-80 (1549-2032) - 1/2 (12.7) 5/16 (7.9)
81-100 (2057-2540) - 1/2 (12.7) 3/8 (9.5)

Table-9 : constants K1 and n1 for Square Pitch, Pt=1.25do [3]

No. of 1 2 4 6 8
K1 0.215 0.156 0.158 0.0402 0.0331

n1 2.207 2.291 2.263 2.617 2.643


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