ED R20 - Unit-5

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Isometric projection is a type of pictorial projection in which the three dimensions

of a solid are not only shown in one view, but their actual sizes can be measured
directly from it.
If a cube is placed on one of its corners on the ground with a solid diagonal
perpendicular to the V.P., the front view is the isometric projection of the cube. The
step-by-step construction is shown in fig. 1 7-1.

(i) (ii)
FIG. 17-1
To draw the projections of a cube of 25 mm long edges resting on the ground
on one of its corners with a solid diagonal perpendicular to the V.P., assume the
cube to be resting on one of its faces on the ground with a solid diagonal parallel
to the V.P.
(i) Draw a square abed in the top view with its sides inclined at 45° to xy.
The line ac representing the solid diagonals AG and CE is parallel to xy.
Project the front view.

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418 Engineering Drawing [Ch. 17

(ii) Tilt the front view about the corner g' so that the line e' c' becomes parallel
to xy. Project the second top view. The solid diagonal CE is now parallel
to both the H.P. and the V.P.
(iii) Reproduce the second top view so that the top view of the solid diagonal,
viz. e1 c 1 is perpendicular to xy. Project the required front view.
This book is accompanied by a computer CD, which contains an audiovisual
animation presented for better visualization and understanding of the
subject. Readers are requested to refer Presentation module 39 for the
Fig. 17-2 shows the front view of the cube in the above position, with the corners
named in capital letters. Its careful study will show that: P
(a) All the faces of the cube are equally inclined
to the V.P. and hence, they are seen as
similar and equal rhombuses instead of squares.
(b) The three lines CB, CD and CG meeting at C
and representing the three edges of the solid
right-angle are also equally inclined to the
V.P. and are therefore, equally foreshortened.
They make equal angles of 120° with each
other. The line CG being vertical, the other
two lines CB and CD make 30° angle each,
with the horizontal. F H
(c) All the other lines representing the edges
of the cube are parallel to one or the
other of the above three lines and are also G
equally foreshortened. FIG. 17-2
(d) The diagonal BO of the top face is parallel to the V.P. and hence, retains
its true length.
This chapter deals with various topics of isometric projection as shown below:
1. Isometric axes, lines and planes
2. Isometric scale
3. Isometric drawing or isometric view
4. Isometric graph.

The three lines CB, CD and CG meeting at the point C and making 120° angles with
each other are termed isometric axes. The lines parallel to these axes are called isometric
lines. The planes representing the faces of the cube as well as other planes parallel to

these planes are called isometric planes.

As all the edges of the cube are equally foreshortened, the square faces are seen
as rhombuses. The rhombus ABCD (fig. 17-2) shows the isometric projection of
the top square face of the cube in which BO is the true length of the diagonal.
Construct a square BQDP around BO as a diagonal. Then BP shows the true
length of BA.

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Art. 17-3] Isometric Projection 419

BA 1 2
In triangle ABO, = =
BO cos 30° -J3
= Ji
BP 1
In triangle PBO, = cos 45°
BO 1
BA 2 1 Ji
BP = -J3 X
Ji = -J3 = 0.815
isometric length
= Ji = 0.815 or 11
The ratio, BA 9
= (approx.).
true length BP -J3
Thus, the isometric projection is reduced in the ratio
Ji: -J3, i.e. the isometric lengths are 0.815 of the true lengths.
Therefore, while drawing an isometric
projection, it is necessary to convert true
lengths into isometric lengths for measuring
and marking the sizes. This is conveniently
done by constructing and making use of
an isometric scale as shown below.
(a) Draw a horizontal line BO of any A
length (fig. 17-3). At the end B,
draw lines BA and BP, such that
L OBA = 30° and L OBP = 45°.
Mark divisions of true length
on the line BP and from each
division-point, draw verticals to
BO meeting BA at respective points.
The divisions thus obtained on BA FIG. 17-3
give lengths on isometric scale.
(b) The same scale may also NG1r\S
N1£1?-\C '-e 2
be drawn with divisions ,so 1
of natural scale on a 0 450
horizontal line AB TRUE LENGTHS 't
(fig. 17-4). At the ends
10 mm 0 2 3 IB
A and B, draw lines AC 20 mm i
and BC making 15° and 30 mm I I
45° angles with AB 40 mm
respectively, and inter- 50 mm I
secting each other at C. FIG. 17-4
From division-points of true lengths on AB, draw lines parallel to BC and meeting
AC at respective points. The divisions along AC give lengths to isometric scale.
The lines BO and AC (fig. 17-2) represent equal diagonals of a square face of
the cube, but are not equally shortened in isometric projection. BO retains its true
length, while AC is considerably shortened. Thus, it is seen that lines which are
not parallel to the isometric axes are not reduced according to any fixed ratio.
Such lines are called non-isometric lines. The measurements should, therefore, be
made on isometric axes and isometric lines only. The non-isometric lines are drawn
by locating positions of their ends on isometric planes and then joining them.

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420 Engineering Drawing [Ch. 17

If the foreshortening of the isometric lines in an isometric projection is disregarded

and instead, the true lengths are marked, the view obtained [fig. 17-S(iii)] will be
exactly of the same shape but larger in proportion (about 22.5%) than that obtained
by the use of the isometric scale [fig. 17-5(ii)]. Due to the ease in construction
and the advantage of measuring the dimensions directly from the drawing, it has
become a general practice to use the true scale instead of the isometric scale.
To avoid confusion, the view drawn with the true scale is called isometric
drawing or isometric view, while that drawn with the use of isometric scale is
called isometric projection.
Referring again to fig. 17-2, the axes BC
and CD represent the sides of a right angle
in horizontal position. Each of them together
with the vertical axis CG, represents the right
angle in vertical position. Hence, in isometric
view of any rectangular solid resting on a
face on the ground, each horizontal face will
have its sides parallel to the two sloping
axes; each vertical face will have its vertical D (i) (ii) (iii)
sides parallel to the vertical axis and the
other sides parallel to one of the sloping axes. Ftc. 17-5
In other words, the vertical edges are shown by vertical lines, while the horizontal
edges are represented by lines, making 30° angles with the horizontal. These lines are
very conveniently drawn with the T-square and a 30°-60° set-square or drafter.

An isometric graph as shown in fig. 17-6 facilitates the drawing of isometric view
of an object. Students are advised to make practice for drawing of isometric
view using such graphs. See fig. 17-55 and fig. 17-56 of problem 17-33.

Ftc. 17-6

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Art. 17-6-1 J Isometric Projection 421

The procedure for drawing isometric views of planes, solids and objects of various
shapes is explained in stages by means of illustrative problems.
In order that the construction of the view may be clearly understood, construction
lines have not been erased. They are, however, drawn fainter than the outlines.
In an isometric view, lines for the hidden edges are generally not shown. In
the solutions accompanying the problems, one or two arrows have been shown.
They indicate the directions from which if the drawing is viewed, the given orthographic
views would be obtained. Students need not show these arrows in their solutions.

This book is by a computer CD, which contains an audiovisual

animation for better visualization and understanding of the
subject. Readers are to refer Presentation module 40 for the
Problem 17-1. The front view of a square is given in fig. 17-l(i). Draw its
isometric view.
As the front view is a square, the surface of the square is vertical. In isometric
view, vertical lines will be drawn vertical, while horizontal lines will be drawn
inclined at 30° to the horizontal.
(i) Through any point d, draw a vertical line da = DA [fig. 17-7(ii)].
(ii) Again through d, draw a line de = DC inclined at 30° to the horizontal
and at 60° to da.
(iii) Complete the rhombus abed which is the required isometric view. The

fig. 17-7(iii).
Problem 7-2. If 17- i, the
view of a square, draw its isome;ric ~iew.
B a b
c d
b at]:
view can also be drawn in direction of the other sloping axis as shown in

b t
As the top view is a square, the surface
d""-._ / C
~ a"""'-
of the square is horizontal. In isometric D C
view, all the sides will be drawn inclined (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
at 30° to the horizontal. FIG. 17-7
(i) From any point d [fig. 17-7(iv)J, draw two lines da and de inclined at 30°
to the horizontal and making 120° angle between themselves.
Problem 17-3. The top view of a
rectangle, the surface of which is horizontal is
shown in fig. l Draw its isornetric vie.v.
Draw the required view as explained s

or S0
Complete the rhombus abed which is the required isometric view.


P t

in problem 17-2 and as shown in either (i) (ii) (iii)

fig. 1 7-8(ii) or fig. 17-8(iii). FIG. 1 7-8
Problem 17-4. The front view of a having its surface parallel to the V.P.
is shown in fig. 17-9(i). Draw its isometric view.

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422 Engineering Drawing [Ch. 17

The surface of the triangle is vertical and the base ab is horizontal. ab will be
drawn parallel to a sloping axis. The two sides of the triangle are inclined.
Hence they will not be drawn parallel to
any isometric axis. In an isometric view, angles do
not increase or decrease in any fixed proportion. p
They are drawn after determining the positions
of the ends of the arms on isometric lines. ~
Therefore, enclose the triangle in the rectangle A
ABQP. Draw the isometric view abqp of the

B a
rt2: :~
(ii) (iii)

rectangle [fig. 17-9(ii)]. FIG. 17-9

Mark a point c in pq such that pc = PC. Draw the triangle abc which is the required
isometric view. It can also be drawn in the other direction as shown in fig. 17-9(iii).
Problem 17-5. The front view of a · q e
quadrilat?ral whos~ su~face is pa_.rallel to ~ cP f t
the V.P. 1s shown tn fig. 17-70(1). Draw F D Q E f ~
its isometric view. ~P ba Cl
Enclose the quadrilateral in a rectangle ll.__J Pe
ABEF. A B a ""'-- / b
(i) Draw lines CP and CQ parallel to (i) (ii) (iii)
the sides FE and BE respectively. FIG. 1 7-10
(ii) Draw the isometric view of the rectangle [fig. 17-1 O(ii)J and obtain the
point d in fe as explained in problem 17-4. Draw the isometric view cpeq
of the rectangle CPEQ.
(iii) Draw the quadrilateral abed which is the required isometric view.
If the given view is the top view of a quadrilateral whose surface is horizontal,
i.e. parallel to the H.P., its isometric view will be as shown in fig. 17-10(iii).

surface is parallel to the V.P. or

(b) the top view of the hexagon whose
surface is horizontal, draw its
Problem 17-6. If the view given in fig. 17-1 J(i) i s a
(a) the front view of a hexagon whose


isometric views. (i) (ii) (iii)

(a) fig17-11(ii).(b)fig17-11(iii). FIG. "17-11
In both cases, the views can be drawn in the other direction also.
Problem 17-7. Fig. 17-12(i) shows the front view of a circle whose surface is parallel
to the V.P. Draw the isometric view of the circle.
This book is accompanied by a computer CD, which contains an audiovisual

-=-·--- animation presented for better visualization and understanding of the

subject. Readers are requested to refer Presentation module 41 for the
following problem.
I. Method of points:
(i) Enclose the circle in a square, touching it in points 1, 2, 3 and 4. Draw
the diagonals of the square cutting the circle in points 5, 6, 7 and 8.
(ii) Draw the isometric view of the square [fig. 17-12(ii) and [fig. 17-12(iii)J
and on it mark the mid-points 1, 2, 3 and 4 of its sides. Obtain points
5, 6, 7 and 8 on the diagonals as explained in problem 17-5.

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Art. 17-6-1] Isometric Projection 423

Or, after determining the position of one point, draw through it, lines parallel
to the sides of the rhombus and obtain the other three points. Draw a neat and
smooth curve passing through the eight points viz. 1, 6, 2, 7 etc. The curve is
the required isometric view. It is an ellipse.

(ii) (iii) (ii) (iii)

FIG. 17-12 FIG. 17-13
If the view given in fig. 17-12(i) is the top view of a circle whose surface is
horizontal, its isometric view will be as shown in fig. 17-12(iv).
As the isometric views have been drawn with the true scale, the major axis of
the ellipse is longer than the diameter of the circle.
Fig. 17-13(ii), fig. 17-13(iii) and fig. 17-13(iv)
show the isometric projection of the circle drawn
with isometric scale. Note that when the length
of the side of the rhombus is equal to the isometric
diameter of the circle, the length of the major
axis of the ellipse is equal to the true diameter of 4
the circle.
II. four-centre method:
Draw the isometric view of the square
[fig. 17-14(i)]. Draw perpendicular bisectors of the
sides of the rhombus, intersecting each other on
the longer diagonal at points p and q, and which (i) (ii)
meet at the 120°-angles b and d. FIG. ·1 7-14
Or, draw lines joining the 120°-angles b and d with the mid-points of the opposite
sides and intersecting each other on the longer diagonal at points p and q. Two of these

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424 Engineering Drawing [Ch. 17

lines will be drawn horizontal, while the other two will make 60°-angles with the
horizontal. With centres b and d, draw arcs 3-4 and 1-2 respectively. With centres p
and q, draw arcs 1-4 and 2-3 respectively and complete the required ellipse. Fig. 17-14(ii)
shows the ellipse obtained in the rhombus drawn in the direction of the other sloping
axis. Fig. 17-14(iii) shows the isometric view of the circle when its surface is horizontal.
The ellipse obtained by the four-centre method is not a true ellipse and differs
considerably in size and shape from the ellipse plotted through points. But owing
to the ease in construction and to avoid the labour of drawing freehand neat
curves, this method is generally employed.
Problem 17-8. To draw the isometric view of a circle of a given diameter, around
a given point.
Let O be the given point and D the diameter of the circle.
(a) When the surface of the circle is vertical [fig. 17-14(i)].
(i) Through 0, draw a vertical centre line and another centre line inclined at
30° to the horizontal, i.e. parallel to a sloping isometric axis. On these
lines, mark points 1, 2, 3 and 4 at a distance equal to O.SD from 0.
(ii) Through these points, draw lines parallel to the centre lines and obtain the
rhombus abed of sides equal to D.
(iii) Draw the required ellipse in this rhombus by the four-centre method.
By drawing the second centre line parallel to the other sloping axis, the
isometric view is obtained in another position as shown in fig. 17-14(ii).
(b) When the surface of the circle is horizontal [fig. 17-14(iii)].
Through 0, draw the two centre lines parallel to the two sloping
isometric axes, i.e. inclined at 30° to the horizontal. Draw the required
ellipse as explained in (a) above.
Note: This construction is very useful in drawing isometric views of circular holes in solids.
Problem 17-9. Fig. 17-1 S(i) shows the front view of a semi-circle whose surface
is paraflel to the V.P. Draw its isometric view.
(i) Enclose the semi-circle in a rectangle. Draw the isometric view of the
rectangle [fig. 1 7-1 S(ii) and [fig. 1 7-1 S(iii)].
(ii) Using the four-centre method, draw the half-ellipse in it which is the
required view. The centre for the longer arc may be obtained as shown or
by completing the rhombus.
If the view given in fig. 17-1 S(i) is the top view of a horizontal semi-circle,
its isometric view would be drawn as shown in 17-16(i) and 17-16(ii).

(i) (ii) (iii) (i)

FIG. 17-'l 5 FIG. 17-16
Problem 17-10. Fig. 17-17(i) shows the front view of a semi-circle whose surface
is paraflel to the V.P. Draw the isometric view of the semi-circle.

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Art. 17-6-2] Isometric Projection 425

See fig. 17-17(ii) and fig. 17-17(iii).

(i) (ii) (iii) (i)

FIG. 17-17 FIG. 17-18

If the view shown in fig. 17-17(i) is the

surface is horizontal, its isometric view will
fig. 17-18(ii). R R
Problem 17-11. Fig. 1 7-19(i) shows

the front view of a plane parallel to the
V.P. Draw its isometric view.
(i) The upper two corners of the
plane are rounded with quarter
circles. Enclose the plane in a
(ii) Draw the isometric view of the FIG. 17-19 (ii)
rectangle. From the upper two corners of the parallelogram, mark points
on the sides at a distance equal to R, the radius of the arcs. At these
points erect perpendiculars to the respective sides to intersect each
other at points p and q. With p and q as centres, and radii p1 and
q3, draw the arcs and complete the required view.
It is interesting to note that although the arcs are of the same radius, they are
drawn with different radii in their isometric views.

We have seen that the isometric view of a cube is determined from its orthographic
view in a particular position. The three edges of the solid right-angle of the cube
are shown by lines parallel to the three isometric axes. A square prism or a
rectangular prism also has solid right-angles. Hence, lines for its edges are also
drawn parallel to the three isometric axes.
While drawing the isometric view of any solid, the following important points
should be carefully noted:
(i) The isometric view should be drawn according to the given views and in
such a way that maximum possible details are visible.
(ii) At every point for the corner of a solid, at least three lines for the edges
must converge. Of these, at least two must be for visible edges.
Lines for the hidden edges need not be shown, but it is advisable to check
up every corner so that no line for a visible edge is left out.
(iii) Two lines (for visible edges) will never cross each other.

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426 Engineering Drawing [Ch. 17

Problem 17-12. Draw the isometric view of a square prism, side of the base
20 mm long and the axis 40 mm long, when its axis is (i) vertical and (ii) horizontal.
(i) When the axis is vertical, the ends of the prism will be horizontal. Draw the
isometric view (the rhombus 1-2-3-4) of the top end [fig. 17-20(i)]. Its sides
will make 30°-angles with the horizontal. The length of the prism will be
drawn in the third direction, i.e. vertical. Hence, from the corners of the
rhombus, draw vertical lines 1-5, 2-6 and 3-7 of length equal to the length
of the axis. The line 4-8 should not be drawn, as that edge will not be
visible. Draw lines 5-6 and 6-7, thus completing the required isometric view. Lines
7-8 and 8-5 also should not be drawn. Beginning may also be made by drawing
lines from the point 6 on the horizontal line and then proceeding upwards.
(ii) When the axis is horizontal, the ends will be vertical. The ends can be
drawn in two ways as shown in fig. 17-20(ii) and fig. 17-20(iii). In each
case, the length is shown in the direction of the third isometric axis.
7 8

6 2
(i) (ii) (iii)
FIG. 17-20

Problem 17-13. Three views of a block are given in fig. 17-21 (i). Draw its
isometric view.
The block is in the form of a B C d
rectangular prism. Its shortest edges
are vertical. Lines for these edges will
Q a
be drawn vertical. Lines for all other D C
edges which are horizontal, will be drawn
inclined at 30° to the horizontal in
direction of the two sloping axes as
shown in fig. 17-21(ii).

Methods of drawing non-isometric lines. FIG.17-21

When an object contains inclined edges which in the isometric view would be
shown by non-isometric lines, the view may be drawn by using any one of the
following methods:
(i) box method or
(ii) co-ordinate or offset method.
(i) Box method: This method is used when the non-isometric lines or their
ends lie in isometric planes. The object is assumed to be enclosed in a rectangular
box. Initially, the box is drawn in isometric. The ends of the lines for the inclined
edges are then located by measuring on or from the outlines of the box.

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Art. 17-6-2] Isometric Projection 427

Problem 17-14. Three views of a B E F C

block are given in fig. 77-220). Draw lkss2fNR
its isometric view. Q
(i) Enclose the block in a rectangular
(ii) Draw the isometric view of the q
box [fig. 17-22(ii)]. (i) (ii)
FIG. 17-22
(iii) Mark points e and f on the line be
such that be = BE and fc = FC. ...___.___.II.....__ __.I
(iv) Complete the required view as
Problem 17-15. Draw the isometric
view of the plate shown in three views
tn fig. 17-23(i).
FIG. 17-23
ca (ii)

Obtain the required view as explained in problem 17-14 and as shown in fig. 17-23(ii).
This book is accompanied by a computer CD, which contains an audiovisual
animation presented for better visualization and understanding of the
subject. Readers are requested to refer Presentation module 42 for the
following problem.
17-16. Draw the isometric
view of the frustum of the hexagonal
pyrarnid shown in fig. 17-24(i).
(i) Enclose the front view and the
top view in rectangles.
(ii) Draw the isometric view of the
rectangular box [fig. 17-24(ii)J. b'
Locate the six points of the base
of the frustum on the sides of
the bottom of the box. The upper
six points on the top surface
of the box are located by drawing
isometric lines, e.g. P1 and Q1
intersecting at a point 1.
(i) (ii)
(iii) Join the corners and complete the
FIG. 17-24
isometric view as shown.
(ii) Co-ordinate or This method is adopted for objects in which
neither non-isometric lines nor their ends lie in isometric planes.
Perpendiculars are dropped from each end of the edge to a horizontal or a
vertical reference plane. The points at which the perpendiculars meet the plane, are
located by drawing co-ordinates or offsets to the edges of the plane.
This book is accompanied by a computer CD, which contains an audiovisual
animation presented for better visualization and understanding of the
subject. Readers are requested to refer Presentation module 43 for the
following problem.
Problem 17-17. Draw the isometric view of the pentagonal pyramid, the projections
of which are given in fig. 7 7-25(i).

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428 Engineering Drawing [Ch. 17

(i) Enclose the base (in the top view) in an oblong.

(ii) Draw an offset oq (i.e. pq) on the line ab.
(iii) Draw the isometric view of the oblong and locate the corners of the base in
it [fig. 17-25(ii)J.
(iv) Mark a point Q on the line AB such that AQ = aq. From Q, draw a line
QP equal to qo and parallel to 2C. At P, draw a vertical OP equal to o'p'.
(v) Join O with the corners of the base, thus completing the isometric view
of the pyramid.
Fig. 17-25(iii) shows the isometric view of the same pyramid with its axis in
horizontal position.


e' a d'

1 a q

b 2
(i) (ii)
FIG. 'f 7-25

Problem 17-18. Draw the isornetric view of the truncated triangular pyramid
shown in fig. 17-26(i).
(i) Draw the perpendi- o'
culars d x', e' y' and f
z' the front view and
the offsets dq, er and
fc in the top view.
(ii) Draw the isometric view
of the whole pyramid
[fig. 17-26(ii)J. a' B
(iii) Transfer the offsets
and the verticals to
this view and obtain
points D, E and F on
the lines OA, OB CP=cp
and OC respectively. OX=qx RY= ry CZ=cz
(iv) Draw lines DE, EF and b XD= x'd' YE =y'e' ZF=z'f'
FD and complete the (i) (ii)
required isometric view. Fie. 7-26

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Art. 1 7-6-41 Isometric Projection 429

Problem 17-19. Draw the isometric view
of the cylinder shmvn in fig. 17-27(0.
The axis of the cylinder is vertical,
hence its ends are horizontal. Enclose the
cylinder in a square prism.
Method I:
Draw the isometric view of the prism
[fig. 17-27(ii)]. In the two rhombuses, draw
the ellipses by the four-centre method. Draw
(i) (ii) (iii)
two common tangents to the two ellipses. FIG.17-27
Erase the inner half of the lower ellipse
and complete the required view.
Method II:
Draw the rhombus for the upper end of
the prism [fig. 17-27(iii)] and in it, draw the
ellipse by the four-centre method. From the
centres for the arcs, draw vertical lines of
length equal to the length of the axis, thus (i) FIG. 17-28
determining the centres for the lower ellipse.
Draw the arcs for the half ellipse. Draw common
tangents, thus completing the required view.
When the axis of the cylinder is horizontal, its
isometric view is drawn by method I as shown in
fig. 1 7-28(i).
Fig. 17-28(ii) shows the view drawn by method II,
but the axis is shown sloping in the other direction.
Fig. 17-29 and fig. 17-30 respectively show
the isometric views (drawn by method II) of a
half-cylindrical disc with its axis in vertical and
horizontal positions. FIG. 17-30

17-20. Draw the isometric

view of a cone, base 40 mm diameter
and axis 55 mm long (i) when its axis is
vertical and (ii) when its axis is horizontal.
(i) Draw the ellipse for the base [fig.
17-31 (i)]. Determine the position
of the apex by the offset method.
(ii) Draw tangents to the ellipse from
the apex. Erase the part of the
ellipse between the tangents and (i) (ii)
complete the view as shown. FIG. ·J 7-31
(iii) See fig. 17-31 (ii) which is self-explanatory.

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430 Engineering Drawing [Ch. 17

Problem 17-21. Draw the isometric

view of the frustum of a cone shown
in fig. 17-32(i).
(i) Draw the ellipse for the base
[fig. 17-32(ii)J. Draw the axis.
(ii) Around the top end of the axis,
draw the ellipse for the top.
(iii) Draw common tangents, erase
the unwanted part of the
ellipse and complete the view
as shown.

(i} (ii)
FIG. 17-32

_p' .. ~
The orthographic view of a sphere seen from any direction is a circle of diameter
equal to the diameter of the sphere. Hence, the isometric projection of a sphere
is also a circle of the same diameter as explained below.
The front view and the top view of a sphere resting on the ground are shown
in fig. 17-33(i). C is its centre, D is the diameter and P is the point of its contact
with the ground.

p >


(i) (ii)
FIG. 17-33

Assume a vertical section through the centre of the sphere. Its shape will be
a circle of diameter D. The isometric projection of this circle is shown in fig. 17-33(ii)
by ellipses 1 and 2, drawn in two different vertical positions around the same
centre C. The length of the major axis in each case is equal to D. The distance
of the point P from the centre C is equal to the isometric radius of the sphere.

www.Jntufastupdates.com 14
Art. 17-71 Isometric Projection 431

Again, assume a horizontal section through the centre of the sphere. The
isometric projection of this circle is shown by the ellipse 3, drawn in a horizontal
position around the same centre C. In this case also, the distance of the outermost
points on the ellipse from the centre C is equal to O.SD.
Thus, it can be seen that in an isometric projection, the distances of all the
points on the surface of a sphere from its centre, are equal to the radius of the sphere.
Hence, the isometric projection of a sphere is a circle whose diameter is equal
to the true diameter of the sphere.
Also, the distance of the centre of the sphere from its point of contact with
the ground is equal to the isometric radius of the sphere, viz. CP.
It is, therefore, of the utmost importance to note that, isometric scale must
invariably be used, while drawing isometric projections of solids in conjunction with
spheres or having spherical parts.


(i) (ii)
FIG. 17-34
Problem 17-22. Draw the isometric projection of a sphere resting centrally on
the top of a square prism, the front view of which is shown in fig. 17-34(i).
(i) Draw the isometric projection (using isometric scale) of the square prism
and locate the centre P of its top surface [fig. 17-34(ii)].
(ii) Draw a vertical at P and mark a point C on it, such that PC = the
isometric radius of the sphere.
(iii) With C as centre and radius equal to the radius of the sphere, draw a circle
which will be the isometric projection of the sphere.

The solutions given in the following typical problems are mostly self-explanatory.
Explanations are however given where deemed necessary. Construction lines are left
intact for guidance. Dotted lines for hidden edges have been shown in some views
to make the construction more clear. Unless otherwise stated, all dimensions are
given in millimetres.
Problem 17-23. A hexagonal prism having the side of base 26 mm and
the height of 60 mm is resting on one of the comer of the base and its axis
is inclined to 30° to the H.P. Draw its projections and also prepare the isometric
view of the prism in the above stated condition.
(i) Draw the projections of the prism as shown in figure 17-35.
(ii) Construct the isometric view as shown in fig. 17-36.

www.Jntufastupdates.com 15
432 Engineering Drawing [Ch. 17

1' 2'
r- 6'


FIG. 'l 7-36

- 1' 2' 3' 4' 5'
8' 17' 6'

' h' jg• f' y
a b' c' 11' e

FIG. 17-37 FIG. 17-38

www.Jntufastupdates.com 16
Art. 17-7] Isometric Projection 433

Problem 17-24. (fig. 17-37): A cylindrical block of base, 60 mm diameter and height
80 mm, standing on the H.P. with its axis perpendicular to the H.P. Draw its isometric view.
The method shown in fig. 17-38 is self-explanatony.
Problem 17-25. The projection of pentagonal pyramid is shown in fig. 17-39.
Draw its isometric view.
See fig. 17-40.
- - - o'


FIG. 17-40
Problem 17-26. The projection of the frustum of the cone is shown in fig. 17-41.
Draw its isometric view.
See fig. 17-42.



FIG. 17-41 FIG. 17-42

www.Jntufastupdates.com 17
434 Engineering Drawing [Ch. 17

Problem 17-27. The orthographic projections of the object is shown in fig. 17-43.
Draw the isometric view of the object.
See fig. 17-44.

60 )I

1 FIG. 17-43
n FIG. 17-44
Problem 17-28. Draw the isometric view of the casting shown in two views in
fig. 17-45.
See fig. 17-46. Lines for the visible lower edges of the rectangular hole should
be shown. 22
I< >-!

I Ii
~----75_ _ _+1,.I
l I~

FIG. 17-45 FIG. 17-46

Problem 17-29. Draw the isometric view of the block, two views of which are
shown in fig. 17-47.
See fig. 17-48. Centres for the arcs for lower circular edges are obtained by
drawing vertical lines from the centres for the upper arcs.
Problem 17-30. Draw the isometric view of the casting, shown in three views
in fig. 17-49.
See fig. 17-50.
Problem 17-31. Draw the isometric view of the casting, two views of which are
shown in fig. 17-51.
See fig. 17-52.
www.Jntufastupdates.com 18
Art. 17-7] Isometric Projection 435

30 38


FIG. 17-47 FIG. 17-48

-·-t· 0

50 .1
+ -·
I,( 25 .1
3 ~ 50 .1
(Third-angle projection) FIG. 17-50
FIG. 17-49


0 N! 0
I.() ~ N



(Third-angle projection) FIG. 17-52

FIG. 17-51
www.Jntufastupdates.com 19
436 Engineering Drawing [Ch. 17

Problem 17-32. The front view of a board fitted with a letter H and mounted
on a wooden post is given in fig. 17-53. Draw its isometric view, assuming the
thickness of the board and of the letter to be equal to 3 cm. Scale, half full size.
(All dimensions are given in centimeters.)

See fig. 1 7-54.

f-<- 8

1 - 4 -22- - - _ 1I

FIG. 17-53 FIG. 17-54

17-33. Draw the isometric view of the casting shown in two views in
fig. 17-55.

See fig. 17-56.

I~ 80
FIG. 17-55 FIG. 17-56

www.Jntufastupdates.com 20
Art. 17-7] Isometric Projection 43 7

Problem 17-34. Draw the isometric view of the model of steps, two views of
which are shown in fig. 17-57.
See fig. 17-58.

{ <O



25 25 25

l FIG. 17-57 FIG. 17-58

Problem 17-35. Two pieces of wood joined together by a dovetail joint are
shown in two views in fig. 17-59. Draw the isometric view of the two pieces
separated but in a position ready for fitting.
See fig. 1 7-60.

FIG. 17-59 FIG. 17-60

Problem 17-36. The outside dimensions of a box made of 4 cm thick planks

are 90 cm x 60 cm x 60 cm height. The depth of the lid on the outside is
12 cm. Draw the isometric view of the box when the lid is 90° open and
(b) 120° open.
Draw the orthographic view of the box with the lid in required positions as
shown in fig. 17-61.
(a) This position is simple to draw in isometric view. Care must, however,
be taken to deduct the thickness of the wood for the bottom and the
top, when showing in the lines for the inside of the box and the lid
(fig. 17-62).
www.Jntufastupdates.com 21
438 Engineering Drawing [Ch. 17

(b) In this position, points P, Q, R etc. for the lid are located by enclosing
the lid in the oblong and transferring the same on the isometric view as
shown in fig. 17-62. The view is left incomplete to avoid congestion.

L______ J
I( 60 .1
FIG. 17-61 FIG. 17-62
Problem 17-37. Tivo views of a cast-iron block are shown in fig. 17-63. Draw its
isometric view.
See fig. 17-64.

-1-_ _12 _ _ _I -1
( _4_a__I
FIG. 17-63 FIG. 17-64
The slope of the lines for the grooves on the outer surface on all the four
sides is different and is obtained as· shown by construction lines. The depth is
measured along vertical lines.
Problem 17-38. Draw the isometric view of the casting shown in two views in
fig. 17-65.
See fig. 17-66.
Problem 17-39. Draw the isometric view of the simple moulding shown in
fig. 17-67.
See fig. 1 7-68.
www.Jntufastupdates.com 22
Art. 17-7] Isometric Projection 439

The points on the curve are located by co-ordinate method. The parallel curve
is obtained by drawing lines in the third direction and equal to the thickness of
the moulding.

63 50

FIG. 17-65 FIG. 17-66

I !I i'
FIG. 17-67
I 1111

FIG. 17-68

Problem 17-40. The front view of three solids placed one above the other,
with their axes in a straight line is shown in fig. 17-69. Draw the isometric view
of the arrangement.
See fig. 17-70.
In this problem, isometric lengths must be taken for all dimensions except for the
radius of the circle for the sphere.
www.Jntufastupdates.com 23
440 Engineering Drawing [Ch. 17

The centre C of the sphere is at a distance equal to the isometric radius

from the centre P of the top face of the cone frustum. The circle for the sphere
is drawn with the true radius.
The ellipse for the section of the sphere is drawn within the rhombus constructed
around the point Q on the axis.


I 063
FIG. 17-69 FIG. ·17-70

Problem 17-41. Draw the isometric view of the clamping piece shown in
fig. 17-71.
See fig. 17-72.

1~---i--- 38

. I
I· I
I · I

FIG. 17-71 FIG. 17-72

www.Jntufastupdates.com 24
Art. 17-7] Isometric Projection 441

Problem 17-42. (fig. 17-73): Draw the

isometric view of a hexagonal nut for a
24 mm diameter bolt, assuming approximate
dimensions. The threads may be neglected
but chamfer must be shown.
~mo 24

See fig. 17-74.

Problem 17-43. Draw the isometric view
of the paper-weight with spherical knob
shown in fig. 17-75.
See fig. 17-76. Isometric scale should
be used for all dimensions except for the FIG. 17-73 FIG. 17-74
radius of the circle for the sphere.

FIG. 17-75 FIG. 17-76
Problem 17-44. (fig. 17-77): Draw t1tie isometric view of a square-headed bolt
24 mm diameter and 70 mm long, with a square neck 18 mm thick and a head,
40 mm square and 18 mm thick.
See fig. 17-78.

FIG. 17-77

FIG. 17-78
www.Jntufastupdates.com 25
442 Engineering Drawing [Ch. 17

Problem 17-45. Draw the isometric view of the casting shown in fig. 17-79.
See fig. 17-80.


FIG. 17-79 FIG. 17-80

. I ,-1..---~ , _R6_,, Problem 17-46. The projections

of a casting are shown in fig. 17-81.
I I I I I : Draw its isometric view.
I . I I I ra · I

~ I
. I I
l-t·-1 ·- ~ See fig. 17-82.
._.,_.__,.._.._.__....-~II II


FIG. 17-81

FIG. 1 7-82

www.Jntufastupdates.com 26
Art. 17-7) Isometric Projection 443

Problem 17-47. Draw the isometric view of the bracket shown in two views in
fig. 17-83.
See fig. 17-84.
50 110


__ T __ ...J
~ I
a, I

I~ 94
FIG. 17-83
I~ 038

FIG. 17-84
Problem 17-48. Draw the isometric view of the machine-handle shown in
fig. 17-85.
See fig. 17-86.
All measurements must be in isometric lengths except those for the diameters
of spherical parts.

www.Jntufastupdates.com 27
444 Engineering Drawing [Ch. 17

I. I
·--·-··;:;-+ ·!--·---·-·-·
B C I .D I E ~ F

45 55

FIG. 17-85

FIG. 17-86

(i) Draw an axis and mark on it the positions of points A, B etc.

(ii) At points B, C, E and F, draw ellipses for circular sections of the conical handle.
Ellipses at B and E will be completely hidden.
(iii) With points A, D and G as centres, draw circles for the spheres, with their
respective true radii.
(iv) Mark points H and J on the vertical axes through O and G respectively and
draw ellipses for the respective sections of the spheres.
(v) Around H, draw a rhombus for the square hole.
(vi) The dotted lines for the depth of the holes are omitted.
Problem 17-49. The front view of a stool having a square top and four legs is
shown in fig. 17-87. Draw its isometric view.
The legs lie along the slant edges of a frustum of a square pyramid (fig. 17-88).
Positions of the connecting horizontal strips between the legs at the top and
at the bottom are determined by marking the heights along the axis and then
drawing isometric lines upto the line AB, which shows the slope of the face of
the frustum.

www.Jntufastupdates.com 28
Exe. 17] Isometric Projection 445




4 LEGS - 40 40 x


FIG. 17-37 FIG. 17-33

1. Projections of castings of various shapes are given in figs. 17-39 to 17-115.

Draw the isometric view of each casting.

~ 3~,
.___ _ ___,__ _ _ _....__ _ _~ __I

25 )I( 20 ) !~ 25
20 I.O 20
15 8 18 8 8J 8
r 1 .._,.

I I 25 25

FIG. 17-39 FIG. 17-90

www.Jntufastupdates.com 29
446 Engineering Drawing [Ch. 17

8 24

16 20



~I 00

I~ 56
(Third-angle projection) FIG. 17-92
FIG. 17-91

:: 104
~I I~
FIG. 17-93 FIG. 17-94

1•25,1• 50 >IC 25 >I 25 38 I

~ ~i
19 I 0
I 15 5
I Nt
_..J I

,_ ___ I II ----
32 32

(Third-angle projection) (Third-angle projection)

FIG. 17-95 FIG. 17-96

1~20,,( 40 •1 I~ 40 >,
5 5 30

~1-- T I



FIG. 17-97 FIG. 17-98

www.Jntufastupdates.com 30
Exe. 17] Isometric Projection 447

30 )1(16)1
~r= "--t--,..i-~
~91 t

~____,22 ~ ~1.._____ ______, ~I I


~ t '---'--1--'---'

FIG. 17-99 FIG. 17-100 FIG. 17-101

~ .....-------,

35 )'
;'!: 11 I

FIG. 17-102 FIG. 17-103

100 100



30 N

4 10

I( 30

FIG. 17-104 (Third-angle projection)

FIG. 17-105

www.Jntufastupdates.com 31
448 Engineering Drawing [Ch. 17

~[ 14 20

D~ ;:: +
__ J


I 1

60 24 R20 75

N 020

FIG. '17-106 (Third-angle projection)

FIG. P-107


100 30 >1, 70 )I
I c:")

12 24 12

FIG.17-108 (Third-angle projection)

FIG. 17-109
I< 30 • I • ~

35 25 20

40 70
0 lli_
52 9

FIG. 17-110 FIG. 1 7-111

www.Jntufastupdates.com 32
Exe. 17] Isometric Projection 449

re~ N
I( 30
( >-j r.i
~ _J__, _ I · I
_L_ l
20 50
k 25 I' (15) II(
I )
------ -

co 70 _j I( 30 > I

(Third-angle projection) FIG. 17-113

FIG. '17-112


I· I

I( 30 > I
I( 80 J .I
~~ 120 I.
010 2 HOLES

F!G.17-114 FIG.17-115
2. Assuming unit length to be equal to 10 mm, draw the isometric views of
objects shown in figs. 17-116 to 17-125.

(Third-angle projection) FIG. 17-117


www.Jntufastupdates.com 33
450 Engineering Drawing [Ch. 17

FIG. 17-1"18 FIG. H-119 FIG. 17-120

+ +

1 iI I 11 l
I ~+-·
I t

(Third-angle projection) FIG. 17-122

FIG. '17-121

I· I

+ ' ,.........--,-,--,


FIG. ·17-123 (Third-angle projection) F1c. 17-125

FIG. '17-124

3. Assuming simple graph of 10 mm grid, draw the isometric views of objects

shown in fig. 17-126 and fig. 17-127.

www.Jntufastupdates.com 34
he. 17] Isometric Projection 451

I ~
I ' I ~

t, I d;
.... / j

I I I I \
I/ I I \

/ I'-.
... v
,! 1--

, ... I
I '
j ' \ I

, ...
' "' /

I ~I',..
l's'I I
·=1 (6) 7"'
1..... ..- I I 1'..J. / '', V
..... ,;"'
I /

/ ""'" ' '


I/ '
I (8) I !'9'

, -I--- - -

\ I
-- -- I

' I

\ I


I I / I

_J....,..- / I\ I\
I " '\
I \ ' '\ /
I 1

1-...... _
j I\
I \
..... ..... " ~

"' I
' \ j
' I/
.,. L, \ ' i\ I

112 13 ' @
FIG, 17-126

www.Jntufastupdates.com 35
452 Engineering Drawing [Ch. 17

,. .,
' /

/1 I/" "'\
I \
I I I\. ..I
/ "; ,.J /
r .... I'
/ \._ .J
\._ .J
" ' II I
'~ 1: :
' r1)
.1<SPHE RE ' r

' r
\ I f-, D A:---1 / ,.3'
\ I
, " I I
j + ::;µ -j>- \
"- ..J

, '
\ \
I \ I
/ '\
' I :a.::
\ I
.,,.. ...... '
'\ /
k-- - SJ -
' (4;
,+ /
( 1,


•- ! - -

- '
; ;
, I/

- / /

j -'"
;,,,.... "''

I \._








' /
~8) '9)

V I\

;j) '\
I ./ \
I I I 1
I I ' '\,1

'\ : :

.r ,, I I I
.,,.. ...... " @
' ,
' I
I \
I \


\ ...... -" ) ) I
I I /
,/ 1./
"- I .J1
,,, ,. ,' I I ..........
- --1- -- -- ,... ·-

,_ __ -
' I

/ !\' r r,..
.... ...... / /
ti 'I\
I { 1, I ,.,. ... "'\
I \
!',. -"
I/ I '-' .,.J V

~ !)

JI \.

FIG. 17-127
www.Jntufastupdates.com 36
Exe. 17] Isometric Projection 453

4. Orthographic views of 35 objects with either (i) a line or (ii) lines or (iii) a view
missing are given in fig. 17-128. Complete the given views. Also draw freehand,
the isometric view of each object.
[For answer see fig. 17-194.]

lJQ dD Db 2]QQ ~O::o

G)D 0D ®[D @00 @CD
[[] 0 rn CSJ EJ cg D CSJ t=j ~
0P 0D ®[Z] ®0 @bJ
0[1] db ~D ~~ LJD
5=a 5J ~ lSl2J
@ @ @ @ lZSJ

DD DlS12J 00J ~~ da
® E;J ® [Z]SJ ® [I] ® [2] ® a
[dt:SJ db BDJ D~ ES~
@D ® ~ @lZJ ®[rl ®Ei2J
0[§ ~ @JEJD co X X X

@D ®rn ®@J @G @GD

~~~~~~ X [BJ[[][]]
®[o] ®[v ®0 @O=d ®GiJ
FIG. 17-128

www.Jntufastupdates.com 37
454 Engineering Drawing [Ch. 17


(EX. 1. FIG. 17-89)

FIG. 17-129
(EX. 1. FIG. 1 7-90)
FIG. 17-130

(Ex. 1. FIG. 17-91)

FIG. 17-131

(EX. 1. FIG. 17-92)

FIG. 17-132

(EX. 1. FIG. 17-93)

FIG. 17-'133
(EX. 1. FIG. 17-94)
FIG. 'l 7-134

(EX. 1. FIG. 17-95) (EX. 1. FIG. 17-96)

FIG. 17-135 FIG. 17-136

www.Jntufastupdates.com 38
Sol. to Exe. 1 7] Isometric Projection 455

(Ex. 1. FIG. 17-97) (EX. 1. FIG. 1 7-98)

FIG. 17-137 FIG. 17-138

(EX. 1. FIG. 17-99) (EX. 1. FIG. 17-100)

FIG. 17-139 FIG. 17-140

(EX. 1. FIG. 17-101) (EX. 1. FIG. 1 7-102)

FIG. 17-141 FIG. 17-142

www.Jntufastupdates.com 39
456 Engineering Drawing [Ch. 17

(EX. 1. FIG. 17-103) (EX.1. FIG.17-104)

FIG. 17-143 FIG. 17-144

(EX. 1. FIG. 17-105) (EX. 1. FIG. 17-106)

FIG. -17-145 FIG. 17-146

(Ex. 1. FIG. 17-107) (Ex. 1. FIG. 17-108)

FIG. 17-147 FIG. 17-148

www.Jntufastupdates.com 40
Sol. to Exe. i 7] Isometric Projection 457

(EX. 1. FIG. 1 7-109) (EX. 1. FIG. 17-110) (EX. 1 . FIG. 1 7-111)

FIG. 17-149 FIG. 17-150 FIG. 17-151

(EX. 1. FIG. 17-112) (EX. 1. FIG. 17-113)

FIG. 17-152 FIG. 17-153

(EX. 1. FIG. 17-114) (Ex. 1. FIG. 17-115)

FIG. 17-154 FIG. 17-155
www.Jntufastupdates.com 41
458 Engineering Drawing [Ch. 17

(EX. 2. FIG. 17-116) (Ex. 2. FIG. 17-117)

FIG. 17-156 FIG. H-157

(Ex. 2. FIG. 17-118) (EX. 2. FIG. 1 7-119)

FIG.17-158 FIG. 17--159

(EX. 2. FIG.17-120) (EX. 2. FIG. 17-121)

FIG. 17-160 FIG. 17-161

(EX. 2. FIG. 17-122) (Ex. 2. FIG. 17-123)

FIG. 17-162 FIG. 1 7--l 63

www.Jntufastupdates.com 42
Sol. to Exe. 'I 7] Isometric Projection 459

(Ex. 2. FIG. 17-124) (EX. 2. FIG. 17-125)

FIG. 17-164 FIG. 17-165

[Ex. 3. FIG. 17-126(1)] [Ex. 3. FIG. 17-126(2)]

FIG. 17-166 FIG. 17-167

[EX. 3. FIG. 17-126(3)] [EX. 3. FIG. 17-126(4)]

FIG. 17-168 FIG. 17-169

www.Jntufastupdates.com 43
460 Engineering Drawing [Ch. 17

[EX. 3. FIG. 17-126(5)] [Ex. 3. FIG. 17-126(6)]

FIG. 17-170 FIG. 17-171

[EX. 3. FIG. 17-126(7)] [Ex. 3. FIG. 17-126(8)]

FIG. 17-172 FIG. 17-173

[Ex. 3. FIG. 17-126(9)] [EX. 3. FIG. 17-126(10)]

FIG. 17-174 FIG. 17-175

www.Jntufastupdates.com 44
Sol. to Exe. 1 7] Isometric Projection 461

[EX. 3. FIG. 1 7-126(11)] [EX. 3. FIG. 17-126(12)]

FIG. 17-176 FIG. 17-177

[Ex. 3. FIG. 17-126(13)] [EX. 3. FIG. 17-126(14)]

FIG. 17-178 FIG. 17-179

[EX. 3. FIG. 17-127(1)] [EX. 3. FIG. 17-127(2)]

FIG. 17-180 FIG. 17-181

[EX. 3. FIG. 17-127(3)] [EX. 3. FIG. 17-127(4)]

FIG. '17-182 FIG. 17-183

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462 Engineering Drawing [Ch. 17

[Ex. 3. FIG. 17-127(5)] [EX. 3. FIG. 17-127(6)]

FIG. 17-184 FIG. 17-185

[EX. 3. FIG. 17-127(7)] [EX. 3. FIG. 17-127(8)]

FIG. 17-186 FIG. '17-187

[EX. 3. FIG. 17-127(9)] [Ex. 3. FIG. 17-127(10)]

FIG. 17-188 FIG. 17--189

www.Jntufastupdates.com 46
Sol. to Exe. 17] Isometric Projection 463

[EX. 3. FIG. 17-127(11 )]

FIG. 17-190

[EX. 3. FIG. 17-127(12)] [EX. 3. FIG. 17-127(13)]

FIG. 17-"l 91 FIG. '17-192

[EX. 3. FIG. 17-127(14)]

FIG. 17-'193

www.Jntufastupdates.com 47
464 Engineering Drawing [Ch. 17


~ ~ ~ ~
CD ® ® ©

~ ® ~ ©
© (j) ® ®

©~ & ~
@ @ @) @

~ ~ & ®
@ @ @ @)

~ @ ~~
® @ ® I ®

~ ~ ~ ~ @
@ @ @) @) @)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
® ® @ I
@ @
(Ex. 4. FIG. 17-128)
FIG. 17-194

www.Jntufastupdates.com 48

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