Carbon Monoxide Residues in Vacuum-Packed Yellowfin Tuna Loins (Thunnus Albacares)

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Italian Journal of Food Safety 2015; volume 4:4528

Carbon monoxide residues in because the stable cherry red colour can last
beyond the microbiological shelf life of the Correspondence: Raffaele Marrone, Department
vacuum-packed yellowfin tuna meat. In this respect, it has to be considered of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Production,
loins (Thunnus Albacares) that tuna fish, like other Scombroid fish, is University of Naples Federico II, Via Federico
commonly associated with cases and out- Delpino 1, 80137 Naples, Italy .
Tel: +39.081.2536464 - Fax: +39.081.458683.
Raffaele Marrone,1 Celestina Mascolo,1 breaks of histamine intoxication. CO-treat-
Giuseppe Palma,2 Giorgio Smaldone,1 ment of fish and meat is allowed at industrial
Mariagrazia Girasole,1 Aniello Anastasio1 level in the United States and in the Key words: Carbon monoxide; Tuna fish;
1 Netherlands (Schubring, 2008), but is not per- Thunnus Albacares; Shelf life; Spectrophoto-
Department of Veterinary Medicine and
mitted in the European Community. In fact, CO metric method.
Animal Production, University of Naples
is not included in the list of allowed food addi-
Federico II; 2National Association of tives (EU Directive 95/2/EC; European Conflict of interest: the authors declare no poten-
Processing Fish Industries, Rome, Italy Commission, 1995). Recently, frozen yellowfin tial conflict of interest.
tuna loins (Thunnus Albacares) with the char-
Received for publication: 9 July 2014.
acteristic cherry red colour typical of the treat- Revision received: 22 December 2014.
ment with CO, have been introduced into the Accepted for publication: 27 December 2014.
Abstract EU market. In accordance to the EU Regulation
No 178/2002 (European Commission, 2002) a This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
The use of carbon monoxide (CO) in fresh rapid alert system has been notified on these Attribution 3.0 License (by-nc 3.0).
fish has generated considerable debate. products. Different methods are available for
©Copyright R. Marrone et al., 2015
Carbon monoxide is used to treat fresh fish in the analysis of CO in food, useful for forensic
Licensee PAGEPress, Italy
order to retain its fresh red appearance for a purposes, including spectrophotometric meth- Italian Journal of Food Safety 2015; 4:4528
longer period. It reacts with the oxy-myoglobin ods (Bylkas and Andersson, 1997; Cruz et al., doi:10.4081/ijfs.2015.4528
to form a fairly stable cherry red carboxy-myo- 1993; Sano and Hashimoto, 1958; Watts et al.,
globin complex that may mask spoilage, 1978). Aim of this work was the research of the
because the CO-complex can be stable beyond presence and concentration of CO in tuna fish
the microbiological shelf life of the meat. The loins (Thunnus Albacares) with a spectropho- accepted limit for a physiological CO content
presence of CO in tuna fish (Thunnus tometric method. in muscle tissues (Ministry of Health and
Albacares) has been investigated by means of Welfare of Japan, 1995). Results indicated only
optical spectroscopy. Formation of the CO two positive samples out of 29 analyzed when
adduct can be easily detected by the combined the average value of the three parts of each
analysis of electronic absorption spectra in Materials and Methods loin were considered. In F2 loin, sampled on
their normal and second derivative modes, 23/10/13, an average value of 777 ng/g of CO
monitoring the intense Soret band at 420 nm. From October to December 2013, twenty- was found (Table 1). In F4 loin, sampled on
Samples were judged as CO treated when their nine tuna loins of Thunnus Albacares coming 29/10/13, the CO concentration was higher
levels were higher than 200 ng/g. Only two pos- from eight batches and individually vacuum than the natural limit within the margin of
itive samples out of 29 analyzed were detected. packaged were examined. The samples were uncertainty provided by the method used. On
The high level of uncertainty (0.30) of the sampled randomly from the distribution estab- the whole out of the eighty-seven analyzed
method requires the use of more specific and lishment and immediately transported under samples (Fa dorsal; Fb lateral and Fc ventral
sensitive methods for confirmatory analysis. conditions of constant temperature (0-4°C) to parts of each loin) only twelve samples (equal-
the laboratory of the Food Inspection Section ly distributed between the dorsal and ventral
of the Department of Veterinary Medicine and parts) showed values higher than 200 ng/g
Animal Productions in Naples, where the label (Table 2).
Introduction data (lot, capture date, freezing and thawing
time, vacuum and capture time) were verified
The seafood industry is continuously and recorded. Three parts of about 10 g from
attempting to develop new technologies aimed the dorsal, ventral and lateral parts of the each Discussion
at extending the shelf life of fish products, loin were singly analyzed for the qualitative
without changing their nutritional and sensory and quantitative determination of carbon Since 2003, EU Commission has notified to
characteristics. The freshness of tuna meat is monoxide using UV-VIS spectrophotometry all member countries through the Rapid Alert
generally judged by its bright red colour. The (Stonek et al., 2004; Smulevich et al., 2007). System for Food and Feed (RASFF) the pres-
desirable colour is due to the level of oxygenat- The relative expanded uncertainty from the ence of carbon monoxide in tuna (Thunnus
ed myoglobin, which is present in the red mus- validation data was found to be equal to 0.30. Albacares) from South-East Asian countries
cle fibres. In order to retain its fresh red colour The results obtained from the average of three (FAO Area 71 and 57) and from some Member
for a longer period, carbon monoxide (CO) gas determinations are expressed in ng/g of car- States. According to many authors, very low
has been used to treat meat in the modified bon monoxide. concentrations of carbon monoxide (0.3-0.5%)
atmosphere packaging (MAP) system. The car- are necessary in the atmosphere for the forma-
bon monoxide reacts with the oxy-myoglobin tion of the CO hemoglobin in food. When this
to form a very stable carboxy-myoglobin com- gas increases (0.1-0.5%) the reduction of
plex (CO-Mb) as the partition coefficient for Results deoxy-myoglobin is favored and the browning
CO is about 50-fold higher than that of oxygen of meat is tempered. Carbon monoxide is not
(Antonini and Brunori, 1971). There are no The CO content in 27 out of 29 examined included in the positive list of food additives of
direct health implications from eating CO- loins was found to be less than 200 ng/g, a EU Regulation N.o 1333/2008 (European
treated tuna. However, CO may mask spoilage, value that is considered the internationally Commission, 2008). In the treated product, the

[page 142] [Italian Journal of Food Safety 2015; 4:4528]


colour may mask the deterioration associated is to determine the minimal CO dose to obtain Japanese government has developed a chro-
with potential risk of scombroid syndrome. the desired colour. matographic method (GC/FID nickel catalyst)
Therefore CO treatment is not allowed within to regulate the import/export of fishery prod-
the EU with the exception of the Netherlands ucts (Hsieh et al., 1998; Ishiwata et al., 1996).
where the treatment (cold smoking method At the National and European level, a confir-
clear smoke®) is accepted, restricting the mar- Conclusions matory method is strongly required for a trade
keting of the processed products to the nation- harmonization of these products, in most
al territory. Today, in different parts of the Results from the present research showed cases imported.
world (USA, Japan, Southeast Asia), the only two positive samples out of 29 analyzed
seafood industry requires the approval of the (3/3 rates). In some aliquots of the negative
treatment with carbon monoxide based on the samples concentrations near limit of 200 ng/g
absence of toxicity of the compound. For the were observed and this results show the high
Food and Drug Administration (USA) the tuna variability in CO distribution. The significant
is wrongly labelled if it is treated with carbon margin of uncertainty (0.30) of the spec- References
monoxide but the presence of the additive in trophotometric method requires the adoption
the label is not declared. Obviously, the target of more specific and sensitive methods. The Antonini E, Brunori M, 1971. Hemoglobin and
myoglobin in their reactions with ligands
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Co., Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
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Table 1. Carbon monoxide content and uncertainty in tuna loins analyzed in first step
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Sample Sample weight (g) Cco (ng/g) U (ng/g) Result Chem Educ 74:426.
F1 (dorsal) 10.09 188.20 56.50 Negative Cruza A, López-Rivadulla M, Sáncheza I,
F1 (lateral) 10.01 24.20 7.30 Negative Bermejoa AM, 1993. Simultaneous deter-
F1 (ventral) 10.01 252.60 75.80 Negative mination of carboxyhemoglobin and total
Mean 155.00 46.50 hemoglobin in carbon monoxide-intoxicat-
F2 (dorsal) 10.00 746.10 223.80 Positive ed patients by use of third-derivative spec-
F2 (lateral) 10.10 787.60 236.30 Positive trophotometry. Anal Lett 26:1087-97.
F2 (ventral) 9.80 797.40 239.20 Positive European Commission, 1995. European
Mean 777.00 233.10 Parliament and Council directive of 20
F3 (dorsal) 10.50 266.00 79.80 Negative February 1995 on food additives other than
F3 (lateral) 10.10 163.30 49.00 Negative colours and sweeteners, 95/2/EC. In:
F3 (ventral) 10.10 25.80 7.70 Negative Official Journal, L 61, 18-03-1995, p. 1.
Mean 151.70 45.50 European Commission, 2002. Regulation of
F4 (dorsal) 10.10 136.20 40.90 Negative the European Parliament and of the
F4 (lateral) 10.08 3.60 1.10 Negative Council of 28 January 2002 laying down
F4 (ventral) 10.05 199.40 59.80 Negative the general principles and requirements of
Mean - 113.10 33.90 food law, establishing the European Food
Cco, carbon monoxide content; U, uncertainty. The results obtained from the average of three determinations are expressed in ng/g of car- Safety Authority and laying down proce-
bon monoxide.
dures in matters of food safety,
178/2002/EC. In: Official Journal, L31/1,
Table 2. Carbon monoxide content and uncertainty in tuna loins analyzed in second step
(November-December 2013). European Commission, 2008. Regulation of
the European Parliament and of the
Sample Sample weight (g) Cco (ng/g) U (ng/g) Result Council of 16 December 2008 on food addi-
F1 (dorsal) 10.02 92.90 27.90 Negative tives, 1333/2008/EC. In: Official Journal, L
F1 (lateral) 10.01 16.50 4.90 Negative 354/16, 31-12-2008.
F1 (ventral) 10.01 133.01 39.90 Negative Ishiwata H, Takeda Y, Kawasaki Y, Yoshida R,
Mean 80.8 24.20 Sugita T, Sakamoto S, Yamada T, 1996.
F2 (dorsal) 10.00 289.3 86.8 Positive Concentration of carbon monoxide in com-
F2 (lateral) 10.00 142.4 42.7 Negative mercial fish flesh and in fish flesh exposed
F2 (ventral) 10.05 254.8 76.4 Negative to carbon monoxide gas for colour fixing. J
Mean 228.8 68.6 Food Hyg Soc Jpn 37:83-90.
F3 (dorsal) 10.08 115.6 34.7 Negative Hsieh P-P, Chow C-J, Chu Y-J, Chen W-L, 1998.
F3 (lateral) 10.00 208.7 62.6 Negative Change in colour and quality of tuna dur-
F3 (ventral) 10.04 71.3 21.7 Negative ing treatment with carbon monoxide gas. J
Mean 131.9 39.6 Food Drug Anal 6:605-13.
F4 (dorsal) 10.18 243.2 73.0 Negative Ministry of Health and Welfare of Japan, 1995.
F4 (lateral) 10.08 305.6 91.7 Positive Practice of carbon monoxide inspection in
F4 (ventral) 10.05 302.5 90.8 Positive raw fishes. Notice of Einyu no. 10, Eika no.
Mean 283.8 85.1 7. Ministry of Health and Welfare of Japan,
Cco, carbon monoxide content; U, uncertainty. The results obtained from the average of three determinations are expressed in ng/g of car- Tokyo, Japan.
bon monoxide.
Sano Y, Hashimoto K, 1958. Studies on the dis-

[Italian Journal of Food Safety 2015; 4:4528] [page 143]


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