Reveal 3-D For Crustacea Procedure: Rinse Sample Extraction
Reveal 3-D For Crustacea Procedure: Rinse Sample Extraction
Reveal 3-D For Crustacea Procedure: Rinse Sample Extraction
1. Open Type 3 extraction buffer 2. Add 0.25 mL of sample to the 3. Secure cap and shake for 1
sachet and add to a sample tube. sample tube. minute.
1. Open Type 3 extraction buffer 2. Gather the sample. For dry sur- 3. Return the swab to the extrac- 4. Secure cap and shake for 1
sachet and add to a sample faces moisten with extraction tion buffer and break off into the minute.
tube. solution. Do not premoisten for tube.
wet surfaces.
Test Procedure
1. Remove the lid and fill with 2. Dip the Reveal 3-D device into the 3. Leave the cavity saturated until 4. Place the device on a flat
liquid from the tube. liquid in the lid; ensure that the the liquid is seen running into surface and allow the test to
cavity is saturated with the liquid. the test window. develop for 5 minutes.
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