Seminar Report Plastic Road PDF
Seminar Report Plastic Road PDF
Seminar Report Plastic Road PDF
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The quantum of plastic waste in municipal solid waste (MSW) is increasing due to increase in
population, urbanization, development activities and changes in life style which is leading to
widespread littering on the landscape. Many of the wastes produced today will remain in the
environment for many years leading to various environmental concerns. Therefore it is necessary
to utilize the wastes effectively with technical development in each field. Many by-products are
being produced using the plastic wastes. The disposal of waste plastic is a menace and becomes a
serious problem globally due to their non-biodegradability and unaesthetic view. Since these are
not disposed scientifically there is a possibility to create ground and water pollution. Plastic
waste, consisting of carry bags, cups and other utilized plastic can be used as a coating over
aggregate and this coated stone can be used for road mix for road construction helps to use
plastic waste. The techniques to use plastic waste for construction purpose of roads and flexible
pavements have been reviewed. In conventional road making process bitumen is used as binder.
Such bitumen can be modified with waste plastic pieces and bitumen mix is made which can be
used as a top layer of coat for flexible pavement. This waste plastic modified bitumen mix shows
better binding property, stability, density and more resistant to water.
Plastic is a very versatile material. Due to the industrial revolution, and its large scale production
plastic seemed to be a cheaper and effective raw material. Today every vital sector of economy
starting from agriculture to packaging, automobile, electronics, electrical, building construction,
communication sectors has been virtually revolutionized by the applications of plastics. Plastic is
a non bio- degradable material and researchers found that the material can remain on earth for
4500 years without degradation. Several studies have proven the health hazard caused by
improper disposal of plastic waste. In recent years, applications of plastic wastes have been
considered in road construction with great interest in many developing countries. The necessary
specifications should be formulated and attempts are to be made to maximize the use of solid
wastes in different layers of pavement. On heating at 100 -1600C, plastics such as polyethylene,
polypropylene and polystyrene, soften and exhibit good binding properties. Blending of the
softened plastic with bitumen results in a mixed that is amenable for road laying. The mixed has
been used to lay roads of length up to 1,500 km in the state of Maharashtra. Other states like
Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Pondicherry, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh have also laid test roads.
These roads have withstood loads due to heavy traffic, rain and temperature variation. Road
surface with neat bitumen can cause bleeding in hot climate, may develop cracks in cold climate,
possess fewer loads bearing capacity and can cause serious damages because of higher axle load
in present conditions due to rapid infrastructure development. Useful life if bituminous overlays
have reportedly declined. India has to raise transportation system to a higher level both in terms
of length and quality.
Plastic roads:
Plastic used in rod construction is not new. Recent studies in this direction have shown some
hope in terms of using plastic-waste in road construction. Plastic is mixed with the bitumen.
Plastic increases the melting point of the bitumen and makes the road retain its flexibility during
winters resulting in its long life. Use of shredded plastic waste act as a strong “binding agent” for
tar making asphalt last long. By mixing plastic with bitumen the ability of the bitumen to
withstand high temperature increases. The plastic waste is melted and mixed with bitumen in a
particular ratio. Normally, blending takes place when temperature reaches 45.50C but when
plastic is mixed, it remains stable even at 550C.
Plastic-bitumen composite roads have better wear resistance than standard asphalt concrete
roads. The blend has increased softening point and decreased penetration value with a suitable
ductility. When used for construction it can withstand higher temperature. Hence it is suitable for
tropical regions. The blend with aggregate has no stripping value. So it can resist the effect of
water. The Marshall Stability value is high. No toxic gas is produced. Disposal of waste plastic
will no longer be a problem. They do not absorb water; have better flexibility which results in
less rutting and less need for repair. Road surface will remain smooth and absorb sound better.
Road strength is twice stronger than normal roads. Burning of plastic waste could be avoided. It
helps to reduce consumption of bituminous mix. The use of waste plastics on the road helps to
provide better place for burying the plastic waste without causing disposal problem. At the same
time, a better road is also constructed. It also helps to avoid the general disposal technique of
waste plastics namely land-filling and the incineration, which have certain burden on ecology.
➢ Prof C.E.G. Justo states that addition of 8% by weight of processed plastic for the
preparation of modified bitumen results in a saving of 0.4% bitumen by weight of the mix
or about 9.6 kg per cubic meter of bituminous concrete mix. Modified bitumen improves
stability, strength, life and other desirable properties of bituminous concrete mix.
➢ Dr. R. Vasudevan states that the polymer bitumen blend is better binder compared to
plain bitumen. Blend has increased softening point and decreased penetration value with
a suitable ductility. When it is used for road construction it can withstand higher
temperature and load. The coating of plastics reduces the porosity, absorption of moisture
and improves soundness. The polymer coated aggregate bitumen mix forms better
material for flexible pavement construction as the mix has shows higher Marshall
Stability value and suitable Marshall Coefficient. Hence the use of waste plastics for
flexible pavement is one of the best disposals of waste plastics. Use of plastic bags in
road help in many ways like easy disposal of waste, better road and prevention of
pollution and so on.
Some encouraging results were reported in the study that there is possibility to improve
the performance of bituminous mixes of road pavements. Waste plastic on heating often
at around 1300C. Thermo gravimetric analysis has shown that there is no gas evolution in
the temperature range of 130-1800C. Softened plastics have a binding property. Hence, it
can be used as a binder for road construction.
➢ Mohd. Imtiyaz (2002) concluded that mix prepared with modifiers shows higher
resistance to permanent deformation at higher temperature.
➢ Verma S.S (2008) concluded that plastics will increase the melting point of the bitumen.
The technology not only strengthened the road construction but also increased the road
➢ The laboratory tests conducted by CRRI in utilization of waste plastic bags in bituminous
concrete mixes have proved that these enhance the properties of mix in addition to
solving disposal problems. The results indicated that there was an improvement in
strength properties when compared to a conventional mix. Therefore, the life of
pavement surfacing using the waste plastic is expected to increase substantially in
comparison to the use of conventional bituminous mix
A detailed literature survey is carried out on use of waste plastics in a ecofriendly way in
construction of pavements especially on Indian context, the short comings from literature is
taken with detailed analysis. Based on the results of survey following conclusions are made:
The increase in percentage polymer decreased the penetration value. This shows the addition of
polymer increases the hardness of the bitumen. The penetration values are decreasing depending
upon percentage of polymers and the type of polymer added. The ductility decreased by the
addition of plastic waste to bitumen. Flash and fire point increased with the increase in the
percentage of polymer. The polymer bitumen blends road surfaces affected by fire hazards. This
shows that the blend has better resistance towards water. This may be due to better binding
property of the polymer bitumen blend. The softening point increased by the addition of plastic
waste to the bitumen. Higher the percentage waste added higher is the softening point. The
increase in softening point shows that there will be less bleeding during summer. Bleeding
accounts, on one side, increased friction for the moving vehicles and on the other side, if it rains
the bleeding accounts for the slippery condition. Both these adverse conditions are much reduced
by polymer-bitumen blend.
Aggregates used in the surface course can be divided into two types according to their size:
coarse aggregates and fine aggregates. Coarse aggregates are generally defined as those retained
on the 2.36 mm sieve. Fine aggregates are those pass through 2.36 mm sieve and are retained on
the 0.075 mm sieve.
Bitumen acts as binding agent for aggregates in bituminous mixes. Generally in India bitumen
used in road construction of flexible pavement is of grades 60/70 or 80/100 penetration grade.
Both the grade of bitumen confirming to BIS standards can be used.
In addition to the improvement of the quality of the road, this technology has helped to use the
waste plastics obtained from domestic and industrial packing materials. This has already been
accepted by the Central Pollution Control Board, New Delhi. They have already released a
guideline on the technique of the road laying by dry process and its advantage. By this technique,
which is in-situ, waste polymer like carry bags, foam, laminated sheets, cups are all used for road
laying. Moreover, the use of polymers helps to reduce equivalent quantity of bitumen, thus
reducing the cost of road laying. The process thus helps to