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An Introduction To Lab-in-Silico: June 2021

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An Introduction to Lab-in-Silico

Article · June 2021

DOI: 10.22034/labinsilico21021001


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2 authors:

Hamid Soleimanimehr Mahmoud Mirzaei

Islamic Azad University Tehran Science and Research Branch 172 PUBLICATIONS   1,909 CITATIONS   

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Lab-in-Silico. 2021;2(1):1-2. DOI: 10.22034/labinsilico21021001

An Introduction to Lab-in-Silico
Hamid Soleimanimehr
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Mahmoud Mirzaei 
Department of Biomaterials, Nanotechnology and Tissue Engineering, School of Advanced Technologies in Medicine,
Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

Received: 07 March 2021 / Accepted: 08 March 2021 / Published Online: 30 June 2021
Copyright © 2021 to Lab-in-Silico as a Member of SciEng Publishing Group (SciEng)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY 4.0).

The idea of Lab-in-Silico journal publishing has been The concept of NBIC20 could be also investigated
arisen from 2020 in the time of COVID-19 pandemic.1 through employing such computer-based
The idea has been initiated regarding the limitations of methodologies. Mathematical algorithms, computer
doing experimental research in such stressful time to software and hardware, powerful processors, 3D
focus on performing computer-based works instead. model systems, theoretical background and availability
Lab-in-Silico; as an international research journal, has of such modern laboratory almost everywhere, could
been announced to researchers to publish their all reveal this message that Lab-in-Silico is a facility of
achievements of all fields of computational research modern era of science and technology. It really
methodologies including computational chemistry, depends on the researchers how to accept or annoy it
computational physics, computational biology, for employing in their research activities. The facility
computational mathematics, computational material has been already ready for using in all fields of research
science, computational drug design, and all other fields topics but still requires expertise to master it for doing
of theory and computations. Indeed, the expression high-quality research works. It is known that PhD
“Lab-in-Silico” implies for using silicon processors of degree programs of computational related science and
computers as laboratories for doing research engineering are now available in several academic
activities.2,3 In order to qualify this mission, two issues fields all around the world. Additionally, many books
were published as volume one of Lab-in-Silico in 2020 and journals have been established to show advantage
by the helps of authors, reviewers and editorial of employing such computer-based methodology to
members; thanks to all. The first issue was published make sense the ideas. In order to maintain green
on June 30, 2020 including seven documents4-10 and nature as much as possible, Lab-in-Silico could help to
the second issue was published on December 30, 2020 use lower values of materials and less damaging the
including seven other documents.11-17 The plan of Lab- nature in its best. Therefore, Lab-in-Silico would like to
in-Silico has been oriented to publish two issues per invite all researches to make sense their ideas in silico
year, in which those issues were successfully published by publish their work in https://lab-in-silico.com.
in the first year of this journal establishment. Lab-in-Silico (eISSN: 2717-1922) is a multidisciplinary
Indeed, in the current digital world, doing research by international research journal established by SciEng
computer-based methodologies could help the ideas to Publishing Group (https://sciengpub.com) covering all
be sensed very much better prior to experiments.18, 19 fields of scientific works in silico. This double-blind

Corresponding author: M. Mirzaei; E-mail address: mdmirzaei@pharm.mui.ac.ir, ORCiD: 0000-0001-9346-4901.
An Introduction to Lab-in-Silico / 2

peer-reviewed journal aims to provide a rapid- submission system at the journal homepage website:
processing platform for researchers from all around https://lab-in-silico.com. At the moment of writing this
the world to share their latest findings. The journal letter, all already published articles of Lab-in-Silico
policy is pure Open Access without article processing have been indexed by two database of Google Scholar
charges for authors and all published articles of this and ICI - Index Copernicus International. It is noted that
journal are freely available for readers without any applications for indexing by further databases are
subscription fee through online system at the journal running. Lab-in-Silico; an international journal, is
homepage. Lab-in-Silico has been publishing twice a looking forward to receiving your valuable submissions
year (2 issues per year; June and December) accepting to consider for rapid publishing processes of this
all Original Research and Review Articles in addition to journal free-of-charge for both of authors and readers.
Short Communications and Letters. Please submit your In case of any questions or problems, please kindly
manuscripts directly to Lab-in-Silico through on-line contact us using lab-in-silico@sciengpub.com e-mail.

1. Harismah K, Mirzaei M. COVID-19: a serious warning for 11. Mirzaei M. Making sense the ideas in silico. Lab-in-
emergency health innovation. Advanced Journal of Silico. 2020;1:31-32.
Science and Engineering. 2020;1:32-33. 12. Ozkendir OM. Temperature dependent XAFS study of
2. Mirzaei M. Science and engineering in silico. Advanced CrFe2O4. Lab-in-Silico. 2020;1:33-37.
Journal of Science and Engineering. 2020;1:1-2. 13. Zahedi H, Yousefi M, Mirzaei M. DFT investigation of
3. Mirzaei M. Lab-in-Silico insights. Advanced Journal of AlP-doped BN nanotube for CO gas capturing. Lab-in-
Chemistry B. 2020;2:1-2. Silico. 2020;1:38-43.
4. Mirzaei M. Lab-in-Silico: an international journal. Lab- 14. Ariaei S. DFT approach on arsine and phosphine gases
in-Silico. 2020;1:1-2. adsorption at the surface of B16C16 nanocluster. Lab-
5. Harismah K, Mirzaei M. In silico interactions of steviol in-Silico. 2020;1:44-49.
with monoamine oxidase enzymes. Lab-in-Silico. 15. Khalid H, Hussain R, Hafeez A. Virtual screening of
2020;1:3-6. Piperidine based small molecules against COVID-19.
6. Gunaydin S, Alcan V, Mirzaei M, Ozkendir OM. Lab-in-Silico. 2020;1:50-55.
Electronic structure study of Fe substituted RuO2 16. Gunaydin S, Ozkendir OM. XAFS calculations of Nd-
semiconductor. Lab-in-Silico. 2020;1:7-10. substituted LiFeO2 material. Lab-in-Silico. 2020;1:56-
7. Harismah K, Mirzaei M. Steviol and iso-steviol vs. 60.
cyclooxygenase enzymes: in silico approach. Lab-in- 17. Mirzaei M. Hydrogen bond interactions of nucleobases:
Silico. 2020;1:11-15. a quick review. Lab-in-Silico. 2020;1:61-66.
8. Tahmasebi E, Shakerzadeh E. Potential application of 18. Farahbakhsh Z, Zamani MR, Rafienia M, Gülseren O,
B40 fullerene as an innovative anode material for Ca- Mirzaei M. In silico activity of AS1411 aptamer against
ion batteries: In silico investigation. Lab-in-Silico. nucleolin of cancer cells. Iranian Journal of Blood and
2020;1:16-20. Cancer. 2020;12:95-100.
9. Yaghoobi R, Mirzaei M. Computational analyses of 19. Soleimani M, Mirzaei M. In silico pharmacy: from
cytidine and aza-cytidine molecular structures. Lab-in- computations to clinics. Journal of Pharmaceutical
Silico. 2020;1:21-25. Care. 2017;5:1.
10. Ozkendir OM, Askar M, Kocer NE. Influence of the 20. Mirzaei M. NBIC: Convergence of nano-bio-info-cogno
epidemic COVID-19: an outlook on health, business and Concepts. Advanced Journal of Science and
scientific studies. Lab-in-Silico. 2020;1:26-30. Engineering. 2020;1:104-105.

How to Cite: Soleimanimehr H, Mirzaei M. An Introduction to Lab-in-Silico. Lab-in-Silico. 2021;2(1):1-2.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.22034/labinsilico21021001
URL: https://sciengpub.com/lab-in-silico/article/view/labinsilico21021001


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