Intelligent Buildings Europe - Engie Book

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Everyone is talking about smart others too, with tips on the common
buildings today – at least, everyone mistakes to avoid. By their nature,
involved in facilities and energy smart buildings require collaboration,
management. But do we really most notably between facilities
understand what smart buildings are, and IT teams, so we examine how
what they can do nesses and how those collaborations should work
we can implement them? All of these and where the key responsibilities
questions – and many more – are lie. We’ll also take a glimpse into the
explored in the following chapters. future: as technology advances at
pace, what might the smart buildings
The benefits of smart buildings
of tomorrow look like?
extend far beyond improved energy
management. At their core, smart What you will discover above all is
buildings are buildings that use that, fundamentally, smart buildings
technology to improve the lives of are about harnessing technology
the people that use or manage them. for the benefit of people. I hope this
Those benefits can be manifested in guide will give you some thought-
many ways, including improvements provoking insights into just how they
in health, safety and wellbeing, do that – and how your business
in comfort and accessibility, in could put the exciting possibilities of
energy or operational efficiency, smart buildings into practice.
in productivity gains or resource
James Spires
Smart Buildings Managing Director
In this eBook, you can tap into the ENGIE
knowledge and expertise of some
of the leading thinkers in the UK
smart building arena. We help to
define what a smart building is,
and tackle some of the common
misconceptions. We also explore
how smart building technology can
be used to improve wellbeing and
thus productivity.
You will find advice on how to
get started with smart buildings:
what you need to consider and the
questions you need to ask. You
can benefit from the experience of

The Smart Buildings eBook is brought to you by ENGIE and Intelligent Building Europe. REGISTER
Intelligent Building Europe takes place alongside Facilities Show, IFSEC International,
FIREX International, Workplace Wellbeing Show, Safety & Health Expo and Counter FOR YOUR
Terror Expo taking place on 19-21 May 2020 at ExCeL in London. TICKET

The Smart Buildings eBook | Foreword 1

What is a Smart Building? 3

The #1 Benefit of Smart Buildings 6

Getting Off the Ground: Advice on Where to Start 8

Dealing with Misperceptions of Smart Buildings 10

Can Every Building Be Smart? 13

Future Trends: Where are we Heading with Smart Buildings? 16

Are FM’s in Danger of Missing the Technology Opportunity? 19

Futureproofing Buildings 21

Wanted: Engineering Skill to Smarten up Cities 23

A Human-Centric Approach to Smart Buildings 25

The Smart Buildings eBook | Contents 2

By Vanti

The word ‘Smart’ has been increasingly used in recent years, generally to act as a more
user-friendly and accessible way of presenting the Internet of Things to the general public.
The idea of the ‘Smart home’ is now a fairly familiar concept, with Google data demonstrating a
steady rise in activity for the term since 2013, and marketing campaigns from companies such
as Hive, Nest, and Philips bringing the language into the consciousness of consumers.

However, there is a great deal of Amazon Alexa) and easily controlled much more heavy-duty setups than
vagueness and uncertainty over what and automated, this becomes a a simple home would. For example,
‘Smart’ actually means, and this is more complicated matter when we where a standard house will only
especially the case in the much wider scale up to Smart offices and other have a handful of rooms, with a few
field of Smart buildings. larger Smart buildings such as hotels, different types of devices in each,
universities, whole apartment blocks a commercial building can include
There’s currently no dictionary
definition of a Smart building, though etc. several floors containing numerous
we seem to be moving towards a rooms and hundreds or thousands of
shared understanding that for a devices and sensors.
building to be considered ‘Smart’, “There is a great deal As well as the sheer complexity
it should use technology to deliver of vagueness and of the systems that exist in Smart
useful, consistent, user-focused uncertainty over what buildings, it’s important to note
experiences as well as space and ‘Smart’ actually means.” that these spaces must support
energy efficiencies. We can contrast much higher occupancy and usage
this with ‘Connected’ and ‘Intelligent’ levels than residential environments.
buildings, as we’ll discuss shortly. Building operators will also have
This is in part due to the fact these
Whilst a Smart home has a generally spaces tend to involve a wider to consider how system failures or
understood and agreed upon number and variety of systems, breaches such as power outages and
definition of being a residential space many of which aren’t utilised in cyber-attacks affect a space’s users,
in which devices are connected via residential environment, and the where mere seconds of downtime
a central hub (think Google Home or sheer size of these spaces require could critically affect a business’

The Smart Buildings eBook | What is a Smart Building? 3

operations. This inevitably leads to same experience as a Smart home users, with consultants and Master
a far more complicated system that would. It may be useful at this Systems Integrators frequently
supports redundancy, uninterrupted point to highlight the difference commencing the design stage of a
power supplies, and high levels between ‘Smart’ and ‘Connected’, project by seeking to understand
of security – not factors that the as the two words have been used exactly who will be using the
average consumer usually considers relatively interchangeably due to the building and what they’ll be doing
when trying to make their home lack of standardised terminology. in it. The day-to-day ‘user journeys’
‘Smart’. Connected buildings tend to feature of these different groups will often
technologies that have been be mapped out and pain points
plugged together, often for the established so the design team can
“For a building to be benefit of owners and operators understand where technology can
considered ‘Smart’, it instead of occupants – think lights
help to alleviate issues or even better,
that automatically turn off after 60
should use technology seconds when movement hasn’t
enhance people’s experience.
to deliver useful, been sensed to save power, thus
consistent, user-focused plunging people into darkness and
experiences as well resulting in inevitable arm-waving or “It may be useful at
as space and energy star jumps to restore functionality. this point to highlight
efficiencies.” Whereas Connected buildings the difference between
seem clever on the surface, they ‘Smart’ and ‘Connected’,
are frequently designed without as the two words have
With this in mind, it’s easy to see how considering how different groups of been used relatively
simply putting a selection of devices people actually use the building and interchangeably due to
onto the same wireless network how technology can be leveraged
isn’t going to cut the mustard on to help them achieve their goals. In
the lack of standardised
a commercial scale, and certainly contrast, a Smart building is centred terminology.”
won’t provide anywhere near the around the needs of the space’s

The Smart Buildings eBook | What is a Smart Building? 4

The level of integration is often a technology can do even more to
“Many tend to see the key point of difference between support occupants. Again, the exact
use of machine learning Connected and Smart buildings. definition of Intelligent buildings has
Connected buildings tend to utilise not been agreed upon, but many tend
and artificial intelligence to see the use of machine learning
technology in a fairly superficial way,
as the line between for example linking lighting to motion and artificial intelligence as the line
Smart and Intelligent.” sensors, or powering down systems between Smart and Intelligent. In
at night. Smart buildings, however, Smart buildings, technology has
take a more integrated approach, been integrated in a way that helps
looking at the big picture (what users achieve what they need to, but
people are trying to achieve within the initial input for this comes from
the building) and working downwards humans – the building is largely
so each individual device and responding to external factors that
system is considered. This results have been programmed in by the
in more useful outcomes, such as commissioning team (e.g. light
personalising a user’s experience levels or occupancy) or initial inputs
so they can be more productive, or from users. Intelligent buildings
managing room temperatures more will use machine learning and AI
holistically by responding to the to proactively support occupants
position of the sun and the weather by learning from these inputs and
that day rather than simply turning making decisions that will benefit
off the heating completely because users. This continuous cycle of
learning, responding to feedback,
the 1st of April has arrived.
and optimising will theoretically
At the other end of the scale we make Intelligent buildings capable of
have ‘Intelligent’ buildings, which is looking after themselves as well as
what we will eventually achieve when their occupants.


The Smart Buildings eBook | What is a Smart Building? 5

By Facilities Show

Earlier this year, Facilities Show held a Smart Buildings Networking and Talk event at its very own
240 Blackfriars. Chris Edwards, Event Director of Facilities Show and Intelligent Building Expo,
caught up with some of our speakers to learn their thoughts on the benefits of smart buildings. He
asked: “According to the research presented during the evening, the number one perceived benefit
of Smart Buildings amongst FM’s is around Energy Management. What are your views on this?”

“I think FMs should be raising their scale i.e. enabling people, making
aspirations and seeking to achieve them more productive and removing
more than just energy management. the roadblocks to them being able
In either of the comparative ratios to do their jobs better, you can pick
prevalent in the industry, energy up all of the savings in space and
represents a tiny proportion of energy efficiency without trying. As
operational business spend when soon as you can help people take
compared with space/buildings control of the space they are in, the
and people. By approaching Smart rest is easy.”
Building from the other end of the
CEO of Vanti

“The insight to Smart Building employees and real estate, value can
perception from your research is be achieved by using Smart Buildings
quite interesting. It highlights to me technology to effectively introduce
that the understanding of the value of agile working practices, reducing
smart buildings is still in its infancy your employee to desk ratios; less
and selling in a business case for desks, less IT equipment, smaller
Smart Building technology adoption departmental footprints, higher
and presenting the value goes way productivity = efficiency = savings.
beyond traditional aspects of facility FM’s would be well advised to build
management. an understanding of the value Smart
The fact is that energy only accounts Buildings deliver in area’s associated
for approximately $3 per employee with people costs and some of
per day so what we need to be doing the softer metrics associated with
is refocusing the business argument aspects such as employee wellbeing
on the impact of higher value to complement the business value of
Head of Product Marketing operational costs. When it comes to sustainability.”
at SmartSpace

The Smart Buildings eBook | The #1 Benefit of Smart Buildings 6

“Energy management is a logical point is that in a smart building
place to look for savings because it you can look at all aspects of the
is easily measured, quantifiable and performance of your facilities,
it feels intuitive. assets and teams.
There are two problems: So you should start with a broad
1. it tends to be rather small hypothesis and look for all types
compared to other costs in of efficiencies across energy,
buildings, unless you are in a retail maintenance regimes, space
environment or similar, so you risk allocations, operating performance,
RODOLPHE D’ARJUZON doing a lot of work for tiny savings capital deployment, staff allocation,
MD and Global Head (c.f. the 3-30-300 rule) and the ability to fix issues remotely or
of Research at Verdantix 2. it is a rather limiting mindset at least at the first time of asking.
through which to look at the value of This is what we call facilities
a smart building because the whole optimisation.”

“Looking from a holistic perspective, savings made in energy bills. For

the people within a building have FM providers, being able to feed
to feel the benefit of any digital business information back to the
innovation. Any modifications need client, to help the client increase
to feed directly back to the wellbeing productivity and prove benefit can
of those using it. To give an example, enhance the client relationship.
automating temperature control FM providers also need to be able
can not only reduce energy bills interact effectively with their clients
but can deliver a better working to ensure the level of service as
CATHERINE FOLLEY environment. kept high.
Facilities Management By enabling a building to deliver a Looking at how an FM company
and Professional Services
Transformation Lead at Oracle better user experience a company interacts with the users of a building
stands to increase productivity, has to be factored into and project
reduce attrition and to attract for smart technology. A building is
talent. The impact this can have on not just the bricks and mortar, it’s the
a business is far greater than any perception of the people within it.”

The Smart Buildings eBook | The #1 Benefit of Smart Buildings 7


The first question to ask when you’re considering any type of smart building system is: what do
you want it to achieve? What challenges does your business face that a smart building can help
to address? Do you understand what a smart building can do?

Essentially a smart building is one systems, technology and sensors be able to see how data in one area
in which energy and operational that generate data. This includes is influenced by activities in another,
systems are controlled and data on utility consumption, space and whether assets are working in
regulated automatically – or with utilisation, building management harmony or in conflict. For example,
minimal human intervention – to systems, weather conditions, access are heating and cooling assets
provide comfortable, efficient, high- control, production output, air quality working against each other, causing
performance working environments. and much more. The process of inefficiency and wasted energy and
They are buildings in which collating, monitoring and analysing cost?
technology is used to meet the needs this data is the core activity of your
of its occupants, while delivering smart building system. WHAT CAN SMART
space, energy, operational and other
All of this data needs to be brought BUILDINGS DO FOR
efficiencies. YOU?
together onto a single platform
for objective analysis. This will By connecting all of your data on
UNDERSTAND YOUR enable you to better understand a single platform, smart buildings
BUILDING – AND YOUR the relationships between different give you a single version of the truth.
OBJECTIVES activities in your building. You will This enables you to make informed
Before deciding how to introduce
a smart building system into your
premises, you need to have a
clear understanding of the current
practices and routines in your
building, in relation to engineering,
maintenance, energy management
and space utilisation. You also need
to understand what systems and
equipment you have in place.
Once you understand how your
building operates, and have clarified
what you want from a smart building,
the next step is to determine what
data you will need to collect to
achieve the desired outcomes.
Data is the lifeblood of any smart
building system; specifically,
connected data. All buildings contain

The Smart Buildings eBook | Getting off the Ground: Advice on Where to Start 8
decisions and interventions based on resources more effectively. By
accurate insights, so that operational monitoring data from key assets “You need to be clear
changes, capital investments such as air-handling units, pumps, about those objectives
and working procedures can be chillers and other mechanical
implemented effectively based on and electrical equipment, smart
at the outset, and
a clear understanding of how your systems ensure maintenance and understand the data
building really works. That means servicing interventions are timed you will need to
you can optimise your resources, appropriately. Essentially, it means achieve them.”
save time and money, increase you can base maintenance decisions
operational efficiency, improve on facts about the condition of
employee health and wellbeing, your equipment, rather than on are key to its success. So before
boost productivity and reduce your predetermined schedules. you begin any smart building
environmental impact – all thanks to implementation, you need to
Monitoring data from building assets
the insights provided by your smart engage with all stakeholders, from
will also help you to quickly identify
building. the finance team to your facilities
when inefficiencies or faults occur,
so you can rectify them promptly. managers and people who occupy
the building every day. That way you
“It means you MAKING LIFE SIMPLER can tailor your smart building system
can base maintenance FOR EVERYONE
to ensure it delivers what everyone
needs from it. Working in a smart
decisions on facts The benefits of a smart building boil building requires a different way
about the condition of down to convenience. They enable of thinking, and people need to be
your equipment, rather you to access extensive and valuable prepared to adjust to that.
than on predetermined data at any time from any device. The
Remember, at its heart, a smart
schedules.” views available to individuals within
building is all about connecting
your organisation can be tailored
data in meaningful ways to achieve
to their requirements, making the
the objectives of your business.
system relevant to each user and
Smart building systems also You need to be clear about those
easy to act upon.
help you manage your building objectives at the outset, and
more efficiently, by providing the The usability and relevance of any understand the data you will need to
information you need to allocate smart building system to its users achieve them.

The Smart Buildings eBook | Getting off the Ground: Advice on Where to Start 9
By Vanti

As a relatively young (and still largely theoretical) area, there are many misperceptions around
the benefits of Smart buildings. Conversations about the impact of integrated technology
within commercial settings have largely focused on very tangible outcomes like energy
efficiency and its associated savings, or the performance of cutting-edge technology; likewise,
the majority of studies that have attempted to quantify the benefits of Smart buildings have
centred on gathering and analysing data that will demonstrate clear value and a palpable
business case.

The reasons for this focus on to potential buyers or tenants, but who may want to ensure their new
energy and technology are twofold; this isn’t always the case. A holistic cutting-edge global headquarters
firstly, they are easy to measure. For approach to technology is required has cutting-edge technology to
example, if energy is measured in ensuring the most appropriate match.
kilowatt hours and has a specific, devices and systems are selected for
Where it makes sense to do so,
known price per kilowatt hour, it’s a project, based on a well-developed
responsible consultants and
very straightforward to work out user experience narrative and its
integrators will obviously seek to
how much money a company is associated requirements.
install up-to-date tech, but this
saving if they manage to increase
This can sometimes mean carefully shouldn’t just be for the sake of it.
energy efficiency by 10%. Likewise,
managing end user expectations, Whatever’s installed will likely remain
newer technologies are often more
energy efficient or support tangible
increases in productivity, which has a
similar measurable impact.

“A holistic approach to
technology is required
ensuring the most
appropriate devices and
systems are selected for
a project.”

There’s also a strong perception

that the latest technology is the
best, and must be deployed for a
building to have maximum value

The Smart Buildings eBook | Dealing with Misperceptions of Smart Buildings 10

users. There are a few increasingly-
cited metrics that demonstrate quite
how important it is to focus on the
human benefit of a space, including
JLL’s 3-30-300 , a rule of thumb that
provides a breakdown of the average
amount of money an organisation
spends per square foot of building
occupancy. This is comprised of $3
for utilities, $30 for rent, and $300
for employee costs. Organisations
typically try to save money on
their utilities and rent, whereas the
greatest impact on costs would
likely be gained by focusing on
improving employee performance
and wellbeing. Also, by focusing
in place for at least the early years sounding software from a promising on and enabling for productivity,
of the building, so should be reliable new start-up. space optimisation and increased
enough to stand up to the expected energy efficiency become natural
The future definitely has a place for by-products.
level of wear and tear – it therefore
the latest, greatest tech – things
may make more sense to opt for a
like AI, Big Data, AR, and machine
manufacturer or model that’s already
learning will support the Intelligent
been well tested and proven in the
buildings of the 2020s and beyond –
“It would be unwise
environment in which it will be used. but it would be unwise to integrate to integrate these
The technology that’s used should these technologies purely for the technologies purely for
also have been rigorously assessed sake of it. It’s far more important the sake of it.”
from a security standpoint to ensure to have the basic foundations in
the risk of breaches or vulnerabilities place and make sure the needs of
are minimised. the building’s occupants are met in It’s therefore vital for the industry
a sustainable way before bringing as a whole to try and develop a
in futuristic systems that may add better understanding of how Smart
“Seconds of downtime little value in their current form. As buildings can help occupants
can have huge effects we’ll discuss in a future chapter, achieve the productivity gains
for businesses, so it’s Smart buildings ideally need to be that will result in faster return on
developed in a way that will support
sometimes better to their continuous upgrade and
investment. Some early studies have
highlighted significant benefits, with
use tried and tested optimisation, so these technologies one (by Imperial College London
technology for business- can always be integrated at a in association with engineering
critical systems.” point where they can demonstrate consultancy Atkins)
significant benefit. citing potential increases in
Whilst energy efficiency and productivity of between 5-8%. To put
As previously mentioned, seconds of technological capabilities are this into context, such a rise would
downtime can have huge effects for relatively easy to measure due to be equivalent to twice the annual
businesses, so it’s sometimes better their tangibility, something that can contribution to UK GDP made by
to use tried and tested technology have a far bigger impact but in a less the entire aerospace industry. The
for business-critical systems rather quantifiable way is the effect of a same study also proposed a payback
than taking a risk with some exciting- Smart building on its occupants and period of two to six years.

The Smart Buildings eBook | Dealing with Misperceptions of Smart Buildings 11

them to enjoy all the benefits of a
“Focusing on personalised environment without
and enabling for the fear of their information being
productivity, space
optimisation and Though not a misperception of a
increased energy benefit, we would be remiss to not
touch upon the elephant in the room
efficiency become that is cost. Adding technology
natural by-products.” to a building can be perceived as
expensive, but if technology systems
are considered holistically (in the
The industry repeatedly comes same way as the experience they are
up against the notion that Smart there to create) then savings can be
buildings fundamentally represent made.
an invasion of privacy. The idea of
our every movement being tracked
by sensors, giving our managers the “The industry repeatedly
ability to find out where we are at any
given moment (and how long we’re
comes up against the
actually spending on our lunchbreak) notion that Smart
can give people a distinct feeling buildings fundamentally
of unease. There are, however, represent an invasion of
measures being taken to address privacy.”
such concerns whilst also providing
individuals with a personalised
experience that will help them to be
Nearly every technology system
as happy and productive as possible.
in a building now uses the same
This includes ensuring consent is
underlying infrastructure yet the
provided, keeping users in control of
construction industry persists in
their own personal data, and allowing
engaging multiple contractors to
information to be anonymised where
do laps of the same building, doing
exactly the same work, and missing
out on huge efficiency savings.

“To put this into While the Smart building industry is

context, such a rise still in its infancy, there is very much
would be equivalent a need for organisations to be open
to twice the annual about their experiences and results
in order to provide more evidence
contribution to UK GDP
about the benefits of fully integrated
made by the entire technology and quantify the impact
aerospace industry.” of such spaces. By following JLL’s
3-30-300 rule of thumb and focusing
efforts on the human element of our 2
By maintaining control over this buildings, we can work to understand workplace/a-surprising-way-to-cut-real-estate-
data and being transparent about and present a business case for costs
usage, organisations can build empowering all users of a Smart 3
trust amongst users, enabling building to truly get the most out of it. centre/news-releases/2017/jul/2017-07-24

The Smart Buildings eBook | Dealing with Misperceptions of Smart Buildings 12

By Verdantix

This slightly provocative question is hugely important. Should the “smart buildings” agenda
only concern a few new and high-end buildings – The Edge in Amsterdam, the new Bloomberg
and Schroders’ headquarters in London? Or should all buildings be smart? We believe the
second question to be the priority and the answer to be yes. But with a few caveats and
subtleties. The key point is that at some level you make every building smart or at least smarter.

A good starting point is that pretty the lifecycle for now and look at ASSET FOCUSED
much every non-residential building software solutions in particular (so INTELLIGENCE...
is different - custom designed leaving aside all the good innovation
and custom built to address the is also available to most buildings,
around connected assets, security
occupiers’ needs at that time. That whether built in from the start or
systems and fire safety for another
makes it hard to have fast adoption installed as a retrofit. Today many
of universal solutions across the more mechanical and electrical
built environment and certainly equipment manufacturers are
means all the comparisons with the designing their products to offer
We can distinguish software connectivity right from the off.
speed of consumer technologies working at four different levels: For example, HVAC manufacturer
irrelevant (for instance all the claims
l Portfolio-level solutions Daikin offers a range of internet-
that the technology world is moving
connected products that opens up
faster than ever, quoting stats on the l Asset focused solutions opportunities for remote monitoring
short time it took for Facebook to
l Workplace focused solutions and management. The software
reach a billion users). So given this
solutions we have been reviewing
underlying reality, how can we justify l U
 nderlying building control as part of our benchmarks now
our claim that every building can be and data aggregation cover the entire asset lifecycle:
smart(er)? solutions from asset condition data that is
At Verdantix we help corporate captured through mobile phone-
users select and get value from their based surveys and feed directly into
technology purchases by constantly PORTFOLIO-LEVEL maintenance workflows through to
reviewing and benchmarking the INTELLIGENCE... capital planning projects analysis.
innovative and incumbent solutions Then as the assets are being used
on the market to understand the is applicable to every building every aspect can be monitored: their
usage scenarios, potential value without fail. While these solutions by level of usage, their condition and
to users, and how it all fits into the the likes of Appfolio, MRI, RealPage the environment they operate in, the
ecosystem. and Yardi, originally were created to energy consumption.
help property investors and asset
The following discussion is based managers to apportion service
on our latest analysis of software to charges and collect rents, they now “This is a world away
manage and optimise buildings and
facilities (feel free to register on our
do much more. Many of the solutions from operate to fail.”
now provide visual analytics tools so
website for free content).
investors can analyse income trends
Let’s focus on the built environment by region or sector and identify the Which can in turn feed into solving
in its Operate & Maintain phase of optimal tenant mix. problems remotely, identify the root

The Smart Buildings eBook | Can Every Building be Smart? 13

cause of problems fast so the first WORKPLACE For the ability to create mobile apps
fix is the correct one, maintaining that allow a building occupant to
assets at the right time (less often do everything they want to from
but with a low right of failure). are often the most visible part of checking menus and queues at the
a smart building to the occupant. canteen, to the availability of parking
There is a strong link between how spaces, to simply finding the most
we design workplaces and how
“There is a strong link we run them. But there again the
convenient meeting room.
between how we design availability of data is a game changer
workplaces and how we on many fronts. For the executives THE UNDERLYING
run them.” responsible for office design who BUILDING CONTROL
can track how staff are using (or not) AND DATA SOLUTIONS...
the space to optimise layouts. For are much less visible but equally
This is a world away from operate the occupants who can gain greater important part of making the
to fail, and PPM schedules. For control of their work environment buildings smart(er). Building
instance, a large UK grocery retailer, (hot/cold calls are still the number Management Systems (BMS) spring
working with Accruent, paid back one complaint in buildings).
to mind here – a well proven, mature
on its programme investments in a technology, that’s been around
year just on the energy efficiencies, since the second oil crash. But they
while also creating the capabilities “The underlying are not best suited to capturing,
necessary to do accurate multiyear building control and orchestrating and analysing the huge
capital plans, getting visibility into data solutions are amount of data in buildings. The
work volumes, and opening a remote much less visible but new generation of IoT (Internet of
monitoring site. This is a space also Things) platforms such as Siemens’
teaming with new entrants bringing
equally important part MindSphere, Schneider Electric’s
exciting innovation such Boston of making the buildings EcoStruxure Buildings Operation,
based Entic and Atlanta based smart(er).” or IBM’s Watson IoT bring a whole
Facilio. new dimension to a building’s digital

The Smart Buildings eBook | Can Every Building be Smart? 14

infrastructure. They provide the
ability to capture a huge amount of 2 new lease of life from an occupant
perspective by leveraging apps that
disparate time series data, structure will sit on all the occupants’ mobile
it and make it available to the myriad BE AMBITIOUS AND phones and allow them to report
of analytics solutions discussed LOOK BEYOND THE issues, book spaces and rooms, or
above. Note that there are multiple CURRENT PARADIGM find local services.
visions for how this type of solution
One typical area of push back There are now hundreds of vendors
will play out in the market. Verdantix often hears goes along the that have launched workplace
lines of: “We’ve cut back facilities mobile apps including Comfy (part
management spend so much that I of Siemens), CrowdComfort, iOFFICE
“How many instances don’t see where it might be possible and Spacewell.
of repeat work do to go further”. This is symptomatic
the engineers have to of analysing the situation in a very
perform (showing we narrow way that is almost entirely 4
predicated on what’s been done in
didn’t fix the issue the the past. PUSH THE SOLUTION
first time)? ”
The reality check needs to be: Can INTO YOUR WORKFLOW
we fix easy problems remotely? No matter how powerful and clever,
How many instances of repeat work analytics done in a vacuum will
For instance, for smaller buildings
do the engineers have to perform create no value. At the end of the
we find many solutions that combine
(showing we didn’t fix the issue day some executive or engineer has
these IoT data capabilities and the the first time)? Am I performing
asset management functionality to act on these insights. This is a
maintenance activities on an asset
discussed above such as Australian- surprisingly common problem in the
that’s hardly been used at all? Do
headquartered software firms Envizi market. Executives should always
I know the true utilisation of the
and Switch Automation. challenge the vendors on how easy
it is to integrate with your existing
I’d like to finish with four thoughts work order process. As a manager
for executives intrigued by this
idea of every building being a
3 you must be prepared to change
the way the teams and activities
smart(er) building:
LEVERAGE WHAT YOU are organised for the benefits to be
START WITH THE Your buildings probably already have “No matter how
abundant data – badge swipe data,
PROBLEM powerful and clever,
HR data, operating data in the BMS
Solutions follow. Grand visions of and the asset management system. analytics done in a
linking every system together and Are you using these, even just to vacuum will create no
creating huge data lake are all very get a first order approximation of value.”
good. And it’s true that data is key. the potential for improvement? For
But the reality is that the technology instance, UK based DemandLogic
is available to do most of the things has gained a lot of momentum by
you conceivably might want to do helping extract useful data from
(what really changes is ease, speed BMS to help optimise HVAC systems
and the economics of the solution). in particular. Another hidden asset
So, executives should think hard that’s present in most workplaces:
about what they would actually like to employee smart phones. Even
achieve with their programme. the worst building can be given a

The Smart Buildings eBook | Can Every Building be Smart? 15


Technology is advancing at an astonishing pace. Devices and systems we take for granted
today would have seemed like science fiction to many people only a few years ago. And the
pace of technological innovation shows no sign of slowing. With that in mind, where could
smart building technology take us in the next few years? In this article, we take a look at some
of the possibilities.

BUILDINGS THAT WORK What if room temperatures could employee health and well-being. It’s
FOR PEOPLE be controlled to suit the needs of easy to see the knock-on benefits
each individual? The advent of smart for mental health, happiness and
Today, all data for smart building productivity at work.
wearable devices, such as watches
systems is gathered from fixed
or wrist bands, could make this a
sensors. Whatever you want to
control with your smart building
can only be influenced by data from In future, smart building systems “It’s easy to see the
a sensor in a fixed location. That could gather data on body knock-on benefits
means conditions in your building temperature, perspiration, heart rate for mental health,
are controlled to suit the needs of the and a whole range of other measures happiness and
room or area in which each sensor from individuals within a building. productivity
is located. But what about the needs This could be used to automatically
of the individual? For example, a at work.”
adapt room temperature or humidity
room temperature of 20°C will feel and other variables to suit the needs
different to a person who is sitting of each person. Of course, many
still and a person who is active all day, rooms or buildings are occupied Improving air quality is an important
or to a person who is ill, or to people priority for the UK government.
by large numbers of people, but by
of different ages. Air-quality sensors are now being
taking a mean average from the data
developed that can detect minute
collected, room conditions could be
particulates in the air, as well as
adapted to better suit the majority of
“What if room occupants.
pollen, engine emissions and other
temperatures could pollutants like chemical composition.
By basing building conditions on the Data like this could be used to
be controlled to suit needs of its human occupants, rather provide better data for decisions
the needs of each than on predetermined temperature on air-filtration and better control
individual?” settings, smart buildings of the of extraction systems, as well as to
future could help to improve inform occupant behaviour, such as

The Smart Buildings eBook | Future Trends: Where are we Heading with Smart Buildings? 16
DATA DIRECT TO YOU Smart glasses could also be used
“Air-quality sensors are Advances in GPS technology to simplify security clearance and
access to buildings, by transmitting
now being developed are already helping to improve
information about the wearer to
that can detect minute wayfinding around unfamiliar
building security systems.
buildings. New devices such as
particulates in the air,
smart glasses or smart contact
as well as pollen, engine lenses, which are now being TECHNOLOGY THAT
emissions and other developed, could take this a step TAKES CONTROL
pollutants like chemical further. Wayfinding information, Currently Building Management
composition.” details of forthcoming meetings Systems (BMS) collect data from
and a whole host of other useful a range of sensors and use that
information and reminders could be data to control assets according to
displayed directly and privately to the pre-determined protocols, such as
when and where to open windows. user on these devices.
Improving air quality in a building temperature, pressure or humidity
can have a significant impact on settings. The systems can only
“Now, manufacturers collect data from sensors to which
employee well-being and happiness.
they are connected, and can only
Displaying air-quality data on a of assets, such as enable or disable assets according
prominent dashboard in any building, chillers and boilers, are to pre-programmed criteria. Such
whether an office, a manufacturing creating increasingly systems cannot really be described
plant or a fitness centre, can help to intelligent products that as smart. But now, manufacturers of
inspire and motivate individuals and produce a rich array assets, such as chillers and boilers,
make them feel better about their
of data.” are creating increasingly intelligent
environment. products that produce a rich array
of data about the condition and
performance of the asset. This data
is transmitted to the cloud where
it is easy to access and analyse.
So much of this readily available
data is currently being unused by
conventional BMS technology.
By tapping into the extensive
data emitted by intelligent pumps,
boilers, chillers and other equipment,
businesses in future will be able
to monitor the condition and
performance of their assets, and
make adjustments remotely from
any device. The whole system is
software based, so there is no need
to install hardware such as BMS
control panels and sensors – which
has obvious cost-saving benefits.
The greater control enabled by this
solution also means that assets will
be better managed and maintained,
and likely to last longer. Data from
building assets can be combined

The Smart Buildings eBook | Future Trends: Where are we Heading with Smart Buildings? 17
easily with external data, such as of equipment essentially tells the to the grid. Very soon, smart energy-
information on weather conditions, truth about that asset. It provides management platforms could be
to improve control and optimisation. all the information needed to plan used to decide when battery storage
maintenance activities that help should be used to power the building
For businesses with a large estate,
to improve the performance of and when it is more cost-effective to
the data produced by similar assets
the equipment, while preventing use grid electricity.
across multiple locations can be
unnecessary servicing and
compared to determine the best-
maintenance work.
performing equipment. So, for “Systems could
example, a grocery retail chain could
compare the performance of its GET SET FOR determine the optimum
chillers in different stores to identify INDUSTRY 4.0 time to sell electricity
where equipment is operating The fourth industrial revolution is to the grid, taking into
most efficiently. They can use this upon us. We are already seeing the account prevailing
information to replicate the high- digitisation of many manufacturing market rates.”
performance chillers in all stores. and industrial processes – from
order taking and order execution
to time and attendance-monitoring Similarly, such systems could
“So much of this systems. Manufacturers are determine the optimum time to
readily available data is interested in optimising overall sell electricity to the grid, taking
currently being unused equipment effectiveness (OEE), into account prevailing market
rates. It’s just another way in which
by conventional BMS which is a measure of efficiency
from the time an order is taken to the smart building technology could be
technology.” completion of the product. used to simplify processes, reduce
workloads and deliver tangible
By monitoring data from various financial benefits for businesses.
systems, smart buildings could help
SMARTER SERVICING manufacturers to see when OEE is
AND MAINTENANCE falling, and to analyse the factors MAKING LIFE SIMPLER
Traditional building asset influencing it. Users could monitor A key requirement for any smart
maintenance is based on established efficiencies in real time, prompting building technology is that it must
programmes, with servicing appropriate actions to tackle any be passive; easy-to-use by anyone.
and maintenance scheduled at deterioration in performance. If a All the complexity is hidden in the
predetermined intervals. These manufacturer is operating a number background, with the benefits of
schedules do not take into account of plants, efficiency variations simplicity, accessibility and greater
the differing conditions under between different locations could control delivered seamlessly to users
which equipment operates, for also be analysed and assessed to on any device.
example climatic conditions, help improve performance across
the business. All the advances in smart building
location, exposure to the elements,
technology we have discussed
running hours and a host of other
are about optimising workplaces,
variables. Therefore the standard POWER IN YOUR HANDS improving working environments
maintenance intervals are unlikely to
The localisation of grid services is for individuals, creating greater
be appropriate for all equipment.
another growing trend, with more efficiencies and enabling people to
By using smart technology to monitor premises being powered by solar adapt to changing ways of life and
running hours, performance, output arrays and using batteries to store work. One thing is for certain: the
and other factors, maintenance excess power for use overnight. That next few years will be an exhilarating
and servicing can be timed to suit same locally generated power can and transformational period for
the needs of each specific asset. be used to charge electric vehicles, anyone involved in facilities and
Data taken directly from each piece while excess energy can be sold back energy management.

The Smart Buildings eBook | Future Trends: Where are we Heading with Smart Buildings? 18

You don’t need to be a futurologist to know that technology is dramatically shaping, and
reshaping society. The opportunities appear endless but is the workplace and facilities
management profession in danger of missing the chance to revolutionise its work? IWFM’s
Chris Moriarty, Director of Insight and Engagement, explains how the Institute’s research
suggests a change in focus is required.

It’s difficult to pick up any trade Over half agreed that technologies
press, or attend any conference “We asked like building management systems
or exhibition, without some form practitioners to review (BMS), building information
of reference to the disruptive modelling (BIM), computer aided
nature of technology. Management
emerging technologies facilities management (CAFM) and
consultants, recruiters, professional and assess what impact integrated workplace management
associations and many other they will have on the systems (IWMS) ranked highest, with
organisations are virtually falling profession over the next a slight nod to people analytics and
over themselves to highlight how 10 years.” cloud computing. Those that didn’t
technology will impact jobs and make the 50% plus list included big
our lives (this publication being no data, machine learning, automated
exception). vehicles and robotics.
We found that only when it came to
Whilst I would counsel caution when the most familiar tech tools, or those Curious as to what this was saying
it comes to the more sensational already in the FM operating sphere, we asked FMs to rank, out of four
headlines associated with the topic, could respondents foresee them possible tech futures, which they
particularly how large swathes of playing a significant part in the future. thought was most likely. They
jobs will be rendered redundant,
we must be equally mindful of not
drifting into complacency or wilful
ignorance when it comes to the
impact of technology.
Last year we published a report
Embracing Technology to Move
FM Forward, in partnership with
consultancy and research firm
3edges, which looked at technology’s
potential impact on our profession.
The results were somewhat
We asked practitioners to review
emerging technologies and assess
what impact they will have on the
profession over the next 10 years.

The Smart Buildings eBook | Are FMs in Danger of Missing the Technology Opportunity? 19
included a positive and negative require this ‘touch’ such as planning, and Facilities Management (IWFM).
outcome based on both incremental people management and change Foregrounding workplace recognises
change and radical change. management; the same as could the potential in bringing together
be said for most management culture, space and technology in the
positions. But those areas that more service of a workplace experience
“Whilst a subjective closely define the role of facilities and in so doing it reframes the role
assessment, it’s hard to managers such as compliance, of the facilities manager. Enabling
estates/asset management and risk work becomes the primary focus
see how FM’s feel that management, are much more likely of the workplace and facilities
their work won’t change to be automated in future, given their management professional. The move
dramatically.” predictable, repeatable nature. towards a more service focused
The picture worsens when you mentality isn’t new, but this presents
look at facilities services such as a new opportunity for our profession,
Of the four possible outcomes allowing it to begin to show, in
cleaning, grounds maintenance,
most respondents went with the real terms, how it can contribute
utilities management and catering;
positive. Firstly, favouring the to organisational performance.
services included within the facilities
incremental digital upgrade (facilities Technology can be a key driver of
management remit making it
management will remain broadly that - it’s already changing our private
even less likely that the impact of
the same but with more technology) lives profoundly and has begun to
technology will be marginal. Whilst
with some suggesting that we were shape our ways of working. The next
a subjective assessment, it’s hard
due more radical change through a chapter could super-size that impact
to see how FM’s feel that their work
digital reinvention (a move to data
won’t change dramatically. and FMs can play a crucial role.
science and analytics). The fact
that these two scenarios come out What struck us as we zoomed
on top isn’t surprising. We saw the out from this picture was that the
negative scenarios follow the same present focus for technology in the “The trick to riding the
pattern, albeit with less support. profession is on the tools that make technology wave, rather
The third most likely outcome was managing the building easier. With than reacting to it, will
an incremental digital downgrade the influx of sensor technology be changing the FM
(marginalisation and deskilling) and the opportunities offered by
more data that’s unsurprising, but
and the least likely scenario of all
was the radically negative digital it’s a mindset which could mean
displacement (facilities management more than a missed opportunity. If
ceasing to exist). the FM’s focus is fixed on building Technology presents amazing
management what happens when opportunities. But the very best can
If it’s true that humans are hardwired come from those opportunities if,
technology transforms that? When
for optimism then this pattern is instead of focusing on ‘what’ we do,
a building can self-clean, self-report,
typical, surely every profession we pay more attention to the why. I’m
self-manage what role for the FM
prefers to imagine a positive future sure if FM professionals could begin
then? Digital displacement anyone?
for itself, rather than entertain the to reimagine their roles in terms of
idea of extinction, but in the final The trick to riding the technology what technology could do to enhance
part of our research we applied wave, rather than reacting to it, will the workplace experience, they
thinking from a McKinsey study be changing the FM mindset from would not only consider tools that
(A future that works: Automation, one that sees technology as helping supported the built environment but
employment and productivity, 2017) to do a job (managing the building) to also those that might radically alter
which assessed the likelihood of a redefining the job as one which helps the workplace experience beyond the
function or task being automated everyone else do theirs (enabling
next decade.
by assessing the requirement of communities). It’s a shift that’s
a ‘human touch’. We saw that a lot behind our recent name change from Read IWFM’s Embracing Technology
of the facilities manager role does BIFM to the Institute of Workplace to Move FM Forward here 3

The Smart Buildings eBook | Are FMs in Danger of Missing the Technology Opportunity? 20
By Vanti

The vast amount of development that has taken place over the last 200 years has led us to
believe that buildings can be disposable – we can knock up a skyscraper in a couple of years
and knock it down a few decades later. By this time, the building will often be perceived to
have run its course; the relatively antiquated cabling that runs through its veins and the ancient
technology that has powered it for so long will be deemed unfit for purpose; the baked-in
approach to technology is often a contributing factor to the business case for demolition and
rebuilding from scratch.

However, there now seems to be

a greater appreciation for the idea
that buildings should be created for
the long-term, rather than just a few
short decades.
Key to this is the concept that
building technology of the 21st
century needs to be designed with
much more flexibility at its core.
Rather than trying to invent devices,
cabling or systems that will stay in
place for the lifespan of buildings
that are hopefully going to stand for
100 years or more, it’s important to
take a more consumable approach,
developing and deploying modular
elements that can be interchanged
and upgraded to futureproof the
building as much as possible.
However, the implementation of this
would require a fundamental shift
in the way the construction industry This means Master Systems
Integrators, who’d be able to provide
works. “The baked-in approach the greatest value if they were
The traditional approach taken to technology is involved at the design stage of the
with construction projects doesn’t often a contributing project, are left having to try and
consider technology until relatively factor to the business create great experiences with a
late in its programmes of work, with case for demolition set of partially installed systems
integrators and fit out companies that haven’t been selected to work
often only being brought on
and rebuilding from together. If technology was factored
board when the development is scratch.” in much earlier in the process, it
significantly advanced. would be a lot easier for integrators

The Smart Buildings eBook | Futureproofing Buildings 21

to develop a complete solution that faster developments, upgrades, It’s important for those invested in
was as fundamental to the core of and patches against vulnerabilities. the Smart building agenda to work
the building as stairwells or utility Conversely, using proprietary together to advance the development
services.Investors and developers systems is far riskier to building of standards in order to futureproof
are often against investing in Smart owners and occupiers; it can place buildings. The modular approach
technology when they’ll simply be companies at the mercy of the discussed would benefit hugely
selling these on upon completion, in system developer’s pricing structure, from the creation of a standardised
contrast with owner-occupiers who or worse – if a provider shuts down, framework that developers,
are likely to take a more long-term owners and occupiers can be left consultants, and integrators could
view. with no support and few options leverage to plan the implementation
but to retain their data or move it of their technology, but this is unlikely
elsewhere. to happen without collaboration.
“The traditional If those involved can recognise
We also need to consider the the benefit of moving from closed,
approach taken with
relationship between the Smart proprietary systems and embracing
construction projects building and the data it generates; the idea that flexible and open
doesn’t consider this is not something that has had systems will help advance us all, we’ll
technology until to have been previously considered, make the leap to Intelligent buildings
relatively late in its so is very much a new problem for much more quickly.
programmes of work.” a new age. As with the systems
that power the building, information
management should represent a “It still makes sense
This can be counteracted to a degree move away from the traditional for integrators to
by the use of open standards and proprietary approach, with data that move away from
is specifically associated with the
protocols, which can significantly proprietary systems and
decrease costs in comparison with space being passed on from occupier
to occupier. It is therefore important
embrace open source
expensive proprietary systems.
Coupled with the increased benefits to think about future tenants technology.”
represented by integrated technology when creating these systems and
such as lower operational costs, developing them with an awareness
and the corresponding higher price that information is likely to change
per square foot that the space hands at some point. This requires
can be marketed at, this can serve data to be easily anonymised if it
to convince developers that the specifically references individuals or
investment required to make the is tied into business systems. Think
building Smart is indeed worth it. of it like leaving your electricity meter
Regardless of whether the building behind when you move to a new
is being developed for sale or for house, but on a much bigger scale.
occupation, it still makes sense
for integrators to move away from
proprietary systems and embrace “This is not something
open source technology. The that has had to have
benefits of this are numerous, not been previously
least because they allow for a much
greater deal of flexibility. Open
considered, so is very
systems are usually more widely much a new problem for
supported than their proprietary a new age.”
counterparts, which can result in

The Smart Buildings eBook | Futureproofing Buildings 22

Posted in July 2018 in the CIBSE Journal

Future urban areas will have to be waste disposal and recycling, an more liveable and contemporary,
built and operated sustainably – and, energy efficient thermal grid and understanding how to integrate
alone, technology will not ensure a for heating and cooling, and technology within these spaces,
connected environment, says Spie’s autonomous vehicles for transport. instead of simply laying it on top.
Rob Barling. While large tech companies, such
as Alphabet, are grabbing the smart
The success of smart cities is crucial
to the sustainable future of our “Across the world, new city headlines, there is a dire need
projects are getting for the expertise of those in the built
planet and to combating other major
environment to be engaged if such
social and economic issues, such as closer to realising the cities are to fulfil their potential. To
what we do with our waste and the true promise of what a
future of sustainable transport. It will respond to this need, the industry
also help local authorities get more
smart city is and how it must change. There has to be a
value out of their budgets. can affect citizens’ lives new breed of organisation – one
for the better.” that possesses the highest levels of
Cities empower us; they bring people engineering expertise and combines
together to work, socialise, learn this with an understanding of how to
and live alongside one another. That implement the latest technological
is why it is in our best interests to The smart city as a holistic vision is
support the development of cities to about much more than technology,
become smarter, more efficient and however. It is about improving The Smart London Plan, announced
more sustainable. the roads and transport we use, recently by mayor Sadiq Khan at
adapting our public spaces to be London Tech Week, offers those in
Across the world, new projects are
getting closer to realising the true
promise of what a smart city is and
how it can affect citizens’ lives for
the better. These projects are aimed
at much more than connectivity for
all, or freer access to information on
public services, such as transport.
They are digitally transforming public
services, altering completely the
way in which the built environment
is constructed and managed, and
the way in which we interact and live
within these environments.
An example of such a vision is
the proposed Toronto Quayside
development, being designed by
Alphabet-owned Sidewalk Labs.
Here, the smart city concept will
be expanded to include automated

The Smart Buildings eBook | Wanted: Engineering Skill to Smarten up Cities 23

the built environment a fantastic There are those in our industry
opportunity. Recognising the who are beginning to make the
need for collaboration between changes necessary to adapt to the
technology and engineering, the future requirements of the built
plan calls for a new generation of environment, and such advances are
smart infrastructure through major to be welcomed. With the progress
combined procurements. of technology today, we can capture
a brilliant scope of data about cities
and their performance – and the
amount of data at our fingertips
“There is a dire need for allows us to establish more objective
the expertise of those performance information for
in the built environment improved decisions. This has thrust
to be engaged if such the idea of ‘big data’ to the fore in the
cities are to fulfil their built environment space, with the aim
of using the information to build and
potential.” operate more sustainably.
The marriage of engineering and
These projects give operators within technology is not happening quickly
the built environment a chance to enough, however – especially when
take the lead, not only on connected you consider how critical smart cities
will be to our continued sustainable
technologies and big data analysis,
existence and the future of our planet.
but also on the fundamental
requirements, such as: Those who can adapt to these
new working practices – and who
l B
 etter management of are able to combine technological
transport networks knowledge with engineering design
and build expertise – will be well
l Safety and security systems placed to take a lead in constructing
the smart urban environments
l Telecom infrastructure
future generations will require. As
l Car charging and e-mobility an industry, we must recognise the
responsibility we have for working
l Smart lighting solutions
towards this goal – technology and
algorithms alone will not be enough
to solve the many challenges our
Building and adapting our cities
cities face.
to make them smarter will require
engineering skill. Rob Barling is Strategy and
Development Director at Spie UK
Solutions must be designed
and built to support industries
and communities, successfully “The marriage of
transforming urban environments
into sustainable and connected
engineering and
places that are sympathetic to the technology is not
human needs of today and tomorrow, happening quickly
in a way that the technology sector enough.”
has yet to grasp demonstrably.

The Smart Buildings eBook | Wanted: Engineering Skill to Smarten up Cities 24

By James McHale, Director of Memoori Research

Designing something requires focus.

The first thing we ask is; what do we
want people to feel… delight, surprise,
love, connection? Then we begin to
craft around our intention. There are
thousands of no’s for every yes. We
simplify, we perfect, we start over…
until everything we touch, enhances
each life it touches. Only then do we
sign our work.” This is technology
giant Apple’s design philosophy as
outlined in a video called ‘Designed
By Apple – Intention’.
Can the construction industry claim
to be this user focused? Obviously
not! When it comes to buildings
we have a tendency to think that
better means smarter and that
smarter means more technology.
In this approach the user gets lost
somewhere in a world that only an
engineer can understand.
any and every building with new said Sir Jonathan Ive, Apple’s design
tech, and instead focus on designing chief since 1996, in an interview for
“The success of these human centric buildings? “We’re Time Magazine.
products is not just surrounded by anonymous, poorly
English-born Ive has been credited
about making them made objects. It’s tempting to think
with the iconic designs of the sleek
look sexy; it is about it’s because the people who use
iMac desktop, as well as the game
usability.” them don’t care — just like the people
changing iPod and iPhone. The
who make them. But what we’ve
success of these products is not just
shown is that people do care. It’s
about making them look sexy; it is
Why does it have to be like this? Just not just about aesthetics. They care
about usability. Until the iPod, the
as Apple has come to dominate the about things that are thoughtfully
best music players were generally the
smartphone and personal computer conceived and well made. We make
ones with the most buttons, therefore
markets by creating user friendly, and sell a very, very large number
the most options.
approachable and carefully designed of (hopefully) beautiful, well-made
products; could the smart building things. Our success is a victory for The iPod conquered and significantly
sector give up their quest of flooding purity, integrity — for giving a damn,” expanded the personal music market

The Smart Buildings eBook | A Human-Centric Approach to Smart Buildings 25

with one button and a scrolling isolationism and elitism, people have are bringing with them up to date
wheel. increasingly come to realize that the software development techniques
tight integration of hardware and and cutting edge User Interface
This simple interface does everything
software results in much more fluid and User Experience methods
the user wants and, more importantly,
experience. that consumer markets have
it does it in an uncomplicated way.
And rather than trying to impress Consumers love Apple products been benefiting from for years.
the consumer with more and more because they work, smart buildings When imagining a smart building
features, Apple created a usable would be wise to aim for the same where hardware and software are
product that can become an goal. In contrast, the disjointed smart indistinct from each other, where
extension of the users life, something technology market is riddled with design is uncomplicated by features
they feel proud of and inevitably loyal issues of compatibility, different and where users fully engage with
to. communication standards and lots the technology as an extension of
of great technology just not working themselves; we begin to imagine the
“People have an incredibly personal seamless user experience that smart
very well together.
relationship with what we make,” said technology promises.
Ive. Yes, a building is not as simple as an
electronic consumer device nor is
the supply chain as uncomplicated,
“We identified over 600
“By ‘simplifying, but that doesn’t mean the same
active new entrants in
principles shouldn’t be applied to
perfecting, and starting the smart commercial
over’ with the user in buildings sector since
mind, the smart building The good news is that through our
research work at Memoori we are
could become the
seeing steps in the right direction.
technological extension In our recent report on StartUp
occupants actually companies we identified over 600 That all begins with putting the
desire.” active new entrants in the smart user first. Understanding that the
commercial buildings sector since technology is simply a means to an
2009; and 2018 has proved to be end, rather than an end unto itself.
In the smart building, occupants are a record year for investment in the Perhaps we must wait for the buyer
thrown into a world of buttons and sector, with over $2.4 billion invested to start prioritising thoughtful
features, or one of automation and in startups. design over cost. Perhaps the smart
no control; there is no opportunity technology sector needs a company
to create an attachment with like Apple to achieve the same
the technology. By ‘simplifying, “That all begins with kind of user centric design shift we
perfecting, and starting over’ with the putting the user first. have seen in consumer electronics.
user in mind, the smart building could Understanding that the Perhaps that company will be Apple
become the technological extension
occupants actually desire.
technology is simply a itself.
means to an end, rather As Ive puts it, “What people are
“To make products people want, you than an end unto itself.” responding to is much bigger than
have to understand the “job” that the object. They are responding to
customers are hiring their purchases something rare — a group of people
to do,” says Harvard Business School
All this points not just to increased who do more than simply make
professor Clay Christensen.
confidence by investors in the sector something work, they make the
There is more to the Apple but also a shot of innovation in the very best products they possibly
methodology. After decades of arm of an otherwise traditional can. It’s a demonstration against
criticism surrounding compatibility, industry. These new companies thoughtlessness and carelessness.”

The Smart Buildings eBook | A Human-Centric Approach to Smart Buildings 26


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