Birla MEEP Op Manual
Birla MEEP Op Manual
Birla MEEP Op Manual
Allow the water to fill in till the water comes out of the vacuum pump outlet.
Close the vacuum discharge valve and continue pumping till pressure
reaches 2 -3 kg/cm2.
Observe if any leakage is taking place through welded or flanged joints.
Also take the vacuum test by holding the vacuum after stopping the vacuum
pump for about 2 hours. The method of taking vacuum is as instructed in pt 3
( Evacuation of the plant )
If no drop in vacuum is observed then the plant can be safely started.
Make sure that the following valves are closed while other are open:
Start the blower of the Cooling Tower and then the recirculation pump so as
to start condensing any balance vapor from the system.
The flow is adjusted so as to reduce the chances of water drops through blower
as well as to form maximum condensing.
Start Vacuum Pump
Open valve for water to Vacuum Pump.
Regulate water supply and measure actual water flow till it is at desired value.
Wait till the system reaches up to 26" - 27" Hg vacuum.
This will take up to 30 - 40 minutes.
If not, check if:
Any valves open to atmosphere are in OPEN position.
Water flow is irregular or not matching with specified rate.
Any air leakages from plant welded / flanged joints.
If necessary [ in case of excessive time ], take Hydrotest of the plant at 4 bar to
locate & rectify the leaking points.
NOTE= Make PRV setting as per desired pressure requirement at the downstream of PRS of the plant.
Start the feed pump immediately after starting the steam . Liquor starts entering
the flash vessel through the tangential entry in a vigorous fashion.
Observe that :
- Due to live steam introduction in Effect 1 the liquor in the Effect will get
heated & evaporation starts.
- Due to Evaporation Thermo siphoning effect takes place in the effect and
the liquid enters effect 2.
- Vapor & Liquor mixture comes in the Flash Vessel through cyclonic
entry. The vapor is stripped off any liquor droplets and enters next
Heater, Preheater and Water Heater, if any through suitable circuitry.
- The rate of liquor circulation as seen through the sight glass of the
Flash Vessel is a direct indication of rate of evaporation in that effect.
In Rising & Falling type of design, Feed to any effect enters Rising side of Heater
say H1, and thro' falling side of H1, it enters FV1 and concentrated liquor is
transferred to the next lower stage.
The Heaters are 1 - 2 pass type with bottom bonnet having partition plate.
PLEASE ENSURE ALWAYS that the gasket partition plate is firmly in place
by looking / feeling from sight glass provided in one of the passes.
As soon as the liquor enters the third vessel start the product pump.
Open the sample valve of the product pump and continuously
pump it to the feed tank at a very low speed.
As soon as concentration of the effluent reaches the set value, the
control valve opens and the effluent flows to the Pusher Centrifuge unit.
Prepare a 5% concentrated solution of Nitric Acid in a CIP Tank. The quantity of Acid is as
per the size of the plant and is mentioned in the Execution documents.
Fit the suction of the CIP pump to the CIP Tank and the outlet to Nozzle through a
flexible hose pipe.
The acid enters back in the CIP Tank through Nozzle
Recirculate the acid through the heater tubes for about 2 hours
After the scales are removed they also have to be cleared from the bottom bonnet
Open nozzle and sight glass of the bonnet and remove the scales manually
Clean each heater in similar fashion and then drain all the acid from the heater
The plant is ready for operation
There are 2 Pumps which extract Liquid under vacuum. Energise Solenoid valve on Priming line
Their start up is to be automatic in following sequence: Wait for 2 secs
Start Pump
Wait for 2 secs
Denergise Solenoid valve on Priming line
Energise Solenoid valve on Discharge Line.
When there is enough time, the Plant shut- down should be planned in such a
way that all the heat stored in the system is properly utilised.
However, during shut-down, a great care should be taken to control the foaming in
the effects to avoid effluent losses with the condensate.
4 Stop procuct pump as soon as fourth flash vessel level will get down.
NOTE : Always keep condensate pump in automation mode so balance condensate will get
removed automatically.
Switch off the Panel and close water supply valve to Vacuum Pump and
Process pumps.
Open the vacuum bleed valve Emergency plant shut-down
to break the vacuum. becomes imperative due to:
Start Vacuum / Water Pump. The plant, which is shut down due to
emergency, has to be started subsequently
Start opening vacuum bleed with a great care. The liquor in the plant,
valve / cooling water valve, so especially in the first effect has temperature
that vacuum application on the higher than the saturation temperature of the
system is only gradual. final vacuum.
Continue till the final vacuum is
reached in all the effects. Any excessive application of vacuum will
result in the increase in level and foaming in
During the process of vacuum flash vessels, especially of the first effect.
application, vapours are generated
and condensed. Hence, Direct application of the full vacuum will
- Open the bypass valves of all cause excessive foaming accompained by
steam trap assemblies. heavy losses of effluent in condensates. If
- Run the condensate pump full vacuum is avoided, non-condensables in
- Then open the valve in the the systems are not adequately removed,
condensate delivery line. thereby impairing considerably the heat
transfer rate and plant capacity for quite
When the final vacuum is some of time.
reached, start the live steam and increase the rate steadily.
Keep observing the readings on hourly basis for each stage & maintain the log book:
Pressure / vacuum, bar / mm Hg Vac
Temperature, C Maintenance of Parameters:
Concentration of liquor as Sp Gr / %
Condensate rate, LPH A periodic observation of the parameters
Condensate TDS, ppm is required because the weak liquor
concentration changes from time to time
If there is any variation in readings, take and because Exchanger Tube Fouling takes
necessary action by either adjusting the place on continuous basis. Hence, periodic
vent /condensate bypass valves or the monitoring, record & adjustment is required.
levels in FV / CFT. This will help diagnoising problem with any effect and whether
descaling or any corrective action need be taken.
The non-condensables even in small percentage can drastically cut down the rate of
steam condensation and also increase the corrosion problems. While co-efficient of
condensation of steam at a temperature difference of about 10 C is about 10,000
Kcal/Kgm2C, it reduces to 5,500 Kcal/Kgm2C with 1% air by volume in it and to 4,000
Kcal/Kgm2C with 2% air in it.
2. In presence of air, the temprature of steam falls down in accordance to Dalton's law
This means a lesser temperature difference - lesser driving force for heat transfer
Ensure removal of
Care should be taken to remove the Non-condensables from :
non-condensables to maximum extent
before the plant is started. o Empty space of exchanger before plant
Non-condensables are removed o Air from the steam mains, before plant
manually through valves to vacuum line start-up
or by automatic air vents. The vacuum o Air, Oxygen and Carbon-dioxide dissolved
system of the plant should be sized in the feed liquor & in cooling water in direct
for continuous removal of contact condensers.
air/non-condensables at the desired o Air leakage through the joints of the plant,
vacuum level. when under vacuum
The vacuum system should create operating vacuum in reasonable time (20-40 mins.).
Any deviation from this would indicate that some disorder has developed in the
vacuum equipment or that the plant leakages have increased beyond a limit
If the vacuum equipment has been found in order, complete plant should be tested
hydraulically for a pressure of 2-3 Kg/ (g).
Condensates from all the effects have to be removed regularly, failing which
the heat exchanging surface will be flooded with condensate, leaving lesser or
no surface for steam condensation. This will result in increase in pressure in
the preceeding effects and decrease in the pressure in following effects. This
would give rise, in turn, to heavy entrainment loss in following effects. When the
accumulated condensate is somehow subsequently discharged, the pressure in
the preceeding effect will drop down from the temporarily increased level to
normal level. This, too, would give rise to entrainment loss through the
preceeding effects.
During Start-up of the plant, the condensation is very fast, giving heavy load
and steam pressure is quite low resulting in inadequate pressure differential across
the Steam Trap to discharge the condensate. In such case, by-pass valve across
steam trap should be slightly opened, till the Steam Chamber develops adequate
In forced circulation type evaporation system, higher level would elevate the
boiling point of liquor inside the heat exchanger due to hydrostatic head and
would ensure that no evaporation takes place in the heat exchanger
The evaporation rate decreases along with the recirculation rate. Hence, i
is necessary to maintain the levels at correct point.
Too high levels would obviously increase the entrainment losses of the
liquor and would even cause syphoning of the foam or even liquor when there
is accidential and sudden decrease in the pressure of the system
Sudden reduction in the pressure of any of the effects will invariably result in heavy
entrainment loss of liquor through the condensate or even syphoning of the foam o
liquor through the condensate in extreme case. Any abrupt action of the following kind
is likely to result in sudden reduction of pressure in one/all of the effect
Apart from efficient operation of the plant, the operator is also responsible for
its safe operation, so that no damage is caused to the personnel or property
The Trouble shooting of Evaporation Plant has to be done on emergency basis when the plant faces one of the two
major problems:
o Plant fails to give Rated Capacity, reflected in one of the following Operating Parameters:
Lower Product Concentration
Lower Product Flow Rate
Lower Condensate Flow Rate
o Plant fails to give Rated Solids Recovery Efficiency, reflected in one of the following Operating Parameters:
Lower Product Concentration
Lower Product Flow Rate
Higher pH / TDS of Condensate
We wish to undertake here a detailed Study / Analysis of Conditions under which such aberrations in operation occurr.
1 Feed Concn
Lower Feed Concn affects Product Concn adversely, A plant designed for a certain ratio will
& vice versa. always behave in same fashion
For example, Adjust the conc of feed to rated level.
A plant designed to evaporate from 3% feed to 30%
concentration, if fed feed at 2% concentration will concentrate
it to a maximum of 20%
2 Steam Pressure
Evaporation Plant Capacity depends on the Total Temp Diff Adjust the steam pressure to rated level.
available and hence will be lower with lower Live Steam
Pressure available.
For example, Check for Abnormally high draw-off of steam in
If a plant designed to operate at 3 bar pressure is supplied 2 the places near tapping to plant and correct
bar pressure, there will be a drop in capacity by around 15% such situation.
The vacuum system should create operating vacuum in Check for any leakage by soap water
reasonable time of 30 mins or so. Deviation indicates: method or by hydraulic test. Tighten all
Disorder in the vacuum equipment. leakage points.
Plant leakages beyond normal limit.
Any of the valves when open to atmosphere, allow the outside Close all valves open to atmosphere
air to gush in and reduce / destroy the vacuum.
- Back Pressure
Discharge line of pump not fully open to atmosphere through Correct the situation
exhaust silencer
Provide adequate water to Vacuum Pump to achieve its best Adjust the water requirement to desired
performance. Even higher water flow also reduces the level as mentioned in manual.
evacuation capacity greatly because vacuum pump wastes its
energy input in pumping water rather than pumping off air. Also As a thumb rule,
excessive water pressure can damage vacuum pump Water required in LPM = 2 x Motor HP
mechanically severely and also overloads the motor.
If necessary, Use a pressure reducing
valve to limit the pressure to 12 psig
Remove suction pipe off the suction flange. Close the 2 brass Call the manufacturers service engineer
cocks. If loud rattling sound is heard, due to cavitation from
pump, it is working in order.
Check by placing a finger over the automatic drain valve If leakage is indicated, remove rubber
opening for leakage of air. ball, clean and remove any foreign
Check if any excessive leakage of water from side covers particle if present and refit or replace.
Check if gland packings are worn out, if so, replace.
- Wear & Tear of parts of Vacuum Pump
Adequate supply of cooling Water to condenser is necessary Correct as per rated condition
to fully condense the water vapors from the last effect. Remove air lock, if any, in Water Supply /
Discharge Piping.
If not, any size of Vacuum Equipment would fall short.
When the cooling water is supplied at temp higher than the Correct as per rated condition
designed one, the driving force for the condensation is not
adequate. This results in incomplete condensation of vapors
and fall in Vacuum.
In case of ineffective cooling the adiabatic fills may melt due Replace the fills
to contact with high temp feed and result in insufficient cooling
For some reason, Evaporative Fills get displaced from its Rearrange the fills so that bypassing of liquor /
position, leaving uneven flow of air through cross section of air is avoided
adiabatic Evaporator, resulting in uneven operation of
Adiabatic Evaporator.
Clogging in spraying system may result in reduced flow, Clear muck, foreign particles from system.
resulting in hence insufficient cooling
If incoming feed is at higher temperature than designed then Correct the Temp as per rated condition
outlet of Adiabatic Evaporator is at higher temp and hence
may result in lower vacuum
Inadequate pumping leads to condensate logging in shell of If condensate is not drained effectively by
Condensate Flash Tank-CFT resulting in higher level of Steam Traps / Control Valves, open the
Condensate in Exchangers, resulting in: Bypass Valves to control the situation.
Lower area for heat transfer
Knocking in heaters When Boiling liquid is to be pumped
In extreme case, water enters back into flash vessel through under vacuum, care has to be taken to
vent line from top and dilutes the very liquid which is being prime while starting pumping. Prime the
concentrated pump as per procedure given in the
Operation Manual.
When Traps / Pumps are working under vacuum, any leaks Tighten all the flanges, valves, fittings which
before them thru' screwed / flanged joints, mechanical seal are before the pump and CFT
causes an influx of air, preventing flow of condensate. This
will make condensate drain rate erratic.
(b) Improper System Pressure
F Unduly open Bypass Valves of Traps Ideally bypass valves of trap should be
Results in steam being passed to subsequent effect fully closed. If not then observe if level of
along with condensate reducing the temperature condensate is always above pipe at centre
difference between stages of sight glass. If so, then it is OK
5 Evaporator Levels
Too high levels or sudden variation in levels If possible, allow liquid to flow to next effect
Increase the risk of entrainment losses of the liquor. through bypass valve and then through
Cause varying back-pressure on Steam pressure, product pump. Also adjust flow according
thereby showing fluctuating Steam pressure. to the evaporation / condensate rate
6 Venting Status
The non-condensables even in small percentage drastically Vent valves should be kept open only
cuts down the rate of steam condensation, reduce the plant around 15-20% only to allow non
capacity and also increase the corrosion problems. condensable air to pass through without
Care should be taken to remove non-condensables to steam being passed along
maximum before plant is started, manually through vent valves
to vacuum system and then as & when required.
Leaky mechanical seal of Product Pump would allow gland Open the pump seal and replace the worn
cooling water to enter evaporator thereby diluting conc product. out surface
Presence of calcium, Magnesium salts and silica are the Descale the tubes manually or by acid as per
major cause of all scalings though they cannot be entirely the procedure given in the operation manual
avoided we can segregate the effluent to give minimum of
such salts. The major source of these salts are soft water
regeneration rejects, cooling tower and boiler blowdown. If
these effluents are avoided in ETP and used elsewhere such
as in Solar ponds or for fly ash control then major source of
scales is avoided.
If the gasket provided on the bottom bonnet gets broken then Replace the gasket as per procedure
then liquid will short circuit the tubes and enter into the flash shown in operation manual.
vessel without getting heated. This can be noticed by higher
pressure in shell of heater but low temperature of liquid in
Flash Vessel. , the liquid level in lash vessel rises very fast at
the same time no liquid is transferred to the next effect.
For M/s. Birla Century
Multi-effect Evaporation Plant consists of fabricated equipments out of carbon / stainless steel
such as filters, flash vessels and various exchangers.
CHECK which of the equipments are Stress Relieved, to improve Corrosion resistance.
Since Effluent has a peculiar stress corrosion for carbon steel at higher concentration
and temperature, the equipments are Stress Relieved.
Hence, extra care should be taken in installing these equipments so that no stresses are
induced during erection due to misalignments or misfits. Hence, following care must be
taken during erection:
& Welding should not be permitted on the equipments for any purpose such as:
- Lifting hook
- Temporary / permanent supports for piping/cables/lights
- Insulation Spikes
& All the equipments should be firmly supported / bolted on the structure in levelled
condition before any piping connection is started.
& All piping should be fabricated and fitted in such a way that it is perfectly aligned
and no undue stresses are induced in piping or equipments.
Sight glasses / Level gages form the weakest Take Care of Sight Glasses/
part of the plant. As it is, when properly Level Gages:
assembled, these components could stand the
hydrotest very well. But any un-even pressure Sight glass/Level gages are the weakest
in tightening make them extremely parts of the system under pressure.
vulnerable. Hence, an experienced person Take care of them.
should do this job under proper supervision.
Heavy Fluctuations in level / foaming during operation, makes the glass wet and dries off
the Liquor Film later. Repetitions of this cycle leaves a thick layer of dried Film on glass.
When concentrating Effluent, Solid layer at high temperature attacks glass and
causes pitting. Hence, Sight glass should be cleaned as soon as layers are
observed on it. The pitted glass when tightened during hydrotest develops excessive
stress and may break off once the system attains temperature during working. This can
cause serious accidents inflicting injuries to people around.
All the equipments have been hydraulically tested for adequate pressure before
despatching from the factory. Hence, no hydrotesting need be done during
installation. However, after all piping connections have been made, the
complete system should be put under hydraulic pressure to test the tightness of
the flanged/screwed joints of the plant.
The simplest method of testing the plant would be to pump the water through
the feed pump while all the valves of the plant except discharge of Conc. Liquor
pump and equipment drain valves are in full open position. The water will fill up
all the plant and finally would get out of vacuum pump. When valve at vacuum
pump is closed, the system would develop pressure and the leakages can be
detected and rectified. If there are any major leakages, the water pumping has to
be stopped, water drained, defects are rectified and the procedure is repeated.
Special care must be taken to see that Blinds have gaskets on both the sides
and all gaskets are cut correctly [ see Fig ]
After final vacuum is achieved, stop vacuum pump & leave the system as it is.
The plant should be able to retain 90% of vacuum during 3 hours.
All the structure equipments are painted with one coat of zinc Chromate Red
Oxide Primer, followed by two coats of Chlorinated Rubber Paint to protect the
equipments from atmospheric corrosion before they are installed.
All structure and other exposed parts are to be given one coat of Chlorinated
Rubber Paint. No painting of equipment is expected as all the equipments will be
covered by Thermal Insulation.
Thickness: 50 mm
Density: 100 Kg/m3
Operation Temp: 100 - 150 C
With one side wire netting of 3/4" x 24 SWG with PBH packing.
Sheet Metal Cladding: 24 SWG GI sheets for piping
22 SWG GI sheets for vessels
Make sure that right type of motor as ordered by you has arrived and
it is not damaged in transit. In case of any such problem report
immediately to our office.
See that the motor rotates freely by turning the shaft by hand.
Replace the grease charge of bearings if the motor has been stored
for longer than 18 months.
See that the machined surface of motor feet (or flange face ) and
also the surface on which the motor is mounted is clear and perfectly
in level.
Normally 3 phase motors upto 2HP have their windings connected in star
( Y). These motor have three terminals and are meant for direct on line
starting only.
While connecting the cables to motor terminals please ensure that the
cable in properly secured and clamped and it does not exert any tension
on terminals.
Balmer Lawrie LL3 and Shell - MP 3 are recommended for use in motors. Mixing
of different greases should be avoided.
When motor is opened protect bearings from foreign particles and dirt by
wrapping them with clean paper or polythene sheet.
During reassembly of motor ensure that wavy washer and brass washers are kept
in their position and bearing covers and secured properly.
Clean the entire path of the cooling air on the motor at regular intervals.
The temperature of the motor, judged by hand feeling, could be misleading. In the
case of suspected overheating the actual temperature should be measured with
thermometer and should be compared with the premissible temperature rise
according to the temperature class of the motor.
Overheating of the motor may be due to over loading of motor, too low or too high
supply voltage, frequency fluctuations, over greasing of bearing, foreign material
in the air gap between stator and rotor. Necessary suitable corrective action is to be taken
When ordering spare parts state the motor type, machine number, type of
construction as shown in the rating place, part description given in the part list
and number of units required.
Special additional installation instructions of IP55/IP56 construction motor.
Conduit entries are fitted with threaded plug and are sealed. Open the plug and
clean threads before fitting cable gland. Use double compression glad and seal
the threads of glands with sealing cement. This will ensure IP55/IP56 Protection
of the cable entry.
After the cable connection fix the T. Box properly. Ensure that the rubber gasket
provided is not dislocated or distorted and fixing screws are fully tightened.
The motor shaft is provided with oil seals / 'V' rings on both ends. Drain plugs
are privided on front and back sides ( ref. Drg,no,95018 ) During periodic
inspection say once in 3 months open the drain plugs and drain out condensed water.
While replacing oil seals make sure that oil seals are not distorted the springs are
in their position and the lip of the oil seal is free. Apply small amount of grease to
the lip. 'V' rings can be replaced by first removing the M.S. cap.
The new 'V' ring is to be fitted such that the lip just rests against the end sheild
face. ( Execessive pressure will lead to premature failure of the 'V' ring ).
Replace the M.S. cap.
Whenever, the motor is opened and reassembled ensure that all joint faces are
properly at all joints. Recommended gasket cements : Anabond 681 of Anabond Ltd.
Direction of rotation
It is good practice to check the stuffing box and see that the gland is not
too tight.
Decouple the pump and check the rotation of the drive by switching on for an instant.
Check the pump tightness. The pump shaft should be easily turnable by hand
Bearing lubrication
A constant level oiler with a clear plexiglass oil reservoir indicates the oil
Quantity of oil required in bearing housing will be 300 - 600 ml, depending
on the model. The first replacement of oil should be after 200 hrs while
subsequent replacement should be after 1000 hrs.
The pump should be located as near the liquid source as possible. This will
minimise the suction lift and pump will give better performance. Ample
space should be provided on all the sides for ease in inspection, operation
and maintenance.
Piping size should be equal or more than flange size to get higher
discharge. It is not recommended to reduce the pipe size.
The piping should be air tight. Any leakage in suction pipe may drastically
affect the performance of the pump.
The horizontal length of the suction pipe should be straight to avoid air
trapping in pipe. It should not be inclined towards the pump. Any reducer
used should be of eccentric type.
It is recommended to use low friction foot valve having K factor less than 0.8 for
better discharge.
Electrical Connections:
The starting current for direct on line (DOL) will be 6 to 7 times of Full Load
Current at rated voltage & 3 to 4 times of Full Load Current in Star Delta
Direction of rotation
It is good practice to check the stuffing box and see that the gland is not
too tight.
Decouple the pump and check the rotation of the drive by switching on for an instant.
Check the pump tightness. The pump shaft should be easily turnable by hand
Bearing lubrication
A constant level oiler with a clear plexiglass oil reservoir indicates the oil reserve
For filling the oiler, the bottle
should be swung down and should The oiler accurately maintains a fixed oil level at the
be filled through the stem of the 1/3 dia. of the lower ball of boththe bearings.
bottle. As soon as it gets filled
with oil replace the bottle to its Bearing Lubrication Quality: SAE 40 or equiv
original position and allow oil to Quantity: 300-600 ml depending on model.
flow into the bearing housing. First Lubrication after 200 hrs of operation.
Repeat the procedure till no more Subsequant Lubrication after 1000 hrs of operation.
oil flows from the bottle into the
reservoir. The required level of oil has then been attained.
Options to SAE-40: BPCL SHELL X-100-30
In case of gravity feed, the pump Starting pump working under vacuum:
can be filled by opening the valve
in the inlet pipe. Venting is effected - Close Discharge Valve & Sample Valve
by opening the discharge valve for - Open Suction valve & Priming line valve
a short while. leading to vacuum system.
- Liquid under vacuum will get sucked in the
Under suction lift conditions pump casing.
- Start the pump.
Before starting, the suction pipe - Liquid will pump through Priming line
the pump can be filled by - Check this through Sample valve.
evacuating air with vacuum pump - Open Discharge valve.
(with closed discharge valve) or - Close Priming line.
by pouring the liquid through the
funnel fitted to the pump inlet.
Insufficient priming
If the head does not rise adequately, stop the pump and prime it again.
Once the operational speed is attained, open the discharge valve until the
required flow and head are obtained. The delivery can be increased as
long as the motor is not overloaded.
Running of the pump with closed discharge valve for long time should be
avoided as it can lead to heating up of the pump and subsequent
Higher capacity
If the capacity is greater than designed ensure that suction lift is not too
high or suction head is sufficient
Watching the conditions of operation
During operation, check the liquid level in the pump and the total head.
Connections are provided (when requested) for the corresponding instruments
on the inlet and discharge of the pump (on delivery of the pump from the
factory, the connections are sealed with screwed plugs).
The bearing temperatures can rise 50 C above the normal room temperature,
however, it should not be higher than 80 C.
In the absence of a check valve close the discharge valve. If the pump
is delivering from a vessel under vacuum, close the valve in the balancing
line. If the shaft sealing is with stuffing box and external sealing do not
disturb this.
If the suction end control instrument is not provided with a pressure relief
valve, close the isolating valve.
The pump shaft should run without vibration. The suction lift and head
conditions should not be disturbed due to changes in the level of the liquid
of the supply vessel. Do not overload the motor above the power given
on the name plate.
Shaft Sealing
Excess leakage at the stuffing box during the early period of operation
stops itself after the run in time. If necessary, tighten the gland nuts. Avoid
excess tightening. There should be a slight leak at the stuffing box to carry
away the frictional heat generated at the packing.
If the leakage is too great and tightening does not help, the packings
should be renewed because they might have lost their elasticity.
Slide back the deflector (if fitted) away from the stuffing box towards the
bearing cover.
Remove the nuts and push back the gland towards the bearing cover.
Remove the packings and the lantern ring from the stuffing box and clean
the latter thoroughly.
If soft packing rings are avilable, cut them at an angle, deform them, slide
them over the shaft and form them into rings carefully. It is preffered to
have a gap of 1 mm between the ends of rings. Stagger the joints of the rings.
Tighten the gland nuts uniformly until resistance to turning of the shaft
is felt. Once again, loosen the gland and retighten.
Noisy operation
Pump leaking
Speed too low A A
Casing or shaft-sealing leaky B B B B B
Foot valve or suction pipe leaky B B B B
Suction lift too high or suction head too low C C C C C C
Viscosity of the delivery liquid too high D D D
Specific gravity of the delivery liquid too high D
Improper installation or strain on the pump E E E E E
Loose or jamming parts in the pump F F F F
Wear rings clearance too bad due to wear G G
Wrong direction of rotation H H
Discharge line friction loss too high I
Improper lubrication J J
Pipes and/or fittings clogged or crusty K K K
3. For high vacuum pumps: If the pump starts rattling at the high vacuum,
the vent cocks on the sides of the casing covers are to be slightly
3. In case of danger of frost, remove both the screw plugs on the lower
casing. In case the pump is likely to be stored for a long period,
water should be drained from it completely by opening both the
screw plugs on lower casing cover.
1. Barometric pressure.
Low vacuum pumps are designed to work at vacuum of 24" Hg. Under
the same conditions and with blanked flange can achieve vacuum of about
26" Hg. At this maximum vacuum, the suction capacity is Nil.
3. Pressure of water
Leakages in the automatic drain valve and gland packings and suction
piping have the effect of allowing the external air to enter the system thus
limiting the vacuum.
Excessive clearances between the control disc and the impeller, damaged
rubber balls in the control disc or insufficent water pressure have the
effect of altering the compression ratio of the machine thus resulting in
inadequate vacuum.
8. Miscellaneous
Sometimes, water & Air pipe connections are not done properly resulting in
incorrect functioning of the vacuum pump.
In water-ring vacuum pumps, due to vibration, the vacuum gauge and water
pressure gauge may eventually not be working properly or indicating the
correct pressure / vaccum. Master spare gauges for the water pressure
and for vacuum should be used for checking the gauges mounted on the
machine. In order that the gauges work satisfactorily for a long time, they
should be mounted on a firm support or wall nearby.
Gages should be connected to the pump through copper pipes with internal bore of
4 mm so that vibration will be dampened in the pipe and the gauges will not vibrate.
Check For Back Pressure
Remove the suction pipe off the suction flange. Close the two brass
cocks or small holes on the side covers. If a loud ratttling noise is heard,
due to cavitation from the pump, it is working in order and the fault lies
With closed suction port and with closed cavitation relief valves,
check whether there is any leakage of air from the automatic drain valve.
by placing a finger or thumb over the automatic drain valve opening.
If there is leakage, replace the rubber ball in the automatic drain valve.
Check that there is no excessive leakage of water from the side covers.
Check that the gland packings are not worn out. If so, replace them.
o The rubber balls in the control disc are worn out. If so, replace.
o Check that the control disc and side face of the impeller are not worn out
or scored.
o If Shaft protecting sleeves are not provided, check that the shafts are not
excessively worn out.
Reassemble properly after diagnosis and correction.
These tests are to be carried out with a blanked off suction flange. In case,
the vacuum attained in service is too low, it indicates a leakage in the line or
incorrect selection of the size of the pump, or excessive temperature of
vapours entering.
2 You Hear Excessive Sound During Running
3 Motor is overloaded
If after loosening the gland packings, the pump is still not freely rotating
by hand, uncouple the motor.
Remove the bearings and check for corrosion / foreign matter. This is
possible if the pump been standstill for a long period without adequate
protection of the bearing.
Dismantle the pump and check for any damage to the impeller inside due
to scale formation If there is scale formation, remove it.
Check the impeller, the shaft & reassemble the vacuum pump.
Check Electrical:
The Top Mounted Level Switch which goes into the tank and senses the liquid level
consists of one float and three corresponding switches.
Open the Junction box of the Level Switch and connect points on Terminal Box
as under:
HL 6
LS 34
The differential between high and low levels can be adjusted as desired. To change the
position of the floats and corresponding switches, the procedure as follows:
- On the switch mounting stem, you will find two switches top one is Very High (LSVH)
Centre one is High (LSH) and bottom one is Low (LSL)
- Un-tie the switch whose position is desired to be changed, and retie at the new
position and measure with a measuring tape (Referance is the centre of the switch.)
- Insert the switch mounting stem back into the central stem, tighten the nipple and
the junction box.
- Connect the wires of the switch to the terminal block.
- Loosen the end stoppers of the corresponding float and take the float to the new
position ( at same distance and direction as that of the changed switch position
and use measuring tape.)
- Connect the terminals of a Ohm Meter to the terminals of the said switch at the
junction box terminal block.
- Now, move the float slowly on the stem, vertically up, till you get the deflection of
Ohm meter. Hold the float in this position.
- Tighten the upper end stopper of the float at 5 - 7 mm from the upper end of the float.
- Take the float up till it touches the upper end stopper. The Ohm meter should show
- Tighten the lower end stopper at 5 - 7 mm from lower part of the float.
Pump Bearings O
Motor Bearings O
Pump Gland packing O
Plant Foundation Bolts O
Coupling Bolts O
Lubricant of Pump & Motor O
Pump Gland packing O
Valve Gland Packing O
Pump O
Shaft Coupling O
Base frame O
Pumps O
Vacuum Pumps O
Steam Traps O
Filters/Strainers O
Flash Vessels O
Heat Exchanger Tubes O
Wash Liq. Tanks O
Conc.Liq. Tanks O
Cooling Tower Basin O
Cooling Tower Spray Nozzles O
Elec. Contacts of Starters O
Elec. Contacts of Switches O
Plant By Running On Water O
Shell/Tubesides O
Complete Plant O