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2285('. Carpextkr axd Joinlr.
For rcvolvhg wood or irou shutters, the particulars of the manufacturers had best be
Stall-hoard, and other shop-fittings, &c., of the like nature, are to be described with
reference to the drawings, or to the manufacturer.
The ceil
ii>f/s of the principal rooms:after they are plastered, to be divided into
square panels about . . . feet square, by nailing thereon hollowed Kllets
by 1 inch (or more), neatly scribed at intersections, with staff beads 1 inch (or
more) diameter, nailed along the centre of the snme, mitred at intersections, and
convoyed round walls as a cornice. Care to be taken in laying the joists so that
they may form nailing points for these panel ribs.
Friezes and cradling for
cornices should be referred to drawings, specifying their
Ski/lights. The common sort are, 1 J-inch deal ovolo skylight (and hipped, and with
cross bars). 2-incli deal ditto (ditto). 2|-inch ditto (ditto). If astragal and
hollow moulded ; or if of oak, to be specified. Small skylights are often made of
copper or zinc.
for skylights.

H-inch kerbs to (circular) skjdights in two thicknesses,

bevelled and chamfered. 2-inch ditto. 2.V-inch ditto. These may be elliptical.
Coach-house doors and gates.

2-iuch deal, framed and braced, filled in with 2-ineh

deal, and ploughed, tongued, and beaded. Ditto, filled in with battens. 2^-inch
deal, framed and braced, filled in with 1-inch deal, ploughed, tongued, and beaded.
Ditto, filled in with battens. These are sometimes filled in with whole deal.
2-inch deal bead butt and square gates, in eight panels
and bead flush and square
and bead flush on both sides. These gates may have more panels
or be framed
with a wicket. A sum may be provided for the hanging of gates, and their hinges
and fastenings may be inserted at from \0l. to 15^., or even 20/.
Doors.For out-houses and the like: |-ineh ledged wrought deal door; ditto,
ploughed, tongued, and beaded. 1-inch wrought deal ledged, ditto. 1-inch
ploughed, tongued, and beaded. IJ-inch wrought deal ledged, ditto. 1-^-inch
ploughed, tongued, and beaded. H-inch and 2-inch deal ledged doors are similarly
described. These doors may be hung with |-|_ or cross garnet hinges
and have
bolts, locks, latches, and other fastenings, as may be described. External doors
with 4-inch cast or wrought buit hinges, and internal doors with cast or wrought
iron 3^--inch butts. Water-joint hinges are useful for light outside flap-doors.
For a dwelling house: the principal entrance door to be of deal
inches thick,
framed flush, with
joints inside
the exterior to be cased with |-inch oak board.s,
with moulded fillets over the joints, the same to return round the head, and to die
at bottom on an oak rail, 9 inches deep, sometimes having sunk quatrefoils, &c.
The door to be hung on wrought iron ornamental hinges to hooks let into the
jambs (or screwed to frames) ; an 8-inch rim lock and ornamental drop handle,
escutcheon, and key-plate, and two 8-inch barrel bolts
The back, or side entrance, door to be l^-inch. framed, ledged. and braced, covered
with |-inch wrought oak boarding with chamfered joints, nailed on with rose nails
driven through and clenched; hung on hinges and fastt^ned with lock and bjlts,
similar to those specified for front entrance.
The internal doors maybe of the following varieties: l;\-inch four-panelled, with
hollow on the room side, and ^-inch diagonal
boarding next the hall or passage
to be hung with fleur-de-lis or ornamental wrought iron hinges, made to clasp
the door si as to show on both sides, and fastened with wrought iron latches and
ornamental drop rings. H-inch four panelled, square framed, stop chamfered,
filled in with upright or diagonal V'jo'nted boarding, and hung on hinges as
previously specified.
1-inch deal 1
-panel square door. 1 -inch deal 1-panel square door, folding. These
are rarely used.
l}-inch, 2 panels, square; and bead Initt and square; and bead flush and square;
and moulded and square
; and bead button both sides ;
and bead butt and bead
and bead butt and moulded
and bead flush on both sides
and bead flush
and moulded; and moulded on both sides. When hung folding, to be so
l.T-inch deal, 2 panels, square, follows in the same order.
2-inch deal follows in the same order.
2.^-inch deal follows in the same order.
1^-ineh deal, 4 panels, follows in the same order.
2- inch deal, 4 panels, follows in the same order.
2^ inch deal, 4 panels, follows in the same order,
lo-inch deal, G panels, follows in the same order; and so on.

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