Imercare Perlite Scrub
Imercare Perlite Scrub
Imercare Perlite Scrub
A significant reduction in dandruff in hairs is observed after less than a week and with 3 applications.
In addition, use of ImerCare™ 90P-Scrub increases foam production with a creamier texture.
Typical improvement is seen at 3-5% of ImerCare™ 90P-Scrub in the shampoo formulation, at
that level a 10% foam volume increase has been noticed when shampoo applied on hairs.
The multi-functionality of ImerCare™ 90P-Scrub makes it the natural ingredient to improve anti-
dandruff shampoo performance. This technology has been patented by ImERyS and results from a
7 month assessment programme with clinical & in-vitro tests (further details of study available on
glycerin, parfum
total 100
Par moor Centre, Par moor Road, Par, Cornwall PL24 2SQ, uK For more information on the ImerCare range or to speak to our local
Tel: +44 1726 818000 Fax: +44 1726 811200 dedicated distribution network please visit the website:
ImerCareTM ImerCareTM 270P-SCRUB &
The ImerCare™ Scrub range is based on perlite, a natural mineral made from a volcanic glass which contains water
in its inner structure. When flash heated, the steam produced from residual water expands the glass to form a TO REPLACE POLYETHYLENE BEADS
foamed structure. This base foam structure is processed in different manners to obtain adequate particle size and
ImerCare™ 270P-Scrub & 400P-Scrub are 100% natural mineral perlite grades
shape to provide the best exfoliation performances for a particular end application, e.g. shower gels, soaps, shampoo
developed to replace polyethylene beads used for scrub applications.
and face scrubs.
The combination of the natural hardness of perlite and good particle size distribution
The combination of the natural hardness from perlite mineral with proprietary technology to rigorously control
works most effectively when used at 3-5% into formulations. This provides a gentle
the particle size distribution & shape of particles provides unparalleled benefits to formulators looking for
exfoliation removing dead skin cells and rejuvenating new skin cells underneath.
exfoliation benefits with soft touch feel.
ImerCare™ Scrub grades stimulate cell renewal by reducing thickness of the top layer
The addition of perlite also boosts the volume of foam generated and improves its texture giving a creamier lather.
of skin cells thus stimulating cell homeostasis. Used regularly ImerCare™ exfoliant will
give smoother, healthy and glowing skin.
Available from 100-300 microns to 100-500 microns, the selection of the grade would
All the ImerCare™ Perlite Scrub grades have been ECOCERT certified which allows IMERYS to address formulators depend on final exfoliation performance requirement such as a body scrub or face
and consumers demands. Thus reinforcing the naturalness of of ImerCare™ Perlite Scrub products to be used in scrub. The addition of perlite also enhances the foaming capabilities giving a creamier
Natural & Organic cosmetics. lather and a luminous skin feeling. The product can replace polyethylene beads on a
one-to-one basis with minor formulation changes.
PRODUCT AND APPLICATION RANGE This technology has been patented by IMERYS and result from a 5 months assessment
programme with clinical & in-vitro tests (further details of study available on demand).
ImerCareTM 20P, ImerCareTM 90P & ImerCareTM 270P &
25P & 30P 120P-Scrub 400P-Scrub
Absorption & Matting Soft Exfoliation Exfoliation Commercial Name Function/INCI Name %
produCt and appliCation range This technology has been patented by ImERyS and result from a 5 months assessment
programme with clinical & in-vitro tests (further details of study available on demand).
ImerCareTm 20P, ImerCareTm 90P & ImerCareTm 270P &
25P & 30P 120P-Scrub 400P-Scrub
Absorption & matting Soft Abrasive Exfoliation Commercial name function/inCi name %
A significant reduction in dandruff in hairs is observed after less than a week and with 3 applications.
In addition, use of ImerCare™ 90P-Scrub increases foam production with a creamier texture.
Typical improvement is seen at 3-5% of ImerCare™ 90P-Scrub in the shampoo formulation, at
that level a 10% foam volume increase has been noticed when shampoo applied on hairs.
The multi-functionality of ImerCare™ 90P-Scrub makes it the natural ingredient to improve anti-
dandruff shampoo performance. This technology has been patented by ImERyS and results from a
7 month assessment programme with clinical & in-vitro tests (further details of study available on
glycerin, parfum
total 100
Par moor Centre, Par moor Road, Par, Cornwall PL24 2SQ, uK For more information on the ImerCare range or to speak to our local
Tel: +44 1726 818000 Fax: +44 1726 811200 dedicated distribution network please visit the website: