SHRM 475
SHRM 475
SHRM 475
The resource-based view of the firm and sociWANG, HeliTakeuchi, Riki/0000-0001-8386-6640; Wang, Heli/0000-00
Despite the consistency with which the theoretical and n McGrath, Rita/0000-0003-2094-6584
This study provides a theoretical framework illustrating how the internal social structure of the organization can med
I consider the implications for research and Holman, B.J./E-8868-2010
This study examined the relationship between strategic context, viewed in terms of product-market variation, work f
Although typically excluded from strategic human resource models, bundles of work-family policies may be an HR a
The field of strategic human resource managem Jiang, Kaifeng/AAF-8195-2019
Resilient organizations thrive despite experiencing conditions that are surprising, uncertain, often adverse, and usu
This review takes an evolutionary and chronological perspective on the development of strategic human resource m
We argue that inconclusive findings in the S Khilji, Sh Khilji, Shaista/0000-0001-7894-8334
The field of strategic human resource manageWright, Patrick/Q-9131-2019
In this study, the authors developed a dual-concern (i. Law, Kenneth/0000-0003-0420-1988
This research examined the adoption of work-Konrad, Al Konrad, Alison/0000-0001-6231-2307
High Performance Work Systems are designed to enhance Posthuma,
o Richard/0000-0002-9639-9938
This field study investigated the relationship between Boiral, Olivier/0000-0002-9722-7644
Scholarly interest in leveraging resource-based theory to explore the unit-level human capital resource (HCR) is un
Strategic human resource management (SHRM) Kramar,
e Robin/AAO-7451-2020
Strategic human resource management research Jiang, Kaifeng/AAF-8195-2019
Employee perceptions of HR practices are often assumed to play an important mediating role in the relationship be
Human resource management (HRM) practices can play an important role in matching people with the organisation
The main objective of the present research isJiang, Kai Takeuchi, Riki/0000-0001-8386-6640
This article explores the emergence of virtual HR in organizations as a response to the increased presence of exte
Despite the increasing significance of corpo Shin, Yuhyung/P-1626-2015
This paper builds on previous theory and research on strategy and human resource management to identify import
Using a sample of 162 R&D teams, we investiJiang, Yua Jiang, Yuan/0000-0001-7962-8172
Since the 2004 publication of Understanding H Ostroff, Ch Ostroff, Cheri/0000-0003-1067-6226
We maintain that human resources are strategically significant in at least three cases, when these resources ( 1) h
In order to be effective, managers at all levels of the firm must engage in resource management activities, and thes
This paper examines variation in the use of high involvement work practices in service and sales operations. I argu
This paper takes a critical look at the field Holt, Karen/B-6501-2011
In this study, the authors examine the relationship between high-commitment HR practices and firm performance in
In order to explain how and why talent management can contribute to a firm's sustained competitive advantage, we
This study tests whether strategic human resource management (SHRM) effectiveness significantly affects organiz
We examined strategic human resource management (SHRM)and human resource practices in the People's Repu
We see two major streams of research in the strategic huKhatri, Naresh/0000-0003-2341-3003
This paper aims to contribute to the develop breidahl, emil w. a./E-9170-2014
Can groups become effective simply by assembling high-status individual performers? Though an affirmative answ
This study examined the factorial validity of strategic AKHTAR, Syed/0000-0001-6474-6811
This paper contributes to the strategic human resource management literature by testing the three main approache
A major challenge for Strategic Human Resour Wright, Patrick/Q-9131-2019
Reversing the focus on human capital accumulations in the resource-based literature, the authors examine the issu
This inter-human resource (HR) systems resea Liu, Dong/ Liu, Dong/0000-0001-9229-5421; HUANG, JIA-CHI/0000-
This study investigates how the concept of talent is undeCooke, Fang Lee/0000-0003-0337-6591
Strategic human resources management (HRM) remains one of the most popular and rapidly growing areas of HRM
This study integrates research from strategy, Ployhart, Robert/Y-3347-2019
Research has found that downsizing is not generally foll Hunter, Larry/0000-0002-4201-8861
In contrast to the high-performance work systems literature that focuses on HR practices, we follow Bowen and Os
This study examines market orientation as th LIQUN, WEWei, Liqun/0000-0002-0739-8379
The aging of the European workforce coupledTanova,
w C Tanova, Cem/0000-0003-4600-8852
There has been considerable research over the past two decades into the various aspects of traditional expatriate
This paper addresses the debates about the nature of strSparrow, Paul Ronald/0000-0002-7107-4547; Brewster, C
Concepts associated with the resource-basedBoxall,
vi Pe Boxall, Peter/0000-0001-8282-8810
Purpose - This paper aims to review the past, current and future trends in human resource management (HRM) in
Research emerging from different fields of organizational analysis has linked both market orientation and strategic
This article deals with the relationship between human resource practices (HRPs) and firm performances in France
Sociocultural factors are important determinanSarala, Ri Cooper, Cary/0000-0002-0360-8498; Tarba, Shlomo Yedi
This article synthesizes findings from five case studies conducted in firms known to be leaders in the management
Previous researchers have questioned whethe Konrad, Al Konrad, Alison/0000-0001-6231-2307
Nationalization programmes that are designed to encourage and support the employment of nationals in preferenc
Increasingly, scholars and practitioners acknowledge that information technology (IT) human capital is a strategic r
W SOUTH WALES, AU Acting as consultants, the authors developed a process by which leadership teams in Alpha Technologies' many b
The purpose of this paper is to critique the shift from Greenwood, Michelle/0000-0003-3086-6764
A strategic model of human resource management is proposed as a framework to support sustainable adaptation t
This paper investigates how human resources are managed in firms of different ownership forms in India and the e
Complementing previous research that showed Zhou, Yu/ Zhou, Yu/0000-0002-6376-3430
The strategic HR literature suggests that a firm will perform better through internal appropriate fit among HRM prac
This study examined three factors leading to a firm's a Wei, Liqun/0000-0002-0739-8379
Our article develops a conceptual framework based primarily on national culture perspectives but also incorporating
The relationship between HRM practices and perceived firm Parry, Emma/0000-0003-4815-9996
The implementation of effective human resource (HR) practices typically rests with line managers. This paper uses
Higher Education Institutions play an importa Leal, Susa Leal, Susana/0000-0002-8796-8289; Aleixo, Ana Marta/00
Purpose - Given the importance of high perfoHuang, Lia Ahlstrom, David/0000-0001-9752-1248
Given the limited understanding of temporal issues in e Baluch, Alina/0000-0002-6700-6891
Employer branding is becoming an increasinglbreidahl, e Martin, Graeme/0000-0002-2395-0629; Gollan, Paul/0000
The degree of pay spread can influence many organizational level outcomes (e.g., workforce productivity and orga
Purpose - Research in strategic human resource management (HRM) has focused mainly on the effects of HRM pr
This paper examines which factors affect organ Eisinga, R Eisinga, Rob/0000-0002-8349-5226; Teelken, Christine/00
This research focuses on the strategic alignment of a firm's human resources. Specifically, I investigate employee '
In this paper I look at the last three decades of predominantly American research literature on strategic human reso
This study aims to shed light on the implementation of Baluch, Alina/0000-0002-6700-6891
Although a few published, multiindustry, firm-level, emp Way, Sean/0000-0003-1944-5256
This study adopts a recontextualization perspPeltokorpi Peltokorpi, Vesa/0000-0002-5981-4952; Vaara, Eero/0000
Purpose - This study presents a conceptual scheme concerning the core constituents of high-performance work sy
Purpose - Previous studies suggest that strategic human resource management (SHRM) is beneficial to firm perfor
Increasing attention is being paid to the impacts of country-level contexts on the work-life interface. However, lack
Data, at the level of the corporation, revealed that the percentage of lower-level managerial positions held by wome
Strategically managing workforce diversity is a value-adding HR function that enhances organizational performance
The current study analyzed the relationship of high performance work practices and firm performance in a sample o
This paper examines the effects of employer social responsibility on the wages workers demand through randomiz
This study examined the effects of an organization's con AKHTAR, Syed/0000-0001-6474-6811
Talent and performance management are becomi van den Br van den Brink, Marieke/0000-0001-6731-7887
The Indian economy was forced to adopt a structural adjustment programme at the beginning of 1991. The structur
Although scholars agree that complex relationSchaubroecSchaubroeck, John/0000-0001-9204-3603; Carmeli, Abra
Despite managers' claims that their organizatFulmer, In Fulmer, Ingrid S/0000-0003-1543-6483;
The present study is an attempt to overcome Khilji, Sh Khilji, Shaista/0000-0001-7894-8334
This paper examines the differences in perceWright, Patrick/Q-9131-2019
In the past two decades, the way enterprises in the People's Republic of China (PRC) manage their human resourc
Conceptually, a central aspect of strategic HRM is the integration of the HR function with strategic decision making
Purpose-Strategic human resource management (SHRM) is seen as crucial for innovation and entrepreneurship in
Prior studies have found a positive effect of LIQUN, WEWei, Liqun/0000-0002-0739-8379
This paper discusses whether e-HRM makes the HR function more strategic. A model of e-HRM strategy formulatio
While many authors have proposed a firm's hu Wright, Patrick/Q-9131-2019
Evaluates the levels of strategic integration of human resource management (HRM) into the corporate strategy and
Unlike other sectors, human resources (HR) of nonprofit organizations cannot be replaced with investment in physi
Integrating the strategic HRM literature wi van Veldhovan Veldhoven, Marc/0000-0001-5762-7945; Van De Voo
Strategic HRM research has a strong potential to furthe Minbaeva, Dana/0000-0002-5631-3175
In order to improve our understanding of human resource management (HRM) in small- and medium-sized enterpr
This article explores how employers portray t Benschop, Benschop, Yvonne/0000-0003-2247-1527
Much has been written about the implications for employees in the postcorporate era of boundaryless careers. Muc
The new millennium will necessitate many changes in organizations and therefore in the issues we study. The field
The content and effectiveness of a human re Wright, Patrick/Q-9131-2019
Extant research on strategic human resource LIQUN, WEWei, Liqun/0000-0002-0739-8379
Although strategic human resource management Wright, Patrick/Q-9131-2019
Most SHRM research has concentrated on single, focal organizations and on activities taking place within the firm.
Using data from a sample of 145 UK call centres, the au Stride, Christopher/0000-0001-9960-2869
In this article, we extend strategic human resource management (SHRM) thinking to theory and research on high r
Human capital is an important construct in a variety of fields spanning from micro scholarship in psychology to mac
In this paper, we examine how employee mobil Campbell, Campbell, Benjamin/0000-0001-7885-7870
We explore hour the role of Human Resource Management (HRM) varies across countries on two dimensions. One
The primary focus of this paper is to examine Harvey, Michael/A-7555-2011
Human resource management research has traditionally taken the attribute approach; outcomes are considered to
Skilled migrants (SMs) are an important sourcPlacido, Ivonete Telles Medei/P-6018-2016
The impact of strategic human resource management (SHRM) on organizational performance is assessed. Additio
The strategic importance of human resources and their contribution to the effectiveness of business firms are recei
Strategic human resources management (SHRM) scholars recently have suggested that high-performance work pr
P>This study contributes to strategic human Wright, Pa Kim, Sunghoon/0000-0002-4374-9332; kim, sunghoon/00
Abundant research has documented a gender pay gap; women earn less than men, all else being equal. Against th
Many have argued that the field of human resBanerjee, Banerjee, Mallika/0000-0003-0995-6693
In this study, we examined how employee perceptions of development-oriented, stability-oriented, and reward-orien
Staffing positions in international markets continue to be an omnipresent issue for multinational corporations. Failur
The strategic HRM literature suggests that HRPedersen, Pedersen, Torben/0000-0001-7541-9365; Stea, Diego/000
The author proposes a knowledge-based theoret Shimron, Liat/N-1989-2014
While strategic HRM scholars have conceptualized HR flexibility as an important source of sustainable superior firm
Purpose - The debate on human resource (HR) outsourcing is polarised. HR outsourcing is seen as Accepted 28 A
Wright and Snell (1998) contend that HR flexib Wright, Pa Way, Sean/0000-0003-1944-5256
This article embeds employee ownership withiPoutsma, Erik/E-4903-2012
In this paper we outline four high workplace Orlitzky, Orlitzky, Marc/0000-0001-6626-0516
To date, literature on HRM system strength has been large Farndale, Elaine/0000-0001-5871-5840
Strategic HRM researchers have increasinglyJiang, Kaifeng/AAF-8195-2019; Hu, Jia/AAY-4748-2020
Organizational learning capability (OLC) and Aldas-ManzAldas-Manzano, Joaquin/0000-0001-8327-6640; Torres-C
Two pioneering books published in 1984 arguably launched the field of strategic human resource management (SH
The crucial role of adoption of innovation in strategic human resource management is becoming increasingly preva
The research about strategic human resource management (SHRM) has suggested that human resource professio
This study examines the extent to which human Romero-FerRomero-Fernandez, Pedro M./0000-0002-7648-9522; Mar
This study investigates the role of intellectu Teo, Steph Teo, Stephen/0000-0001-5025-7937; Tian, Amy Wei/0000
Employee engagement has become a dominant part of the vocabulary of human resource management (HRM), ye
This paper outlines important ideological, institutional, and cultural contexts that shape what strategic human resou
Purpose - The broad aims of this research are to analyse the status of, and processes underlying, strategic human
Associated with the emergence of internet-based humanParry, re Emma/0000-0003-4815-9996
This study investigates the impact of a stra obeidat, s Mitchell, Rebecca/0000-0002-2059-5449; Bray, Mark/0000
Research in this special issue converges arouElvira, Ma Davila, Anabella/0000-0002-0376-9232; Elvira, Marta/000
Building on strategic human resource management literature, this study investigates the effects of various human r
Evidence points to the central importance of configurati Baluch, Alina/0000-0002-6700-6891
The current study seeks to answer a number T o eo, Steph Teo, Stephen/0000-0001-5025-7937
Examines five strategic human resource management (HRM) Budhwar, Pawan/0000-0001-8915-6172; Khatri, Naresh/0
This study explored some human resource and human systems' aspects of the competitive dynamics for firms atte
There is no shortage of literature studying Romero-FerRomero-Fernandez, Pedro M./0000-0002-7648-9522; Cam
The strategic importance of human resources (HR) and their contribution to the organizational performance are rec
As the use of outsourcing as a staffing strategy continues, it is important to understand how the landscape of huma
From the resource-based perspective, organiza Huang, Liang-Chih/AAF-5172-2020
This paper analysts the practices of 'integration' of HRM into the corporate strategy and 'devolvement' of responsib
The authors provide a systematic evaluation of the emergPeccei, Riccardo Eugenio/0000-0001-7255-8378
How to attract and retain valuable human resources and how to create a mutually beneficial relationship between o
Extant research on strategic human resource management (HRM) primarily focuses on manufacturing and large-sc
This study tested a perspective of strategic human resource management (SHRM) and compared human resource
This article provides an overview of the fiel Wright, Patrick/Q-9131-2019
Invoking strategic human resource management Pieper, Jenna/V-8041-2019
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to develop a systematic understanding of the mechanisms through which hi
Since the publication of Huselid's (1995) pap Wright, Patrick/Q-9131-2019
This study examines the effectiveness of the Teo, Steph Teo, Stephen/0000-0001-5025-7937
This study examines the development and impa Konrad, Al Konrad, Alison/0000-0001-6231-2307
Although scholars find that the transactive memory systems can improve new product performance, few studies ha
In this study, we examine a variety of manag Rodwell, J Teo, Stephen/0000-0001-5025-7937; Rodwell, John/0000
Strategic human resource (HR) management argues that in knowledge-driven industries people management need
The current human resource (HR) management practicesKhatri, in Naresh/0000-0003-2341-3003
Organizations' attention paid to community and environme azadi, mohammad hossein/0000-0003-3823-485X
This paper contributes to turnover research byReiche, B. Reiche, B. Sebastian/0000-0001-8583-0713
Research on sex stereotypes suggests that gender bias is an invisible barrier-the so-called glass ceiling-preventing
This paper examines the impact of high-performance work system (HPWS) techniques on workers' job attitudes an
This study examines the interaction effects Takeuchi, Takeuchi, Norihiko/0000-0002-5086-3109
Taking as its starting point the impressive evidence for the strategic human resource management (SHRM) model'
Research on strategic human resource (HR) man Jansen, Justin JP/C-6616-2008
The resource-based view (RBV) of the firm is a guiding paradigm for strategic HRM research. This article explores
Strategic human resource management (SHRM) LIQUN, WESnape, Ed/0000-0002-8793-5735; Ng, Ying Chu/0000-000
This paper adds to our understanding of the effects of globalization and localization on comparative strategic huma
In this article we extend consideration of differences of interest in employment relationships to career issues. Two s
A central claim of strategic HRM is the notion that the way a firm manages its workforce affects its corporate perfor
The extant literature tends to frame mergers Markman, Brueller, Nir/0000-0001-9413-1535
Research summary: Awards are a valuable strategic resource. Motivation theory and the emerging body of empiric
This study responds to the call of researchers, and is conducted in a non-western context in the country of Jordan.
Several studies in strategic human resource Elorza, Un Elorza, Unai/0000-0002-4618-957X; ARITZETA GALAN, A
Using Japanese firms' data, this study shows Kato, Taka Yanadori, Yoshio/0000-0002-6377-2230
This paper uses data from an attendance award program implemented at one of five industrial laundry plants to sh
This article draws on the Organisational Gro Bou-Llusar Bou-Llusar, Juan Carlos/0000-0001-7975-4304; Wu, Ning
Purpose - Psychological contract breach, whicButtigieg, Buttigieg, Sandra C./0000-0002-0572-2462;
HR practices that look beyond focusing mainlyGuerci, Ma GUERCI, MARCO/0000-0002-4739-3644
This study documents, examines and conceptualizes how a large Korean multinational company, LG Electronics, a
Using a qualitative approach, this study fills a void in the literature on strategic HRM by analyzing Austrian CEOs' p
Drawing from strategic human resource manage Wright, Patrick/Q-9131-2019
This paper explores the idea that well-align Kianto, Ai Kianto, Aino/0000-0001-7173-3525; Ritala, Paavo/0000-0
Although the strategic human resource management literature has emphasized the value of the integration of huma
The Cranfield Project on International Strategic Human RWehner, Marius/0000-0002-1932-3155
How MNEs control and co-ordinate their subsidiaries' hum Martin, Graeme/0000-0002-2395-0629
In a three-wave survey study among 487 Dutch university employees, we examined how and when employees' per
Research summary: In this paper we adopt a Maoret,
co MaMaoret, Massimo/0000-0002-0253-4044; Fonti, Fabio/000
The strategic human capital literature indica Barnes, ChBarnes, Christopher M/0000-0003-2520-6200;
Drawing on the attraction-selection-attrition Oh, In-Sue Oh, In-Sue/0000-0002-3298-2489; Oh, In-Sue/0000-0002
Prior research evidence of a set of internal Teo, Steph Teo, Stephen/0000-0001-5025-7937
Strategic participation is important for HR p Ahlstrom, Ahlstrom, David/0000-0001-9752-1248
The study of the factors influencing a firm's choice of employment contract occupies a critical role in the strategic h
To clarify the potential value of a targeted system of human resource (HR) practices, we explore the unique effects
We study HRM practice implementation in subsidiaries ofSmale, Adam/0000-0003-2051-9849
Research has often called for studies to explain the complex causal chain known as the black box between human
Recruiting influences employees' motivation, performance, Gully, Stanley/0000-0003-4037-3883; Phillips, Jean/0000-
This theoretical study contributes to the debate in the field of strategic HRM on whether HRM systems should differ
The aims of the research are to explore evidence of pr Greenwood, Michelle/0000-0003-3086-6764
360 degree feedback is a widely used technique in the area of strategic human resource management (SHRM) and
Empirical data are presented that reveal a large variation in the pattern of HRM practice adoption across firms. The
In this paper we develop a model of e-human resources (e Martin, Graeme/0000-0002-2395-0629
The contingent perspective in strategic humanBou-Llusar Bou-Llusar, Juan Carlos/0000-0001-7975-4304; ESCRIG,
Drawing on economic propositions underlying theories of foreign direct investment and organizational propositions
Numerous studies have documented the ways in which work is structured along gender lines. Predominantly such
Focusing on corporate responsibility (CR) towBerman, S Berman, Shawn L/0000-0002-8283-8071
While strategic human resource management (SHRM) theory has largely supported the importance of fit, the empir
The paper deals with the meaning of work, employment relations, and strategic human resources management. Fir
Can public sector organizations increase productivity through competition in spite of inherent limitations, such as bu
We tested empirically whether potential emploAguinis, H Aguinis, Herman/0000-0002-3485-9484
This study examined the impact of job analysis on organizational performance among 148 companies based in the
Team-based work structures are increasingly Summers,
u Munyon, Timothy/0000-0003-2813-1208
This study compares the predictions of instit Lam, KevinLam, Kevin/0000-0002-6414-8632; Sun, Jian-min/0000-00
The debate relating to an interconnection bet Khilji, Sh Khilji, Shaista/0000-0001-7894-8334
This study explores the impact of enacted high involvemeVan De Voorde, Karina/0000-0002-1319-1657
The domain of strategic human capital is emerKryscynski Kryscynski, David/0000-0001-9045-306X
The purpose of this study is to examine how wMartin Alc Martin Alcazar, Fernando/0000-0002-9768-4618; Romero
The main premise of this article is that human resources Khatri, Naresh/0000-0003-2341-3003
In this study we examine the influence of involvement in Smale, Adam/0000-0003-2051-9849
To face the onslaught of hypercompetition, organizationsKhatri,n Naresh/0000-0003-2341-3003
Critically assesses the underpinnings and implications of the business case for the progression of women at work.
Relying on strategic human resource management and organ Kontoghiorghes, Constantine/0000-0003-3069-1669
This study develops an HRM-capability-performance model. Applying this model to the management consulting con
Health-care institutions face a strategic HR Lagro, A.L Eisinga, Rob/0000-0002-8349-5226;
This study illustrates the fundamental importance of a political understanding in order to improve HRM in both publ
The well-publicized waves of layoffs in recent years have destroyed the long-standing psychological contract betwe
With the maturation of strategic human resouMcDonnell,McDonnell, Anthony/0000-0002-9127-2452; Lavelle, Jona
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to ex Ouerdian, Ouerdian, Emna Gara Bach/0000-0001-7594-299X
In this paper, we outline a new configurational framewor Gollan, Paul/0000-0002-1296-8081; Martin, Graeme/0000
Based upon the dynamic perspective of RBV, we incorporated SHRM and organizational change literature to exam
Acad Management Discusses strategic human resource management (HRM) which emphasizes the importance of HRM policies and p
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to u Balluerka, Balluerka, Nekane/0000-0002-1537-393X; Elorza, Unai/00
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to ex Lee, Khan-Pyo/R-9494-2019
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to test empirically the relationship between the strategic involvement and th
In this study, we investigated factors that influence th Smale, Adam/0000-0003-2051-9849
Reviews the changes in personnel/HRM practiSuchodolskMorley, Michael J/0000-0002-7478-5520
Knowledge sharing plays a key role in facilitating organizational goals. However, the extensive digitization of emplo
The expectation that selection practices cont Ployhart, Robert/Y-3347-2019
Background: Cultural competency or the ongoing capacity of health care systems to provide for high-quality care to
Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) researchers Renkema,
h Maarten/0000-0002-9788-1929
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to anaDiaz-FernaDiaz-Fernandez, Mirta/0000-0002-4792-6500; Bornay-Bar
This paper distinguishes between text and metatext in the resource-based view (RBV) - that is, the actual words an
Research summary: This article replicates and extends Welbourne and Cyr's (1999) pioneering study of the relatio
Considerable effort is made by organizations to increase long-term firm performance through innovation. Despite th
There has been an increasing interest in Lean thinking boSparrow, Paul Ronald/0000-0002-7107-4547
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to at Loi, Raymond/K-2665-2019
In Japan, a new type of human resource manag Sekiguchi, Sekiguchi, Tomoki/0000-0003-4522-5249
This symposium provides a new perspective for strategic human resource management (SHRM) scholarship by ex
We propose a set of organizational efforts that can help companies accumulate and learn knowledge related to new
Purpose - The objective of this research is to conduct an exploratory study that will gain consensus among restaura
Drawing on the knowledge-based view of the firm, we develop and test a theoretical model linking high-performanc
This paper addresses the inadequacy of the literature of International Human Resource Management (IHRM) expla
The human resource management (HRM), once responsible for record keeping and maintenance, has evolved into
In the late 1980s workforce became more diverse in terms of demographic changes, cultural differences and other
Numerous scholars have documented a dramatic transformation taking place in the relationship between employer
We first developed theory arguing that HR maPriem, Ric Priem, Richard/0000-0001-9089-1852
Agency theorists argue that organizations typically get little value from using employees and that they should instea
This paper attempts to integrate concepts of organizational competency across a number of levels of analysis. It pr
Strategic human resource management (SHRM) has an impor Fu, Na/0000-0003-2507-0585
Although social network analysis has become a staple of research in organizational behavior, organizational theory
A pressing but understudied issue is the high incidence DeGeest, David/0000-0001-7842-1110
This paper brings the differentiation perspe Zhou, Yu/ Zhang, Yingying/0000-0001-5746-8200; Zhou, Yu/0000-0
This study examines the determinants and outLoi, Raymond/K-2665-2019
Purpose - This study aims to directly examin Wright, Patrick/Q-9131-2019
This article examines the strategic role of the Chinese Cooke, Fang Lee/0000-0003-0337-6591
Rather than viewing HR as a critical driver of organizational strategy and outcomes, most health care organizations
We investigate the relationship between high-commitment Collins, Christopher/0000-0003-4644-198X
High-performance work systems (HPWS) are important conceptual instruments in the human resource manageme
Combining the macro perspective of strategic human resource (HR) management with applied psychology's micro
Research summary: This paper uses signaling theory to bring together two complementary research streams that h
Vandenabeele, Wouter/D-3794-2012
A key premise underlying research efforts about human resource management (HRM) is that it leads to improved p
The strategic integration of the human resource (HR) funct Brewster, Chris/0000-0001-5314-1518
Purpose - This article aims to explore how understandingRoper, Angela/0000-0002-6942-8406
Based on compliance theory and resource dependence theor Ortlieb, Renate/0000-0002-2999-4921
While scholars have long recognised the infl Yanadori, Yanadori, Yoshio/0000-0002-6377-2230
The goal of this paper is to explain the commitment behaviour of highly skilled professionals in Canadian business-
Searching for flexible and competitive remuneMatiaske, Matiaske, Wenzel/0000-0003-3542-9707
This study integrates strategic human resource management (SHRM) and transformational leadership (TFL) literat
Even though existing studies on website information have focused on e-commerce views such as product informat
This study advances research on strategic human resource management by examining whether better firm perform
This paper examines the role of human capital and leader's knowledge in performance management in three count
The crucial impact of work-family issues on employee's well-being has been recognized and responded with a varie
The type of information shared within organizations is a key aspect of strategic human resources management. In
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to exaRoca-Puig,Roca-Puig, Vicente/0000-0001-6742-472X; Escrig-Tena, A
This article describes the core competence o Holt, Karen/B-6501-2011
Outlines methodology for the Price Waterhouse CranfieldBrewster, Chris/0000-0001-5314-1518
This paper aims to develop a conceptual framValle, Ram Valle, Ramon/0000-0003-0900-4289; Lopez Cabrales, Alv
Public sector organizations (PSOs) continue to undergo Mayson, Susan/0000-0002-3299-4025
This study examines the relationship betweenHU, Hao/H HU, Hao/0000-0001-9441-106X
This study investigates grievance management in India, Cooke, Fang Lee/0000-0003-0337-6591
I agree with Bruce Kaufman's evaluation of the HRM field and the danger to its relevance if change does not take p
This study extends strategic human resource management Avgar, Ariel/0000-0002-2656-0060; HONG, WOONKI/000
In this paper, we present a new but simple typology of BONACHE, JAIME ALFONSO/0000-0001-8759-7740
We propose that strategic human resource man Buttigieg, Buttigieg, Sandra C./0000-0002-0572-2462; Scully, Judy/0
Theories of strategic Human Resource Management (HRM) emphasise the need to understand and effectively ma
HR options as firm investments in human assets in uncertain environments to create the capability to flexibly respo
In December 2001, just a few months after the terrorist alutfur, sheikh/0000-0002-9559-853X; Waring, Peter/0000-
To examine various human resource management (HRM) configurations and their explanatory variables, we gener
This paper reports the findings of a study co Teo, Steph Teo, Stephen/0000-0001-5025-7937;
Conflict arising from differences in business practices, standards, values, and norms guiding behavior are inherent
Although vertical and horizontal fit in strat ; Oh, In-S Kang, Saehee/0000-0003-0219-9546; Oh, In-Sue/0000-00
This article investigates the relationship be Latukha, MLatukha, Marina/0000-0001-6927-4593; Veselova, Anna/0
What role do social connections play in the labor market?Timmermans, Bram/0000-0003-1087-6017; /0000-0002-6
The human resources business partner (HRBP) mccracken,mccracken, michael w/0000-0002-7004-1233; O'Kane, Pa
Despite a plethora of studies that demonstrate the positive impact of strategic human resource management on firm
The first aim of this study was to test empirically the effect of HR political skill on the relationship between high invo
Researchers report that successful cultural change in an organization is difficult to achieve. This research contends
We examine the effects of human resource management (HRM) practices (e.g., career development, social suppor
Purpose - The purpose of this study is to ana Segarra-Ci Segarra-Cipres, Mercedes/0000-0003-1359-2159; Roca-P
In this paper the researchers set out to explore the ado Bartram, Timothy/0000-0003-4496-7048
Background: Given that non-health care research has dem Etchegaray, Jason/0000-0002-3427-796X
Research has established the link between HR practices and organizational performance, suggesting that the HR s
P>This study examines the role of human resources in stZhang, Yingying/0000-0001-5746-8200
Sonnenfeld's career systems typology is recognized as a prominent model in career theory and is widely cited in th
Strategic human resource management (HRM) is increasingly being used to indicate a system-wide intervention th
Others have demonstrated that traditional appl Russell, C Russell, Craig/0000-0002-7072-6232
In the twenty-first century, resilience has e Wall, Tony Wall, Tony/0000-0003-2334-3279; Smith, Simon/0000-000
Prior work has questioned whether human resource management (HRM) lives up to the organizational benefits it e
Although the importance of positive, trustin Wright, Pa Kim, Sunghoon/0000-0002-4374-9332; kim, sunghoon/00
Recent HR differentiation research has been concerned with HRM differences within job groups (such as betweeh
Anchored within the strategic HRM and alignment literat Daniels, Kevin/0000-0002-8620-886X; Dainty, Andrew/00
Competitive and economic pressures have enco Wilkinson, Wilkinson, Adrian J/0000-0001-7231-2861; Townsend, Ke
Background: Patient satisfaction with quality of care is Winter, Vera/0000-0001-7087-2400
The country-of-origin effect (COE) on employment practi Jack, Robert/0000-0003-0949-2219
We are delighted that our article on the valu Aguinis, H Aguinis, Herman/0000-0002-3485-9484
There is an implicit undercurrent in the HRM literature that the role of present-day HR director has become 'strateg
This paper attempts to better understand the Williams, Zhang, Yingying/0000-0001-5746-8200
What is the current state of play of human resource management in New Zealand? Nearly a decade has passed si
Using the Irish data from the Price WaterhousHaraty, Ra Haraty, Ramzi A./0000-0002-6978-3627; Morley, Michael
Relocations of entire organizational units raise special family adjustment issues. This article reports on the reaction
Recent research provides evidence that, contrary to implicit assumptions in much of the strategic human resource
This study responds to calls for more in-depth and qualitative studies, the return to a focus on external factors, and
This article examines whether organizations can enhanceOkay-Somerville, Belgin/0000-0003-4314-674X; Scholario
Twenty-first century organizations often rely on teams t Brown, Shanique/0000-0002-6885-2811
Firms downsize to improve their bottom line results often in reactive response to negative external shocks, such as
Grounded in institutional theory, this study investigates Miah, Khasro/0000-0002-6499-3545
Strategic human resource management (SHRM) is the choice, alignment, and integration of an organization's HRM
This study aims to differentiate firm-level capabilities Wickramasinghe, Vathsala/0000-0001-9318-9823
This article describes the HR Management system in place at Quantum. Key emphases of Quantum's HR manage
This article describes the HR Management System in place at Sears. Key emphases of Sears' HR management in
As organizations increasingly claim to have become more sustainable and to have contributed to global sustainable
There is a growing body of literature on mult Patel, Par Patel, Parth/0000-0003-3359-977X; Boyle, Brendan/0000
The aim of this paper is to bring together li Batistic, Batistic, Sasa/0000-0001-5150-1065; Kenda, Renata/000
We develop the organizational characteristics element o Bacon, Nicolas/0000-0002-1031-1246; Wass, Victoria/000
Factors influencing the adoption of human resource manage Huang, Xiaoyu/0000-0003-0487-7814
We tested relationships between employee quit rates andBourdage, Joshua/0000-0003-3552-1028
This study investigates whether there is a fit between the profile of internal auditors and the activities of the interna
Foreign-owned multinationals are a dominant feature of the Irish economy. Over the years, there has been an ongo
Environmental uncertainties can impact the market value of a firm's human assets both positively and negatively, a
This article describes the HR Management system in place at Lucent Technologies, Inc. Lucent's NR structure is o
This article describes the human resource management system in place at Praxair. Key emphases of Praxair's HR
This article describes the Human Resource Management system in place at Herman Miller, Inc. (HMI). HMI's HR s
Describes a process through which an organization moved from traditional personnel management towards a more
Profit-sharing frequently is used to link employee performance and labor costs to the profitability of organizations. I
We propose a dynamic model of positive feedb Roca-Puig,Roca-Puig, Vicente/0000-0001-6742-472X; Bou-Llusar, Ju
Past research has shown that founders bring important cap Reichstein, Toke/0000-0002-1836-8802
This study examines how an HR department moderates the effects of high-performance work systems (HPWSs) on
While prior research demonstrates the strategMullins, F Mullins, Frank/0000-0001-5420-1631
For the HR function to have a positive impactKuipers, B Kuipers, Ben/0000-0003-0592-1709; Kuipers, Ben/0000-0
This paper presents a study on the emergence Muniz, Car Muniz, Carlos/0000-0002-9021-8198; Ramirez, Jacobo/00
Despite the growing interest in strategic human resource management and strategic compensation, the firm's strate
How relevant are human resource (HR) practic Gahan, PetGahan, Peter/0000-0002-6940-3196
In the agency theory literature, output and b To, Wai Mi To, Wai Ming/0000-0002-7208-6873; Yu, Billy/0000-0002-
Biotechnology is an industry where human resWilson, MaWilson, Marie Elaine/0000-0002-0679-3799; Wang, Charle
The importance of human resources as a fundamental channel towards the competitiveness and sustainability of fi
This article compares employment relations (ER) strategies at the incumbent fixed line Czech telecommunications
Human resources is considered to be one of tWilliams, Leah A/F-7497-2012
We explain the deeper organizational wisdomGreer,b Charles/A-7707-2017
Understanding how to effectively stimulate creative potential in the workplace through strategic human resource ma
Strategic human resource management scholars have drawn on the resource-based view of the firm to argue that
Workforce composition in organizations has become increa Lee, Hun Whee/0000-0002-3599-0732
This study focuses on the role that personnel Stathakopopulos, Vlasis/AAG-9775-2021
Although a contextual perspective in HRM research has be Van der Heijden, Beatrice/0000-0001-8672-5368
An aging workforce and increasing retirementGoodman, Goodman, Doug/0000-0002-7044-7284
Research in the field of HRM has begun to exa Moore, Kat Moore, Katherine/0000-0003-4176-9927; McDonald, Paul
This article explores the changing use of pay Huang, WeHuang, Wei/0000-0002-5593-7437
We measure whether, in a developing country, Rizov, Mar Rizov, Marian/0000-0002-8895-1980; croucher, richard/00
Dynamic trends in the external business environment, in the challenges that companies face, and in the nature of H
This article describes the MBA concentration in Strategic Human Resource Management offered by the Marshall S
In this article, we address strategic international human resource management and the transnational. We begin by
One of the main features of human resource management (HRM) is the emphasis on aligning the organization's em