2013-HQFO-00304 Combined Redacted Part1
2013-HQFO-00304 Combined Redacted Part1
2013-HQFO-00304 Combined Redacted Part1
Secretary Napolitanos Memorandum Directing Deferred Action For Childhood
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Monday, July 9, 2012, 4:00 pm (Eastern)
On June 15, 2012, Secretary Janet Napolitano issued a memorandum directing DHS
components to exercise prosecutorial discretion on an individualized basis with respect to
certain individuals who came to the United States as children. U.S. Customs and Border
Protection (CBP), U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), and U.S. Immigration
and Customs Enforcement (ICE), invite any interested individuals to participate in our second
joint national engagement to provide further detail regarding the implementation of Secretary
Napolitanos memorandum on Monday, July 9, 2012 from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm (Eastern).
Additional information on the announcement can be found here.
Featured speakers will be:
David Aguilar, Acting Commissioner, CBP
Alejandro Mayorkas, Director, USCIS
John Morton, Director, ICE
To Participate in the July 9 Conference Call
Please use the information below to join the session. We recommend calling-in 20 minutes
prior to the start of the teleconference.
Call-in Number:
Passcode: DHS
This call is intended for stakeholders only. Members of the media should call (202)282-8010
with inquiries.
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From: Egli, Nathan C
To: Balcom, Sherrie K
Subject: FW: Congressional Briefings / Meetings
Date: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 12:38:20 PM
Importance: High
Nathan C. Egli | Immigration Services Officer
DHS | USCIS | Saint Paul Field Office
2901 Metro Drive,
Bloomington, MN 55425
| |
From: Fuentes-Rivera, Luis O
Sent: Tuesday, J uly 10, 2012 6:59 AM
To: Adams, Kim; Agin, David A; Badgett, J oe R; Bazzi, Majdie; Berdusis, Marilyn; Burke, J ames E;
Cavazos, Rose M; Cordas, Aimee J ; Dillon, Marc W; Egli, Nathan C; Elizondo, Ana R; Ellis, J oyce; Falcon,
Fernando; Frost, Carmen L; Gossett, Steve; Hardy, Gwendolyn; Hennig, Evelyn M; Hernandez, Dexter;
Hodges, Clinton; J ones, Linda L; Kirschman, Erminia C; Lee, Kamsing V; McCann, Charlene A; McNeer,
Laura K; Micks, Elizabeth; Nahle, Claudia; Nickols, Marta M; Pratt, Caroline R; Rogers, Richard W; Soria,
Adeline L; St. Louis Congressional Unit; Verderosa, Geoffrey J ; Zarybnicky, Kenneth A
Subject: FW: Congressional Briefings / Meetings
Importance: High
Good Morning Central Region
The OLA National Coordination Branch would like a list of congressional activity that are currently
scheduled or to be scheduled that is combined with a stakeholder/community outreach event within
your jurisdiction. n specific, we are looking at the next four-week window. Please forward this
information to me no later than Friday, July 13, 2012.
As a reminder, we are to follow the DHS OLA guidance as it relates to Deferred Action for Childhood
Arrivals. Congressional liaisons are to refer all inquiries to HQOLA (Luz/Heather) until further notice.
Thanks for your assistance.
Congressional Liaison Specialist
Central Region Congressional Lead (Acting)
USCS Office of Legislative Affairs
20 Massachusetts Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20529
For access to the USCIS Resource Guide for Congress, please visit www.uscis.gov/congressionalresources.
Please ensure that you have a Privacy Release from your constituent. Should the constituent require legal advice, it is recommended
they contact an accredited legal representative and/or Community Based Organization.
WARNING This document is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the
Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C.552). This document is to be controlled, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in
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accordance with DHS policy relating to Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) information and is not to be released to the public or other
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mistake please contact the originator for specific handling and destruction procedures
From: Irazabal, Luz
Sent: Monday, J uly 09, 2012 3:53 PM
To: Rash, Carol A; Duvall, J ames; Rust, Maureen; Fuentes-Rivera, Luis O; Duell, Kim M
Cc: Slattery, Shannon E; Evelyn, Heather; Dacanay, Arthur J ; Wooden, J aneen R; Roles, Rebecca J
Subject: Congressional Briefings / Meetings
Per todays external communicators call, canyoupleasesendus alist of congressional activity
that currently scheduledor tobescheduledthat is combinedwithastakeholder/community
outreachevent? Inspecific, wearelookingat thenext four-week window.
As I mentionedontodays call, wearetofollowtheDHS OLA guidanceas it relates toDeferred
Actionfor ChildhoodArrivals. Congressional liaisonsaretorefer all inquiries toHQOLA
(Luz/Heather) until further notice.
Thanks for your understandingandpatience.
Luz FiguereoIrazbal
AssociateChief (National Coordination)
Officeof LegislativeAffairs
U.S. CitizenshipandImmigrationServices
For access to theUSCISResourceGuidefor Congress, pleasevisit www.uscis.gov/congressionalresources.
This e-mail (includinganyattachments) isintendedsolely for theuseof theaddressee(s) andmay contain
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From: Egli, Nathan C
To: Balcom, Sherrie K
Subject: FW: Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
Date: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 12:38:56 PM
Attachments: image003.gif
Nathan C. Egli | Immigration Services Officer
DHS | USCIS | Saint Paul Field Office
2901 Metro Drive,
Bloomington, MN 55425
| |
(IOUO). Ii coniains inormaiion ihai may bc cxcmpi rom public
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From: Steele, Heidi S
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 9:15 AM
To: # SPM Field Office
Subject: FW: Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
FYI see Bob Clarks message below.
Heidi Steele
mmigration Services Analyst
District 15/SPM
FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - PRIVACY ACT SENSITIVE :Any misuse or unauthorized disclosure of this
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3 Go Green! Please do not print this e-mail unless it is completely necessary.
From: Clark, Robert P
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 9:10 AM
Subject: Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
After a deluge of emails asking about adding the new lines to STAT for the Deferred Action for
Childhood Arrivals (DACA), would like to state that yes, STAT will be adding those lines. These
applications will go to the Lock Box before being sent to the various locations for processing. That
will allow time for the STAT programming team to create the necessary entries as well as add the
resultant reports in STAT and to properly test it before release to the field. At the moment we still
do not have a time frame as to when this will be finished. When we have the project completed we
will notify the field.
Please disseminate this information to the lowest level possible to alleviate any concerns.
Bob Clark
Those who say it cannot be done shouldnt interrupt the people doing it.
(Author Unknown)
Regional mmigration Services Analyst | Central Region | USCS | DHS | | |
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Dooley. Sharon V
# SPM Field Office
FW: Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals--Customer Service/Front Counter information
Friday, November 02, 2012 5:48:24 PM
If you are asked any questions on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals - please provide them a
hard copy of the posted FAQs and " How Do I" sheets which may be found at FAQs-Deferred
Action for Childhood Arrivals
How Do P Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. We are not at liberty to comment on any of
this information beyond what is contained on these sheets or the website.
Sfw'On 1Joo{e_J
Sharon Dooley
Field Office Director
WARNING. This document is FOR OFnCIAL USE ONLY (FOUO) It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of
Information Act ( 5 USC 552) This document is to be controlled, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with DHS policy relating to
Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) information and is not to be released to the public or other personnel who do not have a valid "need- to-know" without prior
approval from the originator If you are not the intended recipient please contact the originator for disposition instructions
Green! Please do not print this e-mail unless it is completely necessary.
From: Garman, Gary G
Sent: Friday, November 02, 2012 4:30PM
To: Adams, Kim; Adams, Raymond P; Bard, Jodi; Blakeway, Albert W; Coates, Timothy S; Conway,
Michael J; Dedvukaj, Mick; Dooley, Sharon V; Douglas, David M; Garman, Gary G; Hamilton, Ricky W;
Hansen, Mark B; Heathman, Sandy M; Kehl, Lisa M; Kent, Jeanne M; Kli nger, Michael J; Lambrecht,
Andrew M; Lee, Kamsing V; Leopold, Kay F; Lopez, Antonio; Loutas, Aphrodite G; Mather, Robert B;
McNeer, Laura K; Medina-Maltes, Martha E; Moyer, Chester S; Mueller-Cantu, Elaine M; Ortiz, Mario R;
Perry, Michelle C; Pietropaoli, Lori A; Pratt, Caroline R; Reynolds, Patti J; Sheive, Kristy A; Siegl, Mark T;
Stark, Laura; Tarango, Tracy; Tasch, Helaine S; Webb, Russell L; Zarybnicky, Kenneth A
Cc: Quarantillo, Andrea J; Langton, Lynn M; Brecht, Jeffrey T; Gallagher, Kevin E; Smith, John H; Penn,
Peggy A
Subject: FW: Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals--Customer Service/Front Counter information
Importance: High
Field Leadership: FYI and compliance. Please direct any questions on these instructions t o Regional
ISA Peggy Penn. Thank you.
Gary Garman I Associate Regional Director, Operations I DHSIUSCISICentral Reg1onal WI!JIWII
- J: WJW I :9: _WARNING: This message is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
(FOUO). It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act (5
U.S.C. 552) This document is to be controlled, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with
DHS policy relating to Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) information and is not t o be released to the public or other
personnel who do not have a valid "need-to-know" without prior approval from the originator.
From: Tritten, Leslie D
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2012 3:10 PM
To: Cowan, Robert M; Dean, Kimberly D; Fontanez, Andrew V; Garman, Gary G; Goodwin, Shelley M;
Langton, Lynn M; Muzyka, Carolyn L; Quarantillo, Andrea J ; Redman, Kathy A; Renaud, Tracy L;
Robinson, Terri A; Rust, Maureen; Schlesinger, Paul L; Tauchen, Robert B; Woo, Ellen Y
Cc: Monica, Donald J ; Campagnolo, Donna P; Harrison, J ulia L; Dominguez, Kathy P; McCleary, Michael
J ; Christian, Gregory W; Rawls, Sheila D
Subject: Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals--Customer Service/Front Counter information
Importance: High
Several have asked about what information the Field Offices front counter/customer service
staff can provide when asked about Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. The issue is being
actively reviewed by USCIS leadership, who are currently discussing all matters of the program
that are relevant to Field Operations. This includes guidance and training for both general and
specific case information provided by customer service staff and actual case adjudication
procedures for those I-821Ds sent to the field for interview.
In the meantime, please ask your Field Offices to provide requesting customers with hard copies
of the posted FAQs and How Do I sheets (links below), as opposed to just directing them to the
website for additional information.
FAQs-Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
How Do I? Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Leslie D Tritten
Special Assistant, Field Operations Directorate
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From: Moyer, Chester S
To: Airhart, Adam F
Subject: FW: FBI Name Check and DACA
Date: Friday, August 10, 2012 4:27:13 PM
Attachments: image002.jpg
From: Moyer, Chester S
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2012 3:16 PM
To: #STL - CIS
Subject: FW: FBI Name Check and DACA
From: Garman, Gary G
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2012 2:13 PM
To: Adams, Kim; Adams, Raymond P; Bard, J odi; Blakeway, Albert W; Coates, Timothy S; Connor,
William; Conway, Michael J ; Dedvukaj, Mick; Dooley, Sharon V; Douglas, David M; Enis, J ill S; Garman,
Gary G; Hamilton, Ricky W; Hansen, Mark B; Heathman, Sandy M; Kehl, Lisa M; Kent, J eanne M;
Klinger, Michael J ; Lambrecht, Andrew M; Lee, Kamsing V; Leopold, Kay F; Lopez, Antonio; Loutas,
Aphrodite G; Mather, Robert B; McNeer, Laura K; Medina-Maltes, Martha E; Moyer, Chester S; Mueller-
Cantu, Elaine M; Olivares, J ose R; Ortiz, Mario R; Perry, Michelle C; Pietropaoli, Lori A; Pratt, Caroline R;
Reynolds, Patti J ; Sheive, Kristy A; Stark, Laura; Tarango, Tracy; Tasch, Helaine S; Verderosa, Geoffrey
J ; Webb, Russell L; Zarybnicky, Kenneth A
Cc: Cowan, Robert M; Langton, Lynn M; Brecht, J effery T; Gallagher, Kevin E; Habtu, Gebre E; Watkins,
J ay C; Russell, J acquelyn B; Hawthorne, Thomas E
Subject: FBI Name Check and DACA
Gary Garman|Associate Regional Director, Operations|DHS|USCIS|Central Regional Office|:
: | : WARNING: This message is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
(FOUO). It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act (5
U.S.C. 552) This document is to be controlled, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with
DHS policy relating to Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) information and is not to be released to the public or other
personnel who do not have a valid "need-to-know" without prior approval from the originator.
From: Harrison, J ulia L
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2012 12:45 PM
To: Woo, Ellen Y; Campagnolo, Donna P; Robinson, Terri A; Renaud, Tracy L; Redman, Kathy A;
Cowan, Robert M; Muzyka, Carolyn L
Cc: Tauchen, Robert B; Garman, Gary G; Goodwin, Shelley M; Dean, Kimberly D; Clum, Teresa;
Blackwood, Robert L
Subject: RE: DACA G-56 Call-in letter
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J ulia L. H arr ison
Chief, Operations Division
Field Operat ions Direct orate
111 Massach usetts Ave .
From: Woor Ellen Y
Sent: Fridayr August 10
2012 1:35 PM
To: Campagnolor Donna P; Robinson/ Terri A; Renaud/ Tracy L; Redman/ Kathy A; Cowan/ Robert M;
Muzyka/ Carolyn L
Cc: Harrison/ Julia L; Tauchenr Robert B; Garman/ Gary G; Goodwin/ Shelley M; Deanr Kimberly D;
Clumr Teresa; Blackwood/ Robert L
Subject: RE: DACA G-56 Call -in letter
I have one question for the group. I am not sure if this has been discussed or addressed in
any of the documents we have seen to date.
f1.f.en, 1J. WO-O-
Associate Regional Director, Operations
DHS/USCIS Western Region
24000 Avila Road (Room 6200A)
La CA 92677
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From: Egli Nathan C
To: Balcom Sherrie K
Subject: FW: FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY - Message from the Director: Secretary Napolitano Announcement
Date: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 12:36:24 PM
Attachments: image001.wmz
image002 gif
image003 jpg
image002 png
Importance: High
Nathan C. Egli | Immigration Services Officer
DHS | USCIS | Saint Paul Field Office
2901 Metro Drive,
Bloomington, MN 55425
| |
From: Dooley, Sharon V
Sent: Friday, J une 22, 2012 9:08 PM
To: Borges, Luis R; Goudge, Laurie A; Kenney, Trudy L; Schweich, Annie; Agin, David A; Egli, Nathan C; Congressional, SPM
Subject: Fw: FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY - Message from the Director: Secretary Napolitano Announcement
Importance: High
For your review and compliance. Prior to forwarding, please let me know.
Sharon Dooley
Field Office Director
D15/Saint Paul
From: Garman, Gary G
Sent: Friday, J une 22, 2012 02:54 PM
To: Adams, Kim; Adams, Raymond P; Bard, J odi; Blakeway, Albert W; Coates, Timothy S; Conway, Michael J ; Dedvukaj, Mick;
Dooley, Sharon V; Douglas, David M; Gallegos, Cheryl L; Garcia, Oscar R; Garman, Gary G; Hamilton, Ricky W; Hansen, Mark B;
Heathman, Sandy M; Kehl, Lisa M; Kent, J eanne M; Kirschman, Erminia C; Klinger, Michael J ; Lambrecht, Andrew M; Lee,
Kamsing V; Leopold, Kay F; Lopez, Antonio; Loutas, Aphrodite G; Mather, Robert B; Medina-Maltes, Martha; Mischke, Mary L;
Moyer, Chester S; Mueller-Cantu, Elaine M; Olivares, J ose R; Ortiz, Mario R; Perry, Michelle C; Pratt, Caroline R; Reynolds, Patti
J ; Sheive, Kristy A; Stark, Laura; Tarango, Tracy; Tasch, Helaine S; Verderosa, Geoffrey J ; Webb, Russell L; Zarybnicky, Kenneth
Cc: Cowan, Robert M; Langton, Lynn M; Brecht, J effery T; Gallagher, Kevin E; Gonzalez, Alfonso G
Subject: FW: FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY - Message from the Director: Secretary Napolitano Announcement
Field Leadership: Until further notice, direct all congressional inquiries regarding the S1s prosecutorial discretion
memo to Luz at HQ OLA, and copy Kevin Gallagher on any such messages. Thank you.
Gary Garman|Associate Regional Director, Operations|DHS|USCIS|Central Regional Office|: : | :
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public release under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) This document is to be controlled, handled, transmitted, distributed, and
disposed of in accordance with DHS policy relating to Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) informat on and is not to be released to the public or
other personnel who do not have a val d "need-to-know" w thout pr or approval from the originator.
From: Irazabal, Luz
Sent: Friday, J une 15, 2012 7:10 AM
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Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
Subject: FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY - Message from the Director: Secretary Napolitano Announcement
Importance: High
Wewill continuetokeepappraisedof any additional informationas it becomes available.
Thank you,
Luz FiguereoIrazbal
AssociateChief (National Coordination)
Officeof LegislativeAffairs
U.S. CitizenshipandImmigrationServices
For access to the USCIS Resource Guide for Congress, please visit www.uscis.gov/congressionalresources.
This e-mail (including any attachments) is intended solely for the use of the addressee(s) and may contain information that is sensitive or
otherwise protected by applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, your disclosure, copying, distribution or other use of (or
reliance upon) the information contained in this email is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender
and delete or destroy all copies.
From: USCIS Director
Sent: Friday, J une 15, 2012 9:59 AM
Subject: Message from the Director: Secretary Napolitano Announcement
J une15, 2012
Today, Secretary Napolitano issuedamemorandumdirectingthat, withrespect toindividuals whomeet thecriteria
outlinedbelowandareagefifteenor over, USCIS personnel shouldexercisetheir discretion, onanindividual
basis, inorder toprevent theselowpriorityindividuals frombeingplacedintoremoval proceedings or removed
fromtheUnitedStates. Thecriteriaarethat theindividuals:
cametotheUnitedStates under theageof sixteen;
havecontinuously residedintheUnitedStates for at least fiveyearsprecedingthedateof the
Secretarysmemorandumandarepresent intheUnitedStates onthedateof theSecretarys
arecurrentlyinschool, havegraduatedfromhighschool, haveobtainedageneral education
development certificate, or arehonorablydischargedveterans of theCoast Guardor ArmedForcesof
havenot beenconvictedof afelonyoffense, asignificant misdemeanor offense, multiplemisdemeanor
offenses, or otherwiseposeathreat tonational security or publicsafety; and
arenot abovetheageof thirty.
Thememorandumfurther directsthat, for individuals whoaregranteddeferredactionbyeither ICE or USCIS,
USCIS shall accept applications todeterminewhether theseindividuals qualify for work authorizationduringthe
periodof deferredaction. Appropriatebackgroundcheckswill beconductedas part of this process.
Wehavebeeninstructedtoimplement theSecretarysdirectivewiththeutmost speedandconsistent withthelaws
andregulations that governour work. I look forwardtoupdatingyouonour implementationplans.
Thank you. Ali
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As there is no right to the favorable exercise of discretion by the agency, nothing in tllis memorandum should be
construed to prohibit the apprehension, detention, or removal of any alien unlawfully in the United States or to
limit the legal authority of PHS or any of its persormel to enforce federal inunigrationlaw. Similarly, this
memorandum, which may be modified, superseded, or rescinded at any time without notice, is not intended to,
does not, and may not be relied upon to create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law by
any party in any administrative, civil, or criminal matter.
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
From: Egli, Nathan C
To: Balcom, Sherrie K
Subject: FW: I130s to the field
Date: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 12:09:58 PM
Attachments: image001.jpg
Importance: High
Nathan C. Egli | Immigration Services Officer
DHS | USCIS | Saint Paul Field Office
2901 Metro Drive,
Bloomington, MN 55425
| |
From: Dooley, Sharon V
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2012 2:18 PM
To: Borges, Luis R; Goudge, Laurie A; Kenney, Trudy L; Schweich, Margaret A; Porche, Sheri L (CTR);
Moris, Louis J
Subject: FW: I130s to the field
Importance: High
Due to the volume of DACA work at the Service Center, it has been determined that the field will be
sent I-130s to adjudicate. We should get immediate relatives only. I do not know how many we will
receive but we could see them as early as the week of 9/17/12. The field will be responsible for
requesting the A-files.
Please let me know when you start receiving them in the mailroom.
Sharon Dooley
Sharon Dooley
Field Office Director
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Saint Paul
Office: // BB:
WARNING: 1his documcni is IOR OIIICIAL USE ONLY (IOUO) Ii coniains inormaiion ihai may bc cxcmpi rom public rclcasc undcr ihc Irccdom o
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3 Go Green! Please do not print this e-mail unless it is completely necessary.
From: Douglas, David M
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2012 12:57 PM
To: Coates, Timothy S; Dooley, Sharon V; Moyer, Chester S; Perry, Michelle C; Pratt, Caroline R; Webb,
Russell L; Connor, William
Subject: FW: I130s to the field
Importance: High
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Expect I-130s from the service centers (via NBC) the week of the 17
David M. Douglas
District Director
USCIS District 15
The Heartland District
From: Garman, Gary G
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2012 12:56 PM
To: Adams, Kim; Adams, Raymond P; Bard, J odi; Blakeway, Albert W; Coates, Timothy S; Connor,
William; Conway, Michael J ; Dedvukaj, Mick; Dooley, Sharon V; Douglas, David M; Enis, J ill S; Hamilton,
Ricky W; Hansen, Mark B; Heathman, Sandy M; Kehl, Lisa M; Kent, J eanne M; Klinger, Michael J ;
Lambrecht, Andrew M; Lee, Kamsing V; Leopold, Kay F; Lopez, Antonio; Loutas, Aphrodite G; Mather,
Robert B; McNeer, Laura K; Medina-Maltes, Martha E; Moyer, Chester S; Mueller-Cantu, Elaine M;
Olivares, J ose R; Ortiz, Mario R; Perry, Michelle C; Pietropaoli, Lori A; Pratt, Caroline R; Reynolds, Patti
J ; Sheive, Kristy A; Siegl, Mark T; Stark, Laura; Tarango, Tracy; Tasch, Helaine S; Verderosa, Geoffrey
J ; Webb, Russell L; Zarybnicky, Kenneth A
Cc: Cowan, Robert M; Brecht, J effery T; Gallagher, Kevin E; Langton, Lynn M; Hawthorne, Thomas E;
Dyer, LaToya S; Smith, J ohn H; Robinson, Terri A
Subject: RE: I130s to the field
This just in: Since the NBC will only serve as a pass through it will be up to each field office to
request any relating A files for these cases. It is our understanding that the field should only receive
immediate relative I-130s from SCOPS. Let us know if that is not the case.
Gary Garman|Associate Regional Director, Operations|DHS|USCIS|Central Regional Office|:
: | : WARNING: This message is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
(FOUO). It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act (5
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personnel who do not have a valid "need-to-know" without prior approval from the originator.
From: Garman, Gary G
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2012 12:09 PM
To: Adams, Kim; Adams, Raymond P; Bard, J odi; Blakeway, Albert W; Coates, Timothy S; Connor,
William; Conway, Michael J ; Dedvukaj, Mick; Dooley, Sharon V; Douglas, David M; Enis, J ill S; Garman,
Gary G; Hamilton, Ricky W; Hansen, Mark B; Heathman, Sandy M; Kehl, Lisa M; Kent, J eanne M;
Klinger, Michael J ; Lambrecht, Andrew M; Lee, Kamsing V; Leopold, Kay F; Lopez, Antonio; Loutas,
Aphrodite G; Mather, Robert B; McNeer, Laura K; Medina-Maltes, Martha E; Moyer, Chester S; Mueller-
Cantu, Elaine M; Olivares, J ose R; Ortiz, Mario R; Perry, Michelle C; Pietropaoli, Lori A; Pratt, Caroline R;
Reynolds, Patti J ; Sheive, Kristy A; Siegl, Mark T; Stark, Laura; Tarango, Tracy; Tasch, Helaine S;
Verderosa, Geoffrey J ; Webb, Russell L; Zarybnicky, Kenneth A
Cc: Cowan, Robert M; Brecht, J effery T; Gallagher, Kevin E; Langton, Lynn M; Hawthorne, Thomas E;
(b) (6)
(b) (6) (b) (6)
(b) (6)
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Dyer, LaToya S; Smith, J ohn H; Robinson, Terri A
Subject: FW: I130s to the field
Field Leadership: FYI. We just received this update regarding the shipment of I-130s to the field.
More to follow once the NBC publishes their timeline for this work. As you may recall, this work is
transitioning from the Service Centers to the field as a result of the deferred action for childhood
arrivals process. RISO Thomas Hawthorne is available should you have any questions or concerns.
Gary Garman|Associate Regional Director, Operations|DHS|USCIS|Central Regional Office|:
: | : WARNING: This message is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
(FOUO). It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act (5
U.S.C. 552) This document is to be controlled, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with
DHS policy relating to Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) information and is not to be released to the public or other
personnel who do not have a valid "need-to-know" without prior approval from the originator.
From: Robinson, Terri A
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2012 9:44 AM
To: Goodwin, Shelley M; Garman, Gary G; Woo, Ellen Y; Dean, Kimberly D; Muzyka, Carolyn L;
Redman, Kathy A; Cowan, Robert M; Renaud, Tracy L
Cc: Blackwood, Robert L; Limon, Norma A; Clum, Teresa; Fite, Kenneth M; Tauchen, Robert B; Wright,
J ohn L; Campagnolo, Donna P; Monica, Donald J ; Harrison, J ulia L
Subject: RE: I130s to the field
Shelley asked a good question below, so I am taking the liberty to expand the audience to inform
all the Regions at the same time. We received our first I-130 shipment from SCOPS late last
week. We are in the process of ensuring they are all relocated properly and manifesting them for
. We have committed to
providing the Regions with a report prior to any shipments going out that will identify the
volumes by FCO. Additionally the shipments will have a manifest associated in their individual
Please let me know if you have any questions on the current plan. Also, I promised in Boston to
get you a timeline of sorts to help with communicating with the field and that is still in the
Thanks as always for your patience.
Terri Robinson
Acting Center Director
USCIS, National Benefits Center
(b) (6)
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information and is not to be released to the public or other personnel who do not have a valid "need-to-know"
without prior approval from the originator.
From: Goodwin, Shelley M
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2012 8:32 AM
To: Robinson, Terri A
Subject: I130s to the field
Hi Terri
As I catch up, I wondered if you could give me the latest on the I130s that are going to be sent to
the field (to support DACA workload). Is there a date by which the field will begin getting these?
Just checking. Thnx!
Shelley M. Goodwin
Associate Regional Director, Operations
Northeast Region
U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services
Department of Homeland Security
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From: Egli, Nathan C
To: Balcom, Sherrie K
Subject: FW: Latest Happenings on Capitol Hill and related issues -- J uly 17, 2012
Date: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 12:35:17 PM
Nathan C. Egli | Immigration Services Officer
DHS | USCIS | Saint Paul Field Office
2901 Metro Drive,
Bloomington, MN 55425
| |
WARNING: 1his documcni is IOR OIIICIAL USE ONLY (IOUO) Ii coniains
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pcrsonncl who do noi hac a alid "nccd-io-know" wiihoui prior approal rom ihc
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disposiiion insiruciions
3 Go Green! Please do not print this e-mail unless it is completely necessary.
From: Fuentes-Rivera, Luis O
Sent: Wednesday, J uly 18, 2012 9:40 AM
To: Adams, Kim; Agin, David A; Bazzi, Majdie; Berdusis, Marilyn; Burke, J ames E; Cavazos, Rose M; Cordas, Aimee J ;
Dillon, Marc W; Egli, Nathan C; Elizondo, Ana R; Ellis, J oyce; Falcon, Fernando; Frost, Carmen L; Gossett, Steve;
Hardy, Gwendolyn; Hennig, Evelyn M; Hernandez, Dexter; Hodges, Clinton; J ones, Linda L; Kirschman, Erminia C;
Lee, Kamsing V; McCann, Charlene A; McNeer, Laura K; Micks, Elizabeth; Nahle, Claudia; Nickols, Marta M; Pratt,
Caroline R; Rogers, Richard W; Soria, Adeline L; St. Louis Congressional Unit; Verderosa, Geoffrey J ; Zarybnicky,
Kenneth A; Zepeda, Laura J
Cc: Adams, Raymond P; Bard, J odi; Blakeway, Albert W; Coates, Timothy S; Conway, Michael J ; Dedvukaj, Mick;
Douglas, David M; Gallagher, Kevin E; Garman, Gary G; Hamilton, Ricky W; Hansen, Mark B; Heathman, Sandy M;
Kehl, Lisa M; Kent, J eanne M; Klinger, Michael J ; Leopold, Kay F; Lopez, Antonio; Mather, Robert B; Medina-Maltes,
Martha E; Mischke, Mary L; Ortiz, Mario R; Perry, Michelle; Reynolds, Patti J ; Tarango, Tracy; Tasch, Helaine S
Subject: FW: Latest Happenings on Capitol Hill and related issues -- J uly 17, 2012
Good Morning Central Region
The information below is for internal use only. Please do not forward to congressional staffers.
Congressional Liaison Specialist
Central Region Congressional Lead (Acting)
USCS Office of Legislative Affairs
20 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Suite 4008
Washington, DC 20529
For access to the USCIS Resource Guide for Congress, please visit www.uscis.gov/congressionalresources.
Please ensure that you have a Privacy Release from your constituent. Should the constituent require legal advice, it is recommended they contact an
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From: Irazabal, Luz
Sent: Wednesday, J uly 18, 2012 10:07 AM
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Subject: FW: Latest Happenings on Capitol Hill and related issues -- J uly 17, 2012
Thursday July 19, 2012, at 10:00am in 2141 RHOB, Secretary Napolitano will testifybeforethe
HouseJ udiciary CommitteeonOversight of theDepartment of HomelandSecurity withemphasis
ontherecent J une15
announcement ondeferredactionandtherecent SCOTUS decision
regardingtheAZ immigrationlaw. Pleaseclick heretoviewthewebcast.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012, at 2:00pm in 2141 RHOB, USCIS AssociateDirector SarahKendall and
ICE Waldemar Rodriguez, Deputy Assistant Director, Transnational CrimeandPublicSafety
Division, HSI will testifybeforetheHouseJ udiciary ImmigrationSubcommitteeonTheAftermath
of FraudbyImmigrationAttorneys, theprocesses inplacetoreviewandrescindpreviously-
grantedimmigrationbenefitsacquiredthroughtheactsof fraud. Latest Status: Both USCISs and
ICEs testimonies are at OMB for clearance.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012, at 10:00am in 226 DSOB, ICE J ohnWoods, Assistant Director,
National Security Investigations, HSI will testifybeforetheSenateJ udiciary Immigration
SubcommitteeontheGAOAudit Report ontheStudent andExchangeVisitor Program(SEVP),
StrengtheningtheIntegrity of theStudent VisaSystembyPreventingandDetectingSham
Educational Institutions.
Wednesday July 25, 2012, at 10:00am in 311 CHOB, Secretary Napolitano will testifybeforethe
HouseHomelandSecurity Committeeoncounter terrorism, UnderstandingtheHomelandThreat
Leahy and Rubio: Putting an End to Human Trafficking
by Senator Patrick Leahy and Senator Marco Rubio
Tuesday, J uly 17, 2012
Thesedays, Congressional focusrightly rests onfindingsolutionstothenationsunemployment crisis.
But whileour attentionremainsonputtingAmericans back towork, wecannot losesight of our
obligations as theworldsleadingdefender of humanrights. That iswhy weareworkinginCongressto
put anendtohumantraffickingoneof thegreat atrocitiesof our time.
Humantraffickingfor commercial sexual exploitation, forcedlabor or fightingwars remainsapervasive
formof modern-day slavery intheUnitedStates andabroad. Millions of peopleareestimatedtobe
enslavedbyhumantraffickingaroundtheworld. Theresult isanincalculableamount of physical abuse
andtraumaandsometimesinsurmountablepsychological scars. Theproblemexistsinternationally and,
shockingly, right hereinour ownbackyard. TheStateDepartment estimatesthat thousandsof victims are
traffickedintotheUnitedStates every year. Despiteconcertedfederal, stateandlocal effortstobattlethis
scourge, victims of humantraffickingcontinuetobeheldagainst their will.
TheUnitedStates has longbeenabeaconof humanrightsthroughout theworld, andrefugees have
sought asylumonour shoresandprotectionunder our laws. If wearetocontinuetobethat light of hope
tothosepersecutedaroundtheworld, wecannot sit idlybywhilehumantraffickingcontinues. Wemust
takeactiontocombat this problemdomesticallyas well as internationally. Andwemust raisepublic
awarenessof this ravagingcrisis.
That iswhy wehaveteamedtogether aDemocrat fromVermont andaRepublicanfromFloridato
advancetheTraffickingVictimsProtectionReauthorizationAct. Whenthis lawwasfirst enactedin2000,
it wonsweepingapproval bybothpartiesinWashington, D.C. Democrats andRepublicans alike
supportedeffortstoendthis heinouscrime. Thesuccessof thelawhas extendedthroughbothRepublican
andDemocratic administrationsandcontinues towinbipartisansupport inCongress.
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Thelawseekstocut off humantraffickingat its rootsbysupportinginternational anddomesticeffortsto
fight thecausesandpunishtheperpetratorsof trafficking. Many nations aroundtheworldarepartnersin
theseefforts, andmany arenot. Thosewhosupport trafficking, whether throughdirect involvement or
deliberateinaction, must beheldtoaccount. Beyondservingas achillingreminder of howwidespread
this dehumanizingpracticeisaroundtheworld, theStateDepartments annual TraffickinginPersons
Report has providedauseful tool tonudgeother nations towardaction. Weneedtowork withforeign
partnerstomovebeyondmerely talkingandtowardenactinglaws andresolutely prosecutingthese
criminal activitiesandbetter supportingvictims.
Our effortstoreauthorizethis important tool tocombat traffickingwill strengthenlawenforcement tools
andencouragecommunitycooperationtoidentifyvictims, investigateoffenses andprovidevictim
services. Likeall Americanfamilies, Washingtonistighteningits fiscal belt, andour legislationensures
that this important work isdoneinacost-effectiveway withmaximumaccountability andoversight to
ensurethat taxpayer money isbeingwell spent. Theseareprioritieswithbipartisansupport. Congress
shouldact onthis legislationtobetter deal withtodays challenges.
Finally, wehaveanobligationtocall publicattentiontothis troublingtrend. Committedadvocates,
religiousorganizations andhumanandcivil rightsassociations arefindinginnovativewaystowork with
lawenforcement, themediaandelectedofficialstoelevateawarenessof this international crisis. Most
importantly, survivorswiththecouragetospeak out andeducatethepublicaretellingtheir stories. These
survivorscompel us totakeaction.
Weintroducedthis legislationoneyear ago, andit istimefor Congresstoact.
Part of what makesAmericaexceptional isour compassionas anationandour understandingthat our
most fundamental freedomsarenot uniquelyAmericanprivileges but areinsteaduniversal humanrights.
Traffickingisanaffront tohumandignity that wecannot ignore. TheUnitedStates shinesabeaconof
hopetoso many whofacehumanrightsabusesabroad. Wecannot sit back idlywhilethis injustice
continues not only elsewhereintheworld, but alsohereat home.
Our laws must berenewedandupdatedtoprotect victims andimproveour governmentsabilityto
combat modern-day slavery. Nomatter wherethey areintheworld, thevictims of humantrafficking
needastrongAmericatochampiontheir causeas our own.
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
From: Egli Nathan C
To: Balcom Sherrie K
Subject: FW: Message from the Director: Secretary Napolitano Announcement
Date: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 12:14:27 PM
Attachments: image001.wmz
image004 png
Nathan C. Egli | Immigration Services Officer
DHS | USCIS | Saint Paul Field Office
2901 Metro Drive,
Bloomington, MN 55425
| |
From: USCIS Director
Sent: Friday, J une 15, 2012 8:59 AM
Subject: Message from the Director: Secretary Napolitano Announcement
J une15, 2012
Today, Secretary Napolitano issuedamemorandumdirectingthat, withrespect toindividuals whomeet thecriteria
outlinedbelowandareagefifteenor over, USCIS personnel shouldexercisetheir discretion, onanindividual
basis, inorder toprevent theselowpriorityindividuals frombeingplacedintoremoval proceedings or removed
fromtheUnitedStates. Thecriteriaarethat theindividuals:
cametotheUnitedStates under theageof sixteen;
havecontinuously residedintheUnitedStates for at least fiveyearsprecedingthedateof the
Secretarysmemorandumandarepresent intheUnitedStates onthedateof theSecretarys
arecurrentlyinschool, havegraduatedfromhighschool, haveobtainedageneral education
development certificate, or arehonorablydischargedveterans of theCoast Guardor ArmedForcesof
havenot beenconvictedof afelonyoffense, asignificant misdemeanor offense, multiplemisdemeanor
offenses, or otherwiseposeathreat tonational security or publicsafety; and
arenot abovetheageof thirty.
Thememorandumfurther directsthat, for individuals whoaregranteddeferredactionbyeither ICE or USCIS,
USCIS shall accept applications todeterminewhether theseindividuals qualify for work authorizationduringthe
periodof deferredaction. Appropriatebackgroundcheckswill beconductedas part of this process.
Wehavebeeninstructedtoimplement theSecretarysdirectivewiththeutmost speedandconsistent withthelaws
andregulations that governour work. I look forwardtoupdatingyouonour implementationplans.
Thank you. Ali
Asthereisnoright tothefavorableexerciseof discretionbytheagency, nothinginthis memorandumshouldbe
construedtoprohibit theapprehension, detention, or removal of any alienunlawfully intheUnitedStates or to
limit thelegal authorityof DHS or any of its personnel toenforcefederal immigrationlaw. Similarly, this
memorandum, whichmay bemodified, superseded, or rescindedat any timewithout notice, isnot intendedto,
does not, andmay not bereliedupontocreateany right or benefit, substantiveor procedural, enforceableat lawby
any partyinany administrative, civil, or criminal matter.
(b) (6) (b) (6)
(b) (6)
(b) (6)
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From: Dooley, Sharon V
Subject: FW: Message to Field Offices on NBC Workloads & Modified Processes
Date: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 2:07:45 PM
Attachments: image001.jpg
Importance: High
Please see the following information which describes the workload shift from the NBC to the field.
NBC is seeking to bring on additional staff to assist with their increased workload due to DACA. As
they gain more staff, the NBC will resume its current case preparation processes and take back the
adjudication of the stand-alone IR I-130 petitions. The timeframe that they will resume this work is
unknown at this time.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation.
Sharon Dooley
Sharon Dooley
Field Office Director
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Saint Paul
Office: // BB:
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3 Go Green! Please do not print this e-mail unless it is completely necessary.
From: Gallagher, Kevin E
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 7:28 AM
To: Douglas, David M; Dooley, Sharon V
Cc: Garman, Gary G
Subject: FW: Message to Field Offices on NBC Workloads & Modified Processes
Good morning all,
This forwarded message deals with the e-mail string this morning titled DD
Douglas is correct, the Lean & Light NBC process is due to the workload shift. The below e-mail
string details what we are to expect due to the modified process. Hits will be sent to the field
without resolution for both AOS I-485 and N400 cases.
Kevin E. Gallagher |Assistant Regional Director, Adjudications|DHS|USCIS|Central Regional Office|:
(FOUO). It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act (5
U.S.C. 552) This document is to be controlled, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with
DHS policy relating to Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) information and is not to be released to the public or other
personnel who do not have a valid "need-to-know" without prior approval from the originator.
From: Garman, Gary G
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2012 8:03 AM
To: Adams, Kim; Adams, Raymond P; Bard, J odi; Blakeway, Albert W; Coates, Timothy S; Conway,
Michael J ; Dedvukaj, Mick; Dooley, Sharon V; Douglas, David M; Garman, Gary G; Hamilton, Ricky W;
(b) (6) (b) (6)
(b) (6)
(b) (6) (b) (6)
(b) (7)(E)
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Hansen, Mark B; Heathman, Sandy M; Kehl, Lisa M; Kent, J eanne M; Klinger, Michael J ; Lambrecht,
Andrew M; Lee, Kamsing V; Leopold, Kay F; Lopez, Antonio; Loutas, Aphrodite G; Mather, Robert B;
McNeer, Laura K; Medina-Maltes, Martha E; Moyer, Chester S; Mueller-Cantu, Elaine M; Ortiz, Mario R;
Perry, Michelle C; Pietropaoli, Lori A; Pratt, Caroline R; Reynolds, Patti J ; Sheive, Kristy A; Siegl, Mark T;
Stark, Laura; Tarango, Tracy; Tasch, Helaine S; Verderosa, Geoffrey J ; Webb, Russell L; Zarybnicky,
Kenneth A
Cc: Quarantillo, Andrea J ; Langton, Lynn M; Brecht, J effrey T; Gallagher, Kevin E; Smith, J ohn H; Dyer,
LaToya S; Gonzalez, Alfonso G; Cowan, Robert M
Subject: FW: Message to Field Offices on NBC Workloads & Modified Processes
Field Leadership: If you have any questions on the NBC lean and light process, please contact
Regional ISO Jay Watkins. For questions regarding the IR I-130s that will be shipped from the
Service Center and through the NBC to the field for adjudication, contact RISO Thomas Hawthorne.
For questions regarding any deferred action I-821Ds that will be sent to the field as a result of the
random sampling process, contact RISO Gebre Habtu.
Gary Garman|Associate Regional Director, Operations|DHS|USCIS|Central Regional Office|:
: | : WARNING: This message is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
(FOUO). It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act (5
U.S.C. 552) This document is to be controlled, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with
DHS policy relating to Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) information and is not to be released to the public or other
personnel who do not have a valid "need-to-know" without prior approval from the originator.
From: Monica, Donald J
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2012 4:59 PM
To: Woo, Ellen Y; Rust, Maureen; Garman, Gary G; Quarantillo, Andrea J ; Redman, Kathy A; Tierney,
Terry; Renaud, Tracy L; Goodwin, Shelley M
Cc: Cowan, Robert M; Robinson, Terri A; Muzyka, Carolyn L; Campagnolo, Donna P
Subject: Message to Field Offices on NBC Workloads & Modified Processes
Please pass the following information to your Field Offices. This provides additional background on
the transfer of work to the field while the NBC undertakes its hiring initiative. As additional staff
enters on duty, the NBC will resume its current case preparation processes and take over
adjudication of the stand-alone IR petitions.
Donald J. Monica
Associate Director
Field Operations Directorate
(b) (6)
(b) (6) (b) (6)
(b) (7)(E)
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Immediate Relative I-130 Process
August 15, 2012California and Vermont Service centers began shipping Immediate Relative I-
130s to NBC for distribution to the field for completion. NBC will ship I-130s to the field bi-
weekly based on zip code jurisdiction starting the week of September 17
. Below is a quick
summary of the NBC IR I-130 process:
Until Lockbox is ready to receipt with MSC receipts, these I-130s will have WAC or EAC
receipt numbers
Lockbox plans to start assigning MSC receipt numbers to stand alone Immediate Relative
I-130s October 1, 2012.
Case information should be available in ICMS for field to update by the time they receive
the I-130s
NBC plans regular shipments to the field every 2 weeks starting the week of September
17, 2012.
As agreed to, we will ship I-130s to the field office with jurisdiction over the petitioners
ZIP code.
NBC will not perform full TECS checks or any evidence review on these cases before we
ship to the field.
The I-130s will ship in receipt files, not A-files.
NBC will report bi-weekly (to align with shipments) on the volumes shipped to the field
by office and region.
Well post the reports on Connect at USCIS Connect\Working Resources\NBC
Recurring Reports.
The NBC will provide more details on related aspects associated with this process in the near
Lean and Lite AOS I-485 Process:
September 20, 2012Lean and lite AOS I-485 initial evidence review starts for cases received
at NBC on/after September 20, 2012. NBC will complete a modified frontend process and initial
evidence review on all family based I-485s. This includes:
Initial file setup, system checks, order related files and visa petition, review passenger list
and run initial evidence checklist.
If all initial evidence is present, the case will move forward in NBCs processwait for
Fingerprints, name check results, A-files, visa petition. Once all interview-ready criteria is
present, the case will be made available for interview scheduling.
If initial evidence is needed, well continue to request that evidence and have the
(b) (7)(E)
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contractor review the responses to those requests.
NBC will continue to adjudicate Lack of Prosecution denials for cases where we do not
receive a response to the request for evidence and for cases where the applicant fails to
appear for fingerprinting or fails to pay d1e biometrics fee.
What changes will occur in this process-
Where before a case might have gone to an officer for more detailed review and/ or
application of officer discretion (ORB) before RFE, instead the case will go to the field
for officer review and adjudication.
If the initial evidence review results in a request for evidence, the RFE will be issued, and
we will review the RFE response (if any). If the response is sufficient, the case will go to
d1e field for adjudication.
If the RFE response is NOT sufficient, where before d1e case would have gone to an
officer for further review, possible denial, or application of officer discretion (Failed
Validation), instead d1e case will go to d1e field for officer review and adjudication.
NBC will no longer have officers review cases where the applicant might currendy be in
proceedings to determine if USCI S has jurisdiction over d1eir I-485. Instead d1ese cases
will go to d1e field for review and adjudication.
A "Memo to File" will indicate furd1er review is needed in the field. TI1e cases will then
move forward in NBC's process- wait for Fingerprints, name check results, A-files, visa
petition. Once all inte1view-ready criteria is present, d1e case \.Vill be made available for
inte1view scheduling.
I-821D OA Process:
Approximately October 1, 2012, the NBC will ship I-821D cases received from d1e Se1vice
Centers to the field for QA interviews. The NBC will review d1ese cases for Fingerprint results
and IBIS prior to sending to d1e field for manual scheduling. Any cases identified wid1
will be flagged appropriately wid1 a cover sheet and routed to the field office
resolution. Resolutions will not be completed at d1e NBC.
Other Important Dates
August 1, 2012-NBC stopped shipping interview waived I-485s to California Se1vice
Center. NBC began working the IW I-485s.
August 15, 2012-Lockbox began receipting I-90s MSC receipt numbers and shipping
to NBC. (we are still working on identifying d1e changes for d1e field (ASCs) based on
modifications made at d1e NBC)
Fall2012 (exact date TBD)- I-601A provisional waiver goes into effect. NBC will be
responsible for adjudicating I-601As.
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
From: Egli, Nathan C
To: Balcom, Sherrie K
Subject: FW: Midsummer Update
Date: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 12:38:26 PM
Nathan C. Egli | Immigration Services Officer
DHS | USCIS | Saint Paul Field Office
2901 Metro Drive,
Bloomington, MN 55425
| |
(IOUO). Ii coniains inormaiion ihai may bc cxcmpi rom public
rclcasc undcr ihc Irccdom o Inormaiion Aci (: U S.C. :::). 1his
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disposcd o in accordancc wiih DHS policy rclaiing io Scnsiiic Bui
Unclassiicd (SBU) inormaiion and is noi io bc rclcascd io ihc
public or oihcr pcrsonncl who do noi hac a alid "nccd-io-know"
wiihoui prior approal rom ihc originaior. I you arc noi ihc
inicndcd rccipicni plcasc coniaci ihc originaior or disposiiion
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From: Douglas, David M
Sent: Friday, J uly 27, 2012 11:22 AM
To: #KAN - CIS; #WIC - CIS; #STL - CIS; # OMA CIS; # DSM Field Office; # SPM Field Office
Subject: Midsummer Update
To all District 15 Employees,
Greetings to all of District 15! I thought this would be a good time for me to send out a message
that might touch on a few topics and reiterate how excited I am to be here with you working toward
our shared goals. After having a chance to see each of the offices within the district at least once, I
am aware of your hard work, our challenges, and our opportunities to make decisions and protect
the nation.
There are more challenges ahead, of course. Im sure many of you have been eager to find out
more about how our agency will meet the challenge of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
or DACA program as it has become known. I must ask for your continued patience to some extent,
as many of the procedures on how these requests will be processed are still being designed. You
can anticipate more information arriving on August 1
, which the Secretary has designated as the
agencys due date. We will most likely begin allowing requests to be filed in the middle of August.
One by-product of DACA will be field offices taking on work that has previously been processed at
the Service Centers. Again, some of the final decisions are still in development, but it appears likely
that the field will be taking on I-130 (IR) cases at least temporarily. In order to prepare for that
work, we have been challenged with doing everything we can to eliminate older cases and
continued pending cases so that more time can be devoted to these petitions. To the extent
possible, we need to ensure that our I-485 and N-400 processing times remain within the targeted
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ranges. Toward this end, additional overtime funds have been made available to USCIS staff, and
there is a likelihood that more may be available. If you are interested in working overtime, please
make your interest known to your supervisors and Field Office Directors. We will be making hours
available for several projects.
Ive mentioned to many of you in brief meetings about the importance of updating systems. Correct
updates to NFTS, ICMS, and CLAIMS4 (to name a few) have always been important, but as we move
into an era of transformation, this is even more critical. Please ensure that you are making correct
updates to agency systems, and that databases such as ICMS and CLAIMS4 accurately reflect the
status of cases. This is very important from a standpoint of information, (we need to be able to see
the real status of a case within our systems rather than just the paper record) but also because
managers, supervisors, and I want everyone to get credit for their hard work. If intermediate steps
are required prior to a final decision on a case, the system should reflect those actions.
Another initiative that Ive discussed with the Field Office Directors is to reach out to all employees
to make themselves available to work on Individual Development Plans (IDPs). IDPs are an optional
tool that can be used to plan out ones goals and be a roadmap for where you might choose to be at
a future point in your career. If you want to read more about IDPs, please visit the Human Capital
and Training website on USCIS Connect at the following link:
If you are interested in creating an IDP with the assistance of your supervisors, please reach out to
them and make your interest known.
Lastly, during one of my short details to Kansas City prior to entering on duty as District Director, I
asked the Field Office Directors if the district had a nickname. Since we didnt seem to have one, I
asked for some suggestions. The one that rose to the top of the list was The Heartland District.
District 15 is the geographic center of our country, and a critical resource for the nation in terms of
agriculture, industry, and hard work. The Heartland is well known as a center of dedicated effort,
strong values, and assistance to others. I hope you will join me in using this moniker as we build an
identity for the district and our employees. I think it stresses the importance of our offices and of
the work we do.
Thats it for now, thanks for taking the time to read this message. I am very much appreciative of
your hard work and dedication to our mission, lets continue to make USCIS an example of what
David M. Douglas
District Director
USCIS District 15, Kansas City
The Heartland District
(b) (6)
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From: Egli, Nathan C
To: Balcom, Sherrie K
Subject: FW: PLEASE DISTRIBUTE IMMEDIATELY: USCIS Public Engagement Division: Deferred Action Call Postponed
Date: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 12:38:26 PM
Importance: High
Nathan C. Egli | Immigration Services Officer
DHS | USCIS | Saint Paul Field Office
2901 Metro Drive,
Bloomington, MN 55425
| |
WARNING: 1his documcni is IOR OIIICIAL USE ONLY (IOUO) Ii coniains
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and disposcd o in accordancc wiih DHS policy rclaiing io Scnsiiic Bui Unclassiicd
(SBU) inormaiion and is noi io bc rclcascd io ihc public or oihcr pcrsonncl who do noi
hac a alid "nccd-io-know" wiihoui prior approal rom ihc originaior I you arc noi
ihc inicndcd rccipicni plcasc coniaci ihc originaior or disposiiion insiruciions
3 Go Green! Please do not print this e-mail unless it is completely necessary.
From: Fuentes-Rivera, Luis O
Sent: Thursday, J uly 26, 2012 1:28 PM
To: Adams, Kim; Adams, Raymond P; Bard, J odi; Blakeway, Albert W; Coates, Timothy S; Conway, Michael J ;
Dedvukaj, Mick; Dooley, Sharon V; Douglas, David M; Gallagher, Kevin E; Garman, Gary G; Hamilton, Ricky W;
Hansen, Mark B; Heathman, Sandy M; Kehl, Lisa M; Kent, J eanne M; Klinger, Michael J ; Lee, Kamsing V; Leopold, Kay
F; Lopez, Antonio; Mather, Robert B; Medina-Maltes, Martha E; Mischke, Mary L; Moyer, Chester S; Ortiz, Mario R;
Perry, Michelle C; Pietropaoli, Lori A; Pratt, Caroline R; Reynolds, Patti J ; Tarango, Tracy; Tasch, Helaine S; Verderosa,
Geoffrey J
Cc: Agin, David A; Bazzi, Majdie; Berdusis, Marilyn; Burke, J ames E; Cavazos, Rose M; Cordas, Aimee J ; Dillon, Marc
W; Egli, Nathan C; Elizondo, Ana R; Ellis, J oyce; Falcon, Fernando; Frost, Carmen L; Gossett, Steve; Goudge, Laurie A;
Hardy, Gwendolyn; Hennig, Evelyn M; Hernandez, Dexter; J ones, Linda L; Kirschman, Erminia C; McCann, Charlene A;
McNeer, Laura K; Mendez, Christopher M; Micks, Elizabeth; Nahle, Claudia; Neal, J effrey L; Nickols, Marta M; Rogers,
Richard W; Sondag, Christine; St. Louis Congressional Unit; Zarybnicky, Kenneth A; Zepeda, Laura J
Subject: FW: PLEASE DISTRIBUTE IMMEDIATELY: USCIS Public Engagement Division: Deferred Action Call Postponed
Importance: High
From: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Sent: Thursday, J uly 26, 2012 2:16 PM
Subject: USCIS Public Engagement Division: Deferred Action Call Postponed
Dear Stakeholder,
Todays4pmEST conferencecall ondeferredactionfor childhoodarrivalsispostponed. Wewill let you
knowof thenewdateandtimeas soonas possible. Weapologizefor any inconvenience.
U.S. CitizenshipandImmigrationServices
Please do not reply to this message. See our Contact Us page for phone numbers and e-mail
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U.S. Cit zenship and mmgration Services sending to luz.irazabal@dhs.gov
20 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington DC 20529 1-800-375-5283
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From: Egli Nathan C
To: Balcom Sherrie K
Subject: FW: REMINDER - FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY - Deferred Action for Young People
Date: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 12:38:23 PM
Attachments: image001.wmz
image002 gif
image002 gif
image004 gif
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image004 png
Importance: High
Nathan C. Egli | Immigration Services Officer
DHS | USCIS | Saint Paul Field Office
2901 Metro Drive,
Bloomington, MN 55425
| |
WARNING: 1his documcni is IOR OIIICIAL USE ONLY (IOUO) Ii coniains inormaiion ihai
may bc cxcmpi rom public rclcasc undcr ihc Irccdom o Inormaiion Aci (: U S C :::) 1his
documcni is io bc conirollcd, handlcd, iransmiiicd, disiribuicd, and disposcd o in accordancc wiih
DHS policy rclaiing io Scnsiiic Bui Unclassiicd (SBU) inormaiion and is noi io bc rclcascd io ihc
public or oihcr pcrsonncl who do noi hac a alid "nccd-io-know" wiihoui prior approal rom ihc
originaior I you arc noi ihc inicndcd rccipicni plcasc coniaci ihc originaior or disposiiion
3 Go Green! Please do not print this e-mail unless it is completely necessary.
From: Fuentes-Rivera, Luis O
Sent: Thursday, J uly 12, 2012 3:48 PM
To: Adams, Kim; Adams, Raymond P; Bard, J odi; Blakeway, Albert W; Coates, Timothy S; Conway, Michael J ; Dedvukaj, Mick;
Douglas, David M; Gallagher, Kevin E; Garman, Gary G; Hamilton, Ricky W; Hansen, Mark B; Heathman, Sandy M; Kehl, Lisa M;
Kent, J eanne M; Klinger, Michael J ; Leopold, Kay F; Lopez, Antonio; Mather, Robert B; Medina-Maltes, Martha E; Mischke, Mary
L; Ortiz, Mario R; Perry, Michelle; Reynolds, Patti J ; Tarango, Tracy; Tasch, Helaine S
Cc: Agin, David A; Badgett, J oe R; Bazzi, Majdie; Berdusis, Marilyn; Burke, J ames E; Cavazos, Rose M; Cordas, Aimee J ; Dillon,
Marc W; Egli, Nathan C; Elizondo, Ana R; Ellis, J oyce; Falcon, Fernando; Frost, Carmen L; Gossett, Steve; Hardy, Gwendolyn;
Hennig, Evelyn M; Hernandez, Dexter; Hodges, Clinton; J ones, Linda L; Kirschman, Erminia C; Lee, Kamsing V; McCann,
Charlene A; McNeer, Laura K; Micks, Elizabeth; Nahle, Claudia; Nickols, Marta M; Pratt, Caroline R; Rogers, Richard W; Soria,
Adeline L; St. Louis Congressional Unit; Verderosa, Geoffrey J ; Zarybnicky, Kenneth A
Subject: FW: REMINDER - FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY - Deferred Action for Young People
Importance: High
Good Afternoon Central Region
The information below is for internal use only.
Congressional Liaison Specialist
Central Region Congressional Lead (Acting)
USCS Office of Legislative Affairs
20 Massachusetts Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20529
For access to the USCIS Resource Guide for Congress, please visit www.uscis.gov/congressionalresources.
Please ensure that you have a Privacy Release from your constituent. Should the constituent require legal advice, it is recommended they contact an accredited legal
representative and/or Community Based Organization.
WARNING: This document is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of
Information Act (5 U.S.C.552). This document is to be controlled, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with DHS policy
relating to Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) information and is not to be released to the public or other personnel who do not have a valid "need-to-
know" without prior approval from the originator. If you have received this document by mistake please contact the originator for specific handling and
destruction procedures
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(b) (6)
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From: Irazabal, Luz
Sent: Thursday, J uly 12, 2012 1:37 PM
To: #USCIS-OLA LEADS; Varshay, Libby M
Cc: McCament, J ames W; Roles, Rebecca J ; Wooden, J aneen R; Rowe, Monterey; Tintary, Ruth E
Subject: REMINDER - FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY - Deferred Action for Young People
Importance: High
Wewill keepyouinformedof any further informationavailable. Again, thank youfor your patienceandunderstanding.
Luz FiguereoIrazbal
USCISOfficeof LegislativeAffairs
From: Irazabal, Luz
Sent: Friday, J une 15, 2012 10:10 AM
Subject: FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY - Message from the Director: Secretary Napolitano Announcement
Importance: High
Wewill continuetokeepappraisedof any additional informationas it becomes available.
Thank you,
Luz FiguereoIrazbal
AssociateChief (National Coordination)
Officeof LegislativeAffairs
U.S. CitizenshipandImmigrationServices
For access to the USCIS Resource Guide for Congress, please visit www.uscis.gov/congressionalresources.
This e-mail (including any attachments) is intended solely for the use of the addressee(s) and may contain information that is sensitive or
otherwise protected by applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, your disclosure, copying, distribution or other use of (or
reliance upon) the information contained in this email is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender
and delete or destroy all copies.
From: USCIS Director
Sent: Friday, J une 15, 2012 9:59 AM
Subject: Message from the Director: Secretary Napolitano Announcement
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J une15, 2012
Today, Secretary Napolitano issuedamemorandumdirectingthat, withrespect toindividuals whomeet thecriteria
outlinedbelowandareagefifteenor over, USCIS personnel shouldexercisetheir discretion, onanindividual
basis, inorder toprevent theselowpriorityindividuals frombeingplacedintoremoval proceedings or removed
fromtheUnitedStates. Thecriteriaarethat theindividuals:
cametotheUnitedStates under theageof sixteen;
havecontinuously residedintheUnitedStates for at least fiveyearsprecedingthedateof the
Secretarysmemorandumandarepresent intheUnitedStates onthedateof theSecretarys
arecurrentlyinschool, havegraduatedfromhighschool, haveobtainedageneral education
development certificate, or arehonorablydischargedveterans of theCoast Guardor ArmedForcesof
havenot beenconvictedof afelonyoffense, asignificant misdemeanor offense, multiplemisdemeanor
offenses, or otherwiseposeathreat tonational security or publicsafety; and
arenot abovetheageof thirty.
Thememorandumfurther directsthat, for individuals whoaregranteddeferredactionbyeither ICE or USCIS,
USCIS shall accept applications todeterminewhether theseindividuals qualify for work authorizationduringthe
periodof deferredaction. Appropriatebackgroundcheckswill beconductedas part of this process.
Wehavebeeninstructedtoimplement theSecretarysdirectivewiththeutmost speedandconsistent withthelaws
andregulations that governour work. I look forwardtoupdatingyouonour implementationplans.
Thank you. Ali
Asthereisnoright tothefavorableexerciseof discretionbytheagency, nothinginthis memorandumshouldbe
construedtoprohibit theapprehension, detention, or removal of any alienunlawfully intheUnitedStates or to
limit thelegal authorityof DHS or any of its personnel toenforcefederal immigrationlaw. Similarly, this
memorandum, whichmay bemodified, superseded, or rescindedat any timewithout notice, isnot intendedto,
does not, andmay not bereliedupontocreateany right or benefit, substantiveor procedural, enforceableat lawby
any partyinany administrative, civil, or criminal matter.
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From: Egli, Nathan C
To: Balcom Sherrie K
Subject: FW: USCIS Deferred Action For Childhood Arrival Information
Date: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 12:38:53 PM
Nathan C. Egli | Immigration Services Officer
DHS | USCIS | Saint Paul Field Office
2901 Metro Drive,
Bloomington, MN 55425
| |
WARNING: 1his documcni is IOR OIIICIAL USE ONLY (IOUO) Ii coniains
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Aci (: U S C :::) 1his documcni is io bc conirollcd, handlcd, iransmiiicd, disiribuicd,
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(SBU) inormaiion and is noi io bc rclcascd io ihc public or oihcr pcrsonncl who do noi
hac a alid "nccd-io-know" wiihoui prior approal rom ihc originaior I you arc noi
ihc inicndcd rccipicni plcasc coniaci ihc originaior or disposiiion insiruciions
3 Go Green! Please do not print this e-mail unless it is completely necessary.
From: Fuentes-Rivera, Luis O
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2012 3:47 PM
To: Adams, Kim; Agin, David A; Bazzi, Majdie; Berdusis, Marilyn; Burke, J ames E; Cavazos, Rose M; Cordas, Aimee J ;
Dillon, Marc W; Egli, Nathan C; Elizondo, Ana R; Ellis, J oyce; Falcon, Fernando; Frost, Carmen L; Gossett, Steve;
Goudge, Laurie A; Hardy, Gwendolyn; Hennig, Evelyn M; Hernandez, Dexter; J ones, Linda L; Kirschman, Erminia C; Lee,
Kamsing V; McCann, Charlene A; McNeer, Laura K; Mendez, Christopher M; Micks, Elizabeth; Nahle, Claudia; Neal,
J effrey L; Nickols, Marta M; Pratt, Caroline R; Rogers, Richard W; Sondag, Christine; St. Louis Congressional Unit;
Verderosa, Geoffrey J ; Zarybnicky, Kenneth A; Zepeda, Laura J
Cc: Adams, Raymond P; Bard, J odi; Blakeway, Albert W; Coates, Timothy S; Conway, Michael J ; Dedvukaj, Mick; Dooley,
Sharon V; Douglas, David M; Gallagher, Kevin E; Garman, Gary G; Hamilton, Ricky W; Hansen, Mark B; Heathman,
Sandy M; Kehl, Lisa M; Kent, J eanne M; Klinger, Michael J ; Leopold, Kay F; Lopez, Antonio; Mather, Robert B; Medina-
Maltes, Martha E; Moyer, Chester S; Ortiz, Mario R; Perry, Michelle C; Pietropaoli, Lori A; Reynolds, Patti J ; Tarango,
Tracy; Tasch, Helaine S
Subject: FW: USCIS Deferred Action For Childhood Arrival Information
Good Afternoon Central Region
FY - the following information was distributed to congressional staff both in Capitol Hill and your respective
Congressional Liaison Specialist
Central Region Congressional Lead (Acting)
USCS Office of Legislative Affairs
20 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Suite 4008
Washington, DC 20529
For access to the USCIS Resource Guide for Congress, please visit www.uscis.gov/congressionalresources.
Please ensure that you have a Privacy Release from your constituent. Should the constituent require legal advice, it is recommended they contact an
accredited legal representative and/or Community Based Organization.
WARNING: This document is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom
of Information Act (5 U.S.C.552). This document is to be controlled, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with DHS
policy relating to Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) information and is not to be released to the public or other personnel who do not have a
valid "need-to-know" without prior approval from the originator. If you have received this document by mistake please contact the originator for
specific handling and destruction procedures
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On June 15, 2012, the Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano announced that certain young
people who came to the United States as children, do not present a risk to national security or public safety,
and meet several other key guidelines will be considered for relief from removal from the country or from
being entered into removal proceedings. This new process will be implemented tomorrow, August 15,
In an effort to support your office in responding to casework inquiries relating to the Deferred Action for
Childhood Arrivals process, below are links to the following information:
Form and Instructions:
A How do I brochure with process guidelines and filing information:
An Informational Flyer:
USCIS has also developed a web resource center available at www.uscis.gov/childhoodarrivals to provide the
most up to date information.
If you have questions, please contact the USCIS Office of Legislative Affairs at 202-272-1940 or by email at
Updateyour subscriptions, modify your passwordor email address, or stopsubscriptionsat any timeonyour
Subscriber PreferencesPage. Youwill needtouseyour email addresstologin. If youhavequestionsor
problemswiththesubscriptionservice, pleasecontact support@govdelivery.com.
Thisserviceisprovidedtoyouat nochargebyU.S. CitizenshipandImmigrationServices.
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From: Egli, Nathan C
To: Balcom, Sherrie K
Subject: FW: USCIS Leadership Guidance #56-12
Date: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 12:38:40 PM
Attachments: image002.png
Nathan C. Egli | Immigration Services Officer
DHS | USCIS | Saint Paul Field Office
2901 Metro Drive,
Bloomington, MN 55425
| |
(IOUO). Ii coniains inormaiion ihai may bc cxcmpi rom public
rclcasc undcr ihc Irccdom o Inormaiion Aci (: U S.C. :::). 1his
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public or oihcr pcrsonncl who do noi hac a alid "nccd-io-know"
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inicndcd rccipicni plcasc coniaci ihc originaior or disposiiion
3 Go Green! Please do not print this e-mail unless it is completely necessary.
From: Dooley, Sharon V
Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2012 3:21 PM
Subject: FW: USCIS Leadership Guidance #56-12
Sharon Dooley
Sharon Dooley
Field Office Director
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Saint Paul
Office: // BB:
WARNING: 1his documcni is IOR OIIICIAL USE ONLY (IOUO) Ii coniains inormaiion ihai may bc cxcmpi rom public rclcasc undcr ihc Irccdom o
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3 Go Green! Please do not print this e-mail unless it is completely necessary.
Sent: Thursday, J uly 26, 2012 9:39 AM
Subject: USCIS Leadership Guidance #56-12
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Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
J uly 26, 2012
1. Multilingual Resource Center
2. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
1. Multilingual Resource Center
OnJ uly 26, 2012, theUSCIS Officeof Communications will launchtheMultilingual
ResourceCenter, anewwebsitetoserveas ahubfor all USCIS resourcesthat areofferedin
foreignlanguages. By translatingcertainimmigrationapplicationinformationintoother
languages, weareabletocommunicateacrossmany culturesandreachabroader audience.
Thiswill alsoensurethat customersobtaininformationdirectlyfromUSCIS andnot from
unofficialandpossibly unscrupuloussources.
Thesiteprovides documents in22different languages, including13newly translatedHow do
IguidesinChinese. Visitorstothesitecannowviewanddownloadtheseandother
Oneof thehighlights of theMultilingual ResourceCenter istheinclusionof anewSpanish
translationof The Handbook for Employers: Instructions for Completing Form I-9 (M-274).
TheHandbook provides step-by-stepguidance, clarifiesthelaw, andanswersfrequently
askedquestionsonhowtocompletetheform. TheSpanishtranslationof theM-274alsowill
beincludedontheI-9Central andE-Verifywebsites.
Thisinitiativeispart of USCISseffortstoensurethat important informationregarding
immigrationbenefitsisaccessibletoindividuals withlimitedEnglishproficiency.
2. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
TheUSCIS Officeof Communications has updatedthePublicAffairs Guidanceonthe
DeferredActionfor ChildhoodArrivalsinitiative. Pleaseusethis informationwhenspeaking
withyour staff about thedeferredactionprocessandUSCISsongoingpreparation.
TheUSCIS LeadershipGuidanceisaproduct of theUSCIS Officeof Communications. To
submit questionsor cleareditems, or toaccessprevious LeadershipGuidance, email USCIS
Internal Communications.
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
From: Egli, Nathan C
To: Balcom, Sherrie K
Subject: FW: USCIS Leadership Guidance #57-12
Date: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 12:38:39 PM
Attachments: image002.png
Nathan C. Egli | Immigration Services Officer
DHS | USCIS | Saint Paul Field Office
2901 Metro Drive,
Bloomington, MN 55425
| |
(IOUO). Ii coniains inormaiion ihai may bc cxcmpi rom public
rclcasc undcr ihc Irccdom o Inormaiion Aci (: U S.C. :::). 1his
documcni is io bc conirollcd, handlcd, iransmiiicd, disiribuicd, and
disposcd o in accordancc wiih DHS policy rclaiing io Scnsiiic Bui
Unclassiicd (SBU) inormaiion and is noi io bc rclcascd io ihc
public or oihcr pcrsonncl who do noi hac a alid "nccd-io-know"
wiihoui prior approal rom ihc originaior. I you arc noi ihc
inicndcd rccipicni plcasc coniaci ihc originaior or disposiiion
3 Go Green! Please do not print this e-mail unless it is completely necessary.
From: Dooley, Sharon V
Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2012 3:20 PM
Subject: FW: USCIS Leadership Guidance #57-12
Sharon Dooley
Sharon Dooley
Field Office Director
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Saint Paul
Office: // BB:
WARNING: 1his documcni is IOR OIIICIAL USE ONLY (IOUO) Ii coniains inormaiion ihai may bc cxcmpi rom public rclcasc undcr ihc Irccdom o
Inormaiion Aci (: U S C :::) 1his documcni is io bc conirollcd, handlcd, iransmiiicd, disiribuicd, and disposcd o in accordancc wiih DHS policy rclaiing io
Scnsiiic Bui Unclassiicd (SBU) inormaiion and is noi io bc rclcascd io ihc public or oihcr pcrsonncl who do noi hac a alid "nccd-io-know" wiihoui prior
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3 Go Green! Please do not print this e-mail unless it is completely necessary.
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2012 9:40 AM
Subject: USCIS Leadership Guidance #57-12
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August 3, 2012
Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Process
TodayUSCIS will provideadditional detailstothepublicfollowingSecretary J anet
NapolitanosJ une15directive, Exercising Prosecutorial Discretion with Respect to
Individuals Who Came to the United States as Children. Wewill publishawebsitefor the
Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Process,
www.uscis.gov/childhoodarrivals, at 1:30p.m. EDT. It will featureupdatedFAQs intended
togivethepublicmoreinformationontheprocess, as well as anewHow Do I andaflyer
that explains theprocessgraphically.
Pleasevisit thewebsitethis afternoonfor moreinformationregardingthis newprocess,
whichwewill implement onAugust 15, 2012.
TheUSCIS LeadershipGuidanceisaproduct of theUSCIS Officeof Communications. To
submit questionsor cleareditems, or toaccessprevious LeadershipGuidance, email USCIS
Internal Communications.
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
From: USCIS Director
Subject: Message From The Director: Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Process
Date: Friday, August 03, 2012 1:42 01 PM
Attachments: image001.wmz
August 3, 2012
Dear Colleagues,
On J uly 15, 2012, Secretary Napolitano issued a memorandumcharging USCIS with creating a process that allows certain people who came to the
United States as children to request deferred action USCIS was provided with 60 days to implement this new process I am proud to say that we are on
target We fully expect to be able to receive requests for consideration of deferred action for childhood arrivals beginning on August 15
Senior leadership recently met with Secretary Napolitano to discuss our progress and the Secretary shared her appreciation for the hard work that has
taken place so far and will continue over the weeks and months to come USCIS employees at all levels have risen to the challenge and are, together,
ensuring that we deliver a process that honors our commitment to the integrity and goals of our nations immigration system
This afternoon, we will launch an updated webpage at wwwuscisgov/childhoodarrivals where frequently asked questions about the new deferred
action process can be found All relevant forms and instructions are planned for release on August 15 The information posted on the webpage reflects
the expertise and extraordinary work of many of our colleagues throughout our agency
The deferred action for childhood arrivals process will impact many of us as we scale up our efforts and adjust existing workflows to maintain our
exemplary level of service and commitment This is yet another opportunity for us to showcase our ingenuity, dedication, and professionalism as a
model for the entire government and for our nation
I am proud to be your colleague and a part of this agency Thank you for everything you do
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
From: USCIS Director
Subject: Message from the Director: Secretary Napolitano Announcement
Date: Friday, J une 15, 2012 10:00:10 AM
Attachments: image001.wmz
image002 png
J une 15, 2012
Today, Secretary Napolitano issued amemorandum directing that, with respect to individuals who meet the criteria
outlined below and are age fifteen or over, USCIS personnel should exercise their discretion, on an individual
basis, in order to prevent these low priority individuals from being placed into removal proceedings or removed
from the United States. The criteria are that the individuals:
came to the United States under the age of sixteen;
have continuously resided in the United States for at least five years preceding the date of the
Secretarys memorandum and are present in the United States on the date of the Secretarys
are currently in school, have graduated from high school, have obtained a general education
development certificate, or are honorably discharged veterans of the Coast Guard or Armed Forces of
the United States;
have not been convicted of a felony offense, a significant misdemeanor offense, multiple misdemeanor
offenses, or otherwise pose a threat to national security or public safety; and
are not above the age of thirty.
The memorandum further directs that, for individuals who are granted deferred action by either ICE or USCIS,
USCIS shall accept applications to determine whether these individuals qualify for work authorization during the
period of deferred action. Appropriate background checks will be conducted as part of this process.
We have been instructed to implement the Secretarys directive with the utmost speed and consistent with the laws
and regulations that govern our work. I look forward to updating you on our implementation plans.
Thank you. Ali
As there is no right to the favorable exercise of discretion by the agency, nothing in this memorandum should be
construed to prohibit the apprehension, detention, or removal of any alien unlawfully in the United States or to
limit the legal authority of DHS or any of its personnel to enforce federal immigration law. Similarly, this
memorandum, which may be modified, superseded, or rescinded at any time without notice, is not intended to,
does not, and may not be relied upon to create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law by
any party in any administrative, civil, or criminal matter.
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
From: Dopona, Peter E (CTR)
To: Gallagher, Kevin E; Watkins, J ay C
Cc: Garman, Gary G
Subject: Re: 40 machine locations
Date: Thursday, August 02, 2012 1:42:02 PM
Good afternoon,
We polled the sites- as far as work space for the additional machines there should not be any issues-
all stated the ASC could accommodate, we may have to move some desks and relocate a few
desktop CPUs to other areas in the ASC but that should be it.
Waiting areas and parking is hard to say, it would depend on the applicant volume at one time- in
many cases the applicants scheduled in the afternoon appear at the ASC that morning and that
could cause an issue with both parking and waiting room space. One machine would add another
forty five applicants to that ASCs capacity - at present I know of no parking or waiting room issues in
Central Region.
It is something that we will monitor closely and if any issues arise I will let you know ASAP.
Pete Dopona
From: Gallagher, Kevin E
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2012 01:24 PM
To: Dopona, Peter E (CTR); Watkins, J ay C
Cc: Garman, Gary G
Subject: RE: 40 machine locations
Do you think we will run into any space issues (work space, waiting room & parking) in the facilities
scheduled for additional machines?
Kevin E. Gallagher |Assistant Regional Director, Adjudications|DHS|USCIS|Central Regional Office|:
(FOUO). It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act (5
U.S.C. 552) This document is to be controlled, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with
DHS policy relating to Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) information and is not to be released to the public or other
personnel who do not have a valid "need-to-know" without prior approval from the originator.
From: Dopona, Peter E (CTR)
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2012 7:56 AM
To: Watkins, J ay C
Cc: Gallagher, Kevin E
Subject: FW: 40 machine locations
Importance: High
Good morning,
Attached are the proposed CR sites that may be receiving additional L1 workstations- have not
heard if/when these will be arriving.
(b) (6)
(b) (6) (b) (6)
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
Pete Dopona
NG ASC Project
Central Regional Manager
From: Gatlin, J esse
Sent: Tuesday, J uly 31, 2012 4:06 PM
To: Beach, Michael; Dabalsa, Rosy M (CTR); Dopona, Peter E (CTR); Gregory, David H (CTR); Paradela,
Grisel (CTR); Watts, George B (CTR); Wood, J uanita (CTR)
Cc: Reardon, Bob (TS) (Contr); Bob DeLuca; Lee Bandel; Marcie Moore; Polly Weaver; RJ Wooten;
Sarah Bury; Tom Eaton
Subject: FW: 40 machine locations
Importance: High
Folks: n support of the President's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) initiative, USCS is
procuring 40 additional biometrics workstations.
The attached list is the current proposed distribution of those 40 new workstations. We've been asked
to confirm the ship to addresses for these 31 ASCs. While have reviewed and they seem correct,
please confirm that the addresses are indeed correct. Also, please confirm that the ASCs can take the
proposed new equipment.
While these 40 workstations will eventually all become cabinet models, initially only 11 are going to be
shipped as cabinet models and the others will be shipped as table-top models. As soon as we are
informed when the cabinets will be sent, your ASCs will also be informed.
Please send confirmations by tomorrow noon.
Jess Gatlin
Deputy / On-Site Manager
From: Yarborough, Fred A
Sent: Tuesday, J uly 31, 2012 3:26 PM
To: Gatlin, J esse
Cc: Boyajian, Michael
Subject: 40 machine locations
Please do one last check to make sure we have the correct shipping addresses to deliver the
machines where your site supervisors prefer. I did not change any addresses only the numbers.
(b) (6)
(b) (6)
(b) (6)
(b) (6)
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
Fred Yarborough, PMP
BD Program Manager
Program Management Branch Chief
Biometrics Division,
(b) (6)
(b) (6)
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
From: Kehl, Lisa M
To: Ortiz, Mario R; Dedvukaj, Mick; Douglas, David M; Hansen, Mark B; Heathman, Sandy M; Loutas, Aphrodite G;
Mather, Robert B; Garman, Gary G; Cowan, Robert M
Cc: Gallagher, Kevin E; Hawthorne, Thomas E; Tarango, Tracy; Sheive, Kristy A
Subject: RE: Comments on deferred action
Date: Wednesday, J une 20, 2012 12:12:28 PM
First round of questions/comments from Dallas District:
(b) (5)
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
From: Ortiz, Mario R
Sent: Tuesday, J une 19, 2012 8:48 AM
To: Cowan, Robert M
Cc: Gallagher, Kevin E; Mather, Robert B
Subject: Comments on deferred action
Deferred action
(b) (5)
(b) (5)
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
(b) (5)
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
Jeffers, Lee B
Subject: FW: Updated Reminder - Processed DACA Requestors as Code-3
From: Keck, Peggy M
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2012 10:33 AM
To: Enzer, Ethan
Subject: FW: Updated Reminder - Processed DACA Requestors as Code-3
I' m not sure thi s fJIIs within the parameters of the FOIA, but this is all that f found thot w n t i o n ~ > fingerprinting !or
background checks.
From: Saucier, Shawn A
sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2012 4:18PM
Cc: #NER SISOs and Section Managers; #NER-DD-FOD-COS; Goodwin, Shelley M; Kern, Suzanne C; Maxin, Melissa W;
Bibona, Usa M; O'Neill, Anne M
Subject: Updated Reminder - Processed DACA Requestors as Code-3
Please be aware that due to the validity of previous FBI fingerprint results, appointment notices asking DACA
requestors to appear at an ASC may indicate that the requestor be processed for biometrics as a Code -
2. This should be ignored.
All DACA requestors, unless they are under the age of 14, should be processed for biometrics as a Code-
3. The DACA Standard Operating Procedure, currently in use by the USC IS Service Center Operations
Directorate, requires that prior FBI fingerprint results not be used for determining if a requestor meets the
DACA guidelines.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you.
Shawn Saucier
lmmrgration Services Off1cer
U.S. Citizenship ancl Immigration Services
Northeast Regional Off1ce .. Adjudications
(b) (6)
(b) (6)
From: Sauder, Shawn A
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2012 1:41PM
SUbject: Reminder- Processed DACA Requestors as Code-3
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
(b) (?)(E)
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you.
Shawn Saucier
Immigration Servio::s Off1cer
U.S. C1t1zenship and Immigration Services
Regionar Ofli-::c - Adjudications
(b) (6)
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
Jeffers, lee B
Subject: FW: DACA biometrics requirements FOIA
From: Hoffman, Michael K
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2012 8:07 AM
To: Enzer, Ethan
Subject: DACA biometrics requirements
IMPORTANT Revised- OACA Information ..
09/1312012 - 11 :06:04
Posted on behalf ofUSCIS HQ.
Revised DACA Applicant Processing Guidance:
Top of Form
l. Under l4 years of age will be processed as Code-2s.
2. 14 years and older will be processed as Code-Js. regardless of what the appointmem notice states.
,, ASC. f$0
.. . .,.., -t. l '!fJW.
... .. ,.t
Application Support Center, XBE
467 Silver lane
East Hartford. CT 06118
Bottom of Form
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
Jeffers, lee B
FW: Identification for J-821D/DACA appointments at an ASC FOIA
Redacted 8210 Notice.pdf
From: Jafer, Halide (Holly)
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2012 11:16 AM
To: Kern, Suzanne C; Goodwin, Shelley M; #NER-ASCM-UST; Tierney, Terry; Bace, Philip; #SER-ASCM-UST; Gallagher,
Kevin E; Watkins, Jay C; #CRO-ASCM-LIST; Woo, Ellen Y; Cone, Richard K; #WRO-ASCM-LIST
Cc: Hope, Leslie K; Campagnolo, David; Weidemann, James A; Sartini, Ronald; Munoz-Lair, Anna; James, Ja-Nel C;
Harrison, Julia L
Subject: ldentification for 1-8210/DACA appointments at an ASC
Please be reminded of the identification guidance/requirements as stated in Section 2.8 of
the ASC ISO SOP and on the 1-8210 appointment notice. For vour convenience-' a o p ~ of the 1-
8210 appointment notice is attached.
Section 2.8: Applicant Identification, Name Guidance, and Forms
Applicant Identification: The following table provides a matrix of Identification requirements f()r various
applications and the actions to be taken if the applicant cannot provide acceptable identification.
Acceptable JDwithout ASC ISO Approval
Action to be taken if
Type no acceptable /D
Form 1- 551 Permanent Resident Card or,
N- 400*
Passport with ADIT stamp . Rdcr to ASC ISO
All Others to
USClS-issued photo JD or. Reier to ASC ISO
include 1-821 D
State-issued driver's license or .
State-issued ID card or,
Any country's ofticial lD (passport,
driver' s license) or,
Military photo identification .
* See Chapter 7. Benefit Procedure - Special Cases, for N - 400 applicant supplemental processing
Biometric processing should not be refused solely because an applicant does not present an acceptable ID. The
ASC ISO may accept secondary forms of identification as proof of identity. Using Fraudulent Document
Detection techniques and years of immigration experience. an ASC ISO can usually discern the validity of the
applicant's identification. ASC ISOs shall conduct Central Index System (CIS) and/or Computer Linked
Application Information Management System. version 4.0 (CLAIMS-4) and CLAIMS Mainframe checks to
verify the identity of applicants that present questionable identification. ASC ISOs may also question
applicants about their immigration history and biographical background. If the ASC ISO is unavailable and a
questionable identity document arises, the Site Supervisor shall inform the applicant that s/he ~ : a n either wait
until the ASC ISO returns to be processed, or s/he may return at a later time. The ASC ISO shall not approve
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
the processing of applicants presenting questionable identity documents without personally inspecting the
original documents.
If the ASC ISO is able to confirm the applicant's identity. s/he should write ''Identity Confirmed'" and place
her/his initials in the top left hand margin of the applicant's AIW and return all documents to the
Guard/Receptionist. Once the ASC ISO has confirmed the applicant's identity. there is no requirement to repeat
the process. The ASC ISO' s initials on the applicant' s AIW will serve as notice to the receptionist. biometrics
technician. and Site Supervisor that the ASC ISO is aware of the applicant's ID and that the ASC ISO has
confirmed the applicant's identity. If the ASC ISO is unable to confirm the applicant's identity, the ASC ISO
should dismiss the applicant and instruct her/him to return to the ASC with valid ID. Alternatively, the ASC
ISO may refer the applicant to the Local Field Office (LFO) for resolution.
See Chapter 7 for applicant identification guidance for Asylum, 1-360, 1-914, and 1-918 applicants.
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
(b) (6)
To process your request, U. S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) must eapture your biometrics.
(b) (6)
2. PHOTO IDENTinCATJON. Naturalization applicants must bring their Alien Registration Card. All other requestors must bring a passport.
driver's license. nationaliD, mililary 10, or State-issued photo 10. If you appear without proper identification, your biometrics may not be taken.
0 Please reschedule my appointment. Upon receipt of your request, you will be provided a new appointment notice. Make a copy of this notice
for your records, then mail the origiool with your request to BPU, Alexan<lria ASC. IGJIWI 88SO Richmond Hwy, Alexandria, VA
(b) (6)
If you 1\ave any questions regarding ttlis notice, please caii1.S00-375-5283.
Due to limited seating ovailobility in our lobby area, only persons who an necessary to ass lsi with transportation or compleling tiN biometrics
worlcslreet should accompany you.
If you have open wounds 01' bandages/casts when you appear, the USC IS may reschedule )lOlii' appointment if it is rkttrmined you,. injuries will
interfore with talcing yow biomdrics.
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
Jeffers, Lee 8
From: Maxim, Melissa W
F W ~ . October 2012 Issue FOIA
...,.,.. Odober 2012.pdf
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2012 3:39PM
Cc: #NER-OD-FOD-COS; #NER SISOs and Section Managers; Saucier, Shawn A; Goodwin, Shelley M; Kern, Suzanne C;
Bibona, Lisa M; O'Neill, Anne M
Subject:...,.,.. October 2012 Issue
(b) (7)(E)
We will disseminate future issues via email, as appropriate.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Melissa W. Maxim , .. '
',,:. ''
: " '
(b) (6)
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
Jeffers, Lee B
Subject: FW: OACA Biometrics Processing FOIA
From: Santos-Krider, Jesselee A
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2012 8:14 AM .
Cc: #NER SISOs and Section Managers; #NER-00-FOO-COS; Kern, Suzanne C; Goodwin, Shelley M; O'Neill, Anne M;
Saucier, Shawn A; Bibona, Lisa M
Subject: OACA Biometrics Processing
Good morning ASC lSOs:
Should you h;we any questions, please lel me know.
Thanks '
tJorlhr.ast Heginnal [lfficp,
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration
Office o.fCommmricatiuns
Public Affairs Guidance
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
July 25,2012
Refer ALL media inquiries (both English and non-English) to the Office of Communications Media
Relations Division. Refer all other inquiries to www.uscis.gov.
Web oage: Includes Questions & Answers in English and Spanish (will contain the most up-to-date
DHS Memo: Exercising Prosecutorial Discretion with Respect to Individuals Who Came to the
United States as Children
News Release: Secretary Napolitano Announces Deferred Action Process for Young People Who Are
Low Enforcement Priorities (Also available in Spanish)
"Not Yet in EtTect" flyer
During the past three years, the Administration has undertaken an unprecedented effort to transform the
immigration enforcement system to focus on pub1ic safety, border security and the integrity of the
immigration system. As DHS focuses its limited enforcement resources on removing people who pose a
danger to national security or a risk to public safety, DHS will grant prosecutorial discretion on a case-by-
case basis to low priority enforcement cases of childhood arrivals who were brought to this country
through no fault of their own.
Secretary Napolitano directed USCIS to establish a clear and efficient process for exercising prosecutorial
discretion - deferred action- for people who meet the criteria outlined in her June 15 memorandum.
On June 15, Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano announced that certain young
people who were brought to the United States as children will be eligible, on a caseby-(;8SC basis,
to receive deferred action.
A grant of deferred action would prevent these young people from immigration proceedings and
possible removal from the United States.
USCIS will implement a process on August 15,2012 to allow eligible young people to request
deferred action and employment authorization.
Individuals who believe they are eligible should not submit a deferred action request before
August 15, 2012- it will be rejected.
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
Always be aware of immigration scams. Unauthorized practitioners of immigration law may try
to take advantage of you by charging a fee to submit fonns to USCIS on your behalf. Visit
www.uscis.gov/avoidscams for tips on filing fonns, reporting scams and finding accredited legal
services. Remember, the Wrong Help Can Hurt!
USCIS remains committed to upholding the integrity of the immigration system. Individuals
requesting deferred action through this process are subject to background checks.
Implementation Framework (Section added July 25, 20/2 and subject to modification)
General Overview
USC IS plans to accept requests for deferred action beginning on Wednesday, August 15, 2012.
All requesters- those in and out of removal proceedings and those with final orders- will use the
same request process.
Requesters will use a modified form established for this specific purpose.
Requesters will mail deferred action requests, an application for work authorization, and all
applicable fees to the USCIS lockbox.
The required fees will total $465. Fee waivers are not available.
The four USCIS Service Centers will review all requests.
Using a modified fonn allows USC IS to use its current customer service infrastructure, which
includes case status online, text messages, email messages, and the ability to track case status by
calling the 1-800 number.
All requesters must provide biometrics and undergo background checks.
Beginning in July, USCIS District Offices around the country are engaging with community
partners about the unauthorized practice of immigration law aspect of the deferred action
Beginning in early August, USCIS headquarters and field personnel will hold trainings sessions
with stakeholders and congressional staffs to ensure they receive up to date information. (How to
apply, what evidence should be submitted, expected time frames, etc.)
USCIS will continue holding stakeholder sessions after the process takes effect on August 15 to
ensure clarity for our customers.
USC IS will work closely with media, specifically non-English media, to ensure that accurate,
timely messages are provided to the public.
Private funderslcommunity capacity
In anticipation of this process, USCIS encourages the community to build both legal and financial
capacity to help those in need of services.
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
above criteria and are at least IS years old, for a period of two years, subject to renewal,
in order to prevent low priority individuals from being placed into removal proceedings
or removed from the United States.
The USCJS process shall also be available to individuals subject to a final order of
removal regardless of their age.
USCIS is directed to begin implementing this process within 60 days of the date of this
For individuals who are granted deferred action by either ICE or USCIS, USCIS shaJJ accept
applications to determine whether these individuals qualify for work authorization during this
period of deferred action.
This memorandum confers no substantive right, immigration status or pathway to citizenship.
Only the Congress, acting through its legislative authority, can confer these rights. It remains for
the executive branch, however, to set forth policy for the exercise of discretion within the
framework of the existing law. I have done so here.
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
Metaxas, Penny
Fee is 465, no waivers!
Paoli, James 0
Thursday, July 26, 2012 11:04 AM
Houghton, Timothy J; Cinotti, Brenda; Metaxas. Penny
No Fee Waivers for deffered Action
James D. Paoli, Associate Counsel
Northeast Region
Holtsville, NY
I (b)(6)
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
USCIS- Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Process Page 5 of6
My Ca$0 Stotu
Chongo of Addro ..
II you r.o... been COtlvieted of o felony ofle-. o slgnlftcont milclemelll10r o!lense, or lhree or-
other mls4emeoMr Oflanoea not oc:cumno en 1M somo dote ond not orlslng ou1 of UIO aomo oct.
omission. ot sc:Mmo ol rnlaconduc:t. or a"' othetwiM doomed to poao o lh"'ot to noti0n4t oeQU\ly
or pubiC oalety. you wiD not bo COtlsld- ror do !erred Gdlon undor IIIIa PfOCftl.
Wllallallle dllfetenu- -..nlllcanl m--.nor", "nnnqnlllcant -....nor",
end "feeony-?
A felony Ia o 1-.
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1. R0911rdlels or thO sontence
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bur;lary. unlawM pone salon
or use or a firNnn; drvg
ortra.tiJnt; or.
clrMng undetlhe
2. llnotono!lonoellolodobo11.
Is cno lor wllietlllle tndlvicNol
wn sentenced to t;me In
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A crtmo Ia conslderod a ftOf>o
algnlfUM tnisdemoanor
(tnllllilnum """' of
lmpllooftmenlla 01\11 YOM or
leu 1M g:eator 0\an IIYo days)
1. Ia not an offense of
-Yiolonao; M>NOI
- or e>Pioltatlon:
bur;lary. unl.....tul
possession 01 .... of
or nlfalng: or. c1r1vtng
undetlhO lnllltence; and
2. laonelor-0\e
16 t;me in culllody of 90
days orloas
A minorlnlftlc ollense....n notbo amsdomo.,.,.forputposos ofl!l!spn>cess. IM
impollant to emphoslze tl\ot drMng undetlhe Ia o aig1liiiC:anl mlldemeanorre;anllnl o1
!he -Imposed. You can r...s cleta!od infom\olion In 1M Nabonol Se<:un!y and PubliC Safety
se<:tion of 1M F ""'uenl Aalod Ouostions.
Renewing Deferred Action Under Thla Process
lndMduollwlloao cooela deferred under Oils piCCOaa will not bo placed Into""""""' proceedings
or removed f!Onllhe United Stotealor a pellod or two yeort, unleu ht!mlnatod. You may ""!VOlt
consldet111ion lor o -year monslon of dofarred OCIIon tJuougll o p1CC01alo bo detoiled In the
Mure. AI long oayouwereunderO>e of31 on Juno 15, :t012, you may ""'UfJIIo...,.....,
even 11tartum!ng 31. Your""'""'' for an oxtanlion wiD bo consldeM on a c:ase-by-cnao bosla
Don't Be a VIctim of Immigration Scams
ptDCiitionersmoy ....,.me to you'lll!lll r--ilyou pay O>&mo lee.
These people ons ttytno to acom you and lake your ft>Oftey. Vta.1 our Avoid Seoms pap to leDm
how you cen pro!$CI youree!l frOm ifnmiGtOiiOn ecems.
lUTe you eeek lnformotion obout consldorotion or deferred ac:llon lOt dlildhoocl orrivols f!Onl
oft'aol o-miOU!CI!tluctl oa USCIS orll>e of Homeland Secun!y. llyeu ore
MolllnO toool odvleo. -'Ill our Le9111 Sorvicoa PC9010ioam- to chooao o lic:otnaod onomoy
or (IQO'e<folod repreaontOliw.
Rornetnt>er you con -load on USCIS lor !reo ct-wscla.govlforma.
Combatting Fraud
IJSCIS IS CIOmmlllod 0\e 0\e lmMsgra!IOn proce- II tndivicNa!s
"fttW1:9Y tMile o mastep1eUntation. faa to dlldoao IOCIS. in on etiM talla-..lhOir
caaa-or obloin--llnugh INa ptOCHS.Ihey Will bo 1nl8led 01 on
irnmi;niiJon etlforcemenl ptiOn!y to 0\o fullelle.tlonl permmed by""" and bo IU'bjeclto crtm!nol
pt'OSecution 01\d.'or removal f!Onl Sletea.
Fi:ld this pDgo ot ,..,., usci$ govlcM<!IIOOdorrovol
.... -------..... -.. .................. -------.. ---
U.S. Oopertmonl or Homclond Surity
U.S. Cwatoma & SordorProtoctlon
U.S. Immlgnollon 8
U8CtS F-dom of lnfotmelton Act ond
Prlvocy Act
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USCIS - Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Process
lh.,. ore no IHWD!ven OGi1Gble for thedefe!Nd O<tion fl>rdlikiiiOO<I Otrivolt p-t. """
""'mptions.,. 1n very Hmlle<l -- Vitllllle Fee Exemptioftpe;e lOt.,_
IIUSCISOoltfsA-nln YoutC.M
H usas defets- 1n your cote 01td oronu ov11101izo1loft. yoo. will _.,. o 110t1ce
of clecllion In Wilting onot Doc:umeftltepDmttly In lllo mell.
11 uaas Doe Not Ea...,l .. Detonwd Actl"" 111 Yo.rcuo
lfUSCIScloddn notlodeflrootion inywrcooe. you cannot--' the clecHion or Moo a modon10
USCI$1Mil8pply OUt QOWITI!ng the relan'al of"""' Ill u.s.
Qnd llle!Uuance of-.loApptQI (NTA). YowcaHdoet Oof
1nvGM a C11mincl off-. 1reut1. cr o Ill NIDI to n..._, securily or publlc oaflly, your....., wil not
bt IOICE lotP\I!PO ... DHS .,.
- .uscis
--Emlra You may nlqUISI o 6eMce Requftl MDna;ement TOOl.,_ .. Wyou met Ill Of
lhe process gvldo(lnea end you befi1MtiNI yoo.r wae cleniod beelu&e of on
...,.. Eumplesol odmiftlatroli .. onoralnduclo USC1S denying for cloferred action
USCIS ..._you-yovt c:as6 1!, not respo1tdinQ 10 a Reqwll ,, (RFE)
0114you daim 1o lie ME -the.,.__-; 01
USCIS rnolltd"'" RI'E lolllawrong odd'""..., lllougltyou had su-d al'orm AR11,
Cllongo of AIIIINu. ordlllnged your ollll,.u online 81-.usdIIO btlore lhe 1.........,. of
Tomdteo serv1oo requool you mua1 cantne Nefionlllc..otDmerSerwtceC.nle<ol 1.eoo-37S.
illfolminQ youollt-
Tho UICIS hm8 o.m. -8p.rn.
ill eedt U.S. lime =e.
Travel Requlnnnanta and Restrictions
Cenaln \'IWe!OUbiclallle Uta_,.,.,_ reside- gvidtliftt. Alief Auoull
15. 2012.1fyou -tile Uftited 81111$1. you will net be--lOt de!et1'811 ecdon
undeflllis _.. H USCIS noqueatlotdelefre<IOdiOII, 111en you con-81 ..-
llleUniled-OIIIfWyouOjlplyfOt8M_IW_puol4o,_USCl$. !
ovtilablolot ...,..,IOteducetiona!, -loyiMIII or-teuont. You mv11 Moon
oppllc:alion wilh USCI$ ond e>!'toin ,.,... you need to --of lilt_,...,. All odvonoe
Pllfllht be-on
Tnonl-en l>ero.e Auguat15, 2012, wiD notbedeemo4 IOimafTIIJIIyourc:cntinuoua
-c:e if Ule h\'114 was D11111, caiUIIIIIIICIInnocenl.
Tra..t Dates TYJMI of Tnvol
8ofOtt Auguo115, 2012 tltltf No
All Augull IS, 2012,
... . .. .
Allot Augvll t 5, 2012,
--you- _.ed.,_
. ..._
FOtonutendedtime : Yes
lltc<IUM olan ontor of
""d!lsion. departlllicm. .
or removal
To ponicipole In
! v ...
v ... You-t-..-yout
; You cann01 opply fl>r
....... ....,_ Olt&hllt
in your CDIO.
- If you ha .. beenOtdtled ondyou lhen Gte\lniled SWM. your
<ltpoltute may ... ulllnyoutl>elng --dtpotlt<!Ot-.-...,_., -r.m...
lmmigrotlon ---
Fofdecailed inlotmolion eoollle of Ailed av..tioM.
National Security and Public Safety Guidelines
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Page 4 of6
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USC IS - Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Process
Pwool you continuously teslded
in u.s. Jllne 15. 2007
M11i1Dry tecol'do(form 00.214 orNGB form 22)
OOdalreconlllrom 0 teliglo>/S entlly CC11fttmlng
Copies of money 01128< ,.,..;p-. lot money sent In or cut
of tile COIIIIIry
. Panporl-
8ltlll C01111\c41n ol-born in tie U.S.
Social Seanlly coni
Autcwnot>ile license tecei;lls or tegistnlticn
Ooecls, mortgages. renll)l oo-nt --
Tox receipts. iniU10nce poOcles
Pwoof of your lllldenlll<lllls ot
de!orrecl CellOn
SCIIcol teconls (11Moctipn, teport conls, ele}lrom tile
1C1>o01 thGI you ate Qlfi'Otltly 01!9nclmg In tho United
Slam -ng tho ftllmt{s) of tile -ll &nd
I*'Ods of.-olendance Gild tho amen!
e<luCOIIOMI level
u.s. hip orcettfQte
U.S. GEOce-te
Pwool you ore on honorobly
dlad\ofVed elof11n ol tho
Coost CuORI or Aimed Forces
of tile u.s.
form 00.214, of Release or011d\ef110 lrom
NG8Form22. NollonolGw11d ReportofSepomllan
lind Reconl or SeMce
Mifilary pet10M01reconls
M,lilllry helltll roco<do
S.. ovr Aoked Ountlons lot itlfotmnticn on olllclhits 01-
evidence "' "'l'PPff your """'est.
1-8210. Conlldorollon of OelcneG Acllon lor
Childl>ood Ain'<o!t
Tolal roe of s.cts S380 In p11n m In lor
blomottlc aeMcos.
Fonn Flnng Tlpo
Formo must be mailed 10 tllo USCIS LOQ.bo.
Vov C411nol e-ftle your deferred action req110stlor IIlio PfOCIOU.
II you ,..,.. quelliono caD llle SeNioe Ccntor ort.eoc>-375-5283: do HOT ..till o
USCIS !old oflloe in person.
-your ftO'ftO ond dale of billh ......ey 111o...,...-.., m eaclllorm.
FoiMe co Mm!l Formol-41210. 1-7&$. I-765WS ones tile 1465 leew.ll ruu!!lnyour
..-. bOlng tejecled.
We prelerlhetyoudowntoadlllo tcrmslrom...,-.nt.llltlle1llou1etecllonically. ones
lheln print your forms.
Use bladllnk only. Oo NOT UM higiii>Ohlefl 01 ted Ink on your fotms oolhey mey mll\e
your mo1orlolo wtton ICDMed.
EMute t11et yov Ote ullng 11>0 oorred edl1ion of tile form. Tilt oorted. motl edition
of every U8CI8Io1m Is olwayt ovo;leble on IIlii
EMute lhot yov pro..tde oil clocumenlmlcn ond evidence.
Oroonllo ond tnbtl-e<>oe by "' n meet
So ...,., 10 sl;n Oil of y0111 lotml.
Se s.ee t11et you mars ou PDQOt ofl!le !otms
II you mull Cllonge your l<lnn,- recommend 11\01 you MOift WOih o new fotm. mll>er tl\an
trying 10 ..mn. OUIInformotion, wtt!ch Clln leod 10 ICOMift9 emm,
Mall your ro""* to 1M app101111ato USCIS Lockboa.
See tht moi11ng ones
suppolllng Rememl>erlo careM1y rooowlnltrvelionl
ones luOy complete your forms. USC IS will not accept Incomplete forms or 1otms
wilho<rlproper lee. USCIS 'llliDmollyovoreosipl ofteroccep\intyour "'Quest. Vov
mey oloo chooM 1o reosivo on emoil ondlor- meuogo notin; you 11101 your
tonnl\oa-occepll!d byc:cm;>leting o FormG-1145, ENotificotic>n or
AOp1;eolion/Ptlrl>On Aooeptance.
an Appllca11on SUpJIOfl Cenlltr (A&C)ror blometJtc oorwlces.
Mer USCIS reoeivet your """''>'e>e f11Qutll Wllh Ma, - wUI send you a -
to vii'! on ASC MMces. Hyou fail to Ollendyovt
ASC USCIS mey dOfrt yout req...est dtf-a<tion. Children
under 14 In te..-a1 pn>ceeclings. """ o final temoval older, or wi1ll o
dePOIIute onrer, and wttc ate not in lmMign>llon detantion. will appear o1 t11o ASC
lot phologf11phs only.
<:tteck lllo lllalua of your roqu.,.t on C:uo Stotuo Onllno.
Tho 9().d&y period lOt re'flowlng Form 1765 filod together wl1h Form 1 &:21 D boglno II
http://www.uscis.gov/portaVsite/uscis/menuitem.eb 1 d4c2a3e5b9ac89243c6a7543 f6d 1 a/?v ...
Page 3 of6
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USCIS -Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Process
Had - "' tile Utoiled Slales bof ...
. llleuniled
.._.,_ ....,._ byl!liSdote,
v ......
.. _llnt<lcftmd--111 .. _..
,.._ ot p-hlgii!ChOOI; ot
I a GEO.
I om QIINIIIIy i1l tc11oc1.
Hll .. ,.liclocl-outlylnllleU.I .
aln,. .Mie 15, :ZOOT;
61.tu ; -
/olein ld>OOI. IIeve ......
- In lite U'*'l81alet. or-o
..,-... .... .. 11
........ tldolei!Mt ,., ..... '""
action...,,.,_ preaoa(YIIfl
lOtiO il conlideled curnt.., In-
I WOlin ICIIool bul"-d out end did nol gradua ... l .., No
not """""'tin ldlool ond am no1 an hOnotOllly
dildlllged- olllle Cout Guan:l or Almld Fo""'
- - .... --
I Otft 1111 clilelllltOocl v-olllle COOII Golan! Yeo
ot Aimed F-ollie U.S.
Ple .. t-0111 FtOqUtnlly Allced Ouettions lor mono-on --gulde!lnH.
Filing Process for Consideration of Defend Action for Childhood
Uyoumtelh tuidolinnfordtfemd action under INs procooo. youlllili-IOoomPole lhll
-..a,..,_.., ...... yow ......... 10 USCIS.
. ,.---
........... : -==--
. .
_ ......
... ... --..
PlUM -lfta IMIN-Io Form 1-1210, Contl4ellltl001 of Deletrod AciiOft fw
ctlllclhoocl AMvola, tor Ill IIIIer-Ia on occepteblt docu-allon.
PIJIIIIOII ot docunefll ftom your
COUftlty of origin
Bi1:h certificate with photD ldentikation
School or ntaillly ID wilh plloiO
"""U.S . ..,._,.lmmlgrotion ot Ollltt-
l>eOtinO yout NITI& oM photo
-you-IOU,B.IIefore PoupottwiVIoclmlalioniiOmp
)'O ... f01!IIIIMII9M-84W
PYoolof-mu.s .....
Alne1&, 2012
--llotnllleU.S. _.youllll ..
A1Ff lrmnlgrollon ond -.wfiulion- otDHS
Horpllol Of mediCo! .. -
Fom ..-.te/1-MW-o.-.d ll4y ..-,
- F'Niord of e><CIIIsion. depotlll1ion, 01,.,_.,-
.. ol JliM 15, 2012
A ctoorgfng -..ne111 ploc:lng you lniO-
A1111 NCOijo4s ot uliflly billa
....... atc)
--(lollora. cardt, etc)
Page 2 of6
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USCIS - Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Process
U.S. Citizenship
and Immigratfon
Homo 1 foplilol I Blogl Alctliw I lnltox
& Alyt\lm
\helims ol HIIIM TtO!fodliO
& OtiK>t Cnmas
Cenolclomt1on or Oellm>d
ActJon lor CNfdl>ood
T-.y --SI#IUI &
DelttTed En- Do,..._
Billeted SI>OU&e. &
Home> H<Mnm- eon-.llli<mciDofemdActoonlot PMietFnendl)'
Cl>ofdh- - Procoso
Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
FAO updlttOd Sopr.mber 14, 2012
On.JuM " 2012. ""'8eo'e!My
.,.UMod_oo_ondmHI....,....,VV _ _,,._ .. conolde,_of
4ofem<l-.loro pettod of-yen. .....,_,_ "e!JPielor-
-OS OlltiCI of pro-- Dolen'ecl ectlon- 1101 ptDVIIIe OlllndiYiclull-
U you naed-lnloliNllion and cannel t!nd M on IIIII Web paoo 0t in our F""""" Ast.ecl
OuolbOna, ""' "'111-our NGlional eo- 111 t-eQO.
767-1833 (TOO forllle hearinglmpoired). ofllcers Monday- Frldby
from a a.m . 8 p.m. In eoefl u.s.-'"""
l'"d'"9 "'-ts R-ng Doftn'ecl Actloto Thos "'--
TntYII OftCI R.- Don1 S. 1 Vctom ol lmmignltion Sci,.,.
VIew 1M Coftllcltrdoft of Dofemd A-fot Chlklllood Anlwats "'-t Vlclao
I . Wlnl-""'ll"ofllosoiJimeiS,2012;
2. Cal'ft$IOU..UM..,Stlt81-rNCtintyourl6thbb1hday:
3. How __ ..,-ill 1he Ullii..,Sio!H tlnciJufte IS, 2007.UJ1101he .,.._,-
4. W...
your-,., --01\oldefefrecl--U8CI8;
S. ent.red-...lnopac;tion-. Jufte 15, 2012. oryour.......,imtnig1ation Slalllt explted u
Ol.lufte 15, 2012:
8. Ne currenuy In acfiOOI. 11ave Ot-a certmuto Of completion 1rom hlgll
oblelnecl o oerwat oduc:ltior\-pmonl (OED) C81tfocat., or.,. an
-bl1cllldlllrtlecl-onoltllo CoHIGuarcl or Aimed F.,.. of lhe Unitecllllall>s; Oftd
7. nott>eenconW:Ieclol o terony, tignlbnt--Ot. -or-.-
milclemeonoro. -clonol-.,...o-.. -....-., ..
Aityoitte-"'0-lordefeflecl--lllil...-uf!USt ___ ,,
.. ofJ-15. 2012. vou .... otollobeM-r 1&,..... .. -..,_..-
-. -..,.,., OleCU!Nftl!y .,._ ,__ ot-0--ot-.mtly
....,,.,.., 01'1101, -dIn 1lle -below:
I have,._ -n In ramovcl proceeclings. 0<
rtry p!OCHcl'ofiOI htve lleefl term!naled-
lftll1dng , -"'
-ardor. ot IWml """'""'JYftpatllft
That on Jnt 16,2012 lfOU
Req\IIM 801
Al ltatl 15 ,Unl old ot lhe tine of
SUllmllllftD- reqyell and not...., 31
yenofoposorJun& 1&. 2012.
Hol-..llllooeol31eaof.June 15,
2012. ""'""'"'111M.,...._ Olin 15
Relutcd Unk"
o ... _,
DolotTed ActiOn lor Q>.ldhOOd
Anivols Doto
Aclion 11>1 Chi-AnlvOII
(ftltt) (38781<8 POl')
-Do I Requnt
Con1ldononan cf Oe-
Aclion lot Cllolcl!>ood Anivolt
Cllin&se ondV-M)
Thelleown Slog Post Fdlf19
Tops o.fetTed AeiiOn 101
CllldiiOoct Atrtvols
1-421D. Con-OI
Doletred A-101 Choldllood
1711S, Appl;cotion lot
G-1145, E Notilcallon or
Appljarti- ....
Consiclenltion .,
ACIIOft lot Chddllood Anivlll
Other US CIS Units
i find IAgiiiSIIVic:H
; PJeu ReleaSM
Non.USCIS Links
Sooo1 Se<urityN-.
Dolem><!Aclion F01
CtS Links
OtiS Memo: E:Jerav>g
Rtopoct 10 lndwidWo!IIMio
C Oot E""'D Updtlot lor Tllot
, D Sl\ale Thit Po;e
Page 1 of6
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Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
Our Nation's immigration laws must be enforced in a strong and sensible manner. They are not
designed to be blindly enforced without consideration given to the individual circumstances of
each case. Nor are they designed to remove productive young people to countries where they
may not have lived or even speak the language. Indeed, many of these young people have
already contributed to our country in significant ways. Prosecutorial discretion, which is used in
so many other areas, is especially justified here.
As part of this exercise ofprosecutorial discretion, the above criteria are to be considered
whether or not an individual is already in removal proceedings or subject to a final order of
removal. No individual should receive deferred action under this memorandum unless they first
pass a background check and requests for relief pursuant to this memorandum are to be decided
on a case by case basis. DHS cannot provide any assurance that relief will be granted in all
1. With respect to individuals who are encountered by U.S. Immigration and Customs
Enforcement (ICE), U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), or U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Services (USCIS):
With respect to individuals who meet the above criteria, ICE and CBP should
immediately exercise their discretion, on an individual basis, in order to prevent low
priority individuals from being placed into removal proceedings or removed from the
United States.
USC IS is instructed to implement this memorandum consistent with its existing guidance
regarding the issuance of notices to appear.
2. With respect to individuals who are in removal proceedings but not yet subject to a final order
of removal, and who meet the above criteria:
ICE should exercise prosecutorial discretion, on an individual basis, for individuals who
meet the above criteria by deferring action for a period of two years, subject to renewal.
in order to prevent low priority individuals from being removed from the United States.
ICE is instructed to use its Office of the Public Advocate to permit individuals who
believe they meet the above criteria to identify themselves through a clear and efficient
ICE is directed to begin implementing this process within 60 days of the date of this
ICE is also instructed to immediately begin the process of deferring action against
individuals who meet the above criteria whose cases have already been identified through
the ongoing review of pending cases before the Executive Office for Immigration
3. With respect to the individuals who are!!.!!! currently in removal proceedings and meet the
above criteria, and pass a background check:
USCIS should establish a clear and efficient process for exercising prosecutorial
discretion, on an individual basis, by deferring action against individuals who meet the
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
Page I or 2
Tobias, Valerie
From: Saucier, Shawn A
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2012 4:18PM
Cc: #NER SISOs and Secti on Managers; #NER-DD-FOD-COS; Goodwin. Shelley M: Kern, Suzanne C;
Maxim, Melissa W; Bibona. Lisa M; O'Neill, Anne M
Subject: Updated Reminder - Processed DACA Requestors as Code-3
Please be aware that due to the validity of previous FBI fingerprint results, appointment noti ces asking
DACA requestors to appear at an ASC may indicate that the requestor be processed for biometrics as
a Code - 2. This should be ignored.
All DACA requestors, unless they are under the age of 14, should be processed for biometrics as a
Code - 3. The DACA Standard Operating Procedure, currently in use by the USCIS Service Center
Operations Directorate, requires that prior FBI fingerprint results not be used for determining i f a
requestor meets the DACA guidelines.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you.
Shawn Saucier
Immigration Services Officer
U S. Citizenship and Immigration Scr1iC0:;
Regional Office
(b) (6)
From: Saucier, Shawn A
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2012 1:41 PM
Subject: Reminder - Processed DACA Requestors as Code-3
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
following link:
(b) (?)(E)
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you.
Shawn Saucier
Immigration Services Officer
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Northeast Regional Office -Adjudications
(b) (6)
(b) (6)
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
From: Benavides J aime L
To: HQ Field Operations; Elliott Elizabeth D
Cc: Campagnolo Donna P; Dominguez Kathy P; Harrison J ulia L; Christian Gregory W; Bryce Bunnie; Schaffer Timothy L; Benavides
J aime L
Date: Friday, August 03, 2012 8:46:01 AM
Attachments: Draft DACA SOP (For Clearance 8-2-12) Field Ops edits.doc
Good morning Beth,
The attached SOP was reviewed. No comments were provided on the SOP however several grammatical errors and
misspellings were identified and corrected.
From: Elliott, Elizabeth D On Behalf Of HQ Field Operations
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2012 9:42 AM
To: Harrison, J ulia L; Benavides, J aime L; Christian, Gregory W
Cc: Campagnolo, Donna P; Dominguez, Kathy; HQ Field Operations
Importance: High
Good morning,
FOD must respond.
Please review the DACA SOP and appendices.
Given the magnitude of the SOP, SCOPS asks that you please limit your comments
to substantive issues. Please note that the NTA memo is under revision. Also, since it has
not been made available, the ICE referral process for non-EPS cases has not been updated.
Lastly, where indicated in the SOP, there are open policy calls that need to be addressed.
Responses are due NLT 11 a.m., Friday, August 3, 2012.
Beth Elliott
Operations Support Specialist
On Detail to:
USCIS, Field Operations Directorate
From: Contaldi, Kerry T On Behalf Of USCIS Exec Sec
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2012 7:52 AM
To: Rhew, Perry J ; Grissom, J ohn F; Rix, Donna L; OCC-Clearance; Patching, Laura; Eccleston, Hermene;
Alfonso-Royals, Angelica M; Wheeler, Shannon L; Parisi, Thomas M; Torres, J uan J ; Simpson, Baxter; A'Vant,
May'Ardah L; Echevarria, Alexandra; USCIS OLA Clearance; Moore, J oseph; Quimby, Chris M; Croons, Patricia A;
Policy-Clearance; Graziadio, J osie; Hawkins, Donald K; Baker, Tamara L; Ratliff, Gerri; Patterson, Katherine R;
Salber, Matthew C; OPE Tasking; Melero, Mariela; Lacot, Rosalina; Gradowski, Leonard S; #USCIS - ESD Tasking
List; HQ Field Operations; Atkinson, Ronald A; Bianco, Anthony D; Kellner, Aris R; Merkovich, Melissa A; Fleet,
Andrea B; Hoobler, Kathleen B; RAIO Clearance; SCOPS-Clearance; Arroyo, Susan K; Cox, Sophia; Higman, Kevin
Cc: Scialabba, Lori; Carson, Rebecca S; White, William J ; Baronof, Kimberly; Hunter, Adam; Davidson, Andrew J ;
Gill, Lori Rothamel; Lai, Victoria W; Flores, Andrea R; Carter, Constance L; Bacon, William H; Robinson, Anthony
J ; USCIS Exec Sec; Chang, Pearl B; Caraballo, Felix R; Correa, Soraya; J ones, Rendell L; Neufeld, Donald;
Velarde, Barbara Q; Nakajima, Simon T; Bucher, Steve P; Campagnolo, Donna P; Carpenter, Dea D; Cox, Rachel;
Dawkins, Laura; Harrison, J ulia L; Herrera, Al T; Hinds, Ian; Hope, Leslie K; Hussey, J edidah M; Karas, Karen W;
Kendall, Sarah M; Kleczek, Marguerite P; Lauver, Tinnina M; Lay, Dorothea B; Legomsky, Stephen H; Levine,
Laurence D; Lotspeich, Katherine; McCament, J ames W; Monica, Donald J ; Nystrom, Marcia R; Phillips, Mark;
(b) (6)
(b) (6)
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
Pitcairn, Rodger; Silvers, Robert P; Stanley, Kathleen M; Vanison, Denise; Whitney, Ronald W; Wooden, J aneen
R; Zaragoza, Conrad J
Importance: High
Good morning,
Please review the DACA SOP and appendices. Given the magnitude of the SOP, SCOPS asks that
you please limit your comments to substantive issues. Please note that the NTA memo is under
revision. Also, since it has not been made available, the ICE referral process for non-EPS cases
has not been updated. Lastly, where indicated in the SOP, there are open policy calls that need
to be addressed.
To review the document(s) click
We request that the following program offices and directorates respond to this action (those not
listed are receiving this for informational purposes only): CSPE, ESD, FDNS, FOD, MGT, OCC, and
To register your concurrence or non-concurrence and leave comments click Explanations
must accompany non-concurrences. Please provide your responses by 5:00 PM, Friday, August
3, 2012.
The owner of the document(s) should click review the responses.
Thank you.
USCIS Office of the Executive Secretariat
Visit the CATS page to view the status of this action.
Click here to request , and here to . Your continuing
collaboration and input is appreciated.
(b) (7)(E)
(b) (6)
(b) (6)
(b) (6)
(b) (7)(E) (b) (7)(E)
(b) (7)(E)
(b) (7)(E)
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
From: Benavides, J aime L
To: HQ Field Operations
Cc: Campagnolo Donna P; Dominguez Kathy P; Bryce Bunnie; Schaffer Timothy L; Benavides J aime L; Harrison J ulia L; Christian Gregory
W; Elliott, Elizabeth D
Subject: RE: FOD must respond - FW: URGENT RESPONSE NEEDED - DUE BY 4:00PM FRIDAY AUGUST 3, 2012: MMP08012012-01 Deferred Action
for Childhood Arrivals
Date: Thursday, August 02, 2012 5:23:36 PM
Attachments: DACA Memo AFM draft 8-02-2012 CLEAN with Open Issue Comments (Field Ops 8-2-12).docx
image001 jpg
Please find comments regarding the requested review in the attached.
From: Elliott, Elizabeth D On Behalf Of HQ Field Operations
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2012 9:33 AM
To: Harrison, J ulia L; Benavides, J aime L; Christian, Gregory W
Cc: Campagnolo, Donna P; Dominguez, Kathy; HQ Field Operations
Subject: FOD must respond - FW: URGENT RESPONSE NEEDED - DUE BY 4:00PM FRIDAY AUGUST 3, 2012:
MMP08012012-01 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
Importance: High
Good morning,
FDO must respond.
This Policy Memorandum (PM) amends the Adjudicators Field Manual (AFM)
to provide guidance on when to exercise prosecutorial discretion with respect
to individuals who came to the United States as children.
Please review the attached document and send comments to HQ Field Operations
Responses due NLT 12 p.m., Friday, August 3, 2012.
Beth Elliott
Operations Support Specialist
On Detail to:
USCIS, Field Operations Directorate
From: Penn, Melissa M On Behalf Of USCIS Exec Sec
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2012 6:20 PM
To: Atkinson, Ronald A; Bianco, Anthony D; Kellner, Aris R; HQ Field Operations; Hoobler, Kathleen B; Fleet, Andrea
B; OCC-Clearance; SCOPS-Clearance; Arroyo, Susan K; Hawkins, Donald K; Baker, Tamara L; #USCIS - ESD Tasking
Cc: USCIS Exec Sec; Carter, Constance L; Bacon, William H; Drake, J ohnetta; Robinson, Anthony J ; J ones, Rendell L;
Correa, Soraya; Caraballo, Felix R; Neufeld, Donald; Velarde, Barbara Q; Rhew, Perry J ; Grissom, J ohn F; Rix, Donna
L; Patching, Laura; Eccleston, Hermene; Parisi, Thomas M; Simpson, Baxter; Alfonso-Royals, Angelica M; Wheeler,
Shannon L; Torres, J uan J ; A'Vant, May'Ardah L; Echevarria, Alexandra; USCIS OLA Clearance; Moore, J oseph;
Quimby, Chris M; Croons, Patricia A; Policy-Clearance; Graziadio, J osie; Higman, Kevin M; Chang, Pearl B; Levine,
Laurence D; Vanison, Denise; Dawkins, Laura; Pitcairn, Rodger; Ratliff, Gerri; Patterson, Katherine R; Salber, Matthew
C; OPE Tasking; Melero, Mariela; Lacot, Rosalina; Gradowski, Leonard S; RAIO Clearance
Subject: URGENT RESPONSE NEEDED - DUE BY 4:00PM FRIDAY AUGUST 3, 2012: MMP08012012-01 Deferred
Action for Childhood Arrivals
Importance: High
(b) (6)
(b) (6)
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Description: cid:image002.jpg@01CD1331.059A3590
Good afternoon,
Please review the document(s) associated with MMP08012012-01 Deferred Action for Childhood
Arrivals and respond by 4:00PM FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 2012.
To review the document(s) click the following link: .
To register your concurrence or non-concurrence and leave comments click Explanations must
accompany non-concurrences.
The following program offices and directorates must respond to this action (those not listed are
receiving this for informational purposes only): FDNS, FOD, MGT, OCC, SCOPS, PRIV, and ESD.
The owner of the document(s) should click the following link: ,
to edit the document(s) and save any revisions. It is recommended that you revise your document(s)
after the review period is complete.
To view responses click
Click here to request , and here to . Your continuing collaboration
and input is appreciated.
Mel i ssa M. Penn
USCIS Office of the Executive Secretariat
(b) (7)(E)
(b) (7)(E)
(b) (7)(E)
(b) (7)(E)
(b) (7)(E) (b) (7)(E)
(b) (6)
(b) (6)
(b) (7)(E)
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
From: Helm, J ames R
To: HQ Field Operations
Cc: Benton, Shelia G; Lopez, Vicente F; Benavides, J aime L
Subject: RE: FOD must respond 11 am Aug 3rd- FW: [URGENT CLEARANCE REQUEST] DACA SOP
Date: Friday, August 03, 2012 10:06:53 AM
Attachments: Draft DACA SOP (For Clearance 8-1-12) FOD Comments.doc
Field Operations Document Comment Form DACA SOP.docx
Importance: High
Attached please find my comments/edits to the DACA SOP.
James Helm | Adjudication Officer | Dept. of Homeland Security| USCIS | Field Operations Directorate| Adjustment of
Status Branch |Washington, DC 20529 | : | : :
WARNNG: This document is FOR OFFCAL USE ONLY (FOUO). t contains information that may be exempt from public release
under the Freedom of nformation Act (5U.S.C. 552). This document is to be controlled, handled, transmitted, distributed, and
disposed of in accordance with DHS policy relating to Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) information and is not to be released to the
public or other personnel who do not have a valid "need-to-know" without prior approval from the originator. f you are not the
intended recipient please contact the originator for disposition instructions.
From: Lopez, Vicente F
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2012 10:03 AM
To: Helm, J ames R
Cc: Benton, Shelia G
Subject: FW: FOD must respond 11 am Aug 3rd- FW: [URGENT CLEARANCE REQUEST] DACA SOP
Importance: High
Here are the documents with the Comment Form. Same as before, please respond directly to the HQ FOD
Vicente F. Lopez
Adjudications Officer
USCS Headquarters
Field Operations Directorate
From: Benavides, J aime L
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2012 9:46 AM
To: Krebs, Kristie L; Lopez, Vicente F
Importance: High
Same as before, please provide your comments to HQ Field Ops mailbox as requested below. (Well be
doing the same at FDNS Ops Branch) Thanks.
From: Elliott, Elizabeth D On Behalf Of HQ Field Operations
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2012 9:42 AM
To: Harrison, J ulia L; Benavides, J aime L; Christian, Gregory W
Cc: Campagnolo, Donna P; Dominguez, Kathy; HQ Field Operations
Importance: High
(b) (6)
(b) (6)
(b) (6)
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
Good morning,
FOD must respond.
Please review the DACA SOP and appendices.
Given the magnitude of the SOP, SCOPS asks that you please limit your comments
to substantive issues. Please note that the NTA memo is under revision. Also, since it has
not been made available, the ICE referral process for non-EPS cases has not been updated.
Lastly, where indicated in the SOP, there are open policy calls that need to be addressed.
Responses are due NLT 11 a.m., Friday, August 3, 2012.
Beth Elliott
Operations Support Specialist
On Detail to:
USCIS, Field Operations Directorate
From: Contaldi, Kerry T On Behalf Of USCIS Exec Sec
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2012 7:52 AM
To: Rhew, Perry J ; Grissom, J ohn F; Rix, Donna L; OCC-Clearance; Patching, Laura; Eccleston, Hermene;
Alfonso-Royals, Angelica M; Wheeler, Shannon L; Parisi, Thomas M; Torres, J uan J ; Simpson, Baxter; A'Vant,
May'Ardah L; Echevarria, Alexandra; USCIS OLA Clearance; Moore, J oseph; Quimby, Chris M; Croons, Patricia A;
Policy-Clearance; Graziadio, J osie; Hawkins, Donald K; Baker, Tamara L; Ratliff, Gerri; Patterson, Katherine R;
Salber, Matthew C; OPE Tasking; Melero, Mariela; Lacot, Rosalina; Gradowski, Leonard S; #USCIS - ESD Tasking
List; HQ Field Operations; Atkinson, Ronald A; Bianco, Anthony D; Kellner, Aris R; Merkovich, Melissa A; Fleet,
Andrea B; Hoobler, Kathleen B; RAIO Clearance; SCOPS-Clearance; Arroyo, Susan K; Cox, Sophia; Higman, Kevin
Cc: Scialabba, Lori; Carson, Rebecca S; White, William J ; Baronof, Kimberly; Hunter, Adam; Davidson, Andrew J ;
Gill, Lori Rothamel; Lai, Victoria W; Flores, Andrea R; Carter, Constance L; Bacon, William H; Robinson, Anthony
J ; USCIS Exec Sec; Chang, Pearl B; Caraballo, Felix R; Correa, Soraya; J ones, Rendell L; Neufeld, Donald;
Velarde, Barbara Q; Nakajima, Simon T; Bucher, Steve P; Campagnolo, Donna P; Carpenter, Dea D; Cox, Rachel;
Dawkins, Laura; Harrison, J ulia L; Herrera, Al T; Hinds, Ian; Hope, Leslie K; Hussey, J edidah M; Karas, Karen W;
Kendall, Sarah M; Kleczek, Marguerite P; Lauver, Tinnina M; Lay, Dorothea B; Legomsky, Stephen H; Levine,
Laurence D; Lotspeich, Katherine; McCament, J ames W; Monica, Donald J ; Nystrom, Marcia R; Phillips, Mark;
Pitcairn, Rodger; Silvers, Robert P; Stanley, Kathleen M; Vanison, Denise; Whitney, Ronald W; Wooden, J aneen
R; Zaragoza, Conrad J
Importance: High
Good morning,
Please review the DACA SOP and appendices. Given the magnitude of the SOP, SCOPS asks that
(b) (6)
(b) (6)
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
you please limit your comments to substantive issues. Please note that the NTA memo is under
revision. Also, since it has not been made available, the ICE referral process for non-EPS cases
has not been updated. Lastly, where indicated in the SOP, there are open policy calls that need
to be addressed.
To review the document(s) click
We request that the following program offices and directorates respond to this action (those not
listed are receiving this for informational purposes only): CSPE, ESD, FDNS, FOD, MGT, OCC, and
To register your concurrence or non-concurrence and leave comments click Explanations
must accompany non-concurrences. Please provide your responses by 5:00 PM, Friday, August
3, 2012.
The owner of the document(s) should click to review the responses.
Thank you.
USCIS Office of the Executive Secretariat
0 (Office)
Click here to request , and here to . Your continuing
collaboration and input is appreciated.
(b) (6)
(b) (6)
(b) (6)
(b) (7)(E) (b) (7)(E)
(b) (7)(E)
(b) (7)(E)
(b) (7)(E)
(b) (7)(E)
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
From: Quinn, Kevin T
To: Harrison, J ulia L; Cox, Sophia; Wilcox, J ulia D; Atkinson, Ronald A; Benavides, J aime L; Benton, Shelia G;
Lombardi, Cherie A; Helm, J ames R; Lopez, Vicente F
Subject: RE: guidance for deferred action eligibility requirements
Date: Monday, J une 18, 2012 4:44:48 PM
Attachments: DA Requirements Matrix.docx
Alan asked that forward this attached matrix. FDNS drafted it for internal use on Friday.
Kevin T. Quinn
USCS - Fraud Detection and National Security
Screening Coordination Office
-----Original Appointment-----
From: Harrison, J ulia L
Sent: Monday, J une 18, 2012 4:40 PM
To: Cox, Sophia; Wilcox, J ulia D; Atkinson, Ronald A; Quinn, Kevin T; Benavides, J aime L; Benton,
Shelia G; Lombardi, Cherie A; Helm, J ames R; Lopez, Vicente F
Subject: guidance for deferred action eligibility requirements
When: Thursday, J une 21, 2012 3:00 PM-4:30 PM (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: FOD Conference Room- 111 Mass, 2nd floor
(b) (6)
(b) (6)
(b) (6)
(b) (6)
(b) (6)
(b) (5)
(b) (5)
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
Deferred Action Process for Young People Who
Are Low Enforcement Priorities
Over the past three years, this Administration has undertaken an unprecedented effort to transform the
immigration enforcement system into one that focuses on public safety, border security and the integrity
of the immigration system. As DHS continues to focus its limited enforcement resources on the removal
of individuals who pose a danger to national security or a risk to public safety, including aliens
convicted of crimes, with particular emphasis on violent criminals, felons, and repeat offenders, DHS
will move to exercise prosecutorial discretion to ensure that enforcement resources are not expended on
low priority cases, such as individuals who were brought to this country through no fault of their own as
children, have not been convicted of a felony offense, a significant misdemeanor offense, or multiple
misdemeanor offenses, and meet other key criteria.
Effective immediately, certain young people who were brought to the United States through no fault of
their own as young children and meet several key criteria will be considered for relief from removal
from the country or entered into removal proceedings. Those who demonstrate that they meet the
criteria will be eligible to receive deferred action for a period of two years, subject to renewal.
Only those individuals who can prove through verifiable documentation that they meet these criteria
will be eligible for deferred action. Individuals will not be eligible if they are not currently in the United
States and cannot prove that they have been physically present in the United States for a continuous
period of not less than 5 years immediately preceding todays date. The use of prosecutorial discretion
confers no substantive right or pathway to citizenship. Only the Congress, acting through its legislative
authority, can confer these rights.
While this guidance takes effect immediately, USCIS and ICE expect to begin implementation of the
application processes within sixty days. Do not apply - this application process is not yet
available. If you apply early, your application will be rejected. Beginning J une18, 2012, individuals
can call USCIS hotline at 1-800-375-5283 or ICEs hotline at 1-888-351-4024 during business hours
with questions or to request more information on the forthcoming process.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible to receive deferred action under the Departments new directive?
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) alerts eligible individuals NOT to submit a
deferred action request under the Deferred Action Process for Young People memorandum issued
by Secretary Napolitano on J une 15. If you submit now, your application will be rejected. The
Secretarys directive gives USCIS 60 days to create a process to accept these requests and we are
unable to accept requests at this time. Please continue to check our website for updates.
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Pursuant to the Secretarys J une 15, 2012 memorandum, in order to be eligible for deferred action,
individuals must:
1. Have come to the United States under the age of sixteen;
2. Have continuously resided in the United States for at least five years preceding J une 15, 2012 and
are present in the United States on J une 15, 2012;
3. Currently be in school, have graduated from high school, have obtained a general education
development certificate, or are honorably discharged veterans of the Coast Guard or Armed
Forces of the United States;
4. Have not been convicted of a felony offense, a significant misdemeanor offense, multiple
misdemeanor offenses, or otherwise pose a threat to national security or public safety;
5. Not be above the age of thirty.
Individuals must also complete a background check and, for those individuals who make a request to
USCIS and are not subject to a final order of removal, must be 15 years old or older.
What is deferred action?
Deferred action is a discretionary determination to defer removal action of an individual as an act of
prosecutorial discretion. Deferred action does not confer lawful status upon an individual. In addition,
although an alien granted deferred action will not be considered to be accruing unlawful presence in the
United States during the period deferred action is in effect, deferred action does not absolve individuals
of any previous or subsequent periods of unlawful presence.
Under existing regulations, an individual who has been granted deferred action is eligible to receive
employment authorization for the period of deferred action, provided he or she can demonstrate an
economic necessity for employment. Deferred action can be terminated at any time at the agencys
discretion or renewed by the agency.
How will the new directive be implemented?
Individuals who are not in removal proceedings or who are subject to a final order of removal will need
to submit a request for a review of their case and supporting evidence to U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Services (USCIS). Individuals may request deferred action if they meet the eligibility
criteria. In the coming weeks, USCIS will outline and announce the procedures by which individuals
can engage in this process. This process is not yet in effect and requests should not be submitted at this
time. Beginning J une 18, individuals may call the USCIS hotline at 1-800-375-5283, from 8 a.m. to 8
p.m., with questions or to request more information on the new process. The hotline offers assistance in
English and Spanish. Individuals seeking more information on the new process should visit USCISs
website (at http://www.uscis.gov).
For individuals who are in removal proceedings before the Executive Office for Immigration Review,
ICE will, in the coming weeks, announce the process by which qualified individuals may request a
review of their case. Additional information is available from the ICE Office of the Public Advocate at
http://www.ice.gov/about/offices/enforcement-removal-operations/publicadvocate/ Beginning J une 18,
individuals may call the ICE hotline at 1-888-351-4024, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., with questions or to
request more information on the new process.
For individuals who are in removal proceedings and have already been identified as meeting the
eligibility criteria as part of ICEs case-by-case review, ICE will immediately begin to offer deferred
action for a period of two years, subject to renewal.
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Are individuals who receive deferred action pursuant to the new directive eligible for
employment authorization?
Yes. Pursuant to existing regulations, individuals who receive deferred action may apply for and may
obtain employment authorization from USCIS provided they can demonstrate an economic necessity
for their employment. Information about employment authorization requests is available on USCISs
website at http://www.uscis.gov/i-765.
Does the process result in permanent lawful status for beneficiaries?
No. The grant of deferred action under this new directive does not provide an individual with
permanent lawful status or a pathway to obtaining permanent lawful status. Only the Congress, acting
through its legislative authority, can confer the right to permanent lawful status.
Why will deferred actions only be granted for two years?
Grants of deferred action will be issued in increments of two years. At the expiration of the two year
period, the grant of deferred action can be renewed, pending a review of the individual case.
If an individuals period of deferred action is extended, will individuals need to re-apply for an
extension of their employment authorization?
Yes. If an individual applies for and receives an extension of the period for which he or she was granted
deferred action, he or she must also request an extension of his or her employment authorization.
Does this policy apply to those who are subject to a final order of removal?
Yes. An individual subject to a final order of removal who can demonstrate that he or she meets the
eligibility criteria can request a review of his or her case and receive deferred action for a period of two
years, subject to renewal. All cases will be considered on an individualized basis.
This process is not yet in effect and requests should not be submitted at this time. In the coming weeks,
USCIS will outline and announce the procedures by which individuals can engage in this process.
Beginning J une 18, individuals may call the USCIS hotline at 1-800-375-5283, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.,
with questions or to request more information on the new process. The hotline offers assistance in
English and Spanish. Individuals seeking more information on the new process should visit USCISs
website (at http://www.uscis.gov).
How soon after USCIS receives a request to review a case will the individual receive a decision on
his or her request?
USCIS will provide additional information on this issue in the coming weeks. Information will be made
publicly available at http://www.uscis.gov/.
If an individual who is about to be removed by ICE believes he or she satisfies the eligibility
criteria for the new process, what steps should he or she take to ensure his or her case is reviewed
before removal?
Individuals who believe they can demonstrate that they satisfy the eligibility criteria and are about to be
removed should immediately contact either the Law Enforcement Support Centers hotline at 1-855-
448-6903 (staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week) or the ICE Office of the Public Advocate through the
Offices hotline at 1-888-351-4024 (staffed 9am 5pm, Monday Friday) or by e-mail at
If an individual who satisfies the eligibility criteria is encountered by Customs and Border
Protection (CBP) or ICE, will he or she be placed into removal proceedings?
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This policy is intended to allow ICE and CBP to focus on priority cases. Pursuant to the direction of the
Secretary of Homeland Security, for individuals who satisfy the eligibility criteria, CBP or ICE should
exercise their discretion to prevent them from being apprehended, placed into removal proceedings, or
removed. If individuals, including individuals in detention, believe they were placed into removal
proceedings in violation of this policy, they should contact either the Law Enforcement Support
Centers hotline at 1-855-448-6903 (staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week) or the ICE Office of the
Public Advocate through the Offices hotline at 1-888-351-4024 (staffed 9am 5pm, Monday Friday)
or by e-mail at EROPublicAdvocate@ice.dhs.gov.
If an individual accepted an offer of administrative closure under the case-by-case review process
or if his or her case was terminated as part of the case-by-case review process, can he or she
receive deferred action under the new process?
Yes. Individuals who can demonstrate that they meet the eligibility criteria will be eligible for deferred
action even if they had accepted an offer of administrative closure or termination under the case-by-
case review process. For individuals who are in removal proceedings and have already been identified
as meeting the eligibility criteria as part of ICEs case-by-case review, ICE will immediately begin to
offer deferred action for a period of two years, subject to renewal.
If an individual declined an offer of administrative closure under the case-by-case review process,
can he or she receive deferred action under the new process?
Yes. Individuals who can demonstrate that they meet the eligibility criteria will be eligible for deferred
action even if they declined an offer of administrative closure under the case-by-case review process.
If an individuals case was reviewed as part of the case-by-case review process but he or she was
not offered administrative closure, can he or she receive deferred action under the new process?
Yes. Individuals who can demonstrate that they meet the eligibility criteria will be eligible for deferred
action even if they were not offered administrative closure following review of their case as part of the
case-by-case review process.
Will DHS personnel responsible for reviewing requests for an exercise of prosecutorial discretion
under this process receive special training?
Yes. ICE and USCIS personnel responsible for considering requests for an exercise of prosecutorial
discretion under the Secretarys directive will receive special training.
Will individuals be subject to background checks before they can receive an exercise of
prosecutorial discretion?
Yes. All individuals will undergo biographic and biometric background checks prior to receiving an
exercise of prosecutorial discretion. Individuals who have been convicted of any felony, a significant
misdemeanor offense, three or more misdemeanor offenses not occurring on the same date and not
arising out of the same act, omission, or scheme of misconduct, or otherwise pose a threat to national
security or public safety are not eligible to be considered for deferred action under the new process.
What do background checks involve?
Background checks involve checking biographic and biometric information provided by the individuals
against a variety of databases maintained by DHS and other federal government agencies.
What documentation will be sufficient to demonstrate that an individual came to the United
States before the age of 16?
Documentation sufficient for an individual to demonstrate that he or she came to the United States
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before the age of 16 includes, but is not limited to: financial records, medical records, school records,
employment records, and military records.
What documentation will be sufficient to demonstrate that an individual has resided in the United
States for a least five years preceding June 15, 2012?
Documentation sufficient for an individual to demonstrate that he or she has resided in the United States
for at five years immediately preceding J une 15, 2012 includes, but is not limited to: financial records,
medical records, school records, employment records, and military records.
What documentation will be sufficient to demonstrate that an individual was physically present in
the United States as of June 15, 2012?
Documentation sufficient for an individual to demonstrate that he or she was physically present on J une
15, 2012, the date the memorandum was issued, includes, but is not limited to: financial records,
medical records, school records, employment records, and military records.
What documentation will be sufficient to demonstrate that an individual is currently in school,
has graduated from high school, or has obtained a general education development certificate
Documentation sufficient for an individual to demonstrate that he or she is currently in school, has
graduated from high school, or has obtained a GED certificate includes, but is not limited to: diplomas,
GED certificates, report cards, and school transcripts.
What documentation will be sufficient to demonstrate that an individual is an honorably
discharged veteran of the Coast Guard or Armed Forces of the United States?
Documentation sufficient for an individual to demonstrate that he or she is an honorably discharged
veteran of the Coast Guard or Armed Forces of the United States includes, but is not limited to: report
of separation forms, military personnel records, and military health records.
What steps will USCIS and ICE take to prevent fraud in the new processes?
An individual who knowingly makes a misrepresentation to USCIS or ICE, or knowingly fails to
disclose facts to USCIS or ICE, in an effort to receive deferred action or work authorization in this new
process will be treated as an immigration enforcement priority to the fullest extent permitted by law,
subjecting the individual to criminal prosecution and/or removal from the United States.
Are individuals with a conviction for a felony offense, a significant misdemeanor offense, or
multiple misdemeanors eligible for an exercise of prosecutorial discretion under this new process?
No. Individuals who have been convicted of a felony offense, a significant misdemeanor offense, or
three or more other misdemeanor offenses not occurring on the same date and not arising out of the
same act, omission, or scheme of misconduct are not eligible to be considered for deferred action under
the new process.
What offenses qualify as a felony?
A felony is a federal, state, or local criminal offense punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding
one year.
What offenses qualify as a significant misdemeanor?
A significant misdemeanor is a federal, state, or local criminal offense punishable by no more than one
year of imprisonment or even no imprisonment that involves: violence, threats, or assault, including
domestic violence; sexual abuse or exploitation; burglary, larceny, or fraud; driving under the influence
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of alcohol or drugs; obstruction of justice or bribery; unlawful flight from arrest, prosecution, or the
scene of an accident; unlawful possession or use of a firearm; drug distribution or trafficking; or
unlawful possession of drugs.
How many non-significant misdemeanors constitute multiple misdemeanors making an
individual ineligible for an exercise of prosecutorial discretion under this new process?
An individual who is not convicted of a significant misdemeanor but is convicted of three or more other
misdemeanors not occurring on the same day and not arising out of the same act, omission, or scheme
of misconduct is not eligible to be considered for deferred action under this new process.
What qualifies as a national security or public safety threat?
If the background check or other information uncovered during the review of an individuals request for
deferred action indicates that the individuals presence in the United States threatens public safety or
national security, he or she will be ineligible for an exercise of prosecutorial discretion. Indicia that an
individual poses such a threat include, but are not limited to, gang membership, participation in criminal
activities, or participation in activities that threaten the United States.
How will ICE and USCIS handle cases involving individuals who do not satisfy the eligibility
criteria under this new process but may be eligible for an exercise of prosecutorial discretion
under the June 2011 Prosecutorial Discretion Memoranda?
If an individual has a final order of removal and USCIS determines that he or she does not satisfy the
eligibility criteria, then it will reject the individuals request for deferred action. That individual may
then request an exercise of prosecutorial discretion under the ICE J une 2011 Prosecutorial Discretion
Memoranda through any of the established channels at ICE, including through a request to the ICE
Office of the Public Advocate or to the local Field Office Director. USCIS will not consider requests for
review under the ICE J une 2011 Prosecutorial Discretion Memoranda.
If an individual is currently in removal proceedings and ICE determines that he or she does not satisfy
the eligibility criteria for deferred action under this process, it will then consider whether the individual
is otherwise eligible for an exercise of prosecutorial discretion under its current practices for assessing
eligibility under the J une 2011 Prosecutorial Discretion Memoranda.
Will there be supervisory review of decisions by ICE and USCIS under this process?
Yes. Both ICE and USCIS will develop protocols for supervisory review as part of their implementation
of the new process.
Can individuals appeal a denial by ICE or USCIS of their request for an exercise of prosecutorial
discretion under the new process?
No. Individuals may not appeal a denial by ICE or USCIS of their request for an exercise of
prosecutorial discretion. However, ICE and USCIS will develop protocols for supervisory review as
part of their implementation of the new process. Although there is no right for appeal, individuals in
removal proceedings who believe their cases were not correctly handled may contact the ICE Office of
the Public Advocate either by phone at 1-888-351-4024 or by e-mail at
Will dependents and other immediate relatives of individuals who receive deferred action
pursuant to this process also be eligible to receive deferred action?
No. The new process is available only to those who satisfy the eligibility criteria. As a result, the
immediate relatives, including dependents, of individuals who receive deferred action pursuant to this
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process are not eligible to apply for deferred action as part of this process unless they independently
satisfy the eligibility criteria.
If an individuals request to USCIS for deferred action is denied, will he or she be placed in
removal proceedings?
For individuals whose requests for deferred action are denied by USCIS, USCIS will apply its existing
Notice to Appear guidance governing USCISs referral of cases to ICE and issuance of notices to
appear. Under this guidance, individuals whose requests are denied under this process will be referred
to ICE if they have a criminal conviction or there is a finding of fraud in their request.
Should individuals who are not in removal proceedings but believe themselves to be eligible for an
exercise of deferred action under this process seek to place themselves into removal proceedings
through encounters with ICE or CBP?
No. Individuals who are not in removal proceedings but believe that they satisfy the eligibility criteria
should submit their request for review of their case to USCIS under the procedures that USCIS will
This process is not yet in effect and requests should not be submitted at this time. Beginning J une 18,
individuals may call the USCIS hotline at1-800-375-5283, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., with questions or to
request more information on the new process. The hotline offers assistance in English and Spanish.
Individuals seeking more information on the new process should visit USCISs website (at
If I receive deferred action through this process, will I be able to travel outside the United States?
USCIS is exploring this issue and will resolve it in the coming weeks as part of its implementation plan.
Will there be any exceptions to the requirement that an individual must have resided in the
United States for a least five years preceding June 15, 2012?
An individual must demonstrate that he or she has resided in the United States for a least five years
preceding J une 15, 2012. Brief and innocent absences undertaken for humanitarian purposes will not
violate this requirement.
What should I do if I am eligible under this process and have been issued an ICE detainer
following an arrest by a state or local law enforcement officer?
If you meet the eligibility criteria and have been served a detainer, you should immediately contact
either the Law Enforcement Support Centers hotline at 1-855-448-6903 (staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days
a week) or the ICE Office of the Public Advocate either through the Offices hotline at 1-888-351-4024
(staffed 9am 5pm, Monday Friday) or by e-mail at EROPublicAdvocate@ice.dhs.gov.
Does deferred action provide individuals with a path to citizenship or permanent legal status?
No. A grant of deferred action is a form of prosecutorial discretion that does not confer a path to
citizenship or lawful permanent resident status. Only the Congress, acting through its legislative
authority, can confer these rights.
Why isnt DHS allowing other individuals to request deferred action under this process?
As a general matter, young people who, through no fault of their own, were brought to this country as
children, lacked the intent to violate the law and our ongoing review of pending removal cases is
already offering administrative closure to many of them. However, additional measures are necessary to
ensure that our enforcement resources are not expended on these low priority cases but are instead
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appropriately focused on people who meet our enforcement priorities.
Does this Administration remain committed to comprehensive immigration reform?
Yes. The Administration has consistently pressed for passage of comprehensive immigration reform,
including the DREAM Act, because the President believes these steps are critical to building a 21st
century immigration system that meets our nations economic and security needs.
Is passage of the DREAM Act still necessary in light of the new process?
Yes. As the President has stated, individuals who would qualify for the DREAM Act deserve
certainty about their status, and this new process does not provide that certainty. Only the Congress,
acting through its legislative authority, can confer the certainty that comes with a pathway to
permanent lawful status.
How can I get more information on the new process?
Individuals seeking more information on the new process should visit ICEs website (at
www.ice.gov), USCISs website (at www.uscis.gov), or DHSs website (at www.dhs.gov).
Beginning J une 18, individuals can also call ICEs hotline (at 1-888-351-4024) or USCISs hotline
(at 1-800-375-5283) during business hours with questions or to request more information on the new
Where can I find more information about where to go for Deferred Action?
Who to submit a request to
review my case:
Where can I get more
...am subject to a final order
of removal.
U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Services (USCIS)
when the application period
USCIS website at
Beginning J une 18: USCIS hotline
at 1-800-375-5283 (8 am-8 pm;
English & Spanish)
have a case pending before
the Executive Office for
Immigration Review or a
federal court.
U.S. Immigration and Customs
Enforcement (ICE) when the
process for acceptingrequests is
ICE website at:
Beginning J une 18: ICE hotline at
1-888-351-4024 (9am 5pm;
English and Spanish)
have never been
apprehended or placed into
removal proceedings.
U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Services (USCIS)
when the application period
USCIS website at
Beginning J une 18: USCIS hotline
at 1-800-375-5283 (8 am-8 pm;
English & Spanish
Last updated: 06/18/2012
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Brown, Keith M
Woo, Ellen Y
Wednesday, October 03, 2012 5:38PM
Aguda, Perla T; Baker, Dawn M; Bolbecker, Malele E; Castaneda, FrankL; Chang, Dominic;
Chen, Chet C; Clayton, Paula Q; De Los Cobos, Alfonso; Farnsworth, Brandy D; Ferrer
Echon, Lilybeth; Foree, Steve C; Hashimoto, Julie M; Holmes, Dianne M; Honeychurch,
CarolE; Lunlsford, Jody C; Kazmierski, Daniel J; 'Keisha' {keisha.harriswright@dhs.gov);
Kennedy, Linda S; Klepner, Linda B; Maliuwelur, Rebecca F; Mitchell, Thomas R; Montanez,
Albert; Myatt, John R; Navaran, Mohana S; Nguyen, Dominic H; Nicholson, Sarah E;
Olivares, Sharon L; Quiroz-Galvan, Hilda M; 'Rebecca Onofryton'
(Rebecca.Onofryton@dhs.gov); Roberts, Ericka; Rogers, David E; Saldana, Lupe H; Sterkel,
David A; Tan, Jorge L; Tsui, Toi; Valov, Janelle L; Williams, Michael J; Wirruh, Rick
(Rick.Wirruh@dhs.gov); Aguilar, Noelia L; Armenteros, Dianne; Baker, Dawn M;
Charbonneau, Terry J; Chien, Lee M; Fleming, Ricky C; Garcia, Anita E; Guadamuz, Carlos
A Jr; Lu, Daphne M; Oki, Robin G; Reyes, Manuel; Sanders, Shawn E; Susoeff, Allan J;
Teruya, Susan T; Weirich, Darvin L; Yanez, Norma; Oscar, Yu-Wen L; Alby, Nancy J;
Barrett, Robin L; Bawden, Kenneth D; Biggs, Michael C; Bilello, Michael; Brown, Keith M;
Cass, William R; Castillo, Ramon; Chau, Anna K; Chiang, James Y; Corsano, Anne Arries;
Coven, Phyllis A; Crawford, Jonathan E; Doody, Bernadette A; Dougherty, Linda M; Ertan,
Anita C; Flores, Martha V; Gallmann, AI Ill; Green, Stephen P; Guerra, Juan J; Gulick, David
G; Harrell, Charles B; Holston, Leander B; Jordan, Marl D; l<eller, Carol L; Killian-Larios,
Maureen E; Kramar, John; Langlais, Shelly E; Leigh, Leanne J; Lester, David; Looney,
Robert V; Lyons, Roland E; Martin, Irene; Materne, Rose G; Miramontes, Joel; Muzyka,
Carolyn L; Pierre, Paul M; Prater, Preston W; Ramirez, John M; Rasmusson, Peter L;
Rhodia, RichardS; Rust, Maureen; Sahli, Evelyn R; Sherman, Kenneth J; Toro, Monica E;
Uribe, Dolores L; Valeika, RichardT; Villasenor, Elizabeth; Walls, Joyce; Williams, Rachel;
Walder, Diana M; Wong, Jackie W; Wyrough, James T
Muzyka, Carolyn L; Rust, Maureen; Kentfield, Lynn; Young, Korie A; Duvall, James; Evans,
Janna M; Alegria, Sany; Cone, Richard K; Dickson, Bruce; Peeples, Shirley F; Tang, Michael
W; White, Carla; Zug, Renee H
FW: Identification for 1-821 D/DACA appointments at an ASC
Redacted 821 D Notice. pdf
Good Evening DD, FODs and ASC lSOs,
Please refer to the below email and attached redacted I-8210 Notice.
This email provides an excerpt fiom the Section 2.B of the ASC SOP as it relates to the identification
guidance/requirements for DACA Requestors. A copy of the redacted l-821 D Notice is attached for your
All ASC lSOs are expected to follow the guidance provided in the ASC SOP.
Please disregard the previous ernail that Richard Cone sent on Tuesday, September 25, 2012; the reference to
"ldentity" in the DACA SOP only applies to the officers adjudicating DACA requests.
Questions and concerns should be directed to Ri chard Cone and Bruce Dickson via email or at (b) (6)
(b)(6) or respectively.
Thank you,
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
aem Wo.o-
Associate Regional Director, Operations
DHS/USCIS, Western Region
24000 Avila Road (Room 6200A)
CA 92677
(b) (6) desk
(b) (6)
(b) (6)
From: Jafer, Halide (Holly)
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2012 8:16AM
To: Kern, Suzanne C; Goodwin, Shelley M; #NER-ASCM-UST; Tierney, Terry; Bace, Philip; #SERASCM-UST; Gallagher,
Kevin E; Watkins, Jay C; #CROASCM-UST; Woo, Ellen Y; Cone, Richard K; #WROASCM-LIST
Cc: Hope, leslie K; Campagnolo, David; Weidemann, James A; Sartin!, Ronald; Munozlair, Anna; James, Ja-Nel C;
Harrison, Julia l
Subject: Identification for 1-8210/DACA appointments at an ASC
Please be reminded of the Identification guidance/requirements as stated In Section 2.8 of
the ASC ISO SOP and on the 1-8210 appointment notice. For vour convenience, a copy of the I-
821D appointment notice is attached.
Section 2.B: Applicant Identification, Name Guidance, and Forms
Applicaru ldelttiflcatlon: The following table provides a matrix of identification requirements for various
applications and the actions to be taken if the applicant cannot provide acceptable identification.
Form I - 551 Pennanent Resident Card or,
N -400*
Passpot1 with ADIT stamp. Refer to ASC ISO
All Others to USCIS-issued photo ID or, Refer to ASC ISO
include I-821D State-issued driver's license or,
State-issued ID card or,
Any countris official ID (passpott,
driver's license) or,
Military photo identification.
* See Chapter 7, Benefit Procedure - Special Cases, for N - 400 applicant supplemental processing
A .. >1 ... tnay acceptsecon ary.: orms. ;o :J .en ucalon as.i.pro.o. . . .o.. 1 en tty. smg rau u en ocumen
Detection teclmiques and years of immigration experience, an ASC ISO can usually discern the validity of the
applicant's identification. ASC ISOs shall conduct Central Index System (CIS) and/or Computer Linked
Application Information Management System, version 4.0 (CLAIMS-4) and CLAIMS Mainfiame checks to
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
verify the identity of applicants that present questionable identification. ASC ISOs may also question
applicants about their immigration history and biographical background. If the ASC ISO is unavailable and a
questionable identity document arises, the Site Supervisor shall inform the applicant that s/he can either wait
until the ASC ISO returns to be processed, or s/he may return at a later time. The ASC ISO shall not approve
the processing of applicants presenting questionable identity documents without personally inspecting the
original documents.
Ifthe ASC ISO is able to confirm the applicant's identity, s/he should write "Identity Confirmed" and place
her/his initials in the top left hand margin of the applicant's AIW and retum all documents to the
Guard/Receptionist. Once the ASC ISO has confirmed the applicant's identity, there is no requirement to repeat
the process. The ASC ISO's initials on the applicant's AIW will serve as notice to the receptionist, biometrics
technician, and Site Supervisor that the ASC ISO is aware of the applicant's ID and that the ASC ISO has
confirmed the applicant's identity. If the ASC ISO is unable to confirm the applicant's identity, the ASC ISO
should dismiss the applicant and instmct her/him to retum to the ASC with valid ID. Altematively, the ASC
ISO may refer the applicant to the Local Field Office (LFO) for resolution.
See Chapter 7 for applicant identification guidance fot Asylum, 1-360, 1-914, and 1-918 applicants.
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(b) (6)
To process your request, U. S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USC IS) must capture your biometries.
5949 W. PICO BLVD.
ll .
(b) (6)
:z. PHOTO IDENTIFICATION. Naturalization applicants must bring their Alien Registration Cord. All other requestors must bring a passport,
driver's license, national tO, military ID, or State-issued photo 10. If you appear without proper Identification, your biometrles may not be taken.
O Please reschedule my appointment. Upon receipt of your request, you will be provided a new appointment notice. Make a copy of this notice
for your records, then mall the original wllh your request to BPU, Alexandria ASC, QM 8850 Richmond Hwy, Alexandri11, VA
(b) (6)
1 1 1 ~ 1 1 1 ~ 1
lryou have any quesllons regarding this notice, please call1800375-5263.
Due to Umi11d sealing avoi/abi/1/y In our lobby area, only pusons who are necessary to assl!l wllh lr01upor1alion or completing the btomelrlcs
worksheet should accompany you.
Jfyou have open wounds or bandageslcostswlumyou appear,lhe USC IS may resclredule yo11r appointment f/ff is determined your Injuries w{/1
inter fore with takfng your biometrics.
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Flanagan, Joan M
Saucier, Shawn A
Wednesday, October03, 2012 4:18PM
#NER SISOs and Section Managers; #NER-00-FOO-COS; Goodwin, Shelley M; Kern,
Suzanne C; Maxim, Melissa W; Bibona, lisa M; O'Neill, Anne M
Updated Reminder - Processed OACA Requestors as Code-3
Please be aware that due to the validity of previous FBI fingerprint results, appointment notices asking DACA
requestors to appear at an ASC may indicate that the requestor be processed for biometrics as a Code -
2. This should be ignored.
All DACA requestors, unless they are under the age of 14, should be processed for biometrics as a Code-
3. The DACA Standard Operating Procedure, currently in use by the USC IS Service Center Operations
Directorate, requires that prior FBI fingerprint results not be used for determining if a requestor meets the
DACA guidelines.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you.
Shawn Saucier
Immigration Services Officer
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Northeast Regional Office - Adjudications
(b) (6)
b 6
From: Saucier, Shawn A
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2012 1:41 PM
Subject: Reminder- Processed OACA Requestors as Code-3
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Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you.
Shawn Saucier
Immigration Services Officer
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Northeast Office - Adjudications
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Benefit Procedure - Code - 1 (Fingerprinting)
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ASC Standard Operating Procedures
Chapter 3: Benefit Procedure- Code- 1 (Fingerprinting)
Introduction: This chapter is designed to provide standardized step-by-step operating
procedures at each ASC to ensure consistency in processing fingerprints. In general, all
applicants should be processed using the biometrics workstation and procedures described in
Section B, when feasible. Reasons for exceptions to this policy are listed in Section A. Section
A covers how to process manual (ink) fingerprinting- "Dead Scan", and Section B covers how
to process electronic fingerprinting via a biometrics workstation - "Live Scan". All ASCs will
implement the procedures established in this chapter.
At ASCs staffed only with a Site Supervisor, the Site Supervisor shall perform the steps and
actions usually performed by the guard/receptionist and biometrics technician, and the ASC ISO
shall perform the quality assurance (QA) steps and actions. Site Supervisors and/or the ASC
ISOs shall perform the QA steps and actions when required. The key points to remember in
processing applicants are not to leave the applicant alone at an active workstation and not to
conduct a QA review of fingerprints you have taken unless you have been designated a "self
QA" by your Site Supervisor.
Note 1: As a customer service, if the BT has taken the best quality print but realizes that the
fingerprints will likely be rejected by the FBI, the BT should take a second set of prints manually
(ink). These manual prints can then be submitted by the ASC ISO if the first set is indeed
rejected. Remember to follow the procedures in Chapter 8.C - Re-fingerprinting Applicants.
This manual process for suspected rejects is a customer service the ASC Program provides,
minimizing the number of appearances an applicant would have to make to an ASC.
Note 2: Religious belief accommodations are to be offered when requested by the applicant
during photograph and fingerprint capture (see Chapter 4 for Photograph accommodations).
When requested due to religious beliefs, ASCs will accommodate individuals who request a
same-gender fingerprint technician, if possible. If there are no same-gender technicians available
to capture fingerprints, the applicant will be offered the chance to reschedule the appointment for
a different day or at a different office where it might be feasible to accommodate the individual's
request. Requests and accommodations should be handled through the ASC ISO.
2012 Edition
September 20 12
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ASC Standard Operating Procedures
Chapter 3: Benefit Procedure- Code - 1 (Fingerprinting)
Table of Sections
Section 3.A: Manual (Ink) Fingerprinting- "Dead Scan"
o Reasons for Manual (Ink) Fingerprinting Applicants
Operational Procedures
o Amputations & Deformities
o Coercive Population Control (CPC) Applicants
Phases: Manual Fingerprinting
Section 3.B: Electronic Fingerprinting- "Live Scan"
Operational Procedures
o Amputations & Deformities
Phases: Electronic Fingerprinting
2012 Edition
September 2012
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ASC Standard Operating Procedures
Chapter 3: Benefit Procedure- Code -1 (Fingerprinting)
Section 3.A: Manual (Ink) Fingerprinting- "Dead Scan"
Background: A manual (ink) fingerprinting workstation consists of a computer, monitor,
scanner, keyboard, mouse, printer, manual inkpad, and a mallet roller. Fingerprint Masthead
Notification System (FMNS) software is used to print the applicant's personal information and
physical characteristics on the Form FD - 258 card. The procedures established in this chapter
are based on the most current version of FMNS. With FMNS software, users can enter, save,
print, and retrieve the standard Form FD - 258 masthead biographical information. The
masthead biographical information is printed in text format on the front of the Form FD - 258
card and in 2 - D barcode format on the back of the card. Using the most current version of
FMNS software, the ASC staff can perform the basic functions of:
Entering Form FD- 258 masthead biographical information.
Printing Form FD- 258 cards with a 2- D barcode on the back.
Generating/printing reschedule letters/notices, manifests, and reports.
Querying previously entered applicant information by name, social security number,
A-number, and/or date of entry.
Specific FMNS operating instructions may be found in the most current Fingerprint Masthead
Notification System User's Guide.
NOTE: If the appointment notice has a form type that is NOT on the "Form-Type" pull-down
menu screen, use "X999" as the form type.
Reasons for Manual (Ink) Fingerprinting of Applicants: Manual (ink) fingerprinting of
applicants shall only be used for special circumstances. Special circumstances where manual
(ink) Form FD- 258 cards shall be generated include:
Applicants with disabilities that prevent them from being fingerprinted at a biometrics
workstation may be fingerprinted with ink on Form FD - 258 cards. ASC ISO and Site
Supervisor shall exercise discretion in providing service to disabled applicants with the
comfort of the applicant given highest priority.
Fingerprinting applicants on mobile fingerprint routes. The procedures in Chapter 7,
"Benefit Procedure - Special Cases" shall be used.
High volume. Instances where high volumes of applicants are waiting to be fingerprinted
and all available biometrics workstations are busy or out of service.
Expected Reject. For those applicants that the biometric technician is fairly certain the
initial electronic set of fingerprints will be rejected by the FBI. As a customer service, a
second manual set of fingerprints will be captured so that the applicant does not have to
return to the ASC. These prints will only be submitted if the FBI rejects the first electronic
set. Note: The TCR number from the FBI reject report must be submitted per the
procedures detailed in Chapter 8.C- Re-fingerprinting Applicants.
3.A- I
2012 Edition
September 20 I 2
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ASC Standard Operating Procedures
Chapter 3: Benefit Procedure - Code - 1 (Fingerprinting)
In all cases, if a manual (ink) Fonn FD - 258 card is generated, the standardized step-by-step
procedures of this chapter will be used.
Operational Procedures: The following operational procedures shall be used in processing
applicants on manual (ink) workstations.
Amputations & Deformities: If the applicant has an amputation, one or more fingers,
thumbs, or hand removed, the condition shall be noted in black ink in the appropriate Fonn
FD-258 block. Total amputation should be designated "XX". In the case of partial
amputation of first joint of a finger or thumb, the impression of the remaining end joint is
placed in the appropriate block.
If the applicant has a defonnity that prevent the taking of a fingerprint, such as severe
arthritis, AND the ASC-ISO confinns that specific finger(s) cannot be printed without
causing hann or pain to the applicant, the condition shall be noted in black ink in the
appropriate Fonn FD-258 block as "UP"- Unable to Print. Unable-to-Print fingers should
be annotated "UP".
With the exception of amputated digits or confinned deformities, handwritten notes on
Fonn FD-258 cards are not pennitted in individual fingerprint blocks. Any marks other
than fingerprints in the Fonn FD-258 fingerprint blocks may render good prints as rejects
when they are electronically scanned.
Names: If an applicant does not have a first name, enter "No given name" in the "First"
name data field on the fingerprinting workstation demographics page. Also, remember that
no suffixes (Sr, Jr, the Second, III, etc.) will be entered.
Coercive Population Control (CPC) Applicants: CPC applicants and their families are
asylum applicants filing Fonn I-589. If they appear at the ASC without proper
identification and cannot be fingerprinted electronically, they must be manually ink-printed
(see procedures in Chapter 7).
Phases: Manual Fingerprinting
Applicant Fingerprinting (Manual)
o Preparing the Applicant for Fingerprints
o Taking the Applicant's Fingerprints
o Biometrics Technician's Quality Assurance (QA) Check
o Taking the Applicant's Press Prints
Quality Assurance Review
o Documentation & Fonn FD - 258 Masthead QA Check
o Fingerprint QA Check
20 12 Edition
September 20 12
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ASC Standard Operating Procedures
Chapter 3: Benefit Procedure- Code -1 (Fingerprinting)
Applicant Fingerprinting (Manual)
General Procedure Description: This phase is used in fingerprinting an applicant at a manual
(ink) fingerprinting workstation using rMNS software.
When to Use This Procedure: After the appli cant has completed the receptionist-processing
phase and the applicant has met the requirements to be manually fingerprinted.
Who Performs This Procedure: A trained Bi ometrics Technician, Site Supervisor. or ASC
ISO shall complete this phase.
Preparing tlte Applicant for Fingerprints
Step Action
I Retrieve only the applicant from the waiting area by calling the next customer
serv1ce number (i r applicable) or the next applicant. Family or friends
accompanying the applicant will remain in the waiting area unless their physical
assistance is required to fingerprint the applicant and/or to function as a translator.
2 Request the applicant's customer service number, government-issued photo ID,
appointment notification letter. and AIW.
3 Verify the applicant has the required government-issued picture ID for the desi red
benefit. If the applicant does not have the required picture ID for the desired
benefit, check the applicant's AIW to see if it has been annotated by the ASC ISO.
If the applicant" s AI W has not been annotated, refer the applicant to the ASC ISO.
4 Verify the applicant's identity by comparing the picture ID to the applicant. If the
picture ID does not match the applicant' s physical characteri stics, refer the
applicant to the ASC ISO.
5 Verify the accuracy of the A-number, name, and DOB by comparing the AIW with
the applicant' s appointment notification letter and 10 card. If the AIW A-number
and/or DOB do not match the applicant's appointment noti fication letter. refer the
applicant to the ASC ISO.
6 Verify completeness of the personal information by ensuring all blocks on the AIW
are checked/completed.
Note: To access FMNS, enter the applicant's Form FD-258 masthead informati on and print the
Form FD-258 card use the most current versi on of the Fingerprint Masthead Notification
System User's Guide. (Masthead informati on may be neatly hand printed in black ink.)
3.A - 3
20 12 Edition
September 20 12
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ASC Standard Operating Procedures
Chapter 3: Benefit Procedure- Code -1 (Fingerprinting)
Applicant Fingerprinting (Manual)
Taking the Applicant's Fingerpri11ts
1 Check the applicant's hands for texture and softness. If hands are rough, apply
liquid to soften and moisturize the fingertips.
2 Place/slide card into metal template/brace on the ink-fingerprinting stand where all
right-hand fingerprint boxes are visible and fingerprints can be applied.
3 Appl y ink to inkpad and roll ink fl at and even with mal1et roller until smooth.
4 Take the applicant's ri ght hand and roll right thumb in ink and then roll thumb on
card, toward the applicant's body, and nail-to-nail in the "1. R. Thumb" block.
Take the applicant's right index finger and roll in ink and then roll finger on card,
away from the applicant' s body, and nail-to-nail in the "2. R. Index" block. Repeat
the same steps by placing the applicant's fingers in ink and then rolling the finger
away from the applicant's body, and nail-to-nail in the "3. R. Middle," "4. R.
Ring," and "5. R. Little" blocks, in that order.
5 Slide card in metal template/brace on the ink-fingerprinting stand where all left-
hand fingerprint boxes are visible and fingerprints can be applied.
6 Re-appl y ink to inkpad, as required, and roll ink fl at and even with mallet roll er
until smooth.
7 Take the applicant's left hand and roll the left thumb in ink and then roll thumb on
card, toward applicant's body, and nail-to-nail in the "6. L. Thumb" bl ock. Take
the applicant's left index finger and roll in ink and then roll finger on card, away
from the applicant's body, and nail-to-nail in the "7. L. Index" block. Repeat the
same steps by placing the applicant' s fingers in ink and then rolling the fingers
away from the appli cant's body, and nail-to-nail in the "8. L. Middle," 9. L.
Ring," and " 1 0. L. Little" blocks, in that order.
1. With the exception of amputated di gits, handwritten notes are not permitted in individual
fingerprint blocks. Any marks other than fingerprints in the Form FD - 258 fingerprint
blocks may render good prints as rejects when they are electronically scanned.
2. If the applicant has an amputation, one or more fingers, thumbs, or hand removed, the
condition shall be noted in black ink in the appropriate Form FD - 258 block. Total
3.A- 4
2012 Edi ti on
September 2012
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
ASC Standard Operating Procedures
Chapter 3: Benefit Procedure- Code- 1 (Fingerprinting)
amputation should be designated "XX". In the case of partial amputation of the first joint
of a finger or thumb, the impression of the remaining end joint is placed in the
appropriate block.
3. If the applicant has a deformity that prevent the taking of a fingerprint, such as severe
arthritis, AND the ASC-ISO confirms that specific fingers cannot be printed without
causing harm or pain to the applicant, the condition shall be noted in black ink in the
appropriate Form FD-258 block as an "UP"- Unable to Print. Unable to Print fingers
should be annotated "UP".
4. If a biometrics technician determines that slhe cannot capture any fingerprints due to a
physical impairment of the applicant, the technician shall refer the applicant to the ASC
ISO for a possible fingerprint waiver. If the ASC ISO approves a fingerprinting waiver,
the applicant shall be processed in accordance with Chapter 8, "Administrative
3.A- 5
2012 Edition
September 2012
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
ASC Standard Operating Procedures
Chapter 3: Benefit Procedure- Code- 1 (Fingerprinting)
Biometrics Techtzicialt'S Self Quality Assurance (QA) Check
Verify prints are classifiable (or best print possible) by determining if ridges and
deltas are visible.
Verify prints are rolled nail-to-nail in blocks 1 through I 0.
Verify prints are not smudged and on the Fom1 FD-258 card in the proper order.
Verify press print clarity and the total number of press prints recorded is equal to the
total number of rolled prints.
If there is a problem, recapture prints on either manual tabs or full strips by re-inking
and rolling/pressing on a manual tab/ full strip and by following the steps for
fingerprinting that thumb/ finger. Verify the new print is classifiable. There is no
limit on the number of tabs or strips that may be used to obtain acceptable
fingerprints. However, tabs should not be placed over tabs; therefore, take the
unacceptable print tab off the card before putting a new one on the card.
J.A- 6
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ASC Standard Operating Procedures
Chapter 3: Benefit Procedure- Code -1 (Fingerprinting)
Taking the Applicant's Press-Prints
Step Action
1 Slide card in metal template/brace on the ink-fingerprinting stand where all press
print fingerprint boxes are visible and press prints can be applied.
2 Re-apply ink to manual inkpad, as required, and the roll ink flat and even with mallet
roller until smooth.
3 Take the applicant's left hand and press thumb in ink and then press on card in the "L.
Thumb" block for the left thumb press print. Take the applicant's left hand and press
all fingers in ink and then press fingers on card in a 45 - degree angle, in the "Left
Four Fingers Taken Simultaneously" block for the left-hand press prints.
4 Re-apply ink to inkpad, as required, and roll ink flat and even with mallet roller until
5 Take the applicant's right hand and press thumb in ink and then press on card in the
" R. Thumb" block for the right thumb press print. Take the applicant' s right hand
fingers and press all fingers in ink and then press fingers on card in a 45 - degree
angle, in the "Right Four Fingers Taken Simultaneously" block for the right-hand
press prints.
6 Conduct a quality assurance review of the completed Form FD-258 card.
Note: Full strips and a printing spoon may be used on elderly, handicap, and/ or applicants with
worn ridges to increase the possibility of taking classifiable fingerprints.
3.A- 7
2012 Edition
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ASC Standard Operating Procedures
Chapter 3: Benefit Procedure- Code - 1 (Fingerprinting)
Quality Assurance (QA) Review
General Procedure Description: This phase is used to conduct a QA review of a manual (ink)
Form FD-258 card.
When to Use This Procedure: After the biometrics teclmician has completed the manual (ink)
fingerprinting phase.
Who Performs This Procedure: The "self QA" BT, Site Supervisor, or ASC ISO shall
complete the actions in this phase for every manual (ink) Form FD - 258 card.
Documentatiou & Form FD-258 Masthead QA Clteck
Request the applicant' s appointment notification letter, Form FD-258 card, picture
ID, and AIW from the biometrics technician.
Verify the applicant has the required goverrunent issue picture ID for the desired
benefit. If the applicant does not have the required picture ID for the desired
benefit, check the applicant' s AIW to see if it has been aru1otated by the ASC ISO.
If the applicant' s AIW has not been annotated, refer the applicant to the ASC ISO.
Verify the applicant's identity by comparing the picture TD to the applicant. If the
picture ro does not match the applicant' s physical characteristics, refer applicant to
the ASC ISO.
Verify the accuracy of the A-number, name, and DOB by comparing the Form
FD-258 card with the applicant' s appointment notification letter and lD card. lfthe
A-number, nan1e, and/or DOB do not match the applicant's appointment
notification letter and/or ID card, refer the applicant to the ASC ISO.
Verify accuracy of the other personal information by comparing picture ID and
AIW. If corrections are required, direct the biometrics technician to reproduce the
Form FD-258 with the co1Tect information.
Verify the signature in the "Signature of Person Fingerprinted" block is the same as
either the name in the "LAST NAME NAM FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME"
block or the "ALIASES AKA" block. If corrections are required, direct the
biometrics technician reproduce the Form
3.A- 8
FD-258 card with the correct
20 12 Edition
September 20 12
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
ASC Standard Operating Procedures
Chapter 3: Benefit Procedure- Code -1 (Fingerprinting)
Quality Assurance (QA) Review
Fingerprint QA Clteck
Step Action
1 Verify all fingerprints are classifiable (or best print possible) by determining ridge
clarity and delta visibility.
2 Verify prints are rolled nail-to-nail in blocks 1 through 10.
3 Verify prints are not smudged and on the card in the proper order.
4 Verify press-print clarity and the total number of press-prints recorded is equal to
the total number of rolled prints.
5 If there is a problem with fingerprints, direct the biometrics technician to recapture
the prints on either manual tabs or full strips by following the appropriate steps for
fingerprinting that thumb/fi11ger if they have not done so.
6 Verify empty blocks on Form FD-258 are a result of missing fingers or confmned
deformity and either "XX" or "UP" is noted in the appropriate block (s) on the
7 Verify the signature matches the signature of a name appearing on the FD-258 card.
8 Record your six-digit employee number 111 the fingerprint portion of the
"biometrics stan1p" on the applicant's appointment notification letter.
9 Ensure "FOR OFFICIAL USE" section on the AIW is complete and accurate.
10 Return the applicant's appointment notification letter, AJW, and ID to the
biometrics technician. See Note below.
11 File the applicant' s Form FD-258 card in a secure locati on to be determined by the
Site Supervisor.
Note: Upon completion of the QA's check, the biometrics technician will instruct applicant to
clean hands and will proceed with the dismissal procedures of the applicant if all processing
has been completed. See Chapter 2- Benefit Summaries and Common Procedures.
3.A - 9
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ASC Standard Operating Procedures
Chapter 3: Benefit Procedure- Code - 1 (Fingerprinting)
Section 3.B: Electronic Fingerprinting- "Live Scan"
Background: The biometrics workstation captures and transmits electronic "digital"
fingerprints without the use of ink. The system features a continuous real-time image preview
and allows operators to preview each fingerprint while pre-positioning the finger for pressure,
moisture, and quality review; and to monitor image quality as the print is being rolled. The
operator can use this immediate feedback image to reject and re-roll unacceptable prints before
they are electronically transmitted. The demographics entry features enable operators to enter
demographic data using defined, pull-down menus and/or a barcode reader. Using the
biometrics workstations, technicians can perform the following basic functions:
Enter the biographical information and store to memory.
Query previously entered information by name, social security number, A-number, and/or
date of entry.
Capture, store, and electronically transmit fingerprints to a service center.
Operational Procedures: The following operational procedures shall be used in processing
applicants on biometrics workstations.
Specific biometrics workstation operating instructions may be found in the current version of the
Operations Guide. Biometrics workstations will be left on continuously throughout the work
week unless otherwise instructed.
If an applicant does not have a first name, enter "No given name" in the "First:" name data field
on the biometrics workstation demographics page.
Amputations & Deformities: If the applicant has an amputation, one or more fingers, thumbs, or
hand removed, select special options by pressing "Special" on the Control Pad. If an applicant is
born with a missing finger, thumb, or hand, select "Unable to Print (UP)". Select "Amputation
(XX)" for total amputation. In the case of partial amputation of the first joint of a finger or
thumb, the impression of remaining end joint is placed in the appropriate block.
Phases: Electronic Fingerprinting
Applicant Fingerprinting (Electronic)
o Preparing the Applicant for Fingerprints
o Taking the Applicant's Press Fingerprints
o Taking the Applicant's Right-Hand Roll Prints
o Taking the Applicant's Left-Hand Roll Prints
o Biometrics Technician's Quality Assurance (QA) Check
Quality Assurance (QA) Review
o QA Check of the Applicant's Demographics
o QA Check of the Applicant's Fingerprints
3.8- I
2012 Edition
September 2012
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
ASC Standard Operating Procedures
Chapter 3: Benefit Procedure- Code- 1 (Fingerprinting)
Applicant Fingerprinting (Electronic)
General Procedure Description: This phase IS used m fingerprinting an applicant at a
biometrics workstation.
When to Use This Procedure: After the applicant has completed the recepti onist-processing
Who Performs This Procedure: A biometrics technician. Site Supervisor. or ASC TSO shall
complete this phase.
Preparing tlte Applicant for Fingerprinting
Step Action
I Retrieve only the applicant from the waiting area by calling the next customer
servtce number (if applicable) or the next applicant. Family or friends
accompanying the appli cant will remai n in the waiting area unl ess their physical
assistance is required to fingerprint the applicant and/or function as a translator.
2 Request the applicant' s customer servtce number. picture 10, appointment
notification letter, and AI W.
3 Verify the applicant has the required government issued picture ID for the desired
benefit. If the applicant does not have the required picture ID for the desired
benefit, check the applicant's AIW to see if it has been annotated by the ASC ISO.
If the applicant's AIW has not been annotated. refer the applicant to the ASC ISO.
4 Verify the applicant' s identity by comparing the pictW'e ID to the applicant. If the
picture ID does not match the applicant' s physical characteristics, refer the
applicant to the ASC ISO.
5 Verify the accuracy of the A-number, name, and DOBby comparing the AIW with
the applicant's appointment notificati on letter and ID card. If the AIW A-number,
name, and/or DOB do not match the applicant's appointment notification letter
and/or ID card, refer the applicant to the ASC lSO.
6 Verify completeness of the personal information by ensuring all blocks on the AJW
are checked/completed.
Note: To access the biometrics workstation and enter the applicant's demographic information:
refer to the most current version of the Operations Guide.
3. 8- 2
20 12 Edition
September 20 12
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
ASC Standard Operating Procedures
Chapter 3: Benefit Procedure- Code - 1 (Fingerprinting)
Accessing the Biometrics Workstation
If applicable, use 2 - D barcode reader to scan 2 - D barcode from the applicant's
notification letter. The demographic information entered using the 2 - D barcode
displays with a prompt to add the information to the record. Press "Yes" or
Complete the first three demographic screens. Edit demographic data as needed.
Press F6 (Page down) to display the next demographic screen.
NOTE: If the form type of the appointment notice does NOT exist on the menu
pull-down options, select "X999" as the form type. (This catch-all form type will
allow the continued processing ofthe applicant.)
The last demographic screen is indicated with the message "Last page-Press ' Page
Down' " to complete.
Press F6 (Page Down).
Prepare to take applicant's fingerprints .
20 12 Edition
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ASC Standard Operating Procedures
Chapter 3: Benefit Procedure- Code -1 (Fingerprinting)
Applicant Fingerprinting (Electronic) (cont'd)
Taking the Applicant's Press Pri11ts
Step Action
1 Check the applicant's hands for texture and softness. Spray tingerlips with water,
if needed.
2 Take the applicant' s left hand. Place the applicant's left four fingers flat at a slight
angle over the slap print glass prism and either press the "Capture/Yes" button on
the control pad or the capture pedal.
3 Verify press print clarity. Press the "Capture/Yes" button on the control pad to
approve the fingerprint or press the "No" button to rej ect the fingerprint. If the
fingerprint is approved, the "Flat Left Thumb" screen will appear. If the fingerprint
is rejected, repeat step #2.
4 Take the applicant's left hand. Place the applicant' s left thumb in the center of the
roll print glass prism and press the "Capture/Yes" button on the control pad.
5 Verify press print clarity. Press "Capture/Yes" button on the control pad to
approve the fingerprint or press the "No" button to reject the fingerprint. If the
fingerprint is approved, the "Flat Right 4" screen will appear. If the fingerprint is
rejected repeat. step #4.
6 Take the applicant's right hand. Place the applicant's right four fingers flat at a
slight angle over the slap print glass prism and press the "Capture/Yes" button on
the control pad.
7 Verify press print clarity. Press the "Capture/Yes" button on the control pad to
approve the fingerprint or press the "No" button to reject the fingerprint.
If the
fingerprint is approved, the "Right Flat Thumb" screen will
appear. If the
fingerprint is rejected, repeat step #6.
8 Take the applicant's right hand.
Place the applicant' s right thumb in the center of
the roll print glass prism and press the "Capture/Yes" button on the control pad.
9 Verify press print clarity.
Press the "Capture/Yes" button on the contro I pad to
approve the fingerprint or press the ' 'No" button to reject the fingerprint.
If the
fingerprint is approved, the "Right Thumb Roll" screen
will appear. If the
fingerprint is rejected repeat step #8.
Note: If a bwmetncs teclm1c1an determines that s/he cannot capture any fingerprints due to a
physical impaim1ent of the applicant, the technician shall refer the applicant to the ASC ISO
J.B- 4
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September 20 12
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ASC Standard Operating Procedures
Chapter 3: Benefit Procedure- Code - 1 (Fingerprinting)
for a possible fingerprint waiver. If the ASC ISO approves a fingerprinting waiver, the
applicant shall be processed in accordance with Chapter 8, "Waivers, Re-scheduling, andRe-
2012 Edition
September 2012
Obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch, Inc.
ASC Standard Operating Procedures
Chapter 3: Benefit Procedure- Code -1 (Fingerprinting)
Applicant Fingerprinting (Electronic) (cont'd)
Taking tlte Applicant's Riglzt-Hand Roll Prints
Step Action
1 Take the applicant' s right hand. Place the right thumb in the center of the roll print
glass prism. Roll the thumb toward the applicant's body and back to the female or
male roll fingerprint start line. Press the "Capture/Yes" button on the control pad,
roll the right thumb away from the applicant's body and nail-to-nail over the roll
print glass prism.
2 Verify print is classifiable (or best print possible) by determining if ridges and
deltas are visible. Press the "Capture/Yes" button on the control pad to accept the
fingerprint or press the "No" button to retake the fingerprint. If the fingerprint is
accepted, the "Right Index" screen will appear. If the fingerprint is rejected, repeat
step #1.
3 Take the applicant's right hand. Place the right index finger in the center of the roll
print glass prism. Roll the finger toward the applicant' s body and back to the
female or male roll fingerprint start line. Press the "Capture/Yes" button on the
control pad and roll the index finger away from the applicant's body and nail-to-
nail over the roll print glass prism.
4 Verify print is classifiable (or best print possible) by determining if ridges and
deltas are visible. Press the "Capture/ Yes" button on the control pad to accept the
fingerprint or press the "No" button to retake the fingerprint. If the fingerprint is
accepted, the right middle fingerprint screen will appear. If the fingerprint is
rejected, repeat step #3.
5 Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the right middle, ring, and little fingers, in that order.
1. The top of the each screen will indicate the finger to roll and an anow will indicate the
recommended direction of the roll for the indicated finger.
2. The prism should be cleaned with a white cloth and appropriate cleaner, as needed.
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September 20 12
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