2020-21 SJHS Student Handbook

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PHONE: 843-650-5600 FAX: 843-650-1004 TOP 10% OF HIGH SCHOOLS IN THE NATION

Principal’s Welcome School Staff & Contacts Library Information Center

Welcome back Sharks! The 2021-2022 school Principal “To ensure that students are effective consumers & users
year awaits you with so much excitement and so Vann Pennell of ideas and information through access to print &
many smiles. It will be awesome. This high non-print resources.”
expectation must start with leadership. I am asking Assistant Principals 1. Each student is responsible for materials checked out.
our senior class to lead, leaving their legacy as the NaTasha Best, Joshua Cutright, 2. The loan period for general materials is 15 school
best senior class ever. These expectations are Lindsay Lewis, Angie McCune
simple, and we expect you to set the example for days. Materials may be renewed for an extra 15 days.
all to follow to ensure our rich tradition of success. Instructional Coach The overdue fine is $.10 per day. Fees are charged
Be nice, humble, and be the bigger person. Learn to Brett Mahaffey for lost or damaged items per HCS policy.
give back, forgive, and to walk away from trouble. 3. Students visiting the media center must have a
The key is abiding by these expectations Guidance Counselors Caroline teacher-issued pass (including lunch time). Students
consistently. Get to school early, be in class on Ross, Kelli Ferdon, Lauri Wood, must sign in and sign out at the circulation desk.
time, follow dress code, take rigorous courses, Elaina Tubbs, Gray Williams, 4. Bookbags and large satchels are not permitted
and strive to be your best. Be kind, tolerant, and Brittany Pezzuti, Ann Merritt (SYA) beyond media gates. Please be sure to keep
have a positive attitude throughout the entire school valuable items with you at all times.
year. Your attitude dictates your altitude, so smile, Guidance Secretary 5. Food and drink are not permitted beyond media gates.
laugh, give high fives, and bring energy to make the Sheri Jiron
most of each day. Time is your most valuable asset, Drinks may be left in the drink holder at the circulation
so use it wisely. Remember, being pretty good is not RBHS Therapists desk or placed in the fridge to be kept cold.
good enough. Working hard and having a great Michele Gallagher, Shannon Long 6. Printing charges: B&W: $0.10. Color: $0.25 per page
sense of humor will carry you a long way in life. We unless prearranged with classroom teacher.
promise you a very rigorous course of study, Registrar 7. Photocopies: $.10 for personal copies.
engaging lessons, and staff members who truly care Kathy Reagan 8. Creation Station: markers, colored pencils, staplers,
by making you their first priority. My door is always scissors, tape, glue and paper are available for
open; please fill free to contact me about anything. I Data Quality Clerk students to use for school projects. The media store
truly look forward to the 2021-2022 school year, and Donna Annunziato sells poster board, pencils, flash drives, note cards
I’m excited to work with you. Have a great year, and and folder covers and more.
go Sharks! Bookkeeper
Vann Pennell, Principal 9. Students will abide by the HCS Acceptable Use Policy
Christina Carr
for use of computers and smart devices.
Athletic Director 10. eBooks are available for students 24/7 through
Billy Hurston the Follett BryteWave K-12 app, which can be
Powerschool Dates downloaded from the App Store, Google Play, or
the Amazon App Store. Use your school account
Interim and report card dates: username and password, and when prompted enter
Term 1 Term 2 the Follett Shelf URL: http://wbb13042.follettshelf.
Oct 9, 2020 March 5, 2021 com. See the Media Center staff for assistance.
Nov 17, 2020 April 16, 2021 11. Online databases are available 24/7 to assist students
Dec 18, 2020 May 17, 2021 for school and personal needs through the district’s
Feb 3, 2021 June 21, 2021 online “Student Learning Commons” located on
the district homepage at www.horrycountyschools.
The school no longer prints progress reports or report
cards. Students and parents are encouraged to
SJHS Misson Statement net. See the Media Center staff for passwords and
monitor grades through the PowerSchool portal Every student will graduate from SJHS with the skills assistance.
(https://myps.horrycountyschools.net/public), as this to attend college with no remediation.
provides the most up-to-date picture of students'
progress. Teachers will also be diligent in Food and Drinks
contacting parents when students are in danger of
failing a class. Parents who wish to continue
SJHS Definition of Rigor Students are not permitted to carry food or drinks into
receiving a printed grade reports should contact Rigor is challenging students beyond their comfort zone to computer labs, the media center, the auditorium, or science
school data quality clerk, Donna Annunziato. labs. Teachers may at their discretion permit food/drinks in
become lifelong learners in an environment where “I can’t” is not
their classes; however, students assume responsibility for
accepted, “I will” is expected, and “my success” is celebrated.
proper handling and disposal of snacks. Vending machines
Testing Dates are off limits during class and all lunches. No outside food
SJHS Definition of Engagement is permitted after the first block tardy bell rings. No
outside food is allowed to be delivered during lunch.
Sept 12, 2020 Sept 26, 2020 An investment of personal time, energy, and interest If a parent brings a lunch to school for a student, it should
Oct 24, 2020 Oct 3, 2020 that actively seeks to spark our curiosity. be packed as a lunch from home (brown bag, etc.), as no
Dec 12, 2020 Nov 7, 2020 outside vendors (fast food) are allowed in the cafeteria.
Feb 6, 2021 Dec 5, 2020
April 17, 2021 March 13, 2021 ID Policy
June 12, 2021
July 17, 2021
May 8, 2021
June 5, 2021 All students attending SJHS will be required to have a
valid school ID in their possession while on campus at Pay cafeteria fees at www.myschoolbucks.com
all times. Students must present their ID each morning SJHS students are expected to use proper decorum
Hall Passes upon entry into the building. Failure to do so will result at all times. This means that food trays are to be taken
in disciplinary consequences. Students may purchase back to the proper area and must not be left on the table.
• Passes are required for movement in hallways during Graduating seniors can get refunds from their cafe account
a replacement ID for $2 in the Media Center.
classes. Students are to travel on the right side of the at the end of the year by turning in parent’s name, address,
halls in an orderly manner. and social security number if the balance is over $5.
• Students are NOT to be excused from class during
the first and last 15 minutes of each class.
Security Measures Students who choose to sit on the outside patio at lunch
must return their trays to the scullery or near the trash cans
• Students with hall passes to the restroom must use In an effort to create a safe environment for students, staff at the back of the cafeteria. No outside food is allowed in
the closest restroom to the classroom. and community at SJHS, metal detectors will be used the cafeteria. No one may leave the cafeteria with food.
• Students in the hall during class must have a pass during and after school hours. All items (including lockers Acceptable areas during lunch: cafeteria and back patio.
with them, indicating time and destination, signed by and vehicles) and persons are subject to be searched at • Students may visit media center only with a pass.
their teacher. Loitering is not permitted. Students out any time. Trained dogs and their handlers are utilized on • Students may visit a teacher’s classroom with a
of class without a pass, or in an area not designated school property throughout the school year. Additional pass from that teacher.
on the pass, may be considered cutting class and security measures may be introduced throughout the year • Students may visit their counselor or conduct
will be subject to administrative discipline. as needed. Security is NOT an excuse for tardiness to class. school business in the front office without a pass,
but they must inform the person on lunch duty.
Telephone Usage Visitors to Campus
School telephones are limited to professional staff use All approved visitors must sign-in at the front desk in the lobby Before/After School
only. Students will only be allowed to use the phone in the area. Parents who wish to observe a class must submit the
main office area in the event of an emergency. Students date and time of the visit 24 hours prior with administrator In the morning, students arriving prior to 7:50 a.m. may
are not to use phones in the classroom for personal use. permission. A valid SCDL or state ID is required to sign in. enter the front lobby area. Students who arrive early to
meet with a teacher must have a pass from the teacher to
enter the hallways prior to 7:50 a.m. Breakfast is available
Messages for Students Nondiscrimination Policy in the cafeteria each morning before school begins. The
hallways will open at 7:50 a.m., and classes begin at 8:20
The receptionist will NOT interrupt classes to deliver Horry County Schools does not discriminate on the basis a.m. The bell will sound at 3:15 p.m. to end the regular
messages except in the event of an emergency. of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, school day. Students may go to their lockers to retrieve
Please make all necessary arrangements with your immigrant status, English-speaking status, or any other materials, then proceed to the buses, to the student parking
child prior to the school day. Items dropped off in the characteristic protected by applicable federal or S.C. law lot if they are car drivers/riders, or to the parent pick-up
front office may not be able to be delivered to the in its programs or activities. For questions regarding the location if they are car riders. Students should leave the
classroom. Classroom calls will be made the first and nondiscrimination policies call 843-488-6700, or write Horry campus by 3:45 p.m. unless they are involved in faculty/
last 3 minutes of each class. County Schools, 335 Four Mile Rd., Conway, SC 29526. staff activities.
Attendance Policy Cell Phones and Devices Personalized Digital Learning
South Carolina state law requires that all children attend school The SJHS Administration recommends that NO item of value The Vision of Horry County Schools’ Personal Digital Learning
regularly beginning with the school year in which the child is five years of be brought to school. The school or district assumes NO To transform teaching and learning by immersing all students
age before September 1st until the child attains his/her 17th birthday or responsibility for any damaged, lost or stolen devices or lost or in rich, authentic, relevant, personalized digital learning
graduates from high school. The school year consists of 180 days, and damaged data. Students are expected to display responsible experiences that lead to college and career readiness and
high school students cannot accumulate more than 5 absences online behavior on computers, cell phones and all other enable deeper learning across the disciplines.
per class and still receive credit for the course, regardless of the communication devices both on and away from school. Strong
grade earned in the course. Family vacations, organizational trips, or consequences will be imposed for cyberbullying both in school The Technology Fee 2020-2021 School Year
retreats during the school year are included in the 5 absences per and away from school. Students may not use any electronic
term. Please refer to the SJHS attendance brochure for specific details devices to interfere with instruction or school activities, or send High School Grades 9-12
regarding attendance laws, policies, and “seat time” sessions. inappropriate messages, recordings, broadcasts, or images. All students in grades 9-12 have a Technology Fee of $25 for
Devices are never to be used in any area in which an individual the full academic year, due at the time of registration. The fee
Students Arriving Late has a reasonable expectation of privacy (bathrooms, locker may be paid online or in person at the appropriate school.
Students arriving at school after 8:20 must report to the rooms, etc.). Students will be allowed to use cell phones
attendance office to sign in and get a tardy pass. Failure to sign and electronic devices during class changes and during Students Grades 9-12 who PAY the Technology Fee:
in will result in a disciplinary infraction and ISS. Students who their lunch in the cafeteria and during class for instructional • are allowed to take the devices home
miss more than 45 minutes of a class will be considered absent. Hall purposes only. • pay an additional $25 for the first accidental damage repair,
sweeps will be conducted as a deterrent for tardiness. $50 for the second accidental damage repair and full cost of
Consequences for use during unauthorized times include: repair for all subsequent accidental damage repairs during the
Early Dismissal By Parent Request 1. Device being confiscated for 24 hours and returned to academic year
Students requiring early dismissal should bring a note from their parent/guardian between 2:45-3:45 p.m. the following • pay an additional $25 for device replacement due to theft
parents to the front desk in order to obtain an early dismissal pass. school day; (requires police report)
All requests are to be submitted prior to 8:15 a.m. so that they may be 2. Device being confiscated for 48 hours and returned to parent/ • pay full repair cost for all damage caused by neglect or abuse
verified by phone. The note must have a phone number at which the guardian between 2:45-3:45 p.m. after two school days; • pay full replacement cost for loss due to neglect
parent may be contacted. If the note cannot be verified by phone the 3. Device being confiscated and returned to parent/guardian
student will not be allowed to leave. We cannot accept phone calls between 2:45-3:45 p.m. after the student serves two days Students Grades 9-12 who DO NOT PAY the Technology Fee:
for early dismissal. Students will not be issued a tardy pass if they out of school suspension. The student will then no longer • are allowed to use the device only at school
fail to bring their note to the front desk before 8:15 a.m. SJHS will be allowed to have or use electronic devices on campus for • pay full repair costs for all accidental damage
not call classrooms unless it is an emergency; therefore, the the remainder of the school year. • pay full replacement cost for loss due to theft
student must have a pass to get out of class. 4. If a student continues to possess/use devices, the devices • pay full repair cost for all damage caused by neglect or abuse
will be confiscated until the last day of school at 3:15 p.m. • pay full replacement cost for loss due to neglect
When it is time for students to leave, they are to go by the front desk to Student will be disciplined for refusal to obey. Refusing
sign out. Students who do not bring a note for a pre-arranged medical to give the device to an HCS employee will result in a Discipline
or legal appointment must remain in class until the period ends before disciplinary action of out of school suspension until the device Any electronic device used for picture taking, video recording,
they will be permitted to sign out of school with their parent/guardian. is surrendered. posting or text messaging that results in students cheating or
Failure to sign out at the front desk will result in a disciplinary which cause major disruptions will result in additional discipline
infraction and an assignment of ISS. Students will not be signed The cell phone discipline policy will be strictly enforced. at the principal’s discretion. Technology disciplinary offenses
out after 3:00 p.m. may also result in restricted use of the personalized digital
learning device and/or technology. Restricted use may prohibit
Procedures To Follow After An Absence
After an absence students are to report to the front desk before 8:15
Student Use of Computers the student from taking the device off of school grounds.

a.m. with a note from their parent/guardian or from their doctor. Computer equipment is available to SJHS students to assist When using network or lnternet resources, students will:
Notes from the parent/guardian or doctor must be submitted to in furthering their education. Computer activities not directly • Use the lnternet for legitimate educational purposes
the front desk within three days of an absence. Failure to do so will related to educating our students within the approved guidelines • Send e-mail only at the direction of teacher during school hours
result in an unverified unexcused absence. Students will not be are not allowed. • Not attempt to download or save files to the device without
written a tardy pass to first block because they failed to bring their teacher permission
note to the front desk before 8:15 a.m. Students should use computer equipment only under • Not search for, download or print any material that violates
the supervision of teachers. When a student damages school handbook codes regarding possession or display of
Unlawful Absences or changes a computer, whether intentionally or unin- inappropriate, offensive or vulgar material, or assist any other
Students who miss school without parental knowledge, and tentionally, privileges to use the computer may be lost. student in such activities
students who are absent from school without acceptable cause • Not harass, insult, or attack others via electronic communications
with the knowledge of the parent, are considered unlawfully Therefore, students should be aware of the following guidelines • Not damage or alter computers, computer systems, computer
absent. According to the SC Attendance/Truancy Law when students concerning the use of computer equipment. networks or mobile devices
have three consecutive unlawful or unexcused absences or a 1. Passwords and other electronically recorded data are • Not violate copyright laws
total of five unlawful or unexcused absences, the school will the property of Horry County Schools. • Not trespass in another’s folders, work, files or devices
contact parents and develop an Attendance Intervention Plan (AIP) 2. The deliberate production or introduction of a virus onto
for improved attendance. Students exceeding five days of unlawful or computer stations and networks is prohibited (and Examples of types of offenses:
unexcused absences will be reported to Family Court. Students who illegal) and will result in disciplinary action. • lllegal installation or transmission of copyrighted materials
have excessive unlawful or unexcused absences in a single class may 3. Accessing and/or modifying information to which the • Unauthorized use of lnternet or computer games
also be referred to Family Court for truancy. computer user has not been given appropriate au- • Unauthorized recording of audio or video images on school
thorization is prohibited. This includes attempting to property or during extracurricular activities with district or
Excused Absences bypass the internet filter to access prohibited websites. personally owned devices
The following absences are considered excused: medical, judicial, 4. Vandalism of electronic equipment will result in disciplin- • Downloading inappropriate materials or applications
and bereavement. Students will need to provide documentation for ary action. Vandalism includes, but is not limited to • Giving out personal information, for any reason, over the
medical, judicial, and bereavement absences upon returning to school. deliberately erasing data and/or files, placing foreign lnternet
Prearranged absenses for other reasons and/or extreme hardships objects into equipment, removing or altering any • Bypassing the Horry County Schools Web filter
are at the discretion of the principal. components that are part of the equipment. • Action violating existing board poliry or public law
5. Technology users must adhere to the copyright law. • Deleting district system applications and changing of
Reporting Student Absences This includes, but is not limited to making copies of personalized digital learning device settings (exceptions include
Parents are asked to contact Beth Jordan in the event of students’ items that are covered by copyright such as music, personal settings such as font size, brightness, etc.)
absences from school. Parents may call the attendance office at videos, or print materials and illegally downloading • Sending, transmitting, accessing, uploading, downloading,
(843) 650-2448 or e-mail BJordan003@horrycountyschools.net. mp3’s, video files or software. or distributing obscene, offensive, profane, threatening,
pornographic, obscene or sexually explicit materials
CONSEQUENCES • Use of chat rooms or sites selling term papers, book reports
Tardy Policy Any violation of the rules for use of computers will result in one
of the following consequences, depending upon the severity
and other forms of student work
• Spamming (disruptive email, messages including iMessages)
Students are expected to arrive to school and to class on time. and frequency of the offense: ISS, OSS, recommendation for • Gaining access to another student’s accounts, files and/or data
Tardiness is defined as not being inside the assigned classroom expulsion, monetary restitution, and/or revocation of all access • Use of the schools lnternet or email accounts for financial gain,
when the tardy bell rings. When the tardy bell rings teachers to school computers. commercial gain or any illegal activity
will close their doors, and hall sweeps will be conducted. • Vandalism (any malicious attempt to harm or destroy district
owned equipment or systems)
Tardiness will be excused for the following reasons:
• Late bus
Make-Up Work Policy • Transmission or access of obscene, offensive or threatening
materials or materials intended to harass or demean another
• Illness substantiated by a written excuse from doctor or dentist Students are expected to be in school on a regular basis to
• Offical legal document achieve specific curriculum objectives and develop concepts The administration reserves the right to handle any of the
• Circumstances approved by the principal or designee adopted by Horry County Schools. Students who are absent above actions or any other action determined to be a misuse
will be required to make up work. Instructional personnel will of technology in the manner they feel is the most appropriate
Cumulative unexcused tardies will be dealt with in the provide information on assignments, provide help, and permit for all concerned. For additional information on acceptable
following manner: the completion of work missed due to absences. Make-up work use of technology, please refer to the Horry County Schools
must be completed within five days of the absence unless there Technology Acceptable Use Policy/Rule.
• 1st Incident: Warning
are extenuating, excused reasons for the absence.
• 2nd Incident: Warning Once in possession of the Personal Mobile Device Agreement,
• 3rd Incident: Warning the student agrees to the stipulations set forth in the Horry

4th Incident: Warning
5th Incident: 1 block of detention
Absences for Field Trips County Schools’ Acceptable Use Policy and the Student Pledge
for Use of the personalized digital learning device. District-
• 6th Incident: 2 blocks of detention Students are reminded that for them to take an approved field trip, owned devices are subject to inspection at any time without
• 7th Incident: 1 day of in-school suspension or Saturday • They must have written permission from their parent or notice and remain the property of Horry County Schools. Stolen
school, plus referred to Guidance guardian. devices must be reported within 48 hours, and a police report
• 8th Incident: 1 day of out-of-school suspension or • They must have permission from each and every teacher must be filed by the student or parent.
Saturday school whose class they are to miss. Any one teacher may deny
• 9th Incident: 1 day out-of-school suspension or Sat school permission.
• 10th Incident: 1 day of out-of-school suspension or
Saturday school, no-walk list
• They may not miss a class in which they have a failing
• 11th Incident: Administrative decision and loss of driving • They may not attend a field trip if they are assigned ISS or Pay fines and fees at mypaymentsplus.com or by contacting
privilege OSS on the day of the trip. bookkeeper Christina Carr (ccarr@horrycountyschools.net). If
• Students must bring a note on letterhead to the office for students lose or damage textbooks, they will receive a fine.
Lunch detentions will be served in the ISS area in the cafeteria. excused college visits. Students must pay their textbook fines before they graduate.
Conduct on School Buses Fighting Policy
It is important to remember that the bus drivers are in complete FIGHTING, SHOVING, PUSHING, AND BULLYING ARE
charge of the students on their buses, and their instructions must ABSOLUTELY NOT TOLERATED.
be followed at all times. Students waiting for his/her bus after
school must stay in the appointed area until the bus arrives. In GENERAL PENALTY FOR FIGHTING - The general
addition, under Conduct on School buses, here is the sentence penalty for being involved in a fight is a suspension. Law
that needs inserted after bus arrives. While inside a state or enforcement may be involved in fighting incidences. In
district bus, all occupants are subject to video/audio monitoring. first-offense cases determined to be severe enough, the
The rules of conduct for bus passengers are part of the SJHS
administration will make a recommendation for expulsion
Code of Conduct. Remember, it is a privilege to ride an HCS bus.
to the district hearing officer.
1. All violations which occur on the buses will be dealt with by
Student Parking an administrator in accordance with the district’s behavior PENALTY FOR SECOND OFFENSE FOR FIGHTING - The
minimum penalty for a second offense is recommendation
code: “As an option in disciplinary procedures, students may
SJHS students who are given the privilege of driving an lose their privilege to ride the bus, which could be for as little for explusion from school. The student will be suspended
automobile to/from school are required to adhere to all SJHS, as one day, or could extend for the remainder of the school from school until the hearing.
Horry County School District, and South Carolina driver year. The seriousness of the offense and the degree of harm
regulations/laws. Since driving an automobile to school is a or injury are factors in the disciplinary process.” THREATS, HARASSMENT, AND BULLYING OF
privilege, certain conditions are attached to that privilege. 2. All fights, acts of bullying or violence on buses will be referred STUDENTS - Students are advised that if they are
Students who fail to uphold these conditions will be subject to an administrator. threatened, harassed, or bullied by any other student or
to monetary fines and/or loss of parking privileges. The 3. Only students presently enrolled in Horry County Schools group of students, they should immediately report the matter
conditions are as follows: are allowed to ride the school bus. SJHS student visitors to a teacher or administrator. Students should not respond
are not permitted to ride the bus. to threats, comments, harassment, bullying, or criticism by
• Student drivers with a valid SC driver’s license will be 4. Tobacco products/drugs/alcohol are not allowed on the bus hitting, pushing, shoving, or slapping the other student or
given permission to drive on the SJHS campus. No or at the bus stop. by engaging in a verbal battle.
5. The bus driver should be certain that his passengers
parking permit will be issued until all outstanding debts
understand and observe the following rules of safety.
and registration are paid. Students who threaten the life of a student or staff member
• Students will purchase a school parking permit which may be recommended for expulsion and may be referred
will be placed on the vehicle’s front windshield in the to the police. SJHS does not condone or support the
1. Students must be at the bus stop at least 5 minutes
bottom left corner — no exceptions. Cars without before the scheduled pick-up time. practice of “hazing/initiation.” Any student involved in
permits will be fined/towed. The parking permit fee for 2. If a student has to walk along the highway in approaching hazing/initiation activities, while on campus or attending
the 2020-2021 school year is $20 for the first vehicle the bus stop, he/she should always walk on the shoulder. school functions, may be recommended for expulsion.
and $10 for a second vehicle. Registration applications 3. Students should wait on their side of the roadway and
must be completed along with a copy of the student’s SC await the signal to cross from the driver. When crossing the
driver’s license and SC registration. Seniors will receive highway, he/she should walk - not run.
a free parking pass if they complete all information by 4. Students should not run alongside the bus when the bus is
the designated date which will be given to seniors on moving but should wait until it stops and then walk to the door.
the first day of school. Seniors must pay for additional Student Dress Code
passes. ON THE BUS
Students are subject to being videotaped on a bus at any time. Student dress should be confined to clothes that are
1. Students should go to their seats, without crowding or reasonable, practical, and in good taste for school. School
1. No car is to be parked outside the assigned student
pushing, and remain seated while the bus is in motion. attire should reflect good taste, cleanliness, and comfort.
parking area from the times 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
2. Bus windows are only to be opened with permission of the The school will make judgments and decisions as needed
2. No students are to park their cars in the bus/front parking
driver. Never extend arms, legs, or heads out of the bus to preserve the health, safety, and decorum of students.
lots, behind the building, or in the rider drop-off areas.
window. Never throw objects from bus windows. Student cooperation is expected in the following areas:
A $10 fine will be assessed.
3. Students should not talk to the driver while the bus is in motion
3. Students are to obey all traffic laws, signs, and markings except in an emergency.
• When required, students must wear school appropriate
while on campus. Speeding and reckless driving 4. Students must never tamper with the emergency door or any mask.
are prohibited. Violations will result in loss of driving other part of the bus equipment, including fire extinguisher • Hats, head wraps, bandannas, headgear, hoods, and
privileges. and first aid equipment. sunglasses are prohibited inside school buildings.
4. Students are not to litter the parking lot. 5. Students must not damage the bus; the seat coverings must • No sagging pants are permitted to be worn. Clothing
5. Students are prohibited from driving across parking not be damaged in any manner. Any damage to the bus or will be worn so that underwear is not visible. Pants
lines. Students must use driving lanes only to enter or seats should be reported by the student to the driver as soon must be worn at the waist. Pants and shirt must
to exit parking lot. as possible. overlap at all times.
6. Students are to maintain a 5 mph speed limit while 6. Students should only open bus windows with the permission • Clothing which is controversial or disruptive is not
driving on campus. of the driver. allowed. No pajamas are allowed.
7. Disciplinary consequences for students without a 7. Students must not fight or scuffle in the bus or create any • See-through clothing, spaghetti strap tops, tube
valid SJHS decal include: 1st offense-warning; 2nd disturbance. Students should model classroom-type conduct tops, form-fitting pants (such as yoga pants and tight
offense-$10 fine; 3rd offense-$10 fine and call to parent; on the bus. skirts and dresses), cut-off shirts, halters, or clothes
4th offense-loss of driving/parking privileges for 15 8. Students must not wave or shout to pedestrians or occupants exposing the mid-section or bare shoulders are not
of other vehicles. allowed. All tight “spandex” clothing is inappropriate.
school days, $10 fine, call to parent, and the possibility
9. Aisles and stairwells must be kept clear. Books, lunch boxes,
of the vehicle being towed at owner’s expense. Shirts and blouses are to be buttoned appropriately.
or other student cargo should be placed under the seat or in
All tops must have a shoulder strap of two fingers in
the rider’s lap. Large items such as band instruments and
school projects will not be allowed on the bus unless the items
width on each shoulder. It is never appropriate to show
can be placed under the seat or held in the owner’s lap. undergarments. Shirts that are sleeveless should
General Parking Lot Rules 10. Food and beverages cannot be consumed on the bus. show no more than 3 inches below the underarm
unless another shirt is worn underneath. No straps
11. The school bus is for transportation to and from school. It is
1. Students who drive to school should lock and leave their not to be used for transportation to and from work, athletic should be showing.
cars promptly once they arrive on campus. No loitering events, or just to get around. If a student must ride a different • Shorts, skirts, and dresses, even with leggings, must
is allowed in the parking areas. bus than the one to which he/she is assigned or get on or off NOT be shorter than the length of a dollar bill from the
2. Students will not be allowed to return to their cars after the bus at a different stop, SJHS Administration must have very top of the knee upward at all times. Slits/holes
8:15 a.m. without a pass from an administrator. a legitimate note with a phone number from the student’s in clothing must also be no shorter than the dollar
Passes will not be written to go back to cars to get parent or guardian. This note must be presented to the bill length from the top of the knee upward. Soffe
belongings that were left in a car. SJHS front office secretary before 10:00 a.m. in order for shorts, cutoffs, bathing suits, and short shorts are not
3. SJHS operates with a closed-campus policy, a policy the secretary to verify the note with parents. Requests are appropriate at school and are not to be worn at school
which means that no student is to leave campus during only approved if the parent can be contacted by phone and at any time. Leggings must be covered with a top that
any part of the day unless he/she has been given the seat is available on the requested bus. This signed and meets the length of the dollar bill from the top of the
verified note must be presented to the bus driver when the
permission by an administrator or an administrator’s knee requirement.
student boards the bus to go home.
designee. • Shoes/sandals are to be worn at all times at school.
4. Students are further cautioned that unauthorized visitors No bedroom shoes or “heelies” are allowed.
to campus are trespassing and will be subject to arrest 1. Students must remain seated until the bus comes to a • Hair styles are left to the individual but cannot be an
and prosecution. complete stop. They must never attempt to leave until the educational distraction. Health standards require
5. The student agrees that he/she will not bring onto the bus has come to a full stop and the door is opened to indicate cleanliness at all times.
school grounds or keep in his/her vehicle while it is on that they may leave. • Clothing promoting alcohol, drugs or paraphernalia,
the school grounds any gun, ammunition, explosive, 2. Students should exit in an orderly manner. Students in the tobacco, weapons, sexual behavior, clothing with
knife, blackjack, or other weapon, and any alcohol or front seats leave first. sexual innuendoes, and/or ethnic derogatories is not
illegal substances. 3. Students must not loiter or play around the stopped or parked bus. allowed. The administrative staff has the authority to
6. The school and the school district will not be liable for 4. Students should not enter a restricted area set aside for bus make judgments in this regard.
damages or theft to vehicles. Students are urged to parking or loading unless the bus is at a complete stop. • Items such as spiked jewelry (including body
lock their vehicles at all times. piercings), padlocks, chains, and metal heel plates
7. Vehicles are subject to searches by administration. EXITING THE BUS OFF THE SCHOOL GROUNDS are not allowed.
Trained dogs and their handlers are utilized on school 1. Students are permitted to leave only at regular designated
property. stops. Any changes require written parental request and Dress code will be checked at each door in the morning.
approval by the school principal or designee. Students who are in violation of the dress code policy will be
2. After exiting the bus, students who must cross the highway
RULES FOR DRIVERS GOING AND RETURNING FROM required to correct the violation. A parent will be contacted.
should walk at a right angle at least ten feet in front of the bus
SCHOOL PROPERTY Students who cannot correct the dress code violation will be
and wait for the bus driver to direct him/her to cross. Walk,
sent to ISS until the violation is corrected. Students will be
don’t run.
1. Students leaving the SJHS campus for approved assigned appropriate disciplinary consequences for each dress
reasons should exit through the front entrance after “As an option in disciplinary procedures, students may lose code violation. Parents who choose to have their students go
signing out at the front desk. their privilege to ride the bus, which could be for as little as home to change clothes must understand that students will be
2. Students returning to campus following an approved one day, or could extend for the remainder of the school year. counted as unexcused for the time period they are not in school.
reason for leaving must use the front entrance and The seriousness of the offense and the degree of harm or
immediately report to the front desk to sign in. injury are factors in the disciplinary process.” Dress for success!
PHONE: 843-650-5600 FAX: 843-650-1004 TOP 10% OF HIGH SCHOOLS IN THE NATION

S.C. Safe Schools Act Tobacco Policy Cheating Policy

The South Carolina Safe Schools Act of 1990 makes it The possession of use of tobacco products including, but Cheating is defined by the following actions:
a criminal offense to distribute a controlled substance not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, pipes, electronic cigarettes, • To use the work of another person as your own.
while in, on, or within a radius of one-half mile of the vaporizers, smokeless tobacco or snuff is prohibited on • To copy information from another student’s work
grounds of a public school. The penalty is a $10,000 District and/or school property, school buses and/or at (unless allowed to do so by a teacher).
District-sponsored or school-sponsored activities, whether
fine or 10 years imprisonment or both. Carrying a • Plagiarism.
on or off District property. This also applies to after school
weapon on school property is a felony which carries • Having in your possession a copy of a test to
sponsored activities.
up to a $5,000 fine and a maximum prison term of be given or having been given by a teacher;
five years. Students in violation of this policy shall be disciplined in using the textbook or notes during a test or
accordance with State law and District policies. examination; talking while taking quizzes, tests,
The Act also provides that it is unlawful for anyone to or examinations.
knowingly and willfully deliver or convey to a public • To fail to follow test procedures or instructions
official, teacher, or principal any letter, document, etc., Alcohol & Drug Policy announced by a teacher (such as no talking,
which contains a threat of death or bodily harm to the no turning around in seat, raise hand to ask
person or a member of the person’s immediate family. Sale, distribution, use, or possession of alcoholic beverages, questions, clear your desk, etc.).
inhalant controlled substances, illegal drugs, marijuana, or • To furnish to another student information which
other dangerous substances are not permitted by students in
school buildings, on school property, or at school functions.
WEAPONS, ILLEGAL DRUGS, ALCOHOL, AND • To have in your possession the work of any other
Also, the sale, distribution, or abusive use of prescription,
VIOLENCE IN OUR SCHOOLS patent, or imitation drugs is not permitted. student or to give to another student or allow him
Students or visitors who violate school district policy/ to use your work.
state board policy/state law with regard to weapons, The definitions of terms described below are to be used • To look on another person’s paper or to pass
illegal drugs, alcohol, and/or violent behavior at school throughout the drug/substance use regulations: notes, irrespective of the purpose of the look or
or school activities may face the following action: the content of the note.
Illegal or Dangerous Substances: Any substance that will, • A record of cheating will be kept in PowerSchool.
1. EXPULSION: The student will be suspended or is represented as one that will, alter a person’s ability • Students suspected of engaging in cheating
immediately and recommended for expulsion. to function normally on a mental or physical task. These via electronic communication (transferring data
2. ARREST AND PROSECUTION: The law en- substances include, but are not limited to, alcohol, look-a-like between networked and portable drives, etc.) will
or imitation substances, marijuana, inhalants (glue, paint,
forcement authority having jurisdiction over the be subject to disciplinary actions, and devices may
white-out, Rush, etc.) or materials expressly prohibited by
school will be contacted. be confiscated for investigation.
federal, state, or local laws.
3. NOTIFICATION: The Superintendent and Direc-
tor of Student Affairs will be notified immediately. Possession: Possession of an identifiable quantity of Note: Documented incidences of cheating may limit
alcohol, narcotics, hallucinogenic drugs, look-alike drugs, students from participating in certain school activities
and/or organizations (including but not limited to
Sexual Harassment or non-controlled drugs represented as controlled drugs, or
any other illegal substance in school buildings, on school honor societies and academic recognitions/awards).
Purpose: To establish policy for defining and reporting campuses, in vehicles on school grounds, on school buses, Cheating will normally result in a zero being given for
sexual harassment at SJHS. or at any school-sponsored activity on or off campus. the work, parents being notified and the student not
being allowed to make up the work.
Use: Consumption in ANY AMOUNT of an illegal or
Background: Sexual harassment consists of
dangerous substance or any prescription drug without
unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual
favors and/or verbal or physical conduct of a sexual
approriate authorization. Student Behavior
nature. Anyone who participates in deliberate or Look-A-Like or Imitation Substance: Physical appearance Student behavior should reflect respect and kindness
unsolicited verbal comments, gestures, or physical of the finished product is substantially similar to a specific toward faculty/staff, guests, peers, and himself/herself
contact of a sexual nature which is unwelcome is also controlled substance, or if in a tablet or capsule dosage form at all times. Students are required to come to classes
engaging in sexual harassment. as a finished product is similar in color, shape, and size to prepared. Students are required to do all assignments
any controlled substances dosage form.
given to them by teachers and must not disrupt the
Policy: Sexual harassment is unacceptable conduct; classroom or disturb other students.
therefore, all students will avoid any action or conduct Periodic, unannounced visits to the schools and other
which could be viewed as sexual harassment. This district property will be made by the R.A.I.D. team/drug
dog. Random searches may be conducted at any time The teacher will either discipline disruptive students,
includes verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature or if the problem is serious, the teacher will call for an
both inside and outside the school building (lockers,
which has the purpose or effect of unreasonably administrator. Sleeping in class is prohibited. A student
cars, etc.)
interfering with an individual’s work performance removal from class could result in parent contact, ISS,
or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive CONSEQUENCES and/or student removal from school.
environment in or out of class. This policy shall not Student may be recommended for explusion for the
be used to bring frivolous or malicious charges against remainder of the school year. Every situation involving discipline will be
students. reviewed on a case-by-case basis and appropriate
Prescription medicine must be turned into the school nurse
consequences will be assessed.
Procedures: Any student who feels that he/she prior to the beginning of the school day with an approved
has been subjected to sexual harassment should permission form.
Student conduct away from school grounds
immediately notify an administrator/teacher. or school activities: Student misconduct outside
• All allegations will be investigated promptly and of school may impact a student’s ability to return
• Any person found to have engaged in sexual
In-School Suspension (ISS) to school. Each situation is reviewed on a case-
by-case basis. If the misconduct is criminal, or if it
harassment will be subject to appropriate ISS or ISD is for students who would ordinarily be suspended compromises the educational environment or student
disciplinary action. This action may include from school or for those students who continually break the
safety, administrators may take action to remove the
but is not limited to out-of-school suspension, rules of the school. The number of days spent in this room
will vary based on the seriousness of the misconduct of the
student from the school environment to allow for an
recommendation for expulsion, and the filing of investigation to determine feasibility to returning to
criminal charges. student and the student’s overall discipline record.
1. Students are to collect class assignments and school or the arrangements for an alternate delivery
homework prior to the day of their ISS assignment. of services.
Every effort will be made to keep all student relations
2. Students will report directly to the ISS room with all
on a wholesome and acceptable level. Parents will their books, paper, PDL, and pencil on the day of their STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO FOLLOW ALL
be called whenever efforts by the counselors and ISS assignment. Students will turn over all electronic POLICIES AND PROCEDURES OUTLINED IN
administrators have failed to bring about desired devices (cell phones, iPods, etc.) upon entry into the THE 2020-2021 HCS PARENT STUDENT GUIDE.
results. No public displays of affection are allowed. ISS room. Valuables will be secured by the ISS monitor
and released to students upon the completion of ISS All rules are subject to change in accordance with
Threats at the end of the day.
3. Students will be required to work in ISS and complete
state, district, and/or school policies and procedures
a 250-word essay, which is e-mailed to Mr. Pennell.
and are expected to be followed at any school-
Threats: Section 16-3-1040 of the Code of Laws of sponsored event - home or away.
SC deals with threatening the life, person, or family of a 4. Students may be assigned community sevice during
public offical. It is unlawful for any person to knowingly Substitutes: Substitute teachers are to be afforded
5. Students will be marked absent from the classes
and willfully deliver or convey to a public official or to missed (coded I for ISS). the same respect as regular classroom teachers. It
a teacher or principal of an elementary or secondary 6. Make-up work will be graded on the same basis as is the student’s responsibility to treat a substitute with
school any letter or paper, writing, print, missive, other students’ work in class. the utmost respect and courtesy. Disrespect toward
document, or electronic communication or any verbal 7. If a student is removed from ISS, the student must any substitutes will be regarded as one of our most
or electronic communication which contains any threat make up the time and assignments and will be given OSS. serious discipline infractions.
to take the life of or to inflict bodily harm upon the 8. Scheduled tests may be taken in the ISS room at the
public official, teacher, or principal, or members of teacher’s discretion. SCHOOL RULES APPLY AT ANY SCHOOL EVENT
their immediate families. 9. Students are not allowed to sleep or talk in ISS. REGARDLESS OF ITS TIME OR LOCATION.

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