Prospectus Corrected Compressed
Prospectus Corrected Compressed
Prospectus Corrected Compressed
Holy Angels' School is an unaided Christian Minority Educational Institution run under the aegis of
St. Paul's Educational and Charitable Society, Raj Nagar, Ghaziabad, (Registered under the
Registration of Societies Act XXI/1860 of U.P. State Govt: Reg. No. 1900:1982/83 on 23/12/1982) of
the Franciscan Capuchin Missionaries of Krist Jyoti Province North India. The school is situated at B-
Block, Shalimar Garden Extension 2, in the National Capital Region (NCR) and prepares students for
the ICSE class X Examination.
Inauguration of Holy Angels' School with its motto, “Towards Enlightened Minds” was held on 2
February 2011 at B-1120, Shalimar Garden, Ext II, in an existing building. Fr. Thomas Pullattu and Fr.
Agin Edakalathoor were the first Manager and Principal. We started LKG and UKG with 165 students,
6 teachers, and 4 non –teaching staff. The school was shifted to Holy Angels' Senior Secondary
School, Rajendra Nagar on 10 March 2011 in view of building a new structure.
On 6 June 2011, a foundation stone for the new school was laid by Fr. Dominic, then the chairman of St.
Paul's Educational and Charitable Society. The school building was ready in 9 months with two furnished
offices, 21 classrooms, an auditorium on the second floor and a large hall in the basement. It was a
remarkable achievement in such a short time. The new school building was inaugurated by Br. Julius,
Director of St. Francis School, Indirapuram on 19 March 2012.
On 1 July 2012, the school received provisional recognition from BSA, Ghaziabad with Registration no.
PS-05. The first Annual Day was celebrated on 19 March 2013.
On 04 July 2014, Frs. Joban Mathew and Johan Paul took over as Manager and Principal. Frs.
Simon and Binoy Augustine followed Fr. Joban as Managers. On 01 April 2016, Sr. Ramila
Vadakhiya was appointed Vice-principal. On 03 July 2017, Fr. Cletus Arimbur was appointed as
Principal. On 03 July 2017, Fr. Jose M J took charge as Manager. On 16, February 2018, the school
received permanent recognition from BSA, Ghaziabad. On 09 November 2018, third floor was
inaugurated by Rev. Fr. Benoy Joseph on 12 February 2019 and lift was blessed by Rev. Fr. John
Baptist. On 01/08/2020, Frs. Sudhir Bara and Justin Joseph took charge as Manager and Principal.
On 09/04/2021, the school received affiliation from the CISCE, New Delhi and the
affiliation no. is UP438. The school has received the status of minority in the year 2023. On
01/12/2024 Frs. Albin Antony and S. Arockia Alex took charge as manager and principal
Holy Angels' School is committed to its motto -
Our systematically designed curriculum aims at transforming the world through enlightened
citizens. We groom the blooming buds into responsible global citizens who combine the
qualities of head and heart. The intellectual, social, moral, physical and spiritual education
imparted to our students, make them well integrated personalities ready to take on the world
Intellectual education is sought to be given by way of a course of studies that is suited to the
mental development of the students.
Social education is imparted by way making the students realize that s/he is a member of the
society; hence a spirit of service and dedication to duty is also aimed at .
Moral education is imparted by way of instilling in the students a passion for whatever is true,
good, honest and honourable.
Physical education is provided with the help of various disciplines in sports and games.
Spiritual education is imparted by way of making them aware of God's loving presence in them.
With all these we would make every effort to form within every child a well-esteemed
The attainment of true knowledge makes one enlightened so that one can lead oneself and
others in the path of truth and grows into well balanced person.
Special Features
Ÿ CISCE (Internationally Recognized) Ÿ Well stocked library with a wide range of books,
Ÿ Qualified, hard working & dedicated staff
periodicals, news papers, reference materials and
educational CDs
Ÿ Airy classrooms conductive to learning
Ÿ Fully air-conditioned class rooms.
Ÿ Personalised care & concern
Ÿ 100% power backup
Ÿ Solid parent-teacher-student relationship
Ÿ Reverse Osmosis System (RO) and water coolers to
Ÿ Foreign language classes provide pure drinking water.
Ÿ Healthy and hygenic environment Ÿ Infirmary room with experienced staff nurse
Ÿ Regular Skating, Karate & Judo coaching Ÿ Fully computerised school office
Ÿ Attractive and well illustrated pre-primary Ÿ Interactive and dynamic website
Ÿ Online database with personalised login id &
Ÿ Computer lab with sufficient number of high password accessed by students and parents
speed individual computers with lan and internet
Ÿ Advanced Student Messaging System (sms) to
keep the parents informed about the events in the
Ÿ Smart class in every section school
Ÿ Music room, drawing room, activity room, arts & Ÿ Closed Circuit Camera surveillance to ensure the
craft room. security of students
Ÿ Well equipped physics, chemistry & biology labs
To make school a fun place, we organize in the course of the school year
both academic and cultural competitions. Every year we conduct Arts
and Craft Exhibition or a Science Exhibition. Sports Meet or School
Annual Day Celebrations are held alternatively every year. From Class
Seven, we plan to coach students for Basket Ball, Shuttle, Kabaddi,
Badminton, Karate and Judo. Inter-school championships will start from
Class VIII. Children will be given the opportunity to attend various
Each national festival will be celebrated with a cultural gala. Children will
be given chance to decorate the bulletin board with posters and art all
through the year.
1. School is a place for integral growth. At HAS, 8. Children are motivated to keep their home
we give importance to the overall task record updated daily and not to tear
development of every student. Learning is pages of it.
important. Cultural programmes, sports and 9. If any note is given in the home task record
games and art and craft are important too. by the teacher or principal, the student is
Various competitions held through the encouraged to bring it to the parent's
academic year help children remain happy attention on the same day and get the note
and energetic. School is a fun place to be. No signed by the parent.
child should be afraid to come to school. 10. If a parent writes a note to the teacher or
Children cross the gates of HAS with smiles principal, the student is encouraged to bring
on their faces. it to their attention quickly.
2. Our children are motivated to excel in art, 11. Children are motivated to attend all classes
sports, academics and in various dance and not to take leaves for weddings, picnic
forms. Considerable amount of time is spent etc.
in organizing festivals and competitions. 12. Children are not expected to bring toys to
Exhibitions, Sports day and Annual Day are school like fidget spinners, tops, replica guns
integral to curriculum planning. or knives. They are not expected to bring
3. On the last day of the academic year, on electronic items to school like cell phones,
"Graduation Day", KG kids are welcomed to smart watches etc.
Class I and all the winners of competitions 13. Students can use the telephone card available
are awarded. Children with full attendance with the principal to make urgent calls to
and those who excelled in studies or sports parents.
are honoured too . 14. From class VII, no child is allowed to attend
4. Discipline is very important at school. Only school in casual dress on birthdays. Children
English is allowed to be the medium of are motivated to donate to needy children
communication at School. from their pocket money.
5. Children are encouraged to respect teachers 15. Children are encouraged to keep uniform
and other students. neat and tidy, hair and nails clean and school
6. Children are encouraged to complete their class bags light.
work on time. They are also motivated to 16. Children are expected to bring the books for
complete their home tasks daily. the day without fail.
7. Children are encouraged to arrive before 7.20
am in summer and 8.05 in winter.
1. Every parent will be invited in the new ses- problems usually originated at home.
sion on Saturdays to interact with teach- 8. Please meet the principal during visiting
ers. The principal will explain the school hours only.
regulations and teachers will explain about
the curriculum. 9. Please use the home task record and
school cell phone and land phone to com-
2. Parents are encouraged to attend Parent municate with the school.
Teacher Conferences held each month to
interact with teachers. 10. You are requested not to ask for leaves dur-
ing exams. No rescheduling of exams will
3. Parents are encouraged not to send jewel- be permitted for any reasons. A child who
lery, ornaments or costly gadgets to can't attend an exam due to illness will be
school. On birthdays, please motivate chil- awarded marks according to his/her past
dren to contribute to charity. performance.
4. Please send healthy home cooked food 11. Instant gratification is the cause of many
with your children and refrain from packed behavioural problems in the children.
foods and fast food. Parents are requested earnestly to delay
5. Please motivate children to keep the home gratification as it makes children ready to
task record neat and regularly check the meet adversities in life.
same for notes from teachers. 12. Parents can procure text books, copies and
6. Please do not criticise teachers in front of uniform from any seller. Prescribed set of
your children as they will lose respect to- text books, copies and uniform will be an-
wards teachers. nounced on the notice board from time to
7. A disciplined and loved child at home be- time.
haves very well at school. Behavioural
1 The school reserves the right to admit the pu- be submitted.
pil to a class suited to his/her level. Admission e. Address Proof of Residence is mandatory
is finalized strictly on merit after screening/ in-
f. Latest passport size photographs of the
terview/interaction/test as per the decision of
child and parents.
the management from time to time and pay-
ment of the prescribed fees. The child seeking g. Attested photocopy of the Aadhar card.
admission should be introduced by the par- h. Report card, T.C. & PEN Number.
ents or guardians who shall remain responsi- 2. As a rule, no child less than three and a half
ble for the fees, regular attendance and good years (as on 1st of April) is admitted in kin-
conduct. The following documents/certificates dergarten. This limit increases by one year
are required during the sign of admission:- for each successive class. No change of
a. Date of Birth Certificate clearly showing Date of Birth is entertained.
the name of the child from the Municipal 3. The child will be examined in the matter
Corporation/Zila Panchayat is mandatory of the class previous to the one he/she
for admission. A Photocopy of the same is seeks admission.
to be submitted along with the registra-
tion form. 4. On no account, admission can be de-
manded by any other right. It is entirely left
b. Child coming from an affiliated/recognized to the policy and discretion of the Principal.
school should produce the Transfer
Certificate and Result Card. The Transfer 5. Admission obtained by submitting false
Certificate should be counter signed by document, date of birth, address proof etc.
a competent authority of the respective will be cancelled even at a later stage.
Board. The admission will not be 6. The Principal reserves the right to allot and
deemed complete and valid till all the re-allot the section of your ward as and
necessary documents are submitted and when found necessary. The decision of the
verified by the school authorities. Principal will be final and binding.
c. In case of Catholic/Christian candidate, 7. No recommendations will be entertained as it
Baptism Certificate and a letter of introduction will result in the cancellation of the applica-
by the Parish Priest/Pastor are mandatory. tion.
d. SC/ST/OBC Certificate (If applicable) to
Ÿ PEP Cards are issued to all parents and children are released from School at production
of PEP cards.
Ÿ Students of primary (LKG to IV) are released from classes at Dispersal while Students of
Classes V onwards are taken to the ground at Dispersal.
Ÿ Visitors' entry register at the main entry records the entry and exit time and the contact
details of every visitor.
Ÿ Helpers, Ad-hoc workers and Drivers use a separate toilet in the campus.
Ÿ Their entry in the campus is restricted to their particular field of job required.
Ÿ 100 CCTVs are in operation in and around the campus.
Ÿ There is round-the-clock security at the school.
Ÿ There is a trained nurse in the school for first-aid.
Ÿ Reverse Osmosis plant for all drinking water outlets is installed in the premises.
Ÿ Adequate Fire safety equipments are installed and periodically inspected.
Ÿ There are four exits on the ground floor and two staircases.
Ÿ Fire safety drill and earth quake protection drills are conducted.
Ÿ During adverse weather conditions, morning assembly is conducted in the basement.
Ÿ To prevent mosquito bites new summer uniform with full pants is introduced.
Ÿ Anti-mosquito lotion is sprayed in the premises regularly.
Ÿ In the school buses two helpers are sent to ensure safety.
1. Irregular attendance, habitual inattention 9. Parents are not permitted to meet the
to school work, obscenity in word or act, teachers except on Parent Teacher Meeting
in-subordination to school authorities, (PTM) days. You can also meet them
transgressions of the rules given in the before/ after the school hours.
diary, cheating or any other misconduct, 10. Celebration of birthdays and parties in
even outside the school precincts, any school is not permitted.
behavior considered by the Principal, if not 11. All correspondence should be addressed to
suitable to the good tone and general the Principal. When writing, quote the
good of the school are sufficient reasons student’s full name, class and section.
for fine, suspension or even dismissal.
12. When the Principal or a teacher enters a
2. Damage done by the student to the school classroom, the students, should stand up
property will have to be made good by respectfully, greet them and remain
him/her. Classrooms should be kept tidy standing till they are directed to sit. They
and attractive. Scribbling on furniture or shall do the same when the Principal or
on walls is strictly forbidden. the teacher leaves the class room.
3. The class monitors and prefects should 13. When the attendance roll is taken, each
ensure that lights and fans are switched off student should rise and answer respectfully,
while leaving the classrooms. Bins must be and also when an elder addresses him/her.
used appropriately for the waste paper etc.
14. Books other than school books, periodicals,
4. The transition between teacher leaving the newspapers, or any things not approved by
class and the other arriving is not the time the Principal, should not be brought to the
for idle talk or creating disturbance. Await school.
the teacher’s arrival in silence and stand up 15. All collection of money or things for any
and wish when he/she enters the purpose whatsoever is to be done with prior
classroom, and a prayer is to be devoutly permission from the Principal. Presenting of
recited by all at the beginning and at the gifts to any member of the staff for any
end of each period. occasion, by any student or parent is
5. Students should procure their books with forbidden.
in a week of the declaration of results. All 16. During the absence of the teacher, the
students should have a copy of the school class monitors and prefects will be
diary making therein proper entries and responsible for maintaining discipline in
bringing it to school everyday. the class.
6. Students should be clean and tidy in their 17. No student should be seen anywhere
person and dress, take pride in their except in their place of work and play.
personal appearance, maintain proper 18. No student is allowed to change his/her
body cleanliness be respectful and seat in the class allotted by the class
obliging to their elders and companions. In teacher.
the classrooms, besides paying attention
19. All students should come to school on time,
to cleanliness and personal bearing, they
as specified by the principal from time to
should create and maintain an atmosphere
time. Habitual late coming may lead asking
conducive to serious study.
the student to go back home without
7. During class time, no student may leave the attending school. Punctuality and discipline
school premises without Principal’s should be the watch words of every
permission. Students may leave the student. Report on time and be brisk in
classroom only with the teacher’s permission. your walk.
8. Students are not allowed to bring cell 20. No half day leave is permitted.
phones, cameras, i-pods, music system, 21. Students are advised to bring lunch with
video games, CDs, whitener, marker etc. to them as they come to the school.
Students must follow the rules without any exception:
1. Students should reach school at least 10 minutes before the morning assembly and they
must go to the class rooms immediately after reaching school.
2. Students should keep up the discipline in the school premise and maintain silence in
the class rooms.
3. This school is particular about personal cleanliness and adherence to the prescribed uni-
form. Students found violating these rules will be duly penalized.
4. Good handwriting is the hallmark of an educated person. Therefore every student
should strive to have a neat and legible handwriting.
5. Each student is responsible for his/her own belongings. The school does not accept any
responsibility for the loss of books, money, clothes, valuables etc.
6. Finger nails must be trimmed and kept neat and clean. Shoes are to be polished every
7. All the text books and copies are to be brought to school as per the timetable of each
day. The text books and copies should be maintained properly throughout the year with
cover and labelled with name, roll number, class and section.
8. School diary should be brought to class daily and even in PTM without fail.
9. Bad behaviour or use of rough, rude and abusive language is prohibited both inside or
outside the school premises. Bad conduct will be just a cause for the dismissal from
10. Running, playing, jumping on furniture, yelling and shouting inside the class rooms and
corridors are not allowed.
11. Crowding in the corridors or entering other class rooms is strictly prohibited.
12. Any kind of damage done to the school property will have to be borne by the
defaulting student concerned.
13. No student is allowed to go home during the school hours unless accompanied by par-
ents/authorized persons.
14. Students are strictly forbidden to carry tattoos, stickers, toys, pen drives, CDs, fancy
items, cameras, calculators, mobiles, gadgets and valuables to the school.
These guidelines must be followed by the parents:-
1. The school diary has to be read very carefully by the parent and then give the signature af-
ter reading it.
2. Diary is to be daily examined by the parents and if any remarks are given by the
teacher/ principal the same shall be signed by the parents on the same day.
3. Parents should fill the index page of the diary carefully and the same specimen
signature of both the parents/guardian must be followed in the diary where needed.
4. Diary remarks or tests conducted not signed in time would invite reduction of
marks for internal assessment by the concerned teacher.
5. Parents should send their wards to school daily except when sick or in unavoidable cir-
6. Go through the class work and home assignments of the ward daily and make sure that
the ward completes the writing and learning work daily before retiring to bed.
7. Parent Teacher Meeting is to be attended by the parents accompanied by their
ward regularly without failure. Students should come in their proper school uniform for
the PTM.
8. Do not send any cash to school unless it is notified by the school.
9. Do not send any hanging ear rings or chains made of gold as it might invite anti-
social elements on the way, or your ward may lose them in the school or on the way.
10. Check if the ward brings home any pen/pencil/sharpener etc. not been supplied by
you. If you find any, please return it to the class teacher on the following day. Help the
child to be honest and sincere.
11. If there is any change in the address/telephone no. etc. kindly inform the school
immediately through a written application to update the same.
12. Please see that you do not criticize the teachers in the presence of the child
because thereby the child loses respect for the teachers and consequently fails to learn
from them.