Kkps Newsletter June 5

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KKPS Newsletter, Issue 11, June 5, 2015

Kerikeri Primary
School Newsletter

Hone Heke Rd
Phone: 09 407 8414
School txt: 0211242836
Email: admin@kkps.school.nz

From the Principal...

Tn koutou katoa,

Unpacking the Key Competencies of the

It is hard to believe that we are at the end of week 7. We are rapidly

approaching the half way mark of the year.

New Zealand Curriculum

Thank you to those families who have managed to complete the 2015
KKPS Community Consultation Survey. We appreciate the time you
took to give your feedback and it will be summarised and presented to
the Board, Staff and Community as we move forward in developing our
strategic goals and vision for learning at KKPS. If you have not yet
Participating and Contributing means being involved in things that are
managed to complete the survey, please do go back through your
going on, being a good group member, contributing, including and
emails and follow the link so your voice can be heard too. The
creating opportunities for others. We all enjoy participating and
consultation survey will remain open until Monday next week.
contributing it makes us feel connected, and helps us to get the most
out of our lives.
Values Statements:

Participating and Contributing

We have worked at developing Values Statements that capture what

was represented in Community, Students, Staff and Board feedback.
They are as follows and will drive the development of our Mission
Statement and Vision and will be a reference point for all we do in
educating our tamariki to be the amazing citizens we all want them to
be. The draft statements are below. They will also be transformed into
more child-friendly language, although we will not reduce them too
much as we believe children are capable of learning new vocabulary
and understanding with effective support from the adults around them.
If you have any further f eedback, please feel free to email me:

The teacher gets your child involved in real activities that are personal
and meaningful to them. It is affirming for children to get to show their
skills and expertise in something that theyre keen on.
The teacher also challenges your child and guides them to be involved
in things that they may have some untapped potential in, or that they
might not have thought to get involved in.
This all helps your child build up action competence being ready,
willing, and able to step up, take action, and be involved in situations
and in life.
Teachers foster this key competency by:

Ecological sustainability



Draft statement
Sense of self
Knowing who we are and respecting ourselves, other people and
the environment.
Inquiring Minds
Nurturing curious learners who
wonder and inquire as critical and
creative thinkers.
Connected Learners
Collaborating successfully with
others and connecting to the
diverse communities around us.

Resilient Achievers
Learners who are confident in their
ability to overcome challenges and
setbacks, determined to achieve
excellence in all things.

Ruia Te Kkano On Friday 19th June Te Rehia Theatre will visit the
school as they perform their stage show aimed at promoting Te Reo
Mori via an entertaining performance that is a hybrid of English and
Te Reo. Year 4-6 classes will view the performance. We will be
requesting a gold coin koha nearer the date. For more information,
please contact Mrs Muunu through the school office.

Leadership opportunities that your child is given, in class, or in the

wider school. For example, being a reading buddy to a junior child,
maintaining a worm farm, helping to organise a fundraiser for the
And, even, through simple things like asking children to work with a
wide range of class mates and guiding them to understand what makes
working together successful and how they can do it even better.
Things to try at home
Be a good role model. You might be surprised at what knowledge
and skills you have that the teacher would appreciate you contributing.
For example, in schools where students are learning how to grow food,
adults with gardening skills can help

Encourage your child to take part in things they havent tried before.
This challenges them and gets them involved in new activities and
groups. Talk to them about the new skills and knowledge they gain.
Support your child when they take on leadership roles at school or in
the community. This could be something as simple as being the bin
monitor for a week, caring for a class pet over the holidays, looking
after younger students during breaks or at a sports day, taking care of
equipment or resources or speaking during an assembly. Schools are
usually really good at providing lots opportunities for students to step
up and take a lead.
Peter Pan Musical We have 44 parents so far interested in their
child attending the musical Peter Pan at the Turner Centre on Friday
July 3rd. Tickets are $10 and if you are also wishing to attend and are
happy to provide supervision alongside staff please let us know, we
have extended the final date for this to the end of the day tomorrow,
Friday 5th June.
Ng mihi,
Andrew Read and the KKPS Team

KKPS Newsletter, Issue 11, June 5, 2015

Mathletics Programme

Kerikeri Primary School PTA

& Nothing Trivial 3 - Taking
you back to the Stone Age

A big thank you to those parents who came

along and learnt more about the Mathletics
programme at the recent Mathletics workshop, we hope that you will be able to assist
and extend your child's use of this programme at home.

We would like to thank our generous community who donated goods and services for our
quiz night and not-so-silent auction held on
From that Workshop, Mathletics is keen to
Saturday 2nd May, 2015. We raised a stagencourage more children to register for this
gering $15,000 to purchase Chromebooks and
iPads for our students to use at Kerikeri PriNZ Curriculum-based programme. Mathletics
mary School. Ace Rental Hire, Aegean Pizza,
will be offering registration for Terms 3 and 4,
Air NZ, Apprentis Cafe Kerikeri High
through to January 28, 2016 for the reduced
School, Betta Electrical, Black Olive,
price of $15. This is only available for Year 4
Blingchick, Bunnings, Buzzy Busters, Cafe
children who will be registered for a free trial
Blue, Caketin Whangarei, Cardinal Point Surperiod of 2 weeks to allow children to explore
gery, Carpet Court, Carters Tyre Service, Cathe programme and be part of the exciting
thay Cinemas, Churchills Fine Meats and
online activities.
Deli, Community Fitness, Craig Maxwell, Dive
Zone BOI, Dominique Scott, Driftwood Lodge,
Year 5 and 6 students who are currently not
East West Waste, Easy Living, Exclusive Hair,
registered, may do so however the original
Farmlands, Fishbone Cafe and Bar, Flourflower Ltd, Food at Wharepuke, Furniture Court,
fee of $20 will apply for this group. This will
Garden Complete, Gibson Electrical, Heike
give instant access to the programme and will
Design, Home at Last, Hunting and Fishing,
run until January 28, 2016.
Kainui Wines, Keoghan's Showcase Jewellers, Keri Refrigeration, KeriGreen, Keri PolliThose children already registered will connation, Kerikeri Dental Centre, Keriland Earthtinue to have access to the programme and
works, Kerikeri
experience further exciting activities as their
Theatre Company,
teachers plan learning through this programme; the teachers recently
Kiwistitcher, Kwan
participated in PD around the extended use of this programme in their
Garden Centre,
Leanne Mitchell,
Liquor World, Loft
Design Ltd, Lumino
We hope that you take up the offer of $15 for Terms 3 and 4 for 2015
Dentists, Mahalo
and through to Term 1 2016, as we believe it is a very worthwhile proTransport, Makagramme to extend your child's Mathematics understanding and applina, Mancave,
Marsden Estate,
Marty's Driving
Payments for Mathletics can be made directly using the on-line bankRange, Matauri
ing deposit to the school bank account 123091-0080301-01. Please
Bay Holiday Park,
include Name, Room Number and the word 'Mathletics' as your referMystics Netball,
ence, or send payment to the office.
Neil Miller, Noel
Leeming, Northland Rugby Union,
To learn more about Mathletics go to: www.mathletics.co.nz
Northland Septic
Tank Services, PaSenior Cross Country 2015
per Plus, PGG
Tuesday, June 9 from 10:30am to 12pm
Plumbing World,
We are planning an exciting Senior School Cross
Pure Day Spa,
Country day at a new venue, and we hope you and
RD1, Repco, Rock
your children will enjoy the change. This year Kerikeri
Salt, Roger Moore,
Salt Air, SkyDive
Primary School will be holding its annual cross-country event at the
Bay of Islands,
Kerikeri Domain. The course follows the perimeter of the High School
Specsavers, Super
fields, travels along Hawkings Cres, goes along behind the Retirement
Suds, Sushi Shop,
Village, down Wendywood Lane and finally back onto the Domain.
The Bell-Bowers
More marshalls are required to assist from 10.30am
Family, The Chop
12noon. Please contact Dave at davek@kkps.school.nz
Shop Barbers, The Landing Wines, The Pear Tree, The Sanctuary, The
Sewing Shop, The Tucky, The Village caf, The Warehouse, Trailblazers,
All children will come to school that morning as per usual and will walk Treata, Whitelaw Weber.

over to the venue just after 10.15am. Once there, children will assemble with their teachers and find their designated spot. Races will begin
from 10.30am. Spectators are most welcome from 10.30am onwards.
Postponement day is Thursday 11 June. Ages as of 1 January 2015.
Approximate times seniors: 10.30am 10 yr old girls; 10.45am 10 yr
old boys; 11.00am 8 yr old girls; 11.15am 8 yr old boys; 11.30am 9 yr
old girls; 11.45am 9 yr old boys.
7 yr olds will be racing in the Junior Cross Country, 10 June at KKPS.
Children will all need to bring a towel, an extra change of warm
clothes, a plastic bag (for dirty clothes), and a water bottle.

Junior Cross Country 2015

Wednesday 10 June from 11:15am 12:50pm

Community help for families

An invitation to any family who are struggling to make ends meet.
Beginning from Tuesday 2 June, Frontline Church, on Hone Heke
Road next to Kingston House in Kerikeri, will be providing a free
breakfast in the caf from 7.30am to 8.30am every week, Monday to
Friday. Phone Maureen on 4016686 for more details.

School holiday art

Tamariki Toi A creative and curious school holiday art programme

for 9-17 year olds with four workshops and mentoring from leading artHeld at Kerikeri Primary School. Races last approximately 10 minutes.
ists in Street Art, Set and Sculpture Design, Animation, Painting and
Each race starts promptly. Ages as of 1 January 2015.
Drawing. Kings Theatre, Kawakawa, for more details phone Laurell
Approximate times juniors: 11:15am Under 5 yr old girls; 11:25am
Pratt 021 024 57571 email: kingstheatrecreative@gmail.com
Under 5 yr old boys; 11:35am 5 yr old girls; 11:45am 5 yr old boys;
11:55am 6 yr old girls; 12:05am 6 yr old boys; 12:15am 7 yr old girls;
12:25pm 7 yr old boys. Prize giving will start once races have finished
at approximately 12.40pm.

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