College of Nursing NURSING Care Plan
College of Nursing NURSING Care Plan
College of Nursing NURSING Care Plan
Subjective Data:
Establish a nurse- Rapport helps gain The goals were met
"I have not had Ineffective Short term goal: patient/ trusting patient’s partially because the
childbearing Identify individual risk relationship cooperation to client was able to:
process related to factors Explain and have therapeutic
checkups yet insufficient prenatal State understanding emphasize the communication Short term:
since the care as evidenced of needed care for self importance of Reinforce the The client
beginning of this by inadequate and infant health ongoing screening relationship identified the
pregnancy" as prenatal check-ups and close monitoring between health individual risk
stated by the client and lifestyle such Long term goal: Teach client about assessment and factors.
Inadequate as sleep, exercise Participate in activities the health positive outcome The client stated
and nutrition for childbirth and habits/lifestyle of pregnancy. understanding of
prenatal care and
newborn care concerns: Develop comfort in needed care for
lifestyle [e.g. self and infant
preparation Review physical managing
nutrition, Demonstrate healthy changes to be pregnancy health.
elimination, sleep pregnancy without expected during Develops own
cycle, exercise, complications through each trimester roles and Long term:
personal hygiene] prevention Educate patient to responsibilities in The client
The client is on her Have complication- be flexible in order to assist participated in
free labor and adjusting own roles client throughout activities for childbirth
2nd trimester of
childbirth and responsibilities her pregnancy. and newborn care
pregnancy preparation.
in order to assist the Helps client make
No history of client to meet her informed The client
prenatal visit in needs. decisions/choices demonstrated healthy
health centers Provide information to promote healthy pregnancy without
The client about teratogens offspring. complications through
verbalized not Provide information Foundation for prevention.
taking up about the essential decision making The client had
of laboratory, process complication-free
diagnostic tests, or To nurture labor and childbirth.
vitamins such as procedures maternal growth,
ferrous sulfate. Nurturing maternal maturation, and
Preferred delivery growth, maturation, competence at
of the client in and competence at Postpartum
home. Postpartum To contribute in
The pregnancy is Contribute to positive positive adaptation
adaptation physical of client’s physical
unplanned as
and emotional and emotional
stated by the changes changes
client. Awareness of Client awareness
The client has contraceptive information about
history of receiving methods and chance contraception
shots of Tetanus of pregnancy methods and
Toxiod, given year To promote optimal chance of
maternal well-beings pregnancy.
Emphasize the To support the
Mother claims of
importance of maternal and fetal
no consultation maternal well-being needs by acquiring
visit in Brgy Pag- and fetal well-being the optimal
asa Health Center. related to maternal requirement for
health during the first nutrition to obtain
Objective Data: trimester, which is ideal weight gain
bp = 110/80 most vulnerable for to decrease the
mmHg the developing risk of obtaining
weight = 53 kgs. organs (IUGR)
GTPAL = 43003 Recommend a Intrauterine
Inadequate consistent sleep and Growth
preparation rest schedule. Retardation and
newborn care (LBW) Low Birth
items or home Weight infant.
environment To provide a good
rest to meet the
optimal metabolic
needs related to
growth of maternal
and fetal tissues.
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Year/Section/Group: Date: